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Fernando R. Gallarde Jr.

Effective Writing ENG 104
Miss Johana U. Caka, LPT
Module 9 Assessment

We should read more classic books

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” –
George R.R. Martin
The first reason it might matter to read a piece of classic literature is that it provides a snapshot
into a different time period than we currently live now. It transports us to a different place. This
requires the use of imagination and also piques our curiosity since we’ll likely encounter some
terms or uses of language that seem unfamiliar. So by extension, being transported somewhere
else by classic literature will expose our mind to new ideas and even new terms or use of words
and language.
The second reason it might matter to read a piece of classic literature is that it can teach you to
think systematically. Most old books were written in an era when logic and reason were of the
utmost importance. Words were chosen with care, and writers struggled to convey their
thoughts and stories in the simplest and most eloquent manner possible. I can’t prove this, but
I’d venture to guess that even Stephen King, or M. Night Shyamalan, probably learned to
imagine and write having read many classic books over the years. These modern wizards of
storyline and word learned to think systematically from somewhere because there is no way
their dizzying storylines could have been conceived from unordered, and unplanned thought
processes in my opinion.
The final reason one might consider reading a classic according to, is
that reading classic “it exposes us to the art of story and conversation”. In our Twitter or even
in other social media today, we communicate in blips and hashtags that are often not the best
containers of meaning or truth. Meanings and truth are both teased out via storylines or within
the confines of a good conversation. Think about the last time you were misunderstood. Why
did this happen? Chances are it might be linked to a breakdown in an unclear and not very well
thought out pattern of communication.
In conclusion, if you have the desire to be transported somewhere else, or if you want to think
on an entirely different level, or if you just want to communicate better, consider reading a
classic book and watch it unfold before your eyes.

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