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Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2011–2025


Introduction of a simple diagram-based method

for analyzing evaporative cooling
Renato M. Lazzarin *

Department of Management and Engineering, University of Padova, Padova, Italy

Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi industriali, Università di Padova, Stradella S. Nicola, 3, 36100 Vicenza, Italy

Received 28 November 2006; accepted 8 December 2006

Available online 8 January 2007


Direct evaporative cooling can be profitable in hot arid climates, whereas favourable situations are not frequent in temperate zones.
First the climate limits to direct operation are set on the psychrometric diagram. Then an alternative process is considered that can pro-
vide free cooling via evaporation for a lot of climatic conditions not particularly dry and very common in temperate climate: indirect
evaporative cooling. Air is cooled in an adiabatic humidification process, and then in turn the same air is used to reduce – via a heat
exchanger – the temperature of a second stream of air, whose moisture content consequently remains unchanged. The cooling effect
is particularly strong when the air to be humidified is the ambient air being discharged.
The potential of indirect evaporative cooling in analysed in every climatic condition, dividing the Mollier psychrometric diagram in
different zones where the use of this free cooling techniques is advisable or not.
 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Free cooling; Evaporative cooling

1. Introduction increases, while the sensible portion decreases. For an essen-

tially unvaried enthalpy, the specific humidity increases and
The more and more urgent requirement of energy saving the temperature decreases. The extent of this exchange obvi-
in air-conditioning demands a careful consideration of all ously depends on the starting temperature and humidity: if
the free-cooling techniques [1,2]. Among them evaporative already near saturation, this being the upper limit for the
cooling can play an important role, a technique known humidification process, there will only be a slight lowering
since ancient times. In fact the cooling effect produced by of the temperature, whereas the temperature reduction
the evaporation of water from containers with permeable can be really appreciable if the starting point is very dry
walls, such as the wineskins or unglazed terracotta vases, and hot air. Here is the strong influence of the climate on
has always been exploited: the small quantity of water that the possible advantages of evaporative cooling.
perspires through the porous barrier when evaporating Starting from pre-defined conditions 1 (enthalpy h1,
maintains the rest of the container at a temperature that temperature t1, specific humidity x1, etc.) the air is humid-
when stable is near the wet bulb temperature of the outside ified adiabatically (obviously, only liquid humidification
air. will produce a cooling effect); the conditions that can be
As it is well known, all humidification systems that use achieved are limited by the saturation curve, while also
liquids involve an exchange between the latent heat and considering that the saturation efficiency of the humidifier
the sensible heat in the air stream: the latent portion further limits the attainable values.
Indicating the point achieved after humidification as 2
Tel.: +39 0444998733; fax: +39 0444998888. (enthalpy h2, temperature t2, specific humidity x2, etc.),
E-mail address: renato@gest.unipd.it the specific cooling energy, that is, the effect attainable for

1359-4311/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2012 R.M. Lazzarin / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2011–2025


cpa specific heat at constant pressure – kJ/(kg K) db dry bulb

COP thermal efficiency – non-dim. dp relating to the dew point
G mass flow – kg/s, kg/h E relating to the flow-rate of outside air
p pressure – Pa F relating to the flow-rate of outside air after di-
Patm atmospheric pressure – bar, Pa rect evaporative cooling
q heating capacity – kJ/s, kW fc relating to freecooling
r heat of vaporisation – kJ/kg I relating to the flow-rate of air introduced into
t temperature – C the room
W volumetric flow-rate – m3/h i relating to the inlet
x specific humidity – kgv/kga, gv/kga lat latent
a ratio between flow-rate of discharged air and lim limit value
flow-rate of outside air – non-dim. max maximum
/ relative humidity – non-dim. min minimum
g saturation efficiency of the adiabatic humidifier – O relating to the flow-rate of air discharged from
non-dim. the exhaust outlet
q density – kg/m3 o relating to the outlet
n efficiency of the heat exchanger – non-dim. sens sensible
sp specific
Suffixes tot total
1 relating to state 1 U relating to the conditions of the air after humid-
2 relating to state 2 ification
a relating to air v relating to vapour
A ambient or relating to the flow-rate of air taken vent relating to ventilation, that is, the minimum
in from the environment flow-rate of outside air (required for renewal)
C relating to the flow-rate of air discharged after wb relating to wet bulb conditions
adiabatic humidification X relating to the flow-rate of outside air down-
cool relating to cooling stream of the heat exchanger

each kg of treated air, is calculated simply using the 2. Direct evaporative cooling
qsp ¼ g  rv  ðx2  x1 Þ  g  cpa  ðt2  t1 Þ ð1Þ The evaporative cooling of the fresh air intake may be
useful if the enthalpy of the outside air is lower than the
where g is the saturation efficiency, rv is the heat of vapori- value required in the air-conditioned environment and, at
sation of the water and cpa is the specific heat of the dry air; the same time, the specific humidity is sufficiently lower
note that the value of qsp is negative, indicating a subtrac- than that of the air-conditioned environment, so as to be
tion of energy. able to easily satisfy the indoor latent loads [3–10].
Fig. 1 shows a diagram for the specific cooling energy To clarify the latter point, imagine that the environment
and the lowering of the temperature of a stream of adiabat- in question has a latent load Gv (kgv/s), for example due to
ically humidified air according to the starting temperature the presence of a certain number of people; knowing the
and relative humidity, assuming an efficiency g = 100%; mass flow of fresh air Gvent (kgair/s), the specific latent load
otherwise, simply multiply the resulting values by the Dxsp (kgv/kgair) can be defined as
actual efficiency.
This cooling effect may be useful in the context of room Gv
Dxsp ¼ ð2Þ
air-conditioning through both the direct humidification of Gvent
the air introduced in the room, possible in very dry cli-
mates, and indirect cooling. According to the type of building and/or the activities car-
The latter occurs by cooling air in an adiabatic humidi- ried out there, the latent loads and the recommended flow-
fication process, and then in turn using the same air to rates of fresh air per person can be calculated. A value for
reduce – via a heat exchanger – the temperature of a second the specific latent load representative for many usual situa-
stream of air, whose moisture content consequently tions may be 0.0025 kgv/kgair.
remains unchanged. Let us consider first the criteria of a A total air flow-rate of GI can be introduced into the air-
convenient free cooling by direct evaporation in connection conditioned environment, made up of partly recirculated
with the parameters regarding building load and the plant. air and partly fresh outside air GE, the flow-rate of which
R.M. Lazzarin / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2011–2025 2013

