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1. Autocratic - This type of management style force an atmosphere of discipline in the organization.
2. Brainstorming - It is a group problem-solving technique that involves the spontaneous contribution of ideas from all members of
the cluster.
3. Business Plan - It requires advance preparation, delegation, refinement, and, most importantly, a disciplined approach.
4. Business Planning - is the process of uncovering and identifying what creates and drives value in the industry.
5. Cash flow - is the increase or decrease in the amount of money a business has.
6. Chaotic - This management style believes that employees perform their full potential when they are given a free hand.
7. Classic - This type of manager keeps tight and personal monitoring supervision.
8. Coordinator - are leaders who maximize their control over business by doing everything themselves.
9. Craftsmen – According to this management style, concentration was focused on providing employees with the required
10. Democratic - This style allows the employees to voice their opinions freely.
11. Discipline is to punish or penalize for the sake of enforcing obedience and perfecting moral character.
12. Esteem – By this stage, the individual feels the need for acceptance and status.
13. Exporting - It is selling and shipping of products to another country.
14. Importing - It is buying goods from other countries to sell in their own nation.
15. Initiative - is the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.
16. Laissez-Faire - In this management style, the targets are communicated to the employees and they can go about meeting those
targets in whichever they want.
17. Mgt by Objectives - This is to create empowered employees who have clarity of the roles and responsibilities expected from
18. Paternalistic - This style cares more about the employees than the profit of the organization.
19. Physiological – is basic primal needs that every individual feels.
20. Product acceptability - It is to revise the product to suit the climate and setting of the new market.
21. Remuneration - is the money paid for work or a service.
22. Sel-actualization - is to realize fully one's potential.
23. Startup - are young companies founded to develop a unique product or service, bring it to market and make it irresistible and
irreplaceable for customers?
24. Virtual Corporation - This type of business structure in which leaders can run a fairly good-sized business with just a handful of
25. Fourteen Principles of Administration (14 pts)
26. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – From Lowest to Highest (5)
27. Scientific Management Principles (4 pts.)
28. Seven qualities of a manager (7 pts.)
29. Writing Process for a Business Plan (7) – in order
30. APEC
32. GATT
33. MBCD
34. MBIS
35. MBOD
36. MBWA
38. Among the different Management Styles according to the needs of an organization, which one would you choose that fits the
organization structure and culture? Explain.
39. How can a business plan prepare your dream business in the future? Explain.
40. In Iloilo City, what may be the best kind of entrepreneurial venture? Why?

Fill in the blanks

1. An international business plan is important in order to define the company’s present status and internal goals and commitment.
2. Decision-making should be under the purview of the management
3. It believes in the process of the manager walking around the office and interacting with the employees.
4. It cannot grow indefinitely unless a group of people shares in the authority and responsibility.
5. Many modern thinkers believe that chaotic management style allows an employee to work on his idea, without any interference of the
management, and this helps in creating new innovations.
6. Most company policies and decisions are made after taking the opinion of the employees into consideration.
7. No single management style could succeed in improving the performance of all workers.
8. One of the management duties is to define clearly job description of each and every employee so that deadlines and expectations are
9. One of the most effective and widespread ways to organize a company around small partnership lines is to make it an “inside-outside”
partnership. (
10. Planning is a great exercise to help a potential entrepreneur think through all the business aspects and forces.
11. Selecting workers with appropriate abilities for each job to create an environment of excellence and complete understanding of the
12. Social interaction is important and people work well if they feel valued.
13. The coordinator method is whereby leaders can run a fairly good-sized business with just a handful of employees.
14. The Hawthorne experiments highlighted the fact that human beings were the main resources for any organization and had to be kept
happy to ensure high productivity.
15. The Philippines has been an important center for commerce for centuries for its ethnic minority
16. Internal Uses of a Business Plan
a. Analyzing capital budget decisions
b. Attracting key employees
c. Establishing performance metrics
d. Facilitating and leading restructuring, turn around and restarts
e. Facilitating new product development projects
f. Helping set objectives
g. Integrating new acquisition
h. Leading internal projects
i. Managing risk and uncertainty
j. Motivating and focusing venture team

17. Ten Value Drivers of a Business Plan

a. Business Strategy and Sustainable Competitive Advantage
b. Control of Critical Capital Resources
c. Proven Venture Team and Sound Organization
d. Solid Opportunity and Industry Analysis
e. Sound Financing Strategy
f. Strategy for Managing a Networked Enterprise
g. Strategy for Managing Rapid Growth
h. Strategy for Market Entry and Sales Traction with Customers
i. Strategy for Marketing and Sales
j. Viable Exit Strategy
18. Ways to enter a global market
a. Always accept a business card with respect
b. Be prepared to remove your shoes in a temple, mosque or even in some homes
c. Be punctual
d. Build a relationship before doing business
e. Don’t comment on the country’s food except to praise it
f. Don’t correct their English
g. Do not refer to a person by their first name unless invited to
h. Dress conservatively in dark colors
i. Know something about the country and its culture and language
j. Talk in terms of their currency, not in US dollars
19. Acronyms
1. MBCE Management by Competitive Edge
2. MBWS Management by Work Simplification
3. MDBM Management by Decision Models
4. NAFTA North American Foreign Trade Agreement
5. WTO World Trade Organization
20. Essay/Illustrate

1. Illustrate, label and define each stage of Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

2. Why is it essential to make a business plan before establishing the company? Explain.

3. Among the micro, small and medium enterprises in Iloilo City, which of establishment would you like to benchmark in your future
business? Why?

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