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Chapter 34

Quantitative Colorimetric Assays

for Methamphetamine
Aree Choodum1, Niamh NicDaeid2
1Faculty of Technology and Environment, Prince of Songkla University, Phuket, Thailand; 2Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification,
School of Science and Engineering, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK

Abbreviations in a powder form of its hydrochloride salt. This stimulant affects

the central nervous system (United Nations International Drug
AM  Amphetamine Control Programme, 1994) and has been linked to serious health
app  Application problems. MA has been classified as a Class A Schedule 2 drug
CCD  Charge-coupled device under The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 in the United Kingdom
cm  Centimeter and a Schedule II substance under the United Nations Conven-
CMOS  Complementary metal oxide semiconductor tion on Psychotropic Substances in the United States of America.
DIC  Digital image colorimetry Although this drug has been strictly controlled, it has been increas-
dm  Decimeter ingly abused worldwide. Methods for the detection and quanti-
DSLR  Digital single-lens reflex fication of MA are necessary to combat criminal activity and in
FID  Flame ionization detector addition, the methods used to quantify the compound have the
GC  Gas chromatography potential for deployment as tools for the clinical study of MA.
GPS  Global positioning system The quantification of MA in various sample types is commonly
HPLC  High-performance liquid chromatography achieved by using gas chromatography (GC) (Choe et al., 2013;
L  Liter Khajeamiri, Faizi, Sohani, Baheri, & Kobarfard, 2012; Kuwayama
nm  Nanometer et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2008; Tsujikawa et al., 2013) combined
MA  Methamphetamine with a flame ionization detector (FID) or mass spectrometry (MS).
MDMA  3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Other analytical techniques such as high-performance liquid chro-
mg  Milligram matography (HPLC)/MS (del Mar Ramírez Fernández, Wille, di
mL  Milliliter Fazio, Gosselin, & Samyn, 2010; Nieddu, Boatto, Pirisi, & Baralla,
mmol  Millimole 2009) and electrochemiluminescence method (Cai et al., 2010;
MS  Mass spectrometry Dai, Wang, Wu, Zhang, & Chen, 2009) have also been reported.
RGB  Red green blue Although these techniques provided accurate results, they are
RSD  Relative standard deviation laboratory-based and require an expert to operate expensive instru-
TBPE  Tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester ments, especially for MS. The complicated sample preparation
TBPE·H  Tetrabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester acid dichloroethane may also be required prior to analysis.
solution Presumptive tests are also commonly utilized to screen for
UK  United Kingdom the presence or absence of the drug quickly eliminating negative
UN  United Nations samples. Typical presumptive tests for MA involve the use of a
USA  United State of America colorimetric test (color test or spot test) which is the simplest and
v/v  Volume by volume quickest method to screen the presence of the drug in the sample
w/v  Weight by volume and such tests are recommended by the United Nations International
μg  Microgram Drug Control Programme (1994). Although colorimetric tests
μmol  Micromole have been widely used in forensic science laboratories, they are
not considered sufficient for the confirmation of the presence of
MA and, until recently, have been considered only as a qualitative
INTRODUCTION analysis where quantification still requires other complementary
Methamphetamine (MA) is a synthetic stimulant which has been methods such as spectrophotometry and chromatography. In this
used as the main component in many illegal drugs. It is called chapter, a new means of using color presumptive tests to develop
“Ice” in a clear crystal form, “Yaba” in a tablet form, and “Crank” quantitative colorimetric methods for MA will be described.

Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse, Volume 2.

Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 349
350  PART | I Stimulants