Fig. 1. Specific cooling energy (a) and lowering of the temperature (final temperature t2 – initial temperature t1) obtainable by adiabatically humidifying
air, with a saturation efficiency g = 100%, according to the initial temperature (t1) and relative humidity (/1).

must be at least equal to the minimum air renewal flow-rate If, on the other hand
Gvent required based on the needs of the environment.
xA  xE < Dxsp ð5Þ
In free cooling systems such as the one described here,
the flow-rate of outside air GE may increase until reaching it will be of profit to progressively increase the flow-rate of
the value of the entire introduced flow-rate GI. This can be fresh air GE from the minimum value Gvent, obviously
done not only with variable volume systems, but also with reaching the maximum limit at the total flow-rate GI. If
constant volume systems, by modifying the amount of the obtained value is less than the indoor latent load Gv,
recirculated air using motor-driven dampers (Fig. 2). These dehumidification will be necessary; if, on the other hand,
can increase the amount of outdoor air from a minimum it is higher, the flow-rate of fresh air may be modulated
renewal flow-rate to the maximum total inlet flow-rate. so as to ensure equilibrium [11]:
Assuming that the specific humidity xE of the outside air
GE  ðxA  xE Þ ¼ Gv ð6Þ
is lower than the ambient specific humidity xA, the flow-
rate GE introduces a negative latent load, with an absolute this, applying (2), occurs when the flow-rate of outside air
value of is equal to
GE  ðxA  xE Þ ð3Þ GE ¼ Gvent  ð7Þ
xA  xE
If the difference (xA  xE) between the inside and the out-
side specific humidity is greater than the specific latent load 3. Comparison of temperatures
Dxsp, the minimum air renewal flow-rate Gvent will be more
than sufficient to compensate for the indoor latent load Gv At a first glance, freecooling seems advantageous only
as for outside air temperatures lower than the ambient tem-
perature: tE < tA using the maximum flow-rate for small
Gvent  ðxA  xE Þ > Gvent  Dxsp ¼ Gv ð4Þ differences in temperature, reducing it when the outside

Fig. 2. System diagram with motor-driven dampers to adjust the recirculation of air in favour of renewal air.
2014 R.M. Lazzarin / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2011–2025

Fig. 3. Sub-division of the psychrometric chart according to the comparison between the outside temperature tE, the ambient temperature tA and the
delivery temperature tI considering the limit tE,lim beyond which heating is required.

air temperature is lower than the envisaged delivery tem- GI

tE;lim ¼ tA   ðtA  tI Þ ð9Þ
perature tI, and then gradually reducing it further to avoid Gvent
having to heat the room.
Indoor thermal loads are often such as to require cool- When the outside air temperature is lower than this value,
ing even when the outside temperature is lower than the the desired indoor temperature cannot be maintained with-
desired indoor temperature due to the presence of impor- out heating (Fig. 3).
tant gains from people to electric appliances, and so on.
These exploit the possibility to reduce the energy required
from the refrigeration system by letting in a suitable quan- 4. Comparison of enthalpies
tity of outside air, varying from a minimum value, equal to
the required renewal flow-rate to a maximum value equal Operating only on a temperature basis does not consider
to the total inlet flow-rate. the aspects relating to humidity, and therefore it may be
The required flow-rate is calculated based on the tempting to introduce large quantities of outside air simply
enthalpy contribution, equal to the sensible value required because its temperature is lower than the room tempera-
by the load: ture; however, when the specific humidity of the outside
air is higher than the indoor specific humidity, as in the
GI cpa ðtA  tI Þ zone indicated as V in Fig. 4, this increases the latent loads.
It should be said, however, that often the simplicity in
measuring the temperature values prevails over these prob-
ðtA  tI Þ lems, and free cooling systems are developed based simply
GE ¼ GI  ð8Þ
ðtA  tE Þ on the comparison of the dry bulb temperatures and the
sensible load. Precise control of the indoor temperature
if tE < tI and humidity conditions means that the free cooling cycle
In fact, if tE = tI, delivering the entire flow-rate GI of must on one hand compare the enthalpy of the outside
outside air would satisfy the loads completely, for free. air with the typical values of the installation (respectively
For lower outside air temperatures, the flow-rate is gradu- the air-conditioned room and the delivery values) and, on
ally reduced until reaching the lower limit, equal to the the other, the specific humidity, as described previously.
minimum air renewal requirements. As an example, the choice of a delivery temperature of
When the temperature of the outside air is at a certain 19 C and a specific load of 2.5 gv/kgair allows the delivery
value, defined as tE,lim, the ambient thermal load is com- conditions to be identified, once the ratio between the
pensated by taking in a flow-rate of outside air equal to renewal and delivery flow-rates has been defined:
Gvent, that is, the minimum required to refresh the room;
the value of this temperature is calculated using the Gvent
xI ¼ xA   Dxsp ð10Þ
formula: GI
R.M. Lazzarin / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2011–2025 2015

Fig. 4. Introduction into the subdivision in Fig. 3 of the limit related to a specific humidity higher than that of the air-conditioned environment.

