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He, who had been waiting in the orphanage, was suddenly found by his biological father and
taken back to England. I thought I could live a happy life with “family”, but the reason he didn’t
want his biological father to call him home was to repay the debt. And the young adoptive father
who was transferred to seemed to be a big brother known for his cruelty. While smirking his
father to act with his adoptive father, he felt “Dad”‘s depression and sadness. The fake father
and son are not too fragrant~~

Manhua Link

P.S This was just a google translate

Chapter 1

Chen Xing's return to China this time was really helpless. It was like fleeing, but his butt still
hurt. He had to spend the remaining eight hours of restlessness on the plane. Thinking about it,
he felt that there was nothing to be attached to in life.

It's just that he was afraid that if he didn't leave, he would be skinned and cramped by Lin
Xiucheng, thrown into the frying pan and exploded. Chen Xing still remembered Lin Xiucheng's
expression of anger when he woke up the morning before and saw that he was playing with the
mustache he had grown overnight.

Chen Xing had never seen Lin Xiu Chengqi like that. Actually, he was a beautiful young man
with just perfect youth, and he took the initiative to send him home to solve Lin Xiucheng's
physical needs. This is such a touching thing, how angry is Lin Xiucheng.

Three years of gratitude, repaying overnight, the romantic adopted son, cool dad. Isn't it

With that said, Chen Xing was still terribly scared, and when Lin Xiucheng was in a hurry, he
went out and fled back to the country.

Chen Xing is Lin Xiucheng's adopted son, a boy with a bad life.

He grew up in an orphanage in a small city in China.

It is reasonable to say that boys like Chen Xing who are particularly good-looking,
sound-limbed, and smart are often adopted by families. However, Chen Xing's character is too
small for a magic star, and no one can cure it.

When he was thrown at the door of the orphanage at the age of two, with a piece of paper on
his chest writing the two characters Chen Xing, he had already shaken the big iron gate of the
orphanage with his immature hands, crying and screaming for something to eat. Give him two
branches and he can sing up a grassland. Every family who wants to adopt a child will get along
with him for a while, and will euphemistically say whether it can be replaced by a simpler baby.

Gradually, Chen Xing got older, and fewer parents asked. The older children have their own
memories and thoughts, and it is difficult to reintegrate into the new family. Chen Xingle was free
to be his Qingcheng orphanage little overlord, and his dumb friends went up to the tree to dig
eggs and fish in the water.

Chen Xing leaped three times and divided five and divided two, neatly climbed the big locust
tree in the backyard, jumped from the trunk of the locust tree to the wall and sat down, his white
and slender legs hung down, holding a handful of stones in his hand and throwing it away. The
dean’s favorite in the pond The vivid appearance of the lotus leaf is also the most vivid and
lovely scenery in the Qingcheng Orphanage.

At the age of sixteen, Chen Xing's life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

His biological father found him and told him to go out at the door of his class, stared at him for
a while, provided a blood sample to the hospital and left.

His biological father looked like three-pointedly with him, and he had a pair of thin lips
between his brows. Chen Xing had one more small lip than him, and the shape of his cold lips
became more vivid.

As soon as the DNA test results came out, Chen Xing signed something under the
persuasion of Dean Chen in every possible way, and then was put on the plane by a tall
bodyguard, escorted to the city to get a passport and visa, and rushed non-stop. Go to a place
that has only been seen in the book before.

Before he left, he could not even talk to Dean Chen, Aunt Yao, Sister Xiaoyu, and good
friends of the orphanage.

On the flight from Haicheng to London, Chen Xing's biological father arranged for him a
normal economy class. He was lucky and the position was close to the window, which was good
enough for him. When Chen Xing flew on a plane for the first time, he felt a little bit of tinnitus
nervously. When this big silver bird took him from the ground to a height of 10,000 feet, he clung
to the handle tightly, fantasizing that he would smash Chinatown in London in the future, mixing
with a big brother's name. Go back and show off to sister Xiaoyu.

When he arrived in London, someone picked him up with Chen Xing's sign. He got in a black
car, leaning on the Thames, and driving past Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. The
London evening outside the car window was dark and gloomy. Only Chen Xing was a little
excited. He asked the driver: "Is this a British clock?"

The driver beside him took off his sunglasses. A white man with deep eye sockets and high
nose politely responded: "Excuse me?"

Chen Xing junior high school three In the first grade, I was a good player at Qingcheng No. 2
Middle School for playing truant and making trouble. I could do anything in arcade racing,
smoking or fighting. I just couldn't learn. I could barely learn 26 English words, but there was
really nothing else I could say.

He had no choice but to say, "Nothing. No." The

white man looked at the car in front of him and smiled.

When he arrived at the house on the outskirts of London, the white man pushed Chen Xing
through the door, and the task was completed.

Chen Xing did not see his biological father. There were a few middle-aged and elderly people
with indifference and scrutiny standing in the room, and they looked at him in an appraisal
manner for a long time.

"Not bad." An old man in his seventies or eighties said. "What's his name?"

Chen Xing guessed that he was the owner of this house, because there was a huge portrait
hanging in the hall behind him. Twenty-year-old appearance.

This house is a bit gloomy, with luxurious decorations but old, revealing from inside it a breath
that is about to collapse due to decay.

There is a huge crystal lamp hanging on the ceiling of the hall. Many of the bulbs are no
longer on, and one or two are jumping to the end of their life. The crystal lampshade was
covered with thick dust, and no one had scrubbed it for a long time, and the yellow light came
out thinly from it.

Chen Xing remembered that Sister Xiaoyu was reading the Dream of Red Mansions to their
gang of bad boys. She said: Hu Lala is like a mansion, and distressed as if the lights are
running out.
It is the situation of this big house, where a tall building is raised, guests are banished, and
the time is about to collapse.

Chen Xing was in such a situation with doubts, so why did he get him back for so hard? Is it
possible to gather all the nine races to commit suicide?

Guessing to guessing, he still replied: "Chen Xing. Er Dong Chen, lucky fortune."

"Fortunate fortune." The old man repeated, and then he stopped talking.

Chen Xing was a little embarrassed. As soon as he stopped, he didn't know where to put his
hands and feet. He stood upright, not knowing what to do. With his duffel bag at his feet, he
lifted it up and said to the old man, "

Where do I live?" After speaking , he yawned and didn't sleep on the plane. Now here, the
light is dim and Chen Xing is drowsy. .

The old man looked at the middle-aged man next to him, and the man said, "Go to the
second floor first, go upstairs and turn left to the second room."

Chen Xing made a cut in his heart . He was quite handsome, carrying his luggage. Go

After entering the room, a smell of dust rushed over his face. Chen Xing choked twice and
walked over and opened the window.

The cool breeze poured into the room, blowing the gray screen cloth, the sky outside was
dark, and I don't know what time it was. Not afraid of getting dirty, Chen Xing threw his luggage
beside the bed, leaped forward to bed, sneezed, rubbed his nose, and fell asleep.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he woke up, Chen Xing was no longer his own.

He was dreaming of eating roast chicken. A pair of soft hands pushed him not softly: "Hey!

Chen Xing shook his hand and slammed it to a soft place.

Chen Xing was at a developmental age, and he would never have enough to eat or sleep. If
he was not given sleep, he would beat people with nothing.

There was a scream in his ear, calling him that his eardrum was about to crack. He opened
his eyes and saw a girl about his age looking at him angrily. He was startled: "Who are you? "

I told you to get up! Didn't you hear me?!" The girl said angrily, "You sex demon! Disgusting!"
Chen Xing was dubbed the name of sex demon for no reason, and his face was stinky and
looked at her with his eyebrows curled. He doesn't care about little girls, but he will also be

He glanced at the girl, her face suddenly flushed, and her voice became quieter: "You are
going downstairs, Mr. Lin has already arrived."

Chen Xing was confused and was dragged downstairs by her.

The downstairs has been simply cleaned, and the curtains in the hall are opened, and if you
don't smell the dust in the air carefully, it still seems like that.

A large group of people gathered around a young man in a suit and looked respectfully,
making Chen Xing want to laugh very much.

Lin Xiucheng was also helpless this day.

The thing is simple, that is, the Chen family owes him a sum of money that is not much to
him, but to the Chen family it is the straw that crushes the camel.

His second uncle helped him collect the money. I don’t know what happened to him. He
promised the Chen family to hold a beautiful grandson with him. If he had the money, he would
redeem it. The young master returned to Lin Xiucheng. During this period, he can do whatever
he wants.

Lin Xiucheng was irritated by his second uncle. He didn't have a lot of things that day.
Thinking of the report he had given him a few nights ago, he followed the Chen family to see
what waves his second uncle wanted to make.

Lin Xiucheng frowned and waved his hand to stop them.

Suddenly there was a chuckle on the stairs.

A boy with messy hair walked down the stairs and smiled at them.

"Hello," the boy said casually, "you are Mr. Lin."

The girl next to him was surprised that he was so bold, and pulled his sleeves to tell him to
shut up.

It looks really good. This was Lin Xiucheng's first reaction. Chen Xing's hair is jet-black, and
his face is even more white like porcelain. His lips are bright red with a little luster. There are still
pillow marks on his face just after waking up. He looks at him frivolously with a pair of watery
peach eyes.

It is a pity that he is really not interested in boys, not to mention that the boy is only thirteen or
fourteen years old.

Lin Xiucheng likes women with sharp faces, big breasts, slender waists and long legs. After
he came back to take over the Lin family for many years, some old stupid donkeys in the family
wanted to push the daughters of interest partners to him to force marriage and childbirth, forcing
him to reduce his desire to find companions. His second uncle had a ghost in his heart, and
heard the rumors that he had changed his taste and found a beautiful little boy to please him.

Lin Xiucheng didn't eat this set, he kept a decent smile, and said to the old man in the
wheelchair: "Mr. Chen, if you have something to say, just give it to me, a big living person, who
is it? "

Chen Xing heard that he was coming out, he was sold by these robed beasts.

"Can someone explain it to me?" Xiaobawang Chen Xing came to London to do a big
business, not a small slave.

"Chen Xing," said the middle-aged man who asked him to go upstairs yesterday. "There is no
place for you to speak."

Chen Xing retorted, "If you don't speak now, do you have to wait for me to be played to

Lin Xiucheng listened to it interestingly, this young man knew that he was sold out later than
himself. The Chen family gang is stupid and stupid, this Chen Xing is more fun than them.

"What are you? A wild species, dare to be presumptuous in the main house!" The
middle-aged man's wife yelled at him with a sharp voice, "Did you not read what was agreed
before you came, you are now a member of our Chen family? Dog!"

Chen Xing was stunned: "What agreement?"

Dean Chen asked him to sign that agreement.

Dean Chen said that his family would take him back to Britain to recognize his ancestors.
Britain is much better than Qingcheng, and it is a prosperous metropolis, so Chen Xing should
not forget to visit them in the future.

Chen Xing didn't want to sign. Qingcheng was his prosperous metropolis, but looking at Dean
Chen's eager expectation, Chen Xing thought about it and signed it.
In the middle of the process, he didn't look at the content of the contract at all. At this
moment, the middle-aged woman called out, and he felt something was wrong.

"Your dad recognized you back to the Chen family. You are the dog of my Chen family. You do
what we tell you to do. We donated 200,000 yuan to that orphanage and bought you. You think
you How valuable is it?!"

Chen Xing was stunned. After all, he was just a teenager who had not yet celebrated his
sixteenth birthday. He had a natural trust in Dean Chen who watched him grow up, and he was
abruptly sold. Unable to accept it, the whole person was stunned and depressed.

Lin Xiucheng watched the good show happily.

He usually has no sympathy and a cold smile on his face. Today, I saw this blatant young
man suddenly fall, and for the first time in his life, he felt some discomfort.

When Lin Xiucheng was 22 years old, his grandfather was paralyzed from a stroke. He came
back overnight when he was a junior in the United States and stayed by his grandfather's bed.

Lin Xiucheng once suspected that his life would be hard to kill. His parents died in an air
crash very early, and now his only close relatives have to leave him. When he returned home
anxiously, his grandfather lay upstairs dying. Several old men who had bought the life of the Lin
family had been set up downstairs. They blocked him like a wolf and asked him to give up

The lead Li Er is the adjutant his grandfather brought with him when he went abroad, and he
manages Chinatown.

He looked at Lin Xiucheng’s student spirit and smiled contemptuously: "Xiucheng, Grandpa Li
sees you grow up, knowing you are kind, and Lin’s family is not something you can hold. Right
now your grandpa can’t move. Why don't we let the old guys take care of the family business for

Several people on the side nodded and said yes.

Lin Xiucheng didn't speak, took out a gun from his waist and shot Li Er between his legs. The
bullet stuck to the trousers of Li Er's knee. The suit trousers were pierced with a hole, braving
the smoke of high-speed friction. The enthusiasm almost burned his leg. Lin Xiucheng drew his
spear very fast, and no one saw how he moved. He could only hear the muffled pistol and the
sound of bullets penetrating the floor, making a shocking sound.
Li Er fell to the ground in fright. He raised his hand and pointed at Lin Xiucheng. He didn't
dare to scold him. Lin Xiucheng didn't take the gun or pointed at people. He didn't seem to have
heard the interrogation of just a few people. The polite university professor

kindly bowed his hand to everyone: "I will rely on the care of my uncles in the future." Lin
Xiucheng had a firm foothold in London for only three years. When his grandfather was sick,
none of the people who forced the palace together were left. When he came down, the Lin
family had to rely on his sniffles, failing to make a living and making a living, sending novel
things to him every day, first to flatter him, and second to make him playful.

It didn't hurt Lin Xiucheng half of his hair to come and go, and a lot of his private property got

Lin Xiucheng would pretend to be stupid, wearing a pair of intellectual glasses, harmless to
humans and animals, and he would kill him as soon as he shot.

At this moment, he stared at the young man's slightly panic eyes, he was so lonely and
helpless, Lin Xiucheng thought of his 22-year-old himself.

He was strong enough at that time, and the young man in front of him seemed stubborn, but
in essence he was weak and mermaid.

Lin Xiucheng said, "Mrs. Chen, the adoption agreement in the 21st century can force people
into prostitution. This is the first time I have heard of it."

"200,000 yuan is a lot for our courtyard." The boy suddenly said, his back was straight, his
body was tall and slender for his age, his clothes were all on the floor, and the folds were
stained with dust. , Can give him a smell of dust.

Chen Xing thought about it, and affirmed himself: "The dean has his reason."

He looked a little lost.

Mrs. Chen snorted, and was interrupted by Lin Xiucheng when he was about to say
something. He had a very absurd idea, and he couldn't wait to see the expressions of the
people in his family.

"Okay, I think so, the money can be slowed down," Lin Xiucheng glanced at his second uncle
and continued, "Chen Xing, it belongs to me too, but his custody right also belongs to me."

A group of people He looked at Lin Xiucheng with an indescribable look. Only Chen Xing
didn't understand. He looked at Lin Xiucheng impatiently: "What?"

"You call me Dad, I will protect you in London. "Lin Xiucheng promised.
At this time, everyone’s eyes changed to "Where is this singing? Where did the mentally
retarded come from." Chen Xing did not. He looked at Lin Xiucheng up and down, and smiled at
this. The young man he was too old yelled: "Dad!"

Lin Xiucheng smiled contentedly, walked over, took his shoulders, and looked around: "I am
stunned by what I do. Congratulations, I'll be my father. NS!"

Chapter 2

In the car going home, Lin Xiu took on several calls from the Lin family to spy on military affairs.

"Yes, I adopted a child," Lin Xiucheng said to the other end of the phone, "This child will do
great things, and I am going to pass on my career to him."

Chen Xing was far away from him. , Listening to his nonsense, while leaning on the back of
his chair to admire the scenery outside the window, he has not really set foot on the British
outdoor land, and it is very novel to see the white people walking by the street wrapped in
windbreakers in a hurry.

Lin Xiucheng finally lost patience with these annoying old guys in Tai Chi, so he pulled down
the phone and mute the phone and set it aside.

He looked up and saw Chen Xing staring out of the car window and asked him, "What are
you thinking about?"

Chen Xing didn't look at him, and said to himself: "I have never seen so many foreigners."

Lin Xiucheng was amused by him, more and more. I think my cheap son is amazing.

"What are you doing?" Chen Xing turned his head and asked him, "Is it a big boss?
Domineering president?" The

driver in front was a Chinese, with a low smile. Hearing Chen Xing's words, the fat on his
back was shaking. Try to restrain yourself and keep silent.

Lin Xiucheng's mind turned around, and somehow explained his identity to him. He is the
head of the Lin family and a successful wealthy Chinese businessman. After all, when he is
going out in London, others have to give him a three-point face without introducing himself.
Someone stepped forward to say hello, calling him "Mr. Lim" respectfully.

The last time I introduced myself had to be traced back to when he enrolled in college.
Chen Xing waited for a while, and saw Lin Xiucheng not speaking, and then asked, "I think
those old guys owe you a lot of money. You are not a loan shark, are you?" The

driver snorted.

"You really want me to be your son?" He asked again, "Dad? Daddy? Does English say that?
I still don't speak English."

Lin Xiucheng looked at him with a three-pointed smile in his eyes, no To the bottom of my

Chen Xing was not afraid of him, and looked at him as usual.

After a while, Lin Xiucheng stretched out his hand and rubbed his messy hair: "If you don't

know it, go and learn." "What can you tell me?" Chen Xing scratched his hair and said

No one answered him, so he stopped mentioning it.

Lin Xiu couldn't live in the old house left by his grandfather. He liked to live in his high-rise
apartment in Kensington and brought Chen Xing back there.

This high-end apartment is decorated in a modern style, and the cleaning is spotless. You can
overlook most of London when you walk to the window. The gloomy fortress of the Chen family
is not the same as here.

"This is your room." Lin Xiucheng opened the door of the guest bedroom and told Chen Xing.

Chen Xing asked him again: "Dad, what is my position at home?"

Lin Xiucheng let out a sigh of relief, and said helplessly: "My name is Lin Xiucheng, don't call
me father at home in the future-I suggest you make one. Good tenant."

Chen Xing smiled

slyly : "Okay." After dinner at noon, Lin Xiucheng had something to leave, and asked
someone to find a Chinese-British place to accompany Alex and take Chen Xing around
London. Chen Xing chewed on potatoes and fried fish, stuffed his ears with unintelligible
English, and followed Alex to look at the collection in the British Museum.

"Ai, do you know Lin Xiucheng?" Chen Xing pretended to ask inadvertently. He disliked
English and chanted Tuba, and referred to as Alex for Ai.
Alex dared not say anything, and replied: "Mr. Lin, everyone knows him, but unfortunately he
doesn't know me."

"You know me, you know him," Chen Xing drew him a flatbread and directly put Lin Xiu in the
suit. Force the method to learn now and use it now, "Call me big brother, I will protect you in

Alex smiled heartily, Chen Xing was more than 1.7 meters away, his back was a little more
mature, and his face was a delicate child. With an angel-like face, he speaks fluently, how funny
he looks.

"What, don't you believe it?" Chen Xing stretched out his hand to learn from the big brother in
the movie and embraced Alex, but Alex was half a head taller than him. He stretched out his
hand to be weirdly tired, so he put it down again.

"Letter," Alex coaxed him, "The mummy house in front is very worth seeing."

Chen Xing saw that these were Niu Chew Peony, but the first British brother he had received
had already spoken, so I could take a look with him.

When bidding farewell in the evening, Chen Xing left Alex's phone number and waved at him

Chapter 3

Lin Xiucheng's staff were very efficient. Someone came to pick him up to the language school
early the next morning.

Because Chen Xing's English foundation is too weak, he can only take beginner-level
courses. The class is a mixed bag, and they are all strange characters.

There are a total of twelve students in the class, ten of them are Chinese uncles and aunts.
They are stubbornly talking. Only he and a ten-year-old sister, Xiao Lingling, can straighten their
tongues. The two of them have big eyes and small eyes, and they are dependent on each other.

After Lin Xiucheng took Chen Xing home, people went out early and returned late, almost
unable to meet each other. He called Chen Xing an aunt who was cooking, which was also out
of the ordinary. Chen Xing went home from class every day, and the food was steaming hot. On
the table, no one was seen. He has lived in a collective life since he was a child, and he is most
afraid of loneliness. In this reinforced concrete apartment, he can't touch half a grass or catch
half a fish. He is so bored that he has to take Alex to talk on the phone.
Alex has a legitimate career. How can I talk with him when he has time. At first he took a pick,
and then he avoided him like a snake.

It was extremely rare for Lin Xiucheng to have dinner at home that night.

"I pinched Daikin today." Chen Xing finally caught a person who could understand Chinese,
with a spirited air, holding a spoon happily, and Lin Xiucheng said that what he saw and heard
today is full of vitality, "Daikin is us An old man in his forty-year-old class who is very rich and
emigrated." It is

nothing more than Daikin who can’t speak English well. The teacher asked Lingling to tell him
and do two-person practice with him. Daikin felt that he had lost face and that Lingling was hurt
in Chinese. For a few words, Lingling didn't understand, she asked Chen Xing, and Chen Xing
exploded. She felt that a middle-aged and old person in Daikin was too shameless to bully the
little girl, and the two quarreled in class.

Chen Xing's mouth slipped, so that Dai Jin's face was red and white, and he stood up and
walked away, saying that he would quit school.

Things were very trivial and boring, but Lin Xiucheng didn't interrupt him, and it seemed a bit
interesting to listen to him.

Isn't it like this in a child's world? It's either black or white, and I think the sky is going to fall
when something is too big.

After finally eating a meal, Lin Xiucheng was very full, and his aunt was good at
craftsmanship. Chen Xing barely ate any food, so he spoke.

Lin Xiucheng stood up and Chen Xing also stood up with him. Lin Xiucheng took a step, he
followed a step, and Lin Xiucheng stopped, turning around and looking down at him.

"Lin Xiucheng, what are you going to do?" Chen Xing took his arm and asked kindly.

If Lin Xiucheng is a partner in Chen Xing’s orphanage, or a teacher and classmate who has
been with him for a while, he will know Chen Xing’s expression, which is to show that I’m about
to do something bad, don’t be angry. , It's useless to be angry.

But at this time, Lin Xiucheng and Chen Xing were still unfamiliar.

Chen Xing's appearance was too deceptive. When he shut up, he looked like those shiny
expensive treasures in the shopping mall window. Lin Xiucheng was a person who didn't want to
eat and looked at Chen Xing, and he was a little dazed.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Xiucheng asked him.

"Take me to sway, take me to see London at night." Chen Xing said.

Strangely speaking, Chen Xing does not have a home key. The driver picks him up every day.
He opens the door before leaving. After leaving this door, he can't go back. When Lin Xiucheng
came back, Chen Xing was not born here. Cooked, I haven't gone out once a week.

He just wanted to blow the night breeze, wandering in the embrace of nature.

Lin Xiucheng has something to do at night, and he is going to deal with someone.

Seeing Chen Xing's expectant expression, he smiled: "Okay, then follow me. I will take you to
see and see the night in London."

Chen Xing followed him into the car. The driver that day was unsmiling. White, burly and
strong, he doesn't look like a driver, but like a thug. Chen Xing watched with interest the vehicles
crossing the bridge, turning around the corner, passing by the illuminated downtown and the
beautiful London Eye, driving further and further, and arriving on an old street. The driver pulled
over and parked the car.

"Get out of the car." Lin Xiucheng said to Chen Xing, "Did you not ask me the other day, what
am I doing?"

Chen Xing followed him out of the car, faintly disturbed, Lin Xiucheng walked to a narrow one.
In front of the iron gate, he raised his hand to look at his watch and rang the doorbell.

Not long after, someone came to open the door, a woman, and whispered: "Mr. Lin, please
come in soon."

The street lights on this street were dim, and Chen Xing could not see her face clearly, only
the slender figure in front of him. Leading them through a long narrow aisle, Chen Xing smelled
a bloody smell.

They entered a gloomy room. The old dark floral wallpaper on the wall had peeled off. There
was a bloody man lying on the ground. Several strong thugs stood aside. Seeing Lin Xiucheng
came, they turned a blind eye to Chen Xing behind him. ,

Said to him: "Master Xiu, you are here." Lin Xiucheng smiled and nodded at them: "Didn't you
ask you to be polite? How did you make it like this?"

Chen Xing stood behind him, poking his head, wanting to take a look. Who is that man on the
A thug walked over, grabbed the man by his hair, picked him up and sat on the ground. The
man raised his head and stared at Lin Xiucheng with extremely hateful eyes: "Bastard!"

Chen Xing carefully identified him. However, he was shocked in a cold sweat. This messy
man was not the second uncle of Lin Xiucheng he saw in the mansion a few days ago.

"Second Uncle," Lin Xiucheng was not only not annoyed, but also politely gestured to
someone to wipe his second uncle's face, "What are you talking about? The people under my
hands are disobedient, and you didn't know it the first day. . " "

I'm your uncle ah! "he cried out hoarsely di.

Lin Xiucheng was amused: "When you joined forces to swallow the cargo on my dock, did
you ever think that I was your nephew? Uncle, it’s good to have an idea, but you also have to
weigh it, can you? You can eat it."

His second uncle sipped his blood: "It's Laozi's inferior skill. Kill if you want to. Don't fucking
play with those imaginary things."

"Chen Xing."

Chen Xing jumped when he heard his name suddenly . : "Huh?"

"Are you afraid?" Lin Xiucheng asked him.

"Not afraid." Chen Xing replied.

Lin Xiucheng pointed at his second uncle with his chin, and said, "What do you think of him?"


Not very good," Chen Xing said honestly, "he wanted to sell me." Lin Xiucheng asked
someone to hand him a gun: "Give you a chance."

He didn't say anything, Chen Xing also knew what opportunity this was. This was an
opportunity for Lin Xiu to admit Ke, and it was also a bait for him to step into the abyss. With this
shot, Chen Xing never looked back.

Chen Xing took the gun and lit the middle-aged man who was kneeling on the ground. The
bloody man raised his head and looked at him too, and resisted not begging for mercy.

Chen Xing did not hesitate to fight, when he was fourteen years old, he fought with others,
opened a mouth in his stomach, and blood shed all over the place. When he was sent to the
hospital, the financial sister Xiaoyu of the orphanage was watching him by his bed, her eyes
were crying and swollen.

After lying down for two days, Chen Xing finally woke up, her face pale with too much blood
loss, she was reluctant to beat and scold, and a string of tears fell down. She said: "Chen Xing,
if you do this again in the future, I really don’t care. You're here."

Chen Xing softly coaxed her for a long time, and promised her that she would never do such
dangerous things in the future so that she would not cry. She looked at Chen Xing with worry, as
if she didn't believe him at all.

Sister Xiaoyu was right, Chen Xing was going to break his promise now.

He took the gun and he was heavier than he thought. Chen Xing pretended to be indifferent,
pressing his index finger on the trigger, pressing his thumb against the handle, gritting his teeth,
and trying his best to stop shaking his right wrist, he was about to lift his index finger, Lin
Suddenly, Xiu Cheng spoke again.

"Forget it." He clasped Chen Xing's wrist, took his gun, and shot his second uncle in the

The middle-aged man’s brain burst into Chen Xing's shoes. He was wearing black sneakers,
with red and white muddy sticking to the tongue of his shoes. His eyes were fixed on the hot
corpse on the ground.

Lin Xiucheng put the gun back on the table, stretched out his hand to cover Chen Xing's
eyes, turned his body and pushed towards the door: "Let's go, what can I do."

On the way back, the two said nothing.

As soon as he got into the car, Lin Xiucheng pulled a few paper towels and wiped the upper
of Chen Xing's shoes.

He admitted that he regretted taking Chen Xing to see his second uncle.

Lin Xiucheng had a hard-hearted heart, not moved by life or death, but watching Chen Xing
hold the gun with a pair of young pale and slender hands, his hands trembled slightly, just like a
person who hadn't deteriorated, he suddenly felt It was foolish to bring Chen Xing over and let
him shoot.

He can call Chen Xing bad, or he doesn't want to call Chen Xing bad. Lin Xiucheng is the
manipulator, and this does not need to be proved by anything.
Chapter 4

The day went on, Lin Xiucheng finally gave him a credit card and home key. Chen Xing went
to the language school during the day and wandered outside at night. The bodyguard sent by
Lin Xiucheng was thrown away by him several times, but Kari didn’t. I don’t know what to do
with the records I’ve scanned.

Lin Xiucheng heard Chen Xing talk to him several times, and then told him not to let the
bodyguard follow. If he doesn't kill people, Lin Xiu will let him go. If he really kills people,
then...we will discuss at that time.

One Friday, Chen Xing left class and received news from Lin Xiucheng that he was waiting for
him at the gate of his school. When Chen Xing went downstairs, he saw a sloppy sports car. Lin
Xiucheng got out of the car and helped him lift the car door.

"Dad, the car is good," Chen Xing exclaimed, and one person behind his schoolbag. "When
will you get one for your son?"

Lin Xiucheng glanced at him: "Take you to dinner today and meet someone."

"Where is it sacred ." Huh?" Chen Xing asked.

"My cousin."

Chen Xing became interested: "What do I need to do?"

"No need."

"Do you have a good relationship with him?" Chen Xing asked interestedly, "It's the same kind
of wanting to fight you. Your life-and-death relatives?"


Chen Xing glared at him with the gear lever, "Can you not answer so briefly?"

"No." Lin Xiucheng said Shi Ran.

Chen Xing rolled his eyes, put his legs on the guard plate in front of him, put his shoes on the
front wind window, put his hands behind his head, closed his eyes leisurely, and enjoyed the
London evening breeze on a rare sunny day.

His cousin is Gu Qing, a freelance photographer who lives in an unfixed home and comes
and goes like wind. The only junior in the family who can really talk to Lin Xiucheng.
Lin Xiucheng's grandfather had only one son of his father who was included in the genealogy.
The upper brother, the lower three brothers and one sister were all illegitimate children. His
grandfather was indifferent to the other children and only paid for daily expenses.

After his parents' plane crash, his grandfather let a few uncles get involved in the work of the
edge of the star. It was clearly written in the will that if something happened to Lin Xiucheng, all
his property was donated.

Later, Grandpa Lin Xiucheng also left. Gu Qing’s parents immigrated to the United States. Lin
Xiucheng was in power and was too lazy to take care of these shrimp soldiers. Uncles thought
that Lin Xiucheng was afraid of them. .

It's a pity that he was so stupid that his second uncle passed away in an accident. He thought
it was his bad luck. During the family gathering, he felt that he could not walk at night. The
South Second District was not safe, and Lin Xiucheng couldn't help but laugh.

Lin Xiucheng adopted an unknown little boy and threatened to pass on his career to him. This
is terrible. The gossip was spread to the other side of the sea. Gu Qing heard his mother tell him
that he happened to be in Europe. For commercial auctions, Chen Xing must be seen.

Lin Xiucheng didn't intend to hide it, so he brought Chen Xing.

When he arrived at the restaurant, Lin Xiucheng gave the car to the parking attendant and led
Chen Xing inside.

As soon as Chen Xing arrived at the door, he was stopped, saying that he was disheveled
and he was not allowed to enter.

Chen Xing was helplessly facing Lin Xiucheng. He is used to dressing casually. This day, he
has a T-shirt with big pants and a pair of flip flops.

Lin Xiucheng has always looked like a dog in a suit and leather shoes. He is used to Chen
Xing's lack of frills at home. For a while, he forgot to mention the dining etiquette.

Gu Qing called and asked him why he couldn't get it yet.

Lin Xiucheng looked at the nonchalant Chen Xing speechlessly, and told Gu Qing that Chen
Xing's disheveled clothes had been stopped and asked him to come out.

The two stood at the door listening to Gu Qing's bold laugh from far and near. After leaving
the restaurant, he first saw Lin Xiucheng, and then focused on Chen Xing beside him.

Chen Xing is also observing him.

Gu Qing looked at him for a while, whistled, and opened his hand to him: "Hello, this is Gu
Qing, Lin Xiucheng told you, I am his cousin."

Chen Xing reached out and shook hands with him: "I'm Chen Xing, Lin Xiucheng told you, I'm
his son."

Gu Qing laughed again when he heard this, and said, "Baby, you are wonderful, how about I
take a set of photos for you?"

Chen Xing didn't know anything, and looked at him cautiously.

"That's the look in his eyes," Chen Xing moved a step forward, leaning back slightly, avoiding

"Don't be pestered," Lin Xiucheng sighed, "Change the place."

Chen Xing dressed up, don't even want to go in the high-end restaurant, Gu Qing flashed:
"Vincent, the Chinese restaurant next to our high school is still open. Are you still there?" The

two hit it off, ignoring Chen Xing's feelings, and drove to the high school they were studying

More than a decade ago, the Chinese in London couldn't integrate into the upper class no
matter how rich they were.

Lin Xiucheng’s grandfather was a warlord, and he hated it so much that he wanted to please
these British guys. The two went to several private schools. The principal looked down on
others and rejected all his grandchildren, and simply let them go to the neighborhood. A public
high school.

There is a Chinese restaurant next to the high school. It is medium grade. The proprietress is
very enthusiastic. The chef cooks delicious food. Lin Xiucheng and Gu Qing often eat it when
they are in high school.

Not only did the Chinese restaurant not close down, but it also expanded its facade to occupy
a corner of two floors. When Chen Xing got out of the car, his steps were stagnant, as if he was
a little nervous. Lin Xiucheng noticed his strangeness and glanced at him.

The little girl welcoming guests at the door was beautiful, dressed in a cheongsam, and her
eyes were wide round to pull the door for them. Lin Xiucheng and Gu Qing went in. When Chen
Xing passed her, Lin Xiucheng heard a low exclamation from behind, he Looking sideways,
Chen Xing squeezed the girl's face with a grin.
Lin Xiucheng smiled slightly and walked forward.

During the dinner, Chen Xing was absent-minded, and after taking a few bites, he randomly
found an excuse to ran out to find a girl.

"Your son," Gu Qing considered it, "interesting."

Lin Xiucheng smiled and said nothing.

"Why adopt him?" Gu Qing asked.

Lin Xiucheng shook his head: "It's not an adoption, the guardianship is nothing more. This kid
has been cheated. The Chen family actually applied for a student visa for him and found a man
to be a guardian. If he died in the UK..."

Gu Qing Frowning, he doesn't like to listen to these things.

"Don't talk about it," Lin Xiucheng changed the subject and asked about his aunt's body. His
aunt was kind to him.

The time for a meal passed by talking and laughing, very short.

Back home, it was past nine o'clock, Chen Xing took a step back and threw forward into the
soft sofa.

He moved a lot, the hem of the T-shirt turned up, revealing a white and thin waist, the calf line
in the pants is soft and beautiful, and the ankle is very thin. Lin Xiucheng can pinch him off with
one hand.

Lin Xiucheng walked to the sofa and sat down, and asked, "It's only been a month since I
came to the UK, and the girls have been soaked."

Chen Xing was exposed, his face was not red and his heart beats, and he turned to look at
him: "Is it right? The wind is

rising ." "How many bases did you play?" Lin Xiucheng teased him.

Chen Xing was stunned for a moment, and immediately stared at him: "What's

unbelievable , we are spiritually in love! Ugly adults." Lin Xiucheng thought, and asked him in
a low voice, "Aren't you okay?"

