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Check Sheet for B.Sc. Thesis Proposal

1 Title Page
2 Table of contents
3 Problem Statement
4 Aims & Objectives
5 Literature Review
6 Methodology
a) Theoretical Studies
b) Experimental Set Up
c) Method of Analysis
d) Result Expected
7 Utilization of Results
8 Work Schedule Plan
9 Budget Description
10 References
11 Curriculum Vitae
12 Undertaking
13 Supervisor/Research Group Remarks

Certified that the Proposal is according to the items listed in Check Sheet.

Group Members:

Name:______________ Name: _____________ Name:_____________

Signature:___________ Signature: __________ Signature:_____________



Date: ________________

Name of Supervisor____________

B.Sc. Project Proposal

Self-Balancing Two-Wheeler

Submitted By

Sharoon John
Syed Azan Shah
Mubeen Kaleem
Muneeb Ahmed


Sir Waqas Ali





Table of Contents

Problem Statement 4

Aims & Objectives 4

Literature Review 5

Methodology 5

Utilization of Results 6

Work Schedule Plan 6

Budget Description 7

References 7

Curriculum Vitae 9

Undertaking 9

Supervisor’s Comments 10

Research Group Head Remarks 10

1. Problem Statement
People are using two wheelers more and more day by day. In result more accidents are occurring because two
wheelers like bikes, motorbike and cycle are not purely safe. Most of these accidents occurs because these two
wheelers are not stable and hard to balance and control in these kinds of situations. Therefore, we want to
research and build a device which will help two wheelers to balance themselves automatically.

2. Aims & Objectives

a) To provide a stable and easy-to-use means of personal transportation:
Self-balancing two-wheelers are designed to maintain balance and stability while in motion,
allowing users to easily navigate through a variety of environments.

b) To be compact and portable:

Self-balancing two-wheelers are typically smaller and lighter than other forms of
transportation, such as bicycles or scooters, making them easy to carry and store.

c) To be environmentally friendly:
Self-balancing two-wheelers do not produce any emissions, making them a clean and eco-
friendly transportation option.

d) To offer a convenient transportation solution:

Self-balancing two-wheelers are designed to be easy to use and convenient for short trips,
making them a popular choice for personal transportation.

The objectives of a self-balancing two-wheeler may vary depending on the specific design and
intended use of the vehicle. However, some common objectives of self-balancing two-
wheelers include:

a) To provide a stable and safe ride:

Self-balancing two-wheelers are designed to maintain balance and stability while in motion,
which can help to prevent accidents and injuries.

b) To be easy to operate:
Self-balancing two-wheelers are designed to be easy to use, even for people who may not
have a high level of balance or coordination.

c) To be compact and portable:
Self-balancing two-wheelers are typically smaller and lighter than other forms of
transportation, which makes them convenient for storage and transport.

d) To be environmentally friendly:
Self-balancing two-wheelers do not produce any emissions, making them a clean and
sustainable transportation option.

e) To offer a convenient transportation solution:

Self-balancing two-wheelers are designed to be easy to use and convenient for short trips,
making them a popular choice for personal transportation.
Overall, the objectives of a self-balancing two-wheeler may include providing a stable and safe ride, being
easy to operate, being compact and portable, being environmentally friendly, and offering a convenient
transportation solution.

3. Literature Review
A prototype build to balance a two wheeler against any impact as well as in zero velocity (idling
condition). Two heavy rotating discs were employed around the frame of the two wheeler to make it stable. To
measure the tilt angle of the chassis an android device was used with orientation sensor. The input (tilt angle)
was sent to Bluetooth receiver using arduino so that the device sends control signal to arduino accordingly. With
the help of these inputs, the tilt direction of rotating disk is balanced by motor from arduino. [1]

Balancing using flywheel consists of two parts i.e. balancing control and tracking control. The direction
of flywheel is guided which turns the position of two wheeler. A navigation unit was also used in this prototype.
A compass and encoder was also used to check the required position for steering. The encoder sensor detects
the position of flywheel and control its horizontal position. The angle of flywheel and tilt angle of two wheeler
was further controlled by a PID controller. During balancing, flywheel is used as actuator and encoder and
gyroscope used sensors. Flywheel monitors the flywheel position and gyroscope senses the leaning position. [2]

Bikes can fall in either of two ways, one can be steering issue and other can be low transitional velocity. There
are four methods to achieve balancing using:

 Control moment gyroscope (CMG),

 Low torque providing method,
 Steering control,
 With the help of reaction wheel.

