Work Stress Management Among Bank Employees

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Project Report submitted to


In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


Submitted by


Under the supervision of




MARCH 2021



This is to certify that the project report entitled “A STUDY ON STRESS

AMONG BANK EMPLOYEES ” is a Bonafide record of project done by
VISHNURAJ K R, Reg. No. CCASBCM078, under my guidance and
supervision in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree
of BACHELOR OF COMMERCE and it has not previously formed the basis
for any Degree, Diploma and Associateship or Fellowship.


Co-Ordinator Project Guide


I, VISHNURAJ K R, hereby declare that the project work entitled “A

independent and Bonafide project work carried out by me under the supervision
and guidance of Ms. SIJI CL, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce,
Christ College, Irinjalakuda.

The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my
knowledge. The report has not been previously submitted for the award of any
Degree, Diploma, Associateship or other similar title of any other university or

Place: Irinjalakuda VISHNURAJ K R

Date: CCASBCM078


I would like to take the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all people
who have helped me with sound advice and able guidance.

Above all, I express my eternal gratitude to the Lord Almighty under whose
divine guidance; I have been able to complete this work successfully.

I would like to express my sincere obligation to Revd. Jolly Andrews,

Principal-in-Charge, Christ college Irinjalakuda for providing various facilities.

I am thankful to Prof. K.J.Joseph, Co-ordinator of B.Com (Finance), for

providing proper help and encouragement in the preparation of this report.

I am thankful to Ms. Prassy Viswambharan, Class teacher for her cordial

support, valuable information and guidance, which helped me in completing
this task through various stages.

I express my sincere gratitude to Ms.SIJI CL, Assistant Professor, whose

guidance and support throughout the training period helped me to complete this
work successfully.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the faculties of the Department for
their interest and cooperation in this regard.

I extend my hearty gratitude to the librarian and other library staffs of my

college for their wholehearted cooperation.

I express my sincere thanks to my friends and family for their support in

completing this report successfully.









CHAPTER 4 24– 44

CHAPTER 5 46– 49





4.1 Table Showing age wise classification 25

4.2 Table Showing Gender wise classification 26

Table Showing Classification based on material

4.3 27

Table Showing Analysis based on job

4.4 28

4.5 Table Showing Analysis based on nature of job 29

Table Showing working condition of the

4.6 30

4.7 Table Showing work stress due to responsibility 31

Table Showing Analysis of competitive nature

4.8 32
of the work
Table showing the feeling of respondents
4.9 33
towards monotonous

Table Showing respondents relation with the co-

4.10 34
Table Showing remedial measures taken by the
4.11 35
4.12 Table Showing working hour 36

4.13 Table Showing stress due to pay package 37

4.14 Table Showing temper control in respondent 38

Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

In the present scenario the work stress has become a crucial word. Work related
stress occurs in response to work demands and pressure that are not matched to
the knowledge and abilities of the employee. Stress is taken as a negative word
but at times it can be positive word too Some argue that a certain level of stress
is vital for people to achieve the goals but most people thinks one can perform
efficiently if they are allowed to work under minimal stress.

The term stress was first used by Selye (1936) in the literature on life sciences
describing stress as the "the force, pressure or strain exerted upon a material
object or person which resist these forces and attempt to maintain its original

The level of stress is an important factor that may have impact on the employees'
behaviour. The ever-changing demands of the working world can increase the
levels of the stress especially for those who are consistently working under
pressure such as bank workers The work pressure not only affect the employees
work life but has far reaching impact on employees family life as well.

Work stress is considered as an important phenomenon affecting the

organizational health and the health of its employee. It affects the behaviour of
employees and have far reaching impact on the job satisfaction. Job related
dissatisfaction may then lead to lesser motivation of employees.

Stress has become a very common phenomenon of routine life, and an

unavoidable consequence of the ways in which society has changed. This
change has occurred in terms of science and technology, industrial growth,
urbanization, modernization and automation on one hand and an expanding
population, unemployment and stress on the other.

Cooper and Marshal (1976), stated that occupational stress includes the
environmental factors such as work load, role ambiguity, role conflict and poor
working conditions associated with a particular job.

The banking scenario has witnessed sweeping changes due to liberalization,
privatization, globalization and modernization. This created increasing demand
for learning new skills set, adapt to modern technology developments, work
pressure, time pressure and hectic jobs The nature of job of bank employees is
very tiresome as it involves long working hours inappropriate reward system
lack of job autonomy and role conflict There is no stress free job Everyone in a
job may experience some kind of stress, tension and anxiety and banking
industry is not an exceptional one.

During the past decades banking sector has undergone striking policy changes
and amendments Owing to the changes banking sector employees are
experiencing a high level of pressure.

1.2 Statement of The Problem

Work stress is one of the major issues of concern in any work place. People
often do not work well under certain stress leading to decrease in productivity
and various health issues. Therefore, this project concentrates of finding out
stress level, its effects and whether the management is providing adequate
measures to reduce stress in bank employees.

1.3 Scope of The Study

➢ The study is conducted among the bank employees in Kodungallur.

➢ The study concentrates on identifying the stress in the bank employees.
➢ The study focuses on identifying the measures that has to be taken by the
management to reduce stress.

1.4 Significance Of The Study

The world today is fast changing the employees' face a lot of stress in work This
study focuses on identifying the causes of stress and how to reduce the same
since it is well known that a healthy and sound employee is a productive

1.5 Objectives Of The Study

1.5.1 To study the stress level of bank employees.

1.5.2 To identify the effects of stress on employees work performance.

1.5.3 To determine the measures to reduce the stress.

1.6 Research Design

Research design is a comprehensive plan of operation that a researcher intends

to carry out to accomplish the research objectives. It is the blueprint for study.
Here researcher opt descriptive research.