A colorimetric assay or test relies on a simple chemical reac-
tion between the analyte of interest and specific reagents to pro-
duce a visible product that can be observed by eye. The color
of the product is used to indicate the presence of the analyte in
the sample. Such colorimetric tests are usually the first chemi-
cal method that an analyst applies to a sample because it is the
simplest and quickest. The reagents and necessary materials
(such as spot plate, dropper) are also inexpensive and readily
available and many commercial test kits exist in the marketplace.
For MA, Marquis and Simon’s tests are recommended by the
United Nations International Drug Control Programme (1994)
and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (Laboratory
and Scientific Section, 2006). These tests have also been used
for MA detection by many researchers (Choodum & Nic Daeid,
2011a; Choodum et al., 2014; Nakahara & Sekine, 1984; O’Neal, FIGURE 1  Color products from colorimetric assays of MA and AM.
Color products of MA and AM from (A) Marquis test and (B) Simon’s test.
Crouch, & Fatah, 2000; Pin, Chin, Hin, & Lim, 2010; Suzuki,
Inoue, & Niwaguchi, 1983) and also widely used in forensic sci-
ence laboratories. 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; which produces
The Marquis test is the most versatile and widely used colo- black product), an additional colorimetric assay is required to
rimetric assay for drug analysis. It has been used as an indica- differentiate MA from AM. The Simon’s test is usually used for
tive test by forensic and law enforcement bodies worldwide and this purpose.
is currently used as presumptive test for amphetamine (AM), The Simon’s test is a test commonly used for secondary
morphine, and heroin (Pin et al., 2010). This test requires two amines including MA. It has been used for MA detection by
reagents, 2.5% v/v formaldehyde in glacial acetic acid (reagent many researchers (Choodum & Nic Daeid, 2011a; Choodum
M1) and concentrated sulfuric acid (reagent M2) (Choodum et al., 2014; Nakahara & Sekine, 1984; Suzuki et al., 1983). The
& Nic Daeid, 2011a; Laboratory and Scientific Section, 2006; test commonly consists of two reagents, i.e., 10% v/v acetalde-
United Nations International Drug Control Programme, 1994). hyde in aqueous sodium nitroprusside solution (1% w/v) (reagent
Occasionally, the reagents can be prepared without glacial S1) and 2% w/v sodium carbonate in water (reagent S2) (Bell,
acetic acid by mixing concentrated sulfuric acid in formalde- 2006; Choodum & Nic Daeid, 2011a; Choodum et al., 2014;
hyde solution (40% v/v) with a ratio of 100:5 (reagent M3) Laboratory and Scientific Section, 2009; O’Neal et al., 2000;
(Anderson, 2005; James, Saferstein, & Meloan, 2001; O’Neal United Nations International Drug Control Programme, 1994).
et al., 2000). When conducting the test, one drop of reagent Occasionally, acetaldehyde solution (50% in ethanol) (reagent
M1 is added to the suspected material, followed by either S3) has been prepared separately from an aqueous sodium nitro-
one (­Laboratory and Scientific Section, 2006) or two (United prusside solution (1% w/v) (reagent S1/1) (Laboratory and Sci-
Nations International Drug Control Programme, 1994) drops of entific Section, 2006). During testing, one drop of reagent S1 is
reagent M2. When reagents are prepared without glacial acetic added to the suspected material followed by two drops of reagent
acid, several drops of reagent M3 are added to the suspected S2 (O’Neal et al., 2000; United Nations International Drug Con-
material (Anderson, 2005). An orange product which slowly trol Programme, 1994). When the acetaldehyde solution was
turns to brown (Figure 1(A)) indicates the presence of MA and/ prepared separately, one drop of reagent S2 was added to the
or AM in the suspected material (Laboratory and Scientific suspected materials with stirring followed by the addition of one
Section, 2006; United Nations International Drug Control Pro- drop of reagent S1/1 and reagent S3 (Laboratory and Scientific
gramme, 1994). Section, 2006). A blue product was obtained if MA was present
The orange–brown product is the carbenium ion which is within the sample (Figure 1(B)). Although, the Simon’s reagents
formed due to the reaction of formaldehyde and aromatic com- do not react with AM (which is a primary amine), other second-
pound in acidic medium (Kovar & Laudszun, 1989). The mecha- ary amines, such as MDMA do produce similar color products to
nism of the reaction (Figure 2) is complex and not completely MA. The combination of the Simon’s test, deployed in tandem
understood (Bell, 2006; Kovar & Laudszun, 1989). The carbo- with a second colorimetric test such as the Marquis test is there-
nium ion (A) formed from formaldehyde reacts with aromatic fore advantageous.
ring of MA to produce the alcohol intermediate (B). Under The blue product obtained from the Simon’s test is com-
strong acidic conditions, the carbenium ion (C) is produced, and monly referred to as a Simon–Awe complex (Bell, 2006; Kovar
it is further reacted with a second molecule of MA to produce a & Laudszun, 1989) (Figure 4). MA reacts with acetaldehyde
dimer (D). Oxidation of the dimer is facilitated by trace metal (through an addition–condensation reaction) and produces an
impurities in the sulfuric acid producing the product (E) as a col- enamine (G) which further reacts with sodium nitroprusside to
ored carbenium ion (F). produce an immonium salt intermediate (H). The intermediate
Although the Marquis test produces a differentiation for subsequently reacts with water to form the blue Simon–Awe
MA from other drug types, e.g., opiates (morphine, codeine, complex (I).
and diamorphine—which produce a violet product (Figure 3)), It has been reported that MA immediately produces a dark
as well as from other phenethylamine compounds such as brown product by reacting with 5% ammonium dichromate and
Quantitative Color Test for Methamphetamine Chapter | 34  351