The identification of this point allows the immediate calcu- dry bulb temperature of 26 C and a relative humidity of
lation of the enthalpy hI. In fact, knowing the delivery tem- 50%, with a delivery temperature of 19 C and a specific
perature (19 C) and the specific load Dxsp, the formula humidity of 9.25 gv/kgair (hypothesis already established
(10) can be used, starting from the ratio between the renew- whereby the specific latent load is 2.5 gv/kgair and the ratio
al and delivery flow-rates, to identify the specific humidity between renewal and delivery is 50%).
of the air delivered into the room: the two co-ordinates tI A horizontal line passing through the delivery point sub-
and xI are used to find the required enthalpy hI. This, to- divides the previous four partitions into seven zones.
gether with the ambient enthalpy hA, is used to divide the Above the line, dehumidification is required (zone D1 and
psychrometric chart into four parts (Fig. 5). D2), while below the line humidification is required.
A short description follows for each of the seven zones.
I. When the outside air enthalpy value is higher than Zone D1. The enthalpy of the outside air is greater than
the ambient enthalpy, no energy savings are possible, the enthalpy of the ambient air (hE > hA). Fresh air always
as the introduction of outside air increases the ambi- represents an additional load, and therefore should be
ent loads.The air flow-rate must remain at the mini- maintained at the minimum level. The humidity is also
mum air renewal value. higher than the required delivery value, meaning a certain
II. For intermediate values between the delivery and measure of dehumidification is required. If the specific
ambient enthalpy, the outside air makes a useful con- humidity of the outside air is higher than that of the ambi-
tribution to the reduction of the inside loads, and ent air, the fresh air will also create a latent load. Therefore
therefore fresh air should be introduced at the maxi- there is no potential for free-cooling energy savings.
mum value, so as to reduce the load as follows: Zone D2. Some energy savings are possible as the
enthalpy hE of the outside air is lower than that of the
GI  ðhA  hE Þ ð11Þ
ambient air, even if it is higher than the delivery value hI.
III. In the third zone, the flow-rate of outside air should Maximising the delivery flow-rate, maximises the savings,
be modulated from the maximum value, that is, when nonetheless a certain measure of dehumidification must
hE = hI, to the minimum value, when be considered. The humidity due to the fresh air increases
GI the latent loads when xE > xA.
hE;min ¼ hA   ðhA  hI Þ ð12Þ Zone D3. There is a small triangle below D2, where the
enthalpy of the outside air is less than the delivery value:
IV. In the last zone, when the minimum is reached, the the importance of this zone is minimal, due to the low
intake of fresh air implies a heating requirement. probability of the outside conditions being in the zone. In
the case the renewal flow-rate should be modulated accord-
The humidity must also be considered, however, as in ing to the following formula:
the previous zones the maintenance of the specified humid- ðhA  hI Þ
ity could be not guaranteed without humidifying or dehu- GE ¼ GI  ð13Þ
ðhA  hE Þ
midifying as required.
The discriminator of the delivery humidity, expressed in A small amount of dehumidification should be provided if
the formula (10), increases the number of zones that the a close humidity control is requested.
psychrometric field is divided into based on the enthalpy Zone U1. The outside enthalpy is higher than the inside
observations, as shown in Fig. 6, referring to an ambient enthalpy (hE > hA), therefore the renewal flow-rate should
2016 R.M. Lazzarin / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2011–2025

Fig. 5. Sub-division of the psychrometric chart into four zones base on the comparison of the enthalpy of the outside air with the typical values of the

be at the minimum value allowed. Adiabatic humidification Case A tE ¼ 30  C /E ¼ 50% ðhot; humidÞ
of the air is required to reach the delivery conditions from Case B tE ¼ 14 C 
/E ¼ 30% ðtemperate; dryÞ
the mixing point. This gives rise to an evaporative cooling 
Case C tE ¼ 22 C /E ¼ 60% ðtemperate; humidÞ
Zone U2. The outside enthalpy is between the ambient Case D tE ¼ 28  C /E ¼ 30% ðhot; dryÞ
and delivery values (hI < hE < hA). The more outside air is
First of all, convert the volume flow-rates into mass flow-
introduced, the greater the benefits. The air should be
humidified adiabatically until reaching the delivery value.
These are the classic conditions of a dry climate, where Gvent ¼ 2000  1:2 ¼ 2400 kgair =h ¼ 0:667 kgair =s
evaporative cooling is possible.
GI ¼ 4000  1:2 ¼ 4800 kgair =h ¼ 1:333 kgair =s
Zone U3. The enthalpy of the air is lower than the deliv-
ery value (hE < hI), making free cooling possible; the flow- The specific latent load (see formula (2)) is equal to
rate of the outside air must be modulated according to
(13) from the maximum value, when hE = hI, to the mini- 0:001667
Dxsp ¼ ¼ 0:0025 kgv =kgair ¼ 2:5 gv =kgair
mum value, when hE = hE,min. 0:667
Adiabatic humidification is required, if possible between
two heating phases, as in the case of air-conditioning in Note that the ambient specific humidity xA = 0.0105 kgv/
winter. kgair (10.5 gv/kgair), and the delivery specific humidity
Zone U4. The minimum fresh air flow-rate must be used, (see (5)) is equal to
as the air introduced involves a heating load. Humidifica- 0:667
tion is obviously required in this zone too. xI ¼ 0:0105   0:0025 ¼ 0:00925 kgv =kgair
The following numerical example better clarify the
¼ 9:25 gv =kgair
extent of these effects.
This corresponds to the conditions shown in the graph in
4.1. Numerical example Fig. 6.
The enthalpy of the room air is equal to hA = 53.0 kJ/
Consider a room in which the required air renewal is
kg, while the enthalpy of the air delivered into the environ-
2000 m3/h. The maximum delivery flow-rate is 4000 m3/h ment is hI = 42.5 kJ/kg.
with a delivery temperature of 19 C. The room must be
kept at a temperature of 26 C with a relative humidity Case A tE ¼ 30  C /E ¼ 50% ðhot; humidÞ
of 50% against a sensible heat load of 10.0 kW and a latent
load of 4.15 kW equivalent to 6.0 kgv/h = 0.001667 kgv/s It is immediately clear that the temperature, specific
of water vapour. humidity and enthalpy are all higher than the values
Evaluate whether free cooling is useful for the following required for the air-conditioned environment. There is no
outside air conditions: doubt that this corresponds to zone D1 and therefore no
R.M. Lazzarin / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2011–2025 2017

