قواعد الانجليزية كاملة من الالف للياء - المدرس بوك

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‫( ‪)1‬ألغبَ اٌىالَ ‪Parts of Speech::‬‬

‫رؼش‪٠‬ف‬ ‫ِضبي‬
‫‪Noun‬‬ ‫‪Ahmed, book‬‬
‫‪Pronoun‬‬ ‫٘‪ِ ٛ‬ب ‪٠‬ذي ػٍ‪ ٝ‬اعُ أ‪ٚ‬‬ ‫‪I, he, she, it, etc. ……..‬‬
‫ضّ‪١‬ش‬ ‫‪٠‬ذً ِذٍٗ‬
‫‪Verb‬‬ ‫٘‪ِ ٛ‬ب ‪٠‬ذي ػٍ‪ ٝ‬دذ‪ٚ‬س‬ ‫‪Play, played, will play‬‬
‫فؼً‬ ‫ش‪ٟ‬ء ف‪ٚ ٟ‬لذ ِب‬
‫‪Adjective‬‬ ‫٘‪ ٛ‬ػجبسح ػٓ وٍّخ‬ ‫‪ rich man‬سجً غٕ‪ٟ‬‬
‫طفخ‬ ‫رظف االعُ ‪ٚ‬رى‪ ْٛ‬لجٍٗ‬ ‫الدظ أْ اٌظفخ ٕ٘ب عجمذ االعُ اٌّ‪ٛ‬ط‪ٛ‬ف ثؼىظ اٌٍغخ‬
‫اٌؼشث‪١‬خ اٌز‪ ٟ‬رى‪ ْٛ‬ف‪ٙ١‬ب اٌظفخ ثؼذ االعُ اٌّ‪ٛ‬ط‪ٛ‬ف‬
‫‪Adverb‬‬ ‫٘‪ ٛ‬ػجبسح ػٓ وٍّخ‬ ‫‪Ahmed writes quickly.‬‬
‫دبي‬ ‫رظف اٌفؼً أ‪ ٚ‬رض‪٠‬ذ‬ ‫أدّذ ‪٠‬ىزت ثغشػخ‪.‬‬
‫اٌظفخ ‪ٚ‬ض‪ٛ‬دبً‬
‫٘‪ ٛ‬وٍّخ رأر‪ِ ٟ‬غ االعُ أ‪Preposition ٚ‬‬ ‫‪Ahmed goes to school.‬‬
‫دشف اٌجش‬ ‫اٌضّ‪١‬ش ٌزج‪ ٓ١‬ػاللزٗ ثىٍّخ‬ ‫أدّذ ‪٠‬ز٘ت ئٌ‪ ٝ‬اٌّذسعخ‬
‫‪They traveled by plane.‬‬
‫ُ٘ عبفش‪ٚ‬ا ثبٌطبئشح‬
‫‪Conjunction‬‬ ‫٘‪ ٛ‬وٍّخ رظً ِب ث‪ ٓ١‬وٍّخ‬ ‫‪Ali and Ahmad visited us yesterday.‬‬
‫دشف اٌؼطف‬ ‫‪ ٚ‬وٍّخ أ‪ ٚ‬جٍّخ ‪ٚ‬جٍّخ ‪.‬‬ ‫ػٍ‪ ٚ ٟ‬أدّذ صاس‪ٔٚ‬ب أِظ‬
‫‪Interjection‬‬ ‫٘‪ ٛ‬ػجبسح ػٓ أط‪ٛ‬اد أ‪ٚ‬‬ ‫‪Alas! She died.‬‬
‫دشف رؼجت‬ ‫ط‪١‬ذبد رؼجش ػٓ اٌزؼجت‬ ‫‪٠‬ب ٌألعف ! ٌمذ ِبرذ‪.‬‬
‫‪Article‬‬ ‫ٕ٘بن صالس أد‪ٚ‬اد ف‪ ٟ‬اٌٍغخ‬
‫أداح‬ ‫اإلٔجٍ‪١‬ض‪٠‬خ‪:‬‬
‫‪a, an, the‬‬
‫رغزخذَ ‪ a‬لجً االعُ إٌىشح‬ ‫‪This is a book.‬‬
‫اٌز‪٠ ٞ‬جذأ ثذشف عبوٓ‪.‬‬ ‫٘زا وزبة‪.‬‬
‫رغزخذَ ‪ an‬لجً االعُ‬ ‫‪This is an apple.‬‬
‫إٌىشح اٌز‪٠ ٞ‬جذأ ثذشف‬ ‫٘زٖ رفبدخ‪.‬‬
‫ٌٍزؼش‪٠‬ف‪.‬‬ ‫رغزخذَ‬ ‫‪This is the book I bought yesterday.‬‬
‫٘زا ٘‪ ٛ‬اٌىزبة اٌز‪ ٞ‬اشزش‪٠‬زٗ أِظ‪.‬‬

‫ِالدظخ ‪:‬‬
‫اٌجذ‪٠‬ش ثبٌزوش أْ اٌجٍّخ اإلٔجٍ‪١‬ض‪٠‬خ الثذ ‪ٚ‬أْ رذز‪ ٞٛ‬ػٍ‪ ٝ‬فؼً خالف اٌٍغخ اٌؼشث‪١‬خ اٌز‪ ٟ‬لذ رى‪ ْٛ‬ف‪ٙ١‬ب‬
‫اٌجٍّخ اعّ‪١‬خ أ‪ ٞ‬ثذ‪ ْٚ‬فؼً ِضً ‪(:‬ػٍ‪ ٟ‬طج‪١‬ت) ‪ ٌٛٚ‬أسدٔب رشجّز‪ٙ‬ب ئٌ‪ ٝ‬اإلٔجٍ‪١‬ض‪٠‬خ دشف‪١‬ب ٔم‪ٛ‬ي ‪:‬‬
‫‪Ali doctor.‬‬
‫‪٘ٚ‬زٖ جٍّخ ئٔجٍ‪١‬ض‪٠‬خ خبطئخ ٌؼذَ ادز‪ٛ‬ائ‪ٙ‬ب ػٍ‪ ٝ‬فؼً ‪ٚ‬اٌظذ‪١‬خ أْ ٔضغ ٌ‪ٙ‬ب فؼً فزظجخ ‪:‬‬
‫‪Ali is a doctor.‬‬

Sentences: ًُّ‫اع اٌج‬ٛٔ‫) أ‬2 (
Simple Sentences ‫طخ‬١‫جًّ ثغ‬
Compound Sentences ‫جًّ ِشوجخ‬
Complex Sentences ‫جًّ ِؼمذح‬
Simple Sentences ‫طخ‬١‫جًّ ثغ‬
:‫ادذ فمط‬ٚ ً‫ فؼ‬ٍٝ‫ ػ‬ٞٛ‫ رذز‬ٟ‫ اٌجٍّخ اٌز‬ٟ٘
I saw a boy. ) 1
The boy was riding a bicycle. ) 2

:‫طخ‬١‫ادذح ثغ‬ٚ ‫ْ جٍّخ‬ٛ‫ٓ ٌٕى‬١‫ّىٓ سثط اٌجٍّز‬٠

I saw a boy riding a bicycle.
Compound Sentences: ‫جًّ ِشوجخ‬
‫ش‬١‫ ِغزمً د‬ٕٝ‫ّب ِؼ‬ِٕٙ ً‫ٌى‬ٚ ‫ّب اٌجؼض‬ٙ‫ّب طٍخ ثجؼض‬ٌٙ ٓ١‫طز‬١‫ٓ ثغ‬١‫ رزشوت ِٓ جٍّز‬ٟ‫ اٌجٍّخ اٌز‬ٟ٘
:ً‫ّب ثذشف ػطف ِض‬ٙ‫زُ سثط‬٠
and/ but /or
‫ّب‬ٙ‫ٓ ثؼض‬١‫ّب ػاللخ ث‬ٌٙ ٓ١‫رشثط جٍّز‬: ‫ اٌؼطف‬ٚ‫ا‬ٚ and:
Ahmed did his homework yesterday. Anas helped him.
: ‫ادذح‬ٚ ‫ْ جٍّخ‬ٛ‫ٓ ٌٕى‬١‫ّىٓ سثط اٌجٍّز‬٠
Ahmed did his homework yesterday and Anas helped him.
ٓ١‫ ِزٕبلض‬ٚ‫ٓ أ‬١‫ٓ ِخزٍف‬١‫ئ‬١‫ٓ ػٓ ش‬١‫رشثط جٍّز‬: ٓ‫ ٌى‬but:
Khaled is rich. He is unhappy.
:‫ادذح‬ٚ ‫ْ جٍّخ‬ٛ‫ٓ ٌٕى‬١‫ّىٓ سثط اٌجًّر‬٠
Khaled is rich but he is unhappy.

‫بس‬١‫ّب خ‬ٙ١‫ْ ف‬ٛ‫ى‬٠ ٓ١‫رشثط جٍّز‬: ٚ‫ أ‬or:

We can play football. We can watch TV.
: ‫ادذح‬ٚ ‫ْ جٍّخ‬ٛ‫ٓ ٌٕى‬١‫ّىٓ سثط اٌجٍّز‬٠
We can play football or we can watch TV.
Complex Sentences :‫جًّ ِؼمذح‬
: ٓ١‫ ِشوجخ ِٓ جٍّز‬ٚ ‫ادذ‬ٚ ً‫ أوضش ِٓ فؼ‬ٍٝ‫ ػ‬ٞٛ‫ رذز‬ٟ‫ اٌجٍّخ اٌز‬ٟ٘
‫خ‬١‫ جٍّخ أعبع‬Main Clause
‫خ‬٠ٛٔ‫ جٍّخ صب‬Subordinate Clause :‫اع‬ٛٔ‫ صالصخ أ‬ٟ٘ٚ
Noun Clause ‫خ‬١ّ‫جٍّخ أع‬
Adjectival Clause ‫خ‬١‫طف‬ٚ ‫جٍّخ‬
Adverbial Clause ‫خ‬١‫جٍّخ ظشف‬

Clause & Phrase :‫ شجٗ اٌجٍّخ‬ٚ ‫) اٌجٍّخ‬3 (
A clause is a combination of words containing a verb and has a complete
:‫ ِضبي‬. َ‫ رب‬ٕٝ‫ب ِؼ‬ٌٙ ٚ ً‫ فؼ‬ٍٝ‫ ػ‬ٞٛ‫ػخ وٍّبد رذز‬ّٛ‫ ِج‬ٟ٘ ‫اٌجٍّخ‬
I saw the man who was carrying a stick.
A phrase is a combination of words forming part of the sentence but without a
:‫ ِضبي‬. ً‫ْ فؼ‬ٚ‫ْ جضءًا ِٓ اٌجٍّخ ثذ‬ٛ‫ػخ وٍّبد رى‬ّٛ‫شجٗ اٌجٍّخ ػجبسح ػٓ ِج‬
I saw the man carrying a stick.

“Verb to BE ْٛ‫ى‬٠ ” ً‫) فؼ‬4 (

It is used as a principal and a helping verb.
:‫ِغبػذ‬ٚ ٟ‫غ‬١‫غزخذَ وفؼً سئ‬٠
Subject Present Past Past participle
ً‫فبػ‬ ‫ِضبسع‬ ٟ‫ِبض‬ ‫ي‬ٛ‫أعُ اٌّفؼ‬
)ً‫ف اٌضبٌش ٌٍفؼ‬٠‫(اٌزظش‬
I am was been
He, She, It is was been
We, They, You are were been
. ‫ دمبئك صبثزخ‬ٚ‫ش ػٓ ػبداد أ‬١‫غخ اٌّضبسع ٌٍزؼج‬١‫ٔغزخذَ ط‬
. ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫ ف‬ٝٙ‫أز‬ٚ ً‫ء دظ‬ٟ‫ش ػٓ ش‬١‫ ٌٍزؼج‬ٟ‫غخ اٌّبض‬١‫ٔغزخذَ ط‬
:Examples ‫أِضٍخ‬
I am a pupil.
They are boys.
Negative Sentences with the verb to BE “ْٛ‫ى‬٠” ً‫خ ثبٌفؼ‬١‫اٌجًّ إٌّف‬
We make negative statements with the verb to BE by using the word not after
the verb to be.
‫ضغ وٍّخ‬ٛ‫ْ) ث‬ٛ‫ى‬٠( ً‫خ ِغ فؼ‬١‫ْ جًّ ِٕف‬ٛ‫ٔى‬
(not) . ٖ‫ثؼذ‬
Affirmative Negative
‫ئصجبد‬ ٟ‫ٔف‬
I am at home. I am not at home.
You are tall. You are not tall.

Making Questions with the verb to BE “ْٛ‫ى‬٠” ً‫ٓ اٌغإاي ِغ فؼ‬٠ٛ‫رى‬
“Yes” or “No” questions and short answers
:‫ اإلجبثبد ِخزظشح‬ٚ )‫ (ال‬ٚ )ُ‫األعئٍخ ة(ٔؼ‬
“Yes” or “No” questions Short Answers
‫ ال‬ٚ ُ‫ب ثـ ٔؼ‬ٙ‫أعئٍخ ئجبثز‬ ‫ئجبثبد ِخزظشح‬
Affirmative ‫ئصجبد‬ Negativeٟ‫ٔف‬
Be +Subject + Complement Yes + Subject + Be No + Subject + Be +
ً‫فبػ‬ ‫رىٍّخ‬ not
Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. No, I am not.
Were the boys at school? Yes, they were. No, they were not.

Verb to DO “ ًّ‫ؼ‬٠ ” ً‫) فؼ‬5 (

It is used as a principal and a helping verb.
: ‫فؼً ِغبػذ‬ٚ ٟ‫غ‬١‫غزخذَ وفؼً سئ‬٠
Subject Present Past Past participle
ً‫فبػ‬ ‫ِضبسع‬ ٟ‫ِبض‬ ‫ي‬ٛ‫أعُ اٌّفؼ‬
)ً‫ف اٌضبٌش ٌٍفؼ‬٠‫(اٌزظش‬
I, you, we, they do did done
He, She, It does did done

Verb to HAVE “ ‫ٍّه‬٠ ” ً‫) فؼ‬6 (
It is used as a principal and a helping verb.
: ‫فؼً ِغبػذ‬ٚ ٟ‫غ‬١‫غزخذَ وفؼً سئ‬٠
Subject Present Past Past participle
ً‫فبػ‬ ‫ِضبسع‬ ٟ‫ِبض‬ ‫ي‬ٛ‫أعُ اٌّفؼ‬
)ً‫ف اٌضبٌش ٌٍفؼ‬٠‫(اٌزظش‬
I, you, have had had
we, they
He, She, has had had
. ‫ دمبئك صبثزخ‬ٚ‫ش ػٓ ػبداد أ‬١‫غخ اٌّضبسع ٌٍزؼج‬١‫ٔغزخذَ ط‬
ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫ ف‬ٝٙ‫أز‬ٚ ً‫ء دظ‬ٟ‫ش ػٓ ش‬١‫ ٌٍزؼج‬ٟ‫غخ اٌّبض‬١‫ٔغزخذَ ط‬
Negative Sentences with verb to HAVE
as a main verb
ٟ‫غ‬١‫ٍّه“ وفؼً سئ‬٠” ً‫خ ِغ فؼ‬١‫اٌجًّ إٌّف‬
Subject + do/does/did + not + have + Complement
ً‫فبػ‬ ‫رىٍّخ‬
I do not have a car.
He does not have a new watch.
They did not have breakfast this morning.

