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Forgotten Realms

Keeper of Nature

Johnny Tek
Written by Johnny Tek
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As Spring begins the cycle of the land.
As Summer wakes the passion of the beast.
As Autumn calls to harvest by the hand.
As Winter blankets all with flurried feast.
Though seasons may arrive and leave in haste,
The journey pushes onward to resume.
The Keeper holds the balance safe from waste
That all could see the beauty of the bloom.

Silvanus _ being pragmatic when it comes to dealing with harsh living
conditions and strict when it comes to policies dealing with the
expansion of communities. Foresight is one of the most
revered qualities for Silvanus’ faithful since being able to
accurately predict likely scenarios will raise one’s chance of
NEUTRAL success in implementing long-term plans and contingencies.
Other Names or Titles: Keeper of Nature, Oak Father, The Forest Father is vehemently opposed to the existence of
Old Father Tree, Old Oak, The Forest Father, The Long- undead, as they represent an unforgivable perversion of the
Legged, Treefather natural cycle. Silvanus has decreed that such abominations
Symbol: A green living oak leaf must be destroyed if possible, and their creators must be
punished. The church of Silvanus will readily support any
Divine Portfolio: Wild nature, druids efforts to hunt down undead as one of its highest priorities.

Divine Residence: Summeroak, Deep Wilds (formerly According to scholarly texts, Silvanus arrived in the distant
House of Nature) past together with his daughters, Eldath and Mielikki, as his
influence on another world was waning. The immigrant deities
Divine Allies: Aerdrie Fenya, Baervan Wildwanderer, originally established homes in the land of Tir Na Og, one of
Chauntea, Kelemvor, Nobanion, Sheela Peryroyl, Solonor many shared divine realms in the Outlands, a plane of
Thelandira neutrality in the multiverse.
Divine Enemies: Auril, Kiaransalee, Malar, Moander After establishing a foothold among the druids of the mortal
(presumed dead), Myrkul, Set, Talona, Talos, Umberlee, realms, Silvanus’ church grew widespread in Realmspace,
Velsharoon particularly on the world of Toril, and he eventually relocated
to the House of Nature, a plane shared by many nature-
Exarchs: Eldath, Gwaeron Windstrom, Lurue, Mielikki,
oriented deities. The Oak Father however still maintains a
small presence in Tir Na Og for the sake of having a personal,
safe meeting space to convene with other gods in discussion.

Silvanus is the god of wild nature and druids. He is an ancient When Mystra, the goddess of magic, was murdered by the evil
deity that is said to have originated from another world beyond god Cyric in 1385 DR, the Weave of Realmspace collapsed,
the planar veil. The Forest Father is a devoted protector and and waves of wild magic were sent across the multiverse
preserver of nature’s balance; he works diligently to prevent wherever there were planar connections to Realmspace. The
disasters that would cause destruction to environments and House of Nature was hit by such a surge of magical energies,
wildlife. For the sake of the greater balance, Silvanus would destabilizing the entire plane and ripping it apart at its
sacrifice even his own life. Although some popular tales have foundation.
made Silvanus out to be a civilization-hating deity that
Silvanus and the other nature deities of the plane banded
aggressively opposes the cutting of even a single branch, he is
together and salvaged what they could, temporarily closing off
actually lenient towards those who practice moderation in
all connections to Realmspace and reforming the House of
their interactions with nature. Those who are careful to take
Nature with stronger connections to the Astral Plane. The
only from the excess of nature, without causing significant
House, which had been greatly devastated, was renamed the
harm to the environment, will not be subject to the Old Oak’s
Deep Wilds and has been referred to as such to the current
day. The plane was placed under the rule of Silvanus as its
The wisdom of Silvanus comes from eons of well-practiced primary administrator, with the power to reshape the Deep
patience and observation. Thoughtful and given to reason, the Wilds at will and the responsibility of maintaining its existence.
Keeper of Nature maintains a calm demeanor and will not
Aerdrie Fenya, the elven goddess of air, weather, avians, rain,
rush to action without assessing the situation first. Silvanus
fertility, and avariels, may enjoy stirring up an unexpected
may force himself to be emotionally distant at times, but it is
storm once in a while, but she always takes care not to overtip
only so that unintended harm can be avoided whenever
the natural balance. The quality of air and the balance of
possible. Should the Treefather be sufficiently provoked to take
climate is in her best interest to preserve, so she will sincerely
action however, he is more than capable of doing so in great
support Silvanus on such matters. In addition, the Winged
force, and will give no quarter to those who revel in the
Mother owes Silvanus and his exarchs a great debt for
disruption of the natural world. For the most part, Silvanus
releasing Aerdrie during the conflicts of the Second Sundering
delegates the more regional problems to his capable servants
from an icy prison crafted by Auril.
while he focuses on greater problems that could affect nature
on a world class scale; when the Old Oak becomes directly Baervan Wildwanderer, the gnome deity of travel, nature, and
involved in a matter of the mortal realms, it is usually a dire forest gnomes, is a kindred spirit when it comes to protecting
affair of potentially vast-reaching consequences. places of nature and wildlife. The Masked Leaf is one of the
more likable deities for his gentleness and good nature; as such,
Silvanus encourages his followers to plan for the long term,
he is always welcome to visit Silvanus’ domain. As the religions
and to appreciate the importance of living in harmony with
of Baervan and Silvanus follow compatible tenets, their faithful
nature. As such, the faithful of Old Father Tree are known for
also get along well together.

On the subject of civilization’s encroachment on the to have her way, entire worlds would be transformed into
wilderness, there is a bit of a divide between Silvanus and frozen wastelands devoid of life, so Silvanus keeps a steady
Chauntea, goddess of agriculture, plants cultivated by humans, vigilance against this goddess. During the Spellplague era,
farmers, gardeners, and Summer. The Oak Father feels that Auril applied for sanctuary within the Deep Wilds; the Keeper
the Earthmother is too indulgent of mortals taking what they of Nature granted sanctuary on the condition that Auril steady
will from the fruits of nature, which can lead to her hand in the cycle of seasons rather than seeking to blanket
overconsumption and imbalance. Despite his misgivings about the mortal realms in snow and ice. The Cold Goddess agreed
Chauntea’s practices, Silvanus continues to respect the Grain to make the required concession, but it was later discovered to
Goddess as a colleague and as an ally in protecting places of be a ruse to assist the other Gods of Fury in searching for and
nature. stealing a dangerous artifact from Silvanus.