The method of steering control failed under low velocity and others also have limitations, but only control
momentum gyroscope was efficient and safest method. The method of CMG was relatively faster in reaction
time as compared to other methods. This method also worked for low velocities that’s why this was best to used.
But this method was lacking in terms of construction and consumed more amount of DC power so it needed to
be improved. [3]

Balancing torque from a Single gimbal control momentum gyroscope (CMG) was utilized to react in opposite
direction to gravitational tilting momentum. It had the following pros:

 DC operated.
 It has no reactional ground forces.
 Balance two wheeler at variable velocity condition.

The torque generated by CMG is perpendicular to the flywheels torque. By reviewing existing CMG balancing
designs, a State Feedback Control (SFC) was combined with CMG and placed over the rear wheel of two
wheeler, this design lacked stability. Then the model was developed using Sliding Mode Control (SMC)

combined with single control CMG which was placed under the chassis, this method improved the stability. The
authors used langrage’s method for setting coordinates and parameters. Many stabilizing iterations were
performed to optimize the feedback of control system. Finally, they concluded that by giving a cascade extended
state feedback (Cascade control involves the use of two controllers with the output of the first controller
providing the set point for the second controller). Solves the problem of stabilization and disturbance faced in
CMG unit. The method was validated by many simulations performed on two wheeler under varying
disturbances on MATLAB and ADAMS software. The method achieved much better outcomes, better
disturbance rejection and faster response times. [4]

A Gyrobike is a cycle manufactured be a London based company known as Jyrobike Limited, they
design and fabricate kid sized self-balancing cycles and toys. They come with a special front wheel to
demonstrate balancing. The front wheel contains a rotating flywheel which works with the DC motor powered
by DC rechargeable battery which makes the flywheel spin like gyroscope at high RPM. The rotation speed of
flywheel is faster than the front wheels rolling motion which makes the flywheel act as gyroscope. This method
also works for low speed. This type of a bike is said to use a gyro-wheel, which is nothing more than a simple
processing compact device which works just as a gyroscope and hence produces the required opposite balancing
torques. [5]

The Gyrobike technology has some disadvantages such as:

 This model can only be fabricated in kid’s size as large sizes would be bulky, complex and less
 Limits the ability of rider under tilting conditions.
 The design can only work up to a certain speed and fails in higher speed such as above 40km/hr. [6]

Jiarui He et al. in their paper named “Control System Design of Self-balanced Bicycles by Control
Moment Gyroscope” designed a self-balancing two-wheeler prototype using a CMG system. And they
obtained feedback coefficient of the system by MATLAB simulations. They mainly classified the methods
to achieve self-balance into 4 categories. Back in 1998 first method proposed was by using a simple
gyroscope mechanism; in 2014 a sliding mode controller (SMC) was utilized to control a CMG system, and
it is seen that this CMG provides a large torque generating but high energy consuming system. The second
type is by using mass balancing by swinging a massive ball, the torque generated in this method is very
small. The third type is achieved by using steering control, this method however consuming less energy
does not achieves balancing under low velocities. Finally, the fourth type uses a reaction wheel which has a
short response time, but has a limited output torque, therefore it is only suitable for a small sized bicycle.
They also fabricated a self-balancing prototype using a CMG system, wherein the CMG mechanism is set
in the back seat of the bicycle. Now, for the working of the self-balancing model they considered the
relative motion of bicycle in three parts, the body is considered to rotate in the x-axis; the gyroscopic
gimbals and flywheel are to rotate in y-axis; the flywheel rotate in z-axis. They have also mentioned the
MATLAB simulation matrix equations in their manuscript. And at the end they have concluded a
combination system of steering control mechanism with the CMG system so as to reduce the energy

consumption and utilize twin gyroscopes for eliminating the effect of the vertical unnecessary reaction
torque [7].

