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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Studies

Grade 10
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
a) define world history;
b) enumerate the importance of world history; and
c) differentiate the beliefs on the origin of life
II. Subject matter
Topic: The Origin of People
-World History
-Beliefs on the Origin of Life
References: World History for the Postmodern World by Gregorio F. Zaide pg. 3-17
Instructional Materials: Laptop, Book, Handouts, Chalkboard
Time Allotment: 1hr and 30 minutes
Value Focus/Infusion: Develop an appreciation for historical events and their
implications for the present. Considering the contributions of civilizations to modern
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation (Routine

Good morning, class!

How are you feeling today?

Can we all stand for a prayer before we

begin our new lesson today? Good morning, Teachers
We’re fine, ma’am!
Ms. Secretary, do we have an absence
(Students stand up and pray)
Ms. Secretary (Ma’am, I am glad to say
I am glad to hear that. Before anything
that there is no absence today)
else let me introduce myself first. I am
teacher KC and I will be your teacher this

B. Motivation

So are you ready for our new lesson?

Well, that’s good to know. Our lesson for
today is about World History

Did you already hear about History? Yes, we are ready ma’am!
Okay. So why do we need to study the
Very Good, by studying history we would Yes, ma’am, for me it is the study of our
know the development of the human past.
being. Ma’am, I think studying the past would
But before we start our discussion, I want give us knowledge about our origins. Like
you to answer these scrambled letters how humans create.
written on the board. Raise your hand if
you know the answer.

Answer Key:
1. Civilization
2. History
3. Life
4. Legend
5. Religion
6. Belief
7. World
8. Origin
9. People
10. Evolution

Scramble Words

6. IFEELB (The students are actively participating)

-Presentation/Discussion of the
Before we begin, I'd like you to sit
properly and pay close attention to my
discussion. Students, could you lend
me your ears?
Yes, Ma’am
So I ask you earlier about the world
history means.

As you said earlier, we study history to

learn about the past. Yes, it’s correct.
According to Francis Bacon, “Histories
make us wise.” But how do we find those
histories? Information on the past comes
to us because of the experts who study it.
Like detectives or investigative reporters.
Am I right?
These experts of the past avidly study the
evidence. The evidence is found in Yes, Ma’am
written or oral records (legends, books,
documents), or in material relics (pottery,
jewelry, etc).

In general experts on the past may be a

historian or archeologists. A historian
studies “histories” or written records
(documents or books) of the past.
An example of that is the father of history.
Do you know who is the father of the
history class?
Very Good. An example of a historian is Yes, Ma’am. The father of history is
Herodotus, the father of history, Arnold Arnold Toynbee.
Toynbee, a British historian; and Dr.
Gregorio F. Zaide, the “Dean of Filipino
Historians.” Historians write books, teach,
(Students listen attentively)
and work in libraries.
World History is the study of human
civilization from ancient times to the
present. To know world history is to
appreciate the story of God’s goodness to
humanity, from the time of creation to the
coming of Jesus His Son, and the story of
salvation. Because the postmodern world
is interconnected, it is important to know
how different civilizations are connected
to one another. World history shows us
our relationship with God and with each
other in this world.
Let’s proceed to the difference of beliefs
on the origin of life. People have different
beliefs about the origin of life because of
religion, superstition, and of science. The
Christian and Jewish religions both
believe in the story of creation, as told in
the Old Testament. Creation myths and
legends abound in ancient peoples.
Finally, scientists claim an origin theory
called evolution.

C. Application

Group activity

So I gave you a scrambled letter earlier,

and now I want you to find its definition.
You can browse the internet.
I will group you into three. Choose your
leader and a group presenter.
Your group presenter would come here in
front and discuss the definition of the
scrambled words I gave you.

Group 1
2. YRTSOHI (Each group is participating in the group
3. EFIL activity.)

Group 2

Group 3

D. Generalization
Now, I want you to test if you really
understood our topic.
What is World History?

Okay, thank you. So who is the father of (student answered)

history and the dean of Filipino
(student answered)
Do people have different beliefs about the
origin of life because of the?

E. Evaluation (student answered)

Directions: In a one-half crosswise,

compose at least a 2-3 paragraph
reflective essay referring to the questions

1. Why is it important to study world

history for today’s century?

2. Why do some teach only one belief

about the origin of life? (Students’ answers may vary)

F. Assignment

(Reinforcing the day’s lesson)

1. In a one whole sheet of paper, write a reflection paper about the lessons we
tackle today.

Prepared by: Submitted to:

KC B. Tongon Roqzl Joe M. Cagatin

BSED Social Studies- 1A LPT Teacher

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