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Adapted by ELTAlgeri@Team - Oran

PART 1: READING (15pts)

Read the text carefully then do the activities.


Most people buying a fake handbag think they are doing an absolutely reasonable
thing. They are purchasing a ‘luxury” item bearing a world-famous brand name. They will
be able to show it off to colleagues and friends. They are not bothered at all that everyone
knows it’s a fake. A lot of fake products look good.

Experts involved in cases considering intellectual property rights want customers to

realize the reverse of the coin. Lawyers and other specialists, who deal with rising
customers’ awareness about negative effects caused by fake goods business, try to change
the situation. They want shoppers to change the way they think about counterfeit luxury
goods. Customers have to realize what kind of activities they involuntarily support.
Citizens should be socially responsible enough to give up shopping for counterfeit goods.

Fake watches, shoes and other products lead to legitimate manufactures’ considerable
loss in profits. As for retailers, they lose not only in profits but also jobs, while the
community doesn’t receive proper tax revenues. Moreover, what most people do not
realize is the fact that fake goods business is linked to bad working conditions, child labor
and crimes. Fake goods business is a serious problem to be resolved by all industries, from
wallets and DVDs to drugs.

1/ Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1- People who buy fake products are…………..that they are doing an absolutely unreasonable
a) aware b) not aware c) careless

2- The phrase “the reverse of the coin” means:……………………………………………

a) the other side of the coin.
b) the advantages of fake goods business.
c) the disadvantages of fake goods business.

3- One of the negative effects caused by fake goods business is………………………………

a) high revenues.
b) unemployment.
c) customers’ satisfaction.
4- Fake goods business should be……………………… by both the government and citizens.

a) fought b) encouraged c) neglected

2/ In which paragraph is it mentioned that

a) the government is trying to change people’s attitude about fake products?
b) fake goods business threatens society?
3/ Answer the following questions according to the text.
a) Give an example of an unethical act from the text.
b) How can citizens be socially responsible?
c) What may happen if the community doesn’t receive proper tax revenues?

Adapted by ELTAlgeri@Team - Oran
4/ What do the underlined words refer to in the text?
a) they (§1) b) They (§2)


1/ Find in the text.

a) a word opposite in meaning to: genuine (§1)

b) a word closest in meaning to : imitation (§2)

c) a word whose definition follows: a sum of money turned over to the authorities (§3)

2/ Give opposites to the following words keeping the same root.

a) awareness b) involuntarily c) responsible d) legitimate

3/ Combine the following sentences using the connectors given in brackets.

a) Citizens should be socially responsible enough to give up shopping for counterfeit

goods. (It’s high time)

b) Bad working conditions are related to fake goods business. Child labor is related to fake
goods business. (both…and)

c) A lot of fake products look good. Many people purchase fake products. (so…that)

d) Fake watches, shoes and other products lead to legitimate manufactures’ considerable
loss in profits. (due to)

4/ Choose the pairs that rhyme.

Lake- flag- find- fake- flame- handbag- name- kind.

5/ Fill in the blanks with words from the list below.

- detectors – counterfeit – bankers – money -

The erosion of the boundaries between …………… and genuine currency was a day-to-
day reality of everyone who handled …………. . There was no better symbol of this than the
ubiquitous counterfeit …………. found on the desks and counters of merchants,
……………..and storekeepers.

Adapted by ELTAlgeri@Team - Oran
PART 2: Written Expression (05 points)

Choose one of the following topics.

Either Topic 1:

A lawyer is talking to a fake goods businessman, write the conversation using the
following notes:

Fake product – not real brand – cheap – cheating on customers - not bothered – showing
off – threaten business of real brands- business is business- unemployment- social
problems- illegal- taxes- child labour- working conditions- social

Or Topic 2:

Fake goods business is a serious problem to be resolved by all industries, from wallets and
DVDs to drugs. How can this be done?


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