Chen Fortunately, his face was red, and he jumped up and raised his leg to kick Lin
Xiucheng, but Lin Xiucheng grabbed it and pressed it to the ground.
Lin Xiucheng's hand squeezed Chen Xing's little brother and rubbed it a few times. Chen Xing
was itchy, embarrassed, and furious. Lin Xiucheng looked gentle, but in fact he was so powerful
that he couldn't get rid of it no matter how hard he tried. .

After squeezing for a while, Lin Xiucheng finally let go of him with a big laugh.

"I'm only sixteen years old, what's wrong with the lack of development?! Isn't it funny?!" Chen
Xing's teeth squeaked and his hair exploded.

Lin Xiucheng hadn't been so happy for a long time. He pressed Chen Xing's thin shoulders
hard: "Come on, young man."

Chen Xing grabbed a pillow and pressed it to Lin Xiucheng's face, and fled back to the room
like he did.

Chapter 5

After more than a month, Chen Xing ushered in a period of confusion at the age of sixteen.

Mary is going to break up with him-he has talked with his girlfriend for 67 days, Chinese name
Ma Li, 21 years old, work-study Chinese restaurant waitress.

She and Chen Xing made an appointment by the fountain in the center of the street. The
square was filled with strange graffiti. The skateboarders were jumping with music on the side of
the square, causing passers-by to stop and watch.

The two of them sat on the side of the road with the hot dogs bought in the dining car in their

Mary stopped talking for a while, biting her lip and asked him, "Do you dislike me?"

" I like it," Chen Xing said.

"But," Mary hinted, "if you like me, why can't you give me a hot hug in the lonely night."

Chen Xing understood, but he was really powerless, he could only play stupid: "What hug? I
have access control at night, and Dad won’t let me go out."

Mary looked at Chen Xing’s face idiotically for a while, and said heartbreakingly: "Xiao Xing,
let's break up. You are too young for us to fit."
Chen Xing was silent.

After saying goodbye to Mary, Chen Xing wandered the street boringly, and his first love
ended without a problem. He ran into Mary at the fountain in the middle of the street, and fell in
love again at the fountain in the middle of the street. Thinking of him, an invincible and beautiful
young man, he was defeated by development.

Lin Xiucheng's call came, and he asked Chen Xing, "Where are you?"

Chen Xing said the location, and Lin Xiucheng asked him to wait, so he came to pick him up.

Twenty minutes later he arrived and told Chen Xing in a good mood: "Take you to a big scene
today, and you can stand up for me."

He took Chen Xing to Bond Street to buy a set of ready-to-wear clothes to join the routine
family. The party was not a big event, but Lin Xiucheng found it interesting. He wanted to make
Chen Xing brightly dressed and scared them.

This is a tradition left by his grandfather. Every two or three months, the whole family gathers
together for an afternoon. For the grandfather, this gathering is for the stupid son, for the uncles
and uncles, it is for investigating the enemy's situation, and for Lin Xiucheng, it is for adjusting

Gu Qing's work in Europe was over, and he was going back to the United States. Lin
Xiucheng looked at his watch. It was almost two months since the last party. He didn't bring
Chen Xing with him at the last party. Several old guys scratched their heads and scratched their
ears. He told him about his adopted son, and dangled their appetites until now, it was almost
time for Chen Xing to meet guests.

As usual, the party was held in the old mansion in Oxford.

Lin Xiucheng and Chen Xing picked up Gu Qing and drove towards Oxford.

Along the way, Chen Xing was in a daze, Gu Qing teased him and didn't want to talk.

The car drove into the iron gate. Several cousins ​were having a BBQ in the yard. Seeing Lin
Xiucheng's car coming in, they all seemed to beckon him enthusiastically. The whole family only
waited for Lin Xiucheng to bring his son to the stage. They got out of the car and the
surroundings were quiet.

After two or three seconds, several elders walked over graciously: "This is Chen Xing!
Welcome to join our big family."
Chen Xing nodded to them politely, leaning closer to Lin Xiucheng, with his arms tight. Next to

After saying hello, the uncle took Lin Xiucheng to talk. Chen Xing and Gu Qing were helping
with barbecue in the garden. He quietly said to Gu Qing, "Lin Xiucheng really lives in the deep

"You are finally willing to do so ." Talk to me," Gu Qing lowered his head and bit his ears.
"Vincent is playing cat and mouse. He has a very perverted hobby. You have to be careful."

Chen Xing curled his mouth and skewered his barbecue.

Lin Xiucheng’s ten cousins, except for Gu Qing, who has traveled far and wide, have not had
a proper image. They all looked at Chen Xing with the bad impression of chewing the root of
their tongue countless times at home, and felt that this was Lin Xiucheng’s shield. The little duck

But Gu Qing was by his side, they didn't dare to say anything, they just greeted him, and
talked with him without a good face, and introduced themselves.

Chen Xing was alone, he didn't know what to see through, and stayed with Gu Qing every
step of the way.

After having a barbecue in the afternoon, a few children who were still in school couldn't eat
dinner and clamored to go to the backyard basketball court to play. Lin Xiucheng's 18-year-old
cousin Lin Xiuyan is the son of his second uncle. Today, the second sister-in-law did not come,
but Lin Xiuyan still came to the party. His father had just died, and his face was gloomy after all.

He said, "Chen Xing, go with us."

Chen Xing looked back at Lin Xiucheng. Lin Xiucheng couldn't see the expression, and Chen
Xing couldn't see whether he wanted to go or not. The two faced each other silently for a few
seconds. Xiucheng waved his hand gently: "Go if you want."

Chen Xing lowered his head and smiled, and then said to Lin Xiu: "Okay,

let's go !" When they left, Gu Qing asked Lin Xiucheng, "Such a delicate skin.

Meaty little baby, you are not afraid of being swallowed by those little brothers." Lin Xiucheng
smiled and said, "Gu Qing, you still don't know how to look at people."

Chen Xing's eyes are so cruel that you can raise it in a day or two. It should be his little
cousins ​who came out.
Gu Qing shook his head: "Don't

tell me, I will never understand you people." Gu Qing and Lin Xiucheng go to school together,
but have always lived outside with his aunt and uncle, and never touched Lin's affairs. The living
environment is very good. simple.

He didn't understand many of Lin Xiucheng's practices, but he respected him.

Those who didn’t have a barbecue in the afternoon had dinner together. Lin Xiucheng’s
uncles talked a lot of nonsense. He was very impatient. He just wanted to talk. When the
assistant's phone came, he wanted to ask him for urgent matters. He came just right and walked
out. Door to listen.

The assistant said the urgent matter was that Derrick, a British who was cooperating with his
second uncle to eat his goods, escaped from under their hands. Lin Xiucheng asked about the
situation and walked a few steps to the back of the house. He heard the young people smashing
basketballs on the ground. With a bang, he stopped moving forward, standing in the small cedar
woods his grandfather had planted, looking at the lights of the basketball court.

Chen Xing is not high, his basketball is pretty good, and his style of play is very bad. Just five
minutes after Lin Xiu took the call, Lin Xiuyan, who took the lead in targeting him, suffered a lot
of misery.

Lin Xiucheng and his assistant confessed something, hung up the phone and just wanted to
leave, and found that there was a dispute on the court. Lin Xiuyan and his third uncle's youngest
son Lin Xiuyu pushed Chen Xing here. The other teenagers looked around on the basketball
court, not daring to participate in their quarrel.

Lin Xiucheng didn't even think about whether he was going to stand up or turned his head to
walk. The three stopped. The woods were dark, Lin Xiucheng remained motionless and made
no sound. No one noticed where he was and immediately quarreled.

"Aren't you the one who fucks my brother's asshole?" Lin Xiuyu's voice was loud, "What do
you really think you are?"

Lin Xiucheng didn't expect that one day he would stand in the dark and listen to other
people's corners, but he has no sense of shame. After hearing what Lin Xiuyu said, I was
curious about how Chen Xing would refute, and continued listening with great interest, holding
his arms.

Chen Xing laughed lowly, with a flattering voice in his voice that made people feel tickled. He
said: "That's because I have to work hard in bed, so Master Xiu is willing to raise me as a son.
Just like you, give He doesn't fuck him for a billion."
Lin Xiuyu stretched out his hand to beat him, but Chen Xing grabbed his wrist with his
backhand, arched his back and threw him to the ground, and slammed his foot on Lin Xiuyu's
shoulder. Lin Xiuyu cried out in pain, as if his bones were torn apart by him, everyone shrank
and trembled.

Lin Xiuyan also took action. He has practiced self-defense and he is better than Lin Xiuyu.
With his right hand, he cuts Chen Xing's neck with a hand knife. Chen Xingmao hid his waist,
kicked his leg, and Lin Xiuyan rushed forward. Chen Xing, the two rolled to the ground and
started fighting. Chen Xing was sixteen years old, and his strength and height were not as good
as the eighteen-year-old Lin Xiuyan, but he was experienced in fighting and went crazy. Lin
Xiuyan was quickly defeated and beaten by Chen Xing. .

After a few beatings, Chen Xing suddenly fucked, jumped off Lin Xiuyan, kicked Lin Xiuyan's
lower body hard, and a series of swear words came out of his mouth.

Several people on the basketball court saw that they were almost playing, and they all came
over to persuade them to fight.

Seeing that the good show was almost over, Lin Xiucheng turned and walked back to the
main house.

After half an hour, several people came back with bruises and swollen noses, but Chen Xing
was not seen.

Lin Xiucheng's several uncles criticized Sang and scolded Huai and asked him what was
going on with his adopted son. He had no education at all.

Lin Xiucheng called Chen Xing in front of them, and it rang a few times before connecting.

"Dad, are you looking for me?" Chen Xing said over there.

Lin Xiucheng suppressed his laughter. He asked, "Why did you beat your brothers?"

"Didn't you hear them all?" Chen Xing asked back.

Lin Xiucheng's smile faded a little: "Come back and apologize."

Chen Xing took the phone directly.

Lin Xiucheng showed everyone that he was hung up, and sighed: "

My son is old, and I can't control it anymore." A group of old and young family members
watched dumbfoundedly as the two people sang and singed together.
After Lin Xiucheng said that he had something to leave, Gu Qing followed him.

"Vincent, I live at your house tonight." Gu Qing said.

"You can't even stay in a hotel?"

Gu Qing said seriously: "I want to take a set of photos of Chen Xing. You don't know. When I
saw him, I felt that the Muse had favored me, and I wanted to catch her. "

Lin Xiucheng smiled and shook his head. He doesn't understand these photographers, but he
also respects Gu Qing: "Tell him yourself."

"A few of their injuries were really caused by Chen Xing?" Gu Qing asked." …It hurts when I
look at it."

Lin Xiuyan limped into the door with his crotch, covered with cold sweat, and the man felt the

"Probably." Lin Xiucheng said conservatively.

Gu Qing shuddered.

Lin Xiucheng took Gu Qing back to his apartment. Chen Xing was watching TV in the living
room. He nodded when he saw the two of them enter the door.

Gu Qing dragged his camera box and asked Chen Xing, "Xiaoxing, how about I take a set of
photos for you?"

Chen Xing watched Bruce Lee on TV, and after a while he said, "What pictures, do you have
money to take?"

"The money I gave you is not enough for you?" Lin Xiucheng interrupted, and he gave Chen
Xing a picture and two. A credit card with a 100,000 pound limit, "

I have a big appetite." "I like the money I earn." Chen Xing turned his head, put his thumb and
forefinger together and rubbed it twice, "cash."

"How much do you want?" Gu Qing ask him.

Chen Xing said, "I don't know the quotation. You can give it to me."

Gu Qing agreed, opened the metal protective box, and took out a camera and lens to install
"Is this to start shooting?" Chen Xing was surprised. He hadn't taken a shower yet, and took
off his suit jacket when he returned home. The shirt unbuttoned two buttons, revealing a small
piece of skin on his chest. "Big night."

Gu Qing said directly . He took a picture with Chen Xing: "You can watch your movie."

Chen Xing leaned in to see the photo, but Gu Qing refused: "I paid, you go and sit down."

Chen Xing heard him say this. , Sat back angrily.

The next day was Sunday, Chen Xing still had no class, and stayed outside with Gu Qing for
a day. The shutter sound made his ears callous.

Gu Qing told him to feed the fat squirrel with a giggle on the lawn of Hyde Park, and then let
him go to the British Library to read books.

As soon as the photo was taken, Gu Qing rushed back to the United States overnight and
told Chen Xing Chou Lao to wait for him to release the film. Chen Xing also talked casually,
forgetting the incident.

Only two weeks later, Lin Xiucheng received an email with a large attachment in his private

Gu Qing called across the ocean: "This is Chen Xing's photo, you help me give it to him, the
production rate is too high, almost no color correction, too perfect!"

Lin Xiucheng downloaded it and looked at it for a long time.

The Chen Xing recorded in Gu Qing's lens looks incredible.

He stayed lazily in Lin Xiucheng’s house in a shirt and trousers, drinking water and watching
TV, cooking in an apron, sitting on the stairs in a daze, reading a book between the bookshelves
with glasses, rolling on the grass, laughing. Standing on the banks of the Thames and chatting
with passers-by.

The smile on Chen Xing's beautiful face has nothing to do with the gloomy and malicious
hints. With his brows stretched out, either relaxed and lively, or quiet and pleasant, he has
turned back into a true sixteen-year-old boy.

He called back to Gu Qing again: "What are you going to use this set of photos for?"

"If you don't do anything, just put it on the website and let others see my superb photography
skills." Gu Qing said honestly, "Yes. Yes, you can help me get some cash for him. I inquired
about— " "Did you put it on?" Lin Xiucheng interrupted him.

"Not yet."

"I bought it with you, how much is it?" Lin Xiu admitted and asked him.

Gu Qing was stunned: "What do you mean by you?"

"It's just that you don't keep the negatives to buy out, how do you sell in your circle?"

"What the hell," Gu Qing was confused by Lin Xiucheng Shui, "That's

how you buy

pornographic photos ." "Whatever way you buy, don't put it anywhere ." Gu Qing said, and
finally understood what Lin Xiucheng meant. He said, "I know. No money, I just wanted to take a
picture of Chen Xing. You don’t want me to post it. I’m not going to post it. There are so many
twists and

turns with me.” After a while, Gu Qing suddenly sent him a screenshot. It was on his social
software. He edited the photo late last night and posted a profile of Chen Xing. There were tens
of thousands of likes under the photo. Many people commented excitedly below and asked
which model it was.

"Can I not delete this one?" Gu Qing asked him after sending a message with a pitiful

Lin Xiucheng reluctantly replied: "Okay."

Lin Xiucheng had a dinner at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in the evening. Before
going to the dinner, he asked his assistant to withdraw a sum of money and cash. The assistant
looked at the number on his cheque and thought he had read it wrong.

After drinking for three rounds, no one dared to persuade Lin Xiu to accept the wine. He went
downstairs soberly, and the driver and assistant waited for him at the entrance of the hotel.
When he got in the car, the assistant gave him a password box: "The cash you want." It

was more than ten o'clock when he got home. Chen Xing didn't know what to do this day. He
went to bed very early. He didn't like to close the door when he went to bed. Concealed.

Lin Xiucheng pushed open the door and carried the code box in. First, he stood by his bed
and looked at it for a while. When opening the code box, the lock clicked. Chen Xing frowned in
his sleep, murmured, and changed another. A more comfortable posture.
Lin Xiucheng placed stacks of cash on Chen Xing's bedside table, and then dimmed the
bedside lamp for him before going out and approaching the door thoughtfully.

As soon as he went out, Chen Xing opened his eyes, and his peach blossom eyes were still
sleepy. He was awakened by the sound of opening the safe.

He stretched out a hand, touched the stack of cash from top to bottom, slid his slender fingers
across the banknotes, picked two or three swords into his arms, and continued to dream his
sweet dreams.

Chapter 6

Ever since Chen Xing got a sum of money on his bedside table, he has been thinking about
spending some.

He has no girlfriend to let him spend money, so he plans to go shopping in the mall and add
something like a big brother to himself.

When Chen Xing was young, an art teacher saw him inviting people and gave him a
self-made coin purse. Chen Xing carried him every day, but there was never a penny in his

When he was in junior high school, orphanage drizzle sister came to see his purse empty
bag, stuffed with a few random little girl handed him a piece of paper, sometimes buy things to
find leftover change into the wallet Chen Hsing

Chen Fortunately, he doesn’t have much desire for anything. When he goes out, he is invited
by his unidentified gangster brothers to eat, smokes other people’s cigarettes and rubs other
people’s drinks. The gangster circles in small cities all know that Chen Xing from Qingcheng No.
2 Middle School looks good with fists. , Is a potential stock in the future. Everyone is rushing to
build a relationship with him. He has never tasted the taste of being rich, and he hasn't missed
anything in detail.

Neither the money nor the note in the small coin purse had been moved. He brought England
and threw it into the drawer of the room.

Now, the drawers were neatly filled with money bricks with the queen's head printed on them.

Chen Xing took a handful of a few dollars, stuffed it into his school bag, and checked the
"London shopping spot" and "the most luxurious place" on the computer, went downstairs to hire
a taxi, and went straight to Searle on Oxford Street. Forridge.
He entered a glittering jewellery shop at the door, carrying a schoolbag on one shoulder,
examining the diamond watch on the counter, and figuring out which piece he had enough
money to buy.

The beautiful white sales lady politely asked him if there was anything that could help him.
Chen Xing said, just take a look.

Two people came in at the door, looking like a father and son. Chen Xing turned his back to
them and didn't notice at first until the young man yelled.

"Dad, this watch is so beautiful!" His voice was as sweet as honey, and Chen Xing couldn't
help but glance back. A mixed-race youth coquettishly took a Chinese middle-aged man's arm.
This man was exactly Chen Xing's. Father.

He also saw Chen Xing, and he was stunned for two seconds. He looked surprised: "

Why-why are you here?" "Why can't I be here?" Chen Xing asked strangely, "Where should I

Chen Fortunately, his biological father frowned, took a step back, and took the young man
away. The young man asked him, "Who is that?"

He walked quickly like a plague, calming the young man: "I don't care."

Chen Xing was "unimportant" for no reason. He was very upset. He walked to the counter
that the two of them had just looked at and asked, "Which watch did he look at?" The

salesman unlocked the window and took it. A watch is indeed good-looking.

"How much?" he asked.

The salesperson said a number. The cash he brought was definitely not enough, and Chen
Xing hesitated.

At the same time, there was a thick file lying on Lin Xiucheng's desk.

It has been more than three months since Lin Xiucheng became Chen Xing's guardian. Lin
Xiucheng never believed him credulously. Besides, Chen Xing was of unknown origin. He asked
someone to conduct a detailed investigation on Chen Xing.

Chen Xing’s experience in Qingcheng can be explained with a single page, but the reason for
his birth and his mother are not so easy to find. When he was born, the Chen family was in full
swing and used money and power to cover up many things. Now that sixteen years have
passed, the truth has long been buried under layers of masonry.
The investigators spent a lot of effort and traveled to several countries to find out the causes
and consequences of Chen Xing’s life experience. They made a document about Chen Xing’s
ignorance and gave it to Lin Xiu. Accept.

Lin Xiucheng opened the file and looked at it carefully.

Chen Xing's mother is Lu Yao, a girl born in an ordinary family. There is only one daughter in
her family. She went bankrupt and sent her to Austria to learn the violin. Lu Yao in the photo is
pure and beautiful, with the shyness of Xiaojiabiyu.

Chen Xing's biological father Chen Zian met Lu Yao while traveling in Austria, and the two
young men fell in love.

The Chen family naturally opposed Chen Zian marrying such a girl with no background, but at
that time Lu Yao was pregnant, and the two drank affectionately. In order to escape the control
of the Chen family, they eloped back to China and gave birth to Chen Xing in Qingcheng. .

When Chen Xing was only five months old, Chen Zian found that love could not be a meal.
His young master could not live such a poor life. He contacted the Chen family and returned to
the UK.

Lu Yao was unmarried and gave birth, so she did not dare to contact her family members who
had high hopes for her. She could only raise Chen Xing on odd jobs. Under heavy pressure, she
suffered from depression. Finally, in the morning, she took Chen Xing. Abandoned at the gate of
the Qingcheng Orphanage, he went back to the small rental room and swallowed the sleeping
pills that he had prepared for a long time.

After returning home, Chen Zian married the daughter of a wealthy British businessman, and
the two gave birth to a son. Over the years, wealthy British businessmen have gone bankrupt,
and the Chen family has gradually declined. He has never wanted to find this out-of-home
grandson in the past.

Last year, Chen Zian’s wife passed away. He remembered his eldest son. When he returned
to China, he went to Qingcheng for random investigations and found Chen Xing. Originally, he
really wanted Chen Xing to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. In the final analysis,
he and Lu Yao fell in love.

Before the formalities started, something happened to the Chen family.

A desperate investment in a real estate project in China was half done, and a big scandal
broke out. For this project, the loan company of the Chen family and Lin Xiucheng borrowed a
lot of funds. not coming back. Lin Xiucheng's second uncle heard people say that the Chen
family had a young son who was good-looking, and became malicious, and asked them to bring
that son out to play with Lin Xiucheng.

The Chen family panicked now. The youngest son is their family's treasure. Of course, Chen
Zian is not willing. He thought of an idea—he wanted to bring Chen Xing to the UK quietly, and
when the deal was done, he told the elders in the family that it was just right, and he simply
pushed Chen Xing out as a scapegoat.

Chen Zian told his father that instead of blaming him for his own opinion, his father praised
him for doing well, so the procedures for acknowledging his son disappeared, and he gave
Chen Xing an offer from a language school and a visa. Come abroad.

Lin Xiucheng looked at the file and couldn't tell what it was like.

Not long after Chen Xing was born, Chen Zian abandoned him. Now Chen Xing is living like a
fish in Qingcheng, he rushed to recognize him, but halfway through the recognition, he wanted
to push him out to humiliate his young son.

Some of the documents were missing. There was even a copy of the operating order and the
laboratory test report that Chen Xing was in a fight with someone at the age of fourteen. There
were also a lot of cases where Chen Xing went to the hospital to see injuries and dispense
medicines. Chen Xing’s years have been a far cry from Chen Zian’s youngest son. When Chen
Zian’s youngest son was wearing luxury brand children’s clothing and was attending an
aristocratic kindergarten, Chen Xing was fighting and tearing at the corner of the orphanage.
Chen Zian The youngest son of Chen Xing was born with a golden spoon in his hand, and he
was very much loved, while Chen Xing, he had nothing.

It is meaningless for a father like Chen Zian to live in this world.

On Lin Xiucheng's computer screen, a photo taken by Gu Qing's help for Chen Xing was
opened. In the photo, Chen Xing was leaning against the iron bars of Tower Bridge in London,
smiling triumphantly and proudly. He put the documents into the shredder one by one, none of
these things should be known to Chen Xing.

Lin Xiucheng called his subordinates: "From now on, the monitoring in Chen Xing's room and
the monitoring on the mobile phone will be removed."

Not long after, Chen Xing called Lin Xiucheng.

"Dad, I saw a beautiful watch!"

Chen Xing couldn't help but learn the tone of the boy, and Lin Xiucheng frowned upon
hearing: "Speak well."
"I want to buy a watch, but it's expensive. I can use it. Is your card?" He returned to normal
and reported the number that the salesperson told him just now.

"You can swipe your card," Lin Xiucheng said, "Don't ask me for such cheap things in the

Chen Xing paid the money, registered the information for the sales lady, stuffed the exquisite
shopping bag into the school bag, and walked out of the mall.

His mind was full of the appearance of his biological father and the mixed-race boy.

He should be his half-brother, he looks like a careless young master, his chestnut hair has
been carefully groomed, his hair is soft and shiny, his clothes are very delicate and beautiful,
and his expression is full of dependence on his father. .

Chen Xing scratched his hair, then lowered his head to look at the flip-flops on his feet. The
five snow-white toes were exposed in the wind and rain, and they were sloppy and sloppy.

But today he bought the watch his brother wanted to buy. Chen Xing touched his schoolbag
with his backhand and thought to himself that it was given to him by his current father, no worse
than the boy's.

He kept walking on the road and was not in a high mood. He happened to pass by a
supermarket. He entered the store and wanted to buy cigarettes and alcohol to relieve boredom.
The clerk looked at his face and asked him for a passport. Chen Xing's passport was in his bag,
but he was under eighteen years old, Chen Xing sighed and went home.

Lin Xiucheng was already at home for the first time. Chen Xing looked at the wall clock on the
wall and said, "What time is it? Are you unemployed?"

"What watch did you buy, show me." Lin Xiucheng was on the laptop. I beat him up and
asked him when he came back.

Chen Xing sat down, crossed his legs, unzipped the zipper of his school bag, cultivated a
packaging bag, and threw it to Lin Xiucheng.

Lin Xiucheng took out the box, opened it, and studied it for a while: "A very ordinary watch."

Chen Xing said, thinking for a while, and asked Lin Xiucheng, "Do you have any alcohol? And

Lin Xiucheng raised his head. Come and observe him carefully: "Are you unhappy?" "Are you

there?" Chen Xing hugged his knees and looked at him.

Lin Xiucheng got up, went to the wine cabinet to find a bottle of XO, and found out the green
tea drink Chen Xing loved to drink from the refrigerator and put it on the coffee table, and said:
"If there is no smoke, just drink this."

"Foreign wine," Chen Xing muttered "I've only drank the black, mixed with water."

Lin Xiucheng ridiculed him while trying to make wine for him: "In London, you are a foreigner."

Chen Xing picked up the glass and took a sip: "There is no taste of alcohol at all."

Lin Xiucheng's wine is not weak, and Chen Xing drank a few times and got a little bit

He and Lin Xiucheng said, "Lin Xiucheng, if I can choose my father, I must choose you like

Lin Xiucheng knew that Chen Xing must have encountered something during the day. He
didn't ask, but followed him and said, "How am I?"

"Strong." Chen Xing lowered his eyes and shook the glass before he said.

Chen Xing turned his back to his bones. He was too beautiful, and his situation was more
difficult than others. He had to be very strong to convince people from all directions and not dare
to make his mind.

Chen Xing slept in the Qingcheng Orphanage on the bottom of the bed, and the wall was
covered with boxing star posters. Chen Xing longed to become stronger, not disdainful of
tenderness, but he never got it, and no longer will. Forced.

"If I fired that shot, would everything be different now?" Chen Xing muttered to himself.

Lin Xiucheng looked at Chen Xing's drunk state and his true feelings, and his clean hands,
and told him, "I hope you never have a chance to shoot."

Chapter 7

Chen Xing has always felt that there is nothing in this world that he doesn't want to do, and he
can't do it without him.

After attending a language class for more than four months, he jumped from elementary level
to intermediate level. The classmates have also become more normal. Most of them are 13 or
14-year-old peers, from Greece to France, everywhere. Everyone communicates with each
other, and they have some fresh fun. There is only one northern boy named Jiang Zhengzhen,
who has a violent temper and a stingy head.

As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in a mountain. Chen Xing and Jiang
Zhengzhen are like two bullies in this mountain. They have to fight for a life and death, and ask
everyone to see who is the real boss in the class. There was no reason for this kind of hatred to
breed, and there was no trace of the outbreak. The two had been fighting secretly for a long
time, and finally found a cause and had a fight.

A long-planned fight was very destructive. Jiang Zhengzhen was more powerful than Chen
Xing had imagined. Most of the classroom tables and chairs were broken by them, and a
projector was broken. A trembling old English gentleman. James almost picked up the phone to
call the police.

Lin Xiucheng’s second aunt didn’t know where she heard that there was a problem with her
second uncle’s death, so she came to his company to clamor for an explanation, pulled her for a
noon, and asked the security to invite her away. The assistant came over and told him that Chen
Xing had a fight at school, and the school insisted on looking for Chen Xing's guardian.

Lin Xiucheng smashed a cup and had to go to Chen Xing School again. The assistant rushed
forward and pushed the door for him into the office.

Lin Xiucheng thought perfect in the car, and taught Chen Xing a lesson. Pushing open the
door, it's not the same thing.

Chen Xing’s right cheek was a little red, swollen and scratched on the base of his ear, his
elbow was green, and his finger joints were bruised. He stood alone, watching Lin Xiucheng
come, without saying a word, biting his lip. , blinked Taohua Yan look at him, the fog Man in the
eyes, with a point of grievance, no longer in the past that roam the mountains to the sea look
like, he called Linxiu Cheng:. "Dad"

Linxiu Cheng suddenly go on the air in half, His voice became softer, and he asked the
principal of the language school: "What's the matter?"

The school principal is a forty-year-old British woman, rigid and arrogant, she said: "They are
not willing to say, Mr. Lin, I hope you will discipline your children, otherwise you should look for a
language school run by your Chinese, I Such students are not welcome here."

Lin Xiucheng often thinks these superior British people are interesting, not only want to earn
Chinese money, but also feel that he is different from those bitches.

"Okay, then we won't read it." Lin Xiucheng chewed her head, led Chen Xing and left.

"I won't learn anymore!" Jiang Zhengzhen yelled in English with a heavy accent from behind.
After leaving the school and getting in the car, Lin Xiucheng calmed down and asked Chen
Xing patiently what kind of fight he was fighting.

Chen Xing jumped up again now, a thin white joint with a green-red seal on the back of the
seat, and angrily said with Lin Xiucheng: "Jiang Zhengzhen, this stupid, said that I was taking
care of me in a luxury car every day. Bear it, I actually said that I have a Niang

Pao accent today. I will let him know what Niang Pao is— " "Chen Xing," Lin Xiucheng
interrupted him. He was upset by the injury on Chen Xing’s hand. The concern for Chen Xing
has long exceeded his own control. This is not a pleasant cognition for him, "I am not interested
in what you have. I let you be a good tenant, and you'd better be one too. Good adopted son, go
to school and leave school quietly. My patience is not as good as you think. If this troubles me
again, I won't pity you anymore."

Chen Xing looked at him for a few seconds, shrugged indifferently, and said: "Come on, you
can still pity me, but treat me as a fun little thing, it's okay to tease me. I originally thought you
liked me like this, if you don't like me, I won't say

anything ." Lin Xiucheng was taken by him. Choking, there was a feeling that he couldn't bear

Chen Xing's living environment made him sensitive and perverse. He is now attached to Lin
Xiucheng's life. Calling him his father, why not attach to him in accordance with Lin Xiucheng's

After being silent for a while, Lin Xiucheng raised his hand to show his weakness: "I didn't
mean that."

Chen Xing raised his head and blinked at him deftly: "I know, daddy."

Just as Lin Xiucheng wanted to say something, the driver suddenly turned his head and told
him that a car was following them.

This is a two-car and one-way street with few cars on the road, and the black Hummer behind
has followed them for most of the block.

"Dump it." Lin Xiucheng ordered briefly.

The driver stepped on the accelerator and began to accelerate, and the car behind followed
them to accelerate. Chen Xing kept looking backwards: "Who?"

Lin Xiucheng glanced at him and fastened his seat belt sideways.
The accident happened at this moment. The car turned a bend at high speed, and another
black car rushed towards them from the one-way street, as if it had been prepared for a long
time. The driver immediately braked and turned on the steering wheel. The two cars could not
stop the violent collision.

Lin Xiucheng fastened a seat belt to Chen Xing. Before he could buckle it up, Chen Xing
reacted quickly. He stretched out his arm to block Lin Xiucheng’s inertial body from moving
forward. Lin Xiucheng was blocked by him. There was time to lift up and pull a hand of the
headrest of the back seat, buffer and relieve some of the force, and the shoulder hit the seat
back of the co-pilot. Except for the pain of shoulder and arm shock, there was nothing major.

With a "bang", the car's airbag bounced out, filling the entire front part of the car body.

The man in the car on the opposite side had prepared long ago, and once it crashed and
stopped, he jumped out of the car and ran away.

Chen Xing's right arm drooped, his forehead burst into cold sweat from the pain, and his
entire face was stretched pale.

Lin Xiucheng supported Chen Xing, and did not dare to touch his hand. His expression was
ashen as he waited for the ambulance to come. His subordinates and the bodyguard's car were
not far behind. When they saw the situation, they followed. Lin Xiucheng asked them to chase it
immediately. Several people.

He was taken to the hospital and had an X-ray film. Chen Xing was fractured, his right hand
was put in a heavy plaster, and he was hung from his neck. He was lying on the hospital bed
and using iPad to watch TV series bored.

Seeing Lin Xiucheng's face kept stern on the side, Chen Xing consoled him in turn: "It's okay.
I used to be like this."

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiucheng looked even more unhappy, and he remedied: "I didn't lie to you.
I was stabbed by someone before, but now I am still

alive ?" Lin Xiucheng stretched out his hand and picked up Chen Xing's clothes. Chen Xing’s
lower abdomen was smooth and flat, and Chen Xing said, “A little more down.”

After finishing speaking, he lowered his pants with his left hand. His old wound was just
above his hip bone. The scar was not long and didn’t look deep. It was just a small spot. The
stitching technique is not good, and he hasn't taken good care of it, and the scar is crooked,
which is terrible.

Linxiu Cheng Chen Hsing had a hand on the scars, Chen Hsing suddenly blushed, he pushed
Linxiu Cheng hand, rudely pull good clothes: "Look have to, touch touch anything."
"There will be next That's it." Lin Xiucheng said.

Chen Xing nodded: "Yeah."

Chen Xing injured his right hand and couldn't take a bath by himself. Lin Xiucheng couldn't do
well with rough hands and feet, so he hired a caregiver for him.

Originally called an experienced white female special nurse in her forties, Chen Xing locked
the bathroom door and refused to let her in.

Lin Xiucheng knocked on the door outside: "Chen Xing, open the door,

why are you awkward?" "I can't take off my clothes in front of my aunt!" Chen Xing shouted to
him from inside, "It's too weird, you can find me a young person? Come!"

Lin Xiucheng was helpless, and replaced him with a girl in her twenties who had just
graduated from the nursing school. Chen Xing was satisfied.

Chen Xing stopped going to school because he couldn't write any words. He flirted with his
caregiver Elsa every day, and his oral English rose sharply.

On the seventh day at home, he received a call from an unfamiliar number. Chen Xing asked
Elsa to connect him to the phone. A voice he didn't expect came from inside, it was Jiang

He apologized to Chen Xing, said he had changed a language school, and asked where
Chen Xing was now.

Jiang Zhengzhen also thought about a lot of geniuses who called Chen Xing. The
contradictions of the young people came and went quickly. Jiang Zhengzhen was a
straight-headed man. He used to look down on Chen Xing’s appearance in a tyrannical car, but
he didn’t expect Chen Xing to fight. After getting up so fiercely, I faced the British headmistress
who looked down on others together, and felt some sympathy towards him. Later, Jiang
Zhengzhen asked his classmates, only to know that Chen Xing had not appeared in the school,
and he had been with classmates Chen Xing. The number, thinking about it, still dialed it.

Chen Xing had a great heart, and accepted Jiang Zhengzhen's favor, and talked to him a few
words, telling him that his arm was injured.