Descriptive research is fact finding investigation. It is simplest type of research.

Descriptive study id defined to gather descriptive information. It provides
information for formulating complex studies. Data needed for study are
collected through observation, interview and mailed questionnaire. It does not
deal with testing of hypothesis or propositions.

1.6.1 Nature of Study

This study is directed towards the analysis of factors causing work stress and
also finds out the level of work stress among bank employees. Hence the study
is descriptive and analytical.

1.6.2 Nature of Data

Data are facts, figures and other relevant materials, past and present serving a
basis for study and analysis.

1.6.3 Source of Data

The study used primary source as well as secondary source for collecting data.

Primary Data

Primary data are those which are collected for the first time and thus happened
to be original in character. Here questionnaire method is used as primary data.

Secondary Data

Secondary data is which have already been collected by someone else and
which have been passed through the statistical process.

The sources of secondary data are: journal, casual reports, websites.

1.7 Sample Design

A sample design is defined plan for obtaining a sample from given population.
It refers to the technique or the procedure the researcher would adopt in
selecting items for sample. It is an important part of research design or plan. In
the study, the sampling used is convenient sampling.

1.7.1 Nature of Population

The population for the study is kodungallur municipality. The data collected for
the study is taken from among the bank employees of kodungallur municipality.
So, the population for the study is finite.

1.7.2 Method of Sampling

To take sample from kodungallur municipality, the whole municipality was

divided into North, East, South, West on the basis of geographical are. And
then, prepared questionnaire was distributed among the bank employees.
Questionnaire was distributed by online. Stratified sampling is used in this

1.7.3 Size of Sampling

Sample size is taken as 50 from kodungallur municipality. That means 50 bank

employees are taken as sample.

1.7.4 Research Methodology

Research methodology is a science. It is a method that can be used to solve the

research problems. Research methodology has many dimensions, and research
is a part of it .So the scope of research methodology is wider than that of
research methods .It helps in studying how research is done scientifically
.Research methodology provides various steps that can be adopted by the
researcher in studying his research problem The study is based on the data
collected from the bank employees in kodungallur municipality. .

1.8 Tools Used for The Study

The tools used for the study is Percentage analysis.

1.9 Limitation of The Study

❖ Lack of accurate information

❖ Vague answers from the respondents.

1.10 Chapterisation

Chapter 1

Introduction: - It deals with introduction of project report, statement of problem,

scope of study, objectives of study, research design, sample design, and
limitations of the study.

Chapter 2

Review of literature: - It deals with conceptual review and empirical literature

of the study.

Chapter 3

Company profile: - about banking industry

Chapter 4

Data analysis and interpretation: - It deals with the data analysis and
interpretation which include percentage analysis, pie diagrams.

Chapter 5

Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion: - It includes findings, suggestions and

conclusion of the overall research experience.

Chapter 2

Review of Literature

2. Introduction

This chapter contains review of literature. It is divided in to two parts, first part
contains conceptual review about the topic work stress, types of stress, causes
of work stress, sources of stress, advantage and disadvantages of stress and
second part contains empirical review about the studies conducted earlier about
this topic.

2.1 Conceptual Review

Work stress

Work stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses
that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities,
resources or needs of the worker. It can lead to poor health and even injury
Work related stress is the response people have when presented with work
demands and pressure that are not matched to their knowledge and abilities to

Work stress is the reaction which one has to the pressure Work pressure does
not unnecessarily have to go with stress. Work pressures have advantages
Occupational stress can occur when there is a discrepancy between the demands
of the environment or workplace and an individual's ability to carry out and
complete these demands.

2.1.2Types of stress:

Acute stress

Acute stress is usually brief It is the most common type of stress. Acute stress
is most often caused by reactive thinking Negative thoughts predominate about
situations or events that have recently occurred upcoming situations, events, or
demands in near future.

Short term effects of acute stress:

Transient emotional distress: combination of anger irritability, anxiety and


Transient muscular distress: tension, headache, back pain, neck pain and other
muscular tension

Transient stomach gut, bowel problems heartburn, acid stomach, diarrhoea.

Transient hyper arousal: elevated blood pressure, rapid heartbeat.

Episodic Acute stress:

People who frequently experience acute stress, or whose life's present with
frequent triggers of stress, have episodic stress.

The individuals who frequently suffer acute stress often live a life of chaos and

Effects of episodic acute stress:

• Emotional distress anger or irritability, anxiety and depression

• Cognitive distress: compromised attention, or concentration

• Interpersonal relationships deteriorate, the work place becomes a stressful

place for them

• Immune system compromise -- frequent colds and other illness

Chronic stress:

Chronic stress is the most harmful stress. If the chronic stress is left untreated
over a long time, it can significantly and often irreversibly damage the physical
health and deteriorate the mental health

Chronic stress can set in when the individual feels hopeless, does not see an
escape from the cause of the stress.

When an individual lives with chronic stress his or her behavioural actions and
emotional reactions become ingrained. There is change in the body and brain.

It is a grinding stress. It wears people away from day after day, year after year.
It destroys lives, bodies, and minds. It wreaks havoc through long term attrition.
It is the stress of poverty, dysfunctional families, violence, abuse, trauma,
demised job, ethnic rivalry

2.1.3 Causes of work stress

The job stress results from the interaction of the worker and conditions of work.
Views of people differ, however on the importance of worker characteristics
versus working conditions is seen as the primary cause of job stress.