Making Questions with the verb to HAVE as a main verb

ٟ‫غ‬١‫ٍّه“ وفؼً سئ‬٠” ً‫ٓ اٌغإاي ِغ فؼ‬٠ٛ‫رى‬
“Yes” or “No” questions Short Answers
‫ ال‬ٚ ُ‫ب ثـ ٔؼ‬ٙ‫أعئٍخ ئجبثز‬ ‫ئجبثبد ِخزظشح‬
Affirmative Negative
‫ئصجبد‬ ٟ‫ٔف‬
Do/Does +Subject +have + Yes + Subject + No + Subject +
/Did ً‫فبػ‬ Complement do/does/did do/does/did
‫رىٍّخ‬ +not
Do you have a car? Yes, I do. No, I do not.
Does he have a new Yes, he does. No, he does not
Did they have Breakfast Yes, they did. No, they did not.

Verb to HAVE as a helping verb
‫ٍّه “ وفؼً ِغبػذ‬٠” ً‫فؼ‬
Verb to have is used as a helping verb to form the perfect tense.
. َ‫ْ صِٓ اٌّضبسع اٌزب‬ٛ‫ى‬١ٌ ‫ٍّه وفؼً ِغبػذ‬٠ ً‫غزخذَ فؼ‬٠
: ‫أِضٍخ‬
They have lived here for two years.
Adel has just finished his work.
Negative Sentences with verb to HAVE as a helping verb
‫ٍّه“ وفؼً ِغبػذ‬٠” ً‫خ ِغ فؼ‬١‫اٌجًّ إٌّف‬
. ً‫ثؼذ ٘زا اٌفؼ‬‫ٍّه ٔضغ‬٠ ً‫ ِغ فؼ‬ٟ‫ٓ ٔف‬٠ٛ‫ٌزى‬
: ‫أِضٍخ‬
I have lived here for a long time.
I have not lived here for a long time.
Making Questions with verb to HAVE as a helping verb
‫ٍّه“ وفؼً ِغبػذ‬٠” ً‫ٓ اٌغإاي ِغ فؼ‬٠ٛ‫رى‬
“Yes” or “No” questions and short answers
: ‫ اإلجبثبد ِخزظشح‬ٚ ‫ ال‬ٚ ُ‫األعئٍخ ثـ ٔؼ‬
. ً‫ اٌفبػ‬ٍٝ‫ٍّه وفؼً ِغبػذ ٔمذَ ٘زا اٌفؼً ػ‬٠ ً‫ٓ عإاي ِغ فؼ‬٠ٛ‫ٌزى‬
: ‫ِضبي‬
They have lived here for a long time.
Have they lived here for a long time?
Yes, they have. No, they have not.

Other Uses of Verb to HAVE

“‫ٍّه‬٠” ً‫ ِغ فؼ‬ٜ‫اعزخذاِبد أخش‬
To express necessity in the present and past have to, has to, had to.
:‫ ِضبي‬.ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٚ ‫ اٌّضبسع‬ٟ‫سح ف‬ٚ‫ؼجش ػٓ اٌضش‬١ٌ
I have to leave now.
With some modal auxiliaries.
:‫ ِضبي‬.‫ِغ ثؼض األفؼبي إٌبلظخ‬
You had better see a doctor.
To show that something is caused by another person.
:‫ ِضبي‬. ‫اعطخ شخض اخش‬ٛ‫ئ ًب ِب دظً ث‬١‫ٓ أْ ش‬١‫ج‬٠‫ي‬
I have my shoes cleaned every week.

Nouns ‫) األعّبء‬7 (
Nouns are words we use to name:
: ‫ب ٌزوش‬ِٙ‫ ٔغزخذ‬ٟ‫ اٌىٍّبد اٌز‬ٟ٘ ‫األعّبء‬
. ‫س‬ٛ‫ شؼ‬، ‫ أفىبس‬، ْ‫ ِىب‬، ‫ء‬ٟ‫ ش‬، ‫ شخض‬، ٍُ‫ ػ‬، ُ‫اع‬
‫أشخبص‬ People man, father, teacher, neighbor, …
‫بء‬١‫أش‬ Things book, table, sugar, fruit, …
ٓ‫أِبو‬ Places school, street, city, house, …..
‫أفىبس‬ Ideas freedom, honesty, truth, ….
‫س‬ٛ‫شؼ‬ Feelings happiness, anger, boredom, joy, ….

Countable & Uncountable Nouns

‫دح‬ٚ‫ش اٌّؼذ‬١‫ غ‬ٚ ‫دح‬ٚ‫األعّبء اٌّؼذ‬
Countable Nouns: are things that are counted as one, two, three, and so on.
. ‫٘ىزا‬ٚ ‫ صالصخ‬، ْ‫ اصٕب‬، ‫ادذ‬ٚ ‫ّىٓ ػذ٘ب ثـ‬٠ ٟ‫بء اٌز‬١‫ األش‬ٟ٘ :‫دح‬ٚ‫األعّبء اٌّؼذ‬
Uncountable Nouns: cannot be counted.
. ‫ب‬ٍٙ‫ضغ سلُ لج‬ٚ ٓ‫ّى‬٠ ‫ ال‬ٞ‫ّىٓ ػذ٘ب أ‬٠ ‫ ال‬ٟ‫ اٌز‬ٟ٘ :‫دح‬ٚ‫ش ِؼذ‬١‫األعّبء اٌغ‬
Countable Nouns
‫دح‬ٚ‫األعّبء اٌّؼذ‬
These nouns have singular and plural forms.
.‫ جّغ‬ٚ ‫غ ِفشدح‬١‫ب ط‬ٌٙ ‫٘زٖ األعّبء‬
Before singular countable nouns you can use a/an.
َ‫غ اعزخذا‬١‫دح رغزط‬ٚ‫لجً األعّبء اٌّفشدح اٌّؼذ‬
You cannot use singular countable nouns alone without words such as:
a, an, one, my, your, his, etc.
. ‫ْ اٌىٍّبد اٌغبثمخ‬ٚ‫دح ثّفشد٘ب ثذ‬ٚ‫غ اعزخذاَ أعّبء ِفشدح ِؼذ‬١‫ال ٔغزط‬
Spelling Rules for Plurals ‫اػذ ئِالء اٌجّغ‬ٛ‫) ل‬8 (

We form plurals of most nouns by adding “s” to the singular noun.

‫ّْ اٌجّغ ِٓ ِؼظُ األعّبء ثاضبفخ‬ٛ‫ٔى‬
“s”.‫ٌالعُ اٌّفشد‬
Singular Plural
one book two books
one horse many horses

‫دـــــــــبالد خبطــــــــــــــخ‬
es ‫ب‬ٌٙ ‫ف‬١‫ ٔض‬sh, ch, z, x, s ‫ف‬ٚ‫ ثبٌذش‬ٟٙ‫ رٕز‬ٟ‫األعّبء اٌز‬
Singular Plural
match matches
bus buses
dish dishes
box boxes
ies ‫ف‬١‫ٔض‬ٚ Y ‫ رذزف‬،ٓ‫عجمٗ دشف عبو‬ٚ Y ‫ ثذشف‬ٟٙ‫ رٕز‬ٟ‫األعّبء اٌز‬
city cities
baby babies
.‫ فمط‬S ‫ف‬١‫ ٔض‬،‫عجمٗ دشف ِزذشن‬ٚ Y ‫ ثذشف‬ٟٙ‫ رٕز‬ٟ‫األعّبء اٌز‬
boy boys
key keys
es ‫ف‬١‫ ٔض‬،ٓ‫عجمٗ دشف عبو‬ٚ o ‫ ثذشف‬ٟٙ‫ رٕز‬ٟ‫األعّبء اٌز‬
potato potatoes
tomato tomatoes
.‫فمط‬ s ‫ف‬١‫ ٔض‬،‫عجمٗ دشف ِزذشن‬ٚ o ‫ ثذشف‬ٟٙ‫ رٕز‬ٟ‫األعّبء اٌز‬
radio radios
zoo zoos
es ‫ف‬١‫ٔض‬ٚ ، v ‫ دشف‬ٌٝ‫ب ئ‬ٌٙٛ‫ ٔذ‬fe ٚ‫ أ‬f ‫ ثذشف‬ٟٙ‫ رٕز‬ٟ‫األعّبء اٌز‬
knife knives
shelf shelves
:‫ش‬١‫األعّبء اٌّشوجخ رجّغ دغت االعُ األخ‬
classroom classrooms
policeman policemen
:‫ٕ٘بن ثؼض األعّبء اٌشبرح‬
Singular Plural
man men
woman women
child children
person people
foot feet
tooth teeth
goose geese
mouse mice

Definite & Indefinite Articles‫ إٌىشح‬ٚ ‫ف‬٠‫اد اٌزؼش‬ٚ‫) أد‬10 (
are used as indefinite articles. .‫اد ٔىشح‬ٚ‫رغزخذِبْ وأد‬
is used as definite articles. ‫ف‬٠‫رغزخذَ وأداح ٌٍزؼش‬
We put “a” before a noun starting with a constant sound.
.ٓ‫ رجذأ ثذشف عبو‬ٟ‫ لجً األعّبء اٌز‬a ‫ٔضغ‬
We put “an” before a noun starting with a vowel sound.
.‫ رجذأ ثذشف ِزذشن‬ٟ‫ لجً األعّبء اٌز‬an ‫ٔضغ‬
Indefinite Articles “a” & “an” ‫اد إٌىشح‬ٚ‫أد‬
We put “a” before a noun starting with a constant sound.
.ٓ‫ رجذأ ثذشف عبو‬ٟ‫ٔضغ لجً األعّبء اٌز‬
We put “an” before a noun starting with a vowel sound.
.‫ رجذأ ثذشف ِزذشن‬ٟ‫لجً األعّبء اٌز‬ ‫ٔضغ‬
Vowels : ‫ف اٌّزذشوخ‬ٚ‫اٌذش‬
a, e, i, o , u
We use a/an
Before a singular countable noun. ‫لجً األعّبء اٌّفشدح‬ a table
.‫دح‬ٚ‫اٌّؼذ‬ an egg
Before a job, a particular group of people ‫ػخ‬ّٛ‫ ِج‬ٚ‫فخ أ‬١‫ظ‬ٌٛ‫لجً ا‬ Saleh is a doctor
or a nationality. ٚ‫ٕخ ِٓ إٌبط أ‬١‫ِؼ‬ He is an engineer. She is
.‫خ‬١‫اٌجٕغ‬ an English woman.
With numbers that mean every. “ً‫ ”و‬ٟٕ‫ رؼ‬ٟ‫ ِغ األسلبَ اٌز‬He washes his hands ten
times a day. (means
every day).

We DO NOT use a/an

No article is used with abstract Love, beauty, hatred, wood,
nouns and the names of metals. ‫ أداح ِغ األعّبء‬ٞ‫ال رغزخذَ أ‬ silver, gold
.ْ‫ أعّبء اٌّؼبد‬ٚ ‫خ‬٠ٕٛ‫اٌّؼ‬
No article is used before plural or There are books on the table.
uncountable nouns. ٚ‫ أداح لجً اٌجّغ أ‬ٞ‫ال رغزخذَ أ‬ Milk is good for you.
.‫دح‬ٚ‫ش ِؼذ‬١‫األعّبء اٌغ‬

The Definite Article “The”“‫ف ”أي‬٠‫اد اٌزؼش‬ٚ‫) أد‬11 (
ً‫ف ”أي“ لج‬٠‫ رغزخذَ أداح اٌزؼش‬The is used before:
A noun that is the only one of its ٜٛ‫ػٗ ع‬ٛٔ ِٓ ‫جذ‬ٛ٠ ‫ ال‬ٞ‫االعُ اٌز‬ The river Nile
kind. .‫ادذ فمط‬ٚ The Ka’aba
Names of rivers, seas, oceans, .‫اٌخ‬........‫ اٌجذبس‬ٚ ‫بس‬ٙٔ‫أعّبء األ‬ The Arabian Gulf
etc…. The Red Sea
A noun which is the object of a .‫ي ثٗ ٌجٍّخ‬ٛ‫ْ ِفؼ‬ٛ‫ى‬٠ ٞ‫االعُ اٌز‬ Umar answered the
sentence. question.
The names of musical .‫خ‬١‫م‬١‫ع‬ٌّٛ‫الد ا‬٢‫أعّبء ا‬ Can you play the
instruments. piano?
Names of some countries. .ْ‫أعّبء ثؼض اٌجٍذا‬ The United Kingdom
The U.S.A.
With some time expressions. .‫لذ‬ٌٛ‫ ا‬ٍٝ‫ش اٌذاٌخ ػ‬١‫ِغ ثؼض اٌزؼبث‬ at the weekend
in the evening
With dates. .‫خ‬٠‫اس‬ٛ‫ِغ اٌز‬ On the first day of
every month.
With some general expressions. .‫شاد اٌؼبِخ‬١‫ِغ ثؼض اٌزؼج‬ Listen to the
Go to the
Use article with the name that is ٞ‫ف أي ِغ االعُ اٌز‬٠‫ ٔغزخذَ أداح اٌزؼش‬I saw a man. The man
repeated. .‫خ‬١ٔ‫روش ٌٍّشح اٌضب‬ was young.
No article is used with the ‫اد‬ٌّٛ‫ أداح ِغ أعّبء ا‬ٞ‫ال رغزخذَ أ‬ I do not like science.
names of studies of subjects. .‫خ‬١‫اٌذساع‬ My favorite subject is
No article is used before such ‫ٕخ‬١‫ أداح لجً أعّبء ِؼ‬ٞ‫ال رغزخذَ أ‬ I am going to school.
words as school, home, bed, ....ًّ‫ ػ‬،‫ش‬٠‫ عش‬،‫ ِٕضي‬،‫ِضً ِذسعخ‬ I always go to bed
work, etc. early.
No article is used before such ‫ٕخ‬١‫ أداح ِغ أعّبء ِؼ‬ٞ‫ال رغزخذَ أ‬ on Monday, in June
words such as day and month . ‫س‬ٛٙ‫ اٌش‬ٚ َ‫ب‬٠‫ِضً األ‬ in summer (sometimes
names. in the summer).
before breakfast.

