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Diffusion and convection

in intrapulmonary gas mixing
Abteilung Physiologie, Max-Planck-Institut fur experimentelle
Medizin, Gottingen, Federal Republic of Germany
Institut f u r Physiologie, Ruhr- Universitat, Bochum,
Federal Republic of Germany

CHAPTER CONTENTS cannot reach the alveolar-capillary membrane by bulk

flow alone (i.e., by displacement of the inspired gas/
Diffusion lung gas boundary toward the lung periphery); there-
Diffusion laws fore other mechanisms must intervene to achieve mix-
Binary diffusion
Diffusion in multicomponent systems ing with resident gas. Thus the gas transport between
Diffusion, Convection, and Their Interactions the atmosphere and the alveolar-capillary membrane
Dispersion is provided not only by alveolar ventilation but also
Dispersion in laminar flow by intrapulmonary gas mixing. This mixing step is
Dispersion in disturbed flow usually not particularly considered in analysis of pul-
Dependence of dispersion on gas diffusivity
Attempts to quantify dispersion in upper airways monary gas transport, where it is tacitly assumed that
Dispersion during high-frequency oscillation mixing in the alveolar region is virtually complete and
Convective mixing by mechanical action of the heart thus does not limit gas transport. In the last decade,
Anatomical Basis for Models of Lung Gas Mixing however, the completeness of intrapulmonary gas mix-
Regularly branching lung model
Irregularly branching lung model ing has been questioned, mainly on the basis of exper-
Conclusion imental data obtained by refined gas-monitoring tech-
Mathematical Analysis of Lung Gas Mixing niques.
Models considering diffusive mixing alone Evidently intrapulmonary mixing is not complete,
Models considering convection and diffusion as shown by the presence of series or anatomical dead
Gas mixing in axisymmetric lung models
Gas mixing in branched-trumpet models space, which diminishes with breath holding, but is
Experimental Evidence for Stratification in Lungs never entirely suppressed. When axial (longitudinal)
Effects of series and parallel inhomogeneities gas-concentration gradients in airways are designated
Methods and results as stratification, dead space undoubtedly is a manifes-
Sloping alveolar plateau
Separation of insoluble gases of differing diffusivity tation of stratification. Stratification or stratified in-
during washout homogeneity (127) in the proper sense, however,
Elimination of intravenously infused inert gases means presence of gradients within the gas-exchange
Apparent single-breath carbon monoxide zone of the lungs (i.e., in the alveolar space).
diffusing capacity
Changes in alveolar gaseous medium Dead space and alveolar space have an anatomical
Attempts at quantification background (conducting airways vs. alveolated air-
Lung model ways) but are mainly defined functionally as non-gas-
Experimental results exchanging and gas-exchanging or as nonmixing and
Significance for limitation of alveolar gas exchange well-mixing volumes. The dead space and the alveolar
Critical remarks
Critical Remarks and Conclusions space are neither anatomically nor functionally sepa-
Physiological measurements versus morphometric models rated by a sharp boundary. This is reflected in the
Dead space versus stratification expirogram (plot of concentration vs. expired volume
Effects of series and parallel inhomogeneity or time) by a somewhat gradual change from phase I1
Mixing in overall pulmonary gas transfer
(steep concentration change) to phase I11 (alveolar
plateau). This transition region may be regarded as
due to dead space (flattened, e.g., by distributed transit
BECAUSE LUNGS CONTAIN a large volume of gas at end times) or to stratification in the proximal region of
expiration (functional residual capacity), inspired gas the alveolar space. Therefore the delimitation of

changes in dead space from stratification in alveolar data and for model calculations, are also briefly ex-
space may be difficult and in some cases hardly pos- amined. Various aspects of intrapulmonary gas mixing
sible. have been reviewed elsewhere (14, 21, 32, 40, 63, 111,
When mixing of inspired gas with lung resident gas 115, 118, 120, 133).
is not complete, axial gradients for the respiratory
gases will persist, with 0, decreasing and Conincreas-
ing in the direction from proximal to distal alveolar DIFFUSION
airways. This series (stratified) inhomogeneity will
reduce the efficiency of gas exchange in a manner Because the physics of diffusion in the gas phase is
similar to the well-known parallel inhomogeneity more fully discussed in the chapter by Chang in this
caused by regional inequalities in the ventilation- Handbook, we consider in this chapter only those
perfusion ratio (VA/Q), as shown for corresponding aspects that are essential for an analysis of gas mixing
two-compartment models in Figure 1. This unfavora- and transport in the lungs.
ble effect on gas exchange is the main reason for the
physiological and clinical interest in intrapulmonary Diffusion Laws
gas mixing. It is also evident from Figure 1 that the
possibility of both parallel and series inhomogeneity The basic diffusion laws are expressed in the equa-
is inherent to lung structure. Thus both probably tions of Fick. The first Fick diffusion equation
occur in close association, and it can be expected that
the distinction and separation of their effects may be J = -D.(dC/&) (1)
difficult. applies to steady-state conditions (all variables a t any
This chapter reviews the evidence for stratification, given site constant in time); the second Fick diffusion
resulting from experiments and from model calcula- equation [for diffusion in one dimension (x)]
tions. The quantitative anatomy of the airways and
the physics of gas transport by convection and diffu- dC/& = D - ( c ~ ~ C / ~ X ~ )(2)
sion, which are required for analysis of experimental relates to unsteady-state conditions (concentration a t

General structure

Arrangement It1
of elements paraite&


Gas exchange

- a2 = A 2

FIG. 1. Schema of lung structure shows potential for parallel [ventilation-perfusion ratio @A/@]
and series (stratified) inhomogeneities and their effects on efficiency of alveolar gas exchange. Levels
of partial pressure of 02 and COn (PO,and PCOJin compartments 1 and 2 [arterializedblood (a) =
alveolar gas (A)] are indicated. In parallel inhomogeneity, mixed alveolar gas (A) and arterial blood
(5)result from ventilation-weighted and perfusion-weighted mixing, respectively. In series inhomo-
geneity, partial pressures in arterial blood (8) result from mixing, but values in expired alveolar gas
(A’) are those of proximal compartment 1 (AJ. In both cases, there arise alveolar-arterial Po, and
Pco, differences (AaD).

any site dependent on time). In these equations, J is DxjdDyjz = (My/MJ” (5)

density of diffusive flux (amount of gas x area-l x
time-’), C is concentration (amount of gas x vol- where D+ and DYjLare diffusion coefficients for the
ume-.’), x is length, and t is time. The diffusion coef- binary mixtures x with z and y with z, respectively.
ficient D (length’ X time-’) is dependent on the dif- 2. More accurate predictions can be obtained from
fusing gas species and on the medium in which diffu- an equation based on the Chapman-Enskog theory of
sion occurs (background gas). gases [(128, 133); see also the chapter by Chang in
It is customary to use the (dimensionless) fractional this Handbook]. Some important inferences can be
concentration of gas species y (F,) or its partial pres- drawn from the Chapman-Enskog equation: a ) the
sure (P,) instead of mass (or molar) concentration diffusion coefficient D,is inversely proportional to the
(C,). They relate to each other by the equations barometric pressure; b) in the range of 3O0C-4O0C,D
increases -0.8% when temperature is raised 1°C; and
PY = CY/& (3) c ) D is inversely proportional to the square root of the
harmonic mean molecular mass but depends on other
Fy = Cy/(Pg-PT) ( 3 4 molecular properties as well.
where ,8, (amount of gas X volume-’ x pressure-’) is
the capacitance coefficient of any ideal gas in the gas Diffusion in Multicomponent S y s t e m
phase (116) and PTis the total pressure, which is often Four gases are normally involved in the diffusion
equal to atmospheric pressure. Because the fractional processes within lung airways: Nz, 02,C02, and H20
concentration usually refers to dry gas components (water vapor). In lung function testing, further test
only, PT in Equation 3a denotes total pressure minus gases may be introduced. For a quantitative study of
water-vapor pressure; for calculation of diffusivities diffusion problems in multicomponent gas mixtures,
in humid gas mixtures, see Diffusion in Multicompo- the Stefan-Maxwell diffusion equations have to be
nent Systems, this page. solved (see the chapter by Chang in this Handbook).
In a gas phase (without local differences in PT),the This requires advanced mathematics and costly com-
sum of partial pressures of all n components must putation; therefore it is practical to examine if, and to
equal PT and the sum of fractional concentrations what extent, the much simpler binary-diffusion model
must equal unity can be applied to studies of intrapulmonary diffusion.
n In the model of Wilke, an “effective diffusion coef-
P,= PT 141 ficient” D&y is calculated by treating diffusion in a
y= 1 multicomponent gas as binary diffusion of the com-
n ponents “test-gas” ( x ) and “background-gas mixture”
C Fy=l (44
y= 1

