Life As Kumari Goddess Essay

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“Life of a Kumari Goddess: The Young Girls Whose Feet Never Touch Ground”

Barriers: Words Beneath Culture

Culture is interconnected on the physiological environment and attitude of the individuals passed

through generations. Despite of its belongingness and being the “soul” of every country, it is still

needed to be learned and not biologically inherited. It is being applied by expressing they

attitudes and beliefs in other forms of life, both animal and plant. All from their ancestors

tradition and ethnicity.

As what I foreseen on the documentary that has given, which is “Life of a Kumari Goddess: The

Young Girls Whose Feet Never Touch Ground” It has shown that their culture and preferences is

still running on their vessels even on our present times. Witnessing their centuries-old tradition in

worshipping Kumari, a living goddess which is manifested in the body of a young girl, is making

me popped up with many thoughts. From the start, its resembles that their intercultural

communication through their tradition shows a lot of symbolical, transactional, contextual way

on how they worship a living God which is called “Kumari”. In common of other tradition and

culture preferences, It dictates nor allows us to speak, think or do such task as they were given

and it settled as our mindset. As what they are experiencing and doing as of by this present years.

Ancestral actions and beliefs has a tons of impact in future generation. Nepal, Katmandu people

has been growing for years and still manage to retain their beliefs. Consequently, People of

Katmandu Perception about their tradition is still hasn’t change despite of world modernity.
Culture informs all areas of life (including the arts, thought, religion, language, food,

etc.), perception (how they see the world) is significantly impacted by culture. The language and

mindset that has been passed on us could enormously affect us in a lot of terms. From my Point

of View, to see how life is for the sacred children spending their lives in a temple and being

worshipped by people but have their large limitations on things , has bit contrasting effect on

me. As a normal human with rights, privileges and obligations, It results for them to have a

contrast of free and longing life without barriers.

A human without freedom is a human without rights. Its contrasting, as said on Documentary,

They are contemporary wanting to be a Kumari ( Or as A father side ) because of the “Privileges

and Honor” that they will be taken . To illustrate their situations, they are facing the barriers of

intercommunication in Social aspects/ state, Cultural barriers, Physical barriers and as well as

Language barrier. In addition, Looking at other culture may differ us because of our social

economic status and as well as differences of our culture and beliefs. But all in all, Lets all

embrace and love each other culture traditions and ethnicity.

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