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Stress Management of ICI G-12HUMSS students

A Research Paper

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the subject


Johannahh Abarquez

Gio Bulabos



Stress management is a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at

controlling a person's level of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of and for the
motive of improving everyday functioning. Majority of the students in ICI Grade 12 HUMSS
experience stress in doing their school works. Stress management is important. Otherwise, if left
unaddressed, stress can lead to depression and anxiety in students. This can, in turn, negatively
impact school and work performance and personal relationships with family, friends, co-workers,
and peers. The causes of stress are being homesick, academic or personal competition, personal
pressure to do well, social anxieties, and heavy workloads. Students also feel stress when they get
too little sleep, a poor diet and even from having too much downtime. There are strategies to avoid
stress; Get proper rest and sleep, focus on health and nutrition, be active, Have a stress outlet, Find
connections, Practice self-care, and manage time effectively, Stay organized. There are a lot of
things that you can have to be stress free, and the most important is pray to God, surrender
everything to Him' cause he will fight for you. (Exodus 14:14)


The research questions below will assist in understanding and achieving the purpose and
aim as the proponent expressed the apprehension, bounds, judgments, and goals why conduct this
type of research.

1.) What are the Factors that cause stress to SHS ICI G-12 HUMSS students?

2.) What are the dangerous effects of stress to the students? Why stress can be dangerous to
students? Do they still perform the same amount of pressure or work in dealing stress?

3.) Base on the findings of the study, what stress management program can be developed?


1.) Why do we have negative emotions, what’s their cause and how can we break free?

2.) Why is stress management important and how does it affects your life as a students?
3.) How do you effectively deal with stress resulting from failing a grade?

4.) Why do you think it’s important to manage your time well?

5.) What is the most common time management problem in ICI HUMSS students?


The study on the level of Stress Management among the ICI G-12 HUMSS students in both
studies and home duties.

The study is limited only to the investigation of the Stress level of G-12 HUMSS students in
ICI. It’s compose of one pages questionnaire related to the Stress Management those respondents
with personal background and religion. Respondents are the ICI G-12 HUMSS students.


The main objective of the study is to know what the reasons are why Stress Management is
the common problem of ICI Students and to analyze what is the impact of it to the students.




Stress is a feeling of strain that can be either physical or emotional. Numerous situations
that worsen a person's sentiments of resentment, irritation, and anxiety lead to stress in that
person's life. Stress is the body's reaction to a demand or challenge. Although it may
occasionally be advantageous, persistent stress can have a negative impact on one's health.
Stress levels might change depending on how a person responds to a certain situation. Some
people simply don't care and are unconcerned by stress; they view it as a minor nuisance and get
on with their life. Stress is considered as a damaging, physiological, and behavioral process that
happens when the person seeks to achieve their goals on a daily basis. Others worry about
themselves more than is necessary, which has a detrimental impact on their health .The causes of
stress. Problems that threaten to interfere with people's ability to function normally or that
already do so people to behave differently (Auerbach and Grambling, 1998). Malach, Pines, and
Keinan (2007) defined stress as the knowledge of disparity between Environmental requirements
(stressors) and a person's ability to meet them Auerbach and Grambling (1998) considered any
situation that can result in a risk or threat to that is possible to view stress as positive.

According to the Mayo Clinic (2019), the human body’s stress is activated when the
human body’s adrenal gland releases hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These
hormones are responsible in activating a human body’s natural alarm system. When
adrenaline is released, a human body’s heart rate increases which will make a person have the
feeling of nervousness. The cortisol on the other hand, increases the brain’s use of glucose
which enhances the brain’s ability to think, learn, and recall memories (Harvard Mahoney
Neuroscience Institute).

According to the American Psychological Association (2013), stress is a natural response

of a human body’s nervous system. It happens when the brain perceived stimulus that may cause
harm or any type of negative effect to a human body. It is a human body’s way of protecting and
preparing itself to face these threats perceived by the brain. These threats may be paying bills,
meeting the deadlines, examinations, excessive workload, etc. As a result, having stress is our
body’s natural alarm system in facing these type of events.