4. Methodology
4.1 Theoretical Studies
A self-balancing two-wheeler is a type of vehicle that is able to maintain balance on two wheels without the
need for a rider to actively balance it. This can be achieved through the use of sensors, algorithms, and motors
that work together to control the orientation and position of the vehicle. There are many different approaches
that have been proposed for designing self-balancing two-wheelers, and the choice of approach will depend on
the specific goals and constraints of the design.
One important aspect of designing a self-balancing two-wheeler is the choice of sensors and algorithms used to
control the vehicle. Sensors that can be used for this purpose include accelerometers, gyroscopes, and encoders.
These sensors can be used to measure the orientation, acceleration, and angular velocity of the vehicle, which
can then be used by the control algorithms to determine how to adjust the motors in order to maintain balance.
There are also many different control algorithms that have been proposed for use in self-balancing two-
wheelers. These algorithms can be broadly classified into two categories: linear control algorithms and nonlinear
control algorithms. Linear control algorithms are based on linear mathematical models of the vehicle, and they
are relatively simple to implement but may not be as effective as nonlinear algorithms in situations where the
vehicle is subjected to large perturbations. Nonlinear control algorithms, on the other hand, are based on
nonlinear mathematical models of the vehicle and are generally more complex to implement, but they can
provide better performance in challenging conditions.
In addition to the sensors and control algorithms, the choice of motors and powertrain for a self-balancing two-
wheeler is also important. The motors must be able to provide enough torque to control the orientation and
position of the vehicle, and the powertrain must be able to deliver power to the motors efficiently. There are
many different types of motors and powertrain configurations that can be used in self-balancing two-wheelers,
and the best choice will depend on the specific design goals and constraints of the vehicle.
Overall, the design of a self-balancing two-wheeler is a complex task that involves trade-offs between various
factors such as performance, cost, complexity, and reliability. The development of self-balancing two-wheelers
is an active area of research and development, and there is still much to be learned about how to effectively
design and control these vehicles.

4.2 Experimental Set Up

An experimental setup for a self-balancing two-wheeler typically consists of the following components:
 The two-wheeler itself: This can be a prototype or a commercially available self-balancing two-

 Sensors: These are used to measure the orientation, acceleration, and angular velocity of the vehicle.
Common sensors include accelerometers, gyroscopes, and encoders.

 Control algorithms: These algorithms process the sensor data and determine how to adjust the motors
in order to maintain balance.

 Actuators: These are used to control the orientation and position of the vehicle. In a self-balancing
two-wheeler, the actuators are typically motors that drive the wheels.

 Power source: This is used to power the motors and sensors.

 Computer: This is used to run the control algorithms and analyze the collected data.

 Testing environment: This can be a flat surface such as a laboratory floor or a more complex
environment such as an outdoor course.

To conduct experiments with a self-balancing two-wheeler, the vehicle is first powered up and the control
algorithms are activated. The sensors are used to measure the orientation and motion of the vehicle, and the
control algorithms use this information to adjust the motors in order to maintain balance. The data acquisition
system is used to collect and record data from the sensors and actuators, and the computer is used to analyze this
data and optimize the control algorithms. The experimental setup can then be used to test the performance of the
self-balancing two-wheeler under different conditions and to evaluate the effectiveness of the control

4.3 Method of Analysis

There are several methods that can be used to analyze the performance of a self-balancing two-wheeler. Such as:
 Experimental testing:
To build a prototype of the self-balancing two-wheeler and conduct experiments to measure its
performance under different conditions. This can be done using an experimental setup and can include
testing the vehicle on different surfaces, under different loads, and in different environments.

 Data analysis:
Once data has been collected from the self-balancing two-wheeler, it can be analyzed using statistical
and mathematical techniques to understand the performance of the vehicle and the control algorithms.
This can include analyzing the response of the vehicle to different inputs, identifying trends and
patterns in the data, and comparing the performance of different control algorithms.

 Performance metrics:
There are several performance metrics that can be used to evaluate the performance of a self-balancing
two-wheeler. Some common metrics include stability, accuracy, response time, and energy efficiency.
Overall, the choice of method for analyzing the performance of a self-balancing two-wheeler depends on the
specific goals and constraints of the design, as well as the resources and expertise available.

4.4 Result Expected
There are several expected results that we hope to achieve with a self-balancing two-wheeler
 Balance:
The most obvious expected result is that the self-balancing two-wheeler should be able to maintain
balance without the need for a rider to actively balance it. This can be achieved through the use of
sensors, algorithms, and motors that work together to control the orientation and position of the

 Stability:
A self-balancing two-wheeler should be able to maintain stability when subjected to external
perturbations such as bumps or uneven surfaces. This can be evaluated by measuring the ability of the
vehicle to recover from perturbations and return to a stable state.

 Accuracy:
The self-balancing two-wheeler should be able to accurately control its orientation and position. This
can be evaluated by measuring the error between the desired and actual orientation and position of the

 Response time:
The self-balancing two-wheeler should be able to respond quickly to changes in its environment. This
can be evaluated by measuring the time it takes for the vehicle to respond to a perturbation or a change
in its desired orientation or position.

 Energy efficiency:
The self-balancing two-wheeler should be able to operate efficiently, with a low power consumption.
This can be evaluated by measuring the power draw of the vehicle under different operating conditions.

5. Utilization of Results
The results from a self-balancing two-wheeler can be utilized in a number of ways, depending on the specific
goals and constraints of the design. Some potential applications of self-balancing two-wheelers include:

 Personal transportation:
Self-balancing two-wheelers can be used as a form of personal transportation, allowing individuals to
easily navigate urban environments or crowded spaces.

