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The title of the documentary I watched is “ Inside The Mind of A Cat” that was published on
August 18,2022, this documentary was made by Netflix. This Documentary is about what's
inside the mind of a cat all over the world. The stories of the history of cats and their brilliant
minds despite not showing them like other pets.

After watching this cute documentary, I fell more in love with cats because of their past and
what they offer to us people. Cats experts throughout the world have gathered to study how cats
think and react to different situations to see their fascinating side that they hide inside their fluffy
and soft fur. I did not know that house cats date to more than ten thousands of years to help us
people in our crops to help protect our crops from rodents. furthermore, through some cat
owners they use their cats as a protector of their wine because of rodents feed on the seeds
near from it, their jobs as the protector of wine dates from their ancestors because of their
owners started the factory from 1124 and now they still continue the tradition of making their
cats protectors of night and day. Further cat experts still dive into the mind of our feline friends
to reveal the true capabilities. Because of this documentary, my fascination towards cats has
expanded because of what the experts say.

This documentary is very mind blowing for me because i didn't expect cats have more use and
more capabilities than i imagined and i can teach them to unlock their full potential. I also want
to adopt a cat because how they give us dopamine just by rubbing and meowing to us makes us

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