FIGURE 2  Mechanism of Marquis test for MA. (A) Carbonium ion, (B) alcohol intermediate, (C) carbenium ion, (D) dimer, (E) oxidation product,
and (F) carbenium ion. Adapted from Kovar and Laudszun (1989) with courtesy of publisher.

concentrated sulfuric acid (Laboratory and Scientific Section,

2009), while a dark green product is produced using the Mande-
lin test (1% ammonium vanadate in concentrated sulfuric acid)
(O’Neal et al., 2000; Pin et al., 2010). However, AM also pro-
duces the same color products using these assays. A red product
is also immediately produced from the reaction of MA and tet-
rabromophenolphthalein ethyl ester (TBPE) acid dichloroethane
solution (TBPE⋅H) which can be prepared by extracting aqueous
TBPE solution in acidic media using 1,2-dichloroethane (Sakai
& Ohno, 1986). However, this yellow reagent also reacts with
ephedrine and methylephedrine to produce a product which is
similar in color to the MA product. A bisazo dye with an attached
trifluoroacetyl group has also been found to reversibly form a
hemiaminal with AM, changing the color from blue to red, and
responds more significantly to the MA molecule (by a factor of
1.2) (Mohr, 2003; Mohr, Wenzel, Lehmann, & Czerney, 2002).
The dye, (4-[4-(4-trifluoroacetylphenylazo)-1-naphthylazo]-
N,N-dioctylaniline), can be prepared using a 5 h diazotization
A number of colorimetric assays have been reported to identify
FIGURE 3  Color products from Marquis test of MA and other drugs. a presence or absence of MA in an illicit drug sample. Within these
Orange–brown products of MA and AM, and violet product of morphine tests, the use of the Marquis test in tandem with the Simon’s test
and codeine from Marquis test (A) after adding reagent M2 and (B) after can differentiate MA from other drugs; however, these assays are
mixing. Unpublished data. commonly used only for qualitative analysis.
352  PART | I Stimulants

FIGURE 4  Mechanism of Simon’s test for MA. (G) an enamine, (H) an immonium salt intermediate, and (I) a Simon–Awe complex. Adapted from
Kovar and Laudszun (1989) with courtesy of publisher.