Conditions that may lead to stress in work place

• The design of task

• Management style

• Interpersonal relationship

• Career concerns

• Environmental conditions

• Signs of work stress

• Headache

• Sleep disturbances

• Difficulty in concentrating

• Short temper

• Upset stomach

• Job dissatisfaction

• Low morale

2.1.4 Sources of stress:

Environmental Stress:

The stress, strain and hustle in life can be of environmental stress. This type of
stress relates to those aspects of environment and surroundings that are causing
stress. For example, living next to a noisy, busy street may result in exhibiting
stress symptoms and stress effects.

Social Stress:

This type of stress relates to the stress involved in interacting, socializing and
communicating with other human beings. It revolves around relationship with
other people. Some of the social interactions and relationships can be very
stressful and tensions filled experience in life. Others can be enjoyable and
positive types of social stress and social interaction

Organizational Stress:

Everyone engaged in a organization have experienced some kinds of stress.

Most often the stress is associated with work stress and job stress. It often
involves the demands and pressure placed upon by the organization. However,
it also involves any organization with which people interact including the local
government organization, clubs’ associations and more.

Physiological Stress:

This source of stress relates to how physiology, body reacts and responds to
stressful situations. It is often discussed as physical stress and in relation to the
physical stress symptoms. For example, people have taken a moment and think
of a time when they have felt fearfulness, nervousness or trepidation and
remember some of bodily reactions to that stressful situations. These responses
by the body are aspects of physiological response to stress,

Psychological stress:

Psychological stress involves the power of own mind in how brain, psyche.
mind thinks about the stress in life. It is spoken of as emotional stress or mental
and involves powerful feelings and emotions.

Significant Events Stress:

This source of stress revolves around critical incidents and significant events in
life. It is also known as significant event stress. Not all stress is bad and there
are significant events that may occur in life that results in positive stress.
Example, passing in high school, winning a sporting event etc. Such events
involve a very high degree of stress and anxiety. They are associated with

continuing trauma after the event, referred to as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

How to change the organization style to prevent work stress

❖ Ensure that the workload is in line with workers capabilities and

❖ Design job to provide meaning stimulation and opportunities for workers
to use their skills.
❖ Clearly define workers role and responsibilities.
❖ Give workers opportunities to participate in decisions and actions
affecting their jobs.
❖ Improve communications reduce uncertainty about career development
and future employment prospects.
❖ Provide opportunities for social interaction among workers.

2.1.5 Advantages of stress

According to experts, stress is a burst of energy that basically advises you on

what to do in small doses, stress has many advantages. For instance, stress can
help to meet daily challenges and motivates to reach the goals in fact stress
helps to accomplish tasks more efficiently. It can even boost memory.

2.1.6 Disadvantages of stress

Too much of stress can make a person sick If a person is constantly under, they
can have physical symptoms such as headaches, upset stomach, blood pressure,
chest pain and problems with sleep Stress can also lead to emotional problems,
depression, panic attacks or other forms of anxiety and worry

2.2 Empirical literature

Arul Edison, Anthony Raj, SheebaJulius (2018), According to the study

"Causes and consequences of work stress and coping behaviour in
employees : An analysis", the most appropriate solution to maintain work life
balance is capacity building, skill development and on the part of employees in
the organization decision making.

Giulio Arcangeli , Gabriele Giorgi, Manfredi Montalti, Francesco Sderci
(2018), The study" "The assessment of work related stress in large sample
of bank employees", demonstrates that employees with the shortest job
seniority experienced greatest role ambiguity and lack of colleagues support
The lack of colleagues and supervisors support as well as job control
contributed in explaining recovery.

PoojaChatterjee(2016). In the study "Job related stress, casual factors and

coping strategies ",Employees are increasingly recognizing that work is
infringing on their personal lives and they are not happy about it. Evidence
indicate that balancing work and life demands now surpasses job security as an
employee priority They want a life as well as a job. The study asses the
occupational stress. Job satisfaction and mental health of the employee
belonging to the profession namely bank and IT firms comprising of both
private as well as public sector. The need was left so as to aid the personnel to
combat with various dimension of occupation stress and job dissatisfaction and
to inculcate feelings of organizational citizenship behaviour and commitment
and reduce employee turnover costs and attrition which is on the rise these days.

B.Kishori.B. Vinothini(2016). In "A study on work stress among bank

employees in State Bank of India with special reference to Tiruchirappali
" was found from the results because of long working role conflict and political
pressure there is high degree of occupational work stress amongst the private
and public sector bank employees.

Caral Lopes Dharakachalia(2016).In the study "Stress among banking

employees aliterature review " the authors have found that technical stress
have revolutionized the way banking sector works and the competition is
globalised nowadays because of the economic conditions. The level of stress
faced by the employees in banking sector is growing rapidly The study found
that there is a significant relationship between type of banks age. gender and
education. job, role interpersonal relationship and impact of occupational stress
So the banking sector employee should adopt new coping strategies for
maintaining good physical and mental conditions to improve productivity.

Dhankar (2015), In the study "Occupational stress in banking sector" the
author had investigated the occupational stress level among bank employees
There is not a single factor which determines the stress in banking employees.
Factors like work overload ambiguity pressure, confliction etc. are responsible
for stress Occupational stress has become leading feature of modern life It has
wide ranging effects on employee’s behaviour and adjustments as well as of the
job. A substantial portion of organization research involves the study of stress
in the employee

Elizebeth George (2015), the study "Job related stress: A comparative

study in bank employees" indicates that employees of different level of job-
related stress. Further it was revealed that public sector banks have lower job-
related stress when compared to private sector banks and higher job satisfaction
when compared to private sector banks and higher job satisfaction when
compared to new generation banks.