Kelemvor, god of death and the dead, is a staunch ally in Kiaransalee, drow goddess of the undead and vengeance, was
fighting against the proliferation of the unliving. When the thought to have been destroyed as the result of a three-way
Lord of the Dead received his mantle of divinity just centuries conflict between her, Lolth, and Eilistraee, but the Lady of the
ago, Silvanus was wary of how the young upstart would Dead somehow managed to escape complete annihilation.
approach his responsibilities, for the previous judges of the Kiaransalee has returned in the wake of the Second
dead were proponents of raising undead. It was a pleasant Sundering, and though her power has been diminished from
surprise when Kelemvor approached the Old Oak with a before her disappearance, she continues to raise undead
proposal of alliance for the sake of their shared enmity. It is abominations for her evil ends. As such, Silvanus counts the
often Kelemvor who manages to convince Silvanus to Revenancer as an irredeemable foe of high priority.
cooperate with the god Lathander in fighting the undead;
Silvanus has been distrustful of Lathander ever since the Malar, god of bloodlust, evil lycanthropes, hunters, marauding
Morninglord’s failed attempt to reshape the divine hierarchy beasts and monsters, and stalking, is one of the Deities of Fury
with reality-warping magic during the events of the Dawn alongside Talos (his superior), Auril, and Umberlee. The
Cataclysm, which resulted in the catastrophic destruction of Beastlord’s lust for violence and bloodshed has threatened or
many places of nature. pushed more than a few species to extinction; this is an affront
to any deity that values the balance of nature. During the
The lion-like Nobanion, god of royalty, lions, feline beasts, and Spellplague era, Malar petitioned Silvanus for sanctuary, and
good beasts, is a staunch defender of places inhabited by the petition was warily granted in exchange for Malar’s service
beasts as well as the circle of life that governs beast kind. The as an exarch to Silvanus. When the conflicts of the Second
King of the Beasts is one of the most reliable allies that Sundering came about, the Black-Blooded Pard revealed his
Silvanus has in conflicts against Malar, especially since true intentions: Malar became Silvanus’ exarch only to gain
Nobanion begrudges Malar for corrupting the nature and access to the Oak Father’s divine realm, and steal a dangerous
nobility of countless beasts. Although the Lion King is one of artifact from the nature god’s most guarded belongings. After
the lesser deities in terms of raw power, Nobanion’s insight this betrayal, Silvanus swore to never again show mercy
into the realm of animalkind has been invaluable in solving towards the deceitful beast god.
many problems related to wildlife.
Moander, god of rotting death, decay, and corruption, is
Sheela Peryroyl, the halfling goddess of nature, agriculture, presumed to have perished thanks to the efforts of the hero
weather, song, dance, beauty, and romantic love, is an impartial Finder Wyvernspur during the Time of Troubles, but there
deity who has acted in the role of a trusted mediator between have been unsettling reports of Moander’s cult becoming
deities. The Watchful Mother has greatly helped to prevent active again. With many deities returning from death in the
tensions between Silvanus and the merchant goddess Waukeen wake of the Second Sundering, it would not be out of
from escalating to violence (Waukeen’s greed occasionally risks possibility that the Rotting God had also returned in some
tipping the natural balance in favor of profits). As Sheela’s form. As Moander practically represents the undoing of
tenets also emphasize living in harmony with nature, she is one nature itself, Silvanus would be pressed to take some form of
of the most understanding of all divine colleagues to the Forest action should the Darkbringer arise to spread corruption
Father, and her perspective is always welcome in discussion on across the realms.
the challenges of protecting the balance of nature.
Myrkul, god of death, decay, old age, exhaustion, dusk, and
Solonor Thelandira, the elven god of archery, hunting, and Autumn, was freed from imprisonment within an artifact
wilderness survival, acts as both a preserver of wildlife and during the events of the Second Sundering. The former Judge
regulator of hunting. The Great Archer instructs his faithful to of the Dead has always been known to enjoy raising undead
act with consideration for the effects of their interactions with for the fear that such activity spreads; Silvanus made careful
the wilderness, including how much they hunt of any attempts to fight against such offenses without directly
particular species. Solonor’s concern for the balance of nature provoking Myrkul, but now that the Reaper is no longer the
has made him allies with many nature deities, including Judge of the Dead, open conflict may be inevitable. Myrkul
Silvanus. has taken a position recently as a member of Kelemvor’s
Court of Souls, and has adopted a disturbing level of subtlety
Auril, goddess of cold and Winter, is one of the Deities of with his evil intrigues. The Oak Father regularly reminds
Fury alongside Talos (her superior), Malar, and Umberlee. Her Kelemvor to be wary of Myrkul, for the evil death god can not
malevolent plots to cover all the realms in ice and snow are a be trusted.
constant threat to the natural balance. If the Frostmaiden were

