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Submitted by: The Greek Republic

Committee: Special Political and Decolonisation Committee

Topic: Resolving the question of Nagorno-Karabakh

The Nagorno-Karabakh dispute began in 1988 with a long war between Armenia and
Azerbaijan which ended in 1994 with a ceasefire. After that there have been minor
attacks from both sides. Those attacks did not do any side any good and came with the
cost of countless lives. In September 2020 another long war broke out which lasted six
weeks. In this war Azerbaijan, took control of the region of Karabakh. The origins of this
conflict could be traced all the way back to the early 20th century, yet tensions seem to be
just as high as ever.

Nagorno-Karabakh has a majority pooplulation of Armenians, yet Azerbaijan believes

the region is part of Azerbaijan. The fact that the region is located in Azerbaijan doesn’t
make it a part of Azerbaijan. In the end of the day the Hellen Republic’s focus is finding
peace in the region. The Greek republic would like our fellow brothers and sisters, the
Armenians, to feel at peace.

Both Armenia and Azerbaijan have been immensely unfortunate, both losing countless
lifes. After all this bloodshed, Greece would love to see more,better and faster plans to
deescalate the situation in the Nagorno-Karabakh region and reinstate peace.
Submitted by: The Greek Republic
Committee: Special Political and Decolonisation Committee
Topic: Addressing the territorial dispute over Western Sahara.

The Western Sahara has been a long and ongoing conflict since the Spanish colonizers
were removed from the region. After the colenizers left, Morocco and Mauritania both
claimed historical ties with the region. Currently, after numerous deaths, Western Sahara
is claimed by two different parties. 80% of the region is presently claimed by the
Kingdom of Morocco, and 20% is by the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.

A conflict about 16 years long full of violence and bloodshed over land. The Greek
Republic’s major goal is for peace. After the spanish colenies were removed from
western sahara morocco illegally occupied the land claiming historical ties, making this is
the only colony left in africa.

This conflict has gone on for simply too long. The Greek Republic belives that we will
need to come up with a solution quick to ensure peace, safety and justice; we are open to
any and all proposals. This cannot be achieved while the Morrocan people still resid

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