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Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Miss Rogers Date: February 20,2023

Group Size: 20 Allotted Time: 40 Grade Level: 1st

Subject or Topic: Science/ What is the Arctic tundra

Common Core/PA Standard(s)

Standard - 3.1.4.A1
Classify plants and animals according to the physical characteristics that they share

Learning Targets/Objectives:
● The goal is for the students to understand what the tundra is?
● Students should understand what animals live in the tundra?

Formative Assessment Approaches Evidence observation or method of

1. Powerpoint on the tundra collection
1. Checklist
2. Marshmallow polar bear Den
2. Observation
Assessment Scale for any of the assessments above if needed
● At the direction of the teacher they will go over What is the tundra power point.
● The teacher will then go over the directions of the marshmallow Polar bear den and
then display the steps on the smart board.
Summative if applicable
Subject Matter/Science/ What is the tundra

● Students having the basic understanding of what the tundra is?
● Students having the basic understanding of what animals are in the tundra.
● The teacher will then pull up the directions of the marshmallow den and past out the

New Key Vocabulary:

● What is the tundra: The tundra is a frosted molded- landscapes with extremely low
temperatures and little precipitation, poor nutrients, and short growing seasons as well
as dead organic material function.

● What animals live in the tundra: Musk ox, arctic hare, the polar bear , the arctic fox,
the caribou and the snowy owl.
● There have been human communities in the tundra for thousands of years such as the
indigenous people that are from alaska.
● The tundra is the coldest of the biomes
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
● The teacher will give students a minute to get ready to start science class for the day.
● The teacher will introduce the new topic on the tundra.
● The teacher will then pull up the power point for first grade on the different tundra
● The teacher will then run through the powerpoint and ask the students if they have any
● The teacher will then move to directions on how to build a polar bear den
Development/Teaching Approaches:
● The teacher will then start powerpoint and read through with asking students engaging
questions throughout the power point such as:
- What is the tundra
- What are the different tundra animals
- Do communities of humans live in the tundra (yes or no answer)
- Does anyone know how tundra animals survive
● Once the teacher is done explaining and talking about the tundra and the
different tundra animals.
● The teacher will then transition into making the polar bear dens and
explain the directions on what to do.
● Once the teacher has explained the directions they will pass out the
materials to the polar bear dens.
● Once the polar bear den materials are passed out the students will start
● the activity.
● As the students are doing the activity the teacher will put one some
music while the students are working
● The teacher will also circulate and help and students that need help
● As the activity is wrapping up the teacher will take pictures and then
have the first grade class clean up
● The teacher will then turn on a movement break to transition into the
next block.
Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
● Allow students time together the materials
● Allow students to ask questions about the tundra power point
● Allow students together extra materials for the marshmallow den


● Make sure the power point font is large

Materials and Resources:

● Power point
● Marshmallow
● Marshmallow den instructions
● Toothpicks
● Movement break
Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Overall my lesson unit 3 for science went well. Something I wish I did differently was
asked more engaging questions and practiced the power point a little bit more so the students
were able to follow better. Another thing I could have done differently was once the students
were done building their marshmallow dens I should have asked them questions about why
they had to make the polar bear dean the size they did. Why do polar need a certain sized dens
as well as I should have allowed the students to keep their marshmallow dens on their desk for
the day instead of them throwing them away right away. I also should have let them have a
small amount of marshmallow to either take home or eat them at snack time. The pacing of my
lesson also could improve because It did end ealy.
Additional reflection/thoughts

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