Priyanka Dasl Alok Kumar Srivastav(2015), through "A study stress

amongemployees of public sector banks " author have identified that banks
must manage people at work to improve physical work environment if the
organization enhance the psychological wellbeing and health of the employees,
the organizational revenue will increase and there will be employee retention as
well. They have concluded that the level of stress among the select public sector
banks are found to be limited and if necessary action taken by the management
that will help to relieve the stress of the employees and also help to impact more
productive employees that will help the banks to achieve greater heights.

Ementa, Christina Ngozi (2015), the study "Secretaries perceived strategies

for coping with occupational stress in banks" looked into the bank secretaries
perceived causes of stress, its effect on their performance and effective
strategies for coping with stress. The study showed that bank secretaries
consider most of the work functions as causes of stress and these stressors has
great effect on their performance, and have considered a number of factors as
effective strategies for coping with occupational stress. This study concluded
that bank secretaries experience a lot of work stress as they carry out their

administrative and clerical functions in the bank The study further revealed that
gender. work experience and marital status do not significantly affect the
respondents mean rating on causes of stress effect of the stressors to
performance and effective coping strategies. Since stress is unavoidable in work
life, it is obvious that bank employees must go, through a form of stress to
accomplish office tasks, efforts towards effective management of stress is

Dr. P Kannan Suma.U(2015). " A study on stress management of

employees at commercial banks" in order to manage stress the organization
has to encourage employee development and embark on training inventions for
employees. Training specifically related to policies and policy implementation
is a key priority Stress in banking sector is mostly due to work pressure and
work life imbalance the organization should support and encourage taking up
roles that helps them to balance work and family.

Enekwe, Chinedu Innocent Agu , Charles Ikechukvu et al(2014), In "A

study on occupational stress among bank employees of ICICI Bank”, the
authors have concluded study based on the statistical calculation, male and
female bankers not to differ significantly on the stress management technique
It can be concluded that stress management is not gender sensitive Furthermore,
section of the banker has significant influence on the stress management
technique among bank employees in Nigeria banking industry.

S Uma Mageswari,(2014), in "A study on work stress among bank

employees in SBI" the author has made attempt to identify the stress factors
and to examine the coping strategies among bank employees. From the forgoing
chapters, the researcher consolidates the important observations recorded in the
study in the form of major findings and draws conclusions that would enable
one to make valid suggestions for toning the red management strategies in the
banking sector.

Moon-dolKim, Sung-je cho(2014), “A study on job stress at financial

institutions and their coping behaviors" is to identify the effects on stress by
general characteristics of the bank employees. The study covered employees of

banks located in the central part of Korea who were invited to a questionnaire
survey Based on the results, stress by general characteristics differed
significantly by duty and responsibility assigned. The implications of this study
will be a basic data for making policies to improve job satisfaction among bank

Essien . Blessing Stephen(2014). "A study on stress management of

employees at commercial banks of Nigeria "examines different form of
coping strategies adopted by the employees of the commercial banks in South
Nigeria. The results of the analysis showed annual leave and getting assistance
from colleagues as the most widely used organizational and personal coping

Shukla ,Garg (2013). “A study on the stress management among the

employees of nationalized banks” the author has discussed the fact that most
of the employees fear with the lack of quality in their work puts them in stress.
It is found that maximum number of employees in banks remains in stress
50percentage employees felt that they are overloaded with work 449 employees
feel tensed due to their target of work 38percentage employees accepted that
they will obey the order of their boss by sacrificing their important domestic
function It indicates fear and stress among employees. Masood (2013). "A study
on banking sector of Pakistan" author has discussed that the employees have
tried to work with energy ability and determination even if they are not provided
with the support, they need to perform their tasks with honesty. They are more
focused to avoid stress and at their work place

Md.Hseburrahman Md.Kamruzzaman,(2013). "A study on work stress in

commercial banks" the commercial bank as one the occupational group
functions under high stress. The variables such as long working hours,
workload, family sympathy, management pressure, mental depression, job
insecurities perceived stress stressors of commercial bank Employees well
being psychologically and mentally depress if stress prolong over a period of
time Effective job design, healthy working environment, remuneration should
be offered to employees to motivate in competitive jobs of commercial bank.

TatheerYawarAli Atif Hassan(2013). According to "A study on stress
management in private banks of Pakistan" the bankers are facing high stress
in their job and the reasons for this is stress include long working hours,
improper reward system, lack of job autonomy . organizational culture. role
conflict etc and the main reason is lack of management support to employees
They can notice a number of symptoms indicating high levels of stress. If these
symptoms are not noticed in early stage, they can cause serious health problems,
diabetes etc.

A.Sharmila, J poornima (2012), in the "Study on employee stress

management in selected private bank in Salem" a majority of the employees
face severe stress related ailments and a lot of psychology problems. The
management must take initiatives in helping employees to overcome its
disastrous effect. In an age of highly dynamic and competitive world,
employees are exposed to all kinds of stressors that can affect them in all realms
of life. The growing importance of interventional strategies is felt more at
organizational level.

KhurramZafarAwan,FaisalJamil(2012) in the study " A comparative

analysis : Differences in overall job stress level of permanent employees in
private and public sector banks “Some variables of public sector

employees are far more affected whereas for the other variable of private sector
is more affected, but overall public sectors is found to be more stressful.

Nadeem Malik(2011), "A study on occupational stress experienced by the

private and public bank employees in Quetta city" describes the
occupational stress in public and private sector banks A randomly selected
sample of 200 employee from private and public banks shows that occupational
stress is found higher among private employees compared to public bank
employees. Among different occupational stress variables role overload,
authority, conflict and lack of senior level support contribute more to the
occupational stress.

