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TERR —] CHATHAM COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT INCIDENT REPORT [Coss comsonarea Internal Copy Jeon vee COUNTS _meiwent cope PREM TPE [BOATING INCIDENT BOATING INCIDENT 1 IC _7) ] {5 [ATLANTIC OCEAN, UNINCORPORATED, GA] [iITTLE TYBEE J] wesron ne 1405, Seer ——se— ne nea ‘o1o7R07s 1657 —] %0 | overaoas gy i657] } 0 [_] um [7] [Senmcanowr TBORESS PHONE MoMaeR [DEDIC, JONATHAN i fe ; victim OFFENDER |WITNESS| VEHICLE | TRE RANE TOE REBORN PORE BUSHES one EST ] CoOCoIC 4) hooness pene [seis ruven? CJ] ves Fe] no wrves, mare werars sexoot ee SS EZ] re 1 f 1 Cot =l eS GEUnts OFENGECOOe — oFenee ARREST ARISOETN “ey IC If ] fs setae He Se Eat _ al ween Cl eras 1 Ce ae Cre | ] joames Avoness ‘PHONE NUMBER, _ ae — Seams — era 0) prom a SER — sane aa om | reer oc ewray [| WARRANT TaRG PERSON Were] ance J a Crem secunmis FH wena role £2) oer rouow emote ech] vecoutad Ey conorbcd Ea] rammnoto rece TEQURED DNAS REPORT OTE Fomctesnance REPORT Lctesneosranmesr — [] excerrionntyeteareo [] unrounneo DRUG_|CLEAR|ADM| onte or cuesmance [—__] [our wee cise [XJ acme [Jowerve FEW NE RS Mag ae aa oO« Oe ewereraane [) zemamrunare D scocane Eo statucnocen 7] stenoe Cl emnannn [E] rmcrnaneernune [2] sorun ssmmencrarcone [5] ueweioe lon 01/07/23 | received a call from a kayaker (Jonathan Dedic) that heard shots near him while he was kayaking jnear Little Tybee. [ar. Dedic advised that he had put in at Alley Three today to travel down to Ossabaw Sound offshore and back. On lhis return trip at approximately 1657, he was Offshore of Little Tybee at 31 57.6342N 80 2.7934W when he heard lapproximately 40-50 shots. Mr. Dedic hears around three bullets whiz by him and he proceeded to put distance lbetween himself and the isiand. lafter speaking with the complainant it was brought up that it could have been target practice and they could have ijust not been conducting firearms safety effectively. There could also be hunters on the island. | contacted DNR labout this call as well and notified them of what had occurred due to the Island being state land. DNR told me Ithey do not currently enforce any different hunting laws on that Island other than what has been established lalready. itis currently deer season and Hog season. Iur. Dedic did not see where the bullets were coming from but advised they were coming from shore in line with lhis coordinates. Mr. Dedic did not see anyone on the island, or anyone pointing a weapon at him. Mr. Dedic ladvised that he knew there was a squatter community on the island. People do camp on the island but I do not iknow of any squatters that live on the island. Mr. Dedic was kayaking solo on this trip and there are no witnesses. NARRATIVE || asked Mr. Dedic when this incident occurred who he contacted. He advised that he was first in contact with \Chatham Dispatch, then forwarded to Tybee, then he was forwarded to the coast guard. | was notified lapproximately an hour after the incident occurred by a personal call from DNR. When this incident occurred | was lapproximately fifteen minutes away by boat. The complainant was already safely back out of the water when {speaking with him. | |Atoltow-up will be conducted in an attempt to get more Information on who discharged the firearm In this incident. My BWC was active during this investigation. REPORENG OFFICER pene CRED Qa 8 psstoneo mvesnicaron see SIM] (WALKER, DANEL Ls] Case#: CC230107022 Incident Type: Incident Location: ‘Campus Location. CLERY Report Date. 01/08/2023 Arrests Referrals [Dating Violence Liquor Law Violation ls Hate Crime (Domestic Violence [}Drug Violation unfounded Ostalking Weapons OFire? Injuries: Deaths: Value of Damaged Property: Nature of Fire: Reporting Officer: Reviewing Officer ‘Approving Officer WYNN, HEATH. NO IMAGES FOUND FOR THIS CASE cases 0230107022 Img Class: Description: File Path: NO IMAGES FOUND FOR THIS CASE case# 0230107022 Img Class: Description: File Path: PERSONS DETAILS S010. JONATHAN Cw og a eee Ce = mot wear ame Jue Come a Jee) Ce eT Srmnarene Esse s5u_ as OL Number Prone : Oo a a worn ] [ex] [Coserene—] [pearson] (Wn) ow IC I Oe Dm Savana GATT = ES ve orm =e a i rmtaerer sae : C Tw Eton PEST ( 1 ere a Meds a Awe NO DOCUMENT INFORMATION FOUND FOR CASE NUMBER CC230107022 CHATHAM COUNTY POLICE INCIDENT PROPERTY LISTING DEPARTMENT INCIDENT DATE: 01/07/2023, CASE NO : CC230107022 STOLEN GRAND TOTAL $0.00 RECOVERED GRANO TOTAL $ 0.00 ‘sou Tora $0.00 RECOVERED TOTAL! $0.00 REPORT TOTALS ‘STOLEN TOTAL RECOVERED TOTAL VEHICLES REPORT TOTAL $0.00 $ 0.00 ‘CURRENCY, NOTES, ETC. REPORT TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 JEWELRY, PREC. METALS REPORT TOTAL $0.00 $ 0.00 FURS REPORT TOTAL $0.00 $ 0.00 CLOTHING REPORT TOTAL $000 $ 0.00 OFFICE EQUIP. REPORT TOTAL $0.00 $ 0.00 1, RADIO, ETC. REPORT TOTAL $0.00 $ 0.00 HOUSEHOLD GOODS REPORT TOTAL $0.00 $ 0.00 FIREARMS REPORT TOTAL, $0.00 $0.00 , ‘CONSUMABLE GOODS REPORT TOTAL, $0.00 $ 0.00 LIVESTOCK REPORT TOTAL, $0.00 $ 0.00 (OTHER REPORT TOTAL $0.00 $ 0.00 $0.00 $0.00

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