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Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez Institute of Science and

Technology Organization Assessment and Development

Prof. Christian Ranche, MBA, RPm, LPT

Patricio, Julius N.

Temundo, Edrick O.

July 2022

Women Empowerment refers to strengthening the social, economic and educational

powers of women. It refers to an environment where there is no gender bias and has equal rights

in community, society and workplaces. Empowerment of Women would result in better and

more developed society. When women contribute equally along with men for the benefit of

society, the world would surely become a better place to live according to Genesis (2018)

Women are taught to mold themselves based on others’ preferences and men are taught to

lead because at the end of the day, women have to manage household chores whereas men are

the heroes saving their family and providing them financial support. This is the stereotype that

has existed for centuries in India and one of the reasons women are denied basic human rights in

society. A woman is denied the right to raise her opinions even in her household matters,

political or financial viewpoints are far behind.  According to Anderson (2022 It’s a goal that as

a woman, believe in wholeheartedly. And it’s one that seems to be particularly relevant as

women and men are rallying for more equal rights, from wage disparities to family leave policies

according to Kooser (2021).

The main problem of the 4k organization is the inactive members, especially when the

organization have a meeting or activities needed to do. With this problem, the group were not

able to complete their task because some of its member is absent. Since the group of this

organization is all women to give them opportunity, the group expected that tall members

responsible in regard with this.

Background of the Company

4k means Kababaihan, Kabalikatan, para sa Kapakanan at Kaunlaran ng Bayan, it was

started during the pandemic since the women stay in their houses. The organization given by the

governor of Quezon Province, Gov. Helen Tan to give an opportunity in every women in Quezon

Province especially in Lucena City. This organization has a program to give investment such as

store where the rice is the main product. Every members of its organization has their own task

and responsibilities on how the investment will be flow.

There are also officers who have their own position to lead the organization. To function

the system that may help every women support their financially. The group intention to give an

equally opportunity to the women. Since pandemic and were not allowed, with this kind of

opportunity women can help their family even in just a small income monthly. To show the

strength and women empowerment.


The main problem of the 4k organization is the inactive members, especially when the

organization have a meeting or activities needed to do. With this problem, the group were not

able to complete their task because some of its member is absent. Since the group of this

organization is all women to give them opportunity, the group expected that tall members

responsible in regard with this. In this kind of situation, it must have a solution to solve the

problem. Not all the region in the country has opportunity to all the women. It must be

appreciates and give importance because it will lead for every success of women and become

inspiration to others.

The group known in the City of Lucena where the women give opportunity to have an

income even at smallest investment. They are organization invest rice and sell it to the market.

They are also known to women empowerment because the members of the group is women

only . Currently, they have activities to the members which every morning exercise to maintain

their body health. This is happen every Sunday morning in order to build a relationship with

colleagues. As of today, they have an income every the end of the month. This organization is

very helpful especially pandemic. They can support their basic needs such as foods in order to

survive in everyday life.


Since this groups are now open to a new members who are willing to be part of this

organization they entertain inquire to give other women opportunity. They would like to know

who are willing to be part of this group. And to know if the member are really committed. Since

the main problem of the organization is inactive members, they want to know what are the

reasons behind the absent of the members, so that it can take an action to solve this kind of issue.

Goals and Proposal

The researchers goals is to address the main problem of the organization which is inactive

members when it comes to the task and activities that are given. The researchers proposal is to

have symposium to the members but the twist of symposium is to give them a relief goods after
listening to the importance why they should become an active members. It will help them to

attend to the symposium and they find it interesting.

Materials and methodology


The researchers select 8 members of 4k organization as participants they were

selected not just for their willingness but also for their ability to communicate with this study.

We also chose respondents based on their knowledge and background to answer the questions.

In this study, the respondents are from Lucena City, Quezon Province


The study utilized narrative analysis because it includes several methodologies that also

rely on verbal and visual depictions of people. Through the telling of their narratives and sharing

of their personal experiences about the current situation, the respondents experiences were the

main emphasis of the study. Additionally, the narrative analysis describes the feelings that the

respondents experienced in their personal stories.


Since the problem of this study is inactive members of the 4K organization. The

researchers plan is to have a symposium as an action to solve this problem. To make sure that the

members will attend, the researchers will give relief goods as to remain them active. The

equipment for this action is laptop and projector to make the symposium possible. The relief

goods such as rice, noodles, coffee and can goods can be part of this action plan to ensure that

the members of the organization will participate.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers gathered data by having interview to the respondents who are fit and

willing to answer the questions, for 8 days starting from July 7 to 15, 20122, and can collect data

from a total 8 respondents of 4k organization. The interviewer focuses on a certain concept or

response while still allowing them to be explored through the use of the interview guide

questions. Through this approach, the researchers can offer a "depth" insight into the social

phenomena than would be possible through the use of a strictly structured questionnaire.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Our team make sure the confidentiality and privacy of the respondents even the

members of the group. The researchers ensure that the respondents won't suffer any kind

of harm. The dignity of the respondents was valued when conducting the study. Before

conducting the interview, full consent was obtained from the respondents. A sufficient

level of confidentiality of the respondent’s data was taken into consideration to protect

the privacy. The confidentiality of the subjects was protected, and their identities won't be

revealed without their express written consent. It was avoided providing false information

or to portray the results of the original data in a biased manner.

