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Volume 3, Number 2, November 2016

Creativity, activity, service

Linking CAS experiences and

academic subjects
Tom Brodie

Struggling for a CAS idea? Check out the table below, find even more ideas at
https://cascorner.wordpress.com/cas-activities/ join the conversation #hoddermags

Group 1: studies in language and literature

Subject Product Process C, A, S? Subject

History and Link with a local If you have a local historical author C, A, S. History
English lit author you could invite them to talk and see paper 2
where students want to take it. —
effects of

History and Literally linked Students use books or films as a C Any part
literature starting point for research, e.g. Wild of course
(Could be book
Swans for Mao’s China. They
club or film club)
read/show literature and then discuss
it in the historical context.

Language Local guidance Students work to break down C, S Option in

A/TOK website/video/text misconceptions of local history, lang A
traditions. They work with expats and
with locals to understand issues and
find solutions or explanations.

English lit Walk on Water Sponsored walk raising funds for a C, A, S

well in Sudan.

English School assembly Students were motivated by Toni C and S

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literature/TOK Morrison’s The Bluest Eye to think

about concepts of beauty and child
sexual harrassment. Special
assemblies lined up to explore issues.

Language A Creative writing Creative writing club produce C

features/content for school

Language A Audiobook Contact local organisation serving the S

production blind and collaborate to produce
audiobooks that the blind can access.

Language A CAS focus articles Produce articles on CAS C and

projects/experiences for the local maybe S
newspaper or school newspaper.

Language A Debating club Teach younger students how to C, S

debate; could be a precursor to MUN.

Language A Film/play Write a movie or play script then C, A

production perform or record it.

Language A School librarian Learn to support your school or town C, S

assistant librarian and develop strategies to
improve reading.

Language A School guide Produce a guide to your school or city C, S

for new arrivals.

Language A Issues awareness Raise awareness of issues treated in C, S

literature, connection to other areas of
the curriculum, e.g. reading Of Mice
and Men inspired students to look at
issues surrounding unemployment in
their community and the minimum
wage, then to become advocates on
this issue with legislators.

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Group 2: language acquisition

Subject Product Process C, A, S? Subject link

Local Students run a club where they teach C, S

language English for half an hour and then the
exchange participants teach the local language for half
an hour, each week.

Or provide language lessons to any group in

need, e.g. immigrants/ refugees.

English club Students provide English language classes C, S

in the evenings to other communities.

Reading Students work with younger members of the S

club community to listen to them read in English
or another language to help them develop
their reading skills. Could be extended into a
guided reading programme.

Pen pal Develop a pen pal network with other IB C

exchange schools. Start small with messages and
develop your writing skills. Write in the other
students’ language.

Language Use technology to create language guides. C and S


Translation Provide translations for places of interest, C and S

services signboards, or museums in your local area.
To languages they do not have but may be
useful to visitors.

Newspaper Write articles on the culture of the language C and S

articles you are studying for your local or school
newspaper. Especially useful if you have a
language trip and you can share
photographs after a trip.

Language Use personal experience from CAS Oral and

B experiences to practice language or written practice
persuasive pieces. of language

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Group 3: individuals and societies

Subject Product Process C, Subject link

History Book/video of Students speak to residents of the C, S Primary sources

memories local elderly home and record life — paper 1
stories in video or text. analysis

History Games we used to Students speak to grandparents C, Primary sources

play: research and etc. about games they used to A,
activity play. They then record/ and
recreate them and host a games S
Extension: make a
day for younger children.
compared to
computer games.

History Model aeroplane club CAS students run a club where C Paper 2 —
they make Airfix plane models. and causes, practices
Air battles
S and effects of
These could then be used to make
a documentary about different war
events and turning points.

History First/Second World CAS students run a club that C, A Paper 2 —

War club focuses on conflict in that region. and causes, practices
S and effects of
Researching and publishing about
war in that area.

History Conflict treasure hunt CAS students plan and organise a C Paper 2 -—
day day for younger students that and causes, practices
requires touring and answering S and effects of
questions about conflict in their war.

History Local Jewish history Students meet with members of C Paper 2 —

the local Jewish community, visit and authoritarian
synagogue, cemeteries and other S single party
sites. They trace the history of the states
Jewish community in their city.
Document via video or text.

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History International Organise a cross curricula or focus C Paper 2 —

Holocaust day that focus on this topic. and authoritarian
Remembrance S single party
If there are local survivors then
Day/Bearing Witness states
develop a relationship and

History and Link with a local If you have a local historical author C, A Paper 2 —
English lit author you could invite them to talk and and causes, practices
see where students want to take it. S and effects of

History My family tree CAS students supervise younger C, S Primary sources

students in a genealogical activity — paper 1
tracing their family history. analysis

History and Literally linked Students use books or films as a C Any part of
literature starting point for research, e.g. course.
(could be book club
Wild Swans for Mao’s China. They
or film club)
read/show literature and then
discuss it in the historical context.