This requirement introduces additional complications

into the analysis of diffusion in the gas phase because
it imposes a constraint on the components in a mul- where Dxjyis the binary diffusion coefficient for x with
ticomponent diffusible system (see the chapter by any component y of the background-gas mixture. This
Chang in this Handbook). useful formula essentially means that the diffusing
properties of a mixture can be approximated by the
Binary Diffusion fraction-weighted harmonic mean of binary diffusion
An important property of binary (or mutual) diffu- Experimental values for the diffusion coefficients of
sion, where only two gases ( x and y ) are present, is He, CO, and SF6in alveolar-like gas mixtures agreed
that the diffusion coefficient DXjyis (practically) in- well with the predictions from Equation 6, and the
dependent of the fractional concentrations. Thus He effect of water vapor corresponded to that predicted
in very low concentration diffuses in a sulfur hexa- on the basis of the Wilke relationship (177). Good
fluoride (SF,) medium as rapidly as SFGin very low agreement with the Wilke prediction was also found
concentration in an He medium. when the diffusional equilibration of O2 and COZ be-
Binary-diffusion coefficients of most gases naturally tween inspired gas and alveolar gas (80% Nz, H2, or
involved in gas exchange or experimentally introduced SFs)was simulated, particularly when the background
during lung function studies have been experimentally was N2 (133, 178).
determined (4, 176). They can be predicted on the It thus follows from theoretical and experimental
basis of empirical or theoretical relationships: studies that in many cases, and in most physiological
1. Graham’s law is a very simple empirical approx- and experimental conditions prevailing in lungs, the
imation (for accuracy see ref. 123), which is much used diffusion of a single-gas species may be assumed to
in physiological literature for prediction of relative D follow closely binary-diffusion characteristics despite
values from the molecular mass (M) of the gases the presence of a multicomponent-gas mixture (133).

DIFFUSION, CONVECTION, AND there is no net tracer transport by this reversible axial
THEIR INTERACTIONS dispersion (see ref. 113).
In general, however, mixing between tracer-contain-
This section characterizes convection and diffusion ing and tracer-free fluid does occur during the flow,
as transport mechanisms and shows how both may either by diffusion or by convection (e.g., eddies when
interact under conditions prevailing in the airways. flow becomes turbulent).
The term diffusion may be defined as the results In the concentration profile of Figure 2A there are
from the random motion of molecules due to their concentration gradients at the tracer front both in
thermal energy. Although the motion of any given radial and in axial ( x ) directions, leading to diffusional
molecule is random in nature, the net mass transport flux of a diffusible tracer. Figure 2B illustrates disper-
by diffusion is predictable, e.g., by Fick’s diffusion sion resulting from radial diffusion in laminar flow
equations, which imply that the diffusive flux of a (148), where the effects of axial diffusion have been
molecular species is proportional to its concentration disregarded. By diffusion, tracer molecules move ra-
(or partial pressure) gradient and to its diffusivity. dially from the central to the peripheral region of the
The term convection, on the other hand, may be tube. This radial diffusion would abolish the radial
defined as the results from the unidirectional displace- concentration gradient if it were not for the flow
ment of a number of neighboring molecules contained profile that replenishes the radial gradient. This re-
in a volume element of the gas. This displacement is plenishment can, however, operate only in the narrow
in general the same for all molecular species contained zone around the concentration front.
in the volume and is thus in particular not different Radial diffusion in laminar flow results in a disper-
for gases of different diffusivity. Convective flow oc- sion that is not fully reversible upon flow reversal.
curs generally along gradients of total pressure and The amount of the remaining, irreversible dispersion
not along those of partial pressure, as is the case for increase$ with radial diffusivity. However, when the
diffusional transport. Hence gas transport is identical axial dispersion of mean concentration (averaged over
for all gas species when convection constitutes the the tube cross section) is considered, the effect of
limiting process, whereas a separation of two gas spe- radial diffusion is to diminish axial dispersion (Fig.
cies of different diffusivity implies a significant limi- 2B). There exists thus a “strong tendency for . . .
tation of the transport by diffusion. diffusion (in radial direction) to prevent dispersion”
We consider convection and diffusion as the only (148). The term Taylor dispersion is hence not entirely
mechanisms of gas transport in the gas phase. Con- appropriate.
vection may be due to laminar flow, with simple or When the mean fluid velocity is low, or the tube
complex flow profiles, or to turbulent flow. On the diameter is small, or the diffusivity of the tracer is
other hand, diffusion (e.g., in lung airways) may be in high, the profile fails to replenish the radial concen-
axial or radial direction; yet its mechanism is the same, tration gradient (Fig. 2C). In this case, diffusion in
thus making the term molecular diffusion unnecessary. the axial direction becomes the dominating mecha-
Terms such as convective diffusion (152), effective dif- nism for axial dispersion.
fusion (46), augmented diffusion (43), and turbulent Taylor (148) and Aris (6) have shown that the
diffusion (15) are confusing because they are applied dispersion produced by the interaction of laminar flow
to particular situations where diffusion is combined in a circular tube and of diffusion in radial and axial
with convection. directions can be described by a differential equation
that is equivalent to Fick’s second diffusion equation
(80, 133). The amount of axial dispersion can be
Dispersion measured by a dispersion coefficient ( B ) that corre-
The term dispersion means flattening of concentra- sponds to and has the same dimension as the diffusion
tion gradients. In lung airways, axial dispersion leads coefficient ( D )
to a distribution of a thin bolus or of a sharp concen-
tration step into a larger volume. Dispersion may be B = D + 1/192 [ ( Z Z - ~ ) ~ / D ] (7)
due to diffusion, to convection, or to an interaction
between the two mechanisms. where U is the mean fluid velocity and a is the tube
diameter. Despite this equivalence of dispersion in
DISPERSION IN LAMINAR FLOW. Figure 2A shows a laminar flow and diffusion, the dispersive mechanism
circular tube with a fluid moving steadily under lam- is not diffusion alone; thus the term Taylor diffusion
inar-flow conditions, i.e., with parabolic velocity pro- should be avoided. We shall refer to this type of
file across the tube. The resulting axial dispersion of dispersion as the Taylor laminar dispersion.
a concentration step of a nondiffusible tracer does not It is apparent from Equation 7 that axial dispersion
lead to mixing of tracer into initially tracer-free fluid. is dominated by axial diffusion when ( i i - a / D )<< 10.
In fact, when flow is reversed with the same parabolic For respiratory gases during normal breathing, this is
profile, the initial concentration front is restored. the case in peripheral lung airways (beyond generation
Hence, over a complete cycle in reciprocating flow, 12) (171).