According to Maxliving (2018) some stress goes away, it may even make you more
grounded or stronger. Some also sticks around long after its welcome. It can undermine your
well-being and satisfaction. Stress comes in various "flavors," including traumatic, physical, and
the most widely recognized, emotional stress. Its effects are more similar to sorrow and
depression. With its persistence, you may lose or put on weight. You may see rest changes. You
possibly feel distracted and struggle with constant mood swings. Obviously, these emotions and
changes can sabotage your life and your satisfaction. Different indications of Emotional stress
incorporates uneasiness, having memory slips, feeling exhausted and worn out, staying away
from loved ones, not being in the state of mind, and mood swings. Everybody feels those things
once in a while, however when you continually feel worn out, on edge, or need to
segregate yourself from others, those can be signs that it has overwhelmed your life.
Furthermore, that is nothing to trifle with.

According to Mental Health Awareness (2018), numerous factors might cause stress, the
passing of a friend or family member, a divorce or separation, losing a job, unexpected
financial difficulties, and many more things. In any case, not all life events are bad, and even
good life changes, like moving to a bigger house, getting a job promotion, or taking a vacation,
can cause stress. Physical, behavioral, and emotional stressors are a few of the predefined
stresses. When you are concentrated on anything, you may experience a wide range of feelings,
such as tension, dread, wrath, sympathy, or disappointment.

According to Malach, Pines and Keinan (2007) defined stress as the insight of
incongruity between environmental burden (stressor) and person abilitu to fulfill this demands.
Aurbach and Grambling (1998) regarded any situation that can stimulate any kind of threat or
danger to the well-being can be contemplated as stress.


International Journal of Academic Research economics and management sciences Vol. 7 ,

No. 3, July 2018, E-ISSN: 2226-3624 © 2018 HRMARS 103 Stress is defined as a person’s
psychological and physiological response to the perception of a demand or challenge. Students
are most frequently affected by stress due to their academic and personal life. Students face
various challenges, difficulties and a whole lot of pressure in today’s competitive world. Students
get to be trained in handling stress and should get out from it. Stress is the process by which an
individual or a person reacts when opened to external or internal problems and challenges. "the
organism processes numerous systems to coordinate such adaptive responses both at systematic
and cellular levels "by this, stress has direct effect on the brain and the whole anatomy of the
body as such failure to adapt to a stressful condition can result in brain malfunction,
physiological problem and also many areas of psychological challenge's in the form of
depression, anxiety, pain and burnout. Physiologically, stress-related diseases in the form
reproduction, cardiovascular, metabolism and gastrointestinal diseases are determined by great
areas of genetic and developmental factors which are different from a person to a person but also
symptoms of this disease may be similar sometimes among individuals (Hell hammer & Hell
hammer 2008. vii).

According to (Wheeler 2007,2), stress is physics word which refers to the amount of
force used on an object and it relates in real life as to how certain issues that carry force applied
to human life. Examples financial difficulties, health challenge issues, conflicts with friends, all
carry force or pressure on person's body -mind and spirit. Some of the pressure or force
originate from the environment but most often comes from within a person's head in the form of
worry, anxiousness, regret, discouragement and low confidence. Therefore, stress is basically
force applied to a person and may result in a strain which is as a result of an unmanaged stress
that is when a person is not able to handle a challenge or problem encountered strain result. To
some people, the effect is minimal which means they are able to endure pressure whiles in
others the effect is enormous and have an adverse effect. Stress is explained by (Pargman 2006,
5) as “An uncertain reaction to external and internal factors” that means a negative or positive
reaction to environmental stimuli. In this regard, it is how the totality of your body relate to
changes and unfamiliar situations that present itself in the course of time. During such a period,
vital organs such as sexual organs, heart rate, blood pressure, stroke volume, respiratory rate in
the body react speedily. Many hormonal responses are at peak.


