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Email #1

From: Peta
To: Larissa

Subject: Join our coalition to keep the tablet rollout confined to the bar

Dear Larissa,

I hope this email finds you well. As one of the team members working on the tablet rollout
project, I wanted to reach out to you with an important request. Omar, the owner of Sauce &
Spoon, has requested that we expand the rollout to include all dining sections, not just the bar
area. However, I believe that this is outside the scope of the project and may not be the best
course of action.

I am reaching out to you because I believe that you would be an excellent addition to our
coalition to keep the tablet rollout confined to the bar. I have identified a few reasons why
expanding the rollout may not be wise:

The tablet rollout was designed with the bar area in mind, and we do not have the resources
to expand it to other areas.

Keeping the rollout confined to the bar area will allow us to collect more accurate data and
make more informed decisions about future expansion.

As a key member of the team, I know that you share our commitment to the success of this
project. I believe that by working together, we can convince Omar and Deanna, the Director of
Operations, that expanding the rollout is not the best course of action.

Please let me know if you are willing to join our coalition. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

Email #2

From: Peta
To:To Alex

Subject: Help us keep the tablet rollout confined to the bar

Dear Alex,

I hope this email finds you well. As you know, we are currently working on the tablet rollout
project, and Omar, the owner of Sauce & Spoon, has requested that we expand the rollout to
include all dining sections. While I appreciate his enthusiasm, I believe that this may be
outside the scope of the project and could lead to unintended consequences.
I am reaching out to you because I believe that you would be an excellent addition to our
coalition to keep the tablet rollout confined to the bar. I have identified a few reasons why
expanding the rollout may not be wise:

We do not have the resources to expand the rollout to other areas without delaying the project

Confining the rollout to the bar area will allow us to collect more accurate data and make more
informed decisions about future expansion.

As a key member of the team, I know that you share our commitment to the success of this
project. I believe that by working together, we can convince Omar and Deanna, the Director of
Operations, that expanding the rollout is not the best course of action.

Please let me know if you are willing to join our coalition. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

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