"What, is it serious? How about I come and see you," Jiang Zhengzhen said enthusiastically,
"My mother came to see me a few days ago and brought me pork knuckles with soy sauce. I'll
bring some for you?"
Chen Xing thought. Thinking, forget it, and went out for a day to have dinner with Jiang
Zhengzhen. Jiang Zhengzhen said that he would introduce Chen Xing some of his Beijing
buddies to Chen Xing.

Chapter 8

Unknowingly, October is approaching, and Chen Xing has been in the UK for half a year and
feels that his language level can go to high school.

Lin Xiucheng’s assistant asked an intermediary company to help him apply for the school.
When Chen Xing communicated with the intermediary to choose a school, Lin Xiucheng
interrupted, “It’s better to stay close to home.”

Chen Xing doesn’t matter where he studies. I didn't like to study, my arm got better, I couldn't
help but started to run out again, and I was hanging out with Jiang Zhengzhen and a bunch of
northern buddies. After only a few days, I came back from learning a film in Beijing.

Lin Xiucheng was not worried about Chen Xing, and sent a few neat bodyguards to follow him
from a distance.

This car accident was caused by Derrick.

Derrick is an Englishman born in Italy with well-developed limbs and simple mind. He is a
vicious and murderous figure. When he was young, he made some money for the mafia as a
thug in Italy, and was told by the third son of the Lin family to return to the UK, wanting to do a
big vote.

After the collusion between the two was revealed, Derrick was forced by Lin Xiucheng to go
to nowhere. He bought a fake passport and escaped from tracking to Italy, where he found his
mistress, took back his savings, and bought another murder to demand Lin Xiucheng's life.

Lin Xiucheng knew that he was buying a murderer, and someone had been protecting him
near him, so he didn't care about it at all.

Lin Xiucheng underestimated the enemy, but Chen Xing paid the price.

The perpetrator of that day was chased by Lin Xiucheng's people short of running, and he
was locked in a basement. Lin Xiucheng dragged it for a few days before passing by himself.

Lin Xiucheng's most trusted subordinate was brought up by his grandfather, named Lin Sen,
who didn't talk much, and he was very reliable. He tried everything out the next day. Several
people were low-level gangsters who took up business on the black market. Derrick lied to them
that Lin Xiucheng was a businessman with him and asked them to cause a car accident to scare
him. .

A few people also made a coincidence. They went out according to the address given by
Derrick. The two cars passed by Chen Xing’s school and saw Lin Xiucheng’s car at the door.
After discussing it, they stopped directly, and followed the car one by one as planned.
Outflanking retrograde and bumped into it.

Lin Xiucheng personally dealt with the perpetrators, and when he returned home, Chen Xing
was asking Elsa to feed him potato chips.

Just after taking a shower, Chen Xing sat on the sofa and watched TV. He was wearing a
black silk nightgown with an open front. His waist was loosely tied with a belt. His long, white
legs came out from under the robe, and he set it on the coffee table. The toes are also exposed,
looking round and cute.

Lin Xiucheng frowned at Chen Xing's behavior. He tactfully suggested that Elsa go back to
the nanny room to rest. Chen Xing laughed while watching the talk show and hugged Elsa and
told her to kiss her goodbye.

Elsa reluctantly and happily kissed Chen Xing close to each other, saying goodnight to each

Lin Xiucheng felt that since he brought Chen Xing home, his temper was getting worse at a
speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"What are you doing, Brother Xiu, are you jealous of my beauty?" Chen Xing straightened up
and reached the bag of potato chips, and put it on his lap to continue eating.

"Sometimes I really wonder if you are sixteen," Lin Xiucheng said.

Chen Xing blinked at him: "I've been very fond of my sister since I was a kid, I don't know

Lin Xiucheng took out a file bag: "I still have to choose high school. I've chosen a few for you.
Let's see what happens. "

Chen Xing stretched out his left hand moistened with potato chips to take it. Seeing Lin
Xiucheng's disapproval expression, he got up to wash his hands. Unexpectedly, his pajamas
were dressed too casually. The straps fell with his movements, and the pajamas came off his
shoulders. It slipped, and the right arm was hung in a plaster cast, and the left arm and chest
were all exposed.

Chen Xing yelled: "Ah!"

He turned around and slammed Lin Xiucheng and said: "Dad, come and help me dress well!"

this moment, Lin Xiucheng wanted to beat him, but he It's because of the injury that I got, and
it's not right to hit a child, but we must take some extraordinary measures to deal with lawless
children. Lin Xiucheng smiled, walked over, and slowly helped Chen Xing put the nightgown
back on his waist.

The belt fell on the ground, and he didn't pick it up. He seemed to ask Chen Xing casually,
"Why did you kick Lin Xiuyan like that at the last home party?"

Chen Xing remembered something bad, he showed a disgusting expression, and said: "Don't
mention this, I'm going to throw up, your cousin is a pure stupid."

"Do you know why he is hard?" Lin Xiuchengla Pull Chen Xing's collar and ask him.

Chen Xing was shocked. He stammered: "Why are

you— " Lin Xiucheng saw Chen Xing from head to foot and commented: "If you ride on me
like this and scratch me, I might be tough. That's right."

Poor Chen Xing, an injured patient, chased Lin Xiucheng from downstairs to upstairs, so loud
that Elsa poked her head out of the nanny room to look.

Lin Xiucheng was afraid that his movements would affect the healing of his arms too much,
and he dared not run too fast, so that Chen Xing blocked his way at the door of his room.

"Old pervert!" Chen Xing flushed, and he copied a fruit knife with a plastic cover in his left
hand against Lin Xiucheng's shirt pocket. "Apologize to me!"

Lin Xiucheng held it against him with one hand. The handle of the knife in his chest, the other
hand reached into the nightgown Chen Xing ran open, and the hot palm touched his waistline
back and forth several times.

Chen Xing’s brain was numb, and there was an urge to pull out the fruit knife to stab the
person in front of him. He was about to have a seizure. Lin Xiucheng took out his hand again,
holding a very thin band in his hand, which was a nightgown. The inner lace.

"Found it," Lin Xiucheng said, and he quickly tied the two straps on Chen Xing's nightgown
together, "so that it won't

fall apart ." Before Chen Xing could react, Lin Xiucheng didn't respond. He stepped back into
his room and closed the door very quickly and locked it.
An angry Chen Xing kicked his door hard outside and scolded him for being an idiot.

That night, Chen Xing had a dream.

He dreamed that he was sitting on a life raft floating on the ocean in the middle of the night,
and he felt very lonely.

The life raft suddenly leaked, and the water slowly covered his ankles and knees. The
strange thing was that the sea was very hot and comfortable. It didn't feel like suffocating him. It
wrapped him like a hot spring, and there seemed to be one in a trance. Hot and rough hands
touched him in the water, tempting him. He floated in the water, suddenly feeling incontinent.

Chen Xing opened his eyes abruptly, and subconsciously touched the space between his
legs, and a slip of muddy liquid soaked his underwear.

At three in the morning, Chen Xing performed in the bathroom to wash his underwear with
one hand. After washing, he wanted to go to the laundry room downstairs to dry. The door of the
laundry room was locked, so he had to set the alarm clock at 6:30.

That was Elsa's wake-up time. Elsa was washing his clothes. He could ask her to open the
door for himself.

After the alarm clock went off in the morning, Chen Xinghei got up with two eye rims, hurriedly
put on his nightgown, carrying his underwear to go down to dry, and ran into Lin Xiucheng who
was about to go out.

The two looked at each other. Lin Xiucheng realized what had happened to Chen Xing and
couldn't laugh. He walked over and squeezed Chen Xing's shoulders hard: "Baby, you have
finally grown up. Dad is so relieved. "

Chen Xing didn't want to speak, but swallowed his anger, threw away Lin Xiucheng, and ran

Chapter 9

If the tiger didn't show off his power, he was treated as a sick cat. After Lin Xiucheng teased him
about Chen Xing's spermatorrhea for the fifth time in two days, Chen Xing ran away from home.

At lunch, Elsa went to Chen Xing's room and knocked on the door. No one answered. There
seemed to be a TV sound inside.
She waited for a while, then knocked a few more times. Feeling relieved, she pushed the
door open. The TV set opposite the bed was showing news, the window was open, and the
wind was blowing on the curtains in Chen Xing’s room. There was no one in the room.

Elsa hurried to the window and looked down. Chen Xing was climbing the water pipe and
window sill of the opposite building with one hand to the bottom of the building. She covered her
mouth and did not dare to scream, for fear that Chen Xing might be distracted and unable to
control her strength. There are many people downstairs holding mobile phones to take pictures.

Chen Xing’s face turned blue as well, and he had known that he shouldn’t be too handsome
to climb the water pipe. Lin Xiucheng’s apartment building is a new building with a smooth
facade, but there is a staggered facade between the old building and the new building next door.
Just near Chen Xing’s window sill, Chen Xing sat on the bay window and came up with an idea.
He flipped out a sheet, stepped on a torn strip, tied it up, and tied it to the railing of the bay
window. He hung it down and stepped on it. Jumped across the wall, and successfully jumped
to the opposite balcony.

However, one hand was too reluctant to keep up, and he almost fell downstairs several times.
Fortunately, he was experienced in climbing stairs, and he reached the bottom of the stairs
without any risk.

Chen Xing also didn't want to go out in this way, but just yesterday, Lin Xiucheng took him to
the hospital for a review. The doctor said Chen Xing moved too much, his wounds were not
optimistic, and Lin Xiucheng's face went dark.

When he returned home, Lin Xiucheng forcibly detained Chen Xing's door card and key, and
banned him at home. Two big men stood at the door. He had to curve to save the country and
turned the window.

Chen Xing jumped down from the windowsill on the first floor, and the crowd on the street
cheered. He smiled and raised his sore left hand and waved to everyone. God knows he can't
lift his hands anymore.

Elsa hurriedly contacted Lin Xiucheng's assistant and said that Chen Xing had jumped the
window at home. When the assistant knocked on the door of Lin Xiucheng's office, Lin Xiucheng
had known it a long time ago.

Although he asked people to withdraw Chen Xing’s monitoring and surveillance, it was due to
some ulterior motives, such as being regarded as "caring for the physical and mental health of
his adopted son", "I just see where he is", "in case of loss." He can still check Chen Xing's
position on the software. He knew Chen Xing's position as soon as Chen Xing left. Lin
Xiuchengzhi Chen Xing couldn't stay idle, so he was not in a hurry.

"He knocked down two bodyguards with one hand?" Lin Xiucheng asked the assistant.
The assistant shook his head in embarrassment: "He...

climbed down." Lin Xiucheng was stunned: " Climb down?"

His mobile phone rang suddenly, and it was Gu Qing: "Vincent, look at me and send you a
message. Isn’t that your home? Isn’t the one who climbed the wall Chen Xing? Oh my god, it’s
so thrilling, but how did Chen Xing get hurt?"

Lin Xiucheng perfunctory Gu Qing, watching the computer screen pop up Gu Qingfa There is
a link to a video website in the information window of the author. He hung up the phone and
opened it to watch a video of about ten minutes.

The video pixels are not high, the lens keeps shaking, and the photographer makes gasping
noises from time to time.

The figure in the image had already climbed to the eighth floor. He was holding the sewer
pipe with one hand, and his foot on the edge of the balcony slipped and almost fell. The crowd
of onlookers exclaimed. Lin Xiucheng's heartbeat almost stopped. He couldn't watch it, and
dragged the video to the end. Chen Xing waved and smiled at the camera, and walked down
the street without looking back.

Lin Xiucheng felt that one day he was going to be pissed off by Chen Xing. He took a deep
breath to calm his emotions and grabbed the car key to catch someone.

Chen Xing went to Jiang Zhengzhen School. He changed to a new language school. The
atmosphere was very good. There was a small coffee shop in front of the school.

He finished class, and Chen Xing was waiting for him drinking fruit juice.

"I'm boring, and I won't give me a drink." Chen Xing propped his chin and complained to Jiang
Zhengzhen, who walked to him. Jiang Zhengzhen was eighteen years old and could drink with

Jiang Zhengzhen asked him how he came out, and Chen Xing was still accusing his guardian
of confiscation of his access card and keys last night.

Chen Xing leaned back, leaning on the back of the chair, and told Jiang Zhengzhen with
some excitement: "I climbed down from the sixteenth floor."

Jiang Zhengzhen was dumbfounded and looked at Chen Xing suspiciously: "You fucking sick,
right? ? " "
really, I hand it seems a waste. "Chen Hsing honestly raised his left hand, to JIANG Zheng
really see his blood soaked and out of the water when caught bloodstains," Maybe a little
muscle strain, has not tight grip . the "

JIANG Zheng really shook his head:." you're sick, do not run, " "

no, "Chen Hsing thought for a moment and said," I think I Linxiu Cheng and very strange, so
how can he control me? " "

you are It’s a little bit more than the relationship between guardian and ward," Jiang
Zhengzhen commented, "but I see my brother’s guardian, my damn, a bald Germanic, he
appeared for ten minutes when he came to the UK, it’s like you, so awesome. "

Jiang Zhengzhen doesn't know the origins of Chen Xing and Lin Xiucheng. He only knows
that Lin Xiucheng is Chen Xingzaiying's guardian. He said: "How can such a rich guardian be so
kind to you, nothing else." Have some pictures, right?"

Chen Xing didn't even mention the tangled points. He stirred the ice in the cup with a little bit
of enthusiasm.

Chen Xingye was used to it. He disliked Lin Xiucheng's control over him, but he was even
more disgusted with himself enjoying this kind of control. He was terribly afraid of the change of
boiling the frog in warm water. When he saw Lin Xiucheng, he remembered the hot and hot
hands in his dream. It was obvious that Lin Xiucheng and him didn’t mean that, but he had this
kind of dream. Chen Xing was no longer like Chen Xing. He sat on the window sill for one
second, thinking about something, the next second he had an impulse, turned down from
upstairs, escaped from that beautiful prison, and came out to find himself.

When Jiang Zhengzhen saw him start alone, he swept his eyes out of the window, and a
sports car stopped directly across the road. It was the one he had been thinking about for a long
time, so he took a few more glances.

Chen Xing's cell phone rang, it was Lin Xiucheng, he took it after thinking about it.

"Where?" Lin Xiucheng asked him.

Chen Xing said: "At the boarding gate, I am going back to my country."


"Because you are detaining me," Chen Xing said weakly. He also knew that his reason was
not sufficient. He had just been enthusiastic and calmed down now. He felt that he might not be
able to pass Lin Xiucheng's barrier, and added, "Also laugh at me."
"Oh?" Lin Xiucheng got out of the car. He took a pair of sunglasses and a black suit. Finally,
like a gangster, he walked toward the cafe aggressively.

Chen Xing heard footsteps in Lin Xiucheng's microphone, and asked him, "Where are you?"

The glass beside him was knocked.

Lin Xiucheng was standing outside the glass wall of the coffee shop, looking at him blankly.

Chen Xing also stared at him blankly.

"Come out." Lin Xiucheng said to Chen Xing.

Chen Xing and Jiang Zhengzhen said goodbye, dragging their backpacks, walked outside,
and followed Lin Xiucheng into the car dingy.

The screen on Lin Xiucheng’s car is playing the video of Chen Xing’s climbing stairs in a loop.
Lin Xiucheng drove silently. The car is well sealed. The sound of the Berlin Voice surrounds
them 360 degrees, all in the background of the noisy video. sound.

"Good dad," Chen Xing

admitted with a bitter face, "Don't let it go, I know it was wrong." Lin Xiucheng looked straight
ahead: "You're right, I'm not good, I shouldn't shut you down."

Chen Xing begged for mercy: "That's for the sake of my body."

"How about laughing at you?"

"I...I was just growing up..." Chen Xing couldn't say anything no matter how thick-skinned he
was. He changed his mind. The hand that Jiang Zhengzhen had seen reached Lin Xiucheng's
eyes, "It hurts to death."

After a while from climbing the stairs, his hand looked even more terrifying, bruised, full of
blood stains, and Chen Xing stretched out his hand again. Lin Xiucheng squeezed his hand on
the gear lever: "I don't have the strength anymore."

"Where are we going?" he asked again.

Lin Xiucheng remained silent. Chen Xing seemed to be being Ling Chi. He writhed in his seat
anxiously, and said some cold jokes he used to trick the little girl into eating sweets. Lin
Xiucheng didn’t have any corners of his mouth. Give it a try.

Chen Xing sighed and the car stopped.

"What the hell are you thinking?" Lin Xiucheng pressed the screen off, and the car became
very quiet. "If you want to go out, just tell me, will I stop you?"

Chen Xing paused, and he found it difficult to speak. But I don’t make it clear. He bears such
a heavy task alone. This is not his style of doing things. Chen Xing has to

squeeze his back even when he is dead: "I seemed to have dreamed of you that night when I
had spermatorrhea." Lin Xiucheng coughed violently. After getting up, he stopped for a while.
He turned his head and looked at Chen Xing: "What did you say?"

Chen Xing said it again, already surrendering himself, and said it again very casually, and
there was a tendency to seriously discuss with Lin Xiucheng: "Isn’t I dreaming of nocturnal
emission? I dreamed that you touched me. Actually, I’m not sure if it’s you, but no one else
touched me like that. Generally little girls have very soft hands. That’s not the case. You say
yes. It's not because of you the day before..."

"Okay." Lin Xiucheng stopped him, "Don't say it."

He started the car again and drove for a while before he said, "I'll take you to dinner. This will
be revealed. Yes, but if there is another time--"

"No next time." Chen Xingju watched loyally.

Lin Xiucheng glanced at him and stopped talking to him.

The restaurant was the same one that stopped Chen Xing and said he was disheveled last
time, but the owner had changed.

Chen Xing stood at a distance from the door and looked down at what he was wearing. It is
now at the end of October. He is wearing a little more reliable than last time. T-shirt, trousers
and sneakers, but still should not be satisfied. Michelin three-star dining standard.

If Chen Xing didn't go out without authorization, Lin Xiucheng planned to take him out in the
afternoon and pick a gift to have dinner, because today is actually a very special day.

On this day 16 years ago, Chen Xing was born.

When Chen Xing was abandoned, his mother was ill-conscious and wanted to die. It was not
easy to put a name tag on him, and other birth information was not available. Chen Xing, who
was born out of wedlock at the time, could not find her household registration. Information, the
dean looked at his height and weight and gave him an estimate of a birthday, more than a
month later than Chen Xing's real birthday.
The material conditions in the orphanage were not good. In the early years, relying on
government funds and donations from benevolent people, it was not easy to barely feed the
children, let alone those that were gone. Chen Xing is stubborn, but considerate. He has no
habit of celebrating his birthday. To him, those things are just a few numbers on his ID card.

But Lin Xiucheng cared.

Since Chen Xing is now in his hands, Chen Xing has to live like all the happy children in the
world with both parents and families. He will give Chen Xing what others have, and he will also
give what others don't. Therefore, even though Lin Xiucheng was indeed pissed off by Chen
Xing and half to death, he still hoped that someone would accompany Chen Xing to pass
through this big day solemnly.

Chen Xing pulled Lalin Xiucheng to stop him from moving forward, and persuaded him: "Don't
know what you can't do." In the

past, whenever Chen Xing fell over the wall, he was punished for skipping class, and he
could not talk about it in an Internet cafe. When he went to the hospital, school, or police station
to claim Chen Xing, he would say this to him. He finally found the opportunity to talk to others,
and he felt very deep.

Lin Xiucheng was helpless, he just wanted to carry Chen Xing up and tie it to the seat, and
then put a rag to cover his mouth.

The two were in a stalemate, and there were a few people in front of the restaurant.

Chen Xing's legs moved again at this moment, and he didn't pay attention to what he could
not do, and took Lin Xiucheng a few steps forward to take a look at the excitement.

When I got closer, I realized that these were two old acquaintances.

"Why don't you let us in?" Chen Xing's half-bred half-brother was angry and rushed to the
waiter at the door. "I've

reserved a seat." "Sir, today our restaurant has been booked out, and we have been with you
a few days ago. All the customers who are positioned have contacted," the waiter explained,
"We have proposed compensation measures, and the customers have also understood."

Anyway, it is not allowed to enter.

The young master pulled his father Sapo to roll, Chen Zian frowned and negotiated with the
waiter: "This is my son's fourteenth birthday. Last year, when his mother was still alive, we
celebrated his birthday together in this restaurant. , This has a very special meaning for us. Can
I communicate with the people who booked the room and make a table for us?" It was a
coincidence that Chen Xing’s brother was born on the same day of the same month as him.

Lin Xiucheng didn't know about it, he just bought the restaurant and cleared it.

The waiter resolutely refused. When he saw Lin Xiucheng, he immediately greeted him: "Mr.
Lin, please come in."

Chen Zi'an saw the people coming in for the charter, and just wanted to go forward and play a
dozen emotional cards to ask for a seat, but he watched. We arrived at Chen Xing, who was
standing beside Lin Xiucheng with a subtle expression.

"Hi." Chen Xing's hand was still sore, and he didn't want to lift it up, so he lifted his chin to
Chen Zian, feeling a bit provocative after finishing the movement, but he didn't care.

"Dad!" Chen Zian's youngest son called him dissatisfied, "You tell them quickly!"

When Chen Zian was in a dilemma, Lin Xiucheng had already taken Chen Xing into it.

"Chen Xing!" Chen Zian blurted out and stopped his eldest son by blood.

Chen Xing turned his head and didn't look at him. Suddenly learning the sweet and greasy
English accent of his youngest son, he said to Lin Xiucheng, "Dad, that building is so beautiful!"

Lin Xiucheng paused, and then intimately. He put his arms around him and said, "Dad will buy

Chen Xing put his arm around Lin Xiucheng's waist and drilled into his arms: "Dad! I love

Lin Xiucheng smiled and patted his shoulder. , Put his arms around him and went in.

Chen Zian, who was left in a complicated mood, and his angrily jumping young son continued
to Zhou Xuan in vain outside.

When they entered the restaurant, the waiter took them to their seats.

Chen Xing was surprised and asked Lin Xiucheng, "What day is Brother Xiu so big?"

"Celebrate your ascent from the sixteenth floor," Lin Xiucheng said, raising his wine glass to
congratulate him, "I also bought a new building."

Chen Xing lowered his head, rolled his eyes, and wanted to have a sip of pre-dinner wine. I
found that my hands were so trembling that I couldn't even hold the cup. Upon seeing this, Lin
Xiucheng frowned and pulled his left hand to look. Several scratched wounds on the palm of his
hand were crusted, and the muscles of his forearm were very tense. It was due to excessive

No expression on the face was Lin Xiucheng's most terrifying expression. Chen Xing placed
his hand in his hand, neither stretching nor shrinking. He changed the subject: "Are you really
buying a property for me?"

"Buy, look. Which building are you going to?" Lin Xiucheng finally let go of his hand and
forked a piece of pre-dinner bread just delivered to him.

Chen Xing tilted his hand to the beginning, and said to the plate: "I want to eat the dipping
sauce." After the

meal, Lin Xiucheng barely moved his mouth and just waited on Chen Xing.

Chen Xing saw Chen Zian and the young master again. He was not in a very good mood and
behaved a little wronged. Lin Xiucheng's usual soothing skills were uncountable in front of Chen
Xing, so he could only feed silently. Chen Xing eats.

In fact, it is not only that Chen Xing has become less like Chen Xing, and Lin Xiucheng has
also become less like Lin Xiucheng. Ten mature man, he thinks it is not a bad thing.

After the main meal, Chen Xing was full, and he couldn't eat a bite after the dessert was

"I can't eat anymore," he repeatedly refused, "Dad also eat."

Lin Xiucheng coaxed him to eat the cake: "Eat one bite and buy a building."

Chen Xing amused him, and Gongzun opened his mouth and took a bite. , Biting the iron
spoon and not letting go, grinned and protested with Lin Xiucheng, not taking him out.

This restaurant in a prosperous neighborhood has never been so empty since it opened more
than ten years ago. The bustling traffic and insignificant people outside the window can no
longer affect Lin Xiucheng's satisfaction.

Chen Xing was a great thing for Lin Xiucheng. Both of them happened to have lost their
relatives and both regained a family member. The feeling of being dependent on each other
really made him feel full.

Chapter 10
After dinner, Lin Xiucheng took Chen Xing to the hospital.

The doctor helped him re-fix the cast that was too violent, and severely criticized him, and
helped him look at the left arm that was overworked today. There is no major problem, but in the
next few days, he will have to take care of his handicapped hands. Prepare.

Lin Xiucheng changed back to the expressionless and terrifying Lin Xiucheng. Chen Xing
shrank into a ball and did not dare to make a sound. At this time, he couldn't bend his elbows
anymore. Lin Xiucheng pulled the car doors for him.

On the way back, Chen Xing had

nothing to say: " I might have to let Elsa take a bath for me tonight." Lin Xiucheng said, "Didn't
you come right?"

Chen Xing curled his leg on the chair, pretending to be sleeping, and passed. Really fell
asleep for a while.

Lin Xiucheng parked in the underground parking space, saw Chen Xing sound asleep, and
wanted to carry him upstairs. As soon as he unbuttoned his seat belt, Chen Xing opened his
eyes in a daze.

"Is it there?" He stepped out of the car, his leg was soft and almost fell, and the
consequences of letting him go at noon have now completely exploded. Chen Xing was very
stubborn and resolutely refused to be carried by Princess Lin Xiucheng like a cannon. He
limped forward and almost fell to the ground again.

Lin Xiucheng half hugged him and got up the elevator with difficulty.

Elsa had been waiting at the door and saw Chen Xing, crying and hugged him. Chen Xing
couldn't bear her weight and fell to the ground with her.

Seeing that he still had the strength to pick up girls, Lin Xiucheng went to the study by
himself, and he still had something to deal with.

After more than an hour, after Lin Xiuchenggang and Lin Sen finished talking on the phone,
Chen Xing sneaked in with a plate of fruit.

Chen Xing had just finished the bath, with a hint of blush on his face, and his blushing lips
were chewing on the cherries, Lin Xiucheng's eyes followed him unconsciously.

Chen Xing spit out a nuclear and asked Lin Xiucheng, "When my arm is better, you should tell
Elsa to leave."
"What?" Lin Xiucheng felt that Chen Xing had something to say, so he asked him.

Chen Xing thought for a while before saying: "She is not normal today."

"Isn't I that?" He blushed, "I just feel you touch me and

then-- " "Stop," Lin Xiucheng's self-control Li was on the verge of collapse, "Say the point."

"She sexually harassed me." Chen Xing said.

"Aren't you always committing sexual harassment to each other?" Lin Xiu said. He didn't like
Chen Xing and Elsa to make the family miserable for a long time.

Chen Xing picked up another cherries and stuffed it into his mouth, and said distressedly:
"That's different. She tonight...ah I can't tell!"

Lin Xiucheng couldn't think of a time when Chen Xing had such a thin face, and asked.
"What's the matter?"

"Oh," Chen Xing sighed pretendingly, biting the cherries with his teeth, touching his tongue,
the bright red tongue licking dexterously behind a small crimson fruit Then, the fruit that was
quickly made was dripping with water, looking at Lin Xiucheng with a hesitant expression, the
corners of his eyebrows and eyes were jokes.

Lin Xiucheng watched him wait for two seconds, stretched out one hand to pinch his chin,
and took out the cherries in his mouth with the other hand and threw it into the trash can: "If you
want to say it, don't send it indiscriminately. Sao."

Chen Xing was angry, and put the basin on his table: "You fucking see the harlot, I won't tell

After that, he ran away.

The next night, Chen Xing caught his tail and begged Lin Xiucheng: "Elsa will help me take a
bath for a while, how about you stand aside to supervise the work?"

Lin Xiucheng is different from Chen Xing. Chen Xing pays five yuan in winter. The bath was
full of the baths of the big masters, and he was immune to seeing male nudes. Lin Xiucheng
was different. He had to soak in the private bath in the room when he went out to go to the hot
springs. Therefore, he treated Chen Xing to Chen Xing. The request feels incredible.

"Can you do it?" Chen Xing asked him again when he saw that he didn't answer, "I'm afraid
she will rape me."
In the end, the two compromised with each other, and Lin Xiucheng stayed in Chen Xing's
room, listening to the movement of the bathroom for him. Perhaps because Lin Xiucheng was
outside, Elsa took a bath for Chen Xing, dried and put on clothes, and blow-dried his hair before
pushing out.

Since Chen Xing's arm was injured, Lin Xiucheng was worried about Chen Xing's affairs. This
time Elsa behaved weirdly. Lin Xiucheng took care of her. He took care of his subordinates and
sent someone to stare at her. a little.

Lin Xiucheng was accidentally careful and saved Chen Xing's life.

When he heard Lin Sen report the situation to him, he was going home in the elevator going
upstairs. He came out of Chinatown and bought Chen Xing his favorite crab noodle dumplings.

While listening to Lin Sen, he opened the door and happened to catch the caregiver who had
taken care of Chen Xing for a long time and sprinkled white powder in Chen Xing's water glass.
When she saw Lin Xiucheng, her face turned pale with fright.

Lin Xiucheng stared at her closely, put down her bag in the hallway, and smiled softly at her:
"Elsa, what are you doing?"

Elsa didn't know what her employer was doing. She only thought it was an ordinary wealthy
businessman. Lin Xiucheng smiled at her, thinking he hadn't seen it clearly. He carried the paper
in his hand and squeezed it into a ball, threw it behind him, barely remaining calm, and said, "I
will help Chen Xing's coffee, add sugar, powdered sugar..."

"Oh?" He paced slowly in front of her and gently held her hand. She wanted to resist, but
found that there was no way to resist. Lin Xiucheng's hand clamped her palm like an iron clamp.

Lin Xiucheng raised her hand and sniffed. Chen Xing came out of the bathroom, saw their
weird movements, and asked suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

Lin Xiucheng let go of Elsa, and she fell into a seat. On the ground, the hand seemed to be
no longer hers, bent into a strange arc. Lin Xiucheng picked up the water cup and placed it
under Chen Xing's nose, Chen Xing frowned tightly.

"Elsa, what did you put in my cup?" Chen Xing squatted in front of her, asked her patiently,
then raised her head and said to Lin Xiucheng, "She probably didn't mean it, you..."

Chen Xing saw When he reached Lin Xiucheng's expression, he stopped.

He said to Elsa: "I'm sorry, I can't save you either."

Lin Xiucheng looked gentle. He walked to the curtain and picked up the little paper ball she
had thrown away: "Elsa, Chen Xing killed your family or What's the matter, you want to feed him

"What drugs? No, no," she shook her head in horror, "The person who gave me said it was
ordinary aphrodisiac powder..."

Lin Xiucheng showed a very subtle smile. "Who? This dose can kill three Chen Xing."

Chen Xing tried to speak entangledly, but he didn't know what to say, and moved slowly to Lin

"Chen Xing," Lin Xiucheng saw his intention, "you go upstairs."

"Why?" he asked.

"I said, there won't be another time."

Elsa watched Chen Xing show him a helpless expression, and despair entangled her heart.

Chen Xing walked halfway and turned around again: "Lin Xiucheng, don't anger."

Lin Xiucheng paused before nodding to him.

He could hardly imagine what Chen Xing he would see if he walked in ten minutes late.

Chen Xing was credulous and felt soft when he saw a girl, and he was worried about his own
affairs, but Lin Xiucheng was not.

Elsa puts the latest drug on the market in Chen Xing's cup. It has great solubility and strong
hallucinogenicity. It is easy to overdose if it is not controlled well. The price is high and there are
few buyers. It is such a small-scale circulation. Several people died of an overdose in the
month, and there are always people who are not short of money and want to find excitement.
This kind of drug has a strong coffee smell, and there is a shallow scent of ancient hemp in it.
Lin Xiucheng went to Chinatown today to deal with drug trafficking in the yard, and he knew
what it was when he smelled it.

Lin Sen reported to Lin Xiucheng on the phone that Elsa was on holiday last night and went
to a bar to have a drink. The person watching only saw Elsa talking to a man very happily and
told Lin Sen as gossip. Lin Sen thought about it and felt uneasy. In the morning, I went to the bar
to call up the monitor and watched it several times, and found that the man had handed Elsa a
small paper bag.
He immediately notified Lin Xiucheng by phone, and took someone to find the man who gave
her the paper bag. The man turned his back to the camera all the way, but Lin Sen asked
someone to adjust the video on the road, and finally he was in the camera at a corner. I found
the man's profile, it was Derrick who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Chen Xing went upstairs, feeling a little nervous. He heard Elsa's cry downstairs and Lin
Xiucheng's gentle persuasion. Later, someone entered the house and went out again.

He leaned absently on the bed, changing channels one by one, all in foreign languages ​that
he didn't like to listen to.

Soon after, his room door was knocked, and Chen Xing turned off the TV and said, "Come

Lin Xiucheng opened the door and walked to the desk in Chen Xing's room and sat down.

Without waiting for him to speak, Chen Xing cursed: "It's okay, it's okay, I promise that I will
leave the house when I see a girl, and I will not tease, make a fuss, or have intimate physical
contact! You... didn't do anything to her. Isn't it?"

"What do you think I can treat her?" Lin Xiucheng asked him softly, "Pour the glass of water
she wants you to drink into her mouth, causing her to spasm all over, incontinence up and
down, and die. In front of you, and then sent to the suburbs to throw the

corpse ?" Chen Xing looked at Lin Xiucheng. He felt that when Lin Xiucheng asked him these
words, he really wanted to do so, because Lin Xiucheng's eyes were very strong. Tell him
bluntly: You are done.

He insisted on not retreating: "I...Isn't there anything wrong..."

"If I'm ten minutes late, that will be your end," Lin Xiucheng stood up and closed the curtains
of Chen Xing's room. , The room became dim, "Hanging plaster and jumping up the window to
climb the stairs."

He took a step closer to Chen Xing's bed, and the tall shadow enveloped Chen Xing. Chen
Xing finally couldn't help moving back a bit: " Lin Xiucheng, don't do this."

"Unsuspecting people to give you drugs," he leaned over, "If someone wants to give you oral
sex without your consent in the future, it is not sexual harassment, it is sexual assault."

"That cup of water is so strong, I I don’t know how to drink..." Chen Xing retorted, leaning
back on the bed, "Elsa asked for my opinion, I didn’t agree, and she didn’t touch me."
"Chen Xing, do you really think I'm good at talking?" Lin Xiucheng's tone is very easy-going,
as if asking him how the weather will be tomorrow.

Chen Xing couldn't bear such a depressed atmosphere. He turned over and got out of bed,
and quickly ran out of the door. A huge force pulled him by the collar and pushed him back on
the bed.

Lin Xiucheng pulled out the belt around his waist and tied Chen Xing's left hand to the pole of
the bedside lamp.

"I will reflect in the room today." Lin Xiucheng said his decision and was about to leave.

"No, what should I do if I want to go to the toilet?" Chen Xing was anxious, stretched his leg to
hook Lin Xiucheng's waist, and pulled him back. "You are tied too tightly, my hand will be broken
if the blood doesn't circulate for a while. ! "

Linxiu Cheng looked down at his legs around his waist, Chen Hsing afraid he's gone, dead
wrapped tight, short pants he was wearing large, he was too hasty action stroked to the thigh,
leg Xue Bai, with a touch of body temperature, stuck it on Lin Xiucheng's shirt.