History Our streets Students research the history C, S

behind street names and in the city
and publish a booklet for tourist

History MUN links Many links between the two C, S

activities and this can be exploited
directly or indirectly.

History/TOK Current issues club TOK students create a club for C, S

non-TOK students to develop
critical thinking skills based on
exploring current issues.

History/TOK Historical recreation Students work to design and C,

event implement a historical recreation A, S
for younger students to enact.

History/TOK Advocacy Students work in their communities C, S

to educate about the civil rights
movement and the importance of
voting. Aim is to improve voter

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Business Review of non-profit Students work with a non-profit in C, S 1.3

activity their area to review vision and Organisational
mission statement, aims, objectives
objectives, strategies and tactics,
and their relationships.

Philosophy/ Review the ethics of Each experience gains an ethics C

TOK your CAS review.

Business Create a business Students create a business plan for C, S 1.1 Introduction
plan a CAS project or starting a non- to business
profit of their own. management

Psychology/ Create an awareness Students pick an area of the C, S

language campaign course — mental illness, stress —
and create an awareness
campaign for the community to
address misconceptions.

Psychology Volunteer on mental Students gain training and give S

health hotline time to help others in acute need.

Psychology/ Depends Use psychology compliance S

TOK techniques to persuade others to
donate time/sign petition in aid of

Psychology/ Create a student Design student guide with advice C, S Cognitive level of
ATL guide on effective revision techniques analysis
based on theories of memory.

Psychology, Design and create a C, S Psychology of

LP school bullying human
intervention relationships

Psychology Create awareness C, S Psychology of

campaign about human
bystanderism and relationships

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Business Advertising campaign Apply principles of advertising to C, S

advocate a cause/fundraising

Business Advertising campaign Create an awareness campaign C, S

about consumer rights.

Business/ Survey and report Students develop a survey and C, S Primary and
maths write a report about an aspect of secondary MR
the school to assess student
opinion/satisfaction with it. Real-
world application. Quantitative and

Economics Fundraising Bake sales etc are analysed using C, S Factors

economics techniques to maximise influencing
profits for good causes. demand

Economics Development Research your country's foreign aid C, S

economics policy.

Research the work of NGA in your

country or who is fundraising in
your country.

Find out what percentage of

donations given in your country
make it to those in need — start
with school fundraisers.

Geography Rivers Rivers fieldwork C, S

Geography Glacier Glaciation: glacier relic landforms C, S

Types of glaciers etc.

Geography Settlement How did humans adapt to and C, S Ssite,

impact the local environment? location/situation,
form, function/

Geography Cold weather Winter risks, avalanche training. C,

processes A, S

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Produce brochure//videos.

Geography Aspect Influence of shade fieldwork

Geography Impact of tourism Impact of snow-making machines C, S

on Alpine environments

Geography Ski trip educational Follow up to ski activities, links to C, S

component curriculum. Winter risks, reading
the landforms

Geography Mapping Map area resources such as water C,

sources or recycling centres. A, S
Promote best practise.

Business Young Enterprise Develop a business and apply

what you have learnt in class to a
real project. Compete with other

Geography Migrant or refugee Apply geography by working to

work help migrants. Use the CAS

Philosophy Philosophical Use philosophical techniques to

analysis analyse CAS, then promote these

Anthropology Active citizenship Analyse the role of active

and citizenship in your society using
sociology your academic methods. Report on
your findings.

Geography Migration/refugees Students can study issues such as

human trafficking and refugee
integration and this can include
looking at video clips of current
situations (e.g. Calais, France).
Students could get involved in a
project to either raise awareness
(advocacy) — posters/
presentations etc. in school, for
families at home and in local area,
or work with organisations. One

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such example is the NO project.


Geography Gender and change Highly emotive topic that lends

itself well to CAS and SL. Female
status and equality issues and
disturbing topics like FGM (female
genital mutilation) can be
addressed in class (research etc.)

Raise awareness/do fundraising.

Geography Millennium Development Goals,

sustainability goals:

Eradicating poverty: local food

bank, soup kitchen work. National/
global: online petitions or website
design to raise awareness, start a

Clean water: water aid has some

great ideas for getting involved.
Organise a ‘drink only water’ day at

Education: raise funds to buy

supplies for a local underfunded
school. Students could start a free
online education course.

Group 4: experimental sciences

Subject Product Process C, Subject link

Biology, Sustainabilit Investigation: needed for a hydroponic garden? C, Focus: soil and
ecology y: products Funding skills; approval planning; role A, sustainability
option sold to assignment; timeline; materials S
Human impact
Reflection: did it address the need? How does it on soils
Fund used to
affect the community? Did it work?
help local RQ: How is soil
farmers build Demonstration, video, talk affected by
hydroponic human actions?

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garden Research on
different types
of soil, their
structure and

Biology Grow and Students research farming methods and then C,

educate grow organic produce, sell to the community. S

Biology Women and Focus or cross curricula-day to educate about C,

Health Day STDs and pregnancy S

Students research issues that are relevant to

their community, produce
posters/video/radio/media to raise awareness of
issues and solutions.

