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War on Architecture: E.

Author(s): Beatriz Colomina
Source: Assemblage, No. 20, Violence, Space (Apr., 1993), pp. 28-29
Published by: The MIT Press
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Accessed: 21/06/2014 16:44

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Waron Architecture:E.1027

E. 1027. A modernwhite house is perchedon later claimed were stolen from his atelierin naryscene, a defacement of Gray'sarchitecture
the rocks,a hundredfeet above the Mediterra- Paris.But Ozenfant denies it, sayingthat Le and perhapseven an effacement of her sexuality
nean sea, in a remote place, in Roquebruneat Corbusierhimself either destroyedthem or hid since, her relationshipto Badovicinotwithstand-
Cap Martin.The site is "inaccessibleand not them, consideringthem a "secretd'atelier."The ing, Graywas openly gay (but inasmuchas
overlookedfrom anywhere."No roadleads to Algeriansketchesand postcardsappearto be a Badoviciis here representedas one of the three
this house. It was designed and built by Eileen ratherordinaryinstance of the ingrainedmode women, the muralmay revealas much as it con-
Grayfor JeanBadoviciand herselfbetween 1926 of a fetishistic appropriationof women, of the ceals), is clearlya "theme for a psychiatrist,"as
and 1929. She named the house E.1027: E for East, of "the other."But Le Corbusier,as Samir Le Corbusier'sVersune architecturesaysof the
Eileen, 10 for J (the tenth letter of the alpha- Rafiand Stanislausvon Moos have noted, nightmareswith which people invest their
bet), 2 for B and 7 for G. They both lived there turned this materialinto preparatorystudies for houses. Particularlyif we also take into account
most of the summermonths until Graybuilt her a projectedmonumental figurecomposition, Le Corbusier'sobsessiverelationshipto this
own house in Castellarin 1934. After the death "the plans for which seem to have preoccupied house as manifest-and this is only one ex-
of Badoviciin 1956, the house was sold to the Le Corbusierduringmany years,if not his entire ample-in his quasi-occupationof the site after
Swiss architectMarieLouise Schelbert.She life." (von Moos) World War II, when he built a smallwooden
found the wallsriddledwith bullet holes. The shack,the "Cabanon,"for himself at the very
From the months immediatelyfollowinghis re-
house had clearlybeen the site of some consid- turn fromAlgiersup to his death, Le Corbusier limits of the adjacentproperty,rightbehind
erableviolence. In a 1969 letter, she comments Eileen Gray'shouse. He occupied and con-
seems to have made hundredsand hundredsof
on the state of the house: "Corbudid not want sketcheson yellow tracingpaperby layingit over trolledthe site by overlookingit, the cabin being
anythingrepairedand urgedme to leave it as it little more than an observationplatform,a sort
the originalsketchesand retracingthe contours
is as a reminderof war."But what kind of war? of the figures.Ozenfant believed that Le of "watchdoghouse."The impositionof this ap-
Most obviously,it was World War II. The bullet
Corbusierhad redrawnhis own sketcheswith propriatinggaze is even more brutalif we re-
holes are wounds from the Germanoccupation. the help of photographsor postcards.He also member that Eileen Grayhad chosen the site
But what violence is there to the house before because it was, in PeterAdam'swords,"inacces-
the bullets, and even before the inevitablerela- exhaustivelystudied Delacroix'sfamous paint- sible and not overlookedfrom anywhere."But
ing Femmesd'Alger,producinga seriesof the violence of this occupationhas alreadybeen
tionship of modernarchitectureto the military? sketchesof the outlines of the figuresin this
And anyway,to startwith, what is Le Corbusier establishedwhen Le Corbusierpainted the mu-
painting,divested of their "exoticclothing"and ralsin this house (therewere eight altogether)
doing here?What bringshim to this isolated the "surroundingdecor."Soon the two projects
spot, this remote house that will eventuallybe without the permissionof Eileen Gray,who had
merged,he modified the gesturesof Delacroix's
the site of his own death? alreadymoved out. She consideredit an act of
figures,graduallymakingthem correspondto vandalism,indeed, as Adam has put it, "it was a
"Asa young man he had traveledin the Balkans the figuresin his own sketches.He said that he
would have called the final composition rape.A fellow architect,a man she admired,had