Lin Xiucheng let him entangle him, and asked Chen Xing: "Then what do you say?"

Chen Xing saw Lin Xiucheng's smile but not a smile, and said anxiously, "As long as you don't
tie me, it's up to you!"

Lin Xiu Cheng looked at him for a while, and then reached out and untied Chen Xing's belt.
Chen Xing's leg loosened and landed on the bed. He raised his wrist, Lin Xiucheng tied it too
hard, leaving a deep scar on his wrist, which was already bluish, he tried to open and close his
hands a few times, and the blood flowed from the arm into the palm of his hand again. , There is
a tingling feeling.

"Whatever I do?" Lin Xiucheng thought for a while, sat down, Chen Xing's legs were still wide
open, he sat between Chen Xing's legs, his thighs squeezed Chen Xing's lower body, and he
was close to him.

Chen Xing felt very awkward, but he was already unavoidable. He could only let Lin Xiucheng
sit with himself in such a weird posture. He would definitely go crazy when he changed to
someone else. Now as long as Lin Xiucheng doesn't go crazy, he calls He can do anything.

He wanted to bend his leg back and change his posture. Lin Xiucheng held him down. Lin
Xiucheng said, "Say it, what do you want with me?"

Chen Xing's heartbeat was so fast, he swallowed and nodded: " It's up to you." The
two looked at each other at a distance of less than ten centimeters. When Chen Xingxin was
about to hang into the sky, Lin Xiucheng finally spoke: "Then write me a review of 8,000 words.
If you don’t know how to do it, just have the electronic manuscript ready, one in both Chinese
and English. Plagiarism is not allowed. If I find a grammatical error, I will put an anklet to let you
stay at home for a day and give it to me tomorrow before going out."

Chen Xing wrote a review all night.

He found an acquaintance Alex on the homepage of his mobile phone address book, and
promised him an astronomical number, and asked him to help typing. Chen Xing's spoken
English was okay, and the spelling of words was all wrong. Even though the input method was
completed, it was too difficult for him to type English. NS.

Alex listened to Chen Xing's expressionlessly for a while, and then asked him worriedly: "Xiao
Xing, are you really applying for high school? I feel you won't be able to keep up."

"Shut your mouth," Chen Xing and him The video, a book shot on the camera, "Keep it in
mind, if you have any mistakes, just help me correct it. If you don't understand, then ask me."

"Why do you want to call yourself a bitch?" Alex was puzzled, "This is too It's hard to

Chen Xing took a deep breath: "I repeat, you are only responsible for changing the grammar,
don't ask anything else."

Alex took a big sip of coffee and continued to type.

Finally at one o'clock in the morning, Chen Xing made up 8,000 English in a random manner.
The next Chinese version of the review will make him work alone. Chen Xing's left hand is very
painful and he slowly taps on the laptop.

He didn't know when he fell asleep. When Lin Xiucheng woke him up, he had written about
five thousand words. He put his head on the computer and fell asleep pitifully. There was a large
pool of A4 paper on the table. Droolmarks.

Chen Xing was awakened by Lin Xiucheng and yawned greatly. He looked at Lin Xiucheng
dimly, "What time is it?"

"I'm going out." Lin Xiucheng looked at his watch, "Have you finished writing?" "

Chen Xing

shuddered and became sober: "Ah, I'm asleep!" He couldn't do the review anymore, and
threw himself into Lin Xiucheng's arms to act like a baby: "Dad, forgive me!"
After one night, Lin Xiucheng's anger subsided a little. He originally hoped that Chen Xing
could bear hardships and remember hardships, and don’t be tempted to attract butterflies. He
came to his room early in the morning and watched him fall asleep on the table. There was
another circle of dazzling bruises, and now

he rubbed his furry head against his chest... He pulled Chen Xing's head away: "Continue
writing, you must give it to me before noon."

Chen Xing turned reluctantly. A blank eye.

Chapter 11

Chen Xing rushed to remove the plaster before the high school entrance interview.

He is very well-behaved during this period, he is not noisy, and his young body has strong
recovery ability. Before he could not get better because he hadn't stopped, and now there is no
one to take care of him. Life is difficult, and life is not easy. Naturally and quietly like a virgin.

After Elsa left, Lin Xiucheng helped him take a bath for the first time. He didn't know to bring
Chen Xing a plastic protective cover. Chen Xing himself forgot. Because he didn't know the
direction of the shower, he showered Chen Xing from the top of the head to the bottom of his
feet. Drenched, Chen Xing had a cold war, and asked him uncertainly: "Is it okay if the plaster is

Lin Xiucheng called the doctor to ask, and the doctor asked them to get the plaster again
immediately. Lin Xiucheng took a towel to dry him indiscriminately, and rushed to the hospital
after putting on his clothes. Both were educated by the doctor.

He bathed him the next day. Lin Xiucheng put him in a bathtub of water and told him to take a
bath. After he took off his clothes and put on a protective cover, he went out. Chen Xing stepped
in with one leg and he was frozen. Turning around and yelling at the door awkwardly: "Lin
Xiucheng! Why are you putting this cold water!" For the

third time, Chen Xing finally understood that it is impossible to expect Lin Xiucheng to take
care of him. He will soon get better. Taking the plaster is the right way.

At the beginning of December, Lin Xiucheng accompanied Chen Xing to remove the plaster
at the doctor's place. Chen Xing's right arm became lighter in an instant. He tried to move a few
times, but he was still very inflexible and his elbow was rusty. , You can hear the old squeaking
sound when turning.

He was a little unhappy, and asked the doctor when he would return to his heroic posture.
"If you want, I can now find a helicopter to lift you up to the London Eye and let you climb
down by yourself." Lin Xiucheng said lightly.

Chen Xing closed his mouth frustratedly.

The doctor roundly said, "This is all normal. It takes time to return to the original state."

When he got home, Lin Xiucheng stopped the car and told Chen Xing to go upstairs by

"Are you going to eat out?" Chen Xing asked him, "Then I will make an appointment with
Jiang Zhengzhen."

After talking about taking out his mobile phone to make a call, his left hand was so slippery
that he could turn his pen. Just when he found Jiang Zhengzhen's name, Lin Xiucheng took his
mobile phone away.

"I promise that I will never go out and fool around again until my arm is healed," Lin Xiucheng
began to recite Chen Xing's review book, "especially a friend like Jiang Zhengzhen..."

"But my arm is already healed !" Chen Xing shouted. Shouting to stop, Lin Xiucheng didn't
know whether it was because of his memory or being too idle. Recently, he started to recite
Chen Xing's review book when he said something inconsistent. Chen Xing typed it out every
word. There was no way to deny it.

Lin Xiucheng smiled and stretched out his hand to hold Chen Xing's soft right hand: "Oh?

let's make a wrist with Dad." Chen Xing gave up, he raised his hand to pull the car door, and
was about to go upstairs and wait for Lin Xiucheng to leave. Sneak out again.

Lin Xiucheng carried him back.

"I changed my mind," he said, "you go to Oxford with me."

"What? Oxford?" Chen Xing heard that he was going to Lin Xiucheng's old house, and
immediately drove out of the car. "I'm not going! There is a fool in Oxford." !"

Lin Xiucheng locked the door and stepped out of the accelerator. The force of acceleration
pushed Chen Xing back on the seat.

After a few months, the leaves of the sycamore tree at the entrance of the Lin family's old
house were no longer the lush green leaves of the midsummer, and they became bare.
It has been four months since the last family gathering. During this time, several older
generations seemed to have heard some wind, and all of them flinched and nothing happened.
Christmas is approaching. Uncle Lin Xiucheng forbears for a long time, finally It was proposed
to get together.

Lin Xiucheng didn't intend to take Chen Xing with him, and it was not a good place to go. The
old guys made it clear that they wanted to discuss with him about the second uncle.

Before adopting Chen Xing, teasing these people was one of his pleasures. Grandpa Lin
Xiucheng’s stroke has an inexplicable relationship with these people. Lin Xiucheng promised his
grandpa that if a few old guys made no mistakes, they would not act on them, so he didn’t
intend to deal with his grandpa’s men. Hit fatal, he just wanted them to live in warm water,
thinking he saw hope, and then fell into hell.

Just like when he received a call from his grandfather who had a stroke when he was
studying in the United States.

Even the adoption of Chen Xing served this purpose. However, after Chen Xing's accident, he
was tired of these things, and nothing could compare to Chen Xing's safety.

However, instead of letting Chen Xing drag the arm that had just been removed from the
plaster and go out with Jiang Zhengzhen, it is better to tie him around to make Lin Xiucheng feel
more at ease. Who knows if they can climb rock or play arcades when they go out.

There is a bleak mood in the old house in winter. No one is grilling in the compound, the
withered lawn looks quiet and treacherous, and the tall door of the old house is closed tightly,
only waiting for Lin Xiucheng to push it open.

The two entered the door, and the four male elders were sitting at the dining table waiting for
them. Only one of the juniors was Lin Xiuyan.

Chen Xing saw this scene and realized that he left Lin Xiucheng a little bit and wanted to
leave even more.

"Xiucheng, we have something to tell you, please avoid those who have nothing to do." Lin
Xiucheng's uncle opened his mouth and leaned on the old to sell the old.

Lin Xiucheng took off his suit and put it on the back of the sofa with a smile, "Is there
something my son can't listen to?"

"Naughty!" His uncle stared, "You are a fool!"

"Don't bother you," I'll go upstairs." Chen Xing compromised. He didn't want to listen to these
things. He asked Lin Xiucheng, "Where do you live?"

How could Lin Xiucheng let Chen Xing go upstairs alone, but he didn't want anyone else.
Feeling that Chen Xing is very important to him, it will only bring Chen Xing danger, so he put
his arm around Chen Xing's waist, kissed Chen Xing on the forehead, gave him the car key, and
patted his ass. He coaxed: "Baby, go to the car and wait for me, I'll get out soon."

Chen Xing gave him a nauseous scalp, and he wished to kick him, a strange feeling on his
forehead and buttocks, like Lin Xiucheng's. The lips and hands are always on.

But when a group of people watched, he had no choice but to smile: "Okay."

Then he ran out without looking back.

As soon as Chen Xing left, the atmosphere became more solemn.

It was still Lin Xiucheng's uncle who started: "Xiucheng, your second uncle's death is a bit

"Oh?" Lin Xiucheng looked surprised and waited for him to continue.

"The elders of our principals received a courier more than a month ago," he said. "There is an
autopsy report of your second uncle, saying that it was done by his nephew."

Lin Xiucheng heard him I couldn’t help but smile at my own description: “I didn’t know that Lin
Xiuyu was so good?”

“Don’t pretend to be stupid!” His brother-in-law is Lin Xiuyu’s father, with a violent temper,
“We’re talking about you!”

“Me?” Lin Xiucheng was surprised, "He is my second uncle, how could I be such a cruel

Silent Lin Xiuyan suddenly pulled out a pistol from behind and pointed at Lin Xiucheng: "Lin
Xiucheng, don't you

Pretending to be pretended, you killed my dad!" Lin Xiucheng shrugged, "What did I pretend
to be?"

Suddenly there were a few noises from upstairs. Everyone's face changed except for Lin
Lin Xiucheng opened the chair of the main seat of the dining table and sat down leisurely:
"Uncle, don't you think I really came here alone?"

Lin Xiuyan's hand holding the gun swayed: "Who will allow you? Sitting?"

Lin Xiucheng's uncle glanced at Lin Xiuyan subconsciously, and suddenly took a step back in
shock. His trembling hand touched Lin Xiuyan's forehead, " Xiaoyan ..." Lin Xiuyan

also looked at him. Uncle Xiang, then looked around the elders in a panic, he realized his
situation, because everyone's eyebrows had a laser red dot aimed at by a sniper rifle, which
was precisely moving left and right with the shaking of their heads.

"Put down the gun, Xiuyan," Lin Xiucheng leaned back in his chair and persuaded him, "The
student's hand is for holding a pen."

Lin Xiuyan didn't listen to him, he took a step forward instead, thinking Putting the gun on Lin
Xiucheng's head, there was a sound of bullets breaking through the air. Lin Xiuyan was too late
to react, and his right hand was punched through.

His four elders were so scared that they opened their mouths to stare at Lin Xiuyan, who was
kneeling on the floor and howling. His blood ran all over, soaking the gun he bought from the
black market.

"This can not even take a pen," Linxiu Cheng sighed, shaking his head, "Well, what do you
do? I have to go all right, my darling children still outside waiting for me."

The No one dared to speak anymore.

Lin Xiucheng waited for a while, no one objected, so he got up and walked out the door.

Lin Sen took someone to clean up the food in the house. Chen Xing hadn't visited Oxford at
night, so he could take him for a drive.

Chen Xing played boringly in the car for mobile games, only to play two rounds, Lin Xiucheng
came out.

As soon as he got into the car, Chen Xing wrinkled his nose. Lin Xiucheng mixed with the
smell of gunpowder smoke. Chen Xing sniffed, and said, "Brother Xiu is killing him again."

Lin Xiucheng rubbed his head. "How about taking you to visit Oxford University in the
evening? Don't want to be admitted, just go for a walk."
"What is it that I don't want to be admitted?" Chen Xing jumped up to pinch his neck, "I'll pay. I
didn’t ask you to settle the account. Have you never heard the saying that a man’s ass can’t be

Lin Xiucheng was going to grab Chen Xing’s hand, remembering that he hadn’t recovered
yet, and changed his direction and pinched him by the shoulder. Pushing back on his seat, he
smiled and said: "That's because you have to work hard in bed before Master Xiu is willing to
fuck you."

"I! Fuck!" Chen Xing was completely furious, his cheeks were hot, and he and Lin were
meeting for the first time. Xiucheng was still unfamiliar, and he was so excited by his cousins ​to
say anything. At that time, he felt relieved. Now that Lin Xiucheng said this, it was strange how
he heard it.

The two drove around Oxford and stopped to find a tavern for dinner.

Chen Xing ordered the beef stew which was not delicious, and kept stealing prawns from Lin
Xiucheng’s plate. Gu Qing came to the door and asked Lin Xiucheng how he planned to spend
Christmas. , Do you want to go snowboarding in Canada together?

The Lin family don't have the habit of Christmas. Gu Qing just wanted to find a reason to get
together. He stared at Chen Xing, who was able to see and couldn't post in his computer every
day, and he didn't want to work.

Lin Xiucheng asked Gu Qing to wait a moment, and asked Chen Xing, "Do you know how to

Chen Xing ate shrimp and shook his head.

Lin Xiucheng agreed and asked his assistant to book a ticket.

December passed very quickly. Chen Xing interviewed several high schools, applied for a
visa, and immediately jumped to the day of going to Vancouver.

Chen Xing had forgotten to go skiing the night before. Jiang Zhengzhen asked him to eat hot
pot at home. He ate it almost ten o'clock. He came home with the smell of hot pot. Lin Xiucheng
asked him how his luggage was sorted. I just remembered that I was going out to play.

Chen Xing took a shower. Seeing Lin Xiucheng was still in the living room, he lay down on the
handrail of the stairs upstairs and shouted to him, "Lin Xiucheng, what should I bring when I go
out to play?" What did

Chen Xing have before? Not many, the experience was lackluster, and I have never traveled.
When I came to the UK, I brought only a few changes of clothes and some miscellaneous things
that I didn’t leave. Now Lin Xiucheng asked him to pack his luggage. He stayed in the room for a
long time. I found a few clothes and piled them up, and it feels like it's almost there, and it
seems like there are some shortcomings.

Lin Xiucheng looked up at him, Chen Xing's expression was very sincere, he didn't know how
to answer such common-sense questions.

After a while, Lin Xiucheng said, "Just take you with you."

Chen Xing curled his lips. Lin Xiucheng said it was nothing, and would not listen to him. Chen
Xing felt a little excited when he thought that he could go out to play. He searched the travel
luggage list on the Internet, and found a bunch of things at home and stuffed it into his travel
bag. Then he went to bed with satisfaction.

When the plane landed in Vancouver, Gu Qing was already waiting for them at the exit. When
he saw Chen Xing carrying a stuffed bulging travel bag, he eagerly tried to help him carry it, but
Chen Xing bypassed it like a monster.

They first went to the hotel next to the ski resort. Gu Qing booked a family suite with three
rooms. As soon as he entered the door to choose a room, he was driven away by Lin Xiucheng.
Gu Qing felt very wronged.

"I booked this room," he said. "Why can't I live with the money I spent!"

Lin Xiucheng took out the checkbook and pen, and gestured to sign: "How much?"

Gu Qing felt that his personality was affected. Lin Xiucheng was humiliated and closed the
door angrily.

Chen Xing looked at the white snow-capped mountains outside the suite window and the ski
track not far away. He thought of the heavy snowfall in Qingcheng last year. He was a little
dazed. He didn't know what Qingcheng was like now.

"How about it," Lin Xiucheng asked him, "Go and see your room?"

Chen Xing held his arm and stood by the window and looked down, as if he hadn't heard him.

After a while, he turned his head and announced to Lin Xiucheng: "It's not bad."

Chen Xing picked the bedroom with the largest window, and the corridor five or six meters
away from Lin Xiucheng's. He rested for a while and ate. Called for dinner in the room,
clamoring to go skiing.
Lin Xiucheng said to Chen Xing that wind is rain, his character was very helpless: "My
ancestor, what time is this, let's go tomorrow."

Chen Xing went away lost.

Before 7 o'clock the next day, Chen Xing lay on the door of Lin Xiucheng's room and
squeaked the door. He was still young after all. In the new environment, some people were
crazy and couldn't sleep excitedly.

Lin Xiucheng opened the door with a dark face, followed Chen Xing's meal, and took him to
the ski resort after breakfast.

Chen Xing and Lin Xiucheng are not at the same level, and he can't teach others, and Gu
Qing, who is patient and technical, is still sleeping in the dark in the room, so he hired a coach
for Chen Xing to treat this emotional beginner. After sending the consignment, I went to the
high-level track skating by myself.

Lin Xiucheng slipped for a while, then stopped to rest. As soon as he took off the protective
gear on his face, he heard a female

voice calling him: "Vincent!" Lin Xiucheng turned his head and recognized the person.

This is Christina, the girlfriend he had been with when he was in the United States. He went
back to England in an emergency, and the two broke off. In retrospect, Lin Xiucheng was a bit

Christina looked more mature and attractive than when she was in school. She was
pleasantly surprised to see Lin Xiucheng and invited him to have lunch. Lin Xiucheng readily

On the junior ski trail, Chen Xing was having fun. He has a well-developed motor nerve and
good balance ability. He is already able to paddle very well on the primary slide. He is eager to
try his skills on the intermediate ski trail. The coach persuades him to practice again. Who
knows that this student is very disobedient and is skiing. The bar squeezed forward, and the
coach was accidentally thrown away by him.

By one o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Xing was hungry and changed his ski suit. He was
sweating and wanted to take a shower in the room before eating. Opening the door, he found
something different.

There was a noise in Lin Xiucheng's room.

He thought it was Lin Xiucheng who was turning on the TV. He just wanted to walk over and
talk to him. A white thing on the ground attracted his attention. It was a lady's coat. Chen Xing
stayed in a daze and walked forward. A few steps, it is a lady's blouse, the blouse has many
folds, which shows the intense situation when taking it off.

Chen Xing’s heartbeat was fast. He seemed to know what the sound was in Lin Xiucheng’s
room. He also knew that he should go back to the room immediately, but his feet did not listen to
his instructions, and he still told Lin Xiucheng’s room. Stepping forward, when he recovered, he
stood at the door of Lin Xiucheng's room.

The soundproofing effect of the door of the hotel suite was not so good. Chen Xing was at a
loss as he heard the faint sound of women calling in bed and Lin Xiucheng's panting. I don't
know how long it took, and there were a few high-pitched screams, and Lin Xiucheng's muffled

Chen Xing finally came to his senses. He took two steps back like he lost his center of gravity,
fled back to his room, locked the door, like sitting on pins and needles.

His heart seemed to be held by a thin rope, hanging from his throat, banging against his

Lin Xiucheng was having sex with a woman, and this recognition made him feel suffocated.

In fact, this is quite normal. Lin Xiucheng is a mature man. He can have sex with anyone who
is willing to have sex with him. This is justified. Lin Xiucheng can't talk about how many partners
Chen Xing has.

But he has only one Chen Xing. Lin Xiucheng is very kind to Chen Xing and values ​him very
much. Anyone who receives such a precious and precious love should be satisfied and settled
with the status quo.

But at this time, Chen Xing realized that before he knew it, he began to want to have more.
What he wanted was not unique or unique. No matter what method or process he used, he
wanted Lin Xiu to inherit what he had, All, everything.

Chapter 12

Chen Xingping recovered his breath and left lightly.

He went to the hotel’s western restaurant for an afternoon tea, wandering aimlessly in the
snow outside the hotel, until his hands wrapped in a down jacket became cold, then went back.
Walking into the suite, Lin Xiucheng and his new female companion were chatting in the living
room. Lin Xiucheng gave an introduction. Chen Xing greeted her politely and went back to his

"Your adopted son is so cute," Christina teased Lin Xiucheng, "If he hadn't seen you, he
would have been the surprise of my trip."

Lin Xiucheng's expression became flatter.

What else Christina wanted to say, Lin Xiucheng changed the subject.

Talking about food, Christina said that Whistler has a good restaurant. It's better to go to town
to eat in the evening, and call to book a seat after talking.

Lin Xiucheng asked her to wait a while before getting up and knocking on Chen Xing's door.

As soon as Chen Xing finished taking a shower, he opened the door with a bath towel around
his waist. His hair was still dripping down, falling onto the fan-like eyelashes, and was caught.

He looked at Lin Xiucheng, blinked, and the water fell into his eyes. Chen Xing frowned and
wanted to rub his wrists. Lin Xiucheng pinched his wrists.

"Don't rub it," Lin Xiucheng said, and led him into the bathroom, and took a tissue to dry him.
Chen Xing was very docile this day and let Lin Xiucheng treat him like a doll.

"Christina and I are going to the town for dinner, do you want to go?" Lin Xiucheng saw Chen
Xinghun not staying at home, and took off his towel and wiped his hair with his head.

"No," Chen Xing said. "You two are in the world, I won't shine."

He grabbed the towel in Lin Xiucheng's hand and pushed Lin Xiucheng away from the mirror
with his elbow: "Go away. , Don't come back after you leave!"

Lin Xiucheng smiled, leaning over and hugging Chen Xing hard, comforting him: "Daddy's
most important person is you."

Chen Xing did not push him away. He looked straight at Lin Xiucheng and asked him
seriously, "Really?"

"Yes." Lin Xiucheng promised him with a smile.

"Then I won't go either." Chen Xing turned around and wiped his hair.
Lin Xiucheng didn't force him, and went out for dinner with Christina. He didn't take Chen
Xing's abnormality to heart. Children are always emotionally unstable.

The person who first discovered that Chen Xing was a little depressed was Gu Qing, because
Lin Xiucheng was busy reconnecting with his Christina.

Lin Xiucheng was afraid of taking Chen Xing with him and reopened a room. Chen Xing stood
at the door with arms folded and watched him take away his luggage.

He was afraid that when he opened his mouth, he would say something that was not like him,
and closed his mouth tightly, and no one would try to pry a word out of his mouth.

Lin Xiucheng looked back and saw his gloomy expression, thinking that his child was having
a temper, and came up to him and asked him, "Why are you not happy?"

Chen Xing ignored him, snorted and shook his head and left. Gu Qing looked at Lin
Xiucheng. He laughed at the shriveled appearance.

As soon as Lin Xiucheng left, Gu Qing wanted to live in a room with Chen Xing. He held the
camera and asked Chen Xing, "Xiaoxin, can you let Brother Qing live in?" He

said that he took a picture sitting in the window. At the same time, Chen Xing was melancholy
in the sunset. Such Chen Xing is extremely difficult to see. He is usually full of vibes and has a
bad stomach, and he rarely worries so seriously.

Chen Xing coldly glanced at him: "Isn't it the money you paid? Just live if you want to live."

Now, Gu Qing was sure that Chen Xing was really unhappy. The young man's mind was so
good to guess that he made Chen Xing a cup of tea. , There is a great posture to talk to him.

"Xiaoxing, do you think your dad is looking for a girlfriend, so he doesn't want you?" Gu Qing
asked him.

Chen Xing took the tea cup, but didn't drink it. He said, "He is not my dad, thank you."

Gu Qing paused and said, "But you are his most important person. I have never seen Vincent
put a person in such a position. I haven't had it before, and I don't think I will ever have it in the

Chen Xing did not answer. In his words, he went on to say: "After Grandpa passed away, I
always thought that Vincent would not value anyone anymore, but you showed up. Fortunately,
lover can be substituted, but relatives can't. You are his relatives."
Chen Xing fell into his own meditation. He wanted to convince himself in this way, but he
couldn't. Chen Xing instinctively felt that such a state was too dangerous. He blocked Gu Qing
from murmuring to his mother-in-law to persuade him and put his luggage away. As soon as I
received it, I booked the ticket with my mobile phone, and I just left.

He is Chen Xing. He no longer needs to passively bear the influence of Lin Xiucheng.
Chengri is in the room thinking about how long he has been fooling around with the girl. He has
to clarify his thoughts, take the initiative to attack, and find that likable The carefree Chen Xing
looks like himself.

At 8:30 in the morning, Gu Qing smashed the door frantically at the door of Lin Xiucheng’s
room: "Vincent! Chen Xing is gone!"

When Lin Xiucheng was woken up by Chen Xing, he just wanted to rub him a few times;
when Lin Xiucheng When Gu Qing was woken up, he just wanted to beat Gu Qing so that his
aunt didn't even know him.

He and Christina played late in the town last night, and came back to have another battle. Not
long after he fell asleep, he was picked up by Gu Qing

. His expression was ugly: "Did you go skiing?" "No, he has all luggage. No longer! Why

Lin Xiucheng's dizzy mind woke up: "What?"

He followed Gu Qing to their room. Chen Xing was indeed gone. He took out his mobile
phone to call Chen Xing. , But found that the phone was put on silent at some point, Chen Xing
sent him a message in the early morning: I don't like Vancouver, I will go back first.

Lin Xiucheng had a headache. He showed Gu Qing the news of Chen Xing: "What does he

" Be jealous," Gu Qing said, touching his chin. "He thinks you don't want him anymore. I didn't
say that you are also an old love. The resurgence is too fast, I won’t give Chen Xing a
stepmother next month, right?"

"I have a consensus with Chris, this is just a short affair, is it because Chen Xing doesn't like
it, so I want to abstain from sex for a lifetime?" Lin Xiucheng replied rationally.

Gu Qing, a banana man, agreed with Lin Xiucheng in his heart. He asked, "What about Chen

"Let him go, what temper." Lin Xiu went back to the room and went back to sleep.
He consciously spoils Chen Xing, and he is not such a spoiling method. Lin Xiucheng's
private life cannot tolerate other people's interference. Christina was lying on the bed, saw him
come in, and asked him what was going on. He leaned over and kissed her and lay back
absent-mindedly on the bed.

Lin Xiucheng said that he would go with Chen Xing, but Gu Qing was not at ease.

He is the character of the old mother. He asked Lin Xiucheng for Chen Xing’s cell phone,
bombarding him with messages from morning to night, sending out some old people’s spiritual
chicken soup, what "possessiveness is also a mental illness? Clicking in will make you live for
another 20 years", "Father, my life's sustenance", "Tell young people three things, handle family
relationships well".

Chen Xing was so annoyed that he blacked him out. Gu Qing made a lot of calls to him after
changing the number to make sure that he would not post these things again. Chen Xingcai let
him out again.

Lin Xiucheng was happy in the Black Comb Mountain, and Chen Xing was also at ease in
London. Jiang Zhengzhen returned home during the Christmas holiday, but he had a buddy
named Yan Si but he did not return.

Yan Si is a heavy game addict. He lives alone in London and his apartment is near Lin
Xiucheng's home.

Chen Xing was bored and didn’t want to be alone. He got off the plane and called Yan Si and
asked him if he was at home. Yan Si happened to have a lot of daily necessities to make up. He
had been at home for more than half a month, and his hair was as long as a beggar. Yes, I can't
go out, please ask Chen Xing to bring it to him.

Chen Xing didn’t go home. He went to the supermarket and brought a big bag of food to Yan
Si’s place. He played games with him. After a night, he simply didn’t go home. They drank,
smoked and played games all night at Yan Si’s house. When I was hungry, I just ordered a
takeaway. The next game started again after a few bites. Within two days, Chen Xing lost a lot
of weight and was as skinny as a drug addict.

On the day Chen Xing returned to the UK, the rational Lin Xiucheng made a bold statement
that he had to frustrate Chen Xing’s temper. He had to stay with Christina for seven days, but on
the third day, Chen Xing still did not answer his phone. , Lin Xiucheng couldn't stand it anymore
and asked Lin Sen to call him, pretending that there was something wrong with the company,
and hurried back home.

Before he left, Christina looked at him

affectionately : "Vincent, I might have the opportunity to work in the UK next year." Lin
Xiucheng heard this and stamped a kiss on her forehead: "Welcome."

Lin Xiucheng was in a hurry to book a ticket. On the second day of Christmas, there was only
one red-eye flight. I arrived in London at 8 in the morning and asked the driver to go home.
When the door was opened, there was not a trace of popularity in the family.

He dialed Chen Xing's number and asked where he was. Chen Xinggang spent the whole
night and couldn't stay asleep on the floor of Yan Si's room.

Lin Xiucheng called one by one, and then sent a message saying that I was going home, and
you answered the phone.

Hearing the annoying ringing of Chen Xing's phone, Yan Si answered, "Chen Xing is still

"Who are you?" Lin Xiucheng squinted when he heard an unfamiliar voice.

Yan Si operated with one hand and died a wave. He "fucked" on the other end, reacted, and
replied, "A friend of Chen Xing, he wakes up and I will ask him to call you back."

After speaking, he hung up the phone. .

Lin Xiucheng stared at his mobile phone for a while, sat in the living room sulking.

In the afternoon, Chen Xing didn't answer his call, and he came back. Lin Xiucheng saw him
look wilted and called him in a deep voice, asking him where he went and how he made it like

Chen Xing glanced at him weakly, and dragged his feet upstairs to go to sleep.

When it was time for dinner, Lin Xiucheng suppressed his anger, brought the dishes made by
his aunt and put them upstairs on the dinner plate.

Chen Xing did not close the door, he pushed away, the room was very dim, Chen Xing fell
asleep, his even breathing was inaudible.

Thinking of the way Chen Xing went home, Lin Xiu was so angry that he didn't fight. Isn’t it
about dating an ex-girlfriend, as for this? This arrogant and petting is about to shake the sky.

He put down the plate on the coffee table in Chen Xing's room, walked over and turned on
Chen Xing's bedside lamp.
When the light turned on, Chen Xing frowned uncomfortably, turned sideways holding the
quilt, and continued to sleep. When he turned over, half of his body was exposed.

Chen Xing did not wear any clothes.

The beautiful body is exposed under the dim bedside lamp, exuding delicate light, round
shoulders, and undulating waist and hips. Every inch is like a God's own hand, making people
unable to turn their eyes.

However, in this kind of weather, even if there is heating, you will catch a cold without a quilt.

Lin Xiucheng had to shook his head at Chen Xing who was unconscious. He bent over, knelt
on one leg, and moved gently, trying to take the quilt out of Chen Xing's arms and cover him.

Chen Xing's leg was tightly clamped with the quilt. He couldn't pull it out and didn't want to
wake him. Lin Xiucheng could only leaned over to lift his leg, but saw the scar on Chen Xing's
right lower abdomen that was half covered by the quilt.

The last time he could not look closely, he couldn’t help but stretch out his hand to press
again. The scar skin looks smooth and light in color. The touch is different from Chen Xing’s
normal skin. It can have a thick, meandering finger. The zigzag one, there are traces of stitches
stitched through the flesh on the side, it should be very painful to think about it.

Lin Xiucheng has seen many people injured or killed, but nothing else can affect his heart like
Chen Xing’s old wound, making him feel as if he was being worn by a blunt instrument, and it
hurts even more. More than empathy.

"Are you

feeling sorry for me?" Lin Xiucheng raised his head, Chen Xing was awake, and looked at
him lazily with his eyes down.

"Why didn't you answer my call?" Lin Xiucheng stretched back the hand that touched Chen
Xing's scar, and avoided answering.

Chen Xing took his hand and pressed it back: "Dad, it won't hurt to touch it."

Lin Xiucheng's hand was pressed by Chen Xing on his hip, and his hand touched Chen
Xing's soft and warm skin and his protruding hard hip joints.

He finally found the opportunity for the attack. Lin Xiucheng surveyed and said: "Chen Xing,
what have you been doing these days, so thin?"

Chen Xing was stunned.

He was forced by Lin Xiucheng to put on his trousers and stood on the scale. As expected,
he showed a value that was as unsightly as Lin Xiucheng's face, and then he was taken
downstairs to eat.

Chapter 13

At the end of January, Chen Xing received admission notices from several schools.

During this period of time, Lin Xiucheng was busy with business affairs, and he had nothing to
do and no family.

Jiang Zhengzhen is back. He first got a conditional offer from the University of London. Now
the IELTS score is up to the standard. He is terribly frustrated. He plans to travel around Europe
every day and asks Chen Xing if he wants to join.

Chen Xing said he could do it at any time, and a few people pooled together time and set it
for the end of March.

There was still a gap of two months in between. Finally, I ran into Lin Xiucheng who came
back to pick up the documents at home. Chen Xing held him and asked, "I want to go back to

He wanted to go back to Qingcheng. Chen Xing didn’t have a cell phone, no email, and he
didn’t have any contact information. Although in modern society, it’s easy to find any contact
information, but Chen Xing still wants to go back and feel the old acquaintances face-to-face.

Because he is doing well.

Lin Xiucheng agreed and asked him when he would leave. Chen Xing said casually: "Just a
few days."

"Should I prepare something for you?" Lin Xiucheng asked him.

Chen Xing said no, Lin Xiucheng took the papers and left, leaving the house empty and
empty again.

A week later, Chen Xing returned to China. He landed in the sea market. He was surrounded
by Chinese characters. He was all yellow people. He had only one boarding box, so he carried
and left, changed the terminal and flew to Qingcheng. .
Qingcheng’s airport is by the sea. It is very small and old. It is still the same as when Chen
Xing left. There are advertisements for domestic mobile phones all over the wall. Many people
at the exit are holding signs and asking Chen Xing if he can live in a hotel.

Chen Xing said in the words of Qingcheng: "I can't help."

He drove straight to the Qingcheng Orphanage. The orphanage was behind a school in the
city center and covered three small buildings. A three-story office building, behind it are two
children’s dormitories and an activity center.

Counting the time to go to the sea market, Chen Xing had been away from Qingcheng for
eleven months, nearly a year.

He walked into the small door on the side of the iron door. The old man Zhou in the
communication room was reading the newspaper wearing reading glasses, and Chen Xing
knocked on the window with a smile.

Old man Zhou raised his head, took off his glasses and looked at him for a long time, then he
patted the table: "Chen Xing!"

All the people in the orphanage rushed to the finance room to see Brother Xing. He came
back this time to return to his hometown and honor his hometown, before the orphanage. His
little brother was so excited that he yelled around him.