A Convection E 1x1

B Convection and Radial Diffusion

[No axial diffusion)

c Axial Diffusion
(No radial concentration gradients)

FIG. 2. Dispersion in a fluid moving steadily (mean velocity, 6) in circular tube under laminar-
flow conditions. Leftpanels: tracer distribution [dots, introduced at t = 0 a t n = 0 (t,time; 2,length)]
is displayed a t t > 0, when imaginary plane, moving with 6, has moved to x = 6t. Right panels: mean
tracer concentration, c ( x ) . A: dispersion of nondiffusible tracer occurs only by convection (leftpanel).
Thin arrows, radial distribution of flow relative to moving plane. Heavy arrow, net convective tracer
transport through this plane. Axial distribution of mean concentration (right panel) decreases linearly
in axial range from n = 0 to = 2 12.B: dispersion of diffusible tracer (Taylor dispersion). Broken
parabolic line (left panel), denotes radial flow distribution (equal to distribution of nondiffusible
tracer, see A ) . Radial diffusion (open arrows) leads to net convective tracer back-transport through
moving plane (closedsmall arrows).Hence net convective transport through moving plane in direction
of movement (closed arrow) is reduced and so is axial dispersion (right panel, thin straight line for
comparison with A ) . C dispersion when radial diffusion is infinitely fast and axial diffusion is
significant (disregarded in B ) . Net diffusive transport through moving plane (left panel, open arrow)
leads to axial tracer dispersion (right panel).

The other extreme is high flow in large tubes with straight, circular, or smooth; gas flow in them is not
low diffusivity and hence high values of (ii.a/D).In steady but variable with time; and the flow profiles
this case, the time spent by the fluid in the tube of are highly complex because of the finite length of the
finite length L may be too small for radial diffusion to
bronchial units and of their branching (111,112).The
establish the Taylor dispersion (171). Thus, when laminar-dispersion theory of Taylor (148) was later
(iia2/LD) > 10, the dispersion coefficient of Equation extended to apply to many of these disturbing condi-
7 must be replaced by the relationship (15,49, 153) tions (16, 42, 48-50, 163). It has been shown that
under all these disturbing conditions the axial disper-
B = 0.3iiL (8) sion due to diffusion and convection is less than for
During normal breathing, this equation applies to the the fully developed laminar flow (99).
dispersion of respiratory gases in the upper lung re- Of particular interest is the dispersion observed in
gions (for airway generations below 8) (171). fully developed turbulent flow. As for laminar flow,
axial dispersion in turbulent flow can be described by
a differential equation of the type of Fick’s second
diffusion equation (149). The dispersion coefficient
considered so far applies to the condition of flow in for turbulent flow in long straight tubes is (43, 136)
straight, circular, smooth pipes with fully developed
laminar-flow profile. The bronchial tubes are not B = &a (9)

where ii is the mean fluid velocity and a is the tube and tested their results against the theoretical back-
diameter. The coefficient t is of the order of unity and ground of axial dispersion in laminar flow. Their ex-
is only weakly dependent on the Reynold’s number, perimental model comprised more generations and the
Re = iia/v (v, kinematic viscosity), at high values of flow rates covered a wider range than those of Scherer
Re. When 6 is appropriately adapted, Equation 9 also et al. (136). There was a satisfactory agreement be-
may be used for turbulent flow in curved bifurcating tween theory and experimental results.
tubes (43). Measurement of dispersion of a bolus in human
airways over a complete respiratory cycle (154, 155)
DEPENDENCE OF DISPERSION ON GAS DIFFUSIVITY. suggests that Taylor dispersion in fully developed
Both terms in Equation 7, the one describing axial laminar flow is significant during expiration only,
diffusion and that corresponding to Taylor dispersion, whereas other, not diffusivity-dependent, dispersion
are dependent on gas diffusivity. Whereas the first mechanisms are important during inspiration. Similar
term grows with diffusivity, the second diminishes experiments were performed by Ben Jebria et al. (8).
with increasing diffusivity. When both terms are of In conclusion, axial dispersion in the upper airways,
similar magnitude, dispersion is not a monotonic func- produced by whatever mechanism, contributes very
tion of diffusivity. Thus two tracers of significantly little to lung gas mixing during normal breathing,
different diffusivity may exhibit the same dispersion because the volume in which dispersion occurs is very
in a given flow, and both may disperse more than a small compared with the tidal volume. In particular,
third tracer of intermediate diffusivity. This is because the Taylor mechanism is insignificant for lung gas
the dispersion of the tracer with higher diffusivity is mixing during normal breathing (11, 78, 96, 99, 174).
dominated by (axial) diffusion, whereas the Taylor The dominating mixing mechanism is diffusion in the
mechanism prevails over dispersion of the lower-dif- axial direction (and into radially attached aveoli) in
fusivity tracer. This may be the explanation for ex- deep lung regions. Hence to omit dispersion in the
perimental results (e.g., ref. 91) where the magnitude upper airways from model calculations of stratifica-
of dispersion does not correspond in sequence to that tion appears to be justified (see MATHEMATICAL ANAL-
of the diffusivities of the tracer used. Similarly, Hors- YSIS OF LUNG GAS MIXING, p. 58).
field et al. (68) found that a heavier gas (SFs) pene-
trated a hollow cast of the airways of the pig lung Dispersion During High-Frequency Oscillation
faster than lighter gases (Ar, He). Hogg et al. (60)
found that SFs penetrated deeper than He into the Dispersion in the upper airways becomes significant
dog lung insufflated with beads. Both author groups for gas transport, however, when tidal volumes are
attributed their findings to the effects of Taylor dis- used far below the dead-space volume. Lunkenheimer
persion. and his colleagues (84-86) were able to maintain gas
At sufficiently high fluid velocity, the dispersion exchange in dogs by rhythmic tracheal pressure vari-
coefficient is independent of diffusivity and propor- ations at high frequency. Bohn et al. (9) conducted
tional to the fluid velocity. This is true both for similar experiments in dogs with tidal volumes of -20
laminar flow (Eq. 8) and turbulent flow (Eq. 9) (99, ml, thus substantially less than the dead-space vol-
155). This again suggests the inappropriateness of the ume. Optimal frequency for COz elimination was 15
term Taylor diffusion. Hz. That gas exchange can be maintained with such
small tidal volumes suggests that increased axial dis-
Attempts to Quantify Dispersion persion in the upper airways is significant for gas
in Upper Airways mixing between tidal and residual gas in a situation
of high-frequency oscillation (HFO).
Scherer et al. (136) found the dispersion of benzene Attempts have been made to apply the theory of
vapor in a glass model of the lung to be proportional dispersion in the upper airways to explain the gas
to the mean axial velocity. The observation that the transport during HFO (43, 57, 134, 143, 144). All
dispersion coefficient was about 3 times larger during authors appear to agree that high gas-flow rates are
inspiration than during expiration can be explained necessary to produce sufficient axial dispersion. At
qualitatively by corresponding differences in the flow these flow rates (whether flow is laminar or turbulent)
profiles a t bifurcations (138), resulting in more radial the dispersion coefficient should be independent of
mixing during expiration (152, 153). gas diffusivity. This has indeed been confirmed exper-
It should be realized that the experimental values imentally in dog lungs, where no differences were
for the dispersion coefficient of Scherer et al. (136) observed in the washout kinetics of He and SF6during
apply only in the range of parameters used. For normal HFO (74).
breathing the values should not be extrapolated to With small tidal volume and high frequency, the
lung regions beyond generation 13 [as performed by breathing pattern of panting resembles the breathing
Paiva et al. (108)l. pattern of HFO. It is possible that dispersion in the
Ultman and his colleagues (152, 153, 163) further upper airways is an important mechanism for gas
extended the model experiments of Scherer et al. (136) exchange during panting (9, 57).

