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Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Miss Rogers Date: February 27,2023

Group Size: 20 Allotted Time: 40 minutes Grade Level: 1st grade

Subject or Topic: science/ Adaptations

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

● 4.7.4.B.1. Explain how specific adaptations can help a living organism to survive.
Learning Targets/Objectives:
● The goal is for the students to understand the different adaptations of each animal are ?
● Students should understand what animals have different features ?

Formative Assessment Approaches Evidence observation or method of

1.Powerpoint on the animal adaptations collection
2. Amazing animal adaptation worksheet
2. Observation

Assessment Scale for any of the assessments above if needed:
● At the direction of the teacher they will go over different animal adaptations of each
● The teacher will then go over the directions of the amazing animal adaptations
worksheet and explain what they need to do.
Summative if applicable
Subject Matter/Science animal adaptations

● Students having the basic understanding of what animal adaptations are ?
● Students having the basic understanding of what animals have what features?
● The teacher will then pull up the directions of the Amazing animal adaptation
New Key Vocabulary:
Why do animals have adaptive features:
An adaptation is defined as a physical or behavioral feature of an animal that helps them
better survive in their environment
Fun fact about animal features:
animals are eukaryotic, multicellular organisms, and almost all animals have specialized
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
● The teacher will give students a minute to get ready to start science class for the day.
● The teacher will introduce the new topic on animal adaptations .
● The teacher will then pull up the power point for first grade on the different animal
● The teacher will then run through the powerpoint and ask the students if they have any
questions along the way.
● The teacher will then move to directions on the amazing adaptations worksheet and
what materials they need for this activity.
Development/Teaching Approaches
1. The teacher will then start powerpoint and read through with asking students
engaging questions throughout the power point such as:
- What is an animal feature
- What are some different features of animal
- Do any of these animal have similar features
- Does anyone know how this animal may survive with these features
- Once the teacher is done explaining and talking about the different animal
● The teacher will then transition into working on the amazing adaptation
● Once the teacher has explained the directions they will tell the students
to pull out their materials they need.
● As the students are doing the activity the teacher will put one some
music while the students are working
● The teacher will also circulate and help and students that need help
● Once the activity is over the teacher will have them do a quick
movement break before moving into ELA

Closure/Summarizing Strategies
● Allow students time together the materials
● Allow students to ask questions about the animal adaptations power point
● Allow students time to finish worksheet

● Allow extra time

Materials and Resources:

● Powerpoint
● Ipads
● amazing Adaptation worksheet
Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels
Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Unit four lesson I thought went well . The kids were engaged the entire time and seemed to
really enjoy this lesson and learning about animal adaptations. The one thing I would change
about this lesson is maybe having them do the research with their parents at home. Because
some of my first grade students did seem to struggle with researching the different animaland
their different adaptations. But some kids understood the assignment and understood the
expectations of the assignment while other students needed the extra one on one. Or I would
make it a whole group assignment so every student had a chance to put down one adaptation of
each animal.

Additional reflection/thoughts

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