Sister Xiao Yu loves to cry. When she saw him, her eyes became wet and she stretched out
her hand to hit him: "Chen Xing! You have no conscience!"

Chen Xing rushed forward and hugged his sister Xiao Yu, acting like a baby.

Dean Chen went to the city hall for a meeting, Xiao Yu called him, and he said that he would
come back in the evening and call Chen Xing for dinner.

After the children dispersed, Chen Xing and Xiao Yu chatted for a noon, talking about Chen
Xing's interesting stories in the UK, and also about the current situation of the Qingcheng

"I'm getting married," Xiao Yu suddenly told Chen Xing. She smiled happily, full of love. "It's
next weekend, you must stay until my wedding day!"

Chen Xing was stunned and nodded: "Okay." , I will wrap you a big red envelope!"

"Who wants your point?" Xiaoyu's sister pulled the collar

upright and told him, "Don't always think about relying on others." Thinking of Lin Xiucheng,
Chen Xing sighed. With a sigh of relief: "Who is my brother-in-law?"

"You know," Xiao Yu covered her mouth and smiled, "Yes..."

Xiao Yu also had to go to a financial meeting in the afternoon. Chen Xing asked her to hurry
up and stay away. He had to hurry up. , Take a round in Qingcheng.

After coming out of the orphanage, Chen Xing crossed the road and wanted to buy a pack of
cigarettes from the canteen in his memory.

After passing a glass door, he stopped.

This is a tattoo shop. There are a lot of photos with tattoos on the skin posted inside the glass
door. Red letters such as tattoos and scar removal are written in the lower left corner. Chen Xing
glanced inside. The decoration is simple and clear, but it is not a way out. The feeling of a side

An open wooden sign was hung on the door, and a warm air leaked through the cracks.

Chen Xing paused, opened the door and walked in.

The owner is a sweet-looking girl. Hearing the wind bell on the door, he raised his head and
greeted Chen Xing: "Hello, do you want a tattoo?"

"Yes." Chen Xing nodded.

He didn't understand this at all, and his eyes were a little confused. The shop owner saw it
and asked him gently, "What do you want to get and where?"

Chen Xing pondered for a while and asked, "Can the tattoo cover me? Scars?"

"Then it depends on how big your tattoos are. You can cover some of them," she explained,
and showed Chen Xing some sample tattoo books. I only noticed the tattoo, not the scar."

Chen Xing said, looking down at the sample on the counter, found the letter template he was
looking for, and opened it.

"Can you show me your scar?" the shopkeeper asked, "Let me see if it can cover the same."

Chen Xing raised his head and smiled at her: "Wait a minute, you can tattoo the letters like
this for me, okay? The
shopkeeper leaned over and looked at it. It was a simple Wisdom Script font. It was very
ordinary, and it didn't match Chen Xing's appearance very well.

"Are you sure?" The owner confirmed to him, "What do you want to tattoo?"

Chen Xing stretched out his finger to touch the font, grinning at her: "Yes, I want to get a
tattoo--is there a pen?" The

owner smiled at him. His face was a little hot for some reason, turned around and took a pen
and paper to him. Chen Xing signed two short words and said to the shopkeeper: "I want to get
this tattoo." The

paper said, "Vincent Lim".

After confirming the style, the shopkeeper went to lock the door and set the sign to close. She
happened to have no reservations that day, and she didn't expect an impromptu customer to

After entering the workplace, Chen Xing pulled down his pants and lay half on a chair. The
shopkeeper disinfected him.

. "Good to hear" "? You called Vincent it," the owner and chat with him,

Chen Hsing-holding shopkeeper gave him a tablet to see the video, turned down the volume,
said:. "No, I like the person's name,"

shop Taking a long look at him: "The girl's name is Vincent?"

Chen Xing smiled, did not answer, and blinked at her.

She hesitated a little, and then said, "Your scars and the tattoos may not be able to cover
them well."

"It's okay," Chen Xing said softly, and repeated, "It doesn't matter."

"Don't be afraid, it won't hurt," the owner felt He was a little nervous and comforted him. He
put the tattoo paper on his hip bone and asked for his opinion: "Is this okay?"

Chen Xing lowered his head and glanced, Lin Xiucheng's name was printed on his scar, it
looked like As if he belonged to Lin Xiucheng, it was perfect.

"Yes, let's get a

tattoo ." For Chen Xing, the pain of the tattoo is basically the level of mosquito bites.
He watched the domestically popular mother-in-law dramas recommended to him by the
shopkeeper, and it was not boring. He also discussed with the shopkeeper how to deal with his
wife and mother if he were a husband.

It was so amused that the shopkeeper ordered him not to speak, so as not to affect her work.

Chen Xingwen had two words, and the shop owner’s fine lines didn’t take a long time. After
watching three episodes, the shop owner began to wash his blood and paint.

I rubbed it with a hot towel on the wound, and there was still some pain. Chen Xing stared at
the letters on the scar, his fingertips itchy, and wanted to touch it.

At this time, Lin Xiucheng called and asked him how Qingcheng was.

"Of course it's like a fish in water," the shop owner took away the towel. Chen Xing couldn't
help being tempted. He reached out to touch the slightly red and swollen area on the edge of
the tattoo. The shop owner slapped his hand and yelled "Ah".

Lin Xiucheng heard the noise and asked him: "What are you doing?"

"I'm..." Chen Xing thought for a while, "Pick a girl." The

shopkeeper looked up at him, and Chen Xing winked at her. The shopkeeper was also very
surprised. Knowing how to play, he deliberately said loudly: "Baby, did you wash it well, why is it
so long?"

Chen Xing curled up with a smile, his muscles tightened to the entire tattoo on his abdomen,
so painful that he hurriedly supported the chair next to the chair. The storage table was gently
pressed back by the shop owner.

Lin Xiucheng smiled a little and warned him: "Don't quietly bring me my daughter-in-law

"If you bring one back, will you ask me if you and her fell into the water and I will save him."
Who?" Chen Xing automatically took the place of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law drama,
his brains were wide open, he covered the microphone with one hand, and whispered to him in
a whisper like saying a secret, "Dad, then I want to save you."

Lin Xiucheng was there haha laughing out loud.

The two chatted a few more words, and the owner told Chen Xing to stand up, and he told Lin
Xiucheng to hang up first.
"You have a very good relationship with your father," the shop owner envied

Chen Xing . "My father is very opposed to my opening of the shop. We haven't contacted for
a long time." Chen Xing looked at his tattoo in the floor mirror, and he was not used to it. He
encouraged him. The shop owner said: "The objection means that I care about you. I also hope
that he can oppose me. However, he only opposes me not eating." The next

two sentences Chen Xing said to herself. The shop owner did not understand. She was busy
stopping Chen. Fortunately, he lifted the hem of his pants: "You can't mention it, you can cover it
with a coat."

Chen Xing had to wear clothes casually and went back to the hotel.

Chen Xing stayed in Qingcheng for more than a week. He first got together with some of his
little brothers in junior high school. After attending Xiao Yu’s wedding, he returned to London the
next day because he was going back to accompany Lin Xiucheng. For the Spring Festival.

When I returned to London, it happened to be February 14th. On Valentine's Day morning,

there was a sweet pink smell at home and abroad. When he got off the plane, Chen Xingjin was
timid and nervous. He saw Lin Xiucheng waiting to pick him up at the exit from a distance, and
his heart was about to pop out of his chest. After all, he secretly covered himself with Lin
Xiucheng’s Poke, and plan to calculate him, I can't help but feel guilty when I meet the Lord.

However, Chen Xing is always a person who gets more frustrated and braver. At this moment,
he doesn't panic. He drags the box and greets Lin Xiucheng: "Vincent!"

Lin Xiucheng doesn't say he is not big or small. Hug Chen Xing and lead him forward: "
Where is my daughter-in-law?"

Chen Xing shrugged: "Still chasing."

"Oh?" Lin Xiucheng was surprised, "Really?"

Chen Xing nodded, not thinking Like to talk more.

Lin Xiucheng was suddenly a little lost. Chen Xing had a secret after returning to the country.
He wanted to know more. He interrogated Chen Xing in the car: "Is it the girl who let you take a
bath that day?"

Chen Xing tilted his head slightly to look. He did not speak, the curvature of the corners of his
mouth was very elusive.

Lin Xiucheng was silent for a while, then compromised, and said, "Go home or eat first?"
Chen Xing looked at the time: "Go home."

At home, Chen Xing opened the suitcase and took out the present he gave Lin Xiucheng.

"For you." Chen Xing handed it over.

Lin Xiu took it over and wanted to dismantle, but Chen Xing would not dismantle him: "No,
you can't dismantle it now."

"Chen Xing, you are not right today." Lin Xiucheng held up the small box in his high hand and
placed it on the top of the wine cabinet. Ge, he is much taller than Chen Xing, and he has
greater strength. He doesn't want to give Chen Xing anything, because Chen Xing can't get it.

Chen Xing and him looked at each other for a while, then suddenly hugged him by the waist
and buried him in Lin Xiucheng's arms, as if he was very insecure and heartbroken.

"I don't think he likes me." Chen Xing confided to Lin Xiucheng, Chen Xing's voice with a
fragile nasal sound, like all teenagers, was stumbled by the troubles of adolescence.

Lin Xiucheng always felt soft when he met Chen Xing. He also reached out his hand to circle
Chen Xing. He told Chen Xing, "No one can dislike you."

"I don't know how to make him like me," Chen Xing raised his head, looked at Lin Xiucheng,
and complained, "I am probably a ditch from the person he would like." The

gender difference is enough for the ditch.

"What kind of person does she like?" Lin Xiucheng asked him tentatively.

Chen Xing put his head back to Lin Xiucheng's shoulder again: "It's not me anyway."

Lin Xiucheng knew that Chen Xing couldn't ask anything, so he held it and enjoyed the feeling
of being a parent. He was jealous of the person who could make Chen Xing so concerned. He
should hope that Chen Xing will live a carefree life, but the gloomy emotions have sprouted in
Lin Xiucheng's heart. It would be great if Chen Xing's happiness and sadness originated from

But not, because his Chen Xing is really going to grow up.

Chapter 14

At lunch, Chen Xing informed Lin Xiucheng that he was going to follow Jiang Zhengzhen to
play in Europe.
Lin Xiucheng hesitated slightly, but did not stop Chen Xing.

Recently, his place is not peaceful. Although some of his uncles are gone, they have left him
a little trouble, and it is a little tricky to get together.

Lin Xiuyu suddenly disappeared, and Derrick was nowhere to be seen, leaving Lin Xiucheng's
heart hanging. No matter if Chen Xing went out in March, he could let go of his hands and feet
to deal with that matter.

He asked Chen Xing who else was with Jiang Zhengzhen.

"It's the ones I often play with, but those I like don't go," Chen Xing said

sadly , "I want to drink." "You haven't drunk less in China?" Lin Xiucheng pierced him, "Don't
drink today, in the afternoon. I'll take you to swim."

A hotel invested by Lin Xiucheng has started a trial camp. The top floor is an infinity pool.
Chen Xing grew up by the sea, and Lin Xiucheng thought he would like it.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xing stopped talking when

he heard about swimming, and he hesitated to say: "Swimming?" His tattoos were not
complete yet, so he could not soak in water.

"What's the problem?" Lin Xiucheng asked him.

"I haven't adjusted the jet lag, so I can't swim," Chen Xing threw his chopsticks, "I'm full."

He walked slowly towards the stairs, and Lin Xiucheng said from the back: "Did you do
something behind my back? ? "

" no ah. "Chen Hsing turned around, leaning against the wall, laughing and well-behaved.

"Take off your clothes." Lin Xiucheng ordered.

Chen Xing raised his eyebrows and said to him, "I didn't fight."

"Take it off," Lin Xiucheng also put down the bowl and stood up, "Should I take it off for you?"

Chen Xing sighed helplessly, and stretched out his hand. The clothes were lifted up, taken off
and thrown on the ground, revealing snow-white flesh and slender waist. He spread his arms
and showed himself to Lin Xiucheng: "Really no fight."
Lin Xiucheng told him to turn his back. Chen Xing obediently carried it back and took two
steps backwards. He approached Lin Xiucheng, "Why do you always think I'm going to get into
trouble?" With

the lights on in the restaurant, Chen Xing's skin was pale. The trousers are reflective, and the
trousers fall to the waist, revealing two lovely waists on the back of the waist.

Lin Xiucheng averted his gaze: "Why don't you want to go swimming

if you do n't have any injuries?" "Why are you so authoritarian, Lin Xiucheng," Chen Xing
turned to ask him, "I just can't swim! Do you want me to wear my pants?

Take it off?" He stretched out his hand and untied his belt. Lin Xiucheng bluffed him, and
quickly held his hand, and said, "No, I just ask."

Chen Xingbai glanced at him, picked up his clothes and went upstairs.

Lin Xiucheng feels like a rebellious teenage parent who has grown scared all day long, and
Chen Xing can't do anything about it. He stood at the door of the room and stared at Chen Xing
entering, went to the wine cabinet and took down the souvenir Chen Xing gave him, and took it
back to the room.

Unpacking the black gift paper, the gift is a book-sized flat paper box without a brand logo. Lin
Xiucheng opened it and placed a white CD on the soft cushion.

Lin Xiucheng turned on the computer and put the cd in. The name of the cd was a bunch of
garbled characters. Lin Xiucheng didn't understand it, and only a piece of audio was saved in it.

It was just too late to open, he received a call from Christina.

"Vincent, guess where I am?" Christina's voice is still moving. She is in a noisy environment,
and the background sounds like the boarding prompt in the airport. Lin Xiucheng said: "It's not in
London, right?"

"Is there an

appointment today?" She asked with a smile, "I offer you a chance to spend Valentine's Day
with your old lover, free of charge." The ex-girlfriend came all the way to find him. Lin Xiucheng
couldn't remain indifferent. He closed the computer and got off. Lou, I am going to pick up
people at the airport for the second time today.

Just about to go out, Chen Xing stopped him from above, "Lin Xiucheng, where are you
"I'll pick up people, don't come back tonight, you remember to eat." He said briefly.

Chen Xing looked at the wine cabinet downstairs with his feet on his feet. His gift was no
longer there, so he asked: "Did you listen to CDs?"

"Listen," Lin Xiucheng coaxed him, "I like it very much, thank you You, baby."

Chen Xing's expression was distorted: "What do you mean by thank you?"

"Okay," Lin Xiucheng hurried out, putting on his shoes while perfunctory Chen Xing, "come

"Don't leave ! "Chen Xing called him in a panic, trying to run downstairs to pull him, Lin
Xiucheng closed the door and ran away.

Lin Xiu took over Christina, went for a drive in London, and introduced her to the local
scenery. Christina's company wanted to send her to the London branch. This time she was on a
business trip. Come here two days in advance to take a look at the environment. She also
wants to make an appointment with Lin Xiucheng. Holiday.

She has never forgotten her ex-boyfriend and stayed single all the time. Reuniting with Lin
Xiucheng in Black Comb Mountain was her biggest surprise. Knowing that Lin Xiucheng was
still in London, she quickly agreed to the company's expatriate request.

"Go to the hotel first, I want to put down my luggage." Christina asked.

They went to the hotel, Lin Xiucheng was very gentlemanly trying to wait for her in the lobby,
but Christina refused.

As soon as she entered the room, she went straight to the subject, pulling Lin Xiucheng's tie
enthusiastically, pulling him down, wanting to relive the joys of the past.

Chen Xingfang ran away from Lin Xiucheng, and couldn't say anything in anger.

He walked into Lin Xiucheng's study room, saw the computer co-authored, opened it, and
solved the password with his fingerprint. As expected, he was still stuck on the page that
opened the CD. Chen Xing opened the audio player, but there was no playback record. Lin Xiu
Cheng didn't listen at all.

He thought for a while, copied the audio, sent him a copy using Lin Xiucheng's own mailbox,
and then went out.

In the taxi, Chen Xing had no time to call and make appointments. It was all during the
holidays, and he was alone in the whole world.
I casually ordered a car to get off in the downtown area, and there were happy lovers kissing
everywhere on the street. Chen Xing didn't think there was anything in the past, but now he
can't accept Lin Xiu's request. How to look at these couples is not pleasing to your eyes.

Chen Xing walked into a shopping mall theater and bought a ticket to watch a sci-fi movie. On
the left hand there is a pair of lovers of you and mine, and on the right is a pair of mandarin
ducks that kissed me and mine. Halfway through watching, I couldn’t bear to run away. Out.

On such days, the restaurant cannot enter without positioning. Chen Xing walked down the
street hungry and decided to buy a hot dog.

Unknowingly, the sky was getting dark. Chen Xing passed through a dark alley. When turning,
a black shadow flashed behind him. He speeded up his pace vigilantly. There was a turn and he
hid behind the corner. He wanted to wait and see. Who dares to follow himself so boldly.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement. Chen Xing made a wrong choice. He took a
step forward and looked behind the corner. Two people suddenly jumped out and covered his
mouth with a wet kerchief. Chen Xing struggled hard and held it. He breathed, but the
manpower was too amazing. He gradually lost his strength. When the two saw him fainting, they
looked at each other and carried him into the car.

After a rainy day breaks, Lin Xiucheng sits on the bedside and smokes.

Christina went to take a shower. Seeing the light dots flashing on the phone that prompted
the text message, he lazily stretched out his hand to take a look at it. It turned out to be an
e-mail sent to himself.

It should be Chen Xing, he packaged the audio and sent it over.

Lin Xiucheng was aroused and clicked to listen.

The audio was very long, about two hours. The first voice was a female voice. Lin Xiucheng
couldn't hear what she said in a low voice. She went to her bag to find the wireless headset to
answer the phone and put it on. The voice was louder to distinguish it. Lin Xiucheng couldn't
figure out the sound in his ears.

That seems to be... TV series? It's still the kind of family.

"Is your name Vincent? It sounds nice." A girl's voice, which is a bit different from the tone of
a TV show, is a little clearer.

"No, it's the name of someone I like." This is Chen Xing's voice.
Lin Xiucheng jumped heavily, like falling into an ice cellar, while the audio continued, but he
didn't even have the strength to press pause.

"The girl's name is Vincent?" the girl asked again.

Chen Xing did not answer.

What is he doing? Lin Xiucheng felt fear for the first time in his life.

Christina came out of the shower and wanted to snuggle to Lin Xiucheng. Lin Xiucheng stood

"Your scars and letters may not be able to cover them well."

Lin Xiucheng renewed his wrinkled shirt. Putting it back on, Christina was worried and asked
him what had happened, Lin Xiucheng seemed unheard of.

Because he heard Chen Xing gently say: "It's okay, it doesn't matter."

"Is this all right?" the girl asked Chen Xing.

Chen Xing said, "Yes, get a tattoo."

Chen Xing engraved his name on his body.

Lin Xiucheng walked back to the car, locked the door for two hours and listened to Chen Xing
picking up a girl. He chatted and laughed with the girl, mixed with a slight buzzing sound. Lin
Xiucheng was distracted. He was thinking what Chen Xing's tattoo would look like. The ringing
music pulled him back to reality.

Chen Xing answered the phone. This is Lin Xiucheng's phone call to Chen Xing after handling
official business in the morning, asking him how Qingcheng is. Just like Lin Xiucheng's memory,
Chen Xing teased him word by word: "Of course it's like a fish in water."

"I,picking up girls in..." The audio was still three minutes away, and Lin Xiucheng's fingers
trembled and wanted to press to exit, but still couldn't click.

Finally, Chen Xing said in an agitated voice: "Dad, then I want to save you."

Chen Xing's voice was low, with a youthful aura, sexuality of abstinence, making Lin
Xiucheng unable to escape, almost wanting to escape.
Chapter 15

Chen Xing opened his eyes, his head hurts, his eyes were sore, his temples jumped suddenly,
his wrists were handcuffed behind his back, and he was thrown on a camp bed.

The surroundings are dim, the wall above the head is slanted, and there is a small window
with a few pieces of wood nailed to it, and the bright sky outside can be seen.

He was locked up in the top attic of a very dilapidated building. The brick walls were black
and mildewed. There was no heating in the room. Chen Xing was awake from the cold.

He was kidnapped. Chen Xing turned his body sideways and sat up against the wall, moving
his fingers, thinking about who tied him.

The kidnapper opened the door and came in. He was a sturdy white man he had never met.
In such a cold room, he was only wearing a jacket and a vest, with knotted muscles under the
neckline, and his shaggy beard, describing him as embarrassed.

"Wake up?" The white man kept stepping on the bed, pinched Chen Xing's chin, and pulled
him up.

Chen Xing rolled his eyes, put on a look of horror, and drew back: "You, who are you?" The

strong man put his hand on his carotid artery and slid: "I look good, just to look at Lin Xiu. I
am willing to pay for your face." There were

footsteps at the door, and Chen Xing raised his eyes. It was Lin Xiuyu. His appearance was
not much different from that of a white man, who looked like a homeless man sleeping on the

"Derrick, it's dinner." He called the white man.

Derrick let go of Chen Xing. Chen Xing fell on the bed and turned and walked towards the
door. He went out and saw Lin Xiuyu not moving, and asked him, "You won't go?"

"I'm going to talk to Chen Xing." Lin Xiuyu hugged his arms and looked at Chen Xing.

Derrick patted Lin Xiuyu's shoulder sharply, and persuaded him: "Don't be too heavy and let
him live with Lin Xiucheng."

Seeing Derrick walk away, Lin Xiuyu contemptuously said to Chen Xing: "You are not very Is
it amazing?"
Chen Xing buried his head in his knees, not looking at him.

Lin Xiuyu thought of Chen Xing’s cruel way of beating him in the mansion before. Even if
Chen Xing was handcuffed, he didn’t dare to approach him. He only dared to move his lips:
“You’d better pray that Lin Xiucheng will pay you a lot of money. I'm thinking about letting you
die decently."

Chen Xing raised his head and said coldly to him: "You think too much, Master Xiu won't pay
for me."

"How can I know if I don't try?" Lin Xiuyu has a temper and can't handle it. Provoked and
refuted him, "He loves you so much, and we don't want much. You say something nice,

he— " "Hey," Derrick went back and forth, "Tell him so much."

Two People lost Chen Xing was in the room alone and went to eat.

Chen Xing supported his ears and listened to the movement outside for a while, and
gradually got an idea in his heart.

Lin Xiucheng drove in circles on the street restlessly. He dared not go home because Chen
Xing was still at home.

He was driving across a bridge and his cell phone rang. He looked down and saw that it was
Lin Sen's call.

Lin Sen called him at this point, there must be something urgent. Lin Xiucheng pulled over
and stopped the car and picked it up.

"Master Xiu, something happened to Chen Xing." Lin Sen said solemnly.

Chen Xing didn't like to be followed, and he was also very vigilant. After Lin Xiucheng had
asked Lin Sen to evacuate people, he didn't send anyone to stare at him again.

A few minutes ago, Lin Sen received a photo in the mailbox of his counterpart. Chen Xing in
the photo was lying on a bed with his hands behind him. He seemed to have passed out. The
email said: Please Mr. Lin to go home. Wait for my call.

He immediately called Lin Xiucheng to report, contacted someone urgently, and started to
check the sending place of the sending mailbox. He could only find out that the email was sent
in London, but he couldn't find where it was.
At 8 o'clock the next morning, Lin Xiucheng sat by the landline in the living room, staying up
all night, smoking cigarettes one by one. Lin Sen wanted to persuade him to go to sleep, but
because of the cold breath surrounding him, he couldn't open his mouth.

The marble-carved landline rang suddenly, and the crisp telephone rang broke the tranquility
of the living room. Lin Xiu took a stop to his body, and quickly reached out and pressed his hand
on the microphone, gritted his teeth and waited. Finally, the ringing stopped and he did not pick
it up.

Silent silence resumed in the room. Lin Sen felt that Lin Xiucheng's aura was so cold as to kill
someone. He didn't know how to persuade him, so he could only stand aside and wait.

After five or six minutes, the phone rang again, and Lin Xiucheng waited for it to ring five
times before picking it up.

His voice sounded very calm and relaxed, only the bulging back of his hand revealed his
tension: "Which one?"

"Your little baby is in my hand," Derrick went straight in, "right next to my leg."

"Oh. I have many treasures, which one do you mean?" Lin Xiucheng asked indifferently.

Derrick seemed to kick something hard on the other end. Lin Xiucheng heard Chen Xing's
heavy breathing, stood up and squeezed the microphone in his hand.

"Come on, say hello to your Mr. Lin." Derrick's voice moved a little further away, and he
grabbed Chen Xing and asked him to speak.

"Master Xiu, help me!" Chen Xing had not dripped water for more than ten hours, his voice
was dry and dumb, and he called to the phone in fear.

Lin Xiucheng heard Chen Xing's voice, even knowing that Chen Xing was pretending to be
scared, he couldn't help but closed his eyes out of breath.

Derrick took the phone back and asked

, "Do you know who is here?" "It's Chen Xing," Lin Xiucheng asked Derrick, "How much do
you think he is worth?"

"I want a hundred three-carat IF, F or more white diamonds, twenty million uS dollars in cash,
but also your commitment, do not ever come to us trouble. "

Linxiu Cheng heard this, he laughs out:" I think you are crazy. "
Having put The phone was duped.

Derrick's mobile phone was turned on, and there were Lin Xiuyu and another Derrick in the
room. Hearing Lin Xiucheng's last words, his expression changed.

Derrick and Lin Xiuyu looked at each other, then stepped forward and kicked Chen Xing on
the shoulder, cursing, "Fuck, I thought you were a baby."

Chen Xing lay on the ground, motionless.

"Let's fight another one," Lin Xiuyu said, "lower some requirements, he might agree, at least
not to send someone to chase us."

He persuaded Derrick a few more words, Derrick nodded, he spent a lot of time to deal with
Chen Chen Fortunately, I did not want to let it go.

"Hang him out for a while, you look at him," Derrick said gloomily, and took his men out.

Only Chen Xing and Lin Xiuyu were left in the room. Chen Xing muttered to himself: "I said,
he won't pay."

Chen Xing's dull look reduced Lin Xiuyu's vigilance.

He walked over and pulled Chen Xing up. His hair, hate said: "You fucking don't think I don't
know, he is kind to you, it would be cheaper for him to ask him for a fraction."

He brought up the idea of ​catching Chen Xing.

When he was forced into desperation by Lin Xiucheng, Derrick found him and provided him
with a temporary refuge. In order to show his usefulness, Lin Xiuyu vowed that Lin Xiucheng
would give in for Chen Xing, but Chen Xing did not expect Chen Xing to arrest him. Now, Lin
Xiucheng is like a okay person, it doesn't matter at all.

This kidnapping is their last fight, exhausting all available resources, and if this continues,
there is only one dead end.

Chen Xing's hair was so painful that he was pulling, and there was some water in his eyes,
and he frowned and did not speak.

Lin Xiuyu was frantic and leaned close to him: "Quickly, did Lin Xiucheng pretend? Are you
colluding, right?"

Chen Xing looked at Lin Xiuyu's close face, and he said, "Yes,
stupid ." Lin Xiuyu Before he could see clearly, there was a cold thing around his neck.

Chen Xing did not know when he had already unfastened the handcuffs and walked around
behind him, wrapped his hands around Lin Xiuyu's neck, and his throat was tightly clamped with
the handcuffs, and his spine was on top of his knees. Lin Xiuyu's throat made a terrible "chuck".
The sound, his face flushed, his eyes were splitting, and soon, his pupils dilated, and his breath

Chen Xing released Lin Xiuyu's head and pulled the gun from his waist.

Derrick didn't know if he was too negligent, thinking Chen Xing was really Lin Xiuyu's little pet,
or he was too trusting Lin Xiuyu to look after him, and went out with his men.

Chen Xing went downstairs cautiously. This is an old building with almost no people living.
Next to it is an abandoned school, which is deserted. Fortunately, a garbage truck has passed

He tried his last strength to climb into the car, climbed into the cabinet behind the car, and
panted behind a garbage bag. Chen Xing had a headache and felt cold all over. He thought he
was feverish, and the garbage truck crashed. After moving forward and leaving there, Chen
Xing's spirit slackened, and his consciousness slowly became unclear.

In confusion, Chen Xing felt that the car had stopped many times. It seemed that he had
reached a place where there was a voice outside, and then stopped again. He climbed out of
the car, lost his strength when getting off the tall truck box, and fell heavily to the ground.

He relieved for a long time, and when the pain subsided a little, he sat up with his arm

It's snowing in London.

Chen Xing fell into an alley leading to the main road, and snowflakes fell on his face in
abundance, cold and wet, making his head a little more sober.

There is a telephone booth at the entrance of the alley. For a short distance, Chen Xing's leg
hurts, and his hamstrings twitched. It took a long time to reach him. His mobile phone was
searched out and his wallet was also found. He took it away, but there were still some change in
his pocket. He put the money into the coin slot and dialed Lin Xiucheng's mobile phone number.

Lin Xiucheng was going crazy waiting for Derrick's call back.

Once Derrick and Lin Xiuyu find out how important Chen Xing is to him, they will put Chen
Xing in a more dangerous position. He must take the initiative. When Derrick asks him in turn,
Chen Xing also understands this, so he does it on the other side of the phone. The look of
pleading. However, more than four hours have passed since Lin Xiucheng hung up the phone in
the morning, and the landline never rang again.

As soon as he closed his eyes, it was all Chen Xing's hoarse shouts, and Chen Xing was
saying "Help me". Lin Xiucheng asked Lin Sen to prepare the cash and diamonds. If Derrick
called again... he was afraid that he would promise him all the conditions out of control.

Lin Xiucheng stood up and looked down from the floor-to-ceiling windows. There was a lot of
snow and a thin layer of white on the roof of the shorter house. The phone on the coffee table
vibrated suddenly, and he walked quickly over, which was an unknown number.

He opened to answer, and Chen Xing told him in a faint voice on the other end: "Lin
Xiucheng, I am probably in a telephone booth in the middle of St. Paul Street. It seems to have
a fever. Come pick me up."

Lin Xiucheng found in the telephone booth. Chen Xing.

He looked down at the dirty boy in the small pavilion, holding the microphone, and fell asleep,
knelt and picked him up.

If Chen Xing is awake, he must be disgusted with such a posture, Lin Xiucheng thought.

Chen Xing's eyelashes were long and deaf, there was melted snow on his face, and there
were some stains on his face. Lin Xiucheng reached out and wiped it for him. After touching
Chen Xing's cold skin, he realized that his fingers were trembling.

He got out of the car holding Chen Xing and went to the hospital for an examination. Chen
Xing had a high fever, bruises and bruises all over his body, and his knees were severely
broken. A large piece was broken and bleeding.

The doctor cleaned up the wound for him, hung a needle to reduce the fever, and left.

Lin Xiucheng sat aside and guarded him. Seeing that Chen Xing’s fingers were full of black
filth, he went to the bathroom with a basin of hot water, soaked the towel, squeezed it dry, and
covered the back of Chen Xing’s hand slowly. Slowly wipe off the stains for him, revealing

Lin Xiucheng looked at Chen Xing, who was lying quietly on the bed with his lips pursed and
fell asleep. He looked lifeless and no longer so energetic, but he was alive in front of Lin
Xiucheng, breathing with his chest. Lin Xiucheng's heart also fell, and settled where it should be.
Lin Xiucheng shook Chen Xing's hand and warmed his hand, which had become cold due to
hanging water.
Chen Xing should be clean, he thought, he would give Chen Xing a greenhouse on a tall
building, and tell him to bask in the sun at the highest point in London, without the wind, and
fresh flowers and plants are planted around him, and even if Chen Xing is exposed The best
innocent smile came to pray for him, and he wouldn't let him go.

Chapter 16

Chen Xing slept for 20 hours before waking up. He was in good health and his fever
disappeared in the middle of the night.

Lin Xiucheng fell asleep on the side of his bed, and Chen Xing's arm hurts with his rough
black hair. Chen Xing looked at Bai's miserable ceiling for a while, and stretched out his hand to
push Lin Xiucheng's shoulder. There was a retained needle in his left hand, which hurt when he

Lin Xiucheng also woke up. He raised his head to look at him. He didn't close his eyes much
in the two nights and didn't change his clothes. He put his glasses aside, with bloodshot eyes in
his whites. He squinted at Chen Xing and said nonsense: "Wake up. Is it?"

Chen Xing looked at him for a while, laughing to death. He laughed while laughing at him:
"Master Xiu, you are not handsome anymore."

Lin Xiucheng rubbed his head and stood up to wash.

After Lin Xiucheng finished washing and shaving his beard and came back, Chen Xing also
sat up, lifted the quilt and sat cross-legged and waited for him. It was the lawless Chen Xing

"I seem to have killed Lin Xiuyu," he went to touch the wound on his face, and Lin Xiucheng
took away his hand as soon as he touched the wound. "I felt it, it hurts."

Lin Xiucheng took his hand. Put it there, sit on the side of the bed and discuss with him:
"Chen Xing, when you get better, you follow Gu Qing to the United States."

"Why?" Chen Xing asked him unhappily, "How long will I go, I have an appointment with Jiang
Zhengzhen." Did you forget that you are going to Europe?"

Lin Xiucheng knew that Chen Xing was healed, his scars had forgotten his painful character,
and he did not expect his heart to be so ambitious: "I want to send you to high school in the
United States."

Chen Xing was stunned. "...Are you going to the United States?"
"I'm not going." Lin Xiucheng looked at Chen Xing's expression and couldn't look at him
anymore and looked away.

"What are you going to do?" Chen Xing asked him.

Lin Xiucheng thought for a while and gave him an analogy so that he could understand: "I
want to clean up and don't want you to get dust."

Chen Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you think I'm afraid of this?"

"Chen" Fortunately," Lin Xiucheng called to him, and he looked at Chen Xing directly and
confessed his fear unreservedly, "I am afraid."

He stretched out his hand to embrace Chen Xing, told him to lean on his shoulder, and said
again, "I'm afraid."

Chen Xing stopped talking and leaned on Lin Xiucheng's shoulder, wondering what he was

He quarreled and was discharged from the hospital in the afternoon. The doctor reviewed him
and felt that he was not in any serious trouble, so Chen Xing was sent home.

In the car back, Chen Xing'an sat quietly, asking one question and answering one question.
Lin Xiucheng was afraid that he would mention the CD, but he was relieved to see him so

There have been too many things in the past two days, even he doesn’t know how to deal
with it. From Lin Xiucheng’s view, Chen Xing’s feelings for him are dependent on psychology
and possessiveness, just like a child’s play. Impulse blindly, regardless of the consequences,
should not be taken seriously.

When he stopped downstairs, Lin Xiucheng put out the fire, and Chen Xing said, "When are
you going to send me away?"

"As soon as possible," Lin Xiucheng told him, "Wait for you to be better."

"I'm done. "Chen Xing

untied the seat belt, "You can leave at any time." This time it was Lin Xiucheng's turn to
choke. He thought he would have to persuade him for a long time before Chen Xing willingly
agreed. He was so happy, but Lin Xiucheng was born in his heart. In a bitter sense, is Chen
Xing really so free and easy.
"It's past the seventh day. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve," Lin Xiucheng paused before saying,
"You will spend a year with me."