Fig. 6. Sub-division of the psychrometric chart into seven zones based on observations involving enthalpy and specific humidity.

energy savings are possible. The classic cooling and dehu- which is much higher than required. To maintain the inside
midification transformations of the summer air-condition- humidity, the following humidification rate would be
ing cycle are required. required:
Case B tE ¼ 14  C /E ¼ 30% ðtemperate; dryÞ 14:59  4:15
¼ 0:00417 kgv =s ð¼ 15 kgv =hÞ
The outside air temperature is lower than both the ambi- 2501
ent temperature and the delivery temperature. If all outside
This implies an additional load that can be estimated as the
air were introduced, the following sensible cooling effect
difference between the thermal energy required to vaporise
would occur:
this flow-rate of moisture, and the indoor latent load:
1:333  1:006  ð26  14Þ ¼ 16:1 kW
14:59  4:15 ¼ 10:44 kW
well beyond requirements.
By introducing the minimum air renewal flow-rate only, This can also be seen directly by examining Fig. 6. In fact,
the inside heat load would not be satisfied: the enthalpy of the outside air is equal to 21.6 kJ/kg and is
0:667  1:006  ð26  14Þ ¼ 8:05 kW lower than the delivery value (42.5 kJ/kg): this therefore
corresponds to zone U3.
In fact, the outside temperature limit is described in (4): In conclusion: a comparative consideration of the tem-
1:333 perature alone would suggest a higher renewal flow-rate
tE;min ¼ 26   ð26  19Þ ¼ 12  C
0:667 than strictly necessary (0.778 kg/s = 2800 kg/h, rather than
0.667 kg/s = 2400 kg/h), while when considering both the
and so the required flow-rate should be equal to
enthalpy and the humidity, the minimum renewal flow-rate
ðtA  tI Þ 26  19 would be chosen (0.667 kg/s = 2400 kg/h). In these terms,
GE ¼ GI  ¼ 1:333 
ðtA  tE Þ 26  14 then, the heating load is equal to
¼ 0:778 kgair =s ¼ 2800 kgair =h
0:667  ð53:0  21:6Þ ¼ 20:94 kW
It is easy to see how this flow-rate would completely
satisfy the sensible load. The same is not true for the latent which exceeds the cooling requirement by
load. The outside specific humidity is in fact xE =
20:94  10:0  4:15 ¼ 6:79 kW
0.003 kgv/kgair (3 gv/kgair). Using the flow-rate calculated
above, there is a potential reduction in the latent load equal
The outside air should therefore be heated and humidified.
0:778  2501  ð0:0105  0:003Þ ¼ 14:59 kW Case C tE ¼ 22  C /E ¼ 60% ðtemperate; humidÞ
2018 R.M. Lazzarin / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2011–2025