Set, the Mulhorandi god of the desert, destruction, drought,
night, rot, snakes, hate, betrayal, evil magic, ambition, poison,
and murder, encourages his faithful to do whatever is necessary Exarchs are deities and demigods that serve other (usually
to achieve their desires. This has occasionally resulted in the more powerful) deities that protect, rule over and/or provide
destruction of natural places and wildlife, upsetting the natural them with support against their enemies.
balance. In addition, the followers of Set are known to
ceremonially raise the bodies of crypts that they loot as
undead. The Defiler of the Dead has greatly offended Silvanus
with such travesties, provoking opposition from the Keeper of Eldath (Neutral Good)
Nature. Eldath, goddess of quiet places, springs, pools, peace, and
Talona, goddess of disease and poison, revels in the suffering waterfalls, arrived from another world to the realms together
of others and as such, holds great hatred for benevolent deities with her father Silvanus and sister Mielikki. She is a shy, quiet,
such as Silvanus. The Lady of Poison spreads plagues to bully enigmatic pacifist who excels at passive tactics when dealing
the mortals into supplication and worship. Such reckless with enemies. The Goddess of Singing Waters is devoted to
destruction of life not only threatens the balance of nature but the protection and maintenance of natural places, especially
is difficult to contain, making Talona one of the more groves and pools that can be used as sanctuaries for quiet
troublesome enemies that Silvanus must deal with. In addition, meditation and relaxation.
a number of druids have been corrupted by Talona, making Eldath teaches her faithful to seek peace from within, and to
the friction between the Mistress of Disease and the Forest cherish both the sanctity of life and the natural world around
Father that much more intense. them. The faithful of Eldath are restricted from killing except
Talos, the god of storms, destruction, rebellion, conflagration, out of compassion or mercy; as such, the servants of the
earthquakes, and vortices, is the leader of the Deities of Fury Green Goddess tend to be very skilled at hiding, misdirecting,
alongside Auril (his exarch), Malar (his exarch), and Umberlee or laying non-lethal traps, at least in the wilderness.
(his ally and rival). His penchant for pushing natural disasters Although she will avoid taking hostile action even when
to extremes for the sake of cowing the masses into fear and threatened, Eldath will usually have some contingency planned
worship has caused great harm to nature itself. The Storm ahead of time to deal with an emergency; for this reason, some
Lord jealously wrestles with any nature deity over control of have wondered how strong an opponent the Mother Guardian
the weather, which he considers to be rightfully his to possess of Groves would be if she were a deity of war rather than
alone. Talos also causes destruction for pleasure, which has peace. The most sacred sanctuaries of Eldath are said to be
harmed the environment on many occasions and stoked the ire protected by many layers of illusions and traps, to such extent
of Silvanus. that it would take even a deity years to overcome all of the
Umberlee, goddess of oceans, currents, waves, and sea winds, premeditated defenses laid out by the Goddess of Singing
is one of the Deities of Fury, along with Auril, Malar, and Waters.
Talos (her ally and rival). Like her fellow Deities of Fury, the
Bitch Queen revels in destruction. The tsunamis and storms
created by Umberlee have devastated many realms throughout
history, including places of nature cherished by Silvanus. The
Gwaeron Windstrom (Neutral Good)
Oak Father believes Umberlee to be irresponsible and Gwaeron Windstrom, god of tracking and rangers of the
unhinged for her actions, another enemy to be vigilant North, is a quiet, reclusive paragon of huntsmen who serves
towards. Mielikki as an exarch, and as such serves Silvanus to whom
Mielikki herself is an exarch. The Master of Tracking prefers
Among Silvanus’ most hated foes is Velsharoon, the god of to teach through example rather than words, and though slow
necromancy, necromancers, evil liches, and undeath. The to anger, he is fearsome when enraged. Gwaeron was
Archmage of Necromancy is always researching and spreading originally a mortal ranger of the North centuries ago, before
new ways to pervert the cycle of life and death; this is an ascending to divinity, and has shared his ranger’s knowledge by
unforgivable affront to the Keeper of Nature. Despite being far teaching Miellikki’s rangers how to read forest signs.
weaker in divine rank than Silvanus, Velsharoon’s necromantic
knowledge, often circulated and used by his faithful, makes The Tracker Who Never Goes Astray has been extraordinarily
him one of the highest priority threats against nature. The invaluable as a gatherer of information for Mielikki and
servants of Silvanus have a general order to eradicate the Silvanus. Gwaeron’s talent for stealthy investigation has
faithful of Velsharoon whenever possible, for the sake of enabled him to foil numerous enemy plots, and his stalker’s
stemming the proliferation of undeath in the realms. technique has prevented many destroyers of nature from
escaping divine punishment. Another important duty
entrusted to Gwaeron is that of a messenger between Silvanus,
Mielikki, and other nature deities on occasions when it is
inconvenient or unsafe to engage in direct communications;
Gwaeron has been called “The Mouth of Mielikki” for his
diligent fulfillment of this role.

Lurue (Chaotic Good) Shiallia (Neutral Good)
Lurue, goddess of talking beasts and intelligent nonhumanoid Shiallia, goddess of woodland glades, woodland fertility,
creatures, is a whimsical, loyal explorer who serves Mielikki as growth, the High Forest, and Neverwinter Wood, is a winsome,
an exarch, and as such serves Silvanus to whom Mielikki earthy, clever reveler who serves Mielikki as an exarch, and as
herself is an exarch. The Unicorn Queen is most well known such serves Silvanus to whom Mielikki herself is an exarch.
for her role as Mielikki’s steed in the form of a majestically The Dancer in the Glades enjoys playing in the woods and
beautiful unicorn. Lurue and Mielikki, friends who have engaging in witty banter. Shiallia’s air of mystery and
become like dear sisters, have traveled together through many penchant for speaking with purposeful undertones can
realms, and fought together against many foes. When she’s not overwhelm the witless, but she ultimately means well. The
gallivanting across vast distances as a magical beast, the Queen Lady of the Woods enjoys teasing others out of playfulness,
of Talking Beasts enjoys entertaining guests (or being while she offers important clues that could lead to the
entertained as a guest) at gatherings in her humanoid form, successful fulfillment of objectives.
often trading stories, riddles, and news about extraordinary
happenings. The focus of Shiallia’s work is the nurturing and restoration of
natural places. Her faithful are often tasked with planting new
Lurue works to spread hopes and dreams among mortals, and flora and practicing the art of preservative forestry (much of it
her faithful are encouraged to provide aid and comfort to the being the cutting of old trees or branches to ensure that they
needy. Most of the Unicorn Queen’s faithful are outcasts who don’t block the sun and rain from younger trees and
have found shelter and a sense of belonging within Lurue’s undergrowth). The servants of Shiallia are proactive do-
faith, and her clergy typically go out into the world as gooders, but they tend to work in silence, even when helping
adventurers and explorers. lost travelers or the injured; the clergy of Shiallia have become
widely known as the Silent Helpers, providing assistance from
As a well-standing socialite and a charismatic speaker, Lurue the shadows in such ways that the people being helped may be
has served a role as a mediator on behalf of Mielikki and unaware that they are being watched or protected.
Silvanus. With her servants spread out across the world as her
eyes and ears, Lurue also gathers valuable information and As a deity that takes care of natural places, Shiallia is also a
intelligence that can make a significant difference in preventing protector of the wilderness. The goddess has gone to great
disasters or foiling the plots of enemies. efforts to prevent forests and other places of natural beauty
from being turned into wastelands. Aside from acts of kindness
towards mortals traveling through or lost in the wilderness, the
Daughter of the High Forest will usually stay out of matters
Mielikki (Neutral Good) unrelated to her focus unless given orders to meddle by her
Mielikki, goddess of Autumn, dryads, forest creatures, forests, superiors. As such, both Shiallia and her faithful are casually
and rangers, arrived from another world to the realms together organized and live simply in the day-to-day activities of
with her father Silvanus and her sister Eldath. She is a good- bringing life to the land.
humored, confident, compassionate warrior who is known to
intervene on behalf of mortals while being careful about
whom she befriends. The Lady of the Forest is devoted to
protecting the balance of nature much as her father, but with a
greater willingness to seek a moderate conciliation between the
spread of civilization and the borders of natural places.