QUANTIFICATION OF MA BY and reported by Mohr et al. (2002); and Mohr (2003) was detected
at 630 nm with a detection limit of 0.1 mmol/l. Although the dye
was initially revealed in tests with AM the response obtained using
Quantification of MA is typically achieved using a range of instru- MA were more intense due presumably, in part, to the higher lipo-
mental analytical modalities including, for example, GC–FID, philicity of the reactant.
GC–MS, HPLC. The use of spectroscopic methods (other than Much more recently, attention has been focused on the inte-
ultraviolet–visible; UV–Vis) is more uncommon and there are gration of digital image analysis to functionalize the colorimetric
only a few publications that report the use of colorimetric methods reaction products (so-called “digital image colorimetry” or DIC) in
for quantitative analysis of MA which make use of spectrophoto- order to deliver a rapid quantitative analysis of MA (Choodum &
metric methods even though this is a well-known methodology in Nic Daeid, 2011a; Choodum et al., 2014). This method is based on
the field outside of forensic drug analysis. the measurement of the intensity of the basic red green blue (RGB)
Sakai and Ohno (1986) reported the use of a spectrophotomet- color values derived from a digital image of the colorimetric prod-
ric method for quantification of MA, ephedrine, and methylephed- uct. During the imaging process, the photon from the reflected
rine where the absorption of the red product generated from MA light of the colored product is separated into three channels
and TBPE⋅H was calibrated at 570 nm, revealing linearity in the (400–500 nm (blue), 500–580 nm (green), and 580–700 nm (red),
range of 2–12 μmol/dm3. This method revealed detection limits respectively) (Cantrell, Erenas, de Orbe-Paya, & Capitan-Vallvey,
of 0.15 μg/cm3 for MA. Similarly, the absorption of a red prod- 2010) using the RGB filter of the digital camera which captures
uct obtained from the chemical reaction of a bisazo dye (4-[4- the image. This filtered photon is detected and recorded as an indi-
(4-trifluoroacetylphenylazo)-1-naphthylazo]-N,N-dioctylaniline) vidual RGB value by an image sensor such as a charge-coupled
Quantitative Color Test for Methamphetamine Chapter | 34  353

FIGURE 5  The relationships of RGB values (intensity and calculated absorbance) and the concentration of MA from Marquis and Simon’s
test products. The relationships between MA concentration and (A) RGB intensity from Marquis test, (B) RGB intensity from Simon’s test, (C) RGB
calculated absorbance from Marquis test, and (D) RGB calculated absorbance from Simon’s test. Each point is the mean ± SD of six replicate analysis and
all lines are point-to-point. Data are from Choodum and Nic Daeid (2011a), with permission from publisher.

device or complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS). The new scientific leap is in functionalizing the RGB values
After compensating for the variations in the conditions of capture, obtained from digital images of the chemical reaction products of
the additive recorded data from the three filters are combined to colorimetric presumptive tests for illicit drugs to generate robust
produce a final color for the digital image. quantitative analytical results.
Analysis of the digital image can be achieved using various Using the Marquis and Simon’s tests as an example, the analy-
commercial or open source programs such as the image process- sis of digital images taken of the reaction products using Adobe
ing tool box in Matlab (Goddijn & White, 2006; Lopez-Molinero, Photoshop provides the RGB values associated with the test result.
Linan, Sipiera, & Falcon, 2010), Kylix (Gaiao et al., 2006; Silva Lyra This can be related to the concentration of MA within a sample as
et al., 2009), Visual basic (Maleki, Safavi, & Sedaghatpour, 2004; shown in Figure 5. Orange–brown products from the Marquis test
Suzuki, Endo, Jin, Iwase, & Iwatsuki, 2006), or Adobe Photoshop exhibit a higher intensity within the red channel (Figure 5(A)),
(Choodum, Kanatharana, Wongniramaikul, & Nic Daeid, 2013; while the blue products from the Simon’s test reveal the highest
Choodum, Kanatharana, Wongniramaikul, & NicDaeid, 2012; intensity within the blue channel (Figure 5(B)). This is not unex-
Choodum & Nic Daeid, 2011a; Choodum & Nic Daeid, 2011b; pected as the color of the product will dictate the intensity of the
Thongprajukaew, Choodum, Sa-E, & Hayee, 2014). Such analysis individual RGB values in an image of the sample.
can provide the individual RGB values within the 0–255 range As such, DIC calibration curves can be created for each of
(Byrne, Barker, Pennarun-Thomas, Diamond, & Edwards, 2000; the red, green, and blue values derived from digital images of the
Gaiao Eda et al., 2006; Lopez-Molinero et al., 2010; Maleki et al., chemical test products using known concentrations of analyte
2004) where black images return an RGB value of 0, 0, 0 and (in this case MA) to generate the colorimetric products and subse-
white images have an RGB value of 255, 255, 255. quent digital images. When such curves are evaluated, they reveal
354  PART | I Stimulants

