CH 11

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Ch wher It discourse anady sis 82 B38 Qh whatis cliscourse anadgss hb |. How we make bense of what weveael. How Canwe wader stancl well Lonstrucbeel bext 44 Of?[D0 sécl to hese thatawve. ft bled. oy Incokeveut. = 3. bow Can we Mder bland Speakers thet Cc Commaunicute move than trey gin 4. How we take Perk in Converbations. pl? a Ous-twheebofhee wavelet I$Couese:" us a de Riveel’ discourse a 4 se Disconte language. beys ud the Sentence’ - dacticly b eprefalicn the. analy 518 oP oliscourse is the Stacly of — lengua ein text and Conyersetious, geSloespxpsll —_ yeu’ sey} as lang e users We Can weaguize 2a sah ab | ylad |mave than whet we Stuctieal in the Previous Le Chepres Which ave Fovis and Suche. hegeenton we have the a) lo Crate Complex Ascourte Lb y0 intevPve tations in. veg mentary hugustiC Messages € Ne ‘Scanned with CamScanner —_ : peld. | Luteppreting Ab Cows ges Pel We_25 ang 2 users Cate mclergtand ana Cope eens | pith text thab bbhert jorbe evan if Hey break cul +4 Iob-ahthexmulesob English lau wage os. et we Cau build an_intye prerahou— i | & (tees under ktood $$ | we Se esa — = : * [o_avrive te ad_inter pretation gull tae _| 4 luta ke ouv VAs sages jakewpve. oy | | fovins anal Bbrachuwe,but as ye Ubek | le hve wave Kaawlecl ested aes Fase cael Shesetall 24 3 Sail | — ss erin lt bee eb! _4 _Coltesionsljiigl pags Spin fisted) neues! yea a | or Cohesive ties » awe wordsthat ave Wel fo |— ( ee adel a pple ot eyicd eld, Sy | 4 but 1b itself Chute dees wvob make Seuse 4 sie dol Ge clltlged baal og! ole | : Ge} 3 The Connects Wwe use —ik_our. later be Bich — of uovmal fextsis uot based on Counectious- bet ween wove (cohesion) , but ibs basect. on(Cohevente) which 6 what makes reuse. ‘Scanned with CamScanner Cohevenles a : 1 he Key Concept at Colerance. "every tias Mitiag together we Il! - a i-S Ket iu Worels ov bHructuve bub in poeple iKis People who make 6euse of What + vead aud hear a _ 8They Fry to wake 24_Wterratian Hhakisin me Wai He Hheiy expevienceiu the world our ability to make Seuse of What wWe veal (8 (usk.a bitall Davt of ouv_abiliy to make Seuse of wheat We ex Penince ive He | pPrsnze) aha! eS erg SE Rel (im uatlolereub Fext youWould try havel to | make Bense 2 what’ jou Yead, udu br Fomake | bacgeplad Counections that ave hori the bye |_ youveacl, this process oP wating bense is involued i our in Hepuetatiou of at chdcouse) | LoS (3 caine Dgere Ms Cue) a thts) JS aside, | Lvbadin, 4 chiscoure Ceouvecsation) with vo | Cohesive ties we Ou nake henge af tole | iS. said buy actions AS Well, aid by Hhat ibis Clear that Conversation does Yok ouly de Deud ‘bu lise sishic: Knows ie NY rgepetesnrtonn 7 _ C ouvenrtoual Huowolagle é RE Colsvaube 7. ‘Scanned with CamScanner \ | Speecle events 8 Ply Olwhen do we take a Parkin Conversation P when we usderftard the Speech ) wu tual | cnclerskaucing between the speaker and the teaver. oe vibes : = Q2/ what ave the Critevia_oP Speech events? 7 Speciby the voles of 8p eakey aud beavers 4 Aub 5S reteall ly sl ae — ‘ = 2. The velation ship between the speaker ana _4 heeavey., weather they ave Prieuds, Jtvaugers| | vten,_ voouen, Old , you L, equal ov-umegual = | |Skatus ea er ig eB lef 13 What phe topit of Conversation Was aud |— in what. beting-ibtook plte (what Fepie, wherd) — lbs poeodt_}4 Conversation analysis — Sore Pp! tina Conversationtwo or were people —|- | FoKke tyyns in Spee nq and there + eud$.bo. lhe an_ avoidance of Silence. - a *Spenkers indicate (Show) Haat the have Ping led. by Signaling a Coumplition Doiuk. = ‘Scanned with CamScanner . 