The outside air temperature is higher than the delivery tem- humidity in temperate climates. For temperate climates the
perature. The maximum renewal flow-rate is chosen, with a possibility of free-cooling is strongly emphasised by the
reduction in the ambient load of technique of indirect evaporation cooling.
1:333  1:006  ð26  22Þ ¼ 5:36 kW Air is cooled in an adiabatic humidification process, and
then in turn the same air is used to reduce – via a heat
In terms of the latent loads, the outside specific humidity is exchanger – the temperature of a second stream of air,
equal to 0.0099 kgv/kgair (=9.9 gv/kgair). This implies a whose moisture content consequently remains unchanged:
reduction in the latent loads equal to obviously, in this case the introduction of a temperature
1:333  2501  ð0:0105  0:0099Þ ¼ 2:0 kW difference for such heat exchange within the context of an
already limited differential means that the system can gen-
that does not satisfy requirements. The air delivered would
erally be used for pre-cooling only [12].
thus need to be dehumidified to account for the difference:
The renewal air may in principle always be cooled indi-
4:15  2:0 rectly, that is, using a heat exchanger and a stream of suit-
¼ 0:0010 kgv =s ð¼ 3:6 kgv =hÞ
2501 ably humidified outside air (in theory as long as it is not
This in fact corresponds to zone D2. The enthalpy of the saturated).
outside air (47.4 kJ/kg) is lower than the ambient enthalpy In many cases, this operation is even more effective and
and higher than the delivery enthalpy: the maximum flow- predictable if the stream of cooling air is the air being
rate of outside air is therefore introduced. discharged.
One possible diagram is shown in Fig. 7, where we can
Case D tE ¼ 28  C /E ¼ 30% ðhot; dryÞ see that the inside air, before being expelled, is humidified:
The enthalpy of the outside air is equal to 46.2 kJ/kg, its temperature decreases, and therefore it can be used for
and therefore lower than the ambient enthalpy, conse- heat exchange with the fresh air, which is cooled without
quently free cooling is possible, with the exception that, its moisture content changing.
as the outside temperature is higher than the ambient In this way, a certain level of free-cooling is possible even
temperature, humidification is required. The outside spe- if the enthalpy of the outside air is higher than the inside
cific humidity is equal to xE = 0.007 kgv/kgair (=7 gv/kgair), enthalpy. The important thing is that the enthalpy of the
and therefore lower than the delivery requirement. This in air after the indirect heat exchange, also called indirect
fact corresponds to zone U2. evaporative cooling (IEC), is less than the inside enthalpy
Outside air should be introduced at the maximum rate, hA [13–20]. In this case, the zone designated as D2
while controlling the humidification. (Fig. 6) in which free-cooling is possible, can be further
In fact, humidifying with a saturation efficiency of 90% extended by exploiting the lower enthalpy of the delivery
would mean a specific humidity of the air delivered into the air. The renewal flow-rate can consequently be increased
room of 0.0113 kgv/kgair (=11.3 gv/kgair), rather than the until reaching the delivery value, so as to maximise the
established value of 0.00925 kgv/kgair (=9.25 gv/kgair). This free-cooling effect.
would imply an increase in the inside humidity: to avoid The new border between the zones D1 and D2 can be
this, the efficiency of the humidifier should be limited to determined by applying some simple hypotheses.
45%. This fine control is possible for example with atomis- In indirect heat exchange, a stream GE of outside air
ing humidifiers with pressurised water. (in the conditions indicated by the subscript E) exchanges
The free-cooling effect can be calculated as heat with a stream GO of discharged air (in the condi-
tions indicated by the subscript O), the flow-rate of which
1:333  2501  ð0:00925  0:0070Þ ¼ 7:50 kW
is usually slightly lower, so as to maintain a slightly
to account for the sensible load, and should be added to the higher pressure in the room, generally GO = a Æ GE, where
4.15 kW relating to the latent load, which is totally a is 61.
satisfied. Consider now the humidification of the discharged air,
from the conditions indicated by the subscript A to the
5. Indirect evaporation cooling conditions indicated by the subscript C, substantially with
the same enthalpy hA, and with a saturation efficiency g.
The importance of the situations involving the free-cool- It is convenient to refer to the efficiency of the exchanger
ing cycle described here is related in various locations to the in terms of enthalpy, even if it would be more realistic to
frequency of certain meteorological conditions. As regards work in terms of temperature. This decision makes the
evaporative cooling, the zone U2 is of special interest. The sub-division of the psychrometric chart simpler, without
values involved increase if the portion of sensible load substantially changing the overall result.
increases in reference to the latent load. Refer to the circuit scheme in Fig. 7, represented on the
In the cases considered by the graphs on the previous psychrometric chart in Fig. 8.
pages, the sensible/total ratio is equal to 65%. On one hand there is the flow-rate of discharged air
The described free-cooling by direct evaporation is par- GO = a Æ GE with initial enthalpy hA, and on the other the
ticularly important in arid zone or in period of low outside flow-rate GE with initial enthalpy hE.
R.M. Lazzarin / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2011–2025 2019

Fig. 7. Possible diagram of an installation for indirect evaporative cooling.

Fig. 8. Representation of the transformations in Fig. 7 on the psychrometric chart.

Downstream of the heat exchanger, the renewal air can Indicating the actual enthalpy of the renewal air leaving
theoretically reach the same temperature as the humidified the exchanger as hX, the heat effectively exchanged is
discharged air tC, while maintaining its specific humidity q ¼ GE  ðhE  hX Þ ð15Þ
xE: these two temperature and humidity values therefore
define the lowest enthalpy value, indicated as hX,min, that and the efficiency of the exchanger is therefore
can theoretically be expected in the exchanger. q hE  hX
The maximum heat flow can be defined as n¼ ¼ ð16Þ
qmax a  ðhE  hX;min Þ
qmax ¼ GE  a  ðhE  hX;min Þ ð14Þ and then
having assumed hE > hA. hE  hX ¼ a  n  ðhE  hX;min Þ ð17Þ
2020 R.M. Lazzarin / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2011–2025