Mielikki teaches her faithful to live in harmony in nature and

respect the wildlife that they share the world with, punishing
those who would hunt for sport or visit cruelty upon wild
creatures. The faithful of Mielikki are known to guide travelers
in the wilderness to safety and provide protection against
roaming monsters; their knowledge of nature is shared freely
and proactively so that others may learn to respect the living
world of nature, and appreciate what nature offers to those
who respect it.

The militant ways of Mielikki are a sharp contrast to her

sister’s pacifism. Mielikki commands her servants to carefully
guard natural places with force of arms where civilization’s
encroachment might overreach. The Forest Queen keeps her
church nonchalantly spread out with a loose, informal
hierarchy, but her senior clergy are well-coordinated for the
sake of information gathering and sharing.

the Labyrinth of Life or its inhabitants be seriously
Afterlife endangered, the nature spirits can coalesce into an avatar of
Ubtao; for this reason scholars have wondered whether the
divine realm itself may be the true body of Ubtao, who has
Deep Wilds been surmised to be a primordial of unfathomable age. The
Labyrinth of Life is surrounded by a ring of mountains, the
This domain of the gods consists of a vast assortment of Golden Peaks, that help to prevent the more dangerous
terrain types; the plane’s geography consists of practically dinosaurs from wandering into other realms within the Deep
every form of wilderness that can be found in nature, Wilds; Remnis, god of eagles, sky, and winged mounts,
including subterranean and aquatic environments. Above the maintains a sanctuary on one of the mountains.
land is a bright blue sky with shifting white clouds that turns
into a star-filled black expanse in the evening. The plane has a To the north of the Golden Peaks is the Pridelands, divine
24-hour cycle of day and night, with a yellow-white sun rising realm of the beast god Nobanion. This realm is a savannah
at dawn, and a green-white moon rising at night. The stars of dotted with tree groves, and the older petitioners here typically
the evening sky are haphazardly spread for the most part, but a spend most of their time in beast forms, running wild and free
good number of them are arranged in constellations depicting across the land with gentle, warm winds blowing against their
animals of various species. faces. Within the tree groves, there is a permanent portal to the
Gulthmere Forest (on the Dragon Coast of Toril), and a
Weather patterns and temperatures in the Deep Wilds will permanent portal to the outskirts of Tempus’ divine realm of
change and fluctuate based on the region as well as the Warhaven in Warrior’s Rest.
personal preferences of the deities living in the plane. Silvanus
however does make sure that differences in climate will not Further north is the Frostfell (known as Tír fo Leth among the
cause excessive harm to the environments or inhabitants of the fey), the Land Under Eternal Ice. The Frostfell is a land of
plane, except in specially designated zones where the frozen lakes, snow capped mountains, chilled tundras, and
conditions may be inhospitable for most forms of life (save arctic glaciers. Formerly the realm of the goddess Auril, the
those that are specifically adapted to said conditions). When Frostfell is currently claimed by the ranger god Gwaeron
traveling from one region to another, the weather and Windstrom, the faithful of the slumbering god Ulutiu, and
temperature might change drastically. several courts of archfey who serve the elven goddess Aerdrie
Fenya. Ulutiu sleeps endlessly beneath the waters of Everfrost
Petitioner souls arriving in the Deep Wilds appear as they did Bay in Frostfell, dreaming of his lost love Othea and a lover’s
in life, with the exception of any physical deformities or any promise that might never be fulfilled.
drastic alterations that were made to their living bodies. When
a soul enters a particular god’s realm within the plane however, To the west of the Golden Peaks is a grand, pristine lake
the ambient magic there may alter the soul’s appearance known as the Singing Water, realm of the goddess Eldath. At
according to the god’s preference. For most of the petitioners, the center of the lake is an islet upon which a ring of tall oaks
their appearances will gradually adopt bestial traits such as surround a burbling spring; this is Eldath’s personal dwelling,
horns, or sharpened ears, or long fangs, or pelts of fur; the the True Grove. The faithful of Eldath live around the lake in
changes will depend on the desires and personalities of the caverns and groves hosting waterways, wading pools, and
petitioners themselves. In time, a petitioner soul will eventually flowers of countless varieties. According to myth, the waters of
gain the ability to shift from humanoid form to that of a the True Grove’s inner spring can heal the most grievous of
celestial animal and back at will; they will not retain this ability wounds inflicted upon body and soul. It is said that the magical
if somehow resurrected, but will immediately regain it upon waters of the spring could even restore lost memories and
return to the Deep Wilds as a petitioner soul. remove the most dire of curses and geases.
At the heart of the Deep Wilds is a massive, ancient ash tree Further west is a region of savannah and jungle known as the
known as Yggdrasil. The tree is several miles in diameter, and Land of the Hunt, realm of Ragarra, Zakharan goddess of the
extends from its roots deep beneath the ground to the clouds in jungle, predators, passion, chaos, and revenge; she is also
the sky, where it seems to fade into the heavens. The heavily known as the Render, and does not take kindly to any save
ridged, diamond-patterned bark of the tree is an earthy gray, Silvanus, Nobanion, or her lover Shajar who trespass upon her
covered in moss of green or red at different parts. The thickest realm. The Blood River passes through this realm, and there
branches of the tree support stone platforms on which are thousands of crocodiles inhabiting the river’s banks up to
hundreds of magically shaped stone structures house the the realm’s borders. These crocodiles aggressively protect the
guardian angels that defend and secure the plane. faithful of the Render as well as anything else that belongs to
the goddess.
Surrounding the base of Yggdrasil is the Labyrinth of Life, the
divine realm of Ubtao, god of creation, jungles, Chult, the Adjacent to the Land of the Hunt on its westernmost border,
Chultans, and dinosaurs. The Labyrinth is a vast, sprawling where the Blood River meets the Blue Sea, is the Verdant
maze of trees and plants, a rainforest of perpetually warm Delta, realm of Shajar, Zakharan god of rivers, life, growth,
temperatures where dinosaurs of countless shapes and sizes death, and decay. The Delta is a region of plains, tree groves,
roam. The ancestors of Chult guard the region around and sandy beaches known for supporting bountiful crops of
Yggdrasil, riding battle-armored behemoths on their patrols, food plants as well as many herds of hippopotamuses that
and hundreds of nature spirits (said to be aspects split off from protect both the petitioners of the realm as well as the crops
Ubtao’s divine essence) watch over the realm in silence. Should grown on the land.

