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Standard Operating Procedure

Learning & Organizational Development

Rewards & Recognition

NOVEMBER 18, 2022

701 & 702, Kaledonia, Sahar Road, Near Andheri Station, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 069.

Learning & Organizational Development

Revision History
Version Date Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by Modification details
V0.1 18/11/2022 Kruti Andharia Singh Bhupendra SOP Creation


Acronyms Description
CSS Customer Service Specialist
ADM Assistant Department Manager
ASM Assistant Store Manager
SM Store Manager
CSD Customer Service Desk
AAA Assistant Area Accountant
BDC Back Dock Controller
CC Contact Centre
SCM Supply Chain Management
RPA Repair Allocation
CDS Customer Delivery Specialist
VAS Value Added Service
SPOC Single Point Of Contact

Learning & Organizational Development
Training Assessment Incentives

Eligibility Criteria
Assessment scores for every month in a quarter should be more than 80%
Candidate should be certified in all the mandatory modules every month in
the quarter

Total Awards

Slab Weightage Score Incentive

Slab 1 ≤ 80% to 90% ₹2000

Slab 2 ≤ 90.1% to 95% ₹3000

Slab 3 ≤ 95.1% to 100% ₹6000

Qualification for the Slabs

Quarter Weightage of Assessment Scores
First Month 10%
Second Month 10%
Third Month 80%
Quarter Score Total of weighted score

❖ Eligible Roles for incentives:

• Customer Service Specialist
• Assistant Department Manager

Learning & Organizational Development
Croma Star

To select the best CSS in the learning parameter

Every Quarter


Weightage given in the PICs process

Weightage given in the category expert eligibility

Eligible Criteria

Online Assessments:

To qualify, CSS would need to clear/pass all the online assessments

(Monthly and quarterly) with the minimum score of 80%. Only those who score
80% and above will be considered as qualifying on this parameter
Base Stations Module:
The CSS needs to complete all the modules assigned to them on Base Station
every month. They also need to be certified by scoring an overall score of 80% in
the assigned module quizzes. In the entire quarter if the CSS misses out on any
single module assigned to them, they will not be eligible for the ‘Croma Star’ for
the quarter.

Brand Certification
At the end of each month the CSS should be certified in at least 1 top brand of
their category as shared on the focus list.

Learning & Organizational Development
❖ Based on the above 3 criteria, at the end of every quarter the names of Croma Stars
will be shared with all the stores and cluster managers.

❖ The Croma Star would be awarded to the eligible CSS which they need to wear on the
ID card lanyard at all times.

Croma Badge

Every CSS who has been constantly striving to deliver excellence in their work and has
managed to earn up to 4 Croma Stars over every quarter in the same financial year will
receive a ‘Croma Badge’.

This ‘Croma Badge’ will be given to the CSS in the fourth quarter instead of a Croma
Star and they will have to handover all the previous Croma Stars to the Training Team.

Learning & Organizational Development
Gadget Gyani

Gadget Gyani is a rotating trophy that shall be awarded to 1 store per

cluster at the end of every quarter.


The ‘Gadget Gyani’ trophy will be awarded to one store in each cluster

To qualify, the Attempt Percentage*of a store should be at least 95%.

The final score for the Quarter would be a Weighted Average of the Pass
Percentages of 3 months in that quarter.
The monthly assessments pass % will hold a weightage of 10% per month

The quarterly assessments pass % will hold the weightage of 80%.

Basis the weighted average calculated, the store with the highest Pass
Percentage** for the quarter in each cluster, would be declared as the
‘Gadget Gyani’
In case of a tie, the store with the higher average score in the quarterly
assessment would get the trophy.
The ‘Gadget Gyani’ trophy would be presented to the winning stores at
the MORs and it shall be displayed at the store till the next Quarter’s
winners are announced.
All role assessment scores will be considered while calculating and
deciding on the Gadget Gyani. To elaborate listed below are the roles

Learning & Organizational Development
CSS Customer Service Specialist
ADM Assistant Department Manager
ASM Assistant Store Manager
SM Store Manager

❖ The final decision will be made basis the training reports that are
published. This would be final and binding.

* Attempt Percentage = (No. of staff attempted /Total Staff) x 100

** Pass Percentage = (No. of staff passed /Total Staff) x 100

Learning & Organizational Development
Leader of the Leaderboard

Leader of the Leader board is a reward and recognition program
designed by Learning and Development team.
The sole purpose is to reward and recognize the active users on
Base Station with highest score.