Biology/ES Ecology of Students research an area, possibly excluding C,

S an area human interaction with specific area, and then A,
educate on results. S

Biology Junk Students review impact of junk food on their C,

nutrition systems and educate community about A,
negative effects. S

Physics Magic Students provide a series of interactive C,

science experiments for younger children and explain S
the physics of it, perhaps as an assembly for
local junior schools.

Biology/ES Environment Following a course, visit to a special S

S environment, wetland, botanical garden etc.
Students volunteer extra time to work, help and
learn more.

Biology/ES Caring for a Students take care of or develop and area of C,

S school or land in an environmentally friendly way to A,
public develop the community. S

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Biology/ After-school Promote exercise, e.g. coach a sport and use C,

health fitness club what you have learnt. A,
science S

Biology Gain CPR Extend to become a volunteer EMT in S

First Aid community.

Biology/ES Campaign Create an environmental awareness campaign C,

S A,
Extension: Become Green School Certified,

Biology Own health Set and achieve goals for your own health. A

Biology/ Campaign Create a campaign to educate the community C,

health on the risk factors of smoking, obesity, S
science diabetes.

Biology/ES Composting If your school/community does not have one, C,

S initiative start a composting initiative. S

Biology Blood drive Promote and have a blood drive for teachers, C,
parents and 18-year-old students. S

Biology/ES Recycling Review or implement your recycling and energy C, Ecology core
S programme use in the school. Example: S module

Biology Volunteer at Students volunteer regular time. S Physiology

local hospital

Biology Student Create a training programme and run for C,

health younger students then follow up with regular S.
ambassador contact/mentoring.

Biology/ Water quality Students work to assess local watershed A,

ESS assessment quality. S

Biology/ Local Students work with a local conversation area to C,

ESS environment assess birds, trees,water quality, insects or A,

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survey other issues in a longitudinal project. S

Biology Campaigns Water pollution: inform residents in two different Water, all ages
languages of the sources of the local pollution.

Biology Campaigns/ Drug education for younger students. C, What drugs are
education S and what the
effects are

Biology Campaign Food health — campaign in school. C,


Chemistry Water analysis in the school and the park next A 9.1 Oxidation
to it. and
reduction: Wat
Raising awareness after testing local water
er analysis and
Topic 9. REDOX. (biochemical
Students might make some research on the oxygen
water supply in the school and in the area demand)
nearby and take some decisions

Group 5: mathematics
Subject Product Process C, Subject
A, link

Mathematics Wheelchair Students work with design department to design C,

ramps and construct ramps for buildings or homes A, S
without wheelchair access that need it.

Maths/biology Statistical Students work with individuals or clubs to analyse C, Maths

exercise on their physical attributes or training. A, S Studies
exercise IA.

Maths/ Research Conduct research survey of a S

business survey business/organisation that offers meaningful
service to community.

Mathematics Math club Teaching younger children to overcome C, S

mathematics challenges.

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Maths/ Financial Learn to maintain financial accounts for a local S

business accounts charity.

Mathematics Become a Become a LSA for a younger student in S

learning mathematics during your study periods.

Mathematics Maths trail Develop a Maths Trail in your area for younger C,
students, or a series of them suitable for different A, S
age groups.

Mathematics Maths videos Develop a series of maths videos that promote C, S

mathematics for younger children or show the
different elements of mathematics. Video blog on
how mathematics is used in the news or by the

Mathematics Mural Design and paint a mural that celebrates

and visual Arts mathematics through the ages or sheds light on
mathematics concepts.

Mathematics Students could use their knowledge of statistics

SL/studies to see if there is a relationship between:

The time students go to bed and their academic

test scores.

Whether a student eats school meals or home-

cooked meals and their bleep test scores.

The students could produce a report on their

findings to inform the relevant people (i.e. inform
school pastoral leaders if link between bedtime
and academic scores, use in PSHLE, if link
between school meals and bleep test scores,
present to management to investigate further if
there is causality

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Group 6: the arts

Subject Product Process C, Subject
A, link

Visual Renaissance Students put together a renaissance display for local C, S

arts project schools. Art. Food. Music. Dress.

Visual Recycling Students make clothes from recycled materials, then C, S

Arts project hold a fashion show.

Theatre Performance Perform at a festival C,A

Visual Donate art Work on art projects or installations for public spaces C,
arts such as hospitals, age-care facilities or refugee A, S

Theatre Educational Create an educational performance on an issue. C,

performance Bullying, not going with strangers, cleaning your A, S
teeth, looking after the environment. Then tour it to
local nursery/primary schools, perform at the library.

Theatre/ Flash mob Create a flash mob. Don’t forget to film it. C,
music A, S

Visual Art students partner with the local utilities company to

arts paint rain barrels with various local and state themes
that will be displayed around the community to bring
awareness to the idea of water conservation.

This resource is part of IB REVIEW, a magazine written for IB Diploma students by

subject experts. To subscribe to the full magazine go to www.hoddereducation.co.uk/ibreview

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