As a Senior High School student we tend to be very vulnerable when handling

situations that are stressful, According to George Essel (2020), in his article entitled “Causes of
students’ stress, its effects on their academic success, and stress management by students’ he
states in there that There are factors that causes stress and first is the Relationship Factors,
the term relationship talks about how people are connected and the connection can be through
blood, marriage, adoption and other legal ways like neutralization for a country and registration.
Environmental Factors, where the students live and plays a major role in how their life will be in
school. Academic Factors is also one of the causes of stress to students, especially those students
who are pressured in getting certain results. Personal Factors would probably be the last factor
that causes stress to students, this factor deals about yourself. The four factors that causes stress
to SHS students, namely:
Relationship Factors, Environmental Factors, Academic Factors, and Personal Factors.
The first factor is the Relationship factor it caused stress to students because for instance,
others came from broken families, it is really hard having a broken family because they feel like
they are lonely and sometimes because over-thinking, cases like these leads into depression or
anxiety, relationship issues can also be conflicts with a friend, working or socializing with people
you are not familiar with, and contact with strangers. The student turns out to be stressed about
these issues and begins to think a lot about ways on how to solve their problems which leads to
them being distracted or having divided attention from academic work. In view of this
relationship, it might look very simple and easy to handle but at the long run, they really cause so
much stress than one can imagine especially in the life of students. Secondly, Environmental
factors it caused stressed to students because the biotic factors such as food availability, the
presence of predators, infection with pathogenic organisms or interactions with conspecifics, as
well as abiotic factors such as temperature, water availability and toxicants, common
environmental stressors are temperature, noise and crowds commonly here in the Philippines
where the surrounding is hot and crowded and there are some place here where the houses is
pretty close or what they call "squatter area" it is not only about the community they are into but
also how the environment in their school feels like, Some students turn to adapt to new
environment whiles others also feel discomfort being in a new environment. The environment
student finds themselves in can stress them up which may cause them not focus on their studies
or other academic issues and work. The third one is the Academic Factors this is the common
factors for students especially when they are pressure in passing projects when the deadline is
near, reporting, poor time management, assignments and of course especially for SHS students,
the research paper can also be a nerve-wrecking. In personal factors, stress exist when you have a
problem like how you view your body or having physical problem for example, when you are
having an insecurity about your skin-complexion, you tend to feel ashamed and conscious with
your physical appearance and scared to be judged by other people. Personal factor is also when
you lack having good attitude and problem in communicating with others. There also other
factors that causes the students to be stressed, according to Patrick Owusu (2017), Lack of
vacations or Breaks, the human body is in such a way that it needs some rest and break from time
to time. In a situation where students have to be in the learning and teaching environments for
long period of times affects the cognitive thinking of the students. Computer problems, we are in
the era of technological world and as a result of that most aspect of the human life is adapting to
changes to suit the environment to avoid difficulty, these changes do not only affect humans but
also institutions. Fear, fear is one of the biggest problem student face each day in and out in their
academic life. Fear in a student can be about failure or talking in public. Future worries, the
thought of how the future will turn out is a burden for most students, especially if the field of
their studies is one that has difficulties in finding a job. Unrealistic expectations, the o
expectations of students which in the real life seems impossible and most often their colleagues
or friends make fun of them whenever they talk about it.
Students need to take a break in order to unwind and clear their brains after all the exhausting
days and sleepless nights they have experienced. When kids spend a lot of time working in
school, they get too worn out and sluggish to continue their studies and other required
schoolwork. Long-term, these emotions lead to tension in the pupils because they lack the energy
to participate in the teaching and learning process. The majority of students lack the computer
skills necessary for academic work since they only use their computers to check social media,
play games, and browse pointless websites, rather than using them wisely. The hardest challenge
for a pupil to overcome is facing their fear. When a student fear failing, they are always hesitant
to take initiative, even when they know it's the right thing to do, or to speak up for what they
believe in. As a result, they become anxious whenever they face situations like these.

