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SESSION- 2021-22





Prof. (Dr.) Kavita Agarwal Nikita Takuli
LL.M (IInd Sem)

pg. 1

This is to certify that assignment entitled “Meaning and Types of Hypothesis”

which is being submitted by Mrs. Nikita Takuli for the award of the degree of

Master of Law is an independent and original research work carried out by her.

The Assignment is worthly of consideration for the award of Master of Law of

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Law Institute, Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand.

Mrs. Nikita Takuli has worked under my guidance and supervision to fulfill all

requirement for the submission of this assignment.

The conduct of Research of assignment is remained excellent during the period.

Date: 8-11-22

Place: Haldwani

Prof. (Dr.) Kavita Agarwal


pg. 2
I, Nikita Takuli, hereby declare that the assignment work entitled “MEANING

AND TYPES OF HYPOTHESIS” submitted to the Dr. Rajendra Prasad Law

Institute, Kumaun University, Nainital, Uttarakhand is an original work of

mine and is a result of my own intellectual effects under the guidance of Prof.

(Dr.) Kavita Agarwal, and this assignment work is submitted in the partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Law. I

have quoted titles of all original sources i.e. original documents and name of all

the authors whose work has helps me in writing this assignment have placed in

appropriate places.

Place: Haldwani
Nikita Takuli
(LLM IInd Sem)
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Law Institute,
Kumaun University, Nainital

pg. 3

I feel proud to acknowledge the able guidance of our esteemed faculty Prof.

(Dr.) Kavita Agarwal to give this assignment on the topic “Meaning and Types

of Hypothesis”.

I acknowledge with pleasure unparallel infrastructure support that I have

received from Dr. Rajendra Prasad Law Institute, Kumaun University,

Nainital, Uttarakhand. In fact this work is the outcome of outstanding support

that I received from the faculty members of the college and special thanks to my

family members to complete this assignment.

I am greatly indebted to the various writers, jurists and all the others from

whole writing and work I have taken help to complete this assignment.

Date: 8-11-22
Place: Haldwani
Nikita Takuli
(LLM IInd Sem)

pg. 4

As a part of LL.M and in order to enhance practical knowledge in the field of

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY, I was required to prepare assignment on


The root objective for doing this assignment work is to get knowledge about the

Meaning of Hypothesis as well as the Types of Hypothesis under the Research


In this précised assignment, I have mentioned the Introduction of Research

Methodology, meaning of the Hypothesis, Definitions of Hypothesis by

different authors and philosophers, and Different types of Hypothesis has been

explained in this assignment.

The Conception of this assignment has enhanced my knowledge about the

concerned topic as well as framing of work efficiently done within the limited

time frame.

Nikita Takuli
(LLM IInd Sem)

pg. 5


1. Certificate 2

2. Declaration 3

3. Acknowledgement 4

4. Preface 5

5. Introduction 7

6. Meaning 8-9

7. Definitions 10-12

8. Types of Hypothesis 13-18

9. Conclusion 19

10. Bibliography 20

pg. 6


“We cannot take a single step forward in any inquiry unless we begin with a suggested

explanation or solution of the difficulty which originated it. Such tentative explanations

are suggested to us by something in the subject-matter and by our previous knowledge.

When they are formulated as propositions, they are called hypothesis.”

Research is combination of two words Re + Search which means the repetition of search.

Research means to go around as to explore. Research is the process of collection of evidence

or information for ascertaining an assumption or verifying some hypothesis. Since hypothesis

is an intelligent guess or a tentative solution hence the formulation of hypothesis becomes

imperative as soon as a research question is formulated. Hypothesis is merely a tentative

assumption made in order to draw and test its logical or empirical consequences. It is a

tentative, testable statement. A statement to be a hypothesis must be capable of being tested.