Far west is the Blue Sea, formerly known as the Blood Sea; the this realm live safely in areas of calm currents beneath the
sea was renamed after it ceased to be the realm of the goddess waters, but it has become a tradition to brave the surface
Umberlee and became the realm of the pacifist Trishina, during a storm when one seeks to grow through overcoming
goddess of dolphins, compassion, and redemption. In contrast hardship. There are hundreds of rocky, cavernous islands on
to the violent, stormy weather of its previous state in the hands the Sea of Trials where petitioners go to meditate and pursue
of Umberlee, the Blue Sea is now a calm body of water with personal enlightenment.
gentle waves and occasional light rains. As consort to the elven
god Deep Seshalas, Trishina maintains a permanent portal at
her personal dwelling that leads to Arvandor, plane of the
elven pantheon. There are hundreds of islands afloat on the Deep Forest
Blue Sea that serve as preservation habitats for rare and exotic Far south and east in the Deep Wilds is the Deep Forest, which
animals; the climate can vary wildly from island to island. touches the borders of the Grove of the Unicorns, the High
To the east of the Golden Peaks is the Great Mother’s Garden, Glade, and the shores of the Sea of Trials. This is the realm of
realm of the goddess Chauntea. This realm is characterized by Silvanus, a densely canopied stretch of woodlands where the
abundant fields supporting thousands of different kinds of trees can grow so tall that they reach halfway to the sky. The
food plants, and hundreds of “grove villages” where the wildlife is diverse and abundant in the Deep Forest, and the
petitioners live in houses carved out of trees and hills. Every vegetation is so thick that one could easily be obstructed by
single plant that grows in this realm is edible, and in most cases walls of vines and leaves while wandering in this realm.
delicious even when eaten raw. The Great Mother’s Garden In the Deep Forest, one will find no buildings of the typical
has a permanent portal leading to the Green Fields, plane of sort that one would find in the cities of the living realms.
the halfling pantheon, where Chauntea maintains a second There are however many structures that are shaped from
realm. magically generated stone formations, or “grown” out of
Further east is the Grove of the Unicorns, realm of the massive trees and other suitable plants; these are the hallmarks
goddess Mielikki. This region is filled with moderately treed of habitation for the petitioners living in this realm.
woodlands, wide glades, bountiful streams, and clear water The petitioners in this realm are excellent watchers, learning
ponds. The goddess Lurue’s faithful also live here, as well as to blend in with the scenery so deftly that visitors rarely notice
thousands of unicorns that graze upon the fruits, flowers, and that they are being watched by the inhabitants. There are
grass of the glades. Any traveler that gets lost in this realm will many clerics and druids among the petitioners, so
usually be led to one of the towns and villages of petitioners by troublemakers are easily dealt with; tangling vines and magical
a unicorn guide or patrolling ranger. tree golems have become common sights for those observing
Adjacent to the Grove of the Unicorns on its southeastern the clerics and druids maintain peace in the Deep Forest.
border is the High Glade, realm of the goddess Shiallia, where A popular pastime for the faithful living in the Deep Forest is
the faithful of Shiallia often organize festivals at the Glade, the art and science of horticulture. Many petitioners conduct
during which the faithful of Silvanus and his exarchs gather breeding experiments with different plants to produce new
together to dance, sing, eat, drink, and play games. breeds with possibly new or blended characteristics. The most
To the south of the Golden Peaks is the Paradise of Sands, a popular efforts are those that deal with edible plants; there are
hot, sandy desert dotted with lush oases and tree groves. This is regular festivals celebrating the bounty of the forest where the
the realm of Haku, Zakharan god of deserts, wind, nomads, literal fruits of the experimenters’ labor are presented and
personal independence, and freedom. The faithful of Haku sampled by the rest of the community. It is said that there is no
spend most of their days exploring the many interesting sites fruit, nut, or vegetable in the multiverse that can not be found
of the desert as well as venturing into the realms of other gods in the Deep Forest. Medicinal herbs from the Deep Forest have
so that they can return with tales of wonder and adventure. At also earned a similar legendary reputation, with many visitors
night, a multi-colored aurora appears in the sky above the coming to the Deep Forest solely to acquire particular plants
realm, occasionally taking on various shapes to illustrate for their remedies and panaceas.
exciting stories of great heroes and legends. There are The art and science of forestry is also an important part of the
occasional sand storms that cover or reveal vaults of petitioners’ way of life. The faithful cut down dead or
knowledge and treasure that Haku has spread about his realm obstructing trees to facilitate the healthy survival of younger
for adventurers among his faithful to find and explore; it is said trees and undergrowth; they also learn to apply fertilizing soil
that among these hidden vaults is an elixir that will elevate one as well as specially prepared mulch to stimulate the maturation
to divinity, and that keys from other vaults must first be found of the local flora. By ensuring the health of the trees, the
to unlock the Immortal Vault where the elixir lies. The foresters also prevent mudslides that would otherwise occur
locations of all the vaults are randomly changed once every due to a lack of healthy tree roots to keep the ground stable.
ten days to discourage “cheating”.
There are also many who practice the art of gardening,
Further south is the Sea of Trials, realm of Hakiyah, planting flowers and fungi (and possibly placing stones) to
Zakharan goddess of seas, reason, honesty, and truth. This produce remarkably eye-pleasing aesthetics; specially
realm is known for wildly turbulent weather, as well as areas of decorated gardens and glades have become popular attractions
dangerous eddies and explosive bubbles that will challenge for both visitors and local inhabitants alike.
even the most hardy of sailors and divers. The petitioners of