Pronouns ‫) اٌضّبئش‬12 (
A pronoun replaces a noun. ُ‫ذً ِذً االع‬٠ ‫ش‬١ّ‫اٌض‬
Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns Possessive Possessive Reflexive
ً‫ضّبئش اٌفبػ‬ ٗ‫ي ث‬ٛ‫ضّبئش اٌّفؼ‬ Adjectives Pronouns Pronouns
‫خ‬١‫طفبد اٌٍّى‬ ‫خ‬١‫ضّبئش اٌٍّى‬ ‫ضّبئش االٔؼىبط‬
I me my mine myself
you you your yours yourself
he him his his himself
she her her hers herself
it it its its itself
we us our ours ourselves
you you your yours yourselves
they them their theirs themselves

: Object Pronouns ٗ‫ي ث‬ٛ‫ضّبئش اٌّفؼ‬

We use an object pronoun ٗ‫ي ث‬ٛ‫ش اٌّفؼ‬١ّ‫ٔغزخذَ ض‬

After a preposition. ‫ف اٌجش‬ٚ‫ثؼذ دش‬

Do you live near them?
Send the box directly to me.
After to and for with verbs like make, give, send, lend, pass, take, show.
The little boy made it for her.

Reflexive Pronouns ‫خ‬١‫ضّبئش االٔؼىبع‬

Reflexive pronouns are used: ‫خ‬١‫ٔغزخذَ ضّبئشاإلٔؼىبع‬
for emphasis ‫ذ‬١‫ٌٍزأو‬
Did you do the decorations yourself ?
I did the painting myself.
With some special expressions ‫ش اٌخبطخ‬١‫ِغ ثؼض اٌزؼبث‬
Help yourself.
Enjoy yourself.
Behave yourself.
I live by myself. (I live alone)

‫ضّبئش اٌ‪ٛ‬طً ‪Relative Pronouns‬‬
‫‪The relative pronouns are used to join sentences together.‬‬
‫رغزخذَ ضّبئش اٌ‪ٛ‬طً ٌشثط اٌجًّ ثؼض‪ٙ‬ب ثجؼض‪.‬‬
‫‪ٌ ٚ‬شثط اٌجًّ ارجغ اٌخط‪ٛ‬اد ا‪٢‬ر‪١‬خ‪:‬‬
‫‪ٔ -1‬جذش ػٓ وٍّخ ِزىشسح ف‪ ٟ‬اٌجٍّخ اٌضبٔ‪١‬خ صُ ٔجذش ػٓ ِ‪ٛ‬لؼ‪ٙ‬ب ‪.‬‬
‫فارا وبٔذ فبػالً ػبلالً ٔغزؼًّ‪who‬‬
‫‪ٔ ٚ‬ؼشف رٌه ث‪ٛ‬ج‪ٛ‬د اٌىٍّخ ثؼذ اٌفؼً ‪ ٚ .‬ئرا وبٔذ غ‪١‬ش‬ ‫‪which‬‬ ‫ال ٔغزؼًّ‬
‫‪ٚ‬ئرا وبٔذ ِفؼ‪ً ٛ‬ال ثٗ ػبل ً‬
‫ػبلً ٔغزؼًّ ‪. that‬‬
‫أِب ‪ whose‬فزغزخذَ ثذي أ‪ ٞ‬وٍّخ ِٓ اٌىٍّبد اٌغبثمخ ئال إٔٔب ال ٔفضً اعزؼّبٌ‪ٙ‬ب ف‪ ٟ‬جّ‪١‬غ اٌجًّ ‪.‬‬
‫‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ٚ‬ئرا وبٔذ ٌٍٍّى‪١‬خ ٔغزؼًّ وٍّخ‬
‫‪ -2‬ادزف اٌىٍّخ اٌّزىشسح ِٓ اٌجٍّخ اٌضبٔ‪١‬خ ‪ٚ‬ضغ االعُ اٌز‪ ٞ‬دزفذ ِضٍٗ ف‪ ٟ‬اٌجٍّخ األ‪.ٌٝٚ‬‬

‫‪ Who‬انذي ‪ ،‬انتي "نهفاعم انعاقم"‬

‫رغزخذَ ‪ٌ who‬زذً ِذً اٌفبػً اٌؼبلً ‪ ٚ‬طجؼ ًب ٔؼشف اٌفبػً ث‪ٛ‬ج‪ٛ‬دٖ أ‪ٚ‬ي اٌجٍّخ ‪ .‬الدظ اٌّضبي اٌزبٌ‪:ٟ‬‬
‫‪Here is the man. The man is a doctor.‬‬
‫ٔذزف وٍّخ ‪ ِٓ The Man‬اٌجٍّخ اٌضبٔ‪١‬خ ‪ٔ ٚ‬ضغ ثذ ًال ِٕ‪ٙ‬ب ‪ who‬صُ ٔضغ اٌجٍّخ اٌضبٔ‪١‬خ ثؼذ اٌىٍّخ‬
‫اٌز‪ ٟ‬دزفٕب ِضٍ‪ٙ‬ب ف‪ ٟ‬اٌجٍّخ األ‪ ٌٝٚ‬فزظجخ‪:‬‬
‫‪Here is the man who is a doctor.‬‬
‫‪1) The man came here. The man is a doctor.‬‬
‫‪The man who came here is a doctor‬‬
‫‪2) My friend swims well. He lives here.‬‬
‫‪My friend who lives here swims well.‬‬

‫‪ Whom‬انذي ‪ ،‬انتي "نهمفعول به انعاقم"‬

‫رغزؼًّ ‪ٌ whom‬زذً ِذً اٌّفؼ‪ٛ‬ي ثٗ اٌؼبلً ‪ ٚ‬طجؼ ًب ٔؼشف اٌّفؼ‪ٛ‬ي ثٗ ث‪ٛ‬ج‪ٛ‬دٖ ثؼذ اٌفؼً ‪ .‬الدظ‬
‫اٌّضبي اٌذاٌ‪:ٟ‬‬
‫‪The man came here. I visited him.‬‬
‫ٔذزف وٍّخ ‪ ِٓ him‬اٌجٍّخ اٌضبٔ‪١‬خ صُ ٔضغ ‪ whom‬أ‪ٚ‬ي اٌجٍّخ اٌضبٔ‪١‬خ‪ٔٚ ،‬ضغ االعُ اٌّ‪ٛ‬ط‪ٛ‬ي ‪ٚ‬‬
‫اٌجٍّخ اٌضبٔ‪١‬خ ثؼذ اٌىٍّخ اٌز‪ ٟ‬دزفٕب ِضٍ‪ٙ‬ب (اٌز‪٠ ٟ‬ؼ‪ٛ‬د ئٌ‪ٙ١‬ب اٌضّ‪١‬ش) فزظجخ‪:‬‬
‫‪The man whom I visited came here.‬‬
‫‪1) The man was working with me. I paid him.‬‬
‫‪The man whom I paid was working with me.‬‬
‫‪2) This is the girl. You gave her a flower.‬‬
‫‪This is the girl whom you gave a flower.‬‬

"‫ "انتي نهجماد انفاعم أو انمفعول به‬، ‫ انذي‬Which
‫ي اٌجٍّخ أِب‬ٚ‫دٖ أ‬ٛ‫ج‬ٛ‫ طجؼ ًب ٔؼشف اٌفبػً ث‬ٚ ً‫ش ػبل‬١‫ي اٌغ‬ٛ‫ اٌّفؼ‬ٚ‫ ٌزذً ِذً اٌفبػً أ‬which ًّ‫رغزؼ‬
:ٌٟ‫ الدظ اٌّضبي اٌزب‬.ً‫جذ ثؼذ اٌفؼ‬ٛ١‫ي ثٗ ف‬ٛ‫اٌّفؼ‬
He found his book. He lost it yesterday.
‫ي اٌجُ ٌخ‬ٚ‫ أ‬ٟ‫ ف‬which ‫ب‬ِٕٙ ‫ ٔضغ ثذ ًال‬ٚ ‫ب‬ٙ‫ فٕذزف‬his book ‫ وٍّخ‬ٍٝ‫د ػ‬ٛ‫ رؼ‬him ‫ أْ وٍّخ‬ٜ‫ٔش‬
)‫ش‬١ّ‫ب اٌض‬ٙ١ٌ‫د ئ‬ٛ‫ؼ‬٠ ٟ‫ب (اٌز‬ٍٙ‫ دزفٕب ِض‬ٟ‫خ ثؼذ اٌىٍّخ اٌز‬١ٔ‫ اٌجٍّخ اٌضب‬ٚ ‫ي‬ٛ‫ط‬ٌّٛ‫خ صُ ٔضغ االعُ ا‬١ٔ‫اٌضب‬
He found his book which he lost yesterday.
1) This is the house. I live in it.
This is the house which I live in.
2) This book is cheap. It is very useful.
This book which is very useful is cheap.

‫ انتي نهعاقم وغير انعاقم فاعم أو مفعول بة‬، ‫ انذي‬That

. ‫ب‬ٙ‫ أداح عجك ششد‬ٞ‫ رذً ِذً أ‬ٞ‫ش ػبلً أ‬١‫ غ‬ٚ ً‫ي ثٗ اٌؼبل‬ٛ‫ اٌّفؼ‬ٚ‫ ٌزذً ِذً اٌفبػً أ‬that ًّ‫رغزؼ‬
:‫خ‬١ٌ‫الدظ األِضٍخ اٌزب‬
This is the boy. You met her.
This is the boy that (whom) you met.
I have a bird. It sings.
I have a bird that (which) sings.
"‫ انتي "نهمهكية‬، ‫ انذي‬Whose

:ٌٟ‫ الدظ اٌّضبي اٌزب‬.‫خ‬١‫ ٌٍٍّى‬whose ًّ‫رغزؼ‬

This is the man. His car hit the boy.
This is the man whose car hit the boy.

‫ي‬ٛ‫ط‬ٌّٛ‫ ٔضغ ثذالً ِٕٗ االعُ ا‬ٚ ‫خ‬١‫ش اٌٍّى‬١ّ‫ فٕذزف ض‬the man ‫وخ ٌـ‬ٍِّٛ car ‫ٕ٘ب ٔجذ أْ وٍّخ‬
car ‫ صُ ٔضغ ثؼذ٘ب وٍّخ‬whose

Making Questions ‫ٓ األعئٍخ‬٠ٛ‫) رى‬13 (
:‫خ‬٠‫ اٌجذا‬ٟ‫ عإاي ٔضغ اٌفؼً اٌّغبػذ ف‬ٌٝ‫خ ئ‬٠‫ً اٌجٍّخ اٌخجش‬٠ٛ‫ٌزذ‬
Helping Verbs :ٟ٘ ‫األفؼبي اٌّغبػذح‬
am – is – are – was – were – have – has – had – will – would – shall – should
– can – could – may – might – must – ought to
: ‫أِضٍخ‬
Are they doctors? They are doctors.
Can they help us? Can she help us?
Will you go to the market?
‫ىٓ ثبٌجٍّخ فؼً ِغبػذ‬٠ ٌُ ‫ئرا‬
: do َ‫ ٔغزخذ‬s ْٚ‫) ِغ اٌفؼً اٌّضبسع ثذ‬1
: ‫أِضٍخ‬
They play tennis. Do they play tennis?
I write books. Do you write books?
: does َ‫ ٔغزخذ‬s ٗ‫ ث‬ٞ‫) ِغ اٌفؼً اٌّضبسع اٌز‬2
: ‫أِضٍخ‬
Ahmed plays tennis. Does Ahmed play tennis? ِ
Huda watches TV. Does Huda watch TV?

: َ‫ ٔغزخذ‬ٟ‫) ِغ اٌفؼً اٌّبض‬3

: ‫أِضٍخ‬
They watched TV last night.
Did they watch TV last night?

I played football yesterday.

Did you play football yesterday?
.‫ب ٌُ رجذأ ثأداح عإاي‬ٙٔ‫ رٌه أل‬ٚ no ٚ‫ أ‬yes ‫ب ثـ‬ٙ‫ْ ئجبثز‬ٛ‫غ األعئٍخ اٌغبثمخ رى‬١ّ‫ ج‬
ٟ‫ اٌز‬ٚ ‫خ‬١ٌ‫اد اٌغإاي اٌزب‬ٚ‫ أد‬ٜ‫جذأ ثادذ‬٠ ْ‫جت أ‬١‫ٕخ ف‬١‫ِخ ِؼ‬ٍٛ‫ذف ِٓ اٌغإاي ئػطبء ِؼ‬ٌٙ‫ ئرا وبْ ا‬
wh question :ّٝ‫رغ‬

‫‪Wh Questions‬‬
‫?‪Where‬‬ ‫أ‪ٓ٠‬‬ ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌّىبْ‬
‫?‪When‬‬ ‫ِز‪ٝ‬‬ ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌضِبْ‬
‫?‪Why‬‬ ‫ٌّبرا‬ ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌغجت‬
‫?‪What‬‬ ‫ِب ‪ِ /‬برا‬ ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ ش‪ٟ‬ء‬
‫?‪Which‬‬ ‫أ‪ٞ‬‬ ‫ٌالخز‪١‬بس ث‪ ٓ١‬ش‪١‬ئ‪ٓ١‬‬
‫?‪Who‬‬ ‫ِٓ‬ ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ فبػً ػبلً‬
‫?‪Whom‬‬ ‫ِٓ‬ ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ ِفؼ‪ٛ‬ي ثٗ ػبلً‬
‫?‪Whose‬‬ ‫ٌّٓ‬ ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌٍّى‪١‬خ‬
‫?‪How‬‬ ‫و‪١‬ف‬ ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌذبٌخ‬
‫?‪How many‬‬ ‫وُ ػذد‬ ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌؼذد‬
‫?‪How much‬‬ ‫وُ وّ‪١‬خ‬ ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌىّ‪١‬خ‬
‫?‪How long‬‬ ‫وُ ط‪ٛ‬ي‬ ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌط‪ٛ‬ي‬
‫?‪How old‬‬ ‫وُ ػّش‬ ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌؼّش‬
‫?‪How far‬‬ ‫وُ ثؼذ‬ ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌّغبفخ‬