According to Stephen William (1990) in his book kittled “Managing Pressure for Peak
performance - posture approaches to stress defines or start of the process of stress, which is the
final outcome or the possible response to pressures. According to him pressure becomes stress
and the process by which pressure become stress is called stress process" Marshall and Cooper
(1981) argued that stress is a different phenomenon form of pressure. Stress is something more
than mere pressure. It carries strong overtones of the breakdown of normal human performance.
When students consider their future plans, they become anxious. The majority of these thoughts
center on whether or not they will be a burden on society or a valuable tool for it. Finally, they
had expectations for themselves. These expectations are sometimes feasible, but because of how
improbable they sound and the pressure their environment is putting on them, they make people
ponder what they must do to achieve them and become anxious trying to find ways to do so.
Students experience stress as a result of the pressure to achieve high academic standards,
balance extracurricular activities with studying, and spend time with family. It can be
challenging to balance these demands all at once.
According to Douglas Carlson (2016), stress has three detrimental consequences on kids. First,
there is a connection between stress levels and poor sleep quality. According to the Anxiety and
Depression Association of America, 70% of people who report ongoing stress have problems
falling or staying asleep. Teenagers need at least eight hours of sleep per night to perform at their
best, but only around 15% of them receive that much, according to the National Sleep
Foundation. Sleep deprivation has a negative influence on focus, learning, and stress
management. Memory recall, listening, and problem-solving. Second, stress increases student
rage, which suggests that it may be the cause of some students' propensity for bullying.
According to the Mayo Clinic, stress heightens irritability and anger, which raises the risk of
furious outbursts and social disengagement. Students who are under stress may not only lash out
at other students but also avoid adhering to rules and treating teachers with respect. They could
behave disrespectfully online as well. Thirdly, stress lowers grades because it makes it difficult
for students to concentrate during class or when studying. Their emphasis on anger may cause
their whole work to deteriorate. Students may even quit school or stop attending lessons as a
result of stress. The National Election, according to Health Assessment, more than 25% of
students claim that stress has negatively impacted their academic performance or capacity to
complete a course. It may not be a top priority for pupils to complete their studies when they are
under stress at home. The stress levels of pupils in the classroom are strongly influenced by the
stress levels of the teachers, according to study. At any time, stressors could appear and interfere
with your ability to focus and study. Both stress and lack of sleep can negatively affect one's
physical and emotional well-being. Depending on their age and other considerations, experts
advise that people aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. According to research, sleep plays an
important role in facilitating a variety of biological functions. These consist of both mental and
physical adjustments, such as muscle restoration. Lack of sleep can lead to low energy, a bad
mood, trouble concentrating, and a general inability to function normally, which makes you
unproductive when working on assignments for class or other significant chores. For example,
when students are under pressure, a person approaches them, and for no apparent reason, they
unthinkably lash out in rage at that person. Your conflicted emotions are growing, and you are
unsure of how to possible restrain your temper. According to research, stress lowers scores.
When students are under stress or dealing with several issues, they are less likely to prioritize
their academic work. Sometimes, the feelings people are experiencing are too much to handle. A
pupil is put in settings that are challenging for them to handle when stress is attacking their
But according to Mellisa Venable (2018), persistently high levels of stress are associated with
higher incidence of anxiety, depression, cardiovascular disease, and other potentially fatal
conditions. When a person is exposed to stressors, or events that create stress, we experience a
variety of physical, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive reactions. Increased stress levels have
some terrible repercussions. Although it could appear that stress is truly uncontrollable, you
actually have a lot more power than you might think. Everyone, including you, can help the
world overcome stress. Jennifer Koebele (2019) asserts that teachers and staff can assist pupils
by minimizing the amount of homework they provide. Together, teachers can prevent assigning
excessive amounts of homework on the same nights or arranging assessments on the same day.
No of their age, students can benefit from moving around the classroom, working at "stations,"
taking stretching breaks, etc. Keep the kids moving? Play music; studies have shown that it aids
in relaxation and concentration. The use of classical music in the classroom and during home
study sessions can benefit the students. Set aside time to organize; in lower grades, desks can get
disorganized rapidly, and in higher grades, lockers can also spiral out of control. Sharpening
pencils and throwing away outdated papers can give students a sense of control. Listen, it
doesn't have to take up a lot of class time to discuss topics that are upsetting the kids. Students
can put their worries aside by spending even five minutes discussing them, writing them on the
board, and dealing with them later.
Students sometimes ask for consideration when an unexpected crisis occurs and they are
unable to do their schoolwork on time, but some students abuse the teacher's good nature and use
it as an excuse. Teachers and staff can truly help students manage stress in these situations.
Parents play a significant part in helping kids manage stress. Simply demonstrating your support
and caring for your children is more than enough for them, and it helps them to feel less stressed
and exhausted since you've given them the motivation to work hard and do their best. The
neighborhood may contribute by creating a clean environment, even with only one piece of trash
can be a significant benefit because cleanliness lessens environmental problems, and anxious
students will feel calm and at ease in clean neighborhood or surroundings. Last but not least, the
anxious student can help himself. Since breathing becomes unpredictable when we are stressed, it
is beneficial to practice using the natural manner of breathing from the diaphragm. Lay down and
put one hand on your chest and the other on your abs. Breathe in through nose and out through


