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Name: Angelina Trisnauly Purba

NPM: 2161005

Styles and Strategies

Process is the most general one of these three terms. While learning, the process occurs in the
same way in all human beings like all need some basic things for surviving. All human beings
make stimulus-response connections and are driven by reinforcement. They are all in the
situation of association, storage, transfer, generalization. Every person has a specific verbal
learning process. As a result, process is a characteristic of human nature.


Style is more dealt with tendencies and preferences within an individual. We can say that style is
a brief reflection of individual itself because it is a general characteristic of intellectual
functioning that indicate every individual is different from others. An individual can be auditory
oriented and learn more effectively by listening.

Strategies are some specific methods to find a solution to a problem or achieving a particular end
and some ways to control amnd keep in mind the information. Strategies are contextualizes
“battle plans” that might vary from moment to moment, from one situation to another even from
one culture to another. There are always some options for solving a problem and each individual
choose one of them which is suitable for him/her most.

Learning Style
1. Cognitive Style: a person's characteristic mode of perceiving, thinking, remembering, and
problem solving.

1. Reflective Style: a person's characteristic mode of perceiving, thinking, remembering,

and problem solving.

1. Impulsive Style: The reflective-impulsive construct refers to responses made slowly or

quickly in a situation with high uncertainty.

one who does not limit his learning to the immediate environment and provided materials

a learner who is mostly dependent on the materials given to him in his environment

Tolerance ambiguity and Intolerance ambiguity

1. Tolerance ambiguity: relatively open-minded in accepting ideologies, events and facts
that contradict their own views

1. Intolerance ambiguity: closed-minded and dogmatic, they tend to reject items that are
contradictory with their existing system

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