Convective Mixing by Mechanical account for the possibility of developing laminar Tay-
Action of the Heart lor dispersion (Eq. 8); therefore his prediction of dif-
fusivity-dependent cardiogenic mixing should be con-
The mechanical action of the heartbeat evokes gas sidered cautiously.
flow with relatively high frequency components in the
airways of the lung. West and Hugh-Jones (168) mea-
sured in humans considerable airflows in lobar and ANATOMICAL BASIS FOR MODELS
segmental bronchi synchronous with the action of the OF LUNG GAS MIXING
heart. They concluded that these flows must contrib-
ute to gas mixing, as had earlier been suggested (7, Some morphometric details of the human airways
31). are critical for a quantitative treatment of gas mixing
Engel and Macklem (32) and their co-workers de- (see MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF LUNG GAS MIXING,
veloped a technique for continuous measurement of p. 58). Several authors have quantitatively studied
N2 concentration in airways of down to 2.5 mm in lung structure (5, 21, 54-56, 58, 61,62, 64-67,97, 109,
diameter. With this technique, Engel et al. (33) dem- 125, 126, 130, 164, 180).
onstrated that the reduction in dead space with breath
holding in open-chest dogs was reduced after death. Regularly Branching Lung Model
Similarly, the stationary concentration front (see
MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF LUNG GAS MIXING, p. The first comprehensive account on lung morphom-
58) measured in a given airway with constant-flow O2 etry was given by Weibel (164), whose symmetrical
insufflation was located more peripherally when the model A has been adopted by many authors as the
heart was stopped (36). Fukuchi et al. (46) extended basis for calculations. Weibel’s model A constitutes a
these studies and quantified axial dispersion produced branching-tube system derived from the trachea (gen-
by cardiogenic oscillations to exceed axial diffusion byeration 0) by 23 orders of regular dichotomous branch-
more than 5 times. This dispersion could effectively ing. The nonalveolated part (conducting zone) extends
be reduced by filling saline into the pericardial sac, to generation 16 (terminal bronchiole). Therefrom
thereby reducing the tapping of the heart against the three generations each of respiratory bronchioles
lung (44). Similar studies were performed in airway (partly alveolated, transition zone) and of alveolar
casts (69). ducts originate in succession; these are followed finally
These studies show mixing, by the action of the by the terminal structures (the alveolar sacs). The
heart, in the upper airways, which results in reduction following features are of interest for lung gas mixing:
in dead space. However, it may be questioned whether 1. All paths into the zz3 = 8 x lo6 alveolar sacs are
cardiogenic mixing occurs in the alveolar space proper identical. Because radial concentration gradients in
and thus whether cardiogenic flow contributes to re- individual bronchi can be disregarded (see MATHE-
duced stratification. Sikand et al. (141), after measur-MATICAL ANALYSIS OF LUNG GAS MIXING, p. 58), the
ing the inspired gas/alveolar gas equilibration kineticswalls between all bronchi of the same generation can
for He and SF6during breath holding in humans (see be omitted for the purpose of gas-mixing studies; the
EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE FOR STRATIFICATION IN complex lung structure can thus be approximated by
LUNGS, p. 62), estimated the convective (cardiogenic) a geometrically simple, solid, hollow figure represent-
conductance to exceed the diffusive conductance by ing the relationship between axial length and summed
-6 times. However, the model used may have overes- airway cross section.
timated the role of convective mixing (3). Chakrabarti 2. Despite diminishing size of individual bronchi,
et al. (lo), after measuring rebreathing equilibration the total airway volume per generation increases tre-
kinetics for He and SFs in closed-chest and open-chest mendously toward the lung periphery, as shown in
dogs, were unable to find any effect on gas mixing Figure 3 for an axisymmetric solid figure with the
attributable to the heartbeat. However, the separation same distribution of volume to length as the lung.
of He and SF6during washout from lungs was found When equivalent radius and length are drawn to the
to be reduced after isoproterenol infusion leading to same scale (Fig. 3A), thumbtack (79) appears to de-
increased heart rate (and stroke volume) in humans scribe this solid figure better than the conventional
(82, 175), thereby suggesting a particular role for the term trumpet. More than 96% of the volume is con-
heart action during exercise. tained in the terminal 7 mm of the airways (2% of
Slutsky (142) has attempted to treat the gas mixing total length).
produced by cardiogenic oscillations as a special case 3. When a tidal volume of 500 ml is delivered to a
of high-frequency oscillation. With the use of Equa- human lung a t functional residual capacity as a non-
tion 7 for fully developed laminar flow and Equation mixing bolus, its front will penetrate down to about
9 for fully developed turbulent flow, the dispersion generations 20 or 21 (first- or second-order alveolar
predicted appeared to agree well with the experimental ducts), and thus the front will be <2 mm from the
results (33, 36, 46). However, Slutsky (142) did not distal end.

sidered identical, removal of the radial walls to rep-

A resent the lung airways by an axisymmetric solid
figure does not appear to be warranted. Models that
quantify the irregular pattern of branching (axiasym-
metric models) have been proposed (109, 146).

EL+10 crn
It is Weibel’s distinct merit to have introduced a
morphometric model that is a reasonable approxima-
tion to reality and yet is simple enough for application
in mathematical analyses. However, gas-mixing stud-
ies with alternative models, which describe the lung
as an axisymmetric solid figure of modified shape,
have produced no qualitatively different results. When
branching irregularity is introduced as an important
feature for the study of lung gas mixing, Weibel’s
model can no longer be used. Because the irregular
pattern of airway branching, even if it were described
Alveolar Alveolar W \
Sac Ducts Respiratory Terminal
in detail, is too complex to be handled in model studies,
Bronchioles Bronchiole the easiest approach is to use branched-trumpet
(branched-thumbtack) models. In the simplest model
(the two-tiumpet model) a trumpet divides at a given
generation to give rise to two trumpets. These models
have recently been used in mathematical model stud-
FIG. 3.Morphometric lung model according to Weibel (164). A: ies of lung gas mixing (see next section).
equivalent radius plotted against axial distance. Same length scale
for both axes. B: details of terminal airways (acinus) resolved by
expanding abscissa scale lOO-fold, retaining ordinate scale. Bottom MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF
schema shows representative path in acinus, which originates from
one terminal bronchiole. [From Scheid and Piiper (133).] LUNG GAS MIXING

Irrregulurly Branching Lung Model Several attempts have been made to estimate the
extent of stratification in lungs by simulating gas
Many investigators before and after Weibel (164) mixing in lung models. These models have increas-
observed more irregularity and variability in the bron- ingly been refined to more closely resemble the phys-
chial assembly, particularly in the alveolated parts, iological situation with respect to lung structure and
than is accounted for by the symmetrical model of the physics of gas transport.
Weibel (see ref. 21). Particularly useful are positive
lung reconstructions used by Horsfield and Cumming Models Considering Diffusive Mixing Alone
and their co-workers (64, 66, 67) and by Hansen and
Ampaya (54-56). The most important observation of In these model calculations, the assumption is made
these investigators was that the number of generations that tidal air is inspired as a nonmixing bolus to
(constant at 24 in Weibel’s model) could vary widely establish an initially sharp front between tidal and
along individual paths. resident air from which mixing proceeds by diffusion
Two types of models have been used to account for alone. Attainment of mixing is judged from persisting
the branching irregularity in studies of lung gas mix- concentration differences in the model over a time
ing: corresponding, for example, to the respiratory period.
1. Axisymmetric solid figure. Irregularity of branch- Rauwerda (127) performed the first calculations on
ing can be considered to modify the volume-to-length a truncated cone model that was closed at both ends
relationship of an otherwise axisymmetric solid figure. representing the functional terminal lung unit (aci-
Thus Paiva et al. (108)represented the data of Hansen nus), which was 7 mm in length. He concluded that
and Ampaya (54, 55) by a more rapidly widening mixing was sufficiently rapid to abolish any concen-
thumbtack, whereas Horsfield (62) proposed a turnip tration gradient within 1 s or less.
or peg-top model to allow for some airways with ex- Cumming et al. (22) used an elongated cone to allow
tremely extended axial length. These models differ for gas transport across the proximal border. In their
only quantitatively from the regular thumbtack of cone, which represents the terminal 13 generations in
Weibel. Weibel’s model A, a finite concentration difference
2. Axiasymmetric models. Because gas concentra- persisted after 1 s over the distal 7 mm, which
tions in corresponding generations of paths that ex- amounted to 8% of the initial concentration step. The
hibit different axial lengths generally cannot be con- authors retained the hypothesis of Krogh and Lind-