" You will have firecrackers during the New Year," Chen Xing said, lowering his head, "I still
have to eat.

Big fish and big meat." Lin Xiucheng endured the sourness in his chest and promised him:

Lin Xiucheng helped Chen Xing into the house, and there were hot dishes on the table, and
Chen Xing took a few bites. ,

Said again: "Then when can I come back?" "When you graduate from high school..." Lin
Xiucheng couldn't say anymore, "I'll see you, it's not a life or death."

Chen Xing took a deep breath and said: "I'm full."

Putting down the bowl, he limped upstairs.

Lin Xiucheng was sitting at the dining table with a mess in his head.

Chen Xing is not sensible, and Lin Xiucheng is an adult who can only take the responsibility
of making decisions for the two of them.

He sat for a while, put a bowl, and walked up to see Chen Xing.

When Chen Xing was in the bathroom, there was a rushing sound of water. Thinking of the
wound on Chen Xing's leg, Lin Xiucheng knocked on the door of his bathroom: "Chen Xing?"

sound of water stopped. Chen Xing asked him what he was doing inside.

"Don't get water on the wound." Lin Xiucheng reminded.

Chen Xing opened the door, wearing his black nightgown, his face was very ugly: "Lin

He walked around Lin Xiucheng and sat on the sofa in his room, looking up at him.

"So you want to assume that nothing has happened?" Chen Xing asked, his face still has
water vapor, no expression, and Moyu-like pupils have fierceness in them, "Why are you so
Lin Xiucheng." Lin Xiu There was no way to explain what he wanted to explain. After a long
pause, he said: "Chen Xing, you are still young."

"When was your first night?" Chen Xing asked him.

"I went to bed with the girl from Chu Ye and didn't get her name tattooed on me," Lin Xiu
shrugged off. "If you don't want me to look for a woman, I won't look for it. You are my most
important person. You don't need you. Get it by dedication."

Chen Xing listened carefully to what he said, but instead laughed without anger: "The words
always make sense to you."

"Chen Xing," Lin Xiucheng walked over, knelt in front of him on one knee, and talked to him.
Looking up, like an adult talking to a child, he patiently said, "You have too little experience, you
have never even talked about being in love-the hostess is not in love at all, how do you know
what like is?"

See Chen Xing wanted to refute, he added.

Chen Xing looked at him for a while and whispered: "Then I go to find a dozen people to fall
in love with and go to bed, will you take me seriously?"

Lin Xiucheng frowned to teach him, but Chen Xing interrupted him. Chen Xing suddenly
spread his hands out of relief: "I won't do that. You are right. I am not yet seventeen years old.
People waiting for me, why am I wasting on you?"

"But Dad," Chen Xing grabbed Lin Xiucheng's hand and placed it on his waist, letting him feel
his warmth through the soft silk nightgown Soft skin, "I've carved your chapter, and then go out
and hook up three and four times, what do you think if you tell others to see it?"

"If you don't want to mention it, don't mention it. If you ask me to go, I will leave. I can wait for
you to accept it. , But it’s not indefinite. Is that okay?" Chen Xing stood up easily and walked
towards the changing room. He was not walking steadily, but his steps were firm. Interfere with
each other again." This

can only be done. Lin Xiucheng looked at Chen Xing's back.

"I'm going to change clothes, you take me to Chinatown, I heard that there are dragon and
lion dances, I want to see it." Chen Xing said.

Lin Xiucheng can only say yes.

In the seven days of the New Year, Lin Xiucheng and his adopted son are like a pair of
resentful couples before the end of the world, sticking together, not holding hands or hugging,
and unwilling to break up, living today without tomorrow.

At five o'clock on the first day of the first lunar month, Lin Xiucheng burned incense in the first
old building built by his grandfather in Chinatown according to the usual practice. Will not give
Chen Xingjin these things, shut Chen Xing at home, tell Chen Xing to go to bed first, and he will
go back after lighting the incense.

Lin Xiucheng confessed the matter and sealed red envelopes to all his subordinates. It was
already three o'clock downstairs when he reached the house. He lowered the car window, lit a
cigarette, and wanted to wake up before going upstairs.

The elevator door not far away opened, and Chen Xing walked out.

He didn't get in the car, stood by the driver's seat, bent down and lay on Lin Xiucheng's car
window, took a cigarette from Lin Xiucheng's hand, took a sip, and said, "Foreign smoke."

Lin Xiucheng was surprised . He was amused by his youthful and mature appearance: "What
kind of cigarette is Young Master Chen going to smoke, the Yellow Crane Tower or the
Ninety-Five Supreme?"

Chen Xing pushed Marlboro back into Lin Xiucheng's hands, walked around the front of the
car, and got into the passenger seat, saying, "In the earliest days I drew a box of Double
Happiness for

$ 7 and 51 from the canteen." "What happened later?" Lin Xiucheng asked.

"Later," Chen Xing smiled at him very cutely, "Later, the commissary owner's daughter liked
me, and she had to ask me to take double happiness for no money."


"Later I came to the UK, not too much. Chance to smoke," Chen Xing reached out and fiddled
with the air vent of the air conditioner, and said, "If...I didn't come out of the orphanage, I might
fly the leaves in the disco toilet in Qingcheng now."

"You won't." Lin Xiucheng said confidently.

"Today Gu Qing told me that you bought the photo he took of me last time," Chen Xing
sneered at him, "Are you sick?"

Lin Xiucheng was a little embarrassed, and calmly explained: "I didn't buy it. , Just tell him not
to let go. Your identity is special, and flowing outside is not good for your personal safety."
Chen Xing nodded and smiled at him, completely different from usual quietness.

Abnormality is a demon, and Lin Xiucheng foresaw that Chen Xing was going to pose a
problem for him.

"I'm reading a magazine today." Chen Xing suddenly leaned over, his face pointing away from
Lin Xiucheng, "You put the book on the coffee table and saw the lake area."

Lin Xiucheng refused to accept Chen Xing's bright eyes. Chen Xing didn't care, he leaned
closer and pressed his face to Lin Xiucheng's shoulder: "Lake District, Dad! I have lost my trip to
Europe, and there are only two days left in the UK. You don't want to take me away!"

This kind of absurd idea should be killed in the cradle, what stupidity is committed.

So Lin Xiucheng went upstairs to make up for four hours, and got on the high-speed train
bound for Windermere with Chen Xing.

Breathing the cold tidal air in the lake area, Chen Xing was wrapped in a long feather and
leaped alive, his bright black eyes hidden behind the exhaled white breath.

He is now a little below Lin Xiucheng's eyes, and seven or eight centimeters longer since he
went to London a year ago. He clung to Lin Xiucheng and pretended to be very cold.

"Where are we going now?" He asked, "Have you been to the Lake District? With

whom ?" Lin Xiucheng came to the Lake District camping in high school, and hid in a tent at
night with his little girlfriend at that time. After considering his detailed and comprehensive
considerations, he picked the first question to answer: "Go to the hotel first." The

two got out of the station and called for a car, and Chen Xing reported the name of the hotel.

Lin Xiucheng felt that he was so stupid that he was played with by a 17-year-old child. When
Chen Xing went downstairs in the early morning, he ordered everything, just waiting for him to
get the bait.

The hotel is by the lake, a private hotel, lake view, big bed room.

Lin Xiucheng stood beside the full-length mirror with a smile, looking at Chen Xing who had
left his coat on the sofa chair. Chen Xing was only wearing a light gray sweater with half of his
collarbone exposed.

Chen Xing turned his

head and asked him harmlessly, "What's wrong with you?" Lin Xiucheng shook his head. He
wanted to see what Chen Xing made.

After putting things away, they went shopping nearby. Chen Xing took a few photos and sent
them to Gu Qing, asking him to rate him. Gu Qing smashed it very rarely, so that he would stop
tarnishing the beauty of the lake area.

Chen Xing aggrievedly showed the photo to Lin Xiucheng, and asked, "Where did I take it

Lin Xiucheng smiled and shot the table: "Baby, you are not in focus!"

There are ten strange cries. A large swath of dead branches concealed four-fifths of the lake
view, and the so-called owl close-up of Chen Xing with eight faces entering.

Chen Xing saw that Lin Xiucheng also laughed at him, angrily holding the phone to take
pictures somewhere else.

In the evening, the two went back to the hotel and ate dinner cooked by the owner. Chen Xing
ate well. He teased the dog by the lake in the backyard. First, he wore clothes. After playing with
a hot coat, he wore sweaters and the dog bounced around on the dry grass. It didn't take long
for Lin Xiucheng to catch him back.

When it was time to go to bed, Lin Xiucheng sat on the side of the bed, and Chen Xing sat on
the other side of the bed properly. They said goodnight to each other, lifted the quilt and lay in.

After being silent for an unknown period of time, one hand climbed onto Lin Xiucheng's arm,
Chen Xing's fingers were a little cold, not as soft and smooth as a woman, it was Chen Xing's
unique coldness.

Lin Xiucheng was not asleep. He opened his eyes slightly in the dim light of the night light,
and waited for Chen Xing's next move. After a long time, Chen Xing slowly moved over, hooked
his legs, and moved his forehead. On his back.

The hand placed on Lin Xiucheng's arm slid down and fell into the gap in his bathrobe,
touching the muscles of his lower abdomen seemingly. Lin Xiucheng endured for a while, and
Chen Xing probed further and further. He couldn't bear it. He reached out and grabbed Chen
Xing's hand, turned around, turned on the bedside lamp, and pinched Chen Xing's chin to make
him look at him.

"Can you still sleep?" Lin Xiucheng asked sternly.

Chen Xing rolled his eyes, just not looking at him.

Lin Xiucheng wanted to teach him, but Chen Xing pushed him down on the bed. Chen Xing
stretched his legs and sat on Lin Xiucheng.

"I don't think I will do anything. I'm sorry you didn't sleep so late," Chen Xing said.

At this time, Lin Xiucheng was in good time. He asked Chen Xing, "Then what are you going
to do?"

Chen Xing shook his head: "How do I know? You teach me, Dad."

" Should I take off my clothes first? "Chen Xing said to himself. He unbuttoned his nightgown
and took off his clothes, revealing his upper body. There are still some bruises left by the
kidnapping on his body. There are a few very light purple, purple and green patches. The edge
of his underwear is just right. Covering the hip bones, nothing can be seen.

Linxiu Cheng staring at his belly look, Chen Hsing understand what he meant, he gets Linxiu
Cheng's hand in his underpants edge: "You want to see ah?"

"Do not want" Linxiu Cheng duplicity, he was dreaming. They all wanted to know what Chen
Xing's tattoo looked like. The hand was close to Chen Xing's waist and could not be removed
anymore, so Chen Xing took his hand and slowly pulled down the hem of his pants.

"Don't you don't want it?" After pulling down some, Chen Xing stopped his hand and said,

hands are really weak." His hand touched Lin Xiucheng's semi-rigid genitals again: "But here
is Dad's. Very big."

Lin Xiucheng was silent and followed the speed just now, pulling down the hem of his pants,
stuck under his hip bone, looking straight at the black words on his scar.

Vincent Lim.

This is the word he signs every day . It is everywhere, and the familiar can no longer be
familiar. This name belongs to him and represents him.

And such Chen Xing is like his most important contract.

He signed it, and Chen Xing is his.

Chen Xing was impatient. Seeing Lin Xiucheng's delay in responding, he leaned down and
wanted to kiss him.
Lin Xiucheng held his shoulders, pushed him away, took a few breaths, and then said, "Chen
Xing, no."

It still doesn't work .

Chen Xing's eyes were cold. He quietly watched Lin Xiucheng for a few seconds, jumped off
him, put on his clothes, put on a scarf, put on a coat, and walked out the door.

"I'm going to San Francisco by myself tomorrow morning, don't send me off," Chen Xing
stood at the door of the room, suddenly remembering something, and turned around to tell Lin

Immediately afterwards, he closed the door.

Chapter 17

One year and nine months later, Lin Xiucheng came to San Francisco for the eighth time, and
still did not see Chen Xing's face.

Lin Xiucheng stood at the door, thinking that if Chen Xing appeared in front of him now, he
would kneel and call him ancestor.

For more than five hundred days, Chen Xing has never been caught by him once, and I have
to ask him three times a day from morning to night. Dad, where did I go to play today, who I met,
how many centimeters taller I have, and it’s okay. There was a Gu Qing Chuan photo that
teased him, and he disappeared when he was about to meet. He asked where he was going,
but he solemnly refused: "No, Lin Xiucheng, it's not alright." It

's no good to go to your mother!

It was the same this time. There was no news from Chen Xing as soon as the Christmas
holiday was off. Lin Xiucheng asked someone to check the flight attendant information and
determined that Chen Xing was at home with the machine turned off, and the most dangerous
place to play was the safest place. He came to San Francisco immediately, ready to catch him
off guard.

He opened the door and went in. No one was there.

On the table was a still from the movie "Casablanca" with the words:

Pop-corn and cokes beneath the stars, became champagne and caviar,

Making love beneath the long hot summer's night.

Lin Sen’s news also came, saying yes As soon as Lin Xiucheng boarded the plane from
London to San Francisco, Chen Xing ran to Morocco.

Lin Xiucheng, exhausted physically and mentally, had to pull Gu Qing out for a drink.

"You don't tell me what is going on, how can I enlighten you?" Chen Xing covered himself
tightly, and Gu Qing had no idea what was going on with them.

Lin Xiucheng took a sip of boring wine on his own, what can be said, he refused Chen Xing's
request for joy, Chen Xing became angry and embarrassed?

Lin Xiucheng was not afraid that Chen Xing would regret it. He rationally felt that if they had a
relationship the night before Chen Xing left the UK, Chen Xing would never be able to leave.

When Chen Xing sat on him, holding a heart, bent over and looked at him with moist and
passionate eyes, and wanted to kiss him, and he touched the letter on Chen Xing's waist, he
just wanted to lock Chen Xing Get up, blindfold his eyes, tie his hands, and stifle Chen Xing’s
connection with the outside world, leaving Chen Xing to belong to him from beginning to end,
but such a fierce desire to invade the other party out of control will destroy Chen Xing. Will also
destroy himself.

So he said, no, Chen Xing.

Lin Xiucheng didn't regret his choice, he had to leave Chen Xing a way out.

But it's not such a fucking retreat.

"Why did Chen Xing go to Morocco?" Lin Xiucheng asked Gu Qing.

Gu Qing was puzzled: "Chen Xing went to Morocco?"

Lin Xiucheng turned away and drank the wine in the glass.

His phone turned on, and Chen Xing finally got a message. He said to Lin Xiucheng, "Dad,
you have gone, help me find a cleaner and clean the room."

Lin Xiucheng dialed Chen Xing's number. , Chen Xing took it.

"When are you coming back?" Lin Xiucheng looked at his watch, "Or am I going to find you?"

"What? I can't hear." Chen Xing said, he seemed very noisy over there, and said to Lin
Xiucheng hastily Bye bye, I hung up.
Lin Xiucheng had nothing to do with Chen Xing. He had a lot of things in London, so he went
back that night. Before leaving, he stared at the cleaning staff to clean Chen Xing's house.

When he arrived in London, Lin Xiucheng went upstairs to sleep as soon as he got home.
When he woke up, he felt something on his eyes and wanted to reach out to touch, but found
that his hands were tied up.

A cold hand pinched his chin, and stuffed a grain of something into his mouth, which tasted
slightly bitter and smelly.

Lin Xiucheng just wanted to push his tongue out, and kissed him with a pair of lips.

It's soft and sweet, and the darkness is more sensitive. The other party's soft tongue gently
licked Lin Xiucheng's lips, scratching Lin Xiucheng like a cat's claw, his lips slightly opened,
holding him, and his upper lip. The cute lips are on Lin Xiucheng's upper lip.

The hands that gave Lin Xiucheng the medicine untied Lin Xiucheng's nightgown and walked
around him.

Lin Xiucheng felt anxious and hot: "Chen Xing, what did you eat for me?"

Chen Xing did not speak, and licked his chin to his Adam's apple, sliding down his chest
muscles all the way.

When he encountered the sexual organs wrapped in Lin Xiucheng's underwear, he carefully
pulled down Lin Xiucheng's pants and opened his mouth to cover it.

Chen Xing’s mouth was hot and humid, and the tip of his tongue slid across Lin Xiucheng’s
angered genitals. If there was anything that teased him, he first made Lin Xiucheng a few deep
vomits, and the top of his throat was astringent. He spit him out again, stroked his genitals with
one hand, and sucked with his top in his mouth.

Chen Xing was full of hatred for not being able to seduce him last time, holding a heart that
would make Lin Xiucheng crazy, the medicine he fed him was very effective, but he didn't want
him to be satisfied too quickly, and his actions were quick and slow.

After Lin Xiucheng asked, Chen Xing spit out something in his mouth very dissatisfied, and
asked him, "Is my skill

bad ?" He just wanted to make Lin Xiucheng feel uncomfortable. He didn't want to feel like he
felt like, a big hand grabbed his hair and pressed it against the giant in front of him, his nose
was suddenly filled with the smell of Lin Xiucheng's cologne.
"I have to practice again." Lin Xiucheng said. He did not take off the blindfold or let go of
Chen Xing. He pressed Chen Xing's face to the part where he was about to explode and
ordered him.

Chen Xing’s hair hurt when Lin Xiucheng caught him, so he could only swallow Lin
Xiucheng’s genitals again. He knelt between Lin Xiucheng’s legs and served him. Lin Xiucheng
pressed his head one by one. Chen Xing seemed to be pierced in the throat by Lin Xiucheng,
and he couldn't swallow it all the way. After a while, Chen Xing's tears also came out, pushing
Lin Xiucheng's leg to remember, and Lin Xiucheng pressed it back again.


Chen Xing vomited dozens of times, both cheeks were sore, and Lin Xiucheng didn't have
any signs of venting. He was lazy again, and he hummed softly from his nose, pulling Lin
Xiucheng. Lin Xiucheng's rough hair tied up his jaw pain.

Lin Xiucheng rubbed his waist and let go of the hand that was pressing his head, allowing
Chen Xing to get up.

"Is this tired?" He asked Chen Xing softly.

Chen Xing knelt on Lin Xiucheng's body, holding his genitals close to his own, and said,
"That's not..."

Lin Xiucheng stretched out his hand and directly pierced a knuckle into Chen Xing's back
acupuncture point. Chen Xing was still very dry, and the back acupoints contracted nervously
due to the invasion of foreign objects.

"I thought you were ready for everything," Lin Xiucheng sent in a finger without pity, and
stirred in it. "You are still feeding me medicine so tightly, do you want to make headlines

Chen Xing put Putting his face on Lin Xiucheng’s blindfold, he pulled it down with his teeth.
Lin Xiucheng kept his eyes open in the blindfold. The room was dim. He hardly needed to adapt.
He saw a pair of eyes soaked in lust. He countless The eyes that I want to see again.

Chen Xing lowered his head, lowered the blindfold, covered Lin Xiucheng's mouth, and
kissed him through the blindfold.

Chen Xing has matured, his eyebrows have opened a little, revealing the youthfulness and
perplexity of the junction between the youth and the young, while Lin Xiucheng missed these
precious changes.

"Dad, is it all right now?" he asked Lin Xiucheng.

Lin Xiucheng's finger was still poking in Chen Xing's body, and he put another one in. Chen
Xing was a little bit painful, frowned, grabbed the lubricant on the bedside table and gave Lin
Xiucheng the lubricant.

"Come on by yourself," Lin Xiu refused. "Otherwise, you can go in directly."

He took out his fingers and helped his hard, painful sex organ to slide on Chen Xing's

Chen Xing smiled at him, squeezed a little and wiped it on his part. He wiped it wet. He said,
"Okay, come in if it's hard enough."

After speaking, he wanted to sit down. Suddenly his body was empty. Lin Xiucheng turned
him over, knelt down on the foot of the bed, pressed Chen Xing’s waist to prevent him from
getting up, and squeezed some lubrication in his hip. He used his fingers to feed in some of the
medicine at random, and then he held the genitals and stuffed it into Chen Xing.

It was very difficult for Lin Xiucheng to get in. Chen Xing did not expect it would be so abruptly
to cut people apart. Lin Xiucheng squeezed into a glans, and Chen Xing struggled to climb
forward, and Lin Xiucheng held him down. He pressed his hot chest against Chen Xing's back,
and shackled him in his arms. With a strong waist, he stabbed the entire sexual organ in.

The inside of Chen Xing was too tight and too hot. He bit Lin Xiucheng tightly. He lowered his
head and watched his clone being swallowed by Chen Xing. The acupuncture points were fully
supported, and some transparent lubrication was squeezed out. The medicine flowed down the
buttocks. The effect of the medicine and the psychological satisfaction were combined. Lin
Xiucheng's eyes were red, and he gasped, ignoring Chen Xing's resistance, and piercing Chen
Xing one by one like a pile. In the deepest part of Chen Xing's pocket, the pouch slammed into
Chen Xing's legs.

Lin Xiucheng hit the ground quickly and hard. Chen Xing was so painful that he was sweating
coldly. He was holding the sheets and enduring the pain Lin Xiucheng brought him. Two years
ago, he was outside the door on Christmas, listening to Lin Xiucheng having sex inside the door.
At that time, he was thinking about what it was like when Lin Xiucheng had sex.

Is he different from others when he has sex with himself?

Chen Xing propped his elbows and wanted to turn around to see Lin Xiucheng's appearance.
Lin Xiucheng realized his intentions and stopped unilaterally venting, holding Chen Xing's ankle,
turning him back.
Feeling the hard object in his body grinding the inner wall and turning slowly, Chen Xing
couldn't help groaning. He may be a bit of a masochistic factor, because his clone did not soften
due to pain, but hardly dripped water. .

"My dear, you are so fit to be fucked," Lin Xiucheng commented, "has anyone else done you
in the past two years?"

"You...what...?" Chen Xing held Lin Xiucheng in his legs. His legs trembled after being hit by
him, his waist and lower abdomen were hidden in the shadows, and a black tattoo could be
vaguely seen printed on his pubic hair.

Lin Xiucheng stretched out his hand and turned on the light. Chen Xing couldn't stand the
sudden bright light. He raised his hand to cover his eyes, his lips were slightly opened, and he

Lin Xiucheng lowered his head and looked at the name engraved on the snow-white and lewd
body under his hands. His brain became even hotter with lust. He pressed and folded Chen
Xing's legs and thrust them quickly, Chen Xing He was out of breath and called him: "Dad, be

gentle ." Lin Xiucheng pinched Chen Xing's chin, leaned down and kissed him, soothing Chen
Xing with soft lips and tongue, and then caught Chen Xing at his chin. The tears that Xing shed
were gentle and incredible, but the lower body hit harder, and Chen Xing's leg was about to be
crushed by him.

But there was an unidentified feeling in the pain, and the whole body was itchy and

Lin Xiucheng couldn't wait to eat Chen Xing apart. If Chen Xing was eaten, he would never

"Are you still leaving?" He picked Chen Xing up, walked under the bed, and told Chen Xing's
back against the wall, pushing him up from the bottom up. With this position inserted too deeply,
Chen Xing almost showed Lin on his abdomen. In the shape of

Xiucheng , he couldn't remember what he had done, and shook his head indiscriminately:
"Don't go, don't go... Don't be like this..." Lin Xiucheng looked at Chen Xing and suddenly
stopped thrusting. , Grind the sexual organs in Chen Xing's body changing directions. He was
holding Chen Xing’s hip in one hand. Chen Xing was afraid of falling off. He clung to Lin
Xiucheng’s shoulders, his waist was clamped between his legs, and his weight fell on the place
where the two of them connected. He wanted to connect Lin Xiucheng to the root. As if

On the other hand Linxiu Cheng Chen Hsing belly pressed, with great interest to share with
Chen Xing:. "Baby, you're a good thin waist, I want to be wearing a poke"
Having grabbed Chen Hsing-a With one hand, he told him to touch himself: "Look."

Chen Xing was forced by Lin Xiucheng in horror . He placed his hand next to his belly button,
and Lin Xiucheng pressed his hand tightly, feeling Lin Xiucheng shape.

He shook his head uncomfortably: "No, no."

"Yes," Lin Xiucheng taught him, "You are great here, you can eat anything."

After speaking, he started to move again. Chen Xing was pressed by him, and he felt that his
stomach was bulging. The internal organs were not his own. He felt like a bulge was about to be
incontinent, and tears flowed from his eyes involuntarily. Overflows. Chen Xing's acupuncture
points adapted to Lin Xiucheng's size, and shamelessly wanted more, the dripping water from
his sexual organs wetted Lin Xiucheng's hair, and he trembled poorly with Lin Xiucheng's

"Why are you crying?" Lin Xiucheng asked him gently, pulling out the genitals by the roots
and inserting them fiercely. "Is it uncomfortable?"

Chen Xing wanted to remove his hand, but Lin Xiucheng refused. He pressed Chen Xing
back to the bed and put a pillow under his waist: "I heard that it is easy to conceive."

Chen Xinghui is also a virgin when playing. How can Lin Xiucheng have so many tricks and
his legs are weak and soft. Hanging softly on his shoulders, with his waist folded, his front was
not taken care of at all, and he was pressed and fucked like a toy for Lin Xiucheng to vent his
sexual desire.

Chen Xing’s passage was numb and itchy by him, and a sensation of pleasure rose in his
spine, which intensified. Following Lin Xiucheng’s shallow and deep force, Chen Xing suddenly
clamped his legs, biting his lip and groaning. With a sound, the genitals in front trembled twice,
and a thick white liquid came out, dripping on the belly button and abdomen, covering a little of
Lin Xiucheng's name.

Lin Xiucheng's genitals were caught off guard by Chen Xing a few times and almost shot out.
He looked at the pool of semen in the hollow of Chen Xing's abdomen, and praised Chen Xing
who had lost his mind: "How fast you learn."

Chen Xinghuan Silent in the aftermath of the climax, the back acupoints were very sensitive,
Lin Xiucheng began to wear him again, he twisted his waist uncomfortably to vomit Lin
Xiucheng out.
Lin Xiucheng suspected that Chen Xing was not well-behaved. He pulled out his genitals,
took the rope that Chen Xing had tied him just now, raised Chen Xing's hands above his head,
tied a knot, and hung it from the pole of the bedside lamp.

Chen Xing gave a fuck and raised his leg to kick him, but Lin Xiucheng broke into him again.
His cave meat was already soft and moist, wrapped in Lin Xiucheng, squirming like flattering.

Lin Xiucheng was completely lost in desire, nailing Chen Xing mechanically and repeatedly
fucking him, until Chen Xing thought he was going to be fucked to death by him, and then let out
a muffled groan and let him go inside Chen Xing's body.

Chen Xing’s thigh was bruised in many places that he pinched. Lin Xiucheng slowly pulled out
the meat stick and let out a "bang". Chen Xing’s acupoint was not closed by him. Lin Xiucheng
stared with interest. At the same time, he reached out and dug out some semen. The white
turbid liquid dripped on the bed sheet and also flowed out along Chen Xing's thin white buttocks.

Chen Xing's hand was hanging and hurt. No matter what he was doing, he raised his leg and
stepped on Lin Xiucheng, telling him to untie himself with a hoarse voice.

Lin Xiucheng stretched out his hand to solve it.

Chen Xing couldn't say a word. He pushed him away and wanted to go to the bathroom. As
soon as his foot touched the floor, he knelt down softly. Before he could get up, Lin Xiucheng
stepped on his ankle. He turned his head, Lin Xiu Cheng's penis hardened again, and he arched
his waist, rubbing against his hips with a thick sexual organ. When Chen Xing wanted to
escape, Lin Xiucheng's back acupoint was suddenly filled up again. He could feel the protruding
meridians on Lin Xiucheng's penis beating in his body.

Chen Xing's scalp was numb, and Lin Xiucheng's expression was no longer like his usual
expression, full of aggressive desire and violent ruthlessness, looking at him as if he was going
to kill him.

Chen Xing used both hands and feet, desperately trying to climb forward, begging for mercy:
"Dad, I was wrong, don't do it."

" Do n't you want to watch me lose control?" Lin Xiucheng easily dragged Chen Xing back.
Like a wild animal, he clung to Chen Xing, clasping Chen Xing's hips and shoulders, and shook
his body mercilessly, "This is how I am out of control."

Chapter 18
On the plane back to China, Chen Xing was wearing earplugs and his brain was dizzy. He
leaned back in his chair and slumbered. When he closed his eyes, it was Lin Xiucheng's face
like a king.

The day after Chen Xing went to London to tie Lin Xiucheng, due to jet lag, he woke up
earlier than Lin Xiucheng, his body sore from the joints, and it was no different from being run
over by a car.

Lin Xiucheng put his arms around him and fell asleep unguarded.

Lin Xiucheng has not seen Chen Xing in the past two years, and Chen Xing has not seen Lin
Xiucheng in the past two years. Lin Xiucheng still has a photo of Chen Xing for relief. Chen Xing
can only rely on Lin Xiucheng in the lake area to reject him. Cheeky clenched his teeth and

Chen Xing went straight back and forth, always thinking about what to do. He liked Lin
Xiucheng, so he had to engrave him on his body, and promised Lin Xiucheng that he would go
to the United States to make the biggest compromise. He said no.

Chen Xing decided to dry him well, ran away from him, and ran, so that he didn't dare to see
him again.

When Lin Xiucheng fell asleep, Chen Xing was bold, and reached out his hand to touch his
face. Lin Xiucheng's arm was broken into blue and purple.

Lin Xiucheng woke up as soon as he slipped from the bridge of Lin Xiucheng's nose to the
rough green chin.

He squinted for a while to identify the person opposite, and slowly

uttered two words from his mouth: "Chen, Xing." Seeing Lin Xiucheng's face was wrong,
Chen Xing jumped up to run, Lin Xiucheng grabbed his neck and pressed. On the lap, he
spanked his ass, confiscates his strength at all, and made a crisp "pop".

"You are sick!" Chen Xing scolded him, "If you don't have to kneel down and thank me for
sleeping, you have to beat me."

Lin Xiucheng stopped and pinched his thin red butt that had been beaten. Pointed, staring at

Chen Xing pushed to sit up, crying too much last night, his eyes were still red and swollen, his
head was hanging down, not looking at Lin Xiucheng, he sat with a quilt, his waist was so sore
that he couldn't sit upright and wanted to lean against the head of the bed. Sitting, butt can't
move, the whole person is very uncomfortable.
Lin Xiucheng gritted his teeth: "Where did your medicine come from?"

"What are you doing so much," Chen Xing whispered, "Aren't you okay, I have to find
something to help you."

Lin Xiucheng almost couldn't lift it up in one breath: "Is this okay?"

"What about me? you know what is not? "Chen Hsing raised his face, raising his voice stare,"
did not want to take medicine who knows you okay ah. "

Linxiu Cheng rational string has been stretched Chen Hsing-off, he put Chen Hsing Pressing
down, raising one of his legs, directly sent in his hard desire in the morning.

Chen Xing slept, and the consequences of indulgence came out. Although the back was not
cracked, it was also red and swollen. Lin Xiucheng rushed in without saying hello, his sore eyes

Lin Xiucheng got up and had a bad temper. He grabbed Chen Xing and worked hard. In the
jerky tunnel, he squeezed out some of the deepest semen, which played a lubricating effect. Lin
Xiucheng slowly thrusted it a few times and felt it was almost done. , Began to do morning

Chen Xing could struggle a few times at first, but in the end, he couldn't harden his mouth.
While crying at Lin Xiucheng's "Dad" and "Master Xiu", he tightened his own flesh and wanted to
call Lin Xiu. Commitment to stop this endless torture.

Pressing Chen Xing to release, Lin Xiucheng finally felt better, patted Chen Xing's butt, pulled
out his own genitals, looked down at Chen Xing, and carried him to the bathroom.

Chen Xing soaked in the hot water for a while, and the bruising on his body became even
more terrifying, as if he had suffered some inhuman torture.

Lin Xiucheng took a shower by himself and saw Chen Xing lying limp in the bathtub. He took
him out and wiped it dry, then hugged him back to the bed. Chen Xing didn’t have the energy to
care about his mother’s problems. Want to lie motionless in bed.

Lin Xiucheng stood and looked at him, took out a fetter with a thin iron chain from the bedside
table, and handcuffed Chen Xing's right foot.

Chen Xing looked at Lin Xiucheng and didn't react.

"What are you doing?" he asked weakly.

"I'm going to Switzerland to sign a contract," Lin Xiucheng told him while putting on his
clothes, "I will bring you the food."

Chen Xing couldn't believe his ears.

"I'll be back tomorrow night, and we will settle the account." Lin Xiucheng buttoned his cuffs,
tied his tie, leaned over and kissed Chen Xing gently, and walked out the door.

The anklet that Lin Xiucheng gave to Chen Xing was very tight and could not be opened with
ordinary wire. The chain was very long and could move freely from the master bedroom to the
bathroom, no matter how far away.

Chen Xing made up for the night, got up and ate some food, and slept until three o'clock in
the morning before regaining some strength and began to think about how to escape.

He digs out a few guns in Lin Xiucheng's closet. There are no bullets in the magazines. After
groping for a long time in the bathroom, he finally found a screwdriver.

He broke the chain with a screwdriver, and under the cover of the still dark sky, he recruited a
taxi and came to the airport.

Chen Xing went to Beijing this time, and he planned to find Jiang Zhengzhen.

When he landed and turned on the phone, there was no call or text message. He
inadvertently put the phone in his pocket and walked forward with a backpack on his back.

When he left the terminal building, the cold wind blew him away. Chen Xing went out in a
hurry, his brain was dizzy, and he was unwell. He found a windbreaker in the closet and ran out,
leaving a small half anklet on his foot. When he went through the security check in London, he
was checked for a long time before being released. The security officer looked at the dense
hickeys on his leg and asked him if he needed help.

Jiang Zhengzhen hadn't got up at nine in the morning, and Chen Xing was dizzy. He saw the
hotel opposite the airport and wanted to go in and open a room to get some sleep.

After checking in, Chen Xing handed over the card. The receptionist swiped it once and told
him, "Sir, this card can't be swiped out."

Chen Xing was stunned and asked her to swipe it again and try again. It's still not working.

He took out a few other cards, but none of them worked.

Chen Xing awkwardly rummaged in his bag, only to find a few dollars: "Is this okay." The
reception lady's mouth twitched a few times and suggested to him: "Sir, you turn right when
you go out and take a short walk. There is a window for foreign exchange."

Chen Xing called Jiang Zhengzhen again, but still did not answer. Even though his legs were
soft, he had to walk in the direction the receptionist said.

There were not many people at the foreign currency exchange window. Chen Xing
exchanged all the U.S. dollars in his body for more than one thousand yuan and held a thin pile
in his hand, which was not enough to stay in that hotel for a night.

Chen Xing used his hand to fold the credit card and threw it into the trash can. He didn't
believe that he couldn't survive without Lin Xiucheng.

He went out and saw someone holding an accommodation sign. He walked over and asked
him, "How much is it for a night?"

The person looked at Chen Xing's dress, thought he was a tourist student, and quoted a
price: " One hundred and fifty-one night."

