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AFAM 1998.

03 Professor Cones


For the past several weeks we have heavily discussed topics such as slacktivism, protestor
backlash, privileged voices, and the rise of social media as a means to organize demonstrations,
discuss and bring awareness to social justice issues. For your Midterm I would like for you to
write a paper answering this question:

How has social media aided or corrupted social justice activism?

This is an argument paper meaning you need to choose one side and argue this topic using three
tangible examples. In your paper you must discuss social justice activism in the past (starting
from the Black Power Movement (1960)) to now. Has social media helped these efforts or has
social media made matters worse?


- You must use these three tangible examples to prove your argument they consist of:

 a post, series of posts, or hashtag used on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or

YouTube about a race-based social movement (if this is something posted on multiple
platforms that is fine just say that and cite it)
 A social media user, influencer, or group of influencers (this includes celebrities as well)
discussing or protesting for a race-based social movement
 Public critique of people protesting or speaking out against racial injustice (news media
outlets, social media platforms

 -  3-5 pages, double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font

 -  MLA Citation (I have attached a link on how to cite social media i.e. (Twitter, Tiktok,

Instagram, Facebook or YouTube)

 -  All submissions are due Friday October 8th at 11:59pm. (There will be no exceptions
for tardiness on the Midterm paper it must be turned in by this time).

All papers will be turned in via As a professor at Loyola Marymount University, I
will enforce the college’s “Academic Honesty Policy and Procedures” I have linked the policy
If you have questions about this assignment, please feel free to email me or visit my office hours
which are from 12-2pm on Thursdays

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