regions exhibiting a linear response to the analyte concentration In addition to the intensity and calculated absorbance derived
which facilitates their use as calibration curves. When such an for the digital image of the colorimetric test, the total intensity and/
approach was used for MA, the detection limit of the DIC calibra- or total absorbance can also be used to establish calibration curves
tion method was to be below 2.5 mg/ml for the Marquis test, and for quantitative analysis. The values derived from the combination
between 2.0 and 6.0 mg/ml for the Simon’s test. of the total RGB data (total intensity (ITOTAL) = IR + IG + IB; total
The intensity of the RGB color can be directly converted to the absorbance (ATOTAL) = AR + AG + AB) may provide additional valu-
absorbance using Eqn (1): able information above that obtained from the individual RGB
values (Choodum & Nic Daeid, 2011b; Choodum et al., 2014;
(IX − IX , b ) (IX )C Lopez-Molinero et al., 2010). The relationships of the total values
AX = − log = − log = − log RX of the Simon’s test product of MA are shown as an example in
(IX , w − IX , b ) (IX , w )C (1) Figure 6(A) and (B). Illicit drug products, particularly in tablet
form, often appear as colored materials which may affect the RGB
where AX is the absorbance of X, IX is the intensity of X, values of the colorimetric product. In general a technique such
IX,b = 0, IX,w = 255, and RX is the reflectance of light X and C as blank subtraction can be used to address this issue, where the
is the concentration of X (R, B, G) (Choodum & Nic Daeid, linear portion of the relationship from the blank subtracted RGB
2011a; Kompany-Zareh, Mansourian, & Ravaee, 2002). A lin- values used for quantification of MA (Figure 6(C) and (D)).
ear portion of the relationship between the calculated absor- DIC has also been validated for the quantification of MA pro-
bance and concentration of the target analyte (Figure 5(C) and viding excellent accuracy and precision (Choodum & Nic Daeid,
(D) for MA) can also be used as the calibration graph for quan- 2011a; Choodum et al., 2014). A controlled sample of 0.75 mg/ml
titative analysis. was analyzed using DIC (Marquis test) and a concentration range of

FIGURE 6  The relationships of total RGB values and the blank subtracted RGB values and the concentration of MA from Simon’s test products.
The relationships between MA concentration and (A) total intensity, (B) total calculated absorbance, (C) RGB intensity with blank subtracted, and
(D) RGB calculated absorbance with blank subtracted from Simon’s test and their linear portions. Each point is the mean ± SD of three replicate analysis
and all lines are point-to-point, except linear portions which were regression lines. Data are from Choodum et al. (2014) with permission from publisher.
Quantitative Color Test for Methamphetamine Chapter | 34  355