hard (75) that stratification was the main reason for of dispersion in the upper airways (which thus acts
the sloping alveolar plateau in the single-breath Nz merely to delay the inspiratory concentration front),
test. assumed a flat flow profile, and disregarded radial
The elongated cone used by Cumming et al. (22) fits concentration gradients both within airways and al-
the thumbtack shape less than the short cone used by veoli. The alveolar walls were assumed to reduce the
Rauwerda (127; cf. ref. 119). La Force and Lewis (79) cross section for axial diffusion and convection to that
have thus modeled the terminal 13 generations of of the airways (axial diffusion and convection within
Weibel’s model A, represented by a solid figure resem- the alveoli were thus disregarded).
bling the thumbtack of Figure 3. The authors con- Gas mixing in the model is thus described by the
cluded that a concentration step, set up at generation differential equation
20, was rapidly attenuated within the volume inside
the acinus.
Differences in the models chosen and differences in
interpretation led to discrepancies in conclusions
among the three author groups (133). The striking where F = F ( x , t ) is the concentration of the test gas
difference between the models resides in the distri- at any (axial) distance x from the distal end and at
bution of volume to axial length. Concentration gra- any time t; S and s are the total cross section in the
dients assessed from slopes in plots against axial dis- model with and without alveoli, and both vary with x
tance or against cumulative volume will thus differ (trumpet shape) but not with t; D is the diffusion
widely among models. Particularly for a comparison coefficient (or, more generally, the dispersion coeffi-
with expirograms (in tests such as the single-breath cient), which may vary with x (see DIFFUSION, CON-
Nztest), it is appropriate to relate stratification to the
concentration differences over the terminal alveolar V ( t ) is the ventilatory flow rate. This equation is
volume rather than the terminal length corresponding similar to that proposed by Pedley (110) and used by
to the axial length of the acinus. In general, the timeothers. The boundary conditions are determined by
course of equilibration in any (one-dimensional) sys- the trumpet shape, i.e., by the dependence of S and s
tem is related to both diffusion resistance (axial on x.
length) and capacitance (e.g., volume). For equilibra- Several of the simplifying assumptions underlying
tion within the entire system (dead space plus alveolarthese calculations were later tested: 1 ) Scherer et al.
region), the fastest time course is attained with ho- (135) and Davidson (27) allowed for tidal changes in
mogeneous distribution of capacitance and resistance the alveolar model. 2) Davidson (25, 26) investigated
(e.g., in the cylinder). If, on the other hand, equilibra-
the influence of gas uptake on mixing and particularly
tion only in the alveolar volume (e.g., 90% of total on alveolar slopes. 3 ) Several studies addressed the
volume) is considered, equilibration is fastest with anatomical details in the alveolated lung region and
most of the resistance in proximal and most of the their impact on mixing (11, 13, 25, 26, 28, 103). 4 )
capacitance in distal regions, such as in the thumbtackSome studies were devoted to the influence of inspi-
model (133). The model shape is therefore important ratory mixing processes in the upper airways upon
for calculations of lung gas mixing, and simplified stratification (11, 35, 99).
models such as cones and cylinders (104) have to be These refined investigations confirmed qualitatively
dismissed. the results of the calculations of Paiva (102), which
may be summarized into the following points (cf. Fig.
Models Considering Convection and Diffusion 4):
A sharp front between tidal and resident air, as- 1. During inspiration, the concentration front (i.e.,
sumed for the above calculations, will not be estab- axial distance at which F = 0.5) lags far behind the
lished under physiological conditions in the lung, be- tidal-volume front. Whereas the latter reaches, with
cause axial diffusion has already caused blunting and VT = 500 ml, into the 22nd generation, the former
retreat of the front during inspiration. Pedley (110) stays in the 17th) a depth corresponding to only 150
and Wilson and Lin (171) have proposed equations to ml (dead space). This shows that in the calculations
treat simultaneous convection and diffusion. of diffusive mixing alone, the assumption of an end-
inspiratory concentration step a t the tidal-volume
GAS MIXING I N AXISYMMETRIC LUNG MODELS. Cum- front is not warranted.
ming et al. (24), Paiva (100, 101), and Scherer et al. 2. For most of inspiration the concentration front
(135) have independently considered convection and is practically stationary, indicating that its convective
diffusion as simultaneous gas-transport mechanisms advancement into the periphery is balanced by its
for mixing in axisymmetric lung models, which are proximal retreat due to diffusive loss of test gas into
based on Weibel’s model A. the periphery.
The thumbtack or trumpet model of Paiva (102) is 3. Stratification is present in the alveolar region
based on the last 13 generations. He assumed absence during most of inspiration, to a considerably larger

extent than in the calculations of La Force and Lewis BASIS FOR MODELS OF LUNG GAS MIXING, p. 57) that
(79). the branching pattern of the bronchial tree is not
4. On expiration, all intrapulmonary concentration symmetric but that differences exist among individual
gradients are rapidly convected out of the lung, mainly paths in the number of airway generations, in partic-
because of the shape of the trumpet (or thumbtack). ular within the acinus. At corresponding generations
However, diffusion aids mixing in early expiration (e.g., counted from the trachea) the gas concentrations
(compare solid and dashed lines labeled 6 and 6’ in may thus differ in different paths. Mon and Ultman
Fig. 4). The alveolar plateau of the expirogram thus (93) performed calculations on lung models with in-
shows no significant slope. Inspiratory and expiratory homogeneous path lengths and suspected that ob-
flows in the calculations of Figure 4 were constant, served sloping alveolar plateaus might be produced by
but similar results were obtained with sinusoidally such heterogeneity. A simple model to account for
varying flow (102). such parallel inhomogeneity is that of two parallel
Only Scrimshire et al. (139) predicted sloping alveo- trumpets originating from a common stem at a branch
lar plateaus from similar calculations assuming as point at variable axial levels (Fig. 5).
boundary condition that the net transport provided Paiva and Engel (105) used a branched model with
by (diffusive plus convective) gas fluxes at the periph- two identical trumpet branches, but with each receiv-
eral model walls was zero. Paiva et al. (107) showed ing different inspired volumes, to calculate gas mixing
that this assumption was not warranted because at a and the slope of the expired concentration curve in a
rigid wall both diffusive and convective fluxes of an single-breath test. These are the main results of their
insoluble gas must individually be zero. study: 1 ) Only with the branch point sufficiently prox-
We conclude that calculations on lung models rep- imal to the (stationary) gas concentration front (out-
resented by axisymmetric solid figures show that side the acinus) was the end-inspiratory concentration
stratification does exist in the alveolar region during of a given gas in the two units 3:1, as expectedfrom
most of the breath but that this stratification is un- the difference in the ventilation-volume ratio (V/V).
likely to produce a measurable slope of the alveolar When the branch point was moved to more peripheral
plateau. regions, the gas concentrations within the units dif-
fered progressively less, finally becoming identical. 2)
GAS MIXING IN BRANCHED-TRUMPET MODELS. An- This homogenizing effect, which is produced by dif-
atomical studies strongly suggest (see
ANATOMICAL fusion, is more pronounced for He than for SFs. Thus