If its validity cannot be put to empirical confirmation, a proposition, howsoever attractive or

interesting may be ceases to be a hypothesis. The formulation of a hypothesis is a step

towards formalizing the research process. It is an essential part of scientific method of

research. The quality of hypothesis determines the value of the results obtained from


The value of hypothesis in research has been aptly stated by Claude Bernard as, “The ideas

are the seed; the method is the soil which provides it with the conditions to develop, to

prosper and give better fruits following its nature. But just as the soil will never produce

anything other than what has been sown, similarly only those ideas which have been put to

pg. 7
the experimental methods will be developed by the latter.” Thus, the ideas stated in the form

of hypothesis will determine the output of results.

pg. 8

Hypothesis is usually considered as an important mechanism in Research. Hypothesis is a

tentative assumption made in order to test its logical or empirical consequences. If we go by

the origin of the word, it is derived from the Greek word- ‘hypotithenai’ meaning ‘to put

under’ or to ‘to suppose’. Etymologically hypothesis is made up of two words, “hypo” and

“thesis” which means less than or less certain than a thesis. It is a presumptive statement of a

proposition or a reasonable guess, based upon the available evidence, which the researcher

seeks to prove through his study. A hypothesis will give a plausible explanation that will be

tested. A hypothesis may seem contrary to the real situation. It may prove to be correct or


A hypothesis is a tentative supposition or provisional guess which seems to explain the

position under observation. Hypothesis primarily arise from a set of ‘hunches’. A hypothesis

is a shrewd and intelligent guess, a supposition, inference, provisional statement or tentative

generalization as to the existence of some fact, condition or relation relative to some

phenomenon which serves to explain already known facts in a given area of research and to

guide the search for new truth on the basis of empirical evidence.

The world meaning of the term hypothesis is a tentative statement about the solution of the

problem. Hypothesis offers a solution of the problem that is to be verified empirically and

based on some rationale. Ordinarily, ‘hypothesis’ is a plausible statement or generalization

that is susceptible to empirical testing in a scientific manner. It is a mere assumption, some

supposition, a predictive or a provisional statement, that is capable of being objectively

verified and empirically tested by scientific methods. In its most elementary stage, a

hypothesis may be a mere hunch, guess, or an imaginative idea. Hypothesis is a tentative

pg. 9
proposition about something, which can be put to empirical test to determining its validity. It

is a tentative statement of presumed relationship between two or more concepts or variables.

Thus, a tentative generalization or theory formulated about the character of phenomena under

observation are called hypothesis. It is a proposition about the factual and conceptual

elements. Hypothesis is called a leap into the dark. It is a brilliant guess about the solution of

a problem.

pg. 10

The term hypothesis has been defined in several ways. Some important definitions are

given below:

 “A hypothesis can be defined as a tentative explanation of the research problem, a

possible outcome of the research, or an educated guess about the research outcome.”

 “A proposition, condition or principle which is assumed, perhaps without belief, in

order to draw out its logical consequences and by this method to test its accord with

facts which are known or may be determined.”

-Webster’s New International Dictionary

 “A hypothesis is a tentative generalisation the validity of which remains to be tested.

In its most elementary stage, the hypothesis may be any hunch, guess, imaginative

idea which becomes the basis for further investigation.”

- Lungberg

 “It is a tentative supposition or provisional guess which seems to explain the

situation under observation.”

- James E. Greighton

 “Science employs hypothesis in guiding the thinking process. When our experience

tells us that a given phenomenon follows regularly upon the appearance of certain

other phenomena, we conclude that the former is connected with the latter by some

sort of relationship and we form a hypothesis concerning this relationship.”

- A.D. Carmichael

pg. 11
 “A hypothesis states what we are looking for. A hypothesis looks forward. It is a

proposition which can be put to a test to determine its validity. It may prove to be

correct or incorrect.”

-Goode and Hatt

 “A hypothesis is a statement temporarily accepted as true in the light of what is, at

the time, known about a phenomenon, and it is employed as a basis for action in the

search for new truth, when the hypothesis is fully established, it may take the form of

facts, principles and theories.”

- Barr and Scates

 “It is a shrewd guess or inference that is formulated and provisionally adopted to

explain observed facts or conditions and to guide in further investigation.”

- John W. Best

 “The guesses he makes are the hypothesis which either solve the problem or guide

him in further investigation.


Hence, a hypothesis is a hunch, assumption, suspicion, assertion or an idea about a

phenomenon, relationship or situation, the reality or truth of which you do not know. A

researcher calls these assumptions/ hunches hypotheses and they become the basis of an

enquiry. In most studies the hypothesis will be based upon your own or someone else’s

observation. Hypothesis brings clarity, specificity and focus to a research problem, but is not

essential for a study. You can conduct a valid investigation without constructing formal

hypothesis. The formulation of hypothesis provides a study with focus. It tells you what

specific aspects of a research problem to investigate. A hypothesis tells you what data to

collect and what not to collect, thereby providing focus to the study. As it provides a focus,

pg. 12
the construction of a hypothesis enhances objectivity in a study. A hypothesis may enable

you to add to the formulation of a theory. It enables you to specifically conclude what is true

or what is false.

pg. 13

Hypothesis may broadly be classified as working hypothesis, scientific hypothesis,

research hypothesis, associative hypothesis, casual hypothesis, statistical hypothesis,

null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis.