0.69–0.77 mg/ml determined with percentage relative standard devia- chemical reaction of AM and the blue bisazo dye in trifluoroace-
tion (%RSD) of 0.28–2.30% (n = 6) (Choodum & Nic Daeid, 2011a). tyl form (4-[4-(4-trifluoroacetyl-phenylazo)-1-naphthylazo]-N,N-
Similar results were obtained for the Simon’s test (5.0 mg/ml MA dioctylaniline) was detected at 630 nm. This method provided a
sample determined to have a concentration range of 4.67–4.90 mg/ linear relation of the AM concentration with absorbance in the
ml with a %RSD of 1.5–4.2%) when the digital single-lens reflex range of 0.3–30 mmol/l with a detection limit of 0.1 mmol/l.
(DSLR) camera was used (n = 6) (Choodum & Nic Daeid, 2011a). Ephedrine and methylephedrine have also been quantified using
While standard digital cameras (such as DSLR cameras) can be colorimetric assays and spectrophotometry (Sakai & Ohno, 1986).
used to produce the color images, the use of built-in digital cameras Both drugs were reacted with TBPE⋅H to form a red product with
of smart phones such as an iPhone coupled with a phone application maximum absorption at 555 and 550 nm for ephedrine and methy-
(app) has been used for color analysis of the Simon–Awe product of lephedrine, respectively. A determination limit of 0.165 μg/cm3 was
MA (Choodum et al., 2014). This facilitated a more rapid approach obtained for ephedrine and 0.179 μg/cm3 for methylephedrine.
to the quantification of MA using DIC as the connection to an exter- Marquis and nitric acid tests have also been used for quantifi-
nal computer was no longer necessary. When the iPhone and associ- cation of opiates, i.e., morphine, codeine, and diamorphine hydro-
ated app was used, %RSD values in the range of 2.27–4.49% for chloride (heroin) using DIC (Choodum & Nic Daeid, 2011b).
intraday precisions (n = 3) and 2.65–5.62% for interday (n = 3) were Violet products (see Figure 3) were obtained from the reaction
obtained for MA using the Simon’s test (Choodum et al., 2014) of opiates and Marquis reagents due to the formation of oxo-
again demonstrating the value of this approach. nium–carbenium salts (Choodum & Nic Daeid, 2011b; Kovar &
The quantification of MA in Yaba in forensic casework sam- Laudszun, 1989). Different colored nitro products were produced
ples using a Simon’s test and the iPhone and associated app also from the reaction of concentrated nitric acid and the various opi-
revealed an excellent correlation with conventional chromato- ates. An orange product rapidly changing to red and then slowly
graphic analysis (Table 1) revealing no negative interference to yellow indicated the presence of morphine, while the absence
effects from any other potential impurities or reacting products. of the red product suggested the presence of codeine and a further
Because a colorimetric assay is a rapid, simple, portable, and change from the yellow product to a light green product indicated
inexpensive method for indication of the presence of MA in a the presence of diamorphine. Photography of these products
sample, the use of DIC can extend the potential value of such tests and analysis of their RGB values makes use of the relationship
by generating accurate quantitative analysis. Moreover, the use of between the intensity of color product and concentration of opiates
digital cameras within smart phones together with an associated (Figures 7 and 8). The linear portions of these relationships can be
app can facilitate the development of a portable rapid quantita- used for quantification of the opiates. The analysis of heroin street
tive chemical analysis system deployable as a field device with samples revealed that the relationship between the intensity of the
the potential to link to global positioning system (GPS) and other red (R) channel of the violet products from the Marquis test and
information inherent within such devices. the concentration of diamorphine (y = −(496 ± 34)x + (398 ± 11))
provided the most reliable qualitative results with good correla-
tion with data derived from GC–MS analysis of the same samples.
Quantitative colorimetric assays have also been used for other
illicit drugs in addition to MA such as AM, ephedrine, methy- Developments in the use of digital images of the products from
lephedrine, and opiates. colorimetric tests of controlled substances have revealed robust
Quantification of AM has been reported using colorimetric correlations between the RGB values of the images and the con-
tests and spectrophotometric methods (Mohr, 2003; Mohr et al., centration of the target analytes within photographed samples.
2002) where the red hemiaminal product obtained from the These correlations have been validated for a number of controlled

TABLE 1  Analysis of Yaba Samples

Methamphetamine in Yaba Samples (%)

Sample No. Digital Image Method GC–FID Relative Error (%) P = 0.05
1 20.0 ± 1.0% 19.9 ± 0.4% +0.2% nsa
2 16.0 ± 1.0% 17.4 ± 0.1% −7.3% ns
3 20.1 ± 0.9% 18.7 ± 0.2% +7.1% ns
4 19.0 ± 2.0% 19.3 ± 0.3% −1.2% ns
5 19.0 ± 1.0% 18.1 ± 0.5% +4.3% ns

The table reveals very good correlation between the data (mean ± SD of five Yaba Samples) derived from DIC (Simon’s Test) and conventional GC–FID.
ans = no significant difference.

Data are from Choodum et al. (2014) with permission from the publisher.
356  PART | I Stimulants

FIGURE 7  The relationships of RGB intensity and concentration of opiates from Marquis test products. The relationships between opiate concen-
trations and RGB intensity from Marquis test for (A) morphine, (B) codeine, and (C) diamorphine. Each point is the mean ± SD from six replicate analysis.
Data are from Choodum and Nic Daeid (2011b), with permission from the publisher.