0 0.L 0.8 1.2 1.6

Distance (cm)
FIG.4. Concentrationprofiles during respiratory cycle in trumpet model. Linear abscissa scale for
axial distance from terminal end of bronchial tree. Delimitation of generations shown on upper scale.
Ordinate: O2 fraction (Fo,).Single breath of O2 is inhaled into, and then exhaled from, an initially
02-free lung with constant flow. Solid lines, concentration profiles at successive equally timed periods
during inspiration (1-5) and expiration (6-10). Dashed-dotted lines (Id), tidal volume front (i.e.,
concentration front for nondiffusible tracer) during inspiration. Dashed line (6’ ), concentration
profile calculated assuming no (axial) diffusion during expiration. [Adapted from Paiva (102).J

They also calculated the decreasing effect of breath

holding on the alveolar slope.
Vries et al. (159) studied both single-breath and
multibreath washout of gases of differing diffusivity
in branched-trumpet models in which the branch vol-
umes were different or in which the cross section of
the entrance into one unit was reduced, thereby sim-
ulating the crossover phenomenon previously ob-
served in experiments (95).
We conclude that branched-trumpet models, rep-
resenting parallel inhomogeneity in the region of the
acinus, predict both sloping alveolar plateaus and
separation of gases of differing diffusivity. In these
models, axial diffusion produces 1 ) on inspiration, a
gas distribution inhomogeneity, even without V/V
FIG. 5. Branched-trumpet model. Two trumpets branch off a inhomogeneity, which results in concentration differ-
common stem. By cutting off from end of second trumpet, ratio of ences between parallel units; and 2) on expiration, a
both trumpet volumes (V2/V,) can be made to vary. S and s, cross- nonconstant contribution from parallel units, equiva-
sectional area of trumpet branches with and without alveoli, re-
spectively. [From Paiva and Engel (106).] lent to sequential emptying, even with synchronous
flow rates from the parallel units. It may be debated
more He than SF, reaches the poorly ventilated par- whether the axial concentration gradients, necessary
allel unit by the end of inspiration. 3 ) On expiration for producing the sloping plateau, should be termed
this separation of He and SF6 leads to a retention of stratification (106). However, the phenomena de-
He (relative to SF6)within the lung, which is due to
its relative accumulation in the poorly ventilated unit.
4 ) In the absence of sequential emptying, the slope of F(
1 .o
the alveolar plateau is practically zero.
The inhomogeneity of volume was investigated in
more detail in a later study (106) in which the volume
of one trumpet branch was progressively reduced by
cutting off from the peripheral end (Fig. 5).
Figure 6 shows typical calculated 02-concentration
profiles after inspiration of pure O2 into a volume-
asymmetric branched trumpet with equal V/V ratio
(volume ratio is 0.12, branch point a t entrance to 0.6 0
0 1
alveolar duct region): 1 ) At the end of an inspiration I ,

of pure 02,the O2 concentration in the smaller trum- I

pet is significantly higher despite the same V/V ratio

in both. This is due to diffusion aiding convective 0 .

mass transport into the smaller trumpet, whose

smaller axial dimensions favor diffusional flux, and
whose smaller volume favors rapid increase in concen-
tration. 2) During expiration, diffusion aids convec- 0.2 10
tion in test gas leaving the small unit. 3 ) The diffusive
flux diminishes rapidly during expiration. Thus the
branch-point concentration varies, resulting in a slop-
ing alveolar plateau during phase I11 of the expiro- 0
gram. 4 ) The alveolar slope is largest for a certain 0 2 L 6 8 10 x(mm)
volume ratio of the trumpet branches.
Also the expired profiles obtained by Fukuchi et al.
(45) after test gas-bolus inhalation at various lung
6. Profiles of 0 2 concentration during expiration, after sin-
volumes and originally attributed merely to sequential gleFIG. breath of O2 (see Fig. 4), calculated for branched-trumpet model
emptying, could be qualitatively explained by this with uneven volume ratio (V,/V, = 0.12). Abscissa: distance, x , from
model (34). the terminal surface. Ordinate: fractional O2 concentration, F(x,t),
Luijendijk et al. (83) used a similar branched-trum- as function of distance x (abscissa) and time t (parameter).Dashed
pet model to arrive at similar results and conclusions. lines refer to short unit; solid lines, long unit. Numbers 5-10,
They showed in particular that different slopes were concentration profiles at successive equally timed periods during
expiration.Inset: expirogram.Ordinate: fractional 0 2 concentration,
obtained for He and SF6;the branch point for produc- F(xlv), at model exit (generation 13/14). [From Paiva and Engel
ing the largest slopes was different for both gases. (106).1

scribed depend on diffusion limitation; because they and the alveolar slopes of these gases (72, 76,94, 137)
occur in the alveolar region, they may well be regarded seem to be better suited for detection of series inho-
as stratified inhomogeneity in lungs with parallel in- mogeneities in alveolar gas. Unfortunately it is not
homogeneities. possible to unequivocally attribute the measured al-
veolar slopes to stratification for two reasons similar
to those discussed for alveolar slopes of 0, and CO,.
1) Because the average gas-exchange ratio (R) is usu-
ally less than unity and diminishes further during
expiration, the alveolar concentration of N2 and other
Effects of Series and Parallel Inhomogeneities insoluble gases must rise progressively because of
Robertson et al. (129) pointed out that the multiex- shrinkage of lung gas volume. This effect was excluded
ponential time course of insoluble gas washout from by Sikand et al. (1401, who considered the concentra-
lungs can be explained by both parallel and series tion ratio of two insoluble inert gases (Ar/N2) during
arrangement of compartments. Similarly, neither the expiration; this ratio definitely fell after a single in-
measurements of differences in alveolar and arterial halation of 20% 0, in Ar. Recently the effects of
partial pressure of O2 (PAo,- Pao,) and COZ(PAco, - continuing gas exchange have been reinvestigated (19,
Pace,) nor the clearance pattern in multiple inert gases 20, 156). 2 ) For insoluble inert gases, sloping alveolar
infused intravenously (160, 162) allows a simple dis- plateaus are predicted to occur if there i s an inequality
tinction between the presence of parallel and stratified of VA/VA in lungs with units of low VA/VA expiring
inhomogeneities. last. This mechanism could not be excluded with
There are, however, some gas-exchange phenomena certainty in the above-mentioned experiments of Si-
that are believed to be rather specific for series inho- kand et al. .(140; see also ref. 118).
mogeneity: 1 ) the sloping alveolar plateau (for 0, and An important improvement in the development of
CO, or for insoluble and soluble inert gases) with tests more specific for stratification was initiated by
positive slope, i.e., change of expired concentration Georg et al. (47), who used multiple insoluble gases of
away from the inspired value; 2) the dependence of an differing diffusivity (He, Ne, and SF6) in a single-
inhomogeneity effect (e.g., sloping alveolar plateau) breath maneuver. The less-diffusible gas SF6was pref-
on gas diffusivity (less effect for better diffusible gas); erentially found in the early expirate, whereas the
3 ) the diminution of an inhomogeneity effect with highly diffusible gas He was found in the last part of
breath-holding time; and 4 ) changes of inhomogeneity the expirate, as would be expected in the presence of
effects with geometric parameters of the lung (axial stratified inhomogeneity. Similar results were ob-
distance and cross-sectional area) in the manner pre- tained in other studies (23, 35, 124). However, the
dicted from diffusion laws. (Criticism on the specific- separation of gases of different diffusivity may reflect
ity for series inhomogeneity of these phenomena and differences in the dead space for the gases rather than
criteria is presented in the next section.) the existence and diffusivity-dependence of concen-
tration gradients within the alveolar gas (35). As ex-
pected, the diffusivity-dependent differences are par-
Methods and Results ticularly enhanced in hyperbaric conditions (157,158).
expiration, the partial pressure of O2 (Po,) decreases SEPARATION OF INSOLUBLE GASES OF DIFFERING
and the partial pressure of C 0 2 (Pco,)increases. How- DIFFUSIVITY DURING WASHOUT. During washout of
ever, these sloping alveolar plateaus do not clearly insoluble gases from lungs, a separation is observed
indicate the presence of stratification in lungs, because between gases of differing diffusivity: the less-diffusi-
at least two alternative mechanisms may explain them ble gas is delayed (71, 95, 98, 145, 175). Part but not
as well. 1)Continuing respiratory gas exchange exerts all of this separation can be attributed to the fact that
marked effects on alveolar PO,and Pco,, the magnitude the dead space is larger for the less-diffusible gas (71).
of which depends notably on lung gas volume, blood Nieding et al. (95) found the He/SF6 ratio in expired
flow, blood O2 and COPequilibrium curves, and mixed gas to be higher during early, and lower during later,
venous blood composition (29,301.2) When, in a lung parts of the washout, compared with the equilibrium
with parallel VA/Q inhomogeneity, regions with low value before washout. This means that there was a
V A / Q (and therefore low PO, and high P O , ) expire
crossover point (He/SF6 ratio equal to equilibrium
preferentially last, a positively sloping alveolar plateau prior to washout); this crossover point was found to
for these gases results. This appears to be particularly be greatly delayed in patients with chronic emphy-
prominent in patients with obstructive lung disease. sema. The delay of the crossover point could be ex-
West et al. (167) have in fact wo.rked out a quantitative plained by increasing airway diffusion limitation. Sep-
procedure for estimating VA/Q inhomogeneity from aration of insoluble test gases during washout is en-
the alveolar slopes for C02 and 02. hanced in hyperbaria (157).
Use of virtually insoluble inert gases (H2, He, N2, ELIMINATION OF INTRAVENOUSLY INFUSED INERT
and Ar) obviates most of the mentioned difficulties, GASES. The elimination of intravenously infused