According to the book called The Stress Proof Brain of Melanie Greenberg (2017) that
Stress is, unfortunately, a natural part of life— especially in our busy and hectic modern times.
But you don’t have to let it get in the way of your health and happiness. Studies show that the
key to coping with stress is simpler than you think—it’s all about how you respond to the
situations and things that stress you out or threaten to overwhelm you. Melanie Greenberg
explains that stress is can affect our health and can cause illness, comprehensive tools based in
mindfulness, neuroscience, and positive psychology to help you put a stop to unhealthy
responses to stress—such as avoidance, tunnel vision, negative thinking, self-criticism, fixed
mindset, and fear. Instead discover things that empowering you to master your emotional
responses, overcome negative thinking, and create a more tolerant, stress-proof brain.


This study shows the interrelation of independent and dependent variables wherein the
dependent variables are the stressors and the indicators of stress while the independent variable is
the effects of stress to the SHS students. The results of this study will be the basis for the output
which is Stress Management Program.

Research Paradigm

Independent Variables Dependent Variables Output

-Stressors Effects of stress to Management
the SHS Students
-Indicators of stress


For better and clearer understanding of this study, the following terms are defined operationally
and conceptually:

Stress – this term refers to a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event
or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry or nervous, (Adam, 2020). As used in this study,
this term refers to the biggest factor that affects the well – being of the students.

Students –this term refers to a person formally engaged in learning especially one enrolled in a
school, (Murphy, 2015). As used in this study, this term refers to the individuals that are most
likely affected by stress.
Stress Management – this term refers to making of changes to your life if you are in a constant
stressful situation, preventing stress by practicing self – care and relaxation and managing your
response to stressful situations when they do occur, (Gonzales, 2016). As used in this study, this
term refers to the method that is used by students in overcoming and coping up with stress.

Chapter 3


This chapter includes a detailed explanation of the research design, research setting, study
participants, data collection process, sampling process, research tools, and statistical analysis of data.

Research Design

The purpose of choosing this topic was to identify the issue and potential solutions in the area where
the students are now experiencing stressors and to develop a deeper awareness of stress and stress
management in GRADE 12-HUMSS at the Iligan Computer Institution.

Sample and setting

We gathered a questioner to ask the students who responded to our inquiry, and this research was
done with the grade 12-HUMSS students who were managing their stress in order to improve their
academic performance. Most of the seven students we interviewed were conveniently included in the
tension in each area, out of which there were at least seven.
Respondents of the study

Block Numberof
HUMSS 10 0

The respondents of our study were the selected G12 HUMSS students of the Iligan Computer
Institute. A total of 20 students responded to our 5 questions in an interview. We collected different
answers and opnions on how they manage their stress.