substances including MA. Digital images produced either on a obtained from the analysis of the digital image can be used to estab-
conventional digital camera or by using a smart phone using a lish a calibration graph for quantification.
designed app hosted on the phone reveal these quantitative results. Marquis test  It is a commonly used colorimetric test for indicating the
Moreover, the use of mobile phone technologies facilitates the presence or absence of various compounds. It could be used to dif-
geotagging of the data providing further functionality and oppor- ferentiate AMs from other ring-substituted analogs and opiates.
tunities for the development of field deployable devices. Precision  It is the closeness of two or more quantified values to each
Presumptive tests  It is a fast screening procedure for indicating the pres-
DEFINITION OF TERMS ence or absence of controlled drug compounds. There are three types
Accuracy  It is the closeness of a quantified value to a true value. of presumptive test (color tests, anion tests, and microcrystal tests).
Calibration curve  It is the curve for quantifying the concentration Qualitative analysis  It is the analysis of a sample to determine the
of an analyte. The quantification is achieved by comparing an nature of its chemical constituents.
unknown response to a set of responses obtained from standards of Quantitative analysis  It is the analysis of a sample to determine an
known concentration. amount and proportion of its chemical constituents.
Colorimetry  It is the simplest and quickest method for indicating the RGB color system  It is a color system which three additive primary
presence or absence of an analyte of interest where a specific colored colors (red, green, and blue) are combined together to reproduce a
product is obtained from the chemical reaction between the analyte broad array of colors. It is used for display of images in electronic
and an appropriate reagent. systems including digital cameras.
Digital image colorimetry  DIC is an analysis method for the quan- Simon’s test  It is a commonly used colorimetric test for indicating a
tification of an analyte using its colorimetric products. This is presence or absence of secondary amines, including MA and its
performed by analyzing the intensity of images taken of the colori- ring-substituted analogs such as MDMA. It could be used to dif-
metric product photographed by a digital camera. The RGB values ferentiate MAs from AM which is a primary amine.
Quantitative Color Test for Methamphetamine Chapter | 34  357

FIGURE 8  The relationships of RGB intensity and concentration of opiates from nitric acid test products The relationships between opiate con-
centrations and RGB intensity from nitric acid test for (A) morphine, (B) codeine, and (C) diamorphine. Each point is the mean ± SD from six replications.
Data are from Choodum and Nic Daeid (2011b) with permission from the publisher.

KEY FACTS l The external standard method is the simplest method where a
calibration curve is constructed by analyzing a series of known
Key Facts of MA concentrations of standard and plotting the response (y-axis)
against the concentration of analyte (x-axis).
N-methyl-1-phenylpropan-2-amine is the IUPAC name for MA.
l For the internal standard method, an internal standard of
l It is a secondary amine with molecular weight 149.2337 g/mol
known concentration and which should have chemical prop-
and its chemical formula is C10H15N.
erties similar to interested analyte is added to the sample to
l It can be easily synthesized by the reduction of ephedrine or
compensate for any analytical errors.
pseudoephedrine using red phosphorus and iodine.
l The calibration curve is constructed by analyzing a series of
l It is a highly addictive stimulant drug that affects the central
known concentrations of analyte with constant amount of inter-
nervous system and is thought to be responsible for a range of
nal standard added in each case and plotting the ratio of the
health problems.
analytes to internal standard response (y-axis) against concen-
l It causes the release of the monoamines dopamine, serotonin,
tration of analyte (x-axis).
and norepinephrine.
l The standard addition method is usually performed when an
analyte-free sample is not available and/or in cases where
the sample matrix affects the analytical response of the
Key Facts of Quantitative Analysis
l Quantitative analysis is an analysis of a sample to determine l Standard addition can be achieved by analyzing the sample
an amount and proportion of its chemical constituents. followed by analyzing a series of samples to which a known
l It can be performed in tandem with qualitative analysis which concentration of standard has been added.
determines the nature of chemical constituents of the sample. l The quantification is achieved by plotting the response of ana-
l It can be achieved by establishing a calibration curve using lyte (y-axis) against the added concentration (x-axis), and the
three commonly used mechanisms (internal standard, external value of the intercept of the x-axis provides the value of the
standard, and standard addition). concentration of the analyte in the sample.
358  PART | I Stimulants