‫خط‪ٛ‬اد رى‪ ٓ٠ٛ‬اٌغإاي‬

‫‪ )1‬اخزش أداح اٌغإاي إٌّبعجخ ٌٍجضء اٌّشاد اٌغإاي ػٕٗ‪ِ ،‬ضً ‪:‬‬
‫‪When, Where, Why………..etc‬‬
‫‪ )2‬ضغ اٌفؼً اٌّغبػذ ‪( helping verb‬ئْ ‪ٚ‬جذ) لجً اٌفبػً أ‪ ٞ‬ثؼذ أداح اٌغإاي ِجبششح‪.‬‬
‫‪ )3‬ئرا ٌُ ‪٠‬ىٓ ثبٌجٍّخ فؼً ِغبػذ اعزخذَ‪:‬‬
‫* ِغ اٌفؼً اٌّضبسع ثذ‪ٔ s ْٚ‬غزخذَ ‪do‬‬
‫* ِغ اٌفؼً اٌّضبسع اٌز‪ ٞ‬ثٗ ‪ٔ s‬غزخذَ ‪does‬‬
‫* ِغ اٌفؼً اٌّبض‪ٔ ٟ‬غزخذَ ‪did‬‬
‫‪ )4‬ضغ اٌفبػً ثؼذ اٌفؼً اٌّغبػذ ع‪ٛ‬اء اٌّ‪ٛ‬ج‪ٛ‬د ثبٌجٍّخ أطالً أ‪ٚ‬اٌز‪ ٟ‬اعزخذِٕب٘ب ِٓ ػٕذٔب ِغ ِالدظخ‬
‫ئػبدح اٌفؼً ئٌ‪ ٝ‬أطٍٗ أ‪ ٞ‬رظش‪٠‬فٗ األ‪ٚ‬ي‪.‬‬
‫‪ )5‬ادزف اٌجضء اٌّشاد اٌغإاي ػٕٗ ألٔٗ ج‪ٛ‬اة اٌغإاي ‪.‬‬

: ‫أِضٍخ‬
They are going to eat meat.
What are they going to eat?
ٍٝ‫اة ػ‬ٛ‫ب اٌج‬ٙٔ‫ أل‬meat ‫ اٌفؼً اٌّغبػذ صُ دزفٕب وٍّخ‬ٟ٘ ‫ب‬ٙٔ‫ أل‬they ٍٝ‫ ػ‬are ‫* الدظ إٔٔب لذِٕب‬
They played tennis at school.
Where did they play tennis?
ِٓ ed ‫ض ًب دزف‬٠‫ الدظ أ‬ٚ . ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫ ألْ اٌفؼً ف‬ٚ ‫د فؼً ِغبػذ‬ٛ‫ج‬ٚ َ‫ ٌؼذ‬did ‫* الدظ إٔٔب اعزخذِٕب‬
.‫ اٌغإاي‬ٍٝ‫اة ػ‬ٛ‫ب اٌج‬ٙٔ‫ أل‬at school ‫ الدظ إٔٔب دزفٕب‬ٚ .ٍٗ‫ أط‬ٌٝ‫ايفؼً إلػبدرٗ أ‬
: ً‫ ِض‬ٕٝ‫ رزٕبعت ِغ اٌّؼ‬ٟ‫ش ثؼض اٌضّبئش ٌى‬١١‫الدظ رغ‬
I ‫ رظجخ‬you you ‫ رظجخ‬I
we ‫ رظجخ‬my you ‫ رظجخ‬your
ْ‫ئرا وب‬ ‫ئرا وبْ اٌغإاي ػٓ اٌفبػً ال ٔغزخذَ فؼالً ِغبػذاً ِٓ ػٕذٔب ثً ٔضغ أداح اٌغإاي‬
:‫ أِضٍخ‬. ً‫ش ػبلال‬١‫ئرا وبْ اٌفؼً غ‬ ٚ ‫ال‬
ً ‫اٌفبػً ػبل‬
Who broke the window? Ahmed broke the window.
What describes accidents? The book describes accidents.
How ‫اعزؼّبالد‬
He was very pleased when he met his ٚ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌذبٌخ أ‬ How
friend. ‫خ‬١‫ف‬١‫اٌى‬
How was he when he met his friend?
‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌؼذد‬ How
Thirty boys are in this class. many
How many boys are in this class?
I am twenty years old. ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌؼّش‬ How old
How old are you?
You paid five pounds for this coat. ‫خ‬١ّ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌى‬ How
How much did you pay for this coat? much
It is 450 KM from Dammam to ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اٌّغبفبد‬ How far
How far is it from Dammam to
This rope is two meters long. ‫اي‬ٛ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ األط‬ How long
How long is this rope?
This fence is four meters high. ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ اإلسرفبػبد‬ How high
How high is this fence?
Sami is one meter and a half tall. ‫اي‬ٛ‫ٌٍغإاي ػٓ أط‬ How tall
How tall is Sami? ‫األشخبص‬

some / any ٞ‫ أ‬/ ‫) ثؼض‬14 (
. ‫ اٌغإاي‬ٚ‫خ أ‬١‫غذ إٌّف‬١ٌ ٚ ‫خ‬٠‫ اٌجًّ اٌخجش‬ٟ‫ب ف‬ٙ‫ار‬ٛ‫ أخ‬ٚ some َ‫رغزخذ‬
1) We have some books. 2) Somebody was there.
3) He is somewhere.
.ٟ‫ إٌف‬ٚ ‫ب ِغ اٌغإاي‬ٙ‫ار‬ٛ‫ أخ‬ٚ any َ‫رغزخذ‬ٚ
:‫ِغ اٌغإاي‬
1) Do you have any books? 2) Is anybody at home?
3) Is he anywhere?
:ٟ‫ِغ إٌف‬

1) We do not have any books. 2) I did not see anybody.

3) He is not anywhere.

Making Negative ٟ‫ٓ إٌف‬٠ٛ‫) رى‬15 (

:‫ ثؼذ اٌفؼً اٌّغبػذ‬not ‫ ٔضغ وٍّخ‬ٟ‫ ٔف‬ٌٝ‫خ ئ‬٠‫ً اٌجٍّخ اٌخجش‬٠ٛ‫ٌزذ‬

Helping Verbs are: :ٟ٘ ‫األفؼبي اٌّغبػذح‬

am – is – are – was – were – have – has – had – will – would – shall – should –
can – could – may – might – must – ought to
: ‫أِضٍخ‬
They are happy. They are not happy.
He can help us. He can not help us.
Long forms & Short forms of Verb to be
(Affirmative)‫في اإلثبات‬ (Negative) ‫في النفي‬
Long Forms Short.Forms Long Short Forms
(written) (spoken) Forms (spoken)
I am I’m (written)
He is He’s I am not I’m not
She is She’s He is not He’s not
It is It’s She is not She’s not
You are You’re It is not It’s not
We are We’re You are You’re not
They are They’re not
We are not We’re not
They are They’re not

.‫ ثفؼً ِغبػذ ِٓ ػٕذٔب‬ٟ‫ اٌجٍّخ فؼً ِغبػذ فٕأر‬ٟ‫ىٓ ف‬٠ ٌُ ‫ئرا‬
ٞ‫ أطٍٗ أ‬ٌٝ‫ ثؼذٖ ِغ ِالدظخ ئػبدح اٌفؼً ئ‬not ‫( صُ ٔضغ‬do , does , did) :ٟ٘ ‫٘زٖ األفؼبي اٌّغبػذح‬ٚ
.‫ي‬ٚ‫ف األ‬٠‫اٌزظش‬

: ٌٟ‫ي اٌزب‬ٚ‫ اٌجذ‬ٟ‫ اٌىٍّخ وّب ف‬ٟ‫ اٌجٍّخ ثٕف‬ٟ‫ اٌجٍّخ فٕٕف‬ٟ‫خ ف‬١‫ر‬٢‫ اٌىٍّبد ا‬ٜ‫ ئرا وبٔذ ئدذ‬:‫ِالدظخ‬
Affirmative ‫اصجبد‬ Negative ٟ‫ٔف‬
some‫ثؼض‬ no, any
both……and ٚ....ِٓ ً‫و‬ neither………….nor
either…..or ٚ‫أ‬......‫ئِب‬ neither………….nor
sometimes ‫بًٔب‬١‫أد‬ never
as………as ً‫ِض‬.......ٍٗ‫ِض‬ not so…………..as
all ً‫و‬ not all
every ً‫و‬ no, not every

TENSES ‫) األصِٕخ‬16 (
Present Simple Tense ‫ط‬١‫اٌّضبسع اٌجغ‬
(What always happens?)
. ‫ اٌذمبئك‬ٚ ‫ اٌمذساد‬ٚ ‫ذ‬١ٌ‫ اٌزمب‬ٚ ‫ش ػٓ اٌؼبداد‬١‫غزخذَ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ٌٍزؼج‬٠
. ‫ اٌفؼً اٌّجشد‬ٞ‫ي ٌٍفؼً أ‬ٚ‫ف األ‬٠‫ْ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ِٓ اٌزظش‬ٛ‫زى‬٠
: ً‫ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ػبدح ِغ وٍّبد ِض‬ٟ‫أر‬٠
everyً‫و‬ always ‫دائًّب‬ usually ‫ػبدح‬
generally ‫ًِب‬ّٛ‫ ػ‬often ‫غبٌجًب‬ sometimes ‫بًٔب‬١‫أد‬
rarely ‫ٔبدسا‬ never ‫أثذًا‬ from time to time
‫خش‬٢ ٓ١‫ِٓ د‬
: ‫أِضٍخ‬
I go to school everyday.
They usually sleep at 11.00 p.m.
We often drink coffee in the morning.
She is never late to school.
. ً‫بدح ٌٍفؼ‬٠‫ف ص‬١‫ ئرا وبْ اٌفبػً ِفشد غبئت ٔض‬:‫ِالدظخ‬
Ali drinks milk every morning.
A cow gives us milk.

Past Simple Tense ‫ط‬١‫ اٌجغ‬ٟ‫اٌّبض‬
(What happened yesterday?)
.ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫لغ ف‬ٚ ‫ش ػٓ دذس‬١‫غزخذَ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ٌٍزؼج‬٠
Irregular ‫ش ِٕزظّخ‬١‫ ِغ ِالدظخ األفؼبي اٌغ‬ed ‫ ئضبفخ‬ٞ‫ ٌٍفؼً أ‬ٟٔ‫ف اٌضب‬٠‫ْ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ِٓ اٌزظش‬ٛ‫زى‬٠
: ً‫ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ػبدح ِغ وٍّبد ِض‬ٟ‫أر‬٠

yesterday ‫أِظ‬ last ٟ‫اٌّبض‬ ago ٝ‫ِض‬

in 1988 AD, in 1415 AH:ً‫ ِض‬ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫خ ف‬٠‫ ربس‬ٞ‫ أ‬ٚ‫أ‬

was I, He, She, it

were They, We, You
: ‫أِضٍخ‬
I watched television last night.
They visited their uncle yesterday.
We went to Makkah two months ago.
Future Simple Tense ‫ط‬١‫اٌّغزمجً اٌجغ‬
(What will happen tomorrow, next week, in the future?)
. ً‫ اٌّغزمج‬ٟ‫صٗ ف‬ٚ‫لغ دذ‬ٛ‫ش ػٓ دذس ِز‬١‫غزخذَ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ٌٍزؼج‬٠
.ً‫ي ٌٍفؼ‬ٚ‫ف األ‬٠‫ صُ اٌزظش‬shall ٚ‫ ا‬will ِٓ ِٓ‫ْ ٘زا اٌض‬ٛ‫زى‬٠
.‫ اٌضّبئش‬ٟ‫ ِغ ثبل‬ٟ‫ فزأر‬will ‫ أِب‬We ٚ I ٍُ‫ش اٌّزى‬١ّ‫ ِغ ض‬shall ٟ‫رأر‬
.‫غ اٌضُ ائش‬١ّ‫ب ِغ ج‬ٌٙ‫ ثذ‬will ‫لذ دٍذ وٍّخ‬ٚ ‫ضخ‬٠‫خ اٌذذ‬٠‫ض‬١ٍ‫ اإلٔج‬ٟ‫ب ف‬ِٙ‫ ٔذس اعزخذا‬shall ٓ‫ٌى‬ٚ
: ً‫ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ػبدح ِغ وٍّبد ِض‬ٟ‫أر‬٠
tomorrowً‫غذا‬ next َ‫اٌمبد‬ in the future ً‫ اٌّغزمج‬ٟ‫ف‬
in 2010 AD, in 1430 AH : ً‫ ِض‬ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫خ ف‬٠‫ ربس‬ٞ‫ أ‬ٚ‫أ‬

: ‫أِضٍخ‬
I will go to school tomorrow.
They will play football next Friday.
He will join the army in the future.
: َ‫ط ثبعزخذا‬١‫ٓ أخش ٌٍّغزمجً اٌجغ‬٠ٛ‫ٕ٘بن رى‬
am , is , are going to

Present Continuous Tense ‫اٌّضبسع اٌّغزّش‬
(What is happening now?)
. ‫ْ فمط‬٢‫مغ ا‬٠ ‫ش ػٓ دذس‬١‫غزخذَ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ٌٍزؼج‬٠
: ِٓ ِٓ‫ْ ٘زا اٌض‬ٛ‫زى‬٠
am / is / are +ً‫ فؼ‬+ ing
I am + verb + ing
He, she, it is + verb + ing
They, we, you are + verb + ing
: ً‫ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ػبدح ِغ وٍّبد ِض‬ٟ‫أر‬٠
now ْ٢‫ا‬ at the moment ‫ ٘زٖ اٌٍذظخ‬ٟ‫ف‬ look ‫أظش‬
at the present time ‫لذ اٌذبضش‬ٌٛ‫ ا‬ٟ‫ف‬ listen ‫اعزّغ‬

: ‫أِضٍخ‬
I am reading at the moment.
They are watching television now.
Look! The bus is coming.