exarchs to scry any scene in history throughout the multiverse
SummerOak that has taken place within sight of a living, uncorrupted plant
The personal residence of Silvanus is a glen called or beast. By willing it, the user can command the image scried
SummerOak in the Deep Forest, a sprawling valley filled with upon the surface of the lake to be projected upwards in three
trees, bushes, and primal spirits of nature. Despite the glen dimensions, and can adjust the scale of the image as desired.
being called SummerOak, there are actually a wide variety of At night, the Well glows with a soft, white illumination,
tree types in the valley. Many of the trees in the realm are enabling visitors to see clearly around the lake’s vicinity.
awakened creatures, and share with each other and occasional
visitors the wisdom of ages passed down across generations of Silvanus makes regular rounds throughout the glen as he meets
their existence. with his exarchs, inspects locations of importance, and
explores his personal artistry of nature. The Keeper of Nature
The weather in SummerOak is affected by Silvanus’ personal is sometimes seen deeply focused in using his godly powers to
mood, but is otherwise kept consistently calm with periodic create works of art composed of magically grown plants;
showers to maintain the flora of the environment. It is almost during such periods, Silvanus will ignore calls for his audience
always comfortably warm in the glen, even at night, and the unless the matters at hand are truly urgent. On a rare
winds are usually at the level of gentle breezes. occasion, the Oak Father will awaken one of his art pieces,
granting it a beastly or humanoid form as well as sentient
There are a great number of animals living in SummerOak, intelligence and the ability communicate in any language; most
and many of them are intelligent (perhaps petitioner souls of these divine plant-based constructs have become guardians
taking beast forms). It is forbidden to predate upon other of the Deep Forest, and are formidably powerful foes against
creatures within Silvanus’ personal residence, as he prefers to any who would dare threaten the sanctity of the realm.
enjoy a relative peace and quiet in his home; as such, almost all
of the animals in SummerOak are naturally herbivores. There is a permanent portal in SummerOak that leads to
Silvanus’ former residence in the plane of Tir Na Og. That
There is an immaculately clean lake in SummerOak, over residence is currently used as a safe meeting place between
which those who have been invited by Silvanus may walk Silvanus and other gods.
without sinking into the water. The lake is known as the Well
of Nature’s Memory, and it can be used by the Old Oak or his

referred to as archdruids), wielding both divine and primal
Dogma magic to serve the needs of the great balance. Even those who
These are the tenets that worshippers of Silvanus are given to do not walk the path of the druid will at least learn some basic
live by. druidic rites as part of deepening their understanding of
nature. Every Circle within a region reports to a grand druid
● Keep a reasonable distance when observing a situation and who in turn congregates with other grand druids in a higher
consider all of the possible options, for it is most prudent to ranked Circle. Every grand druid Circle reports to a single
seek the truly best solutions to problems instead of simply great druid of the faith, an office never held for more than a
latching onto the most popular ones. few years at a time, since regular elections are held at the
grand druid level. Former officeholders do not run for a
● All things in nature exist in a cycle, and it is the duty of the second, consecutive term of office, out of respect for the aspect
devout to study and protect the sacred balance of this cycle lest of change in the cycles of nature.
forces of disturbance bring all to ruin.
Clerics and paladins of Silvanus traditionally pray for their
● The less disruptive practices of quiet observation and subtle spells at sundown or in moonlight. This symbolizes the
manipulation are preferred over violence and open determination to watch over and protect the balance of
confrontation, but be prepared to take hostile action if nature’s cycle. Sleeping early in the day or early in the evening
pressured by time or danger. enables the divine servant to be awake to view the beauty of
nature at both sunset and dawn, during which the colors of the
● Fight against the destruction of nature and the spread of
land noticeably change as part of the cycle that governs day
disease, but kill only when necessary, for nature itself holds
and night. Viewing the cyclical transitions of sun and moon is
neither malice nor grudge in its grace.
meant to affirm the servant’s dedication to their responsibilities
● Encourage the growth of new flora and share the joy of as a guardian of nature’s cycles. When unable to keep such
planting with others, especially those such as the dryads who waking hours, the cleric or paladin might simply pick up a
are truly one with nature, that all could join together in stone or stick, and use it to etch a depiction of sunset or dawn
harmony with the great balance. on the ground, the act of doing so affirming their faith.

The standard daily ritual for the cleric or paladin of Silvanus is

to plant a single seed in a spot outdoors where a plant could
grow in the sun’s light, or if traveling through the Underdark,
Clergy to smear a dab of moss onto a cavern wall. This devotion to
The clerics of Silvanus, known as greenlords/greenladies, the continuance of nature’s cycle helps to steady the resolve of
promote the spread of knowledge and wisdom related to the cleric or paladin, especially during times of distress. As
nature, and teach others to live in harmony with the great such, it is common for an adventuring cleric or paladin of
balance of cycles. They are often seen assisting communities Silvanus to include a bag of seeds or a jar of moss among the
that live in places of nature, as well as wild creatures, druids, equipment taken for a journey.
and spirits of nature. Many advancements in horticulture,
forestry, and gardening can be attributed to the work of Traditional ceremonial dress for the faithful of Silvanus is a
Silvanus’ clerics; their efforts have prevented countless clashes suit of armor made from overlapping leaves. Most sects of the
between the spread of civilization and the borders of the faith use green-tinted leather or specially treated bark for the
wilderness. leaves, in which case the armor is the equivalent of leather
armor. A few sects use metal plates for the leaves, in which case
The paladins of Silvanus are known as oakwardens. They seek the armor is the equivalent of scale mail. The armor is
out and punish those who would harm the balance of nature, accompanied with green breeches and a green shirt worn
such as woodcutters who chop down trees without underneath, and topped by a large helm (typically carved from
consideration for the health of forest infrastructure, or wood) with oaf leaf shaped wings attached at just above the
arsonists who hold little to no regard for the environmental ears.
destruction caused by their fires. The oakwardens also fiercely
guard sacred places of nature where primal spirits reside or Clerics and paladins of Silvanus will usually either set
where the flow of life in the world converges. themselves to guard a particular place of nature, or make
pilgrimages between their church’s enclaves. Those who
Nature is a fundamental aspect of most worlds where creatures choose to journey into civilized areas do so to keep an eye out
live, so it is unsurprising that the church of Silvanus can be for possible threats to nature and to gain knowledge that could
found everywhere across Faerun, with very strong support be helpful to their cause. A number of clergy also make use of
from mortal worshippers. The faithful of Silvanus can be politics and covert operations to control the flow of
found mainly in places of wilderness, or in smaller towns and civilization’s encroachment on places of nature.
villages close to places of wilderness. The larger communities
in cities may include small congregations of Silvanites that While traveling or adventuring, a cleric or paladin of Silvanus
rally towards gardens and preserved natural landmarks. There will usually keep a modest lifestyle, careful not to do anything
are very few formal temples dedicated to the Keeper of that might attract unwanted attention. They will normally only
Nature, but the clergy maintain a well-organized hierarchy of wear clothing made from natural materials such as cotton fiber,
democratic enclaves, known as Circles, governed by a council fur from animals, or silk threads; body wear conjured from
of elders. All of the clergy of highest rank are also druids (and magic is considered distasteful for a representative of the faith.