and the near East and had made sketchesof without her consent defaced her design."
"Femmesde la Casbah."But, in fact, he never
strange,inaccessibleplaces and scenes. It was finished it. He kept redrawingit. That the draw-
perhapsthrougha natural,anti-romanticreac- The defacementof the house went hand in hand
tion of maturitythat later, as a Purist,he pro- ing and redrawingof these imagesbecame a life with the effacementof Grayas an architect.
time obsession indicates that something was at When Le Corbusierpublishedthe muralsin his
posed to paint what was duplicableand stake.This becomes even more obviouswhen in
near-at-hand."(James T. Soby) We will have to Oeuvrecomplete(1946) and in L'Architecture
go back to Le Corbusier'searliertravels,to the 1963-4,shortlybefore his death, Le Corbusier, d'aujourd'hui(1948), Eileen Gray'shouse is re-
"strange,inaccessibleplaces and scenes"that he unhappywith the visible aging of the yellow ferredto as "ahouse in Cap-Martin,"her name is
had "conquered"throughdrawing.At the very tracingpaper,copies a selection of 26 drawings not even mentioned. Le Corbusierwill end up,
onto transparentpaperand symptomatically,for lateron, getting credit for the design of the
least, to Le Corbusier'strip to Algiersin the
someone who kept everything,burnsthe rest. house and even for some of its furniture.Still to-
Springof 1931. Firstencounterin what will be-
come a long relationshipto this city, or in Le But the processof drawingand redrawingthe day the confusioncontinueswith manywriters
Corbusier'swords:"twelveyearsof uninter- "Femmesde la Casbah"reachedits most in- attributingthe house to Badovici,or at best, to
ruptedstudy of Algiers."By all accounts, this tense, if not hysterical,moment when Le Badoviciand Gray,and some still suggestingthat
study begun with his drawingof Algerian Corbusier'sstudies found their way into a mural Le Corbusierhad collaboratedon the project.
women. He said later that he had been "pro- that he completed in 1938 in E.1027. Le Even more sad, Eileen Gray'sname does not fig-
foundlyseduced by a type of woman particularly Corbusierreferredto the muralas Sous les ure, even as footnote, in most historiesof mod-
well built"of which he made many nude stud- pilotis or Graffited Cap Martin, (it is also some- ern architecture,includingthe most recent,and
ies. He also acquireda big collection of colored times labeled "ThreeWomen.") Accordingto ostensiblycriticalones.) "Whata narrowprison
postcardsrepresentingnakedwomen sur- Schelbert:"LeCorbusierexplainedto his you have built for me overa numberof years,
roundedby accoutrementsfrom the Oriental friendsthat 'Badou'was depicted on the right, and particularlythis yearthroughyourvanity,"
bazaar.Jeande Maisonseul(laterthe directorof his friendEileen Grayon the left; the outline of Badoviciwroteto Le Corbusierin 1949 about
the Musee Nationaldes BeauxArts d'Alger), the head and the hairpieceof the sitting figure the whole episode (in a letter that Adamthinks
who as an eighteen yearold boy had guided Le in the middle, he claimed, was 'the desired may have been dictatedby Grayherself).Le
Corbusierthroughthe Casbahwill later recall child, which was neverborn."'This extraordi- Corbusierrepliedin a waythat makesit clear
their tour:"Ourwanderingsthroughthe side that he is replyingto Gray:"Youwant a state-
streetsled us at the end of the day to the rue ment fromme based on my worldwideauthority
Kataroudjiwherehe [Le Corbusier]was fasci- to show-if I correctlyunderstandyourinner-
nated by the beauty of two young girls,one most thoughts-to demonstrate'the qualityof
Spanishand the other Algerian.They brought pureand functionalarchitecture'which is mani-
us up a narrowstairwayto their room;there he fested by you in the house at Cap Martin,and
sketchedsome nudes on-to my amazement- has been destroyedby my pictorialinterventions.
some schoolbookgraphpaperwith coloredpen- OK, you send me some photographicdocuments
cils; the sketchesof the Spanishgirllying both of this manipulationof purefunctionalism....
alone on the bed and beautifullygroupedto- Also send some documentson Castellar,this U-
gether with the Algerianturnedout accurate boat of functionalism;then I will spreadthis de-
and realistic;but he said that they were verybad bate in frontof the whole world."Now Le
and refusedto show them." Le Corbusierfilled Corbusierwas threateningto carrythe battle
three notebooksof sketches in Algierswhich he fromthe house into the newspapersand archi-