Present Continuous Tense ‫اٌّضبسع اٌّغزّش‬

‫٘زٖ األفؼبي رؼجش‬ٚ ‫ اٌّغزّش‬ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٚ‫اء اٌّضبسع اٌّغزّش أ‬ٛ‫ االعزّشاس ع‬ٟ‫ّىٓ أْ رمغ ف‬٠ ‫ثؼض األفؼبي ال‬
: ‫ِٓ ٘زٖ األفؼبي‬ٚ ‫اإلدغبط‬ٚ ٜ‫األر‬ٚ ‫س‬ٛ‫ػٓ اٌشؼ‬

like ‫ذت‬٠ love ‫ذت‬٠ want ‫ذ‬٠‫ش‬٠ prefer ً‫فض‬٠

wish ّٕٝ‫ز‬٠ hate ٖ‫ىش‬٠ dislike ٖ‫ىش‬٠ feel ‫شؼش‬٠
hope ًِ‫أ‬٠ hear ‫غّغ‬٠ think ‫ؼزمذ‬٠ seem ٚ‫جذ‬٠
appear ‫ش‬ٙ‫ظ‬٠ fear ٝ‫خش‬٠ ‫ؼزجش‬٠ ‫ٕبعت‬٠ fit
believe ‫ظذق‬٠ trust ‫ضك‬٠ understand ُٙ‫ف‬٠

Past Continuous Tense ‫ اٌّغزّش‬ٟ‫اٌّبض‬

(What was happening?…)
. ‫ع فؼً أخش‬ٛ‫ل‬ٚ ‫ أصٕبء‬ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫لغ ف‬ٚ ً‫ش ػٓ فؼ‬١‫غزخذَ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ٌٍزؼج‬٠
: ِٓ ِٓ‫ْ ٘زا اٌض‬ٛ‫زى‬٠
was / were +ً‫ فؼ‬+ ing
: ً‫ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ػبدح ِغ وٍّبد ِض‬ٟ‫أر‬٠
when ‫ػٕذِب‬ while ‫ّٕب‬١‫ث‬ as ْ‫ش أ‬١‫د‬ because ْ‫أل‬
. ٗ‫ص‬ٚ‫لغ أصٕبء دذ‬ٚ ٞ‫ اٌز‬ٞ‫ اٌّغزّش أ‬ٟ‫ رخًٍ اٌّبض‬ٞ‫ اٌز‬ٚ ‫ط‬١‫ اٌجغ‬ٟ‫ ِؼٗ صِٓ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫أر‬٠ ‫٘زا اٌضِٓ ػبدح ِب‬

‫اٌّبض‪ ٟ‬اٌّغزّش ‪Past Continuous Tense‬‬
‫أِضٍخ ‪:‬‬
‫‪While I was sleeping, a thief entered my room.‬‬
‫ِبض‪ِ ٟ‬غزّش‬ ‫ِبض‪ ٟ‬ثغ‪١‬ط‬
‫(ث‪ّٕ١‬ب وٕذ ٔبئّ ًب ‪ ،‬دخً ٌض غشفز‪٘ ) ٟ‬زٖ اٌجٍّخ رذز‪ ٞٛ‬ػٍ‪ ٝ‬دذص‪ ٓ١‬أدذّ٘ب ِبض‪ِ ٟ‬غزّش ‪ ٛ٘ٚ‬إٌ‪َٛ‬‬
‫‪ٚ‬ا‪٢‬خش دخ‪ٛ‬ي اٌٍض اٌغشفخ اٌز‪ ٞ‬دظً أصٕبء إٌ‪. َٛ‬‬
‫‪When we were eating, my father came.‬‬
‫ِبض‪ِ ٟ‬غزّش‬ ‫ِبض‪ ٟ‬ثغ‪١‬ط‬
‫( ث‪ّٕ١‬ب وٕب ٔأوً ‪ ،‬جبء ‪ٚ‬اٌذ‪٘ ) ٞ‬زٖ اٌجٍّخ رذز‪ ٞٛ‬ػٍ‪ ٝ‬دذص‪ ٓ١‬أدذّ٘ب ِبض‪ِ ٟ‬غزّش ‪ ٛ٘ٚ‬األوً ‪ٚ‬ا‪٢‬خش‬
‫ِج‪ٟ‬ء ‪ٚ‬اٌذ‪ ٞ‬اٌز‪ ٞ‬دظً أصٕبء األوً ‪.‬‬
‫‪ّ٠‬ىٓ ‪ٚ‬ضغ أداح اٌشثط ‪ٚ‬عط اٌجٍّخ د‪ ْٚ‬أْ ‪٠‬زغ‪١‬ش ايِؼٕ‪ ٝ‬فزظجخ اٌجٍّزبْ اٌغبثمخ وّب ‪: ٍٟ٠‬‬
‫‪A thief entered while I was sleeping.‬‬
‫ِبض‪ِ ٟ‬غزّش‬ ‫ِبض‪ ٟ‬ثغ‪١‬ط‬
‫دخً ٌض غشفز‪ ٟ‬ث‪ّٕ١‬ب وٕذ ٔبئّ ًب‬
‫‪My father came when we were eating.‬‬
‫ِبض‪ِ ٟ‬غزّش‬ ‫ِبض‪ ٟ‬ثغ‪١‬ط‬
‫جبء ‪ٚ‬اٌذ‪ ٞ‬ث‪ّٕ١‬ب وٕب ٔأوً‬
‫رىزت اٌفبطٍخ ئرا ثذأد اٌجٍّخ ثىٍّخ ‪ٚ while‬رذزف ئرا ‪ٚ‬لؼذ ف‪ِٕ ٟ‬زظف اٌجٍّخ األ‪. ٌٝٚ‬‬
‫رزوش دائّبً أْ لبػذح ‪ while‬ث‪ٙ‬ب فؼالْ األ‪ٚ‬ي ط‪ِ ً٠ٛ‬غزّش ‪ ٚ‬ا‪٢‬خش ِفبجئ ‪ِ ٛ٘ٚ‬بض‪ ٟ‬ثغ‪١‬ط ‪.‬‬
‫اٌّغزمجً اٌّغزّش ‪Future Continuous Tense‬‬
‫)?‪(What will be happening‬‬
‫‪٠‬غزخذَ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ٌٍزؼج‪١‬ش ػٓ ش‪ٟ‬ء ِز‪ٛ‬لغ دذ‪ٚ‬صٗ ف‪ ٟ‬اٌّغزمجً ‪٠ٚ‬غزّش ٌفزشح ‪.‬‬
‫‪٠‬زى‪٘ ْٛ‬زا اٌضِٓ ِٓ ‪:‬‬
‫) ‪ + ing‬فؼً ‪( will + be+‬‬
‫‪٠‬أر‪٘ ٟ‬زا اٌضِٓ ػبدح ِغ وٍّبد ِضً ‪:‬‬
‫ػٕذ ٌٍضِٓ ‪at‬‬ ‫ثذٍ‪ٛ‬ي ‪by‬‬ ‫ف‪ ٟ‬غض‪in ْٛ‬‬
‫ِٓ‪..‬ئٌ‪ٝ‬‬ ‫وً ‪،‬جّ‪١‬غ ‪all‬‬ ‫ثؼذ ‪after‬‬
‫أِضٍخ ‪:‬‬
‫‪By 7.30 tomorrow, I will be flying to Cairo.‬‬
‫‪They will be waiting for you at 5 o'clock.‬‬

Present Perfect Tense َ‫اٌّضبسع اٌزب‬
(What has happened?)
Past participle
‫ الصاٌذ‬ٚ ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫ ف‬ٝٙ‫ أز‬ٚ‫ لجً ٌذظبد أ‬ٝٙ‫ أز‬ٚ ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫ش ػٓ دذس دظً ف‬١‫غزخذَ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ٌٍزؼج‬٠
.ْ٢‫ ا‬ٝ‫دح دز‬ٛ‫ج‬ِٛ ٖ‫آصبس‬
:ِٓ ِٓ‫ْ ٘زا اٌض‬ٛ‫زى‬٠
has / have + past participle ً‫ف اٌضبٌش ٌٍفؼ‬٠‫اٌزظش‬
: ً‫ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ػبدح ِغ وٍّبد ِض‬ٟ‫أر‬٠
since ‫ِٕز‬ for ‫ٌّذح‬ just ٛ‫ اٌز‬ٟ‫ف‬
yet ْ٢‫ ا‬ٝ‫دز‬ ever ‫ األثذ‬ٟ‫ف‬ neverً ‫أثذا‬
recently ً‫ضب‬٠‫دذ‬ already ً‫رّبِب‬
: ‫أِضٍخ‬
I have lived in Riyadh for six years.
I have not visited him since 1995 .
Ahmed has already finished his homework.
She has written three letters just now.

Since & For

Since means “from some definite point or period n the past up to now”
.ْ٢‫ ا‬ٝ‫ دز‬ٚ ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫ فزشح ِذذدح ف‬ٚ‫ وٍّخ ”ِٕز“ اػزجبساً ِٓ ٔمطخ أ‬ٟٕ‫رؼ‬
For means “a definite period of time”
.‫خ‬١ِٕ‫ فزشح ص‬ٍٝ‫ وٍّخ ”ٌّذح“ ػ‬ٟٕ‫رؼ‬
since ‫ِٕز‬ for ‫ٌّذح‬
2 o’clock a moment
Monday 3 minutes
yesterday an hour
last night many hours
last week/ last month 3 days/ 5 weeks / 4 months
/ last year
1996 a year
last century 10 years
he came………… a century

Past Perfect Tense َ‫ اٌزب‬ٟ‫اٌّبض‬
(What had happened?)
Past participle
.ٟ‫ صِٓ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫ ٌذظخ ِب ف‬ٟ‫ ف‬ٝٙ‫ أز‬ٚ ً‫ش ػٓ دذس دظ‬١‫غزخذَ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ٌٍزؼج‬٠
:ِٓ ِٓ‫ْ ٘زا اٌض‬ٛ‫زى‬٠
had +past participle ً‫ف اٌضبٌش ٌٍفؼ‬٠‫اٌزظش‬
: ً‫ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ػبدح ِغ وٍّبد ِض‬ٟ‫أر‬٠
after before
when as soon as
: ‫أِضٍخ‬
I had washed before I prayed.
They went home after they had finished their work.
Ahmed had done his homework before he went to school.
As soon as they had bought a car, they drove to Makkah.
. َ‫ اٌزب‬ٟ‫بء اٌّبض‬ٙ‫ دذس ثؼذ أز‬ٞ‫ط اٌز‬١‫ اٌجغ‬ٟ‫ ِؼٗ صِٓ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫أر‬٠ ‫* الدظ أْ ٘زا اٌضِٓ غبٌج ًب ِب‬
Future Perfect Tense َ‫اٌّغزمجً اٌزب‬
(What will have happened by…?)
Past participle
. ً‫ اٌّغزمج‬ٟ‫ صِٓ ِب ف‬ٟ‫بؤٖ ف‬ٙ‫ أز‬ٚ ٗ‫ص‬ٚ‫لغ دذ‬ٛ‫ش ػٓ دذس ِز‬١‫غزخذَ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ٌٍزؼج‬٠
:ِٓ ِٓ‫ْ ٘زا اٌض‬ٛ‫زى‬٠
will + have + past participle ً‫ف اٌضبٌش ٌٍفؼ‬٠‫اٌزظش‬
: ً‫ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ػبدح ِغ وٍّبد ِض‬ٟ‫أر‬٠
by ‫ي‬ٍٛ‫ثذ‬ at ‫ػٕذ‬
: ‫أِضٍخ‬
By 2.00 this afternoon, I will have finished my work.
At 10.00 tonight, she will have written five letters.
َ‫ اٌّغزّش اٌّضبسع اٌزب‬Present Perfect Continuous Tense
(What has been happening?)
. ْ٢‫ ا‬ٝ‫ ٌىٕٗ ِغزّش دز‬ٚ ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫ رُ ف‬ٚ ِٕٗ ‫لغ جضء‬ٚ ‫ش ػٓ دذس‬١‫غزخذَ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ٌٍزؼج‬٠
:ِٓ ِٓ‫ْ ٘زا اٌض‬ٛ‫زى‬٠
has / have + been + ً‫ فؼ‬+ ing
: ً‫ ٘زا اٌضِٓ ػبدح ِغ وٍّبد ِض‬ٟ‫أر‬٠
for ‫ٌّذح‬ since ‫ِٕز‬

: ‫أِضٍخ‬
I have been studying English for six years. (I am still studying English)
She has been sleeping since 2 o’clock. (She is still sleeping)
‫ الدظ‬Present Perfect ‫ اٌّضبسع‬ٚ Present Perfect Cont. ‫ٓ اٌّضبسع اٌزبَ اٌّغزّش‬١‫ ٔفشق ث‬ٟ‫ٌى‬
:‫خ‬١ٌ‫األِضٍخ اٌزب‬
Maha started making cakes three hours ago. There are now one hundred cakes
on the table.
:ّْٛ‫ٓ ٔى‬١‫ِٓ ٘زٖ اٌجٍّز‬
‫ اٌّضبسع اٌزبَ اٌّغزّش‬Present Perfect Continuous Tense
She has been making cakes for three hours.
َ‫ اٌّضبسع اٌزب‬Present Perfect Tense
She has made 100 cakes..
Imperatives ‫غخ األِش‬١‫) ط‬17 (
Imperatives are verbs used at the beginning of sentences either in the
affirmative or negative to indicate instructions, invitations, signs and notices or
telling someone what to do.
‫ اإلشبساد‬،ٜٛ‫ اٌذػ‬،‫ّبد‬١ٍ‫ اإلصجبد ٌزؼجش ػٓ اٌزؼ‬ٟ‫ْ ف‬ٛ‫خ اٌجًّ أِب رى‬٠‫ ثذا‬ٟ‫ أفؼبي رغزخذَ ف‬ٟ٘ ‫غخ األِش‬١‫ط‬
.ً‫فؼ‬٠ ‫ ئخجبس شخض ِبرا‬ٚ‫ اٌّالدظبد أ‬ٚ
The Imperatives uses the simple form of the verb such as: walk, read,
. ‫ي‬ٚ‫ف األ‬٠‫ اٌزظش‬ٞ‫طخ ٌٍفؼً أ‬١‫غخ اٌجغ‬١‫غخ األِش اٌظ‬١‫رغزخذَ ط‬
: ‫أِضٍخ‬
Give Instructions ‫ّبد‬١ٍ‫ئػطبء رؼ‬
Mix the flour and the sugar. (Affirmative) ‫ئصجبد‬
Take two tablets every four hours. (Affirmative) ‫ئصجبد‬
Make Invitations ٜٛ‫غخ اٌذػ‬١‫ط‬
Come in; make yourselves at home. (Affirmative) ‫ئصجبد‬
Please start; do not wait (Negative) ٟ‫ٔف‬
ٍٗ‫فؼ‬١‫ ئخجبس شخض ِب ع‬Tell someone what to do open your book.
(Affirmative) ‫ئصجبد‬
(Negative) ٟ‫ٔف‬ Do not forget to post the letter.
: ‫أِضٍخ‬
Give Warnings ‫شاد‬٠‫ئػطبء رذز‬
‫( ئصجبد‬Affirmative) Keep out! Danger.
Make Signs & Notices ‫ ِالدظبد‬ٚ ‫ٓ ئشبساد‬٠ٛ‫رى‬
‫ئصجبد‬ (Affirmative) Push.
‫( ئصجبد‬Affirmative) Insert 2 X 50 SR.
‫( ئصجبد‬Affirmative) Keep off the grass..
Make Requests ‫ٓ اٌطٍت‬٠ٛ‫رى‬
Please open the door (Affirmative)