gases by lungs depends on their solubility in blood (39, of test gases is to change the total pressure or the
41). Therefore gases of identical solubility are ex- composition of the gaseous medium for diffusion
pected to behave identically in this test, even in lungs (background gas). This approach has been used in
with VA/& (parallel) inhomogeneity. Measurement in numerous studies (51-53, 70, 77, 81, 90, 131, 150, 172,
dog lungs of the simultaneous elimination of acetylene 173,179). The measured parameters have mostly been
(C2H2)and Freon 22 (CHF2C1),which have nearly PAo, - Pao, and PACO, - Paco,, physiological dead
identical solubility but differing diffusivity by almost space, and Dco. The results are not uniform. For
a factor of 2, showed the retention (Pa/PT, where Pa example, on transition from air breathing to 02/He
is arterial partial pressure and Pi; is mixed venous breathing, Dco has been found to increase (173), to
partial pressure) for the less-diffusible Freon 22 to be stay unchanged (179), to decrease (77) or to remain
higher than for acetylene, as expected in the presence constant in normoxia, but to decrease in hyperoxia
of stratificational inhomogeneity (1). Knoblauch et al. (53).
(73) confirmed the results but found acetylene reten- In most studies, however, PA^, - Pao, has been
tion to be too high relative to that of Freon 22 when found to decrease when the denser gas (e.g., SF6/02)
the (small but important) solubility differences be- was breathed. T o explain this unexpected behavior,
tween both gases are considered. In fact, in those changes in VA/Q distribution due to changes in airflow
experiments, extreme care must be devoted to the regime produced by changes in viscosity (179), changes
small but finite solubility differences between these in conditions for cardiogenic mixing (172), or intra-
gases and to their dependence on temperature (J. acinar stratification of blood flow (96) have been
Piiper and P. Scheid, unpublished observations). invoked. The role of the Taylor dispersion mechanism
Truog et al. (151) used the multiple-inert-gas elim- has also been postulated (70, 77), but others have
ination technique (162), which i s based on the model denied it (96).
of Farhi (39), for quantifying VA/Q inhomogeneities
in anesthetized rats. The clearance of the high-molec- Attempts at Quantification
ular-weight gases (SF6and halothane) was found to
be depressed relative to the other gases, indicating the Considering the ambiguity of all experimental evi-
presence of diffusion limitation in the gas phase (151). dence for stratification, quantification of the effects
Later the theory of multiple-gas elimination from of stratified inhomogeneities may appear to be pre-
lungs was extended to accommodate the presence of mature. However, this section reports attempts that
both parallel and stratified inhomogeneities and was have been made.
applied to experimental data (59, 132). LUNG MODEL. An extremely simplified lung model of
APPARENT SINGLE-BREATH CO DIFFUSING CAPAC- the lumped-parameter type was used. In the model all
ITY. Magnussen et al. (89) measured single-breath resistance to intrapulmonary gas mixing is concen-
diffusing capacity for CO (Dco) at various breath- trated into a uniform gas-filled membrane that divides
holding times in patients with bronchial asthma. As the alveolar space into a proximal and a distal com-
expected on the basis of parallel inhomogeneities, Dco partment. The gas-transfer properties of the barrier
was found to increase with decreasing breath-holding are characterized by a mixing conductance (Gmix),
time (122). In emphysematous patients, however, Dco which has the same dimension as the pulmonary dif-
decreased with shortening of breath-holding time, fusing capacity (DL), i.e., amount of gas X time-' x
reaching negative values at shortest breath-holding partial pressure-'.
times. This behavior can be attributed to stratifica-
tion: CO diffuses more slowly into distal airways than EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS. Several methods have
He, so that its concentration in airways contributing been used in an attempt to calculate Gmix from ex-
to end-expired gas (Fco,,) remains high; hence the perimental data. Equilibration between inspired gas
initial CO concentration (FCO,~) is underestimated and lung gas was studied by inspiring a gas mixture
when calculated from expired He concentration. If containing He, Ar, and SF6and expiring after a breath
this damming up prevails over the absorption by blood, hold of varied duration (141). From the decrease with
(measured) Fco,, may exceed (calculated) FcO,O, and a breath-holding time of the concentration difference
negative value for Dco is computed. between end-expired gas and (calculated) lung resi-
This interpretation was supported by further exper- dent gas a value of Gmix was obtained for each test
iments in which SF6and He were used simultaneously gas. The Gmix value for O2 obtained by interpolation
as insoluble test gases (87, 88). Although Dco in em- averaged 78 ml min-' .Torr-' in humans.
physematous patients was again found to decrease to During washout of insoluble inert gases, Gmix was
negative values with decreasing breath-holding time calculated from a comparison of the washout rate
when calculated on the basis of He dilution, it in- constants of He (faster) and sF6 (slower) with the use
creased when calculated on the basis of SF6dilution. of a modified washout equation extended by a diffu-
sional term (71.98). In humans. the average Gmix for
\ , I