1. Working Hypothesis:

Working hypothesis is a preliminary assumption of the researcher about the research topic,

particularly when sufficient information is not available to establish a hypothesis, and as a

step towards formulating the final research hypothesis. Working hypotheses are used to

design the final research plan, to place the research problem in its right context and to reduce

the research topic to an acceptable size.

For example, in the field of business administration, a researcher can formulate a working

hypothesis that “assuring bonus increases the sale of a commodity”. Later on, by collecting

some preliminary data, he modifies this hypothesis and takes a research hypothesis that

“assuring lucrative bonus increases the sale of a commodity.”

2. Scientific Hypothesis:

Scientific hypothesis contains statement based on or derived from sufficient

theoretical and empirical data.

3. Research Hypothesis:

The Research Hypothesis could be understood in terms of Simple Research

hypothesis and Complex Research Hypothesis.

pg. 14
A simple research hypothesis predicts the relationship between a single independent

variable and a single dependent variable.

A Complex hypothesis predicts the relationship between two or more independent

variables and two or more dependent variables.

A research hypothesis must be stated in a testable form for its proper evaluation and it

should indicate a relationship between variables in clear, concise and understandable

language. Research Hypothesis are classified as being directional or non-


 Directional Hypotheses: These are usually derived from theory. They may

imply that the researcher is intellectually committed to a particular outcome.

They specify the expected direction of the relationship between variables i.e.

the researcher predicts not only the existence of a relationship but also its


 Non-directional Hypotheses: Used when there is little or no theory, or when

findings of previous studies are contradictory. They may imply impartiality.

Do not stipulate the direction of the relationship.

4. Associative Hypotheses:

Propose relationships between variables - when one variable changes, the other

changes. Do not indicate cause and effect.

5. Causal Hypotheses:

pg. 15
Propose a cause and effect interaction between two or more variables. The

independent variable is manipulated to cause effect on the dependent variable. The

dependent variable is measured to examine the effect created by the independent


6. Statistical Hypothesis:

To test whether the data support or refute the research hypothesis, it needs to be

translated into a statistical hypothesis. It is given in statistical terms. In the context of

inferential statistics, it is statement about one or more parameters that are measures of

the population under study. Inferential statistics is used for drawing conclusions about

population values. To use inferential statistics, we need to translate the research

hypothesis into a testable form, which is called the null hypothesis. A testable

hypothesis contains variables that are measurable or able to be manipulated. They

need to predict a relationship that can be 'supported' or 'not supported' based on data

collection and analysis.

Statistical hypothesis, according to Winter, is a statement/observation about

statistical populations that one seeks to support or refute. The things are reduced to

numerical quantities and decisions are made about these quantities.

For the purpose of testing statistical significance, hypotheses are concisely

classified into two types:

 Null Hypothesis:

pg. 16
Null hypothesis is reverse of research hypothesis. It is a hypothesis of

no relationship. Null hypothesis does not exist in reality but are used to

test research hypothesis.

Why is research hypothesis changed in null hypothesis for

verification? The main reasons according to Black and Champion


o It is easier to prove something false than to prove it true.

o When one tries to prove something, it indicates his firm

belief and commitment to the idea but when he wants to

disprove it, it indicates his objectivity.

o It is based on probability theory, i.e., it can either be true or

false. It cannot be both.

o It is a convention in social research to use null hypothesis.

Null Hypothesis are used when the researcher believes there is no

relationship between two variables (Ho or HN), or when there is

inadequate theoretical or empirical information to state a research

hypothesis. The null hypothesis represents a theory that has been put

forward, either because it is believed to be true or because it is to be

used as a basis for argument, but has not been proved. Has serious

outcome if incorrect decision is made. Designated by: Ho or Hn.