Chen Xingxiang heard a funny joke: "Uncle, do you take me as a prince?" He

was about to leave. Uncle holding a card quickly stopped Chen Xing and said to him: " Fifty, it
can't be lower." The

small hotel was not far from the airport. Chen Xing got on the minibus that took guests. After
waiting for a while, there were six people in the bus and drove to the hotel together.

Two young girls who were also traveling to Beijing watched Chen Xing laughing and chatting
with him.

Chen Xing felt better when he was blown by the cold wind, and returned to the girl's words,
and he was no longer sleepy.

At this time, his cell phone rang, and he saw that it was Lin Xiucheng, he didn't answer or
hang up.

A thinner girl asked him: "Are you scamming the phone?"

Chen Xing nodded pretentiously: "It's from Russia, and the ghost knows what it is." The

minibus drove for ten minutes before arriving at a low building.

Lin Xiucheng was also wronged.

He and the Swiss talked hard for a whole day. After signing the contract and changing the
ticket, he went home early, opened the door of the master bedroom, and only half of the iron
chain was left at the head of the bed.

Why can Chen Xing run so fast, because he can go wherever he wants.

In order to give him a long memory, Lin Xiucheng stopped his credit card like all his fathers
who taught him unfilial children, and planned to hang him for a few days like Chen Xingqian.

However, Lin Xiucheng regretted it when Chen Xing failed to paint the hotel for the first time.

His baby has tossed him out of blue and purple, and he can't even tell him to have no place to

Chen Xing tried every card once, and Lin Xiu Chengnao made up for his pitiful appearance at
the counter, and asked Lin Sen to open Chen Xing card again.

But Chen Xing never brushed it again.

Faced with Chen Xing's matter, Lin Xiucheng always slapped himself in the face. Chen Xing
did not swipe his card when he opened the card. He thought again, two people played with you
and I chased so many times, it was not bad this time.

Chen Xing slept in the cramped, underheated single room of the small hotel. He got up and
rubbed his eyes when Jiang Zhengzhen called him.

"Chen Xing, I'm in Sanya. I just got off the plane, why are you looking for me?" Jiang
Zhengzhen's loud voice came from the microphone, and Chen Xing, who was helpless, held his
cellphone and couldn't speak.

He lay in the room to recuperate, his throat was dry and smoke, and his body did not adapt to
the dry winter in the north. At night, Chen Xing finally developed a low-grade fever.

Lin Xiucheng, who had been taken with medicine, worked for the whole night and lay down
for a day, and was able to persist in running back from London to Beijing. He was finally lost to
the climate of the north of the motherland.

In the evening Lin Xiucheng called him, and Chen Xing answered. His voice was low and
dumb, and he felt nothing. Listening to Lin Xiucheng's ears made him feel that Chen Xing would
not have a good day without him.

"Where are you?" Lin Xiucheng asked him.

He stood in the lobby of the hotel where Chen Xing had swiped his card and called Chen

"I can't tell you, you need me to settle the account." Chen Xing took the anti-fever medicine,
his head was unclear, and he refused to reveal his position.

Chen Xing changed his mobile phone, and Lin Xiucheng no longer pretended to be his
position. If he were not in this hotel, such a big Beijing city, he would really not know where to
look for him for a while. Chen Xing’s state made Lin Xiucheng. I was very worried, and softened
his tone to coax him: "I lied to you, what can I do with you, are you not in the W Hotel?"

"Well," Chen Xing sat up, drank saliva, and felt better. He asked Lin Xiucheng, "Where are
you, I'll come to you." When

Lin Xiucheng saw him live here, the whole year next year will not be good.

Lin Xiucheng listened to Chen Xing's question and simply opened the room and sent the
room number to Chen Xing.

Chen Xing came quickly, with a backpack in his hand, knocked on Lin Xiucheng's door, and
walked inside.

Lin Xiucheng looked at Chen Xing's listless appearance and told him to stop.

"What the hell are you running?" He asked helplessly, "Will I eat you?"

Chen Xing threw the bag away and sat on the edge of the bed, watching him silently.

Lin Xiucheng walked over and said the question he had been thinking about for a long time:
"Chen Xing, do you regret it?"

Chen Xing frowned, and still did not answer.

"I'll give you one last chance," Lin Xiucheng walked to Chen Xing and raised his face with his
hand, asking him to look at him.

Chen Xing finally spoke. He coldly asked, "What opportunity?"

"A chance for you to get out of this door," Lin Xiucheng told him, "If you don't escape today,
you will be in the future. If you dare to run, I will discount your legs and let you sit in a
wheelchair, and ask me to push you

everywhere you go." Chen Xing thought for a while and scolded Lin Xiucheng for being ill. He
fell on the bed and curled up. The body fell asleep.
He wanted to tell Lin Xiucheng that he ran here and there because he was too insecure and
didn't want to hear Lin Xiucheng's adult rejection. But this weak confession was not his style,
and he didn't say it.

Lin Xiucheng watched Chen Xing docilely lying on his bed, and walked over to lie down
beside him and kissed Chen Xing’s soft lips. Chen Xing raised his eyelid and glanced at him,
stretched out his hand to hold him, and slept with him. Had a retreat.

When I woke up, both of them were hungry. Chen Xing said that he was going to eat roast
duck. He walked to the elevator. Lin Xiu took a call at work. Chen Xing went downstairs to the
lobby and waited for him. When the elevator door opened, he saw him. An unexpected person.

His biological father Chen Zian, wearing a suit and a cashmere coat, looked at him, and each
other was surprised for a moment.

Chen Zian returned to China alone this time, and his family was not around, so he brought
some eagerness and affection when he called Chen Xing.

Chen Xing squinted at him, letting him sit down on the waiting sofa beside him.

"How are you doing?" Chen Zi'an asked him, "Mr. Lin asked you to go back to China?"

Chen Xing nodded vaguely, not wanting to share his privacy with Chen Zi'an.

The Chen family owed the debt to Lin Xiucheng, and Lin Xiuchengnian wrote them off for the
sake of Chen Zian's birth to Chen Xing. Another project of the Chen family in Beijing paid off,
and the family has improved.

Thinking of Chen Xing’s body for the hope of the Chen family, Chen Zi’an felt a little guilty: “If
you need anything, just talk to your father. As long as your father can do it, you can give it to

Then he relieved himself. The watch on his wrist was stuffed into Chen Xing's hand: "You can
sell this watch, or you can bring it yourself."

Chen Xing looked at him coldly, holding an old watch loosely in his hand.

"Who is my mother?" he asked, he just wanted to know one question.

Chen Xing was probably the only one who didn't know the truth. Chen Zian was stuck, just
about to answer, and saw Lin Xiucheng walking towards them behind Chen Xing.
Linxiu Cheng did not even notice him, Chen Hsing walked beside him, leaned down, kissed
his face, took him up and asked him: "If you want anything good yet?"

"Met sucker, eating No meal." Chen Xing said.

Chen Zi'an's expression changed: "Chen Xing..."

Lin Xiucheng only saw Chen Zi'an. He was impatient. Every time Chen Xing saw Chen Zi'an,
he had a low air pressure for a few days. This time the two of them talked a little. In other words,
the consequences may be even more tragic.

He politely shook hands with Chen Zi'an: "Mr. Chen, it's a coincidence."

Chen Xing opened his hand and showed Lin Xiucheng the watch Chen Zi'an gave him: "You
fool gave me it."

Lin Xiu took over and looked at Look, I couldn't help laughing, and returned the watch to
Chen Zi'an: "Thank you Mr. Chen for your kindness, I will not let Chen Xing lack these things."

After speaking, he led Chen Xing away.

Walking on the road, he told Chen Xing: "Baby, it's enough for you to have me."

Chen Xing nodded and said seriously, "Yeah."

Chapter 19

At the end of the Christmas holiday, Chen Xing had to return to the United States to take the
remaining semester and apply for college. This time Lin Xiucheng didn't let him go alone, and
accompanied him to San Francisco.

Gu Qing asked Chen Xing to eat together at night, and saw Lin Xiucheng standing next to
him. He was stunned for a long time and said, "I thought you were going to die forever." Then he

asked Chen Xing, "What are you going to do in Morocco?"

Chen Xing shrugged: "Transfer to London."

Lin Xiucheng smiled and led Chen Xing into it.

During the dinner, Gu Qing saw that there was something wrong with the two, and couldn't
believe his eyes. He wriggled his mouth to ask, but Lin Xiucheng peeled a bowl full of shrimps,
and then exchanged bowls with Chen Xing. Chen Xing leaned in and kissed him. After a
moment of Lin Xiucheng's mouth, he said, "Thank you, Dad."

Gu Qing ignored the question, put down his chopsticks and shook his head, indicating that he
didn't look any further.

Chen Xing applied to four universities near London and applied to Oxford. Of course, he
didn't tell Lin Xiucheng, mainly because he was afraid that he would laugh at himself.

There was another person who didn't know what to choose. He happened to see Manchester
United and Real Madrid playing on the TV, so he applied for Manchester University.

In March, he received the only notice of admission, and all the others were rejection letters.
The school that accepted him was Manda.

When Lin Xiucheng asked about Chen Xing University, Chen Xing did not say anything about
it. He was afraid that if he told Lin Xiucheng now, he would break his leg and put him in a
wheelchair to tie home. In fact, Manchester City is not so far away. It's done, and the boat will go
straight to the bridge. You have to learn to accept life, right?

In June, Chen Xing graduated, and Lin Xiucheng came to attend his graduation ceremony.
Chen Xing was very rare in wearing a suit and sitting in the audience.

When he returned home at night, Chen Xing checked the luggage he had packed a few days
ago, and Lin Xiucheng stood in the hallway and looked at him with his arms folded.

"Manchester? Not bad," he said, complimenting Chen Xing, "I thought that with your grades, I
missed the university, and only my father would spend money to build one for you."

Chen Xing only felt guilty for a second, and said frankly. : "It's only two and a half hours by
train from London."

"It's much closer than the United States."

"Didn't you ask me to come to the United States?" Chen Xing asked him, "Why are you so yin
and yang?"

"It's not impossible for you to go." Lin Xiucheng walked over and put his hand on Chen Xing.
Slowly sliding between his neck.

Chen Xing prolonged his voice, grabbed Lin Xiucheng's hand, and didn't touch him, "It's not a
matter of words what Master Xiu wants me to do."
Lin Xiucheng watched Chen Xing meticulously from head to toe. Dress up and instruct him:
"Do you want me to take off your clothes?"

Chen Xing took off his suit obediently, and just unbuttoned two shirts, Lin Xiucheng changed
his mind: "Keep the shirt."

Soon, he With only a white shirt left on his body, Lin Xiucheng pressed his shoulders: "

Kneel ." Chen Xing knelt between Lin Xiucheng's legs, and without Lin Xiu's teaching, he took
the initiative to help him untie the belt and pull it down. Pants, licking and sucking his genitals.

Lin Xiucheng was quickly licked hard by Chen Xing, and looked down at the adopted son who
served him.

Chen Xing's ankle still has the ankle cuffs that Lin Xiucheng personally handcuffed him, a
cold metal ring. He took off the chain, but did not ask Lin Xiucheng for the key, he was very keen
to leave everything behind Lin Xiu The things Cheng brought him created the illusion that he
was really an appendage of Lin Xiucheng, which fascinated Lin Xiucheng.

Chen Xing sucked hard, the soft flesh in his mouth was tightly wrapped around Lin Xiucheng.
Lin Xiucheng couldn't help holding his hair and moving him away: "Go on to the dining table."

The table top in Chen Xing's room was a table top. Made of a whole piece of white marble,
Chen Xing was lying on the table. He and Lin Xiucheng hadn't seen each other for a while, and
the traces on their bodies disappeared after a long time. The white skin and flesh almost
merged with the tabletop.

He felt that the stone was too cold, pushed it away a bit, and was pressed up by Lin
Xiucheng. His elbow hit the stone surface and it hurt a bit. He turned his head to look at Lin
Xiucheng: "Daddy is so rough."

Lin Xiucheng He stretched out his hand to take the olive oil from the table and dripped it on
Chen Xing's waist: "Didn't you want Dad to be like this?"

He reached the front of Chen Xing with his hand, and Chen Xing's sexual organs had also
been erected and placed on the cold marble, warming a small piece of stone surface.

Lin Xiucheng used two fingers to put the olive oil into Chen Xing’s meat hole, feeling the taste
of being bitten by him, then added another finger, thrust a few times, and held his own cock in
Chen Xing’s buttocks. She slid up, slid past Chen Xing's contracted flesh cavity several times,
but didn't go in.
Chen Xing waited impatiently, turned around and lay on the dining table with his elbows
propped up and Lin Xiucheng's legs clamped tightly between Lin Xiucheng: "Why is Dad not

Lin Xiucheng could always be dizzy with Chen Xing's anger on the bed. , He stared at Chen
Xing, pressed his leg with one hand, and held his genitals with the other, squeezing into Chen
Xing, before Chen Xing got used to it, he began to flog him vigorously.

Chen Xing was always a provocative giant and a short man in action. Lin Xiucheng couldn't
do it with a real sword. He opened his hands to hold Lin Xiucheng's neck and begged him to
slow down.

Lin Xiucheng supported his buttocks, slowed down, and twitched, slamming inside each time,
causing Chen Xing to groan with only one mouth.

After a while, Lin Xiucheng stopped. Chen Xing was so dry with tears that Chen Xing's eyes
were hazy, and his beautiful lips with a bead panted one by one. Lin Xiucheng watched being
wet by the liquid dripped from Chen Xing's sexual organs. A small piece of white shirt,
unbuttoned all his buttons, and called him: "The waves in front of you are dripping. Feel it

Taking Chen Xing with one hand and placing it on his own cock, Chen Xing He circled himself
loosely and moved up and down with Lin Xiucheng's movements.

Chen Xing with his thighs wide open can arouse anyone’s sadism. Lin Xiucheng couldn’t help
speeding up. Chen Xing was afraid that he would be knocked off the table. He let go of the hand
holding his genitals and climbed on Lin Xiucheng’s shoulders. Hold on.

"Um... Dad..." Chen Xing called him.

Lin Xiucheng still kept the high-frequency impact, looking at Chen Xing and listening to him.

"Where to go...I...I love you..." Chen Xing raised his head and kissed his mouth, "Don't be

Lin Xiucheng didn't expect to hear the word love in Chen Xing's mouth, his brain was hot, he
quickly thrust a few vigorously, and shot into Chen Xing.

He lowered his head and kissed Chen Xing violently, his tongue mingled with his, and his
heart beat like an affair boy with first love, until the sex organs buried in his body hardened

Lin Xiucheng left Chen Xing a little bit, touched his forehead, and told him: "Chen Xing, I love
you too."
On the day Chen Xing started school, Lin Xiucheng sent him there, and the campus was full
of fresh people.

Chen Xing was still dressed as a student, and Lin Xiucheng dressed very much like a
guardian. When he went to the place where he was registered as a student, a Chinese student
struck up a conversation with Chen Xing and left each other's phone calls.

It has been almost ten years since Lin Xiucheng left school, only then did I remember that
Chen Xing hadn't arrived at the age of nineteen.

He is like a sweet peach that has ripened in early spring. No one can only see his beautiful
and sweet exterior, but cannot see the bad inside.

After the registration was completed, the two went out together. The new student finally
couldn't help asking: "Chen Xing, is this your brother?"

Chen Xing smiled, "No, no, this is my father." The

new student looked suspiciously. Lin Xiucheng, Lin Xiucheng also smiled and nodded to
Chen Xing’s classmates: "Hello."

"My father came out to support his family before graduating from college," Chen Xing
introduced, "So come with me to see a famous university What's it like?"

Lin Xiu gave him a big breath.

The two left the school and Lin Xiucheng was leaving. Now his business is bigger than
before, and he can't get away from him, so he doesn't want Chen Xing to go far.

But Lin Xiu promised to make money, and what he said in bed had to count. There was no

Chen Xing, Lin Xiucheng was about to walk to the car waiting for him at the school gate, and
suddenly took his hand: "Don't you go to the house where I live?"

"Next time." Lin Xiucheng firmly refused. .

Because he really is not the kind of person who can play with things.

If it is not counted as having to go back to London to finish his business, he went to

Manchester City again, opened Chen Xing's door and woke him up from his sleep.

Chen Xing is applying for universities, both schools in London, and he has applied for Oxford.
I saw Manchester City football on TV, and I just applied for one. The result was a mixed
result, and in the end only got an offer from Manchester City.

He decided to go to Manchester City.

Lin Xiucheng was helpless, but it was better than the United States.

Chen Xing spent the last semester in San Francisco and then returned to the UK.


Chapter 20
(Fanwai.Sugar Daddy Part 1)

[Chatting] Theme: I really want to find someone to talk about the beautiful boy C that our
school is nurtured.

This topic is a bit exaggerated. It is not about nurturing. It is the speculation of people with
ulterior motives. There is no stone hammer. LZ is really lonely. Especially yesterday I came to
London and I met Mr. C and his legendary sugar daddy. LZ is a man of integrity. No one in the
school can say that the power of the wild is about to break through the sky. Post and share! ! !

Let me introduce the situation first. LZ is studying in a school in Yingcun. There are many
Chinese in the school. Mr. C is a student of finance and is also a figure in the Chinese circle. If
we say that our school’s Chinese students circle is divided into four factions, the first group The
largest number of people is the guards of Mr. C, who surrounds Mr. C as his little follower. The
second faction is Mr. C’s passers-by group, which is like me. I am not familiar with him but have
a good impression of him, because Mr. C It's really cute. The front photo is out of view. I
attached a picture of Mr. C from the back, let's feel it.

[Back view photo.jpg] There are

not many people in the third group, so you can call them C-jun anti-group. LZ feels that they
are all jealous of C-jun and beautiful as flowers! ! ! !

The fourth group is the "Who is Mr. C" scholarly group, not to mention this group of people!

Things should start from the beginning of our enrollment. After enrollment, Chinese students
will have a sorority party. When Mr. C came for the first time, everyone was shocked. I have
never seen such a cute boy!
Everyone knows that at the sorority meeting, it is eating, eating, singing and singing. Mr. C is
very active and looks cute. Everyone has a good impression of him.

But within a few days, there were rumors in the circle that Mr. C was nurtured. There was a
boy who met Mr. C during registration and called him Mr. A. Because he is the leader of the Anti
faction, he said that Mr. C was registered. At that time, his gold master came with him, and Mr.
C called him the gold master "daddy" who looked less than thirty. Finally, he saw Mr. C send him
the gold master on a small Wing Phantom.

Speaking of LZ, I want to insert a sentence, Mr. A is really funny. He bought a second-hand
trident ghibli at the end of last semester (all know) and feels that he is very powerful. He
changes his key ring in the circle of friends every day , Because Mr. C usually dresses up as a
student and doesn’t care about food and clothes. He often satirizes Mr. C sitting on the Phantom
and wearing Nike at the party when Mr. C is away, and Jin is going bankrupt or something.

As a result, this semester he drove his trident to tease his sister again. LZ and LZ’s roommate
baby stood on the side of the road. He greeted us very coquettishly. My baby and I rolled our
eyes wildly, and then a black Huayra drove over, passersby My eyes follow it. This kind of car is
worth seeing the Sajia family in school during his lifetime. What's more terrifying is that Huayra
parked in front of the two of us, the window was lowered, and it was Mr. C! ! ! Mr. A's face is
green. After all, Huayra can buy dozens of second-hand ghibli from him.

Mr. C greeted us and asked where we were going! ! ! Do you want to lend us a car! ! !

LZ was still very reserved and said no, the roommate was less reserved, and said that I don't
need to drive, let me take a few selfies in the car, and Mr. C smiled and got out of the car and
gave the driving seat to the roommate.

Mr. C and LZ stood chatting together. LZ's heart was pounding, and he didn't dare to look up.
Mr. C was about to glow in white, standing beside LZ like a slender fluorescent lamp.

LZ asked him, is this car yours, it's so handsome.

Mr. C said yes, my father gave me a Christmas gift.

LZ said that your father is so kind, is there still a lack of daughters from the same school as
you, just freshman kind?

Mr. C bit his lip and smiled at LZ. LZ was going to be faint at the time. Mr. C smiled so nicely.
If LZ has money, he will give him Huayra. Take everything to give and take away. ! ! ! ! ! !

No, why suddenly I started to be nymphomaniac C Jun LZ to calm down.

Back to the topic, where to come, oh, yesterday, my roommate baby and I made an
appointment to go shopping in London. I got on the train and saw that Mr. C happened to be in
the same carriage with us. We had class in the afternoon and we went late. The car was very
empty. Sit and chat with Mr. C.

The roommate, I must say, I'm really too unreserved, so I asked Mr. C what to do in London
and where to live at night.

What does it matter to you where they live? Anyway, they don't live with you!

Mr. C said he lives at home, and his roommate asked if he would live with your father.

Mr. C is right.

The roommate said gossiping that Mr. A had met your father, and he said that your father
looks very young.

Mr. C shrugged and said that he knew what A was saying behind his back. My roommate and
I were silent for a while, and then Mr. C mischievously said that he didn't care, because his
father is his sugar daddy, there is nothing to deny.

The roommate exploded, cheeky asking for details, Mr. C continued not to elaborate, he was
very funny, we talked all the way, and finally it was very late to London, the roommate unreliably
booked a hotel a bit far away, C Jun said to send us there.

When leaving the station, Mr. C’s father stood waiting for him. My roommate and I did not
respond, because he was really handsome and young, surely not more than thirty years old.
Standing with Mr. C is a very seductive couple. For same-sex couples, Mr. C did not call him
father. If he called his full name, just call him Mr. L. Then he said there were two female
classmates who were going to the hotel.

Mr. L took us to get the car. This time it’s not a phantom. It’s a European. The atmosphere
between Mr. C and Mr. L is normal. It’s not the sugar daddy style he said. Maybe it’s just a rich
person who is in love. , How can this be envious.

When we got in the car, Mr. L gently asked us where we were going. The charm of adult men
couldn’t resist. My roommate and baby told us the name of the hotel. Along the way, Mr. L asked
us how Mr. C was at school. Find a girlfriend or something.

Mr. C will chip in and say that Dad, I'm very good at school, so you don't have to ask my
classmates like this.
Alas, to be honest, my roommate and I don’t want to remember the dog-abuse atmosphere
for a lifetime. Just remember that I sat on the streets of London in the middle of the night and
stared out the window.

When we arrived at the hotel, my roommate and I wanted to climb out, and they all came out
first. Mr. L got in the car first, Mr. C held the door of the car and waved to us, and asked when
we were leaving and whether we should come to pick us up.

Who wants to be abused again, why not sit in Europe? !

My roommate and I refused, so he smiled and said goodbye. See you at school.

Waiting for us to enter the hotel lobby before leaving.

What a lovely person.

After looking at the topic, it seems to be completely digressed, no matter what, anyway, this is
a tree hole, let's talk about it after you post it!

Chapter 21
(Fanwai.Sugar Daddy Part 2.C's Perspective)

"Your classmate is very cute." Lin Xiucheng said.

The two girls left, and the car fell silent.

Chen Xing felt that Lin Xiucheng's tone was a little sour, and after considering it, he replied,
"You are also very cute."

Lin Xiucheng did not answer him.

Chen Xing added: "I like the older ones."

"..." Lin Xiucheng stopped, "you still don't talk."

"Lin Xiucheng, have you taken care of others?" Chen Xing thoughtfully Ask.

Lin Xiucheng frowned, "Why should I support others?" The

implication is that I am so handsome, and others support me.

"Did you make love only after you were in love with others?" Chen Xing asked again. He was
very interested in Lin Xiucheng's previous love life, but Lin Xiucheng never mentioned it.
When Lin Xiucheng was asked a question he didn't want to answer, he pulled the car over,
raked back, and bluffed: "What's the matter with you?"

"I'll just ask," Chen Xing muttered, "Curious, I haven't been in love yet. "

Seeing that Lin Xiucheng's face was wrong, he said, "I haven't talked with you before."

"What excites you?" Lin Xiucheng tried to calm his mind and asked him.

"The people in my school all say that you take care of me," Chen Xing said. "I thought about
it. It seems like this. If you eat yours and use yours,

I have to serve you in bed ." "I'm the one who serves you in bed. "Baby," Lin Xiucheng
couldn't laugh or cry, "Which one is not what you said first."

"That's because you always said no, Dad," Chen Xing suddenly unfastened his seat belt and
leaned over and reached out to fondle Lin Xiu. Cheng, "I haven't done it in the car yet."

Lin Xiucheng grabbed his hand and said to him very seriously: "Chen Xing, I'm about to
discuss this issue with you. We can Can't stop mentioning it."

Chen Xing smiled: "No."

He leaned over and held Lin Xiucheng's lips, pretending to bit him with his teeth, and gently
rubbed it.

Lin Xiucheng accepted Chen Xing's lick and kiss comfortably. The two hadn't seen each other
for a week, and they missed each other. Normally, they would kiss each other when they kissed

Chen Xing stepped over to Lin Xiucheng, untied his belt, leaned into his pants, and said,
"Airplane two hundred pounds, five hundred for oral sex, eight hundred come in, don't wear a
set of 1,000, only cash, you Which one do you want?"

Lin Xiucheng took out his wallet, withdrew cash, and patted Chen Xing's face: "Is it enough
for you to buy one night." While

undressing, Chen Xing kissed him on his chin, "enough, enough." Yes, Dad is so generous."

Chen Xing's clothes were loose, and only a white T-shirt was left. He knew that Lin Xiucheng
liked such a concealed taste, and asked him, "Is it OK if I don't take off the T-shirt?"

Lin Xiucheng touched Chen Xing's chest through the T-shirt: "No."
Picking up Chen Xing's clothes, he lifted it over his head and let Chen Xing sit on him naked.

Chen Xing hardened Lin Xiucheng. One leg was kneeling in the driving position, and one leg
was on the ground. He was also nearly 1.8 meters tall. He had to arch his body so that his head
would not hit the roof of the car. He stretched out his hands and licked them twice. A finger
stretched himself in front of Lin Xiucheng.

The street light came down from the car roof, Chen Xing's posture was tense, and the
shadows on his muscles were slender and flexible, which made Chen Xing's look even more
sultry. Lin Xiucheng couldn't help but pat his ass: "Hurry up."

Chen Xing used two fingers. , Holding open his own fleshy hole, he took out his fingers when
he heard the words, held Lin Xiucheng's hot cock, aimed at himself, and sat down slowly.

Only the fleshy cave lubricated by saliva, it was a bit hard to enter. Chen Xing couldn't control
the strength of his waist, and he sat down with pain as if it was split.

Lin Xiucheng was also squeezed in pain by him, pinching his waist to relax him, only two
people panting heavily in the car.

Chen Xing moved up and down on Lin Xiucheng for a while, lost energy, stopped and said,
"Dad, let me rest."

At this time, Lin Xiucheng would definitely say no. He stretched out his hand to protect Chen
Xing's head to prevent him from hitting the roof of the car. He hurriedly pushed him underneath.
Chen Xing was upset and hurt by him. There was also an inexplicable itching. The genitals were
grinding Lin Xiucheng's suit straight, and he was a little confused and sentimental, and told Lin
Xiucheng to hurry up.

Lin Xiucheng quickened his speed and ignored Chen Xing’s head. Chen Xing wiped his head
on the roof of the car several times without noticing it. Later, he knelt on both sides of Lin
Xiucheng’s legs and pressed Lin Xiu. Let him do it.

In an alley in Kensington late at night, a few solitary street lights were dimly lit, and a black
car was rhythmically moving, with undulating tires.

Fortunately, it was late and no one passed by.

The movement range was too small and the climax came slowly. Chen Xing finally got
nowhere, so he got off Lin Xiucheng and bit him out with his mouth.

Chen Xing swallowed a mouthful of blushing liquid, and licked Lin Xiucheng's sexual organs
cleanly, telling him: "One thousand and five hundred pounds, no more."
"You live so well, it's better than that. Come home with me," Lin Xiucheng said following him,
put on clothes for him, and touched his head, "Include food and housing, and the price is

Chen Xing reached out and asked him to help him get dressed. , Climbed back to the co-pilot
position, fastened the seat belt: "Okay daddy."


Chapter 22
(Questions on Extra Locations)

[Also known as Chun·Adoptive Father and Goose Paper's Daily Life]

1 Bedroom

"Chen Xing, if you want to watch porn, I suggest you close the door." Lin Xiucheng passed by
Chen Xing's bedroom and heard a strange sound coming from inside. Lin Xiucheng pushed
open the door he concealed and made courtesy suggestions to him.

"You are crazy!" Chen Xing moved away and asked Lin Xiucheng to take a good look at his
computer screen. He was playing Taiwanese WOW.

2 Bathtub

Lin Xiucheng's room has a huge jacuzzi with five different massage modes, which Chen Xing
has coveted for a long time.

Finally, when Lin Xiucheng was going abroad for an inspection, he happily took the starry sky
bubble bath salt that a female classmate of the language class gave him, and prepared to go
soak in a very silly cannon.

Standing outside Lin Xiucheng's door, holding the bath salt, turned his door handle and
locked it.

3 Kitchen

Chen Xing was in the developmental period, at the critical moment of pulling up, he often had
cramps in his feet at night, woke up from pain, and had an empty belly. He grinned and went to
the kitchen for food.
Lin Xiucheng had an important overseas call to answer this day. He was not asleep while
watching a football game in his room. He suddenly heard something outside the door. He
pushed the door and went out. Chen Xing held a supermarket special price of one kilogram of
ice cream in his mouth. Passing by with a cucumber in his mouth.

He spoke clearly, and sent a vague "Do you want to eat" the ice cream in Lin Xiucheng's

Lin Xiucheng calmly slammed the door.

4 Balcony sofa

Lin Xiucheng likes to deal with things in the living room at night, but Chen Xing does not go
back to the room and is lying on the sofa playing video games, he will dim the lights, and work
on the computer and mobile phone is not like work anymore. , Become warm and gratifying, it is
more like a home.

5 Rooftop

For Chen Xing, the rooftop is a place to smoke.

But he did not smoke.

6 Ferris wheel

Chen Xing once loved looking at the beautiful London Eye from the room, until Lin Xiucheng
said that he would use a helicopter to hang him up and ask him to climb down.

7 ktv random empty box

Jiang Zhengzhen's birthday, took Chen Xing to sing K.

Chen Xing's tone was not complete, but he did not have stage fright. He clicked on a sound
wave and couldn't catch the rhythm. Everyone ridiculed him and fled into the empty box to be
angry alone.

There is no such thing in the shared bathhouse .

The basketball court after class Chen Xing went to England to play basketball for the first
time, and he fought with a idiot, and then...
The locker room on the set did not shoot.


The time spent on the private beach was too short. Chen Xing hadn't had the opportunity to
see the beach in Lin Xiucheng's water house on an island. The sand and sugar were as white
as that of sugar. You could have sex on it.


How can the abandoned warehouse take the baby boy to those places.

The Park at Night In the photos that Gu Qing took of Chen Xing, Lin Xiucheng likes Chen
Xing most under a street lamp at night.

It should be in St. James's Park, or some other place with lush trees.

Chen Xing lowered his head, with a chasing light above his head. Make people want to reach
out and ask him, do you dance?

14 Camping Tent

The night before Chen Xing went to San Francisco, he walked out of the hotel and walked to
a sparsely populated area. Many tents were supporting and shimmering.

He tilted his head and thought for a while, and also rented one.

When he woke up, it was time to leave.

15 Under the office desk

.................. Chen Xing is still young.


One weekend in the jeep , Lin Xiucheng took Chen Xing out and drove a Grand Cherokee.

Chen Xing felt handsome as soon as he sat on it, and said, "This car is better-looking than
your sports cars."

"You are not suitable for this car." Lin Xiucheng said.
"Why?" Chen Xing thought there was something special, and asked.

"Because this car was driven by a non- registrant ." When Chen Xing did not break up with
Mary at the

17th movie theater

, Lin Xiucheng accompanied Chen Xing to a movie.

At the London Chinese Film Festival, Chen Xing only bought one ticket. It was an old corpse
in a mountain village.

He put it on the coffee table and was seen by Lin Xiucheng. He asked, "Ask my girlfriend to
see the old corpse in the mountain village?"

"See it for yourself." Chen Xing said.

Lin Xiucheng was surprised and asked him: "It's so pitiful to watch a movie alone?"

In line with the concept of caring for the physical and mental health of his adopted son, and
some interest in this movie, Lin Xiucheng asked his assistant to buy him a ticket. When entering
the arena, the ticket inspector looked at them a little weird. He didn't care. The British always
had a lot of imagination.

Almost no one looked at the old corpse in the mountain village, and there were only the two
of them in the theater.

Chen Xing was so heartbroken that he fell asleep halfway through it. Lin Xiucheng pushed
him to wake up, and suddenly a big, pale face appeared on the big screen, accompanied by

Chen Xing was shocked, all the popcorn in his hand was scattered under the seat.

Lin Xiucheng laughed at him for being timid seventeen times.

18 School

during the holidays Who is okay to go to school during the holidays?

19 The library in the afternoon,

who is all right to go to the library?

20 Single rooms in public toilets in shopping malls

After Chen Xing’s arm was cast, Lin Xiucheng was keen to dress up his adopted son, but the
adopted son had a big idea.

After being tried on seven or eight sets of clothes by Lin Xiucheng in the mall, Chen Xing quit,
pretending to go to the toilet, but actually planned to sneak off.

He watched Chen Xing go out, sat on the sofa in the shop, flipped through a few pages of the
picture album, and Chen Xing dialed Chen Xing's number before he came back.

Chen Xing hid in the toilet single room and looked at the mobile phone.

Chen Xingzheng breathed a sigh of relief. The door was knocked. It was Lin Sen: "Chen Xing,
Mr. Lin said that you would not go out, so let me block the door."


Chen Xing escaped from the single ward of the hospital. Lin Xiucheng stood by and watched
when the needle was hanging in the hospital.

The retained needle was much thicker than a normal needle. Lin Xiucheng saw the needle
pierce into the flesh on the back of Chen Xing's hand, his temples swelled and sore suddenly.

Chen Xing closed his eyes before waking up, and the needle pierced in and frowned

Lin Xiucheng stretched out his hand and covered his hot forehead to comfort him. He wanted
to tell him that the pain would disappear after the fever subsided, but he couldn't say anything.

22 At the bus stop at midnight,

Chen Xing and Jiang Zhengzhen's buddies were outside. Jiang Zhengzhen planned to spend
the night, but Chen Xing couldn't.

Lin Xiucheng stipulated that he must go home no matter how late.

He was standing on the street, waiting left and right, there was no car. He just waited for a
call from Lin Xiucheng to urge him to go home, and told him with a frown, "Can't get a car."

He stood by the stop sign and waited. Liang, Zhong Lin Xiucheng arrived after blowing for a
little while, Chen Xing got into the car, sneezed, and caught a cold the next day.

Chen Xing, who had a cold, was very pitiful, his voice was rough, his nose was blocked, he
left a lot of physiological tears, and his eye circles were red.
Lin Xiucheng had no sympathy. Hearing him call the school to ask for leave, the phone hung
up, and he commented: "This time I finally changed my voice and developed a little bit more."

23 University dormitory

Before Chen Xing received the university admission letter, Lin Xiucheng never thought he
could go to university, let alone the dormitory.