CHANGES IN ALVEOLAR GASEOUS MEDIUM. Another O2 was 80 ml rnin-'.Torr-l. It follows f r o i the design
technique to achieve controlled changes of diffusivity of the experiment that this value does not include

contributions made by convective mixing. Introduc- was made by others in their analysis of multiple-inert-
tion of the convective mixing conductance as esti- gas clearance data (59, 132). When part of blood flow
mated by Sikand et al. (141) increased the total Gmix is assumed to perfuse the proximal series compart-
for O2to 160 ml .min-’ -Tom-’. Worth et al. (175) used ments, the pattern of resulting PAO,- Pao, and
the same method with similar results in humans. PA^^, - Pw0, is different.
Application of the lumped-parameter stratification These and other uncertainties of the experimental
model to clearance data of multiple inert gases infused data and their interpretations limit any attempt at
intravenously in rats enabled Hlastala et al. (59) to quantifying the extent of stratified inhomogeneity and
estimate Gmix for 0 2 . the resulting effects on alveolar-gas-exchange effi-
ciency; presently the order of magnitude can only be
estimated at best.
EXCHANGE. To evaluate the role of stratified inho-
mogeneity, quantitatively expressed as Gmix, in lim-
iting alveolar-capillary gas exchange, it is appropriate
to compare Gmix to DL. There is no agreement about CRITICAL REMARKS AND CONCLUSIONS
the value of D L in~normal
~ resting humans (119); the
estimated values range from 26 (18) to 54 ml.min-’a Physiological Measurements Versus
Tom-’ (92). Hence the (Gmix/DL)o, ratios range from Morphometric Models
1.4 to 6.2. These ratios indicate that for alveolar O2 Trumpet models, which are based on symmetrically
transfer, stratification is somewhat less limiting than branching morphometric lung models, do not predict
alveolar-capillary diffusion (including chemical reac- sloping alveolar plateaus that are observed experimen-
tion with hemoglobin) but is of the same order of tally. With asymmetrically branching trumpet models,
magnitude. Similar conclusions were drawn from the this discrepancy is resolved because these models do
estimated (Gmix/DL)o, ratios for dog lungs (98) and in fact predict sloping alveolar plateaus and separation
for rat lungs (59). of insoluble gases of different diffusivity. Although
Because the effective DL for C 0 2 is much higher this could and should be regarded as progress, the firm
than for O2 (117), whereas Gmix for C 0 2 is lower than ground of morphometric data has been lost in the
for O2 on the basis of the diffusion coefficients, the branched-trumpet models because all the asymmetries
relative importance of stratification is expected to be introduced are hypothetical, at least with respect to
greater for C02 exchange. their quantitative extent. Hence although these
CRITICAL REMARKS. Attempts to determine the quan- models are capable of qualitatively reproducing a wide
titative role of stratification in terms of Gmix are variety of results, quantitative estimates of the effects
based on a number of assumptions, many of which are of stratified inhomogeneity can hardly be based on
critical (133). The crucial assumption is that the whole them.
resistance to mixing (e.g., by diffusion) has been con- The simplified lumped-parameter models (in which
centrated into a gas-filled membrane. The distinct a limited number of parameters are fitted to experi-
advantages of this model are its simplicity and its mental data), on the other hand, allow investigators
independence of anatomical data; the important draw- to determine the amount of stratification. This esti-
back is its dissimilarity to models based on morpho- mate, however, is limited to the extent to which the
metric data (see MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF LUNG simplified model adequately represents the physiolog-
GAS MIXING,p. 58). A model study showed a further ical situation.
limitation of this model (3). The diffusional equilibra-
tion kinetics in a lung model was computed and there- Dead Space Versus Stratification
from Gmix was calculated on the basis of two-com- It has been pointed out that the concepts of series
partment lumped-parameter models used in the ex- dead space and stratification cannot easily be distin-
perimental studies mentioned earlier. The resulting guished. Thus the diffusivity-dependence of the dead
Gmix values were shown to be time dependent and space gives rise to separation of gases even when
not proportional to diffusivity, in disagreement with stratification is not present. However, it can be shown
the behavior of simple two-compartment models. The that when stratification is present, it exerts a dead
gas-membrane model can hence only be regarded as space-like effect that can be described as an ,increase
an analogue model, which when carefully analyzed in total dead space, which is beyond the series and
may permit predictions of intrapulmonary gas mixing alveolar dead space (132, 147).
and of its limiting role in alveolar gas exchange.
To predict the effects of stratified inhomogeneity, Effects of Series and Parallel Inhomogeneity
as derived from insoluble-gas equilibration data, on
O2 and C 0 2 exchange, the mode of blood-flow distri- Estimating the significance of stratified inhomoge-
bution must be known or assumed. Adaro and Piiper neity is difficult partly because distinguishing between
(2) assumed the model with blood flow to the distal series and parallel inhomogeneity in lungs is virtually
compartment only (cf. Fig. 7). The same assumption impossible: both types of inhomogeneity exert similar

Homogeneous lnhomogeneous
f “Shunt” Generat ~ vc . t e a

1 0 0 2 0 finite finite

VA2= 0 (vA/d), > [VA/d)2 0,. 0

FIG. 7. Two-compartmentmodels of series and parallel inhomogeneities. Gas-transfer conductance
between compartments 1 and 2 of series model is indicated (0, finite, or po). Thickness of arrows in
parallel models denotes magnitude of ventilation (VA) and perfusion (Q). For inhomogeneities, a
general case and 2 limiting cases, shunt [giving rise to shuntlike effects, (PAo, - P%,) > ( P ~ o -,
P&o,)] and alveolar dead space [producingalveolar dead space-like effects, (PA%- Pao,) = (Pace, -
PACO,)] are shown.

effects in global lung function tests (160, 166). This is Introduction of a Gmix allows a direct comparison
shown in Figure 7, which illustrates inhomogeneities of mixing with gas-blood diffusion, characterized by
in simplified series and parallel models giving rise to its conductance, which is identical with DL. The com-
a shuntlike effect, to an alveolar dead space-like ef- mensurate conductance values for ventilation and per-
fect, or to a mixture of both (general case). fusion are proportional to alveolar ventilation (VA)
Because the number of capillaries decreases con- and pulmonary-capillary blood flow (Q), respectively
spicuously toward the proximal airways, the alveolar (119).
dead-space model has often been applied to analysis Because alveolar ventilation and mixing are ar-
of gas exchange in lungs with stratified inhomogene- ranged in series, their resistances R (= 1/G) can be
ity. Others have used models with blood flow to the added to obtain the total resistance to gas transfer
series alveolar elements, comparable to the general between ambient air and the surface of the alveolar
case shown in Figure 7 (37, 165). Experimental evi- membrane. Because of the particular relationship be-
dence, however, has been provided for an inhomoge- tween gas-blood diffusion and perfusion (121), its in-
neous axial distribution of blood flow favoring even clusion leads to a more compliqated relationship for
proximal alveolar regions (161, 169). This would con- the overall conductance, GT = M/(PI - Pi?),and the
tribute a shuntlike effect to this model. overall resistance, RT = ~ / G Tto
, gas transfer between
It was pointed out previously in this section that a inspired gas and mixed venous blood. This model
distinction between the series and the parallel models shows that the significance of stratification in overall
on the basis of diffusivity-dependent effects is limited pulmonary gas exchange can be assessed from the
by the presence of parallel inhomogeneities on a mi- comparison of the resistance to mixing with both the
croscale, when significant diffusion occurs between resistance to ventilation and the resistance term de-
parallel compartments during the period of a breath. scribing the resistance to perfusion and the resistance
In fact, the branched-trumpet models constitute this to alveolar-capillary diffusion.
type. Parallel inhomogeneities can be included by com-
bining this model with models for parallel. inhomoge-
Mixing in Overall Pulmonary Gas Transfer neities in terms of unequal distribution of VA, DL, and
Q (17,114). Such a comprehensive model would essen-
The individual processes considered in the conven- tially be capable of reproducing the effects obtained
tional schema for the analysis of alveolar gas exchange in branched-trumpet models (83, 105). However, be-
are (alveolar) ventilation, (gas-blood) diffusion, and cause of the number of variables and their combina-
(pulmonary-capillary) perfusion. The functional site tions, such an integrated model appears to be prohib-
for the “gas mixing” is between ventilation and gas- itively complex and hardly applicable to analysis of
blood diffusion. experimental data.

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