Customs of the Faith Feats
The most common ritual performed by the faithful of Silvanus Clerics and paladins can take special feats as servants of
is to perform the Call of Oak, Ash, and Thorn. This ritual Silvanus.
involves gathering leaves of trees (usually from the same types
mentioned in the ritual’s name). After acquiring the leaves, the
practitioner floats them on water and prays for Silvanus’
blessing and guidance. GreenLord/GreenLady of Silvanus
Sacrifices made to the Oak Father must never be blood Requirement: Cleric, worships Silvanus
sacrifices; ritual sacrifices often take the form of a wooden As a greenlord/greenlady of Silvanus, you teach others to live
object that is broken then buried, but never burned. Although in harmony with nature and commune with the primal spirits
Silvanus dislikes the burning of trees, he does however tolerate of the wilderness.
fire made responsibly for practical reasons such as warmth,
illumination, cooking, or preserving forestry. Another ● You have advantage on Animal Handling (Wisdom) checks
acceptable fire-related practice for horticulturalists and made to calm animals.
gardeners among the faithful is the burning of dead wood to
craft fertilizer for living plants. ● You have proficiency in Nature and Survival.
In pursuit of communion with Silvanus, Silvanus’ divine ● You treat entangle as one of your prepared cleric spells
servants, or the spirits of nature, a practitioner of the faith can without counting it towards your maximum limit. If you
perform the Vigil of the Green. The worshipper’s body must already do so, then choose any other 1st-level cleric spell for
first be self-anointed with a powder of crushed acorns and this instead.
mistletoe leaves mixed with rainwater or spring water. Next,
the worshipper must lie down on, or sit against a growing tree ● When you prepare your cleric spells, one of the spells that
for most of a night, without falling asleep. The tree must have you prepare can be chosen from the druid spell list.
green growing moss on its surface, and the worshipper must be
in continuous contact with the moss. When dawn arrives, if
successful, the worshipper is met with either a powerful vision,
a visit from a divine servant of Silvanus, or on extremely rare Oakwarden of Silvanus
occasion audience with the Old Oak himself. Even if
Requirement: Paladin, worships Silvanus
unsuccessful, primal energies will flow into the worshipper,
removing some exhaustion, and healing minor injuries (this is As an oakwarden of Silvanus, you investigate possible threats
treated as completing a long rest). to the balance of nature and punish those who would callously
cause destruction to places of nature.
The two holiest rituals of Silvanus’ faith are the Song of the
Trees and the Dryad Dance. ● You have proficiency in Perception and Survival.
The Song of the Trees is a haunting repetitive chant that can
● You treat detect poison and disease as one of your prepared
be performed in a glade. The chant draws the animals in the
paladin spells without counting it towards your maximum
forest; as the animals approach the chanter, the spirits of
limit. If you already do so, then choose any other 1st-level
nature gather in the surrounding area, and use their power to
paladin spell for this instead.
heal the animals of injuries and disease.
● When you use your Lay on Hands feature, you expend 2 hit
The Dryad Dance is a ritual that can only be performed in a
points instead of 5 to neutralize a poison or disease.
sanctified location within a forest. Such a location will be at the
center of a purposely planted circle of trees, with stones ● When you use your Divine Smite feature, you can deal the
specially arranged in a circle halfway between the trees and the extra damage as cold, fire, or lightning damage instead of
central point of the tree circle. One or more practitioners of radiant damage.
the faith must play music on pipes and dance at the center of
the circle. After a few minutes, dryads will begin to emerge and
enter the area just between the stones and the trees; the dryads
will begin singing and dancing to the music, moving clockwise
around the stone circle. If there is an unmated human male
among the practitioners, one of the dryads may choose to
enter the circle of stones, and call to the man. If the man
agrees to approach the dryad, the dryad will then lead the man
out of the circle to a secluded area of her choosing and mate
with the chosen suitor; with luck, the dryad will conceive a
child by the chosen suitor, and the child will be another dryad.
This ritual originated from a primal pact between Silvanus and
the dryads, to ensure the continuance of the dryad race
through a relatively safe courting process.

Exclusive Spells Misc. Lore
Clerics and paladins of Silvanus are able to prepare the Other stories and information that might be shared among the
following spells, unique to worshippers of Silvanus. faithful of Silvanus.