Beatriz 28

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tecturalperiodicals.But his public position com- The sketchesof the Algerianwomen were not chose not to see that a swastikawas inscribed
pletelycontradictedwhat he had expressedpri- only redrawingsof live models but also into the chest of the woman on the right?The
vately.In 1938, the same yearhe will paint the redrawingsof postcards.One could even argue swastikamay be yet one more sign of Le
muralGraffitea Cap Martin,Le Corbusierhad that the constructionof the Algerianwomen in Corbusier'spoliticalopportunism.(Remember
writtena letter to Eileen Gray,afterspending French postcards,widelydiffused at the time, that the muralwas done in 1938.) But the Ger-
some daysin E. 1027 with Badovici,wherenot would have informedLe Corbusier'slive draw- man soldiers,who occupied the house during
only does he acknowledgeher sole authorship ings, in the same way that, as Zeynep Qelik WWII, may not have seen the swastikaeither,
but also how much he likes the house:"Iam so notes, Le Corbusierpreciselyreproducesin his for it was this verywall that was found riddled
happyto tell you how much those few daysspent physicalentranceto foreigncities (Istanbulor with bullet holes, as if it had been the site of
in yourhouse have made me appreciatethe rare Algiers,for example), the imagesof these cities some execution. These, as so many other ques-
spiritwhich has dictated all the dispositions,in- constructedby postcardsand tourist guides. In tions, will have to remainunansweredhere, the
side and outside, and given to the modernfurni- these terms, not only did "he knewwhat he narrowspace of these two facing pages closing
ture-the equipment-such dignifiedform,so wanted to see," as Qelik says,but he sawwhat down on me.]
charming,so full of spirit." he had alreadyseen (in pictures).He "enters" The muralwas a blackand white photograph.
those pictures.He inhabitsthe photographs. Le Corbusier'sfetish is photographic.Afterall,
Why then did Le Corbusiervandalizethe very The redrawingsof the Femmede Algiersare also
house he loved?Did he think the muralswill en-
more likelyto have been realized,as von Moos photographytoo has been readin term of the fe-
hance it? Certainlynot. Le Corbusierhad re- tish. VictorBurginwrites:"Fetishism(...) ac-
peatedlystated that the role of the muralin points out, from postcardsand reproductions complishesthat separationof knowledgefrom
than from the originalpaintingin the Louvre. belief characteristicof representation;its motive
architectureis to "destroy"the wall, to demate-
rializeit. In a letter to VladimirNekrassovin So what, then, will be the specific role of the is the unity of the subject (...). The photograph
1932, he writes:"Iadmit the muralnot to en- photographicimage as such in the fetishistic stands to the subject-vieweras does the fetished
scene of the "Femmed'Algiers"project?
hance a wall,but on the contrary,as a means to object (...). We knowwe see a two-dimensional
violentlydestroythe wall, to remove from it all The fetish is alwaysabout "presence,"writes surface,we believe we look throughit into
sense of stability,of weight, etc." The muralfor VictorBurgin,"andhow many times have I been three-dimensionalspace,we cannot do both at
Le Corbusieris a weapon againstarchitecture,a told that photographs'lackpresence,'that the same time-there is a coming and going be-
bomb. But "whythen to paint on the paintingsare to be valuedbecauseof theirpres- tween knowledgeand belief."
the riskof killingarchitecture?,"he asksin the ence!"Clearlythis separationbetween painting So if Le Corbusier"entersthe house of a
same letter, and then answers:"It is when one is and photographyis what organizesthe domi-
nant understandingof Le Corbusier'srelationto stranger"by drawing,could "the house"be
pursuinganothertask, that of telling stories."So standingin here for the photograph?By drawing
what then is the storythat he so urgentlyneeds photography.What these accounts seem to ig- he enters the photographthat is itself a
to tell with Grafittea Cap Martin? nore is that here the drawing,the hand-crafted
artisticmeditation, is done "after"the photo- stranger'shouse, occupyingand reterritorializing
We will have to go back once more to Algiers.In the space, the city, the sexualitiesof the other
fact, Le Corbusier's complimentaryletter to graph:the art reproduction,the postcard,the by reworkingthe image. Drawingon and in pho-
Eileen Gray,sent from Cap Martinon 28/4/38, tographyis the instrumentof colonization.The
wearsthe letter head: "HotelAletti Alger."Le In fact, the whole mentalityof the "Femmesde entryto the house of a strangeris alwaysa
Corbusier'sviolationof Eileen Gray'shouse and la Casbah"drawingsis photographic.Not only breakingand entering-there being no entry
historyis consistent with his fetishizationof Al- are they made from photographs.They are de- without force no matter how many invitations.
gerianwomen. One might even arguethat the veloped accordingto a repetitiveprocesswhere Le Corbusier'sarchitecturedepends in some
child in this muralreconstitutesthe missing the images are systematicallyreproducedon way on specific techniques of occupyingand yet
(maternal)phallus,whose absence, Freudar- transparentpaper,the gridof the originalgraph graduallyeffacing the domestic space of the
gues, organizesfetishism. In these terms, the paperallowingthe image to be enlargedto any other.
endless drawingand redrawingis the scene of a scale. This photographicsensibilitybecomes Likeall colonists, Le Corbusierdoes not think of
violent substitutionthat in Le Corbusierwould most obviouswith the muralsat Cap Martin. it as an invasionbut as a gift. When recapitulat-
seem to requirethe house, domestic space, as Traditionally,they have been understoodas
ing his life's workfive yearsbefore his death, he
prop.Violence is organizedaroundor through paradigmof Le Corbusierthe painter,the crafts- symptomaticallywritesabout Algiersand Cap
the house. In both circumstances(Algiersor man detached from mechanicalreproduction,
Martinin the same terms:"
Cap Martin)the scene startswith an intrusion, an interpretationto which Le Corbusierhimself
greatschemes (seven enormousstudies), free of
the carefullyorchestratedoccupationof a house. has contributedwith the circulationof that fa-
But the house is in the end effaced (erasedfrom mous photographof him, naked,workingat one charge."And later, "1938-39. Eight muralpaint-
the Algiers'sdrawings,defaced at Cap Martin). of the murals.(Do you realizethat this is the ings (free of charge)in the Badoviciand Helen
Greyhouse at Cap Martin."No chargefor the
only nudist image of him that we know?That it discharge.Graywas outraged,now even her
Significantly,Le Corbusierdescribesdrawingit- had to be here, in this scene, is in itself telling).
self as the occupation of a "stranger'shouse." In name had been defaced.And renamingis, after
But what is normallyomitted is that Graffitea
his last book, Creationis a Patient Search,he all, the first act of colonization.Such gifts can
writes:"Byworkingwith our hands, by drawing, Cap Martinwas not conceived on the wall itself. not be returned.
we enter the house of a stranger,we are enriched Le Corbusierused an electric projectorto en-
by the experience,we learn."Drawing,as has of- largethe image of a small drawingonto the P.S. In 1944, the retreatingGerman Armyblew up Eileen

