Some DFA Questions

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Mr John has developed a software program and to make his program run faster he allows portion of
the program to reside in a computer memory……..

Ans.speed optimization

2. The most encouraged time of day to hold a scrum daily meeting is ……

Ans. The beginning of the day ,at 7.00 pm

3. which of the following are not benifits of code optimization techniques?

ans. improves the organization's performance

improves the compilation time of an application.

4. which of the following statement is not corrct about code quality metrics?

ans.cyclomatic complexity measures the complexity of a program.

5. which of the following is not one of the 9 key principles of GRASP?

ans. Inheritance

6. cls are the work products within the selected categories that the project wants under configuration

Imagine you are the person for writing the CM plan who typically works with the team leads ........

ans. product manager or configuration manager

7. what are various lines of businesses that accenture delivery suite(ADS)support?,digital,operations,security,and strategy.

8. A team is referring to the latest version of the product backlog to work ont he deliverables.who is

for the content availability and orddering of the items....

ans.product owner
9. a technique to render the untrusted data such as user input into literal texts so that

when any malicious code is input, it will not be measure aganist...

ans.applying least privilege, insufficient attack protection.

10.what are the responsibilities of the change control board?

ans. and authorize changes to the baselines.

d.Monitor changes and updates to the project requirements as part of cm.

11. consider the dockerfile code-(Assume the petclinic war ad server,xml files are avalible in the current
working directory)

ans. run keyword excutes the shell command during yoour image build where as CMD.

12. what guidelines should be followed for creating the accenture coding standards?

ans.b.should be agreed upon across project teams spanning globally

c.coding standards should be easy to understand.

13. -------helps the dessign process,whereas---- is more suitable for integration..


14. how does microservices provide small,manageable,and deployable components?

ans.a.micro-service containers.

15. while doing the daily scrum cermony,the true sprit of the ceremony shouldbe?

ans .c.reporting updates to scrum master.

16. In the sprint planning meeting at the ---,the team along with the po selects the goal in one-sentence
foor overall outcome of the sprint.

ans.c.Beginning of sprint planning

17. In accenture code quality model, fundamental area of performanance and scalability,select ....

ans.c.sensitive data not being used or passed unnecessarily.


18. customer walks into an ATM to withdraw money. the money dispensed from the ATM..... the ATM
was not able to print its transaction receiptas ATM....

which principle of GRASP was utilizedto handle this exception?

ans. a.Indirection.

19. what is the major difference between the product backlog and the sprint backlog?

ans:a.the sprint backlog is a subset of the product backlog.

20. which of the following could be input or output of a task?


21. which of the following is a unit of work that a role may be asked to...

ans. Task.

22.what is the best apporach in design patterns in coding?

ans. writing codes with the highest possible coupling and lowest possible cohesion.

23. which of the following tasks will be performed by the configuraation manager?

ans. a.makes sure that project complies with CM standards and procedures.

b.plans configuration management.

c.tracks and reports...

24. what relationship(S) can a work product have to task?

ans. optional input,mandatory input, primary outputand secondary output.

25. what is the work / assets grouped by business area?


26.complete the statement application design can be done using---


27. A graph that shows the progress of work toward a goal line associated with a value vertical axis is

ans. burnup chart

28. sohini is a new developer on xyz e-commerece project.she has awritten a piece of code handling
errors that may occur

because of non avaliblity of product in a cart already....

ans.Business Exceptions.

29. Mr.Neli has to create a project document that includes configuration item project he is currently
working on.he has propposed the configuration

A.project documentation

B. Architectures

D.Designs..........Mr vincent is the configuration manager in the project

ans b.metrics and status reports

d. requirements

30. what are some of the way test-driven development can benefit a project ... technique?

ans a.compresses the avaliable set of test tools

c.supports continuous integration.

31. identify the cloud application issues when an application id developed

ans.b.attack surface has increased

d. API calls travel across the internet and are subject to threats

32. which are the external application-oriented devices that provide application


33. code review process involves which of the following steps:

ans.baseline a software products,prepare for a review,plan for a review,reslove review points the challenges of applying TDD to agile development projects?

ans developers adaptability

test writing becomes intuitive

35.while doing TDD,which of the following is recommended?

ans writing trivial tests that are too small.