Thorncall The Theft of Leaves

2nd-level conjuration (ritual) During the Spellplague era, when magic throughout the
realms was disrupted by the murder of the goddess Mystra,
SPECIAL: You must be a worshipper of Silvanus, as well as a
many gods entered a state of turmoil as their homes were
cleric or paladin to cast this spell.
destabilized or destroyed. The Gods of Fury (Auril, Malar,
Casting Time: 1 action Talos, Umberlee) were among the affected gods; their shared
home plane of Fury’s Heart became undone in a gradual fall
Range: 120 feet
to destruction that is now known as the Stormstar Requiem.
Components: V, S, M (a piece of thorny stem or vine)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes As the Stormstar Requiem commenced, the Gods of Fury
You invoke the prudence of Silvanus to conjure a barrier wall scrambled to save what they could of their faithful and their
of thorny vines in an unoccupied space on a surface within belongings. It was during this tumultuous evacuation that the
range. The wall emerges vertically from the perspective of the god Talos, leader of the Gods of Fury, was unexpectedly
surface that it appears upon, and is tethered to the surface. revealed to be Gruumsh, the leader of the orc pantheon; the
other Gods of Fury were enraged that Talos had kept such a
The wall can be up to 15 feet long, 15 feet high, and 1 foot secret from them, and disassociated themselves from their
thick. It blocks line of sight, has an AC of 12, 5 hit points per leader.
inch of thickness, and is vulnerable to fire and slashing
damage. If a creature’s body slams against the surface of the After temporarily relocating themselves, Auril, Malar, and
wall, it takes 1d6 points of piercing damage. Umberlee made a plea to Silvanus for sanctuary within the
newly renamed Deep Wilds. Out of pity and seeing an
If you cast this spell as a ritual over fertile soil, the wall’s opportunity to keep the Gods of Fury under watch, the Oak
duration becomes permanent and concentration is not needed Father agreed to grant the refugee gods safety within the Deep
to maintain it. Wilds in exchange for their agreement to restrain themselves
from actions that would endanger the balance of nature. The
The wall is treated as a living plant and can die/decay without three pleaders accepted the terms of residence and moved
sunlight and water. their divine realms and faithful to the Deep Wilds. Malar went
a step further and offered his service as an exarch of Silvanus,
much to the chagrin of the Treefather’s other divine servants.
Oakheart For the most part, the Gods of Fury kept their activities within
the boundaries required by Silvanus. Auril was the most
5th-level conjuration
difficult to handle; she captured the elven goddess Aerdrie
SPECIAL: You must be a worshipper of Silvanus, as well as a Fenya and already possessed the slumbering body of the god
cleric or paladin to cast this spell. Ulutiu; Auril moved both of the gods to the Frostfell where the
Cold Goddess would siphon their divine essence as well as
Casting Time: 1 action their faithful. The Keeper of Nature refrained from interfering
Range: 30 feet with Auril’s taking of those gods for the sake of caution as well
Components: V, S as the bounds of the contract made with the Gods of Fury.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute During the period of the Second Sundering, the Gods of Fury
You invoke the protection of Silvanus to magically enhance a dropped the subterfuge of their obedience. Mielikki had also
single tree seed and then toss it to an unoccupied space on a uncovered the true reason for the migration to the Deep Wilds,
surface within range. The tree seed sprouts where it lands, and just in time to stop the Gods of Fury from completing a plan
becomes a mature tree with a cylindrical trunk up to 20 feet decades in the making. Talos was revealed to be a separate
tall and 5 feet in diameter. The tree has an AC of 14, 150 hit entity from Gruumsh all along; the separation of the Gods of
points, and is vulnerable to fire damage. The tree shrinks back Fury was part of a ruse meant to grant Auril, Malar, and
into a seed or if heavily damaged, falls to pieces when the spell Umberlee a pretext for gaining access to the Deep Wilds.
The prize that was sought after by the Gods of Fury was a
As long as you are within 30 feet of the tree, ranged spell divine artifact belonging to Silvanus, a tome known as the
attacks and ranged weapon attacks that would target you will Leaves of Green, as well as a page that was removed from it;
target the tree instead. If the tree is reduced to 0 hit points, the page is known as the Fallen Leaf, and is said to reveal a
you gain a level of exhaustion and the spell ends. method of taking control of nature on entire worlds, perhaps
throughout the entire multiverse, should the page be reunited
with the Leaves of Green.

Malar, who had access to Silvanus’ personal residence of
SummerOak as an exarch, used the Well of Nature’s Memory
The Mother Tree
to locate both the tome and the separated page. The Beastlord The great tree of Yggdrasil in the Deep Wilds is not actually a
had also secretly corrupted many of Silvanus’ plant guardians whole tree, but a mere branch of an unfathomably huge tree
and guardian beasts into his personal slaves to guard against that extends its branches and roots across the multiverse. This
interference so the surrounding Deep Forest became filled with multiversal tree, also known as the World Ash, is the true
the carnage of battle. Yggdrasil, and its seeds have been cultivated in hundreds,
perhaps thousands of planes and crystal spheres to form entire
After receiving Malar’s signal to begin, Umberlee created a worlds. To planeswalkers navigating the multiverse, the World
distraction to keep all of the gods and divine servants in the Ash is one of the more convenient ways to get around. The
Deep Wilds busy. The Bitch Queen flooded much of the plane branch of Yggdrasil that extends into the Deep Wilds is
with tsunamis and disrupted the weather throughout the connected to the plane by a color pool much like those found
realms. Meanwhile, Auril and Malar stole the artifacts from in the Astral Plane. This color pool is a two-way portal that
their protected locations. leads to another plane touched by Yggdrasil.
Talos had already lured Silvanus outside of the Deep Wilds
with a parley at Tir Na Og, then battled with Silvanus to buy
time for Auril to make the Leaves of Green whole once again.
The Keeper of Nature was shocked when he realized that
during their meeting, Talos had activated planar barriers set
up ahead of time that would prevent Silvanus from leaving Tir
Na Og without a lengthy struggle.

The exarchs of Silvanus were fortunately able to navigate

through many obstructive wards spread by Auril across the
Frostfell from her flying palace. The exarchs fought with Auril
and her servants and successfully stopped Auril’s ritual before
it could be completed. Both the Leaves of Green and the
Fallen Leaf were sent to unknown places on Toril as a result of
the confrontation.

After driving away Talos and breaking free from Tir Na Og,
Silvanus hurried back to the Deep Wilds and banished the
Gods of Fury along with their faithful from the plane. The
Oak Father then made his way to the Frostfell and freed
Aerdrie Fenya from her frozen prison.

The Keeper of Nature could do nothing for Ulutiu, who

refuses to awaken in his current state of perpetual grief, so the
realm of Frostfell was simply allowed to remain as is in the
wake of the Frostmaiden’s banishment and Ulutiu continues to
sleep in the same place where he was moved to.

With the Leaves of Green and the Fallen Leaf lost on the
world of Toril, the faithful of Silvanus and his exarchs have
been given a mandate to investigate any clue they can find
about the whereabout of the artifacts. The Gods of Fury are
very likely attempting to find these items of power as well, and
should they re-acquire both parts, the balance of nature in the
multiverse will surely be threatened.

On a side note, scholars surmise that the air goddess Akadi,

from whom Aerdrie Fenya was born as a fully endowed aspect,
had also been kept in check by Auril with the threat of Aerdrie
Fenya’s death; this culminated in Auril using Aerdrie Fenya as
a medium to steal power from Akadi for the ritual that would
unite the Leaves of Green and the Fallen Leaf. Many on Toril
believed that Akadi had left the world because of her silence
and weakening, which is now known as the result of Auril’s


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