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Director Reflection:

Overall, I am very pleased with the way this project came

out. I was worried that we would not be able to cover all the

necessary shots during production due to how many shot set-ups I

had planned out, but the cast and crew worked efficiently and

diligently in order to make sure we filmed everything.

The biggest roadblock I experienced was that our editor was sick

and unable to make it to the shoot, so I had to edit the project

instead. This was not much of a problem however since I enjoy

editing and I was able to make the timeline in my exact image.

I was super happy with both actors’ performances as well as the

work that everyone else did on set. If I had to change anything,

I would probably try to make some of the handheld shots more

stable, since I had to utilize the warp stabilizer on two or

three shots. Overall, I am happy with the final product of the

film and I learned a lot from working in Production 101.

Milan Tangirala


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