For energy savings to be achieved by increasing the flow- • n (efficiency of the heat exchanger);
rate of outside air above the strictly required level, it is • a (ratio between the discharged air and the renewal air);
essential that hX < hA, that is, the enthalpy of the renewal • g (saturation efficiency of the adiabatic cooler).
air at the outlet of the exchanger must be lower than the
inside enthalpy. This implies that While in D1 any increases above the air renewal require-
ment represent an additional cost, in zone D2 it is useful to
hE  hX P hE  hA ð18Þ
increase the flow-rate of renewal air to the maximum value.
therefore, applying formula (16), the following must be Zone U2 also extends into zone U1, while no changes
true: occur to zone D3 (this is of no practical importance) and
1 zone U3, in which cooling is counterproductive (in this case
hE 6 ðhA  a  n  hX;min Þ ð19Þ the enthalpy of the outside air must be increased and
humidification implemented in order to reach the desired
It is clear that the limit value for the enthalpy of the outside delivery conditions).
air hE,max, above which the formula (19) is no longer valid, If the daily incidence of the conditions corresponding to
is equal to zone D2 is analysed in various temperate climates during
1 the summer period, this almost always exceeds 50% of
hE;max ¼ fhA  a  n  hX;min g ð20Þ the total number of hours compared to values that in the
previous case, without recovery, were below 40% and in
and therefore, remembering that hX,min corresponds to the some cases even 30%.
minimum possible temperature tC [21]: In addition to this generalised description, a number of
1 practical examples may be useful.
hE;max ¼ fhA  a  n  ½1:006  tC þ ð2501
þ 1:805  tC Þ  xE g ð21Þ
5.1. Numerical example
The position of the border identified above depends, as well
as on the ratio a of the air flow-rates and the efficiency n of Consider the same room as in the previous numerical
the heat exchanger, also on the specific humidity xE of the example, again with a minimum air renewal flow-rate of
outside air, which affects hX,min. We can then simply attri- 2000 m3/h and a maximum inlet flow-rate of 4000 m3/h.
bute numeric values to the various terms to have an idea of The delivery temperature is 19 C. The inside is maintained
the trends involved. at a temperature of 26 C and a relative humidity of 50%,
Taking a = 0.9 as the ratio between the flow-rate of dis- with a sensible heat load of 10.0 kW and latent load of
charged air and the air delivered into the room, and n = 0.7 4.15 kW, equivalent to 6.0 kgv/h = 0.001667 kgv/s of water
as the efficiency of the exchanger; considering the inside vapour.
conditions as before (tA = 26 C; /A = 50%; hA = 53.0 The renewal air is pre-cooled by a sensible heat exchan-
kJ/kg; xA = 0.0105 kgv/kgair), and a saturation efficiency g ger with an efficiency of 70%, crossed by the discharged air
of the adiabatic cooler of 90%, the final temperature is that has previously been humidified adiabatically, with an
19.3 C, applying the typical formula: efficiency of 90%.
Evaluate whether free-cooling is useful for the following
26  tC
g ¼ 0:9 ¼ ) tC ¼ 19:3  C outside air conditions:
26  18:6
where obviously 18.6 C is the wet bulb temperature of the Case A tE ¼ 30  C /E ¼ 50% ðhot; humidÞ
inside air. Applying the formula (21) gives the limit value Case B tE ¼ 30  C /E ¼ 40% ðhot; dryÞ
for the enthalpy of the outside air: Case C tE ¼ 27  C /E ¼ 30% ðhot; dryÞ
1 Case D tE ¼ 23  C /E ¼ 60% ðtemperate; humidÞ
hE;max ¼ f53  0:9  0:7  ½1:006  19:3
1  0:9  0:7
þ ð2501 þ 1:805  19:3Þ  xE g The volume flow-rates, converted into mass flow-rates,
¼ 110  4308  xE the specific latent load and the specific humidity of the
delivery air do not vary from the previous example.
This formula represents the straight line that separates the Starting from point A (tA = 26 C, /A = 50%), the adia-
zone D1 (in which no energy savings are possible) from batic saturation temperature is 18.6 C, which corresponds
zone D2, in which free-cooling can be implemented (see to a specific humidity of 0.0135 kgv/kgair (=13.5 gv/kgair).
Fig. 9). With a saturation efficiency g of the humidifier of 90%,
Comparing the psychrometric chart in Fig. 9 with the the discharged air reaches point C:
one in Fig. 6, it can be seen how indirect evaporative cool-
ing extends zone D2 into what was previously zone D1; this 26  tC
g ¼ 0:9 ¼ ) tC ¼ 19:3  C
apparently increases as the following parameters increase: 26  18:6
R.M. Lazzarin / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2011–2025 2021

Fig. 9. Sub-division of the psychrometric chart into zones base on observations involving the enthalpy and the specific humidity in the case of indirect
evaporative cooling.

g ¼ 0:9 30  tX
n ¼ 0:70 ¼ ) tX ¼ 23:3  C
xc  0:00925 0:9  ð30  19:3Þ
¼ ) xc
0:0135  0:00925 Using the maximum renewal flow-rate, the following free-
¼ 0:0132 kgv =kgair ð13:2 gv =kgair Þ cooling effect can be achieved:
The psychrometric chart can now be divided by a straight qfc ¼ 1:333  1:006  ð26  23:3Þ ¼ 3:62 kW
line (see Fig. 9): which accounts for the sensible load. Vice versa, it has no
hE;lim ¼ 110  4308  xE effect on the latent load, which must be satisfied by a dehu-
midification process.
For each condition of outside air above such enthalpy, en-
ergy savings are not possible with indirect cooling, while Case C tE ¼ 27  C /E ¼ 30% ðtemperate; dryÞ
they are feasible for lower enthalpy values.
The specific humidity of the outside air is xE = 6.7 gv/kgair.
Case A tE ¼ 30  C /E ¼ 50% ðhot; humidÞ This is in zone U2, where both direct and indirect evap-
orative cooling are possible.
This point falls into zone D1.
First consider only direct evaporative cooling: the air
Energy savings are not possible, because the sensible
should be humidified to 9.25 gv/kgair so as to satisfy the
cooling of the outside air involves a final enthalpy that is
entire latent load. In adiabatic saturation conditions, the
higher than the value inside the room. There are savings
outside air temperature is 15.7 C and the specific humidity
due to the recovery of heat from the discharged air, which,
is 11.2 gv/kgair; consequently, the saturation efficiency g of
however, should be maintained at the minimum limit of
the humidifier must be
0.667 kgair/s (=2400 kgair/h) required for renewal.
9:25  6:7
Case B tE ¼ 30  C /E ¼ 40% ðhot; dryÞ g¼ ¼ 0:62
11:2  6:7
This point falls into zone D2. The delivery temperature is calculated as follows:
The specific humidity of the outside air is xE = 10.6
27  tF
g/kg. This is substantially the same specific humidity as g ¼ 0:62 ¼ ) tF ¼ 20:0  C
the air in the air-conditioned room, and therefore free- 27  15:7
cooling would seem ineffective. Thus accounting for a sensible load equal to
The heat exchanger can, however, reduce the outside air
qsens ¼ 1:333  1:006  ð26  20:0Þ ¼ 8:05 kW
temperature. In fact, the discharged air enters the exchanger
following humidification at a temperature tC = 19.3 C, and which should be added entirely to the latent load of 4.15,
therefore can cool the outside air down to tX: fully satisfied.
2022 R.M. Lazzarin / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2011–2025

