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Chapter 13

Composition of the Nucleus
The nucleus of an atom contains protons and neutrons
which are collectively known as nucleons.

Atomic Number: The number of protons in a nucleus is

called its atomic number and is denoted by Z.

Atomic Mass: The total number of protons and

neutrons in a nucleus is called its mass number and is
denoted by A.

Number of protons in an atom = Z

Number of electrons in an atom = Z
Number of nucleons in an atom = A
Number of neutrons in an atom = N = A – Z.
Isotopes of an element are the atoms of the element which have the
same atomic number but different mass numbers
1 2 12 14
Example :- 1H and 1H , C and 6C

Isobars are the atoms of different elements which have the same mass
number but different atomic numbers.
40 40 14 14
Example :- Ca and Ar , C and N
20 18 6 7

Isotones are the nuclides which contain the same number of neutrons.
3 4 13 14
Example :- 1H and 2He , C and 7N
Nuclear Radius
Nuclear radius R = RoA 3

where R is a constant and A is the mass number.

Nuclear radius is measured in fermi.

1 fm = 10 m
Nuclear density
Nuclear density = mass of nucleus
volume of nucleus
Two nuclei have mass number in the ratio 1 : 3. What is the ratio of their
nuclear densities?
Two nuclei have mass numbers in the ratio 8 : 125 . What is the ratio of
their nuclear radii?
Mass defect (baba's approach)
Mass defect

The difference in mass of a nucleus and its constituents is known as the

mass defect and is given by

where m is the mass of the proton and mn is the mass of the neutron and
m is the mass of the
Binding Energy
The binding energy is the energy required to break a nucleus into its
constituent protons and neutrons. A system of separated nucleons has a
greater mass than a system of bound nucleons.

The binding energy of nucleus is given by

Binding Energy per Nucleon
Binding Energy
Binding Energy Per nucleon=
Mass Number
Key Points:
Binding energy is high in the large 28 < A < 138.
Light nuclei such as of hydrogen combine to form heavy nucleus for
greater stability. This process is called nuclear fusion.
Heavy nuclei (A > 220) are highly unstable and breaks into two nearly
equal nuclei which are stable. This process is called nuclear fission.
The most stable nuclei are those with the largest binding energy.
Near Fe and Ni with A ≈ 56
With increase in mass number binding energy per nucleon first
increases rapidly and reaches the maximum value for Fe . The
maximum value of BE per nucleon is about 8.8 MeV.
There after with increase of mass number BE per nucleon decreases
very slowly to about 7.6 MeV (U-238 ).
Very light nuclei are least stable. Very heavy nuclei are unstable. The
nuclei with intermediate mass numbers are most stable.
The decrease in BE /A for heavy nuclei is due to the electrostatic
repulsion between the protons.
Calculate mass defect and binding energy per nucleon of 2010Ne, given
Mass of Ne = 19.992397u
Mass of proton = 1.007825u
Mass of neutron = 1.008665u.
Nuclear fission
It is the phenomenon of splitting a heavy nucleus into two or more smaller
The nuclear fission of U is represented as

U + 0N →
92 141

B +
Kr + 3
N + Q
The value of the Q is 200 MeV per fission reaction.
Nuclear fussion
It is the phenomenon of fusing two or more lighter nuclei to form a single
heavy nucleus.
Temperature = 10 K are required for fusion to take place.
Nuclear fusion is a basis of hydrogen bomb.
4 1H → 4
H + 2

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