Chapter 3

Industry profile

3.Industry Profile
The banking industry handles finances in a country including cash d credits.
Banks are the institutional bodies that accept deposits and gran credit to the
entities and play a major role in maintaining the economic stature of a country
Given their importance in the economy, banks are kept under strict regulation
in most of the countries. In India, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the apex
institution that regulates the monetary policy in the country The banking in
India, in the modern sense, originated in the last decades of the eighteenth
century, Among the first banks were Bank of Hindustan which was established
in 1786.The largest bank and the oldest bank is the State Bank of India.

As per the reserve bank of India, India's banking sector is sufficiently

capitalized and well regulated. The financial and economic conditions in the
country are far superior to any other country in the world.

Banks are classified into scheduled and non -scheduled banks and non -
scheduled banks. Scheduled banks can further be classified into commercial
banks and cooperative banks. Commercial banks can be further classified into
public sector banks, private sector banks, foreign banks and regional rural banks
(RRB). On the other hand, cooperative banks are classified into urban and rural.

Apart from these, a fairly new addition is the payment banks.

The Indian banking system consists of 27 public sector banks, 21 private sector
banks, 49 foreign banks, 56 regional rural banks. 1562 urban cooperative banks
and 94984 rural cooperative banks in addition to cooperative credit institution.
Banks in India are not only strong but are also growing fast. According to the
studies banking sector is one of the fastest growing Sectors country. The 1T
revolution has had a great impact on the banking sector Physical as well as
virtual expansion of banking through mobile bank internet banking ATMs etc
is taking place at a faster rate.

As per the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), India’s banking sector is sufficiently
capitalised and well-regulated. The financial and economic conditions in the
country are far Superior to any other country in the world. Credit, market and

liquidity risk studies suggest that Indian banks are generally resilient and have
withstood the global downturn well.

Indian banking industry has recently witnessed the roll out of innovative
banking models like payments and small finance banks. RBI’s new measures
may go a long way in helping the restructuring of the domestic banking

The digital payments system in India has evolved the most among 25 countries
with India’s Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) being the only system at level
five in the Faster Payments Innovation Index (FPII). *

Market Size

The Indian banking system consists of 12 public sector banks, 22 private sector
banks, 46 foreign banks, 56 regional rural banks, 1485 urban cooperative banks
and 96,000 rural cooperative banks in addition to cooperative credit institutions.
As of august 2020, the total number of ATMs in India increased to 209,110 and
is further expected to increase to 407,000 by 2021. Public sector banks’ assets
stood at Rs. 107.83 lakh crore (US$ 1.52 trillion) in FY20.

During FY16-FY20, credit off-take grew at a CAGR of 3.57percentage. As of

FY20, total credit extended surged to US$ 1,698.97 billion.

During FY16-FY20, deposits grew at a CAGR of 13.93percentage and reached

US$ 1.93 trillion by FY20. Credit to non-food industries increased
3.3percentage y-o-y, reaching US$ 1.26 trillion on February 28, 2020 and US$
1.42 trillion on March 13, 2020.


Key investments and developments in India’s banking industry include:

•In October 2020, HDFC Bank and Apollo Hospitals partnered to launch the

‘Healthy Life Programme’, a holistic healthcare solution that makes healthy

living accessible and affordable on Apollo’s digital platform.

•In 2019, banking and financial services witnessed 32 M&A (merger and
acquisition) activities worth US4 1.72 billion.

•In March 2020, State Bank of India (SBI), India’s largest lender, raised US$
100 million in green bonds through private placement.

In February 2020, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs gave its

approval for continuation of the process of recapitalization of Regional Rural
Banks (RRBs) by providing minimum regulatory capital to RRBs for another
year beyond 2019-20 - till 2020-21 to those RRBs which are unable to maintain
minimum Capital to Risk weighted Assets Ratio (CRAR) of 9percentage as per
the regulatory norms prescribed by RBI.

• In October 2019, Department of Post launched the mobile banking facility for
all post office savings account holders of CBS (core banking solutions) post

• Deposits under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) stood at Rs. 1.06
lakh crore (US$ 15.17 billion.

• In October 2019, Government e-Marketplace (GEM) signed a memorandum

of understanding (MOU) with Union Bank of India to facilitate a cashless,
paperless and transparent payment system for an array of services.

• In August 2019, the Government announced major mergers of public sector

banks, which included United Bank of India and Oriental Bank of Commerce
to be merged with Punjab National Bank, Allahabad Bank to be amalgamated
with Indian Bank and Andhra Bank and Corporation Bank to be consolidated
with Union Bank of India.

• The NPAs (Non-Performing Assets) of commercial banks recorded a recovery

of Rs. 400,000 crore (US$ 57.23 billion) in the last four years including record
recovery of Rs. 156,746 crore (US$ 22.42 billion) in FY19.

• Allahabad Bank’s board approved the merger with Indian bank for the
consolidation of 10 state-run banks into the large-scale lenders. The total equity

funding of microfinance sector grew at 42 y-o-y to Rs. 14,206 crore (US$ 2.03
billion) in 2018-19.

• November 6, 2020, WhatsApp started UPI payments service in India on

receiving the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) approval to ‘Go
Live’ on UPI in a graded manner.

Government Initiatives

• As per Union Budget 2019-20, the Government proposed fully automated

GST refund module and an electronic invoice system that will eliminate the
need for a separate e-way bill.

• Under the Budget 2019-20, Government proposed Rs. 70,000 crore (US$ 10.2
billion) to the public sector banks.

• Government smoothly carried out consolidation, reducing the number of

Public Sector Banks by eight.