143 | Spsakeriver-niviame sium S| 14) use. Re ee expressions te Shera] Haan have. Something te Say. ss == Wie faker 1Q/ whatave pe. Mein Sbvakiges im turn Cop Mist Nou analysis 4 aca Ql Aiscuss 5 Speakers Can tar k Haeiv Fur Complete in a number of ways 1) by as Kin. aguestion fe by pauss at the eadoP Phrase ov benbencd other particepeut Cau indi Cute rhat fey Wankt_to takewbhes-penkivag furn by - 3).make Short Sounds,.vepeteds while the baking te pS i) Teagan Mavnrcel. i Points Octur., it'$ usally Ove by la y ( Apeakérs* av those whohave. used fo “holding He Flea £) the Becond Bt Yate isdesigued to ‘Keep a rhe twnt,iP the mov mel expection iS Haat he Completion point’ ave_marked at the aad of fenkences ancl ruses Then dou't_ pause. at tee aud oP a- Sentence rake yo se foutenle-run by using Connectors like and, then, S$ , bat , Plade your Pauses al points where the message is Cleavly ‘Scanned with CamScanner Complete, ane Fill the pPrausts eae a hasitation marker Such us, CM» 2% ule athe __|¥ These Kind of Strategies Should net be | Considered un_elesivable ov clo mineeving.. hey ave pvesentin he Couvertatiol Speech oP uuesk péojrle and. Hey awe park oF whet | Converbation Worle. Shetjo lal ce sey : a hfe tet liade ds oti oli de tp Lady ler Sse G5) 288 Ssaue oelliebe Gi ales Gdogege le jul p Loly Et th let ge te ct The Co-cperabiva Pyinciples = 3 se —{p-lt de ge Legy dt JS The Gritean waar ans LL The Quantity marina +-male your Contrib satow asin formative as-is veguivedl , but tot move or begs that ib veguiced.. — Vg phy Cole oblejsis dado OID Law fea! 9 — Ooslh, el |. he Gauliterentedsine: alo iat es 2 : you belive po be Pulée ov Poy which deg uate. evidanle (enough , Suiteb Ook steerer oF of plillonal ae Lees a = tials | aw lied st al 3. he Relation maxime De veley a : 1 The mannty Maxims Bec leav, b pa viF ovdletly- ‘Scanned with CamScanner ote Intl le evidence) Meck ges Worels and phrases used be incl’ Cobe Hhat we ave uot yeally Sure. at Wheel weave Sayin is buPPiciewHy Cowect av Covaplebe Such as Kinol of, Sovk o& Que libs aiayive Duplicatuves gif i$ how people impl, Sometling Vhelis wet bail. : y moles panda igipiy oy Yell zenbil One Means cus ale gall a. Aitvoal Conveyeal aE cee an : re —dptie gle Lgre | Back, vound KyoulaAges Tnvestigating how we use dur baekeavourd Kuawlaclge to_anwive inbypyebation of wheat we hea and Ylacl is Critical Part of doing discourse analysis. ih Jue eo asibllb a Pee M47 ye shall JE The manner of pveseutution ta the 2Xau ple oue fenterte at a Aiate., is vecther autiPicel , we dui lal interpretation of what we veal by using move infoy mation than preseutedd i fre bexr , we actull Create what re text based on uy expectation of what nd this is kchema or | is about, Yormally happens - A kevipt * ‘Scanned with CamScanner hohe sue. Beheme aud Berit ig a Knowleelge Structuve Fhe * the qenerel. View enewal beym Po Convention, b exist in memtow : Pixecl Peeatuwe$ Mewip ks e$Sentially a clunamic Schima, that ig imsteal of Hee Set of Hypicedl i in Schimawdeript hus actions th ab ixeel Peat ures —aSevies of Conventiond takes sere ne Ales ihe 5 5 Paxt oe Peatimes = Reh: LWA ais — Fg Hh alveoch exich) ‘gee than yo ae a 4 ws, ipk ) Sevipk dyn Aart. Peta _ meena a hae priteialite rte cng P kad _ Vebl tletly ad ee . ss Ge ye ged Ge atl Qresatab Lye Le om Se theehrociears GeJnraw Jo PHB . - Coes ‘Scanned with CamScanner i les A comparision between Cohesion and Coherence with examP cohesion : refermistiontormetend semantic features of a text. In other words , it is the grammatical and lexical linking that holds a text together and gives it meaning . Coherence : it is what makes a text semantically ‘meaningful. Ina coherent text , ideas are logically connected to produce meaning. It is what makes the ideas in a discourse Example : logical and consistent . Paul saw a snake under the mattress , the Example : serpent is going to bite somebody . There once was a farmer in a small village . He worked hard day and night in his fields to fed his wife and children . It should be noted that Coherence is closely related to Cohesion . The linguistic features that makes a text coherent are classified under the concept of cohesion . For instance : A: can you go to work tomorrow ? B: yes, can. In this example , the second sentence is linked with the first in sequential order . this is cohesion . Itis also coherent because B has given an appropriate response to A. ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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