Modals ٖ‫) األفؼبي اٌّغبػذ‬18 (
A modal has only one form of the verb for all persons, but it can have several
meanings and time frames, depending on the context in which it is used.
ٞ‫ اٌز‬ٜٛ‫خ دغت اٌّذز‬١ِٕ‫ أشىبي ص‬ٚ ٟٔ‫ٌىٓ ٌٗ ػذح ِؼب‬ٚ ‫غ األشخبص‬١ّ‫ادذح ِغ ج‬ٚ ‫غخ‬١‫اٌفؼً إٌبلض ٌٗ ط‬
Form ‫غخ‬١‫ اٌظ‬.ٗ١‫رغزخذَ ف‬
)ً‫ي يٌفؼ‬ٚ‫ف األ‬٠‫(اٌزظش‬shall, should, will would, may, might, can, could, must,
ought to +
Modals have no infinitives or past participles..‫ف صبٌش‬٠‫ رظش‬ٚ‫ظ ٌٍفؼً إٌبلض ِظذس أ‬١ٌ
Modals Expresses: Example
ٖ‫األفؼبي اٌّغبػذ‬ :ٓ‫رؼجش ػ‬ ‫ِضبي‬
shall Promise‫ػذ‬ٚ You shall take a reward.
Determinationُ١ّ‫رظ‬ He does not want to obey me: but he shall.
Threat ‫ذ‬٠‫ذ‬ٙ‫ر‬ You shall be punished if you come late.
should Duty‫اجت‬ٌٛ‫ا‬ You should obey your teachers.
Advice or opinion You should stop smoking.
ٞ‫ اٌشأ‬ٚ‫ذخ أ‬١‫إٌظ‬
will The simple future tense. He will visit us tomorrow.
‫ط‬١‫غخ اٌّغزمجً اٌجغ‬١‫ط‬
Determination or promise I will travel when I like.
‫ػذ‬ٌٛ‫ ا‬ٚ‫ُ أ‬١ّ‫اٌزظ‬ We will do as you wish.
might Possibility I hoped that I might succeed.
‫خ‬١ٔ‫اإلِىب‬ I thought that the weather might change
can, am/is/are Ability He can do it carefully.
able to ‫اٌّمذسح‬ He is able to solve the problem.
shall be able, Ability in the future I shall be able to help you.
will be able ً‫ اٌّغزمج‬ٍٝ‫اٌّمذسح ػ‬
could Past, present or future Fahad could drive his car a year ago.
possibility Ali is not in class today. He could be sick.
/ ‫ اٌّضبسع‬/ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫خ ف‬١ٔ‫اإلِىب‬ Do not leave now. It could rain now.
must Necessity You must listen to your teachers.
had to The past form of must: Faisal could not come to our dinner party.
past necessity He had to stay home to study.
ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫سح ف‬ٚ‫اٌضش‬
ought to + Advice You ought to help the poor.
infinitive ‫ذخ‬١‫إٌظ‬
ought to Actions that were You ought to have studied.
have + past advisable in the (You did not. That was a mistake)
participle past
‫ب‬ٍّٙ‫أدذاس وبْ ِٓ اٌّغزذغٓ ػ‬
ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٟ‫ف‬

Modals ٖ‫األفؼبي اٌّغبػذ‬
Affirmative Negative Question Short Answers ‫ئجبثبد ِخزظشح‬
‫ئصجبد‬ ٟ‫ٔف‬ ‫ئصجبد‬ Affirmative Negative
They should eat They should Should they eat now? Yes, they No, they should
now. not eat now. should. not.
He will leave. He will not Will he leave? Yes, he will. No, he will not.
He would He would not Would he leave? Yes, he would. No, he would not.
succeed. succeed.
I might succeed. I might not Might I succeed?
I may sleep. I may not May I sleep?
I can do it. I cannot do it. Can I do it? Yes, you can. No, you can not.
He could talk. He could not Could he talk? Yes, he could. No, he could not.
We could have a We could not Could we have a test Yes, you could. No, he could not.
test tomorrow. have a test tomorrow?
You must go now. You must not Must you go now? Yes, I must. No, I must not.
go now.
You ought to help You ought not Ought you to help Yes, I ought to. No, I ought not.
them. to help them. them?

Modals ٖ‫األفؼبي اٌّغبػذ‬

: Comparing Adjectives ‫) ِمبسٔخ اٌظفبد‬19 (
Comparing Short Adjectives ‫شح‬١‫ِمبسٔخ اٌظفبد اٌمظ‬
:ٓ١‫ شخظ‬ٚ‫ٓ أ‬١‫ئ‬١‫ٓ ش‬١‫ اٌّمبسٔخ ث‬.1
‫شح صُ وٍّخ‬١‫ اٌمظ‬than ‫ ألغٍت اٌظفبد‬er ‫ع ِٓ اٌّمبسٔخ ٔالدظ ئضبفخ اٌالدمخ‬ٌٕٛ‫ ٘زا ا‬ٟ‫ف‬
Ali is older than Ahmed.
My Car is faster than yours.
.‫ فمط‬r ‫ف‬١‫ فإٔٔب ٔض‬e ‫ذ اٌظفخ ثذشف‬ٙ‫ئرا أز‬
safer than safe
simpler than simple
.‫ وبٌؼبدح‬er ‫ف‬١‫ صُ ٔض‬i ٌٝ‫ ئ‬y ‫ فإٔٔب ٔمٍت اي‬y ‫ذ اٌظفخ ثذشف‬ٙ‫ئرا أز‬
easier than easy
heavier than heavy

Comparing Short Adjectives ‫شح‬١‫ِمبسٔخ اٌظفبد اٌمظ‬
: ٓ١‫ شخظ‬ٚ‫ٓ أ‬١‫ئ‬١‫ٓ أوضش ِٓ ش‬١‫ اٌّمبسٔخ ث‬.2
.‫ ٘زٖ اٌّشح‬est ‫الدظ ئضبفخ‬٠ ٚ ‫ رغجك اٌظفخ اٌّمبسٔخ‬ٟ‫ اٌز‬the ‫خ وٍّخ‬١ّ٘‫ٔالدظ ٕ٘ب أ‬
Everest is the highest mountain.
This is the biggest building in Riyadh.
.‫ذح‬٠‫ جذ‬e ‫ف‬١‫ فإٔٔب ال ٔض‬e ‫ذ اٌظفخ ثذشف‬ٙ‫ئرا أز‬
the safest safe
.‫ وبٌؼبدح‬est ‫ف‬١‫ صُ ٔض‬i ٌٝ‫ ئ‬y ‫ فإٔٔب ٔمٍت اي‬y ‫ذ اٌظفخ ثذشف‬ٙ‫ئرا أز‬
the easiest easy
Comparing Long Adjectives ‫ٍخ‬٠ٛ‫ِمبسٔخ اٌظفبد اٌط‬
:ٓ١‫ شخظ‬ٚ‫ٓ أ‬١‫ئ‬١‫ٓ ش‬١‫ اٌّمبسٔخ ث‬.1
. ٓ٠‫ٓ ِزجبػذ‬١‫ٓ ِزذشو‬١‫ أوضش ِٓ دشف‬ٍٝ‫ ػ‬ٞٛ‫ذز‬٠ ‫ وً ِمطغ‬،‫ْ اٌظفخ ِٓ أوضش ِٓ ِمطغ‬ٛ‫ٕ٘ب رزى‬
beautiful ً١ّ‫ج‬ difficult ‫طؼت‬
dangerous ‫خطش‬ correct ‫خ‬١‫طذ‬
important ُِٙ fluent ‫خ‬١‫فظ‬
. est ‫ ال‬ٚ er ً‫مج‬٠ ‫ع ِٓ اٌظفبد ال‬ٌٕٛ‫٘زا ا‬
than ‫ صُ وٍّخ‬more ‫ٓ رغجك ٘زٖ اٌظفبد وٍّخ‬١‫ئ‬١‫ٓ ش‬١‫ دبٌخ اٌّمبسٔخ ث‬ٟ‫فف‬
Jeddah is more beautiful than Riyadh.
French is more difficult than English.
the most ‫ٓ رغجك ٘زٖ اٌظفبد وٍّخ‬١‫ئ‬١‫ٓ أوضش ِٓ ش‬١‫ دبٌخ اٌّمبسٔخ ث‬ٟ‫* ف‬
Amal is the most beautiful girl in her class.
This is the most important subject in this book.
ٕٝ‫اٌّؼ‬ ‫اٌظفخ‬ ٓ١ٕ‫ٓ أص‬١‫ِمبسٔخ ث‬ ٓ١ٕ‫ٓ أوضش ِٓ أص‬١‫ِمبسٔخ ث‬
‫ذ‬١‫ج‬ good better than the best
‫ئ‬١‫ع‬ bad worse than the worst
)‫د‬ٚ‫ش (ٌٍّؼذ‬١‫وض‬ many more than the most
)‫د‬ٚ‫ش اٌّؼذ‬١‫ش (ٌغ‬١‫وض‬ much
)‫د‬ٚ‫ش اٌّؼذ‬١‫ً (ٌغ‬١ٍ‫ل‬ little less than the least
‫ذ‬١‫ثؼ‬ far farther than the farthest
Adel is better than his brother at school.
This girl is the worst one in her class.

)‫ مثله مثل (بالضبط‬as……..as (20)
‫ليس مثله مثل‬ not as….as
as……..as )‫ِضٍٗ ِضً (ثبٌضجط‬
.ٓ١‫ٓ طفز‬١‫اح ث‬ٚ‫د ِغب‬ٛ‫ج‬ٚ ٓ١‫غزخذَ ٘زا االططالح د‬٠
Ali is as tall as his brother.
This bag is as big as my bag.
not as……..as ً‫ظ ِضٍٗ ِض‬١ٌ
.ٓ١‫ٓ طفز‬١‫اح ث‬ٚ‫د ِغب‬ٛ‫ج‬ٚ َ‫ دبٌخ ػذ‬ٟ‫غزخذَ ٘زا االططالح ف‬٠
Ali is not as tall as his brother.
This bag is not as big as my bag.

Personal Information:-
Name Moawia Ibrahim Ahmed Hamed
Date of Birth 4th October, 1986
Place of Birth El-Mahmia - Nile River State - Sudan.
Nationality Sudanese
Religion Muslim

‫ٔب ِٓ طبٌخ اٌذػبء‬ٛ‫ال رٕغ‬

There are many kinds of adverbs:‫ف‬ٚ‫اع ِٓ اٌظش‬ٛٔ‫ٕ٘بن ػذح أ‬
Adverbs of manner: express how an action was done.
.‫ع اٌذذس‬ٛ‫ل‬ٚ ‫خ‬١‫ف‬١‫ رؼجش ػٓ و‬ٟ‫ف اٌز‬ٚ‫اٌظش‬: ‫ن‬ٍٛ‫ اٌغ‬ٍٝ‫ف اٌذاٌخ ػ‬ٚ‫اٌظش‬
I closed the window carefully.
The soldier fought bravely.
Adverbs of time express the time when an action is or was done. :
.ً‫س اٌفؼ‬ٚ‫خ صِٓ دذ‬١‫ف‬١‫ رؼجش ػٓ و‬ٟ‫ف اٌز‬ٚ‫اٌظش‬: ْ‫ف اٌضِب‬ٚ‫ظش‬
I’m going to leave for Cairo tomorrow.
What’s going to happen next?
Adverbs of place: express when an action is done.
.‫ع اٌذذس‬ٛ‫ل‬ٚ ْ‫ رؼجش ػٓ ِىب‬ٟ‫ف اٌز‬ٚ‫اٌظش‬: ْ‫ف اٌّىب‬ٚ‫ظش‬
I shall stand here.
I’ve looked everywhere for my lost pen.
Some words that end in ly can be both adjectives or adverbs. Most of them
refer to time.
.‫لذ‬ٌٛ‫ ا‬ٍٝ‫ ِؼظُ ٘زٖ اٌىٍّبد رذي ػ‬. ‫ طفبد‬ٚ‫ف أ‬ٚ‫ْ ظش‬ٛ‫ ِٓ اٌّّىٓ أْ رى‬ly ‫ ثـ‬ٟٙ‫ رٕز‬ٟ‫ثؼض اٌىٍّبد اٌز‬
‫ًب‬١ِٛ٠ daily ً‫ب‬١‫ػ‬ٛ‫ أعج‬weekly
ً‫ب‬٠‫ش‬ٙ‫ ش‬monthly ً‫ب‬٠ٕٛ‫ ع‬yearly
A daily newspaper is published daily.
We get up early to catch an early train.
:Adverbs of frequency tell how often we do something
:‫ف‬ٚ‫ِٓ ٘زٖ اٌظش‬ٚ .‫ء‬ٟ‫س اٌش‬ٚ‫ رخجشٔب ػٓ ػذد ِشاد دذ‬ٟ‫اٌز‬: ‫ اٌزىشاس‬ٍٝ‫ف اٌذاٌخ ػ‬ٚ‫اٌظش‬
always ‫دائًّب‬ often ً‫غبٌجب‬
usually ‫ػبدح‬ sometimes ‫بًٔب‬١‫أد‬
seldom ً‫ٔبدسا‬ rarely ‫ٔبدساً جذًا‬
never ً‫أثذا‬ occasionally ‫خش‬٢ ٟ‫ِٓ د‬

Verb to BE: ‫ ظشف اٌزىشاس ثؼذ اٌفؼً اٌّغبػذ‬ٟ‫أر‬٠ :ْٛ‫ى‬٠ ً‫فؼ‬

Ali is always on time.
Other Verbs: ٞ‫ ظشف اٌزىشاس لجً اٌفؼً اٌؼبد‬ٟ‫أر‬٠ :ٜ‫األفؼبي األخش‬
Ali sometimes reads a book.