• As of September 2018, the Government of India made Pradhan Mantri Jan

Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) scheme an open-ended scheme and added more

• The Government of India planned to inject Rs. 42,000 crore (US$ 5.99 billion)
in public sector banks by March.


Following are the achievements of the Government:

• In October 2020, Unified Payments Interface (UPI) recorded 2.07 billion

transactions worth Rs. 3.86 lakh crore (US$ 52.10 billion).

• As on March 31, 2019, the number of debit and credit cards issued were 925
million and 47 million, respectively.

• According to RBI, India’s foreign exchange reserve stood at approximately

US$ 414.14 billion as of April 19, 2020.

To improve infrastructure in villages, 204,000 point of sale (PoS) terminals
have been sanctioned from the Financial Inclusion Fund by National Bank for
Agriculture & Rural Development (NABARD).

• Deposits under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) increased to Rs.
1.28 lakh crore (US$ 18.16 billion) during the week ended April 8, 2020.

• Unified Payments Interface (UPI) recorded 1.25 billion transactions in March

2020, valued at Rs. 2.06 lakh crore (US$ 29.22 billion).

Road Ahead

Enhanced spending on infrastructure, speedy implementation of projects and

continuation of reforms are expected to provide further impetus to growth in the
banking sector. All these factors suggest that India’s banking sector is poised
for a robust growth as rapidly growing businesses will turn to banks for their
credit needs. Also, the advancement in technology has brought mobile and
internet banking services to the fore. The banking sector is laying greater
emphasis on providing improved services to their clients and upgrading their
technology infrastructure to enhance customer’s overall experience as well as
give banks a competitive edge.

India’s digital lending stood at US$ 75 billion in FY18 and is estimated to reach
US$ 1 trillion by FY23 driven by the five-fold increase in the digital

Chapter 4

Data Analysis and Interpretation

4. Introduction

This chapter deals with data analysis and interpretation. Data had been collected
using questionnaire. Questionnaires had been distributed to the banks of
Thrissur Town. Sample had been collected using convenient sampling
technique. All the 50 respondents are selected at random. This chapter also an
attempt to analyse the response of bank employees about the work stress faced
by them.

Here percentage analysis, pie diagram, bar charts used to conduct the study and
to arrive into a conclusion

Table 4.1: Showing age wise classification

Age Respondents Percentage

20-30 33 33
30-40 46 46
40-50 16 16
Above 50 5 5
Total 100 100
(source: primary data)

In the study 46 percentage of the respondents are the group of 30-40 33

percentage are of the age group 20-30 16 percentage are of the group 40-50 and
5percentage are other age group above 50.
Figure 4.1: Showing age wise classification










20-30 30-40 40-50 Above 50

Table 4.2: Showing Gender wise classification

Gender Respondents Percentage

Male 57 57

Female 43 43

Total 100 100

(source: primary)

In this study 57 percentage of the respondents are male and 43 percentage of

the respondents
Are females.

Figure 4.2: Showing Gender wise classification







Male Female

Table 4.3: Showing Classification based on material status

Marital status Respondents Percentage

Married 71 71

Unmarried 29 29

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

In this study 71 percentage of respondents are married and 29 percentage of the
respondents are unmarried.
Figure 4.3: Showing Classification based on material status





Marital status




Married Unmarried

Table 4.4: Showing Analysis based on job experience
Experience (in years) Respondents Percentage

Below 5 23 23

5-10 31 31

Above 10 46 46

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

In the study the majority that is 46percentage of the respondents have job
experience of above 10 years 23 percentage have experience of below 5 years.

Figure 4.4: Showing Analysis based on job experience






job experince




Below 5 05-Oct above 10

Table 4.5: Showing Analysis based on nature of job
Nature of job Respondents Percentage
Clerical staff 43 43

Managerial staff 41 41

Subordinate staff 16 16

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

In the study 43 percentage of the respondents are clerical staff, 16 percentage
are subordinate staff.

Figure 4.5: Showing Analysis based on nature of job






Nature of job




clerical staff managerial staff subordinate staff

Table 4.6: Showing working condition of the respondents
Current working Respondents Percentage
Satisfactory 31 31

Dissatisfactory 54 54

Can’t say 15 15

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

In this study 54 percentage of the respondent are dissatisfied in their working
condition and 15 percentage of respondent can’t say about the working
Figure 4.6: Showing Analysis of the working condition of the




working condition



satisfactory dissatifactory can't say

Table 4.7: Showing work stress due to responsibility
Opinion about work Respondents Percentage
Very high 18 18
High 51 51
Moderate 23 23
Low 5 5
Very low 3 3
Total 100 100
(source: primary data)
In this study 51 percentage of the respondents are say there is high work stress
and 3 percentage are saying there is low work stress.

Figure 4.7: Showing work stress due to responsibility




work stress



very high high moderate low very low

Table 4.8: Showing Analysis of competitive nature of the work
Competitive Respondents Percentage

Yes 27 27

No 73 73

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

In the research the majority of respondents that is 73 percentage have no
problem about the competitive nature of the work and 27 percentage have
problem due to the competitive nature of nature.

Figure 4.8: Showing Analysis of competitive nature of the work









Yes No

Table 4.9: Showing the feeling of employees whether their banking
job is monotonous

Stress because banking Respondents Percentage

job is monotonous
Yes 50 50
No 30 30

Can’t say 20 20
(source: primary data)
From above table 50 percentage of the respondents say yes, 30 percentage say
no and 20 percentage can’t say respectively about their feeling towards the job.
Figure 4.9: Showing respondent of control of life at work






yes no can't say


Table 4.10: Showing respondents relation with the co-workers

Relation with co- Respondents Percentage

Poor 7 7

Good 62 62

Very good 31 31

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

In this study majority of the respondents have good relation with co-workers
and 7 percentage have poor relation.