Information of the respondents:

1. Jolie Baldoviso-Humss 2
2. April Vilazorda-Humss 2
3. Eljun Zalsos-Humss 1
4. Zian Paras-Humss 5
5. Nor-ain Gandawali-Humss 5
6. Mary Palegro-Humss 5
7. Mariel Pepito-Humss 5
8. Shailliance Oliveros-Humss 8
9. Elaine Labandero-Humss 5
10. Anna Cadungo-Humss 5
11. Mecaila Sabadoquia-Humss 3
12. Ayan Baguiso-Humss 9
13. Jonhlloyd Barosa-Humss 9
14. Marjorie Garalda-Humss 8
15. Neil Mae Motecillo-Humss 3
16. Aliah Ali-Humss 5
17. Johannie Oliveros-Humss 4
18. April Arago-Humss 6
19. Jonalyn-Humss 6
20. Mercidita-Humss 7

Research Instrumental

Instruments include ALL tools used in the study. For instance, gadgets like
cellphone, for recording, interview questionnaire, for interviews and surveys. Describe the
instruments and their use to the study.

Data Gathering Procedures

It’s a technique of how the researcher gathered there data, and how they managed the
respondents to answer there questionnaire with full knowledge and participation.

Step 1: We researchers came up with interview questions to use.

Step 2: We immediately printed the questions out for our designated researcher after developing

Step 3: At ICI, we are seeking G12 Humss students for interviews.

Step 4: We captured their responses on the phone.

Step 5: We listen to their responses after the interview so that we can print and encode them.


This chapter represent the analysis and interpretation of the gathered data. As this chapter
continues, the issues that the researcher presented in the first chapter will be addressed. Each
questions will be addressed in accordance with the order which its appears in the problem statement.
The Literature and Study reviews are used to interpret the discussion of the gathered data. The
researchers got 20 respondents from ICI G-12 HUMSS students.


Name, Section , Age : Zian, Paras - G-12 Humss 5 (18 yrs old)

Question#1. What was the most stressful situations you've experienced in school?

- Ano... During examination

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- Maka affect siya sa akoa labi na isa ko ka estudyante na naningkamot. Maong dako gyud siya ug
impact sa akoa labi na dili stable ang financial.

Question#3. What are thw action that you do to handle your stress?

- Ano lang kuan mamiditate nako akong stress during ahhh.. For example listening to music and pag

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- Mamanage nako by doing ah... Kanang naa koy maistoryahan sa akong mga problema.

Question#5. Is stress affects your day ro day lives?

- Yes , dako kaayo siya ug effect sa akoang pang adlaw- adlaw na activity like even sa school
gina dala dala nako siya.

Name, Section, Age: Nor-Ain, Gandawali - G-12 Humss5 (19 yrs old)

Question#1. What was the most stressf situation you've experienced in school?

- Kuan kanang ting Oral recitation na

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- kanang unsahay malimtan nako akong gi studyhan tungod sa kakulba.

Question#3. What are the action that you do to handle your stress?

- pahangin sa fresh air ug moadto sa bukid

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- lumanghao ng sariwang hangin

Question#5. Is stress affects your day to day lives?

- yes verry

Name, Section, Age: Neil Mae, Montecillo - G-12 Humss 12 (18 yrs old)

Question#1. What is the most stressful situation you've experienced in school?

- To have aot of acrivities and the members are not participating

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- I cant focus on study

Question#3. What are the action that you do to handle your stress?

- Listening music and playing online games like ml. And playing outdoor games.

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- Avoid overthinking and focus

Question#5. Is stress affects your day to day live?

- Yes , because it leads our mental health destroy

Name, Section, Age: Shalliane Mae , Oliveros - G-12 Humss3 (17 yrs old)

Question#1. What is the most stressful situation you've experienced so far?

- Doing essay and other activities

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- cant focus on study, mental block

Question#3. What are the action that you do to handle your stress?
- take a rest and playing online

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

-Having fun , avoid overthinking

Question#5. Is stress affect your day to day lives?

- sometimes, because it depends in the situation.

Name, Section, Age: Johannie, Oliveros - G-12 Humss4

Question#1. What is the most stressful situation you've experienced in school?

- School activities and other homework

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- I cant focus on my studies

Question#3. What are the action that you do to handle your stress?

- watching tv, playing volleyball and doing church activity

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- sleeping , playing games

Question#5. Is stress affects your day to day lives?