 Last mile transportation:
Self-balancing two-wheelers can be used for "last mile" transportation, providing a convenient and
efficient way to cover the distance between a public transportation stop and a final destination.

 Delivery and logistics:

Self-balancing two-wheelers can be used for delivery and logistics purposes, allowing packages to be
efficiently transported to their destination without the need for a full-sized vehicle.

 Recreational use:
Self-balancing two-wheelers can also be used for recreational purposes, providing an enjoyable and
unique mode of transportation.
Overall, the potential applications of self-balancing two-wheelers are diverse and varied, and they will depend
on the specific capabilities and performance of the vehicle.

6. Work Schedule Plan

Sample of work schedule is given below.

Collection of literature Two Weeks

Study of Literature Two Weeks
Analysis of Proposed Scheme One Month
Preparation of Scheme/Model One Month
Implementation of Scheme/Model One Month
Analysis and Simulation One Month
Result Formulation Two Weeks
Final Write-up & Thesis Submission Two Weeks

6.1 Proposed Time Schedule

Sample is given below.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

06 06 06 06 06 06
Collection of Literature

Study of Literature

Analysis of Proposed
Preparation of
Schemes / Model
Implementation of
Analysis & Simulation

Result Formulation
Final Write-up & Thesis

7. Budget Description

Instruments Price
Gyro sensor RS 400
Accelerometer RS 1000
Arduino Uno RS 1800
Two Wheeler RS 10,000
Gyroscope (Flywheel) Varies On Different Factors (As per
calculated Design)
Motor Driver RS 500
Motor RS 1400
Price RS 15,100

8. References
[1]. Soden, P.D. & Adeyefa, Bodunrin. (1979). Forces applied to a bicycle during normal cycling.In
Journal of biomechanics. (pp. 527-41).
[2]. Admin. (2013, October 23). Flywheel Balancing MachineTeaches you how to do balance.
Retrieved from JP Balancer:

[3]. Tamaldin, N., Yusof, H. I. M., Abdollah, M. F. B., Omar, G., & Rosley, M. I. F. (2017). Design
self-balancing bicycle. In Proceedings of Mechanical Engi-neering Research Day, 2017, (pp. 160-
[4]. Tamayo-León, S., Pulido-Guerrero, S., & Coral-Enriquez, H. (2017, October). Self-stabilization of
a riderless bicycle with a control moment gyroscope via model-based active disturbance rejection
control. In 2017 IEEE 3rd Colombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC) (pp. 1-6).
[5]. Wikipedia contributors. (2020, May 14). Jyrobike. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Retrieved 10:53, September 13, 2020, from
title=Jyrobike&oldi d=956690959
[6]. BASSO, D. K. (2008). Worldwide applications Patent No. PCT/US20 13/028083 .
[7]. He, J., & Zhao, M. (2015). Control system design of self balanced bicycles by control moment
gyroscope. In Proceedings of the 2015 Chinese Intelli-gent Automation Conference (pp. 205-214).

9. Curriculum Vitae
Name: Sharoon John
Father’s Name: Sarfraz John
Regn. No: 19-EE-181
Contact: 03038105101
Address: 25-EV/116, 25-Area near P.O.F Hospital, Wah Cantt, Dist. Rawalpindi, Pakistan.
Phone: 03038105101
E-mail (s):

Name: Muneeb Ahmed.

Father’s Name: Shahid Choudhary.
Regn. No: 19-EE-035.
Contact: 03098668837.
Address: Back side of civil hospital Shaheen Colony Pasrur District Sialkot.
Phone: 03098668837.
E-mail (s):

Name: Syed Azan Shah

Father’s Name: Niaz Hussain Shah
Regn. No.: 19-EE-134
Contact: 03471819367
Address: House 7 Street 15 block A new city phase 2 wah cantt
Phone: 03471819367
E-mail (s):


Name: Mubeen Kaleem

Father’s Name: Rashid Kaleem
Regn. No.: 19-EE-100
Contact: 03129757009
Address: H#801/10, Strt#01, Orush Colony, Jharian Road, Nawansher, Abbottabad.
Phone: 03129757009
E-mail (s):

I certify that proposed thesis titled “Self-Balancing Two-wheeler” is my own work. The work has not, in whole
or in part, been presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has been used from other sources it has
been properly acknowledged/referred.

Signature of Student
Name of Student
Registration Number

11.Supervisor’s Comments
Take recommendation of your supervisor for your proposed topic here.

Signature of Supervisor
Name of Supervisor
Designation of Supervisor

12.Research Group Remarks

Do not write anything here. This is for office use only.


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