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Mark Anthony D.

Muya FSP - Expressive Art 2

"And You, Who Do You Say I Am?" ... Who is Jesus to Me - Expressive Art : Modeling


The Lord Jesus to me is a person of hope

who never gives up to anybody. He sees

everyone in the eyes of growth towards

perfection. He is patient and kind. He

protects all those under his care.

These characteristics above are symbolized

by this clay model, signifying a shoot

showing life, a life growing over a dead cut

tree. The cross signifies the owning of Christ

to all of his creation. The yellow ring signifies the continuous light and protection from him. Like

the plant sprouting on a dead tree, Jesus will always see a new life over a dead body. There is

always a miracle in anything seemingly lifeless. Jesus will always stand as a new hope for all.

Jesus will be patient too to the growth of his plant. He will place his care, love and life on

this shoot with great hope that this plant will eventually become a fruitful tree one day, identified

to the works of Jesus of being hope to others, of being caring, loving and life-giving. I can see

Jesus that he is hopeful to all creation towards its perfection through the help of his grace. I am

Jesus’ plant, and you are too. He is after my maturity. Jesus is my patient counselor: patient with

my growth, patient with my little love, and patient with my unfreedoms and imperfections.

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