24 Shuili

Qingcheng is by the sea, and Chen Xing is very water-based, and he can play twenty rounds
in the standard pool without panting.

When he was in high school, Gu Qing took him to swim once and watched him slick in the
water. Without a camera, he took out his phone to take a picture and sent it to Lin Xiucheng.

Lin Xiu accepted a sentence that made Gu Qing smile for several years.

"Just one?"


Chapter 23.1
(Published Book Fanwai I am yours Part 1)


Since entering the sophomore year, Chen Xing feels that Lin Xiucheng's personality has
become more and more unpredictable.

On this day, Chen Xing was taking a bath, and Lin Xiucheng glanced at his mobile phone
screen while pushing messages.

Chen Xing is a person with no secrets. The information on the mobile phone is displayed in
preview. Lin Xiucheng glanced at it casually and saw a large number of English harassment
sentences quickly popping out from the top of the screen.

As an adoptive father with no privacy ethics, Lin Xiucheng picked up Chen Xing's mobile
phone and scanned it with great interest. In just a few minutes, he analyzed the key words: love
at first sight, male, classmate, white.
Chen Xing wiped his hair out, and Lin Xiucheng read with gusto.

"What are you doing?" Chen Xing also came over, "Ah, why is it here again."

He took away the mobile phone in Lin Xiucheng's hand, unlocked, deleted the harassing
information, and continued to drag the number into the blacklist. See Lin Xiucheng Looking at
him, he explained: "A mentally retarded."

Lin Xiucheng still looked at him.

Chen Xing lost the towel, sat next to him, and said to him, "I am likable, did you know it the
first day."

"It would be great if you could be locked up," Lin Xiucheng suddenly felt something. Thought,
he stuck Chen Xing's kneecap with his hand, and squeezed it with a bit of force, then slid down
his calf, pinching the iron shackles on his right ankle, as if he was really thinking about locking
Chen Xing in. Locked at home, you can't go

anywhere ." "Sick you, I haven't said you and your Christina yet," Chen Xing intuitively felt
that Lin Xiucheng's thoughts were dangerous, and he reacted very quickly and frowned and
patted Lin Xiucheng away. Holding his ankle hand, "When you were in the room with her, I was
listening outside."

"What were you thinking at that time?"

"I was thinking..." Chen Xing pulled his foot back and stood. He got up, "Why should I tell

He wanted to walk into the room, but Lin Xiucheng suddenly twisted his hand from behind.
Lin Xiucheng drew the strap of his bathrobe and tied his hand.

Chen Xing remembered the section about Heicombe Mountain a few years ago. He was
unwilling to cooperate with Lin Xiucheng's taste. He turned around and said, "Untie."

"Tell me what you were thinking at the time, and I'll untie it for you." Lin Xiucheng said that the
temperature was mild, but the action of pushing Chen Xing back on the sofa was slightly tough.

Chen Xing thought that Lin Xiucheng was so funny and didn't get angry anymore. He raised
his head and looked at him: "Why, jealous?"

"I really want to fuck you with my eight-inch big dick." Lin Xiucheng said, that was just now.
Chen Xing also saw one of Chen Xing's mobile phone pushes.
"..." Chen Xing choked, and softened his tone, "It's a pervert. You care about him. Who knows
if it's eight inches or 0.8 inches, it's definitely not as big as yours anyway."

He leaned over again, across the suit. He kissed Lin Xiucheng’s genitals: "Dad, help me untie
it, how many times have you tied me."

Then he turned his back and waited for him. It took a few seconds for Lin Xiucheng to untie
him. .

The hands are free, but Chen Xing feels a little uncomfortable in his heart. It is him who is
being harassed, but he has to bow his head to the unhappy Lin Xiucheng.

Thinking of this, Chen Xing looked at his wrist with cold eyes.

For Lin Xiucheng, this chapter has almost been revealed, and all that is left is to take care of
the person who harassed Chen Xing. He returned to his gentle and affectionate appearance and
asked Chen Xing what time he bought the ticket for tomorrow.

Chen Xing now has a life running between Manchester and London. He goes home as soon
as there is no class. Lin Xiucheng does not have time to pick him up every time, half of the time
he is the driver.

Lin Xiucheng really wanted to take Chen Xing to Manchester City personally, but sometimes
the schedule was too full, and when he took care of it, he would neglect the other. Not to
mention that when I was with Chen Xing, time flew like flying, as if a lifetime passed by in the
blink of an eye.

Chen Xing stayed in London three whole days and nights a week. Lin Xiucheng felt that it
was too short to survive, and he did not dare to recall how Chen Xing had come over in the
United States in the past two years.

Chen Xing did not answer his question and sat on the sofa, staring at his wrists for a long
time without moving.

Lin Xiucheng thought he was tied too tight just now, so he leaned down, held his hand and
picked it up, trying to see if he was bruised.

Chen Xing withdrew his hand, took a look at him, picked up the phone and went back to the

Lin Xiucheng stayed in the living room for a while before returning to the room. Chen Xing
was already asleep, lying on one side of the bed, sleeping outside, Lin Xiucheng went around to
the edge of the bed to see him.
Chen Xing fell asleep more like a college student, gentle and harmless, breathing softly, his
chest bent together, the band of his nightgown was pulled away by Lin Xiucheng just now, and
the skin on his abdomen was faintly exposed.

Lin Xiucheng leaned forward and pulled open his clothes to check Chen Xing's tattoo. He was
very insecure recently, and he blamed Gu Qing for sending him some chicken soup for letting
children become themselves.

Chen Xing's skin is young and compact, exuding the smell of a young man in his twenties.
The tattoo seems to have become a part of his body, and the movements of Lin Xiucheng when
he is asleep are gradually revealed.

"Chen Xing, you are mine." Lin Xiucheng announced softly.

Chen Xing slapped his hand away impatiently, rolled over and fell asleep again.


As soon as the four working days have passed, it should be Chen Xing's day home. Chen
Xing has no classes from Friday to Sunday. As long as Lin Xiucheng is in London, he will go

But this week, Chen Xing took the first step in his change.

In fact, for the whole week, Chen Xing's attitude towards Lin Xiucheng was very wrong,
perfunctory, as if he was planning to do something bad. On Thursday afternoon, when Lin
Xiucheng received a call from Chen Xing that he would not go home, he even thought it was

Lin Xiucheng shut up the subordinates who were talking, walked from the conference table to
the door, and asked Chen Xing softly,

"My dear , what's the matter?" "I won't be back this week, something is going on."

"What's the matter? Does it matter?" Lin Xiucheng asked.

"Tomorrow, my classmates will ask me for dinner on my birthday," Chen Xing said, "I can't

stop participating in any group activities, right?" Lin Xiucheng paused before saying, "Okay."

hanging up the phone, Chen Xing thought for a while, then again. Turn around and tell his
classmates that he can go to the meeting tomorrow. Chen Xing was free, but he felt a little lost
and anxious.
He thinks he might be a bit of Stockholm.

By Friday night, Chen Xing was not enjoying the birthday dinner for his classmates.

At the next table, there was a white man sitting at a table alone. He ordered a meal and didn’t
move. He looked at Chen Xing with disgusting eyes all the time. Chen Xing had no appetite for
what he saw, so he ate a few hastily. Mouth meal, pretending to have left beforehand.

As soon as he left the restaurant, the white man followed.

Chen Xing glanced at the corner from the corner. The white man followed him and called
something with his mobile phone. Then, Chen Xing’s SMS prompt sounded, and there was
another unknown number above him, telling him not to leave. It has to be so urgent.

Chen Xing lowered his head and smiled slightly, confirming that this is the idiot who sent him
harassing text messages.

Across the street from the restaurant, there is a small alley, which is a dead end. Chen Xing
has come to this restaurant for several meals and is very familiar with the surrounding situation.

Footsteps sounded not far behind him. Chen Xing did not turn his head and walked on his
own. He had already had the heart to beat up this idiot. Now the white man fell into the trap by
himself, and Chen Xing came just right.

Chen Xingman walked into the alley carelessly, and when he reached the middle and back
section, he felt that it was almost done, and turned around.

The white man was looking at him less than ten meters away.

The white man was about the same height as Chen Xing, and he was stronger than him. Just
when Chen Xing was about to speak, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Chen Xing took out impatiently to see that it was Lin Xiucheng, he thought about it, and then
he took it.

"Where are you?" Lin Xiucheng asked him.

Chen Xing stared at the white man. The white man smiled at him. When he answered the
phone, Chen Xing's fist was itchy. He wanted to save time, so he briefly replied: "Eat."

"With whom?" Lin Xiucheng asked, with a tone of voice. There was a strange feeling that
Chen Xing hadn't heard of.
"Classmate," Chen Xing added, "Just what you saw last time."

Lin Xiucheng sat in the car and watched the display on the computer, which was very close,
and there were two locations far away from the restaurant. , The brain nerves are almost

Chen Xing did not go home, he got off work, pushed the dinner and postponed the meeting,
came to Manchester City to see Chen Xing, wanting to surprise him.

But Chen Xing was lying to him.

"Really?" Lin Xiucheng looked at the map on the screen, patted the driver's shoulder, asked
him to turn left, and softly confirmed with Chen Xing, "Really eating?"

"I have said it several times, they called me Now, hang up first." Chen Xing perfunctorily hung
up the phone.

The white man is still waiting for him.

Chen Xing smiled provocatively at him: "Eight inches?" The

white man thought Chen Xing was flirting with him, and said complacently: "Baby, do you
want to try, I can make you want to die."

Chen Xing He twitched the corner of his mouth and beckoned to him.

The white man walked towards him with salivation like a wild dog smelling meat after being
hungry for ten days.


Looking at the two red dots on the map getting closer and closer, Lin Xiucheng's mind was
about to explode. The driver drove too slowly and was driven out of the car by him. Lin
Xiucheng sat in the driving position without his seat belt. Tied up, stepped on the accelerator,
speeded several times on the streets of Manchester City, and rushed to the alley where Chen
Xing was.

He was getting closer and closer to the positioning, and finally coincided with the positioning.
The car stopped and made a sharp noise, just as Chen Xing beat the white man who was
harassing him.

It was dark. Lin Xiucheng only looked through the car window and saw two figures twisting
and twisting on the ground. His chest was empty, and he was so angry that he got out of the car
and slammed the car door and walked towards them, full of cold breath.
Chen Xing pressed the white man who claimed to be Jack to the ground and punched him to
his life. Jack had been beaten into a coma. Chen Xing seemed to be venting the sullenness that
had come these days, his hands were too heavy to hold back, and his eyes blushed violently.

With another heavy fist, Jack let out a faint groan, and blood came out from his nostrils and
mouth, still carrying blood. Chen Xing heard the brakes and finally stopped, stood up, and saw
that the car door not far away was opened, and Lin Xiucheng approached them step by step like
a Shura.

Chen Xing secretly said that it was bad. He thought Lin Xiucheng was angry that he was
hiding from him by fishing and beating people. He wanted to take two steps forward and confess
his mistake.

But when Chen Xing saw Lin Xiucheng wailing when he noticed that the people on the
ground were covered in blood, and the evil spirit on his body suddenly weakened, Chen Xing
understood between the sparks and the stones.

"Do you doubt me?" Chen Xing's voice didn't have a hint of temperature, and he made a cold

Lin Xiucheng's heart was hung high on the spire of Tower Bridge by Chen Xing, and then fell
heavily and floated into the marshmallow-like ground.

"Chen Xing, how many times have I told you, don't be arrogant." Lin Xiucheng responded

Chen Xing did not believe him: "You think I

cheated ." Lin Xiucheng smiled at him, and approached him to reassure him: "Why do you
think that?"

"Lin Xiucheng," Chen Xing did not. Emotionally asked, "Why?"

Lin Xiucheng finally reached his hand, his car did not turn off, and the car lights were shining
on Chen Xing and also on him. He pulled up Chen Xing's hand to check, Chen Xing's knuckles
were a little bruised and red and swollen, reminding him of the time when Chen Xing had a fight
with Jiang Zhengzhen in the language school, and his hand was hurt so badly.

Lin Xiucheng pretended to be pitiful: "Baby, I drove here for more than three hours."

"Oh?" Chen Xing wanted to withdraw his hand, and Lin Xiucheng squeezed him.
This is a messy small alley, and there is a light bulb wailing and tumbling on the ground, the
environment is really not suitable for falling in love. Lin Xiucheng pulled Chen Xing to the side of
the car, stuffed the co-driver, and drove towards Chen Xing's house in Manchester.

Chen Xing sat silently, the atmosphere in the car was solemn, as if a storm was about to be
brewing, Lin Xiu settled down and drove the car steadily without seeing the impatience just now.

Chen Xing’s house was a hotel apartment he chose himself, and the whole house only had
one bed.

It is rare for Lin Xiucheng to follow Chen Xing upstairs freshly and nervously when someone
else controls his emotions and mind.

When he reached the door, Chen Xing turned to open the door, and he stepped in and tried to
close Lin Xiucheng outside. Lin Xiucheng supported the door frame with his hands: "I am not

"You want everything that suits you best. "Chen Xing was helpless and wanted to push Lin
Xiucheng's hand holding the door away. "But Dad, I don't want to face you now."

"Baby, you always have to face it." Lin Xiucheng didn't let go, he Afraid not to strike while the
iron is hot, Chen Xing reacted and couldn't coax him back.

After a stalemate for a few seconds, Chen Xing let go. He didn't cooperate or refused, and
negotiated with Lin Xiucheng: "Not now."

After all, Chen Xing is an adult and has his own persistence and principles. Lin Xiucheng
looked at him. After a while, he compromised: "It can't be too long."

"No," Chen Xing said. He was not much shorter than Lin Xiucheng. At this time, his head was
slightly raised to talk to him, and the voice-activated lights in the hallway dimmed. Without
opening, the two stood at the dark door, making Chen Xingqing's voice more charming, "I just
think about it."

Lin Xiucheng lowered his head and printed a kiss on his forehead, closing the door for him.

Chen Xing stood at the closed door for a while. He thought about some things and made a
decision for himself.

Lin Xiucheng got into the car and sent a message to Chen Xing, telling him that he was going
back to London first.
He didn't want to deny his recent morbid psychological condition, and even asked a
psychiatrist to see if there was any medical method that could treat his increasingly possessive
desire for Chen Xing.

The relationship between him and Chen Xing has progressed to the present, as if he planted
a rose, the rose bloomed, and it bloomed among the fences, attracting bees and butterflies to
stop people, making the owner dissatisfied, so the owner wanted to harvest and cut the flowers.
Cut it down and put it home, put it in a vase and keep it meticulously. People passing by can
only see the green leaves of the rose bushes and the branches that once grew flowers.

But Chen Xing is Chen Xing, and Chen Xing is free.

Not long after, Chen Xing replied: "Bye bye, dad, good journey."

Lin Xiucheng smiled and threw the phone aside.


Chen Xing didn’t have enough for dinner and exercised again. At nine o’clock, he was half
hungry. He found a pizza crust from the refrigerator, brushed the sauce, cut a bunch of
vegetables and piled it on with cheese and bacon, and threw it away. Into the oven.

While waiting for the pizza to be cooked, Chen Xing swiped his phone and found that Gu
Qing had posted such a job posting full of chicken soup on his social account.

"I was not interested when Ian first asked me to participate in this project because I was too
busy and didn't have time.

But Ian persuaded me to take a look at his last issue. Last night, I opened the email he sent
me. , 20 photos, I watched for three hours.

I was shocked by Ian. In his works, I saw dreams."

At this point, Chen Xing no longer wants to look at it anymore, and all his goose bumps are all
over the floor. , I just wanted to review Qing’s sentence "Speak well", suddenly he moved in my
heart and clicked on the photos he attached, mainly scenes. The photos were beautiful. The
scene was taken in the deep mountains. Among the only photos with people, The
simple-dressed children have bright smiles.

Chen Xing stared for a while, turned off the picture, and read the job offer again.

"Filming location: China Mountain Province

Time: 10.17-10.26 Sincerely looking for

two assistants in the mountains, they are required to be passionate about photography, not
afraid of hard work, both domestic and foreign departures include air tickets, board and lodging,
and salary is privately discussed.

Follow me and go chasing your dreams! "

Chen Xing ignored the text content of Gu Qing's junior high school student level, and quickly
grasped the crucial date. After counting the days, two weeks later, he happened to have a

Chen Xing learned the art of photography this semester, and it was time to finish the class
work. He thought that maybe he could follow Gu Qing to relax, so he dialed Gu Qing's phone
number. Chen Xing originally thought that he was willing to go, Gu Qing should be grateful, but
when he heard that he was going, Gu Qing refused.

"Xiaoxing, be rational," Gu Qing's voice seemed to be mixed with horror. "I don't think you are
suitable for this job."

Chen Xing frowned and said, "I can't shoot anything. Even if you are not satisfied. , It’s fine if
you don’t post my photo. Isn’t it good to bring you the equipment for free?” After the

two of you came to me for a few rounds, Gu Qing compromised. He promised Chen Xing to
add him, but he did not occupy the assistant quota.

Although he agreed to Chen Xing, Gu Qing repeatedly urged: "Don't tell others that you
followed me to shoot, don't mention me."

Chen Xing scolded: "Get out!"

and Gu Qing fixed the departure date, Chen Xing Tell him not to tell Lin Xiucheng first, Gu
Qing hesitated a few times, Chen Xingdao said when something happened, and Gu Qing asked
him: "You won't quarrel with Vincent to relax?"

"...No." Chen Xing denied.

Gu Qing didn't believe it: "Xiaoxing, you have to make it clear to me. If you tell Vincent to go
out with me, I can't stop him from

getting angry." "Really not," Chen Xing was helpless, "I I'll tell Lin Xiucheng, and let him
confirm with you, is that okay?"

Gu Qing repeatedly said that this would be the best.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xing's pizza was ready. He forgot Lin Xiucheng and
concentrated on dealing with his supper.

On the day before departure, Chen Xing thought of it when he was luggage, as if he had
forgotten to say hello to Lin Xiucheng.

Chen Xing did not take the initiative to contact Lin Xiucheng in these two weeks. Only Lin
Xiucheng came to greet him twice in the morning and evening. He said he didn’t want to go
home, and Lin Xiucheng didn’t force him. He was so good-natured. Chen Xing suspected that
Lin Xiucheng was about to explode. If he didn’t say anything at this time, he May not be able to
get out of Manchester City.

He thought for a while, packed his things, and went back to London.

When Chen Xing arrived at home more than four o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Xiucheng was
not there. He went upstairs to take a bath first, and sent a message to Lin Xiucheng that he was
at home.

When he left the bathroom, Lin Xiucheng was already sitting on the sofa in the bedroom,
flipping through the magazine and waiting for him.

Chen Xing walked over and sat on another single sofa. He raised his legs without taking a
seat, and said confidently: "Dad, I want to go to China to take pictures with Gu Qing in a few
days. Not many days, what do you think? "

I said you won't go if you don't let you go?" Lin Xiucheng broke through him.

Chen Xing shrugged and smiled very kindly at Lin Xiucheng: "Has anyone ever said that you
always like to presuppose a proposition and then judge a result."

"No," Lin Xiucheng took from the cigarette case. He took out a cigarette, held it between his
index and middle fingers, and waited for Chen Xing to move, "Who else do you think would dare
to talk to me like this?"

Chen Xing picked up the lighter from the table and lit it for him, and also took out one. Dang it
in his mouth and borrowed a fire from Lin Xiucheng.

The two of them hadn't gotten so close for a long time, their breaths crossed, and Chen
Xing's eyelashes were about to fan Lin Xiucheng's face. Lin Xiucheng looked at Chen Xing and
shook his mind, spit out a cigarette, and told Chen Xing, "Go ahead." "

He promised readily, after smoking a cigarette, he went to the bathroom, and Chen Xing
followed in.
"Not cleaned?" Lin Xiucheng took off his clothes and asked him when Chen Xing looked at
him with a smile.

Chen Xing took two steps over and helped Lin Xiucheng unbutton his buttons: "I only came in
after washing it."

Lin Xiucheng hugged Chen Xing on the sink and lifted off his nightgown. Chen Xing did
nothing. Not wearing.

"Prepare with both hands?" Lin Xiucheng's rough hand stroked the tender flesh inside Chen
Xing's thigh, slid through his secret acupuncture point, and came to his lower abdomen, rubbing
Chen Xing's semi-hard sex organ with his thumb.

Chen Xing shook his head: "Just

took it off." He leaned forward and kissed Lin Xiucheng's lips.

The two kissed countless times, but Lin Xiucheng would still feel his heartbeat speeding up
because of Chen Xing's closeness. He never knew that he could be affected to such a
degree-probably because the other party was Chen Xing.

Soon, Lin Xiucheng turned the passive to the initiative, and broke Chen Xing's legs. Chen
Xing used his legs to loop around his waist, and the whole person had to be wrapped around
Lin Xiucheng's body.

Chen Xing is now much taller, with slender and beautiful muscles, and looks like a luminous
body wherever he goes.

But the sight of him being tortured by desire has only been seen by Lin Xiucheng alone.

Chen Xing untied Lin Xiucheng's trousers and stroking his hard and hot sex organs. Lin
Xiucheng's glans brushed the holes that Chen Xing had not lubricated, and Chen Xing was

He didn't know if Lin Xiucheng was really generous or polite. He was most afraid that Lin
Xiucheng would not be able to get out of bed for a few days.

Lin Xiucheng stretched out his hand to take the lotion on the side of the sink, squeezed a little
on his hand, and stuck it into Chen Xing's body. Lin Xiucheng is very familiar with Chen Xing's
body. Although his movements are not gentle, he pierced Chen Xing's sensitive points. Chen
Xing let out a dull voice, his legs tangled up a little, and looked down at Lin Xiucheng's fingers
on him. The bottom goes in and out, sending in white lotion, and bringing out some more. The
cocoon on Lin Xiucheng's index finger rubbed against Chen Xing's sensitive point, Chen Xing's
sexual organs were too hard, and his screams became more and more volatile.
"Okay, why is the foreplay so long today?" Chen Xing was gradually dissatisfied that the back
acupuncture points had only fingers. He pulled out Lin Xiucheng's hand, slapped Lin Xiucheng's
cock a few times, and told him to come in.

Lin Xiucheng stood up and slowly squeezed into Chen Xing's body.

But from the two fingers to the hard sex organs, the pain still hurts. Chen Xing leaned his
head on Lin Xiucheng's shoulder and told him to go in quickly.

Lin Xiucheng looked at Chen Xing's obscene look, no longer restrained himself, and quickly
and forcefully pumped Chen Xing's hip bones.

Lin Xiucheng only did it once this night.

Chen Xing was exhausted and was hugged back to the bed by Lin Xiucheng. Lin Xiucheng
actually lay down beside him and did not continue. Chen Xing was surprised and asked Lin
Xiucheng what was going on today. His self-control was amazing and he wanted to look at his
father with admiration.

Lin Xiucheng stared at Chen Xing and said, "Are you not the plane at 10:30 tomorrow

Chen Xing smiled awkwardly: "You know?"

Lin Xiucheng stroked Chen Xing's meticulous shoulders and did not answer him. Kind of
redundant question.

"If I didn't tell you today, what would happen to you?" Chen Xing became curious and asked.

"Not very good," Lin Xiucheng said, "You are free."

Chen Xing did not believe what Lin Xiucheng said. Lin Xiucheng himself did not believe it, but
he never thought about the scene where Chen Xing did not tell him. I can't answer him.

The next day, the two of them still got up late. Lin Xiucheng sent Chen Xing to the airport and
asked him to come back early. Chen Xing took the luggage from the trunk and rushed in. I
wonder if he listened to Lin Xiucheng.

Fortunately, I didn't miss the plane. After more than ten hours of flying, Chen Xing and one of
Gu Qing's assistants, Yu Li, met at the airport and went to the city to pick up his other assistant,
Zhou Hongyi, and set off by car to the mountain province.
The four of them drove in rotation for two days before entering the mountain. At first, there
was a narrow driveway, and then they needed to walk on their legs.

Several people parked their cars in the parking lot of a small hotel in the market town and
walked to the destination village.

Ian, the curator of this public service photography trip, suffered a leg injury before departure
and drew a map for Gu Qing. The village he chose was not far from the market town, and he
could walk there in two or three hours.

Gu Qing didn't know how to read maps. Chen Xing took this heavy burden and took a few
people to take the picture.

The air in the mountains is very good, and the scenery is beautiful. The temperature in
October is cold, and the trees are still lush. Looking around, the mountains are full of deep and
shallow green. They walk along a mountain creek, stepping on the tiny little people walked out
under their feet. Mountain road. The strength of the body is good, and I don't feel tired.

What Chen Xing didn't know was that Lin Xiucheng took his next London-to-sea plane and
followed him all the way.

This was suggested by Lin Xiucheng’s psychiatrist. He said that Lin Xiucheng’s biggest
problem was that most of the situations in which he and Chen Xing got along were only the two
of them. This greatly limited Lin Xiucheng’s views on Chen Xing. Understanding also caused
him to be unfamiliar with Chen Xing’s social network, which led to some unhealthy thoughts. He
should observe Chen Xing in many ways. When Lin Xiucheng understands Chen Xing and Lin
Xiucheng’s life outside of being together , He might be able to overcome the idea of ​wanting to
possess Chen Xing absolutely.

Lin Xiu admitted that there is some truth in what he said for him. He and Chen Xing are too
far apart in age and don’t know how to communicate with Chen Xing’s friends. As a result, he
missed a lot of Chen Xing. So this time, he followed and stayed in Chen Xing. Fortunately, there
was a bug in the watch and a whole set of expensive photographic equipment, and he planned
to take pictures of his baby himself.

Since Chen Xing and his party drove into the mountain yesterday, the signal has been
intermittent. When there is a signal, Chen Xing will report to Lin Xiu that it is safe and thank him
for his grace.

Soon, they arrived at their destination. Ian had contacted the village chief, who had been
waiting for them for several days.

Gu Qing talked briefly with the village head, and the village head took them to live in the
prepared house.
Despite the cleanliness, the facilities in the mountainous area are still primitive. A few
bedspreads with bedding are just beds. Tap water is only available for one hour in the morning
and one hour in the evening. Bathing is a problem. Gu Qing's assistants are all from the city,
and they have been chasing dreams, and only looked at each other when they saw the situation
in the house. Chen Xing was okay. He didn't pick anything. After driving for two days, he was so
tired that he fell asleep on the bed.

Early the next morning, Gu Qing took them to take pictures. Chen Xing didn’t need to mention
the photography equipment. He took the Leica that Lin Xiucheng gave him and took pictures
everywhere. He got in touch with the left-behind children in the village. Touted him from the
bottom line.

However, for two or three days, Chen Xing shouted from the front and back, and had a large
group of younger brothers, which made Gu Qing's two assistants very jealous. His biggest
supporter is a seventeen-year-old boy named Xia Yang. Xia Yang was punished in high school
and suspended school at home. He wanted to quit school and go to work in a big city, but Chen
Xing came, and he decided to wait for Brother Xing to leave.

Lin Xiucheng lives in a small building not far from Chen Xing's residence. When I took a photo
from the window on the second floor, I was able to take a photo of Chen Xing's bedside.

The house where Chen Xing lives has no curtains. The windowpane on which his bed is
leaning is very large. Because it was specially cleaned and wiped clean, Lin Xiucheng moved
the camera away to see the indoor situation clearly. If Chen Sitting on the bed, Xing could even
take pictures of Chen Xing taking off his clothes, revealing his white back and perfect body lines.

On the fifth day, Chen Xing was in the room to take a bath. Xia Yang opened the door and
walked in. He came to say goodbye to Chen Xing because Chen Xing had to leave early
tomorrow morning.

Chen Xinggang took off his T-shirt, only a pair of low-waisted underwear on his body, with
Vincent Lim printed on the top of the underwear, Xia Yang saw it at a glance.

Lin Xiucheng was in the camera, observing them. Chen Xing's back was facing the window.
His waist was deep. Lin Xiucheng's fingers were a little itchy. He still remembered when he
entered Chen Xing from behind and touched Chen Xing's waist with his hand. , Chen Xinghui is
very sensitive and calls more nicely.

Seeing Xia Yang staring at his hips in a daze, Chen Xing just wanted to talk, Xia Yang said:
"Xia Yang, what are your tattoos, it's awesome!"

"Vincent Lim," Chen Xing explained, "a person's name."

Xia Yang When he got closer to take a closer look, Chen Xing did not evade, and it was not
Chen Xing's style that was hidden.

"Who is this? A foreigner?" Xia Yang asked while watching.

From Lin Xiucheng's perspective, we can only see that the two are getting closer and closer,
and Chen Xing is almost completely naked, but Lin Xiucheng listens to the conversation
between the two in the headset, and there is no discomfort in his heart. Chen Xing is with that
The little boy was not discussing tattoos, but Chen Xing's right to belong.

Chen Xing smiled and said, "It's my love."

Xia Yang was stunned.

Chen Xing added another sentence: "The person I love the most."

"This Vincent, does not seem to be a girl?" After a long while, Xia Yang asked. He had seen
this name in English books. In his imagination, it should belong to An elite man in a suit and
leather shoes.

Chen Xing affirmed Xia Yang's statement. Seeing Xia Yang stunned, he issued a eviction
order, saying that he was going to take a bath, and asked unrelated people to avoid it.

Xia Yang walked out of the bungalow in despair, forgetting the original intention of coming to
Chen Xing.

Lin Xiucheng couldn't find himself somewhat.

He often thinks that Chen Xing is like a butterfly that never stops, and Lin Xiucheng has made
a butterfly net approved by Chen Xing himself at most in his life, and he is qualified to chase
Chen Xing, but at this moment, he denies it. I made my own vision.

Chen Xing is right. Lin Xiucheng likes to presuppose propositions and then judge the results,
but Chen Xing is not a butterfly proposition, he is the result.

If Chen Xing loves Lin Xiucheng, he is love Lin Xiucheng.

Lin Xiucheng put down the lens, took off the earphones, and walked out. He was going back
to London to wait for Chen Xing to go home.


Chen Xing couldn't make Lin Xiucheng's call at the airport, so he left a message for him
before shutting down.
"Dad, I am coming back. I will be in London at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. If you come to
pick me up, just tell me."

When he got off the plane, Chen Xing turned on his phone and saw Lin Xiucheng gave him
20 minutes ago. The message sent: "I'm here."

Chen Xing and Gu Qing went out together. Lin Xiucheng saw Gu Qing, and his politely
smiling expression immediately became a little displeased: "Are you here too?"

Gu Qing was very surprised. Wrongly: "I happen to have a job!"

"I asked the driver to take you back to the hotel," said Lin Xiucheng and took out the phone.
Gu Qing wanted to stop him, but Chen Xing held his hand: "Brother Qing, bad things will be
condemned by heaven."

Lin Xiucheng put away his mobile phone and looked at Gu Qing with Chen Xing. Gu Qing
couldn't bear this kind of crit no

matter how thick-skinned he was. He raised his hand and surrendered, "I will go by myself!"
Anxiously, Chen Xing also felt itchy, stretched out his hand to cover Lin Xiucheng's hand holding
the gear, and leaned over to kiss the back of his hand: "Dad, I miss you."

Lin Xiucheng looked at Chen with a nonchalant smile. Xing glanced at him and patted his
face: "Good." As

soon as he came home and walked in, the two got entangled together. Lin Xiucheng hastily
lubricated Chen Xing and moved Chen Xing from the living room to the bedroom. Released
from his body.

Chen Xing panted undecided, put his hand on Lin Xiucheng's muscled arms, raised his head
and kissed him: "Dad, I have a gift for you."

Lin Xiucheng's genitals were still tucked in Chen Xing, not completely softened, he
Withdrawing, some milky white viscous semen was brought out from Chen Xing's back
acupuncture point.

Lin Xiucheng asked, "What is it?"

Chen Xing turned over and opened the drawer beside Lin Xiucheng's bed. There were a few
pairs of handcuffs and guns in the drawer. Chen Xing grabbed a pair of handcuffs and turned
them back.

Lin Xiucheng stared at him without blinking.

Chen Xing first stuck the handcuffs into his right hand, then bit the other handcuffs with his
teeth, handcuffed his left hand, and stretched out his hands in front of Lin Xiucheng: "Don't you
want to lock me up, I'll let you lock up." "

There was no hesitation in Chen Xing's eyes: "Do you remember that you gave me a choice
to let me go out of the door?"

Lin Xiucheng nodded and said remember, let Chen Xing continue.

"I will give you a choice today," Chen Xing said. "You can

detain me as long as you want. Lock it at home and no one will see it." "Why?" Lin Xiucheng

Chen Xing looked directly at Lin Xiucheng: "If you are insecure, then I will give it to you."

Lin Xiucheng raised his hand and grasped Chen Xing's handcuffs. Their bodies were still hot.
From the top of the head to the toes, Chen Xing hinted that he could contribute everything to Lin
Xiucheng, even if it was himself, he would score points. Nothing left. Lin Xiucheng pulled down
his hand, raised his leg, and stuffed the re-heated sex organ into Chen Xing's body. Chen Xing's
back acupuncture point was hot and humid. He bit on the hard object that came in and twisted it
like flattering. Lin Xiucheng.

Lin Xiucheng made this love a ritual of exchanging souls. Chen Xing was almost crushed by
his fierce and endless torture. Lin Xiucheng still blocked his top not to shoot him.

"Chen Xing, will you regret it?" Lin Xiucheng stopped suddenly and gave a heavy push. Chen
Xing's groan was both painful and joyful.

Physiological tears slid down from the corner of Chen Xing's eyes. He climbed up Lin
Xiucheng and said honestly: "In the can turn it off... as soon as possible..."

Chen Xing couldn't continue.

Lin Xiucheng let go of his hand and did not speak. He played against Chen Xing more gently
than usual. His hand slid on Chen Xing’s genitals. Chen Xing was soon shot by him, and his
legs were bent weakly. After being turned over by Lin Xiucheng, his hands were handcuffed and
couldn't be separated, Lin Xiucheng took Chen Xing's hand over his head, twisting Cheng
Huan's posture.

Lin Xiucheng's pumping was getting faster and faster, and finally a few vigorously in and out,
and shot into Chen Xing.
"Chen Xing." Lin Xiucheng looked down at Chen Xing from top to bottom, propped his arm.

Chen Xing gasped for a while,

Chapter 23.2
(Published Book Fanwai I am yours Part 2)

His eyes were still moist, looking at Lin Xiucheng.

Lin Xiucheng got up, found the key from the drawer, and unlocked Chen Xing's handcuffs:
"I'm not going to shut you down."

Chen Xing was a little surprised, he thought Lin Xiucheng would accept it with pleasure.

"I..." Lin Xiucheng analyzed himself with difficulty. This is probably the first time in his life and
the only time he has explained himself profoundly. He has never done anything like this before,
and he is very clumsy to say, "I'm facing you. At that time, I was insecure, and I was afraid of
losing you."

Chen Xing suddenly heard Lin Xiucheng's confession, his cheeks became hot, Nane didn't
know what to say.

"I won't be like this again," Lin Xiucheng kissed his face, "Baby, I love you."

Chen Xing reached out and hugged Lin Xiucheng and sat on him: "Dad, do it again. ."

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