36.Every sprint starts with ---- and ends with --- and

ans a.1.sprint planning 2. sprint review 3. sprint retrospective

37.what are the major challenges faced when performing test-drive database device

ans .b.test framework usi g mock objects

d.schema changes breaking tests

40. why are WIP limits important?

ans b.To ensures smooth flow of things through the system.

41. Linda, an AWS cloud administrator, used to generate a soft token in her mobile..........

ans.multifactor authentication
42. what is key benifit of the least privilege approach to security?

ans It minimized the level of compromise in the event of a security breech.

43. which of the following action to be taken before pushing the code into when .... have
senstive in the source code?

ans. move the sensitive information to gitignore file.

44.what are the two important objectivies when adding testing code to a project?

ans. integration tests on the final release to ensure test code is present

b. use normal design criteria too...

d.prevent test code from being complied into production code.

45.definition of done is application to which of the following?

ans all of the options.

46. john is the identified product owner of a just commenced scrum project..

i)identify the REAL product owner to do job

ii)educate the project ownw=er on the expectation

iii) request the scurm..

ans.d.all i,ii,iii

47. in scrum ban,impediments are..

ans hidden which situation a looping error will not occur?

ans. loops varibles are intialized correctly.

49. Mr.John is working for an E-commerce application,There are various innterdependent components
to this application like payment provider,and gateway....

ans.c.API testing.

50. identify the responsibilities of a DBA which includes

ans all of the above

51. which of the following are not benifits of ccode optimization techniques?

ans.c.improves the system performance

d.improves the organization's performance.

52. which of these is an administrative responsibility for the team?

ans.d.attend the daily scrum ceremony an provide the hours consumed or burned down.

53. what are the oops components that is influenced in design patterns?

ans. abstraction,poly,encap

54.after what activity we should raise a change request(cr)?(choose the best option)

ans.c. any changes to the requirements which come after entering the design stage.since the...

55.what is sso in terms of cloud security mean?

ans b.single sign on/off a banking application,we keep the customer UI logic separate from the the backend

or the business logic of our application. which GRAPS principle would take......


57. product ,relase or sprint level planning is a key feature of the ---- tools

ans continuous integration (CI)

58.which of the following is a unit of work that a role may be asked to perform?


59. shyam created container images considering his project environment requirement. which cloud
based registry....

ans. Docker hub.

60.what are the benefits of adopting the security-centric approach to develop the application in the

ans. all the above. which situation a looping error will not occur?

ans loops varible are intializes correctly

62. while designing the application, what is used to graphically represent application components and

ans. Design pattern

63. before using the "git commit" command, in the source code,if sensitive information is identified,....

a.use functions.... b. copy the sensitive..... c.add the cfg file... d. identigy the sensitive...

ans. ABCD

64.identify the state that referss high degree of coupling.

ans. b. small change can break your code and this could have a disastrous effect on your

65.product owner considers which of the following criteria while writing a good user story.

ans. a.Definition of Done

66.consider the identity and access management solutions by various providers as given below.

Google apps sso;

microsoft SQL server integrated security;

microsoft office online;

the above solution comes under.............................

ans. single sign-on/off(sso) identity

67.Mr.Mark works in acloud service provider firm.he gathers requirements from a customer.customer

started that "on demand based computing resources.................etc

ans coupling and decoupling

68. choose the most appropriate option:janet requires to automate end to end process in her project
based on requirement received ...... process.

69. A team is referring to the latest version of theproduct backlog to work on the deliverables. who....

ans b.project manager.

70. in accenture code quality model,fundamental area and scalability,select the important .....

ans. b.sensitive processing... encryption and encoding implementation

d.object pooling and recycling patterns

71.Mr.vincent is the configuration manager for one project in accenture.he to identify and establish

configuration items.

a.determine CI categories

b.determine CM control levels.

c. determine Ci tools.

d.determine CI namingconventions.
e.auits and status reporting cis

ans. abcdf.

72.which of the following is correct with respect to the scrum master role?

a) the role hierarchial b)the role is at ... c)its authority is ... d) the role acts as... e)the scrum master...

ans.only a,c,e. knife is capable enough to perform multiple tasks but if you want to change...

ans.d.Dependency inversion principle.