- yes , becaues sometimes you cant think well because of stress

Name, Section, Age: Anna Grace, Cadungo - G-12 Humss5 (18 yrs old)

Question#1. What is the most stressful situation you've experienced in school?

- The most stressful situation I've experienced in school is pahing the miscellaneous fee bwcause if
we cant pay thw remaining balances we couldn't take the exam.

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- stress affects my study so much because everytime I'll think about it I feel like I dont want to go to
school anymore.

Question#3. What are the actions that you do to handle your stress?

- I always cheer my self up whenever I'm feeling down and I think that there is always a solution in
my problem

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- Sharing my problem to my love ones because it lessen my problems

Question#5. Is stress affects your day to day lives?

- yes, it is one of thw reason why I always dont feel well.

Name, Section, Age: Elaine, Labandero - G-12 Humss5 (17 yrs old)

Question#1. What is the most stressful situation you've experienced in school?

- The stressing situation that I've encounter in school is during the payment of miscellaneous since I
was not born rich and I should strive hard in everything including moneh , in short financial problem
is one of the factor that cause me stress as a student.

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- It affect my study a lot since this include intuitive thinking and with that once your stress you'll
think about that problem a hundred times.

Question#3. What are the actions that you do to handle your stress?

- I meditate first and after that I find a clean answer to my problem.

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- I manage my stress by first feeling down but later on I will look up to the brighter side.

Question#5. Is stress affects your day to day lives?

- Yes it does, it affects my health specially during sleeping time.

Name, Section, Age: Julie Ann, Baldoviso - Humss 2

Question#1. What is the most stressful situation you've experienced in school?

- Subject

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- Can't focus on study

Question#3. What are the action that you do to handle your stress?

- Eating foods

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- Having some fun

Question#5. Is stress affects your day to day lives?

- Yes, because I cant focus on other doing

Name, Section, Age: April Grace , Villazorda - Humss 2

Question#1. What is the most stressful situation you've experienced in school?

- Like doing activities on time

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- Can't focus on work

Question#3. What are the action that you do to handle your stress?

- having fun with my dogs

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- Playing games like ml

Question#5. Is stress affect your day to day lives?

- No, because I'm having fun with my friends

Name, Section, Age: Elljon Jhon , Zalsosii

Question#1. What is the moat stressful situation you've experienced in school?

- About the practical research 2

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- Mental health , because of tiredness

Question#3. What are the action that you do to handle your stress?

- Pray, self confidence , manage time

Question#4. How you manage your stress?

-Avoid thinking the problems

Question#5. Is stress affect your day to day lives?

-Yes, because there are many subject to be done.

Name, Section, Age: Mecaila Sabaduquia - 12 Humss 3

Question#1. What is the most stressful situation you've experienced in school?

- Research

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- Can't focus on the other subject

Question#3. What are the action that you do to handle your stress?

- Reading books

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- Consume time to other hobbies

Question#5. Is stress affect your day to day lives?

- Yes , because it affect other duty

Name, Section, Age: Ayan Dave , Baguiso - Humss 9

Question#1. What is the moat stressful situation you've experienced in school?

- Activities and practices

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- Can't study and focus because of tiredness

Question#3. What are the actions that you do to handle your stress?

- Playing online games with my friends

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- Having fun , visiting other places

Question#5. Is stress affect your day to day lives?

- Yes because I cant focus on my studies

Name, Section, Age: John Lloyd , Barrosa - Humss 9

Question#1. What is the most stressful situation you've experienced in school?

- No , because I can manage it

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- Can't fucos
Question#3. What are the actions that you do to handle your stress?

- Travel with friends

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- Having some fun

Question#5. Is stress affect you day to day lives?

- No because I can handle

Name, Section, Age: April Jane, Arago - Humss8

Question#1. What is the most stressful situation you've experienced in school?

- All activities are given in the same time.

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- Having headache and cant focus on the study

Question#3. What are the actions that you do to handle your stress?

- Time management

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- Having time with my family

Question#5. Is stress affects your day to day lives?