Key Facts of Colorimetry Choe, S., Heo, S., Choi, H., Kim, E., Chung, H., & Lee, J. (2013). Analysis
of pharmaceutical impurities in the methamphetamine crystals seized
l Colorimetry is a simple, quick, and easy method for the analy- for drug trafficking in Korea. Forensic Science International,
sis of a sample. 227(1–3), 48–51.
l It is based on a chemical reaction between the analyte and an Choodum, A., Kanatharana, P., Wongniramaikul, W., & Nic Daeid, N.
appropriate reagent to produce a visible colored product. (2013). Using the iPhone as a device for a rapid quantitative analy-
l It is commonly used as qualitative analysis to indicate sis of trinitrotoluene in soil. Talanta, 115, 143–149.
the presence or absence of an analyte of interest within a 10.1016/j.talanta.2013.04.037.
sample. Choodum, A., Kanatharana, P., Wongniramaikul, W., & NicDaeid, N. (2012).
l A negative result indicates the absence of the analyte. Rapid quantitative colourimetric tests for trinitrotoluene (TNT) in soil.
l A positive result indicates the possible presence of the analytes Forensic Science International, 222(1–3), 340–345.
within the sample and additional laboratory testing is required 10.1016/j.forsciint.2012.07.014.
for confirmation. Choodum, A., & Nic Daeid, N. (2011a). Digital image-based colourimet-
l Color is subjective and depends on individual perception ric tests for amphetamine and methamphetamine. Drug Testing and
of the observer and the use of reference standards before Analysis, 3, 277–282.
analyzing the test sample can provide an indication of the Choodum, A., & Nic Daeid, N. (2011b). Rapid and semi-quantitative pre-
expected colored product should the analyte be present in sumptive tests for opiate drugs. Talanta, 86, 284–292.
the sample. 10.1016/j.talanta.2011.09.015.
Choodum, A., Parabun, K., Klawach, N., NicDaeid, N., Kanatharana, P., &
Wongniramaikul, W. (2014). Real time quantitative colourimetric test
SUMMARY POINTS for methamphetamine detection using digital and mobile phone tech-
l This chapter focuses on the developments and use of colori- nology. Forensic Science International, 235, 8–13.
metric assays for the quantitative analysis of MA. 10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.11.018.
l The Marquis and Simon’s tests are commonly used to indicate
Dai, H., Wang, Y., Wu, X., Zhang, L., & Chen, G. (2009). An electroche-
the presence or absence of MA within a drug sample. miluminescent sensor for methamphetamine hydrochloride based on
l An orange–brown product from the Marquis test indicates the
multiwall carbon nanotube/ionic liquid composite electrode. Biosen-
possible presence of MA and/or AM. sors and Bioelectronics, 24(5), 1230–1234.
l A blue product from the Simon’s test indicates the possible j.bios.2008.07.025.
presence of secondary amine including MA. Gaiao Eda, N., Martins, V. L., Lyra Wda, S., de Almeida, L. F., da Silva,
l Colorimetric assays, i.e., Marquis and Simon’s test, are used
E. C., & Araujo, M. C. (2006). Digital image-based titrations.
as qualitative analysis and an additional method is required to Analytica Chimica Acta, 570(2), 283–290.
convert these tests into quantitative analytical methods. Goddijn, L. M., & White, M. (2006). Using a digital camera for water
l Spectrophotometric methods such as UV–Vis can be used for
quality measurements in Galway Bay. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
the quantification of MA from its colorimetric product. Science, 66(3–4), 429–436.
l DIC has been reported as a means of producing quantitative James, R. E., Saferstein, R., & Meloan, C. E. (2001). Lab manual, crimi-
data from colorimetric tests of MA. nalistics: An introduction to forensic science (7th ed.). Upper Saddle
l The results from DIC revealed very good correlation with River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
accurate instrumental quantification methods such as GC-FID Khajeamiri, A. R., Faizi, M., Sohani, F., Baheri, T., & Kobarfard, F. (2012).
or GC–MS. Determination of impurities in illicit methamphetamine samples
l DIC has considerable potential as a rapid, simple, portable, seized in Iran. Forensic Science International, 217(1–3), 204–206.
and inexpensive colorimetric assay method. Kompany-Zareh, M., Mansourian, M., & Ravaee, F. (2002). Simple method
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puter controlled hand-scanner. Analytica Chimica Acta, 471(1), 97–104.
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