Roles and Responsibility

Roles and responsibilities are essential in managing any organization and its agencies.

This system of roles and responsibilities sets standards for how a certain organization will

perform and take action based on its purposes and advocacies. Through the productive

individual performance of the members involved and the cooperation between them, as well as

their connection with the other organizations outside their premises, the standard is being


For the organization to work, aside from monitoring the roles and responsibilities to be

observed, providing a feasible resolution to each problem and challenge is necessary as well.

The organization's leaders bear a great deal of responsibility for motivating their members'

force and influence to work hard. The roles are being divided among these leading officers, and

at the same time, they act as leaders. As a leader of a specific role, they should be capable of

making their underlying members cooperate and do their part. All of the roles must be played

flexibly while considering the whole system of the organization, because a single action in an

organization affects everybody. Therefore, each action must be ensured, particularly in terms

of its feasibility and meaningfulness.

Fees, Terms and Condition

Last updated (July 13, 2022)

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using the new

portal website and the Login SICAT mobile application operated by our company.

Your access and use of the service is conditioned on your acceptance an our compliance with

these terms. These terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Service.
By accessing or using the service you agree to bound by these terms. If you disagree with any

part of the terms then you may not access to the service

Discussion and Results






Figure 1 represent the diagnosis to be applied by the researchers pertaining to the stated

problem that the 4K organization encountered. The input is to plan to have a symposium as an

action plan to spread awareness of importance of being active members. Plans to give them a
relief goods after listening as to ensure that they will attend and participate to the event. The

transformation in this plan is the members will have a knowledge how important the activeness

in the organization, with that the will reflect how they are fortunate to have this kind of

opportunity. The output is the members active and participate to the organization to continue

what given opportunity to them be as one of inspiring women.

Proposed Process and Action Plans

The steps or the process proposed in the implementation of the action plan are presented

by figure 2 above. The first part of the process is to present the proposal to 4K organization. Its

full implementation and consideration is dependent on the organization’s approval and consent

as they evaluate and assess their organizations’ further productivity. For formality and serious

communication, the second part of the process implies giving the letter to ensure the

organization’s approval. Once approved, as stated in part three of the process, the last process

will be executed. Imposing a meeting with the leading officers of the organization won't happen.
In this section, every detailed plan for resolving the problem they encounter in terms of their

purpose as a productive organization in the said city will be communicated. Several revisions

can also be made depending on their personal plans and other matters to consider dentify

changing conditions and future developments that could change those who might benefit and

contribute to the work. Who might be most affected by changing conditions and developments

in your community in the future according to community tool box (2018).

Recommendation and Interventions

Based on the data and analysis gathered, the summary of findings, the researchers have drawn

the recommended interventions:

1. The researchers recommended the intervention the would be make interesting to study

and give plan and action as soon as possible. Make it specific and choose other

respondents that will have comparison and related with each other.

2. The researchers found that it would take time to fully implement the action plan due to

other influencing factors. However, what the researchers are certain of is its significance

and the possible application of resolution to the problem.

3. The researchers sought how the plan is efficient is and the people involvement with this

kind of problem

4. The researchers found out that even there’s an opportunity people won’t grab and

appreciate is, instead people rants and dwell in the poor mindset. However despite of that,

there’s still women who are willing to strive and work hard in order to survive in every

day life.

The researchers concluded that the organization have a problem in terms of being

inactive members. This issue is needed to have an action to lessen this kind of problem. Inactive

members may affect the progress of the organization. Since the organization is selling a rice in

the market, it will need a patience, hard working and industrious traits to be the success of the

organization. According to the selected respondents they were not satisfied when it comes to

being active or the members of the group some of its are always absent that lead for lack of


In regards to the proposals it has a 4 steps to be fully implemented the action plan. The

first step is to present the proposal to the organization. The company has a authority to accept of

decline the propose project to the organization. The second step is the letter approval, which

reviews contract and showing the permission in the group. The third step is the company's

approval, which makes sure the plan has their blessing before it is shared with the staff. Meeting

with the staff is the final step. The new improvement in the payroll system will be on the agenda

for the upcoming meeting after receiving company approval and being announced to the staff.

The new system developments and a tap-id machine that is connected to the payroll system are
required pieces of equipment for this action research. As their staff start and finish their shifts,

these documents will periodically be updated. This strategy will increase efficiency because all

records can be promptly recorded, organized, and monitored. This method will help individuals

and businesses cut costs by quantifying both visible and invisible payroll administration fees.

The researchers found out that even there’s an opportunity people won’t grab and

appreciate is, instead people rants and dwell in the poor mindset. However despite of that, there’s

still women who are willing to strive and work hard in order to survive in every day life.


Anderson, B. (2022). Women Empowerment. Retrieved from


Cadman, B. (2019). Engaging Inactive-Members-The Best Approach. With Retrieved from

Community Tool Box. (2018). Increasing Participation and Membership. Retrieved from

Genesis, B. (2018). Endorse the Women's Empowerment Principles. Retrieved from

Kooser, A. (2021). Empowered Women Changed the World. Retrieved from

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