Command ‫األِش‬
: ‫خ‬١ٌ‫اد اٌزب‬ٛ‫ دبٌخ األِش ٔزجغ اٌخط‬ٟ‫ ف‬passive ‫ي‬ٛٙ‫ ٌٍّج‬ٟٕ‫ اٌّج‬ٌٝ‫ ئ‬active ٍَٛ‫ ٌٍّؼ‬ٟٕ‫ً ِٓ اٌّج‬٠ٛ‫ٌٍزذ‬
.‫ي اٌجٍّخ‬ٚ‫ أ‬ٟ‫ ف‬let ‫ ضغ وٍّخ‬.1
)‫دٖ ثؼذ اٌفؼً ِجبششح‬ٛ‫ج‬ٛ‫ي ثٗ ث‬ٛ‫ؼشف اٌّفؼ‬٠( .ً‫ظجخ فبػال‬٠ ٗ‫ي ث‬ٛ‫ اٌّفؼ‬.2
. be ْٛ‫ى‬١‫ األِش ف‬ٞ‫ ٔفظ اٌضِٓ أ‬ٟ‫ ف‬to be ً‫ ضغ فؼ‬.3
.‫ف اٌضبٌش‬٠‫ اٌزظش‬ٟ‫ ف‬ٍٟ‫ ضغ اٌفؼً األط‬.4
: ‫أِضٍخ‬
Active ٍَٛ‫ ٌٍّؼ‬ٟٕ‫ِج‬ Passive ‫ي‬ٛٙ‫ ٌٍّج‬ٟٕ‫ِج‬
Do the work. Let the work be done.
Open the door. Let the door be opened.
Send this letter to your Let this letter be sent to your
friend. friend.
: ‫ِالدظخ‬
‫غخ ٘زا‬١‫ ط‬ٍٝ‫جت اٌّذبفظخ ػ‬٠ ‫ال ٌزا‬
ً ٠‫ عإاالً ِز‬ٚ‫خ أ‬١‫ي ِٕف‬ٛٙ‫ ٌٍّج‬ٟٕ‫ اٌّج‬ٌٝ‫ب ئ‬ٍٙ٠ٛ‫ْ اٌجٍّخ اٌّشاد رذ‬ٛ‫لذ رى‬
. ‫ي‬ٛٙ‫ ٌٍّج‬ٟٕ‫ اٌّج‬ٌٝ‫ً ئ‬٠ٛ‫ً ػٕذ اٌزذ‬١٠‫ اٌزز‬ٚ‫اٌغإاي أ‬
: ‫أِضٍـخ‬
Active ٍَٛ‫ ٌٍّؼ‬ٟٕ‫ِج‬ Passive ‫ي‬ٛٙ‫ ٌٍّج‬ٟٕ‫ِج‬
Ali does not write letters Letters are not written (by Ali).
Dickens wrote those novels, didn’t he? Those novels were written by Dickens, weren’t
Dickens didn’t write that play, did That play wasn’t written by Dickens, was it?

Prepositions ‫ف اٌجش‬ٚ‫) دش‬26 (

ٚ . ‫ اٌجٍّخ‬ٟ‫لؼٗ ف‬ِٛ ‫رٌه دغت‬ٚ ٕٝ‫ادذ أوضش ِٓ ِؼ‬ٌٛ‫ْ ٌٍذشف ا‬ٛ‫ى‬٠ ‫ فمذ‬،‫ ِزشبثىخ‬ٚ ‫شح‬١‫ف اٌجش وض‬ٚ‫دش‬
. ‫ف ِٕفظٍخ‬ٚ‫غذ وذش‬١ٌ ٚ ًّ‫ب ِٓ خالي ج‬ٙ١ٍ‫ اٌزذسة ػ‬ٟ٘ ‫ف اٌجش‬ٚ‫ ٌزؼٍُ دش‬ٍٝ‫مخ اٌّض‬٠‫اٌطش‬
A preposition shows the relation between the subject and the object. There are
also prepositions of time and prepositions of place.
‫ف‬ٚ‫ دش‬ٚ ِٓ‫ اٌض‬ٍٝ‫ف جش داٌخ ػ‬ٚ‫ض ًب دش‬٠‫جذ أ‬ٛ٠ ٚ ٗ‫ي ث‬ٛ‫ اٌّفؼ‬ٚ ً‫ٓ اٌفبػ‬١‫ اٌؼاللخ ث‬ٍٝ‫ف اٌجش ػ‬ٚ‫رذي دش‬
.ْ‫ اٌّىب‬ٍٝ‫جش داٌخ ػ‬

Use of Prepositions ‫ف اٌجش‬ٚ‫اعزخذاَ دش‬
Prepositions Use َ‫االعزخذا‬ Example ‫ِضبي‬
‫ف اٌجش‬ٚ‫دش‬
on Days َ‫ب‬٠‫األ‬ On Monday
Day + morning, On Friday morning
‫ اٌفزشح‬+ َ‫ب‬٠‫ األ‬night
Afternoon, evening, My birthday is on June
date ‫خ‬٠‫اٌزبس‬ 10 .
Special ‫بَ خبطخ‬٠‫أ‬ I will travel on the
days National Day.
To mean ‫ق‬ٛ‫ ف‬ٕٝ‫ ثّؼ‬The tea is on the table.
in Season ً‫فظ‬ The trees grow in
Year ‫عٕخ‬ I was born in 1968 .
Month ‫ش‬ٙ‫ش‬ The test is in May.
The ‫اٌظجبح‬ I go to work in the
morning morning.
The evening ‫ اٌغّبء‬I go home in the evening
To mean ً‫ اٌذاخ‬ٟ‫ف‬ He is in the masjid.

: Prepositions of Place ْ‫ اٌّىب‬ٍٝ‫ف اٌجش اٌذاٌخ ػ‬ٚ‫دش‬

Prepositions Use َ‫االعزخذا‬ Example ‫ِضبي‬
‫ف اٌجش‬ٚ‫دش‬
at at an exact place ‫ ِىبْ ِذذد‬ٟ‫ف‬ He lives at number 5, King Fahad
at work ًّ‫ اٌؼ‬ٟ‫ف‬ Ahmed is at work.
at the table ‫ٌخ‬ٚ‫ اٌطب‬ٍٝ‫ػ‬ They are standing at the dinner table
under ‫ رذذ‬ٕٝ‫ثّؼ‬ The cat is under the table.
in front of َ‫ أِب‬ٕٝ‫ثّؼ‬ The teacher is in front of the class.
to direction/place ٖ‫ارجب‬/ْ‫ِىب‬ I go to school everyday.
in To mean inside ً‫ داخ‬ٕٝ‫ثّؼ‬ Put this book in the box.
In a country ‫ ثٍذ‬ٟ‫ف‬ I live in Saudi Arabia.
In a town/street ‫ شبسع‬ٟ‫ ف‬/‫ٕخ‬٠‫ ِذ‬ٟ‫ف‬ I live in Al-Madina.
in bed ‫ اٌفشاػ‬ٟ‫ف‬ The baby is in bed.
In a building or ‫ ِٕطمخ‬ٚ‫ أ‬ٕٝ‫ ِج‬ٟ‫ف‬ You were in the club last night.
In a chair ٟ‫ اٌىشع‬ٍٝ‫ػ‬ Ali is sitting in his chair.

Prepositions Use َ‫االعزخذا‬ Example ‫ِضبي‬
‫ف اٌجش‬ٚ‫دش‬
with ‫ ثـ‬ٕٝ‫ثّؼ‬ I write with a pen.
from ِٓ ٕٝ‫ثّؼ‬ I am from Riyadh.
behind ‫ خٍف‬ٕٝ‫ثّؼ‬ The wall is behind the class.
between ٓ١‫ ث‬ٕٝ‫ثّؼ‬ Samah is sitting between Fatma and
on TV ْٛ٠‫ شبشخ اٌزٍفض‬ٍٝ‫ػ‬ Ali watches football on TV every
Time ‫لذ اٌّذذد‬ٌٛ‫ا‬ He arrives on time.

More Examples ‫ذاً ِٓ األِضٍخ‬٠‫ِض‬

Prepositions Example ‫ِضبي‬
‫ف اٌجش‬ٚ‫دش‬
in ٟ‫ف‬ The medicine is in the bottle.
on ٍٝ‫ػ‬ The knife is on the table.
at ‫ ثبٌمشة‬،‫ػٕذ‬ Someone is at the door.
near ِٓ ‫ثبٌمشة‬ Ahmed is sitting near the window.
between ٓ١‫ث‬ The house is between the school and the
opposite ً‫ِمبث‬ The bank is opposite to the post office.
into ٟ‫ ف‬،ً‫داخ‬ The electrician is putting his hand into the TV.
onto ٍٝ‫ػ‬ The water is spilling onto the floor.
off ٍٝ‫ِٓ ػ‬ The man is falling off the chair.
out of ‫ق‬ٛ‫ِٓ ف‬ The child is falling out of the window.
across ‫ خالي‬،‫ػجش‬ The carpenter cut across the wood.
over/above ٍٝ‫ أػ‬،‫ق‬ٛ‫ف‬ The light is over (above) the table.
ً‫ أعف‬،‫رذذ‬ The fire is under (below) the stairs.
through ‫ خالي‬،‫ػجش‬ The ball is going through the window.
among ‫عط‬ٚ The teacher is sitting among the students.
round ‫ي‬ٛ‫د‬ The car is going round the tree.
in front of َ‫أِب‬ The child is sitting in front of the TV.
behind ‫ساء‬ٚ ،‫خٍف‬ The headmaster is sitting behind the pupils.
on top of ٍٝ‫ ػ‬،‫ق‬ٛ‫ف‬ The sweets are on top of the table.
at the side of ‫ثجبٔت‬ The garage is at the side of the house.
along ‫ي‬ٛ‫ ط‬ٍٝ‫ػ‬ The man is walking along the street.
next to ‫اس‬ٛ‫ثج‬ The bank is next to the baker’s.

‫( ‪ )27‬األعئٍخ اٌّز‪ٍ٠‬خ ‪Question-Tags‬‬
‫٘زا إٌ‪ٛ‬ع ِٓ األعئٍخ ‪٠‬طٍك ػٍ‪ٙ١‬ب األعئٍخ اٌّز‪ٍ٠‬خ ‪ ٟ٘ٚ‬رؼبدي ”أٌ‪١‬ظ وزٌه؟“ ثبٌٍغخ اٌؼشث‪١‬خ‪ ٛ٘ٚ .‬ػجبسح ػٓ‬
‫عإاي ِخزظش ‪٠‬زجغ جٍّخ خجش‪٠‬خ رغجمٗ ‪٘ٚ‬زا اٌغإاي ػبدح ِب ‪٠‬خبٌف ٘زٖ اٌجٍّخ ِٓ د‪١‬ش اإلصجبد أ‪ ٚ‬إٌٔف‪. ٟ‬‬
‫فارا وبٔذ اٌجٍّخ اٌز‪ ٟ‬رغجمٗ ِضجزخ ‪٠‬ى‪٘ ْٛ‬زا اٌغإاي ف‪ ٟ‬إٌف‪ ٚ ٟ‬ئرا وبٔذ ِٕف‪١‬خ ‪٠‬ى‪ ْٛ‬اٌغإاي ِضجزبً ‪.‬‬
‫* أِب ج‪ٛ‬اة ٘زا اٌغإاي ف‪١‬زجغ اٌجٍّخ ِٓ د‪١‬ش اإلصجبد أ‪ ٚ‬إٌف‪ ٟ‬أ‪٠ ٞ‬خبٌف اٌغإاي ‪.‬‬
‫* ٘زا إٌ‪ٛ‬ع ِٓ األعئٍخ ِزذا‪ٚ‬ي وض‪١‬شًا ػٕذ اٌزذذس ثبٌٍغخ اإلٔجٍ‪١‬ض‪٠‬خ ئال أٔٗ ‪٠‬مً اعزخذاِٗ ف‪ ٟ‬اإلٔجٍ‪١‬ض‪٠‬خ‬
‫أعئٍخ ٔز‪ٛ‬لغ اإلجبثخ ػٍ‪ٙ١‬ب ثـ“ٔؼُ“ ‪Questions that we expect the answer‬‬
‫أظش ٘زا اٌغإاي ‪ ٚ‬اإلجبثخ ػٍ‪:ٗ١‬‬
‫?‪* There’s a supermarket near here, isn’t there‬‬
‫‪Yes , there is.‬‬
‫*اٌجٍّخ اٌز‪ ٟ‬رمذِذ ٘زا اٌغإاي جٍّخ ِضجزخ ٌزا جبء اٌغإاي ػٍ‪ٙ١‬ب (اٌزز‪ِٕ )ً١٠‬ف‪١‬بً‪.‬‬
‫أِب اٌج‪ٛ‬اة ف‪١‬ى‪ ْٛ‬ثبإلصجبد ‪. yes‬‬
‫* ‪ٌٚ‬ى‪ٔ ٟ‬ى‪ ْٛ‬عإا ًال ِٓ ٘زا إٌ‪ٛ‬ع ٔمذَ اٌفؼً اٌّغبػذ صُ ٔضغ ‪ not‬ثؼذٖ ‪ٚ‬رٌه ٌٍٕف‪.ٟ‬‬
‫‪ ٚ‬ا‪ ْ٢‬أظش اٌّضبي اٌزبٌ‪:ٟ‬‬
‫?‪* You come from the United States, don’t you‬‬
‫‪Yes, I do.‬‬
‫*ف‪٘ ٟ‬زا اٌّضبي رُ رز‪ ً١٠‬اٌغإاي ثبعزخذاَ ‪ٚ do‬رٌه ٌؼذَ ‪ٚ‬ج‪ٛ‬د فؼً ِغبػذ‪.‬‬
‫أعئٍخ ٔز‪ٛ‬لغ اإلجبثخ ػٍ‪ٙ١‬ب ثـ“ال“ ‪Questions that we expect the answer‬‬
‫?‪1) You don’t come from Saudi Arabia, do you‬‬
‫‪No, I don’t.‬‬
‫?‪2) It doesn’t take long time by car, does it‬‬
‫‪No, it doesn’t.‬‬

‫*الدظ ٕ٘ب أْ اٌغإاي ف‪ ٟ‬صِٓ اٌّضبسع اٌجغ‪١‬ط ٌزا اعزخذِٕب ‪ do / does‬وفؼً ِغبػذ‪.‬‬
‫?‪3) You didn’t travel last year, did you‬‬
‫‪No, I didn’t.‬‬
‫*الدظ ٕ٘ب أْ اٌغإاي ف‪ ٟ‬صِٓ اٌّبض‪ ٟ‬اٌجغ‪١‬ط ٌزا اعزخذِٕب ‪ did‬وفؼً ِغبػذ‪.‬‬
‫( ‪ “ٌٛ” )28‬اٌششط‪١‬خ ”‪Conditional “if‬‬
‫ِضبسع ثغ‪١‬ط ‪)1 ( if + present‬‬ ‫رظش‪٠‬ف أ‪ٚ‬ي ‪will +‬‬
‫٘زا اٌذذس ِّىٓ ‪ٚ‬ل‪ٛ‬ػٗ‪.‬‬
‫‪( If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home.‬ئْ رّطش غذًا ‪ ،‬عأثم‪ ٝ‬ف‪ ٟ‬اٌج‪١‬ذ)‬
‫‪If you eat too much, you will become fat.‬‬