Figure 4.10: Showing respondents relation with the co-workers





relation with co-workers




Poor Good Very good

Table 4.11: Showing remedial measures taken by the management
Any remedial measure Respondents Percentage

Yes 27 27

No 73 73

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

In this study 73 percentage of the respondents claim that the management does
not take any remedial measure to reduce the work stress and only 27 percentage
of the respondents claim they are given remedial measured to reduce work

Figure 4.11: Showing remedial measures taken by the management




Table 4.12: Showing working hour
More than 8 hours Respondents Percentage

Yes 60 60

No 40 40

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

In this study 60 percentage of the respondents are working more than 8 hours
and 40 percentage of the respondents are working less than 8 hours.

Figure 4.12: Showing working hour









Table 4.13: Showing stress due to pay package

Pay package causing Respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 8 8

Agree 3 3

Disagree 21 21

Strongly disagree 57 57

Undecided 11 11

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

According to this study the majority that is 57 percentage strongly disagree that
the package cause stress.

Figure 4.13: Showing stress due to pay package







Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Undecided

Table 4.14: Showing temper control in respondent
Temper control in Respondents Percentage
Often 100 100

Very often 0 0

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

From this table most of the employee’s loose controls in the behaviour of the

Figure 4.14: showing temper control in respondent







Often Very often

Table 4.15: Showing stress due to unexpected heavy work

Stress due to Respondents Percentage

unexpected work
Not at all 19 19

Rarely 31 31

Often 50 50

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

In the above table 50 percentage of the respondent’s face stress due to the
unexpected heavy work.19 percentage of respondents does not face any stress.

Figure 4.15: Showing stress due to unexpected heavy work







Not at all Rarely Often

Table 4.16 showing the factors that contribute to stress at work

Factors contribute to respondents percentage

Un manageable costumer 30 30

System error 30

Work overload 40 40

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

In this above table factors that contribute to stress at work 30 percentage are
due to un manageable costumer 30 percentage are due to system error and 40
percentage ae due to work overload.
Tab4.16 showing the factors that contribute to stress at work









un manageable costumer sysytem error work overload

Table 4.17 showing satisfaction towards the remedial measures
taken by management
Satisfaction towards Respondents Percentage
the remedial measures
Highly satisfied 50 50

Neutral 30 30

Dissatisfied 20 20

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

From the above table 50 percentage of respondents are highly satisfied
30percentage are neutral and 20 percentage of respondents are dissatisfied with
remedial measures taken by management to reduce stress.
Figure 4.17 showing satisfaction towards the remedial measures
taken by management







highly satified Neutral dissatisfied


Table 4.18 showing respondents satisfaction towards performance at
Satisfaction towards Respondents percentage
Yes 80 80

No 20 20

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

From the above table 80 percentage respondents are satisfied with their
performance at work 20 percentage respondents are not satisfied with their
performance at work.
Figure 4.18 showing respondents satisfaction towards performance at









yes no


Table 4.19 showing respondents suffering from depression due to

Suffering from depression Respondents Percentage

Yes 15 15

No 85 85

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

From the above table 15percentage of respondents are suffering from
depression and 85 percentage of respondents are not suffering from depression.
Figure 4.19 showing respondents suffering from depression due to










yes no


Table 4.20 showing informal trips arranged by the management to
reduce stress
Informal trips Respondents Percentage
Always 30 30

Often 20 20

Sometimes 15 15

Rarely 25 25

Never 10 10

Total 100 100

(source: primary data)

From the above table 30 percentage respondents saying that always the
management arrange informal trips to reduce stress 20percentage says often,
15percentage says sometime ,25 percentage says rarely and 10percentage say
Figure 4.20 showing informal trips arranged by the management to
reduce stress.







always often sometimes rarely never


Chapter 5
Findings, suggestions & conclusion

5.1 Findings

➢ In this study most of the respondents are of the age group 30-40, 33
percentage are of the age group 20-30, 16 percentage are of the group
40-50 and 5 percentage are of the age group above 50.

➢ In this study majority of respondents are male.

➢ In this research most of the respondents are married.

➢ In this research the majority of the respondents are dissatisfied about the
working conditions, 31 percentage are satisfied and the remaining
15percentage can’t say about the conditions

➢ In this study the majority of the respondents think there is high work
stress, 23 percentage have moderate work stress, 18percentage very high.
5 percentage low and only 3percentage have very low pressure.

➢ Most of the respondents have no problem about the competitive nature

of the job and 27 percentage have problem due to the competitive nature

➢ In this study majority of the respondents feel stressed because banking

job is monotonous.

➢ In this study the majority of the respondents have good relation with the

➢ According to the study 32 percentage of respondents very often overstay

in the office to finish the work.

➢ According to the study the majority of respondents strongly disagree that

the pay package causes the stress,21 percentage disagree, 11 percentage
are undecided 8 percentage strongly agree and only 3 percentage agree
that the pay package cause them stress.

➢ According to the study, 33 percentage sometimes get tensed,

35percentage often get tensed1 3 percentage rarely get tensed

l2percentage very often get tensed and 7 percentage not at all get tensed
due to unexpected work in the office.

➢ In this study the majority of the respondents sometimes loose temper.

➢ According to the study 46 percentage of the respondents feel that

unmanageable customers is the factor that contribute to stress,21
percentage feel that the system error cause the stress, I 7percentage feel
work load cause stress, 15 percentage feel pressure from supervisor’s
cause stress.