 The Alternative Hypothesis:

pg. 17
An alternative hypothesis is a statement that suggests a potential

outcome that the researcher may expect. (H1 or HA). It is established

only when a null hypothesis is rejected. Often an alternative

Hypothesis is the desired conclusion of the investigator. The

alternative hypothesis is a statement of what a hypothesis test is set up

to establish. Designated by: H1 or Ha. It is opposite of Null

Hypothesis. It is only reached if Ha is rejected. Frequently

“alternative” is actual desired conclusion of the researcher.

We give special consideration to the null hypothesis. This is due to the

fact that the null hypothesis relates to the statement being tested,

whereas the alternative hypothesis relates to the statement to be

accepted if when the null is rejected. The final conclusion, once the test

has been carried out, is always given in terms of the null hypothesis.

We either 'reject Ho in favour of Ha' or 'do not reject Ho'; we never

conclude 'reject Ha', or even 'accept Ha'. If we conclude 'do not reject

Ho', this does not necessarily mean that the null hypothesis is true, it

only suggests that there is not sufficient evidence against Ho in favour

of Ha; rejecting the null hypothesis then, suggests that the alternative

hypothesis may be true.

For example:

Ha= the males visited cinema more than females.

Ho= the males and females do not differ in respect of the frequency of

seeing cinema.

pg. 18
So, Alternative hypothesis is usually the one which one wishes to

prove and the Null hypothesis is the one which one wishes to


7. Goode and Hatt have given the following three types of hypotheses on the basis

of level of abstractness:

 Hypothesis which presents proposition in common sense terms or, about

which some common-sense observations already exist or, which seeks to test

common sense statements. For example: bad parents produce bad children,

or committed managers always give profits, or rich students drink more


 Hypothesis which are somewhat complex, i.e., which give statement of a little

complex relationship.

For example: Communal riots are caused by religious polarization, Crime

is caused by differential associations, Juvenile delinquency is related to

residence in slums, or Deviant behaviour is caused by mental disorders.

 Hypothesis which are very complex, i.e., which describe relationship between

two variables in more complex terms,

For example: high fertility exists more in low income, conservatives, and

rural people than in high income, modern, and urban people. Here

dependent variable is ‘fertility’ while independent variables are income,

values, education, and residence, etc.

pg. 19
The other example is: Muslims have high fertility rate than Hindus. We

have to keep number of variables constant to test this hypothesis. This is

abstract way to handle the problem.

pg. 20

Hypothesis is important for a study. Hypothesis is important for bringing clarity, specificity

and focus to a research study. A hypothesis is a speculative statement that is subjected to

verification through a research study. In formulating, a hypothesis it is important to ensure

that it is simple, specific conceptually clear, able to be verified, rooted in a body of

knowledge and able to be operationalized. The study of hypothesis for logical consistency is

a phase of thinking. It consists of checking the logical character of reasoning by which the

consequences of hypothesis are deduced for verification. In the second place, the study of

hypothesis for logical consistency involves checking if for the agreement with the already

known laws of nature. It must not conflict with the highest and simplest laws of good

thinking and it must not disagree with those principles of science which are considered valid

beyond reasonable doubt. The suggested inferences are tested in thought, for logical

coherence, before they are tested in action. A Hypothesis is never proved; it is merely

sustained or rejected. If it fails to meet the test of its validity, it must be modified or rejected.

A hypothesis can be useful even it is partially incorrect. The negative instances which occur

require only clarification and refinement of the hypothesis rather than its outright rejection. It

has a significant role in the formulation of theory, principles and laws. It is also known as

tentative theory, after verification it takes the shape of final theory. A theory embers new

hypothesis, these are subjected to verification, after the verification it becomes a new theory

in field studies. In building up the theories, this cyclic process continues.

“A hypothesis serves as a powerful beacon that lights the way for the research worker.”

-Van Dalen

pg. 21


 Cavanaugh Joseph, Formulation, Analysis and Testing of the Interactance


 Mourougan Sendil, Sethuraman K. Dr., Hypothesis Development and Testing


 AHUJA RAM, RESEARCH METHODS (Rawat Publications, 2015)


METHODOLOGY (Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi, 1st ed. 2013).



METHODS AND TECHNIQUES (Mayur Enterprises, New Delhi, 2013).


METHODOLOGY (Central Law Publications, 2010).


METHODOLOGY AND STATISTICS (New Age International Pvt. Limited

Publishers, 2006).


METHODS TEACHING MATERIAL (Justice and Legal System Research Institute)





pg. 22

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