)2 ( if + past ٟ‫ِبض‬ will + ‫ي‬ٚ‫ف أ‬٠‫رظش‬
.ٗ‫ػ‬ٛ‫ل‬ٚ ًّ‫ش ِذز‬١‫٘زا اٌذذس غ‬
If Shakespeare lived today, he would use different English.
‫ط ِغ جٍّخ‬١‫ اٌجغ‬ٟ‫ضبً إٔٔب اعزخذِٕب اٌفؼً اٌّبض‬٠‫ الدظ أ‬.َٛ١ٌ‫ ًب ا‬١‫ْ د‬ٛ‫ى‬٠ ْ‫ً أ‬١‫ش ِغزذ‬١‫الدظ أْ شىغج‬
.ٟ‫ اٌّبض‬ٍٝ‫ذي ػ‬٠ ‫ٌىٕٗ ال‬
: ‫ اٌمبػذح‬ٟ٘ ٖ‫٘ز‬ٚ ‫ ِٓ اٌجٍّخ‬ٟٔ‫ اٌجضء اٌضب‬ٟ‫ ) ف‬would + ‫ اعزخذِٕب (اٌّظذس‬ٚ
if + subject + past subject + would + ‫ي‬ٚ‫ف أ‬٠‫رظش‬

ً‫ وبْ اٌفبػ‬ٌٛ ٝ‫ دز‬was َ‫غ اعزخذا‬١‫ ال ٔغزط‬ٚ ‫ ٘زٖ اٌمبػذح‬ٟ‫ ف‬were ٌٝ‫ي ئ‬ٛ‫ رزذ‬be ْ‫ض ًب أ‬٠‫الدظ أ‬
If I were you, I would buy a new car.
‫لغ‬ٚ ‫ْ لذ‬ٛ‫ى‬٠ ْ‫ً ا‬١‫ ِغزذ‬ٚ‫ش ِّىٓ أ‬١‫٘زا اٌذذس غ‬
)3 ( if + had + ‫ف صبٌش‬٠‫رظش‬ would have + ‫ف صبٌش‬٠‫رظش‬
If he had lived in Taif, he would have been happy.
If he had visited Makkah, he would have seen the Ka’aba.
)4 ( if + present ‫ِضبسع‬ present ‫ِضبسع‬
. ‫ صبثزخ‬ٚ ‫مخ دائّخ‬١‫جخ اٌفؼً دم‬١‫ب ٔز‬ٙ١‫ْ ف‬ٛ‫ رى‬ٟ‫ اٌذبٌخ اٌز‬ٟ‫ت ف‬١‫غزخذَ ٘زا اٌزشو‬٠
) ً‫ظجخ ثخبسا‬٠ ٗٔ‫ فأ‬،‫ٕب اٌّبء‬١ٍ‫ إٔٔب غ‬ٌٛ( If you boil water, it becomes steam.
ٟ‫غذ ف‬١ٌ ٚ ‫ اٌّضبسع‬ٟ‫ ف‬becomes ‫ٓ ٌزا جبءد وٍّخ‬١‫لذ ِؼ‬ٛ‫ذح ث‬١‫غذ ِم‬١ٌ ٚ ‫مخ صبثزخ‬١‫ ٘زٖ دم‬ٚ
)4 ( if + present ‫ِضبسع‬ Instructions ‫ّبد‬١ٍ‫رؼ‬
If the radio is too loud, turn it off. Or Turn the radio off if it is too loud.
If you are under 17 , don’t drive a car. Or Don’t drive a car if you are under
17 .
Reported Speech ‫ي‬ٛ‫) اٌىالَ إٌّم‬29 (

. ‫ش ِجبشش‬١‫ض ًب اٌىالَ اٌغ‬٠‫ أ‬ّٝ‫غ‬٠ ًّ‫ع ِٓ اٌج‬ٌٕٛ‫٘زا ا‬

Indirect Speech
There are four kinds of direct and Indirect Speech.
: ‫ش اٌّجبشش‬١‫ غ‬ٚ ‫اع ِٓ اٌىالَ اٌّجبشش‬ٛٔ‫ٕ٘بن أسثؼخ أ‬
1) Statement ‫خ‬٠‫اٌجٍّخ اٌخجش‬
2) Question ‫اٌغإاي‬
3) Command ‫اٌطٍت‬
4) Exclamation ‫اٌزؼجت‬

Statement ‫انجمهة انخبرية‬
Direct ‫ِجبشش‬ Indirect ‫ش ِجبشش‬١‫غ‬
“I live in Riyadh” He said that he lived in
“We are happy” They said that they were
She said: "I have not been in the school library recently”. She said that she had not
been to the school library
He said to me: "I shall see you tomorrow”. He told me that he would
see me the next day.
: ‫ب ػجبسح‬ِٕٙ ً‫ادذ ٔضغ ثذال‬ٚ ٍُ‫ٓ ٌشخض ِزى‬١‫ٓ جٍّز‬١‫) ث‬.( ‫ئرا وبْ ٕ٘بن‬
:‫ أضبف‬ٟٕ‫ رؼ‬ٟ‫اٌز‬ٚ
They said to him: “We shall see you tomorrow. They told him that they would see him the
We shall visit Ahmed”. next day and added that they would visit
: ‫ اٌضّبئش‬ٟ‫ْ فمط ف‬ٛ‫ى‬٠ ‫ش‬١١‫ش أصِٕخ اٌجٍّخ ئّٔب اٌزغ‬١‫ٕئز ال رغ‬١‫ ِضبسع د‬say , says ‫ي‬ٛ‫ئرا وبٔذ وٍّخ اٌم‬
She says: “I will cook the food She says that she will cook the food
tomorrow”. tomorrow.
We say: “We are playing football now”. We say that we are playing football now.

Question ‫انسؤال‬

:‫خ‬١ٌ‫اد اٌزب‬ٛ‫ ٔزجغ اٌخط‬Reported ‫ي‬ٛ‫ والَ ِٕم‬ٌٝ‫ ئ‬Direct ‫ً عإاي ِٓ ِجبشش‬٠ٛ‫* ٌزذ‬
:ٍٟ٠ ‫ وّب‬ٟ٘ٚ ، ‫ذذد صِٓ اٌغإاي‬٠ asked ً‫ اٌفؼ‬-1
Present ‫ ِضبسع‬Past ٟ‫ِبض‬
Pastٟ‫ ِبض‬Past Perfect َ‫ رب‬ٟ‫ِبض‬
.‫ب وأداح سثط‬ٙ‫ أداح عإاي رغزخذَ ٔفغ‬ٍٝ‫ ػ‬ٞٛ‫ذز‬٠ ‫ ئرا وبْ اٌغإاي‬-2
.‫ اٌفؼً اٌّغبػذ‬ٍٝ‫ُ اٌفبػً ػ‬٠‫ ثزمذ‬ٛ٘ ٚ ‫خ‬٠‫ جٍّخ خجش‬ٌٝ‫ً اٌغإاي ئ‬٠ٛ‫زُ رذ‬٠ -3
. ‫ اٌجٍّخ‬ٕٝ‫ش ثؼض اٌضّبئش دغت ِؼ‬١١‫الدظ رغ‬٠ -4
Direct ‫ِجبشش‬ Indirect ‫ش ِجبشش‬١‫غ‬
“What is your name?” He asked me what my name
“Why are you late?” The teacher asked me why I
was late.
“Where is your book?” He asked me where my book

:‫ أداح عإاي‬ٍٝ‫ ػ‬ٞٛ‫ذز‬٠ ‫ ال‬ٞ‫وأداح سثط ٌٍغإاي اٌز‬ َ‫رغزخذ‬
Direct ‫ِجبشش‬ Indirect ‫ش ِجبشش‬١‫غ‬
“Is your school very large?” He asked me if my school
was very large..
.‫ط‬١‫ اٌجغ‬ٟ‫ صِٓ اٌّبض‬ٌٝ‫ي اٌفؼً ئ‬ٛ‫ د‬ٚ ‫ب‬ٙ‫ادزف‬ ٚ‫أ‬ ٍٝ‫ ػ‬ٞٛ‫ذز‬٠ ٚ‫جذأ أ‬٠ ‫ئرا وبْ اٌغإاي‬
“Where do you live?” He asked me where I lived.
“Does he go to school?” I asked him if he went to
‫ط‬١‫ اٌجغ‬ٟ‫ صِٓ اٌّبض‬ٌٝ‫ي اٌفؼً ئ‬ٛ‫ د‬ٚ ‫ب‬ٙ‫ادزف‬ ٍٝ‫ ػ‬ٞٛ‫ذز‬٠ ٚ‫جذأ أ‬٠ ‫ئرا وبْ اٌغإاي‬
) ‫ف صبٌش‬٠‫ رظش‬+ past participle + had(
“Who is your English teacher?” They ask me who my English
teacher is.
“What are your marks?” He asks me what my marks

Command ‫انطهب‬

:‫خ‬١ٌ‫اد اٌزب‬ٛ‫ ٔزجغ اٌخط‬Reported ‫ي‬ٛ‫ والَ ِٕم‬ٌٝ‫ ئ‬Direct ‫خ ِٓ ِجبشش‬١‫ً جٍّخ طٍج‬٠ٛ‫* ٌزذ‬
.‫مظذ ثٗ األِش‬٠ َ‫ ) ئرا وبْ اٌىال‬Ordered ‫ ٔغزخذَ ( أِش‬-1
.ً‫ع‬ٛ‫ اٌز‬ٚ ‫مظذ ثٗ اٌشجبء‬٠ َ‫ ) ئرا وبْ اٌىال‬Begged ‫ ٔغزخذَ ( سجبء‬ٚ
.‫ذخ‬١‫مظذ ثٗ إٌظ‬٠ َ‫ ) ئرا وبْ اٌىال‬Advised ‫ ٔغزخذَ ( ٔظخ‬ٚ
. ‫ اٌّشرجخ‬ٟ‫ٗ ف‬٠ٚ‫غب‬٠ ‫ شخض‬ٌٝ‫جٗ ِٓ شخض ئ‬ِٛ َ‫) ئرا وبْ اٌىال‬ Told ‫ ٔغزخذَ ( أخجش‬ٚ
ً‫ لجً اٌفؼ‬To ‫ ضغ وٍّخ‬ٚ ‫دخ‬ٛ‫اط اٌّفز‬ٛ‫ ادزف األل‬-2
. ‫جذرب‬ٚ ْ‫ ِٓ اٌجٍّخ ئ‬Please, do ٟ‫ ادزف وٍّز‬-3
. ‫وّب عجك‬ٚ ٕٝ‫ اٌضّبئش دغت اٌّؼ‬ٚ ‫ش ثؼض اٌىٍّبد‬١‫ غ‬-4
Direct‫ِجبشش‬ Indirect ‫ش ِجبشش‬١‫غ‬
He said to the servant: “bring me a glass of He ordered the servant to bring him a
water”. glass of water.
The son said to his father: “please give me The son begged his father to give him
some money”. some money.
The doctor said to me: “Drink a lot of water”. The doctor advised me to drink a lot of
He said to me: “Do not go to the market He told me not to go to the market that
tonight”. night.

Exclamation ‫انتعجب‬

: ‫خ‬١ٌ‫اد اٌزب‬ٛ‫ٔزجغ اٌخط‬ Reported‫ي‬ٛ‫ والَ ِٕم‬ٌٝ‫ئ‬ Direct‫ً جٍّخ رؼجت ِٓ ِجبشش‬٠ٛ‫* ٌزذ‬
1 :ً‫ب ِض‬ٙ١ٍ‫ب وٍّخ رذي ػ‬ِٕٙ ً‫ضغ ثذال‬ٚ ‫ ادزف وٍّخ اٌزؼجت‬-
َ‫ثٕذ‬with regret ‫ ثغضت‬with anger
‫ثفشح‬with joy ‫ثاػجبة‬ with
ْ‫ثذض‬ with

That ‫ ضغ وٍّخ‬ٚ ‫اط‬ٛ‫ ادزف األل‬-

3 . ‫خ‬٠‫ اٌجٍّخ اٌخجش‬ٟ‫وّب عجك ف‬ٚ ٕٝ‫ األفؼبي دغت اٌّؼ‬ٚ ‫ اٌضّبئش‬ٚ ‫ش اٌىٍّبد‬١‫ غ‬-
: ً‫بَ اعزؼًّ وىٍّخ رؼجت ِض‬ٙ‫ وٍّبد اٌزؼجت ئِب دشف اعزف‬:‫د ػالِخ ِالدظخ‬ٛ‫ج‬ٛ‫ب ث‬ٙ‫رؼشف‬ٚ
‫خ اٌجٍّخ‬٠‫ب‬ٙٔ ٟ‫رؼجت ف‬
.! ‫د ػالِخ اٌزؼجت‬ٛ‫ج‬ٛ‫ب ث‬ٙ‫ رؼشف‬ٚ Alas , Hurrah , oh :ً‫ب ِض‬ٙ‫ وٍّخ رؼجت ثزار‬ٚ‫أ‬
‫ِجبشش‬Direct ‫ش ِجبشش‬١‫غ‬Indirect
He said : “Alas! I will not find my He said with sorrow that he would not find his
money”. money.
He said : “How foolish I have been”. He said with regret that he had been foolish.

:Countries and Nationalities ‫بد‬١‫ اٌجٕغ‬ٚ ْ‫) اٌجٍذا‬30 (

: ً‫ي ِضال‬ٛ‫خ فٕم‬١‫ٓ اٌجٕغ‬٠ٛ‫ رٌه ٌزى‬ٚ ‫“ العُ اٌجٍذ‬ٞ” ‫ف دشف‬١‫خ ػبدح ِب ٔض‬١‫ اٌٍغخ اٌؼشث‬ٟ‫ف‬
ٞ‫د‬ٛ‫ عؼ‬: ‫خ‬٠‫د‬ٛ‫اٌغؼ‬
: ٟ٘ ٚ ‫ف ِذزٍّخ ٌإلضبفخ‬ٚ‫ٕبن خّظ دش‬ٙ‫خ ف‬٠‫ض‬١ٍ‫ اٌٍغخ اإلٔج‬ٟ‫أِب ف‬
i, n, ian, ish, ese
:‫٘زٖ ثؼض األِضٍخ‬ٚ .‫ف‬ٚ‫زٖ اٌذش‬ٌٙ ‫ظ ٕ٘بن لبػذح صبثزخ‬١ٌ ٚ
Country Nationality Country Nationality
Saudi Saudi Britain British
Oman Omani Turkey Turkish
Algeria Algerian China Chinese
Libya Libyan Lebanon Lebanese
Palestine Palestinian France French
Syria Syrian Switzerland Swiss


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