➢ Most of the respondents claims that the management does not take any
remedial measure to reduce the wok pressure.

5.2 Suggestions
➢ The employees should be given various stress relieving activities.
➢ The working environment should be made stress free.
➢ The employee should be given good motivation classes.
➢ There should be counseling sessions organized by the management.
➢ There should be training organized for the employees.
➢ Job roles need to be identified to eliminate role ambiguity
➢ Pranayama and other meditation tools should be used as a holistic
managerial strategy to deal with work place stress.
➢ Adopt the work to home transition strategy. It means instead of carrying
the pressure of the work to home, the suggestion is to start the unwinding
process during the work day and enter the home in a relaxed and peaceful
➢ Management should give enough time for employees for completing the
to reduce work overload.
➢ Introduce flexi time.

5.3 Conclusion
Since stress in banking sector is mostly due to excess of work pressure and work

life imbalance, the organization should support and encourage taking up roles

that help them to balance work and family. The productivity of the work force

is the most decisive factor as far as the success of an organization is concerned.

The productivity in turn is dependent on the psychosocial well-being of the

employees. In an age of highly dynamic and competitive world, man is exposed

to all kinds of stressors that can affect him on all realms of life. The growing

importance of interventional strategies is felt more at organizational level. The

stress will be different among different workers, there by the management has

to identify their problems and it will help to manage the stress. The process of

stress management is named as one of the keys for happy and successful


A study on works stress among bank employees with

special reference to the kodungallur municipality” Is a call to employers to take

action on decreasing the work stress. This study reveals that the respondents are

facing Stress due to the working conditions, competitive nature of the job, heavy

work load etc. The bank management shall extend the necessary facilities and

motivate the workers for better and stress-free performance. This in turn will

reduce stress and will automatically leads to employee satisfaction which will

reflect in their performance.


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❖ P.K Dutta, Stress Management, Himalaya publishing house

❖ Arul Edison, Anthony Raj, SheebaJulius (2018)- "Causes and
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❖ Giulio Arcangeli , Gabriele Giorgi, Manfredi Montalti, Francesco
Sderci (2018), "The assessment of work related stress in large sample
of bank employees",
❖ PoojaChatterjee(2016). "Job related stress, casual factors and coping
strategies ",
❖ B.Kishori.B. Vinothini(2016)."A study on work stress among bank
employees in State Bank of India with special reference to Tiruchirappali
❖ Caral Lopes Dharakachalia(2016).In the study "Stress among banking
employees aliterature review "
❖ Dhankar (2015), "Occupational stress in banking sector"
❖ Elizebeth George (2015), "Job related stress: A comparative study in
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❖ Priyanka Dasl Alok Kumar Srivastav (2015), "A study stress among
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❖ Dr. P Kannan Suma.U(2015). " A study on stress management of
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❖ Enekwe, Chinedu Innocent Agu , Charles Ikechukvu et al(2014), "A
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Dear sir/madam,
I am vishnuraj K R, student of Christ college (Autonomous) Irinjalukuda
conducting a study on work stress among bank employees with special
reference to kodungallur region. I kindly request you to fill the questionnaire
and provide necessary information. It’s purely an academic activity.

Name: …………………….

20-30 ☐ 30-40 ☐ 40-50 ☐ above 50 ☐


Male ☐ Female ☐

3.Marital status:

☐ Married ☐ Not Married


☐ Below 5 years ☐ 5-10 years ☐ above 10 years

5.Nature of job:

☐ Clerical staff ☐ Managerial staff ☐ subordinate staff

6.What can you say about your current working conditions?

☐ Satisfactory ☐ Dissatisfactory ☐ can’t say

7. What is your opinion about amount of work stress due to
☐ Very high ☐ high ☐ Moderate ☐ Low ☐ Very low

8.Do you have any problem due to competitive nature of the job?

☐ Yes ☐ No

9.Do you feel stressed because banking job is monotonous?

☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ can’t say

10. How is your relation with co- workers and supervisor?

☐ Poor ☐ Good ☐ Very good

11. Is there any remedial measures taken by the management to reduce work

☐ Yes ☐ No

12. Do you work more than 8 hours?

☐ Yes ☐ No

13. Does your pay package indirectly cause you stress?

☐ Agree ☐ strongly agree ☐ undecided ☐ disagree

☐ Strongly disagree

14. Do you often lose your temper while being stressed at work?

☐ Often ☐ very often

15. When you are given unexpected heavy work at bank do you get tensed?

☐ Not at all ☐ rarely ☐ often

16. What are the factors that contribute to stress at work?

☐ Unmanageable costumer ☐ system error

☐ work overload

17. Are you satisfied with remedial measures taken by the Management?

☐ Highly satisfied ☐ Neutral ☐ Dissatisfied

18. Are you satisfied with the performance you given at your work?

☐ Yes ☐ No

19. Do you think you are suffering from depression?

☐ Yes ☐ No

20. Does your organization arrange for any informal trips for reducing

☐ Always ☐ Often ☐ Sometimes ☐ Rarely ☐ Never

21.Do you think good working environment reduce stress?

☐ Yes ☐ No

22. How frequently do you overstay in the office to finish your work?

☐ Never ☐ rarely ☐ sometimes ☐ often ☐ very often

23.Are you satisfied with the behaviour of the staffs in banks?

☐ Satisfied ☐ Neutral ☐ dissatisfied

24.Does organisation arrange for any assistance for stress related problems?

☐ Yes ☐ No

25.Do you ever feel like losing your self-confidence because of work stress?

☐ Always ☐ Often ☐ Sometimes ☐ Rarely

☐ Never


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