Indirect cooling is also possible, and may bring further 9:25  6:7
g¼ ¼ 0:64
advantages. 10:7  6:7
The outside air can be cooled by the humidified exhaust The delivery temperature is therefore
air in the exchanger to
25  tF
27  tX g ¼ 0:64 ¼ ) tF ¼ 18:6  C
n ¼ 0:70 ¼ ) tX ¼ 22:1  C 25:0  15:0
0:9  ð27  19:3Þ This implies additional free-cooling equal to
This represents a cooling effect of qfc ¼ 1:333  1:006  ð25:0  18:6Þ ¼ 8:58 kW
qcool ¼ 1:333  1:006  ð26  22:1Þ ¼ 5:23 kW which is added to amount that satisfies the latent load.
In total, the system can therefore provide
This indirect cooling may be followed by the humidifica-
tion of the air, taking the specific humidity from the origi- qsens ¼ 1:34 þ 8:58 ¼ 9:92 kW
nal value xE = 6.7 gv/kgair to the design delivery value xI = of sensible cooling and 4.15 kW of latent cooling.
9.25 gv/kgair. In substance, the entire load is accounted for free.
The required humidification efficiency is different from
the value calculated above because, when indirect cooling Case D tE ¼ 23  C /E ¼ 60%
is used, the starting temperature is now 22.1 C (the relative This is again in zone D2, with the same specific humidity as
humidity is around 40%): in adiabatic saturation condi- in the air-conditioned room. This case is similar to B, with
tions, the temperature of this air is 13.9 C, with a specific the outside air temperature lower than the ambient temper-
humidity of 10.0 gv/kgair. ature, therefore allowing direct cooling. However the indi-
As the required humidity value is 9.25 gv/kgair, the effi- rect evaporative cooling gives better results. In fact the
ciency of the humidifier must be outlet temperature after the heat exchanger is
9:25  6:7 23  tX
g¼ ¼ 0:77 n ¼ 0:70 ¼ ) tX ¼ 20:7  C
10:0  6:7 0:9  ð23  19:3Þ
The delivery temperature is therefore The free-cooling effect is therefore equal to
22:1  tF qfc ¼ 1:333  1:006  ð26:0  20:7Þ ¼ 7:11 kW
g ¼ 0:77 ¼ ) tF ¼ 15:8  C
22:1  13:9
which reduces the sensible load. Direct cooling would give
This implies additional free-cooling equal to instead:
qfc ¼ 1:333  1:006  ð22:1  15:8Þ ¼ 8:45 kW qfc ¼ 1:333  1:006  ð26:0  23Þ ¼ 4:02 kW
which is added to the amount that satisfies the latent load. The latent load must be satisfied by a dehumidification pro-
In total, the system is therefore able to provide sensible cess, as in Case B.
cooling of
6. Energy savings evaluations
qsens ¼ 5:23 þ 8:45 ¼ 13:68 kW
which is in excess of requirement (10 kW). The knowledge of the climatic data of a particular site
This excess can be reduced by limiting the humidifica- allows to evaluate the possible energy savings deriving
tion of the discharged air: setting the efficiency of the from free-cooling by evaporation. Every climatic condition
humidifier to 30%, tC would be 23.8 C: represented on the partitioned Mollier diagram suggests
the most suitable treatment of the air. The sum during a
26  tC
g ¼ 0:30 ¼ ) tC ¼ 23:8  C day or a season of the obtained savings gives the result
26  18:6
looked for. The following example illustrates the calcula-
From this, the exchanger outlet temperature would be tion method.
27  tX
n ¼ 0:70 ¼ ) tX ¼ 25:0  C 6.1. Numerical example
0:9  ð27  23:8Þ
The sensible cooling is therefore Consider the same inside conditions as in the previous
examples, in which there is a minimum renewal of air
qsens ¼ 1:333  1:006  ð26  25:0Þ ¼ 1:34 kW
Gvent = 2400 kg/h (0.667 kg/s).
The air cooled in this way, with a dry bulb temperature of The maximum delivery flow-rate is always GI =
25.0 C and a specific humidity of 6.7 gv/kgair, reaches adi- 4800 kg/h (1.333 kg/s) at a temperature tI = 19 C.
abatic saturation conditions at a temperature of 15.0 C The following conditions are maintained inside, in the
and a specific humidity of 10.7 gv/kgair. period from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.: temperature tA =
As the required specific humidity of the delivery air is 26 C relative humidity /A = 50% (xA = 10.5 gv/kgair;
9.25 gv/kgair, the efficiency of the humidifier must be hA = 53.0 kJ/kgair; qA = 1.16 kgair/m3).
R.M. Lazzarin / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2011–2025 2023

Table 1 Table 2
Temperature tE, specific humidity xE and enthalpy hE of the outside air, Latent loads as power or flow-rates, specific latent load Dxsp and inlet
sensible qsens and latent loads qlat for an average day in the month humidity xi as a function of the time of the day
Time of day Outside climatic conditions Loads Time of day Latent loads Dxsp (gv/kgair) xi (gv/kgair)
tE (C) xE hE qsens (kW) qlat (kW) qlat (kW) (gv/s) (kgv/h)
(gv/kgair) (kJ/kgair) 8.00–9.00 2.5 1.00 3.6 1.50 9.75
8.00–9.00 23.0 10.5 49.8 12 2.5 9.00–10.00 3.5 1.39 5.0 2.09 9.46
9.00–10.00 24.6 11.1 53.0 7 3.5 10.00–11.00 4.0 1.59 5.7 2.39 9.31
10.00–11.00 25.4 11.6 55.1 10 4 11.00–12.00 4.5 1.79 6.4 2.69 9.16
11.00–12.00 26.3 11.2 55.0 12 4.5 12.00–13.00 4.0 1.59 5.7 2.39 9.31
12.00–13.00 27.2 11.3 56.2 12 4 13.00–14.00 3.0 1.19 4.3 1.79 9.61
13.00–14.00 27.3 11.0 55.5 14 3 14.00–15.00 4.0 1.59 5.7 2.39 9.31
14.00–15.00 27.4 10.8 55.1 15 4 15.00–16.00 4.0 1.59 5.7 2.39 9.31
15.00–16.00 27.5 10.4 54.2 13 4 16.00–17.00 5.0 1.99 7.2 2.99 9.01
16.00–17.00 27.1 11.2 55.8 11 5 17.00–18.00 4.0 1.59 5.7 2.39 9.31
17.00–18.00 26.7 11.3 55.7 9 4 18.00–19.00 3.0 1.19 4.3 1.79 9.61
18.00–19.00 26.1 11.1 54.5 8 3