ten been noted, playsa crucialpartin Le 2.50m x 4m white wall wherehe etched the mu- Gray'sapartment in Menton (Saint-Tropez) having vandalized
ral in black. E. 1027 and Temple a Paiella (her house in Castellar). She lost
Corbusier'sprocessof "appropriation" of the ex- everything. IIer drawingsand plans were used to light fires.
teriorworld.He repeatedlyopposes his tech- [They say that, in using black,Le Corbusierwas P.P.S. On August 26, 1965, the endless redrawingof the
nique of drawingto photography:"When one thinkingabout Picasso'sGuernicaof the yearbe- "Femmes d'Alger"still unfinished, Le Corbusier went down
travelsand workswith visualthings-architec- fore, and that Picasso,in his turn, was so im- from E. 1027 to the sea and swam to his death.
ture, paintingor sculpture-one uses one's eyes pressedwith the muralat Cap Martinthat it P.P.P.S. In 1977 a local mason in charge of some work in the
and draws,so as to fix deep down in one's expe- house "mistakenly"demolished the murals. I like to think
promptedhim to do his own versionsof the that he did it on purpose. Eileen Gray had spend almost three
riencewhat is seen. Once the impressionhas Femmesd'Alger.Apparently,he drewDelacroix's
yearsliving on the site in complete isolation, building the
been recordedby the pencil, it staysfor good- paintingfrom memoryand was "frappe"to find house with the masons, having lunch with them everyday.
entered, registered,inscribed.The camerais a out later that the figurehe had painted in the Then again, she did the same thing when building her own
tool for idlers,who use a machine to do their middle, lying down, with her legs crossed,was house at Castellar. The masons knew her well. In fact, they
not in Delacroix.(Rafi). It was, of course, loved her, and hated the arrogantBadovici. They understood
seeing for them." Clearly,it is statements such
perfectly what the murals where about. They destroyed them.
as this that have gained Le Corbusierthe repu- Graffittea Cap Martinthat he remembered,the In so doing, they showed more enlightenment than most crit-
tation of havinga phobiafor the camera-de- recliningcrossed-leggedwomen (invitingbut in- ics and historians of architecture.
spite the crucialrole of photographyin his work. accessible) Le Corbusier'ssymptomaticrepre- P.P.P.P.S. Since then, the murals have been reconstructed in
But what is the specific relationbetween pho- sentation of Eileen Gray.But if Le Corbusier's the house from the basis of photographs. They re-emerged
tographyand drawingin Le Corbusier? muralhad so impressedhim, how come Picasso from their original medium. The occupation continues.

29 Colomina

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