All the base station users till the level of Store Managers.

Maintenance executives are NOT a part of the process.


Starts from 1st day of the quarter and ends at the last day of the
same quarter.

Data Source

Learning and Development team – Support Office.


Multiple interventions like Monthly modules, Monthly Assessments,

quizzes etc. are carried out every month on Base Station
On attempting each of these contents and completing the activities
assigned, the user scores a pre-defined number of points.
These points get accrued in the individual’s account and reflect as a
cumulative score on the Base Station leader board.
Learning & Organizational Development
The leader board also shows the ranking of each user in the function.

At the end of the period (1st day of the quarter till last of the quarter),
the user with the highest cumulative points in each function is
declared a winner.
The winners are declared cluster wise.
Basis the total points accrued in the accounts of all the users in the
store, a store ranking will be done for each cluster.
The store with highest total points will be declared as a winner for
that specific quarter for that specific cluster.
A total of 10 winners, across all roles, will be declared cluster wise
each quarter.

Role Number of winners

Customer Service Specialist 3 (1st, 2nd & 3rd Rank in the cluster)
Assistant Department Manager 1 (1st Rank in the cluster)
Assistant Store Manager 1 (1st Rank in the cluster)
Store Manager/Senior Store Manager 1 (1st Rank in the cluster)
Store 1 (1st Rank in the cluster)

The certificate will be assigned digitally in Base Station for the Leader
of the Leader board.

Process Clarification

The cluster here refers to set of stores mapped to each cluster


Learning & Organizational Development
The quarters here are considered as (April –June, July-Sept, Oct-Dec
and Jan-Mar)

If any store mapping changes during the quarter, the store will still be
considered under previous cluster manager and accordingly the
functional ranking will be derived. The effect of revision in store
mapping will be considered from following quarter.
Leader of Leaderboard winning although indicates users bent towards
learning, the points accrued or number of certificates earned cannot
be linked to incentive or any other calculations

Learning & Organizational Development
Category Expert League

To reward & recognise the top performers in each category

Eligible Criteria

Quarterly Assessment Certification with ≤ 85%

NPS (Knowledge & Helpfulness) – 73 and above except APLS
(65 & above for APLS) for H1 TY
Certified in Demo with ≤ 80% (CTM & CM/SM/ADM)

Store should have been in operations for at least 6 months

Top Percentile of category experts will be identified and invited to

attend the CEL from every region
Half Yearly
The CEL event will be conducted by 20th of first month of the quarter
for previous quarter


Certificate for all the top percentile experts selected for event

Learning & Organizational Development
Top 3 from each category (APL/APS, ENT, COM & CMP) for each
region will be awarded with Certificate & Gift voucher of ₹5000/-

Start End
Topic Presenter Details Duration
Time Time
Welcome by the
Check In RTM 11:00 11:10 10 mins
Importance of the
Address the HZO/RM 11:10 12:10 60 mins
About the program
Experts RTM 12:10 12:40 30 mins
& R&R
Experience Overall journey &
Experts 12:40 13:40 60 mins
sharing experience
Refreshment All Lunch 13:40 14:30 50 mins

Learning & Organizational Development
Apple Excellence Program


Eligibility Criteria
Measures will be NPS, Monthly activity completion, Knowledge &
Sales Improvement
Minimum 80% in the below mentioned KPIs

KPIs Target Weighted Score

30% (100% achievement in
NPS (Knowledge & Minimum 73 for Knowledge Knowledge)
Helpfulness) & 76 for Helpfulness 20% (100% achievement in
100% completion of all
Monthly Activity Completion monthly activities assigned
15% (100% achievement)
+ eModules NPI on SEED Central & Base
Station for every month
Minimum 80% and 300 bps
Improvement in quarterly
Knowledge Improvement 15% (100% achievement)
assessments on last quarter
of TY
Highest attach% in the Region
• 7% - Smartwatch Highest
-Smartwatch • 4% - Cable Attach%
Sales Improvement -Cable • 4% - Cover in Region
-Cover • 5% - Adaptor

Learning & Organizational Development
❖ Monthly status will be shared with all the stakeholders by every 15th of the
month for previous month

One CSS with highest achievement from each region (North, South,
West and Central + East) will get the Airpods

Learning & Organizational Development

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