Assuming that the site is located in Milan (Northern The limit value for the enthalpy of the outside air below
Italy), calculate, for the month of July, the possibility of which free-cooling is possible can then be calculated. This
free-cooling by indirect pre-cooling of the inlet air by the is done using relationship (21).
air discharged, which has been previously humidified adia- Confirming an efficiency n = 70% for the pre-cooling
batically with an efficiency of 90%. exchange and a ratio a = 0.9 between the flow-rate of air
Table 1 describes, for an average day in the month, the discharged and air introduced, Table 3 can be constructed,
temperature tE and specific humidity xE of the outside air which provides, for each hour on an average day, the limit
(the enthalpy hE of the outside air can also be calculated value hE,max for the enthalpy of the outside air above which
based on these two values), as well as the sensible qsens free-cooling is no longer convenient.
and latent loads qlat. It can be seen that in this example, the outside air has, at
First calculate, for each hour of operation, the specific all of the times considered, an enthalpy hE lower than
latent load (referring to one kg of air) and the specific that limit hE,max, and therefore free-cooling is always
humidity of the air delivered into the room: convenient.
In particular, the conditions are always in zone D2 (see
Gv Fig. 9), meaning that the dehumidification of the renewal
Dxsp ¼
Gvent air is required, as, except for in the periods from 8:00 to
Gvent 9:00 a.m. and from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m., the humidity xE of
xI ¼ xA   Dxsp
GI the outside air is always higher than the desired inside level
(xA = 10.5 gv/kgair).
The latent load expressed as capacity then needs to be con-
First of all, calculate the temperature of the pre-cooled
verted into the quantity of water vapour produced, remem-
fresh air before the subsequent processes:
bering that the latent heat of vaporisation is equal to
around 2.5 kJ/gv (=2500 kJ/kgv).
tE  tX
The calculation is summarised for the various hours of n ¼ 0:70 ¼ ) tX
0:9  ðtE  19:3Þ
the day in Table 2 which accounts for different people
attendance as in a trading centre. ¼ tE  0:63  ðtE  19:3Þ
The conditions maintained inside (tA = 26 C; /A =
50%) give an adiabatic saturation temperature of 18.6 C,
Table 3
which corresponds to a specific humidity of 13.5 g/kg. Outside specific humidity, limit value and value of the outside enthalpy as
Allowing for a saturation efficiency g = 90%, the dis- a function of the time of the day
charged air reaches point C, whose corresponding tem- Time of day xE (gv/kgair) hE,max (kJ/kgair) hE (kJ/kgair)
perature–humidity properties are identified using the
8.00–9.00 10.5 64.85 49.8
calculations already performed in the previous numerical 9.00–10.00 11.1 62.26 53.0
example: 10.00–11.00 11.6 60.10 55.1
11.00–12.00 11.2 61.82 55.0
26  tC
g ¼ 0:9 ¼ ) tC ¼ 19:3  C 12.00–13.00 11.3 61.39 56.2
26  18:6 13.00–14.00 11.0 62.69 55.5
g ¼ 0:9 14.00–15.00 10.8 63.55 55.1
15.00–16.00 10.4 65.28 54.2
xc  0:00925
¼ ) xc 16.00–17.00 11.2 61.82 55.8
0:0135  0:00925 17.00–18.00 11.3 61.39 55.7
¼ 0:0132 kgv =kgair ð13:2 gv =kgair Þ 18.00–19.00 11.1 62.26 54.5
2024 R.M. Lazzarin / Applied Thermal Engineering 27 (2007) 2011–2025

Table 4 of temperature and humidity when they can be profitable.

Temperature after the heat exchanger, free cooling effect, outside specific These are a function of inside set conditions and load dis-
humidity, additional dehumidification load and hourly energy savings as a
function of the time of the day
tribution between sensible and latent. A method is
described that can be implemented in the control system
Time of day tX qfc xE qdehum Hourly saving
(C) (kW) (gv/kgair) (kW) (kW h)
to exploit whenever is possible this free cooling effect.
The suggested method takes profit of new atomising
8.00–9.00 20.4 7.5 10.5 0.0 7.5
9.00–10.00 20.9 6.8 11.1 1.0 5.8
humidifiers with pressurised water that allow a fine control
10.00–11.00 21.1 6.6 11.6 1.8 4.8 of the final humidity. Numerical examples illustrate
11.00–12.00 21.4 6.2 11.2 1.2 5.0 the evaluation procedure, pointing out that the cooling
12.00–13.00 21.7 5.8 11.3 1.3 4.5 demand can often be completely satisfied particularly com-
13.00–14.00 21.7 5.8 11.0 0.8 5.0 bining direct and indirect evaporative cooling.
14.00–15.00 21.7 5.8 10.8 0.5 5.3
15.00–16.00 21.8 5.6 10.4 0.0 5.6
The evaluation of possible energy savings at different
16.00–17.00 21.6 5.9 11.2 1.2 4.7 times of the day month after month is the basis for an eco-
17.00–18.00 21.5 6.0 11.3 1.3 4.7 nomical analysis of the described system.
18.00–19.00 21.3 6.3 11.1 1.0 5.3
Daily energy saving, 58.2 kW h. References

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