74.scrum of scrum meeting is focused on?

ans. resolving coordination challenges with a teams.

75.Ms Richa has to write a poc that proposes the devops adoptioninto the project that is ....

ans.c. creates and improve products at a slower pace

d. based on agile and lean principles.

76.complete the statements -accenture delivery suite(or ADS) is our standard delivery framework

designed to help our teams----results.

ans. a.smooth,efficient,pridictable, reliable and high-quality results.

77.why are policies required for a project?

ans. all of the above

78.Mr.Anthony ans.c,a,e,d,b

79.alex has been identified as the scrum master of an ANS:only A and C.

1. swiss knife is capable enough to perform multiple tasks but you

want to change blade or component of the swiss knife,all other components....etc

ans. dependency inversion principle

2.what is sso in terms of cloud security mean?

ans. single sign on/off

3. Which soild principle helps the use to develop less coupled code by ensuring the

high level modules depend on abstaction..........lower level modules?

ans. dependency inversion principle.

4. security features match the database level security?

ans. login ,user,audits

5. Mr. Mark works in a cloud service provider firm. he gather requirement from a

customer.customer stated that "on demand based computing resources has to be

.......which property of cloud computing helps Mr.Mark to adress this requirement.


6.sujata a senior develper of project has been assigned a task to look at the code

......what are points she should keep in mind while checking?

ans. a. the average complexity of classes,programs…………

c. There are no cyclic dependencies between classes,components or layer.

7.which of the following could be input or output of a task?(select all that apply)?

ans. outcome,artifact,deliverable
8.which of the following are not optimization techniques?

ans. improves the organization’s performance

improves the system’s performance

9.what guidelines should be followed for creating the accenture coding standards?

ans. coding standards should be easy to understand

should be agreed upon across project teams spanning globally

10. Mr.vicent is the configuration manager for one project in accenture........

A.determine ci categories

B.determines CM control levels

C.determine CI tools

D.determine CI naming conventions

E.audits and status reporting CIs.


11.which are external application-oriented devices that provide application security?

ans. waf,https,citrix,api gateway.

12.Mr.jacob is an ethical hacker. He wants to intrude into mail box of his friened john .... =j4jacob/0/#inbox .......

ans.cross site scripting

13. Mr.Anthony is the configuration manager for the ABC utility.He has to plan

configuration management planning CM has a set of sequential steps....

A.levels of control.

B.selecting Cis.

C.determining categories

E.configuration items(cis).

ans. c,a,e,d,b

14.Ms.julie has to write a project document that process the configuration management

adoption into the project.......

A.estabilshes and maintain the integrity of the items.......under its control.

B.accounts for and reports the progress of development efforts.

C.prevents unauthorized access to assets.

D.coordinates tracks and management change activities.

E.facilitates concurrent development.


15. which solid principle states that an abstraction should not depend on details,

but.........on the abstractions?

ans. dependency inversion principle.

16.Ajay,a project Manager onborded new resources for his project.The client he is

handling is diamond client of accenture and he needs to train the resources on

various........................proper project plans and enable agile practices?


17.John has written code that includes multiples methods that is not synonymous.....

.....what standard coding patterns would you suggest to him?

ans. a. group logically related statements for…..

b. name of methods does not matter.

18.identify the state that refers high degree of coupling?

ans. b. A small change can break your code and this could have…….

19. Mr.John is working for an E-commerce application.There are various interdependent....

ans. API testing

20.what is the funtionality of data cohesion in modulues of project?

ans. Both option 1 and 2.

21.which are the common coding situation that developers come across...

ans. code is not well-formatted.

22.which of the following is a unit of work that a role may be asked to perform?

ans. activity

23.what are the guidelines that needs to be followed for managing bottlenects during optimization?

Ans a. do not cache the result.

b. identify benefits of implementing complex……

d. do performance testing on critical…………

24. where are policies required for a project?

Ans all of the above.

25. what are the pitfalls concerning the cloud application development?

Ans. requiring all application be deployed in the cloud.

26. what is work / assets grouped by business area?


27. complete the statements-Accenture delivery suite(or ADS) is our standard delivery framework

Designed to help our teams “----------“ results.

Ans. smooth,efficient,predictable,reliable and high_quality results.

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