- Yes , because of the activities

Name, Section, Age: Marielle, Pepito - Humss5 (17 yrs old)

Question#1. What is the most stressful situation you've experienced in school?

- Mga performance task ug mga activity

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

-kanang dili na nimo masabay tanan sa kadaghan

Question#3. What are the action that you do to handle your stress?

- kuan time limit

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- Ikaon

Question#5. Is stress affects your day to day lives?

- Dili kaayo , mga medyo lang kay ma balance man nako tungod naa koy time limit.

Name , Section, Age: Mary, Palegro - Humss5 (18 yrs old)

Question#1. What is the most stressful situation you've experienced in school?

- Kating ga-gathered mi ug data sa pr

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- Lack of sleep tungod sa kadaghan ug activity

Question#3. What are the action that you do to handle your stress?

- Mag relax or matulog

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- Buhaton nako ang mga buhatonon para dili nako ma stress

Question#5. Is stress affect your day to day lives?

- Yes, kay kanang lack of sleep man ko sige na lang ug bilar

Name, Section, Age: Aliah, Ali - Humss5

Question#1. What is the most stressfum situation you've experienced in school?

- Kanang isunod sunkd bitaw ug hatag ang activity tapos same lang ug deadline

Question#2. How does stress affecta your study?

- Maka effect siya kay maka huna hun ana lang ug bisan unsa

Question#3. What are the action that you do to handle your stress?

- Pag lingaw lingaw

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- Dili nako ipush akong kaugalingon na buhaton dayon

Question#5. Is stress affect your day to day lives?

- kada adlaw
Name, Section, Age: Mercidita - Humss1

Question#1. What is the most stressful situatioon you've experienced in school?

- mga essay ana

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- daghan buhatonon maong pag study malimtan na tanan

Question#3.What are the action that you do to handle your stress?

-Mag pray tapos buhaton ang buhatonon

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- manage siya

Question#5. Is stress affect your day to day lives?

- Yes

Name, Section, Age: Jonalyn, Uban - Humss6

Question#1. What is the most stressful situation you've experienced in school?

- Extra curricular activity

Question#2. How does stress affects your study?

- Well and stress gyd ang biggest barrier sa study kaya once stress ka mo follow imong body

Question#3. What are the actions that you do to handle your stress?

- Una nag arelax ko tapos I'm a big fun of music kaya isa siya sa nakapagpa relax sa akoa

Question#4. How do you manage your stress?

- Mag rest lang gyud

Question#5. Is stress affecta your day to day lives?





This research entitled 'The stress Management of ICI HUMSS students' the researcher use a phone to
get information and record the respondent answers. They conducted an interview to the selected G-
12 HUMSS students in ICI about their stress management.

The interviewer choose 20 students in G-12 HUMSS students to answer the questions

The researcher looked through relevant studies, literature. The tool then developed by the assign

According to the statistical analysis study data, majority of the respondents claim that given a task
simultaneously can cause stress to the students, it is difficult to do the task one at the time.


Most of all the HUMSS students are experiencing stress, even though they have high IQ.
You might don't know that one of your student or classmate, school mate, co-student experiencing
stress and anxiety because they are good in hang their emotions. Since most of the students right
now don't care what's happening in their surroundings and they don't acknowledge it. But later on
you'll realize that it's hard being stress, not just in school also at home.


I encourage those students in my own initiative to get three meals a day, exercise, go for a
walk, laugh with others, and take a hot shower at night to unwind. I also recommend that they get at
least seven hours of sleep each night. These are advantageous for us personally. When you're under a
lot of academic pressure, do alteast three or more nice things for yourself every day. Get proper rest
and sleep, focus on health and nutrition, be active, have a stress outlet, find connections, practice
self-care, manage time effectively, stay organized.

Stress Management in School (2020, January) retrieved from

Students Stress and Anxiety Guide (2018, November) retrieved from

Douglas Carlson (2016, September) 3 Ways Stress Negatively Affects Student Performance
retrieved from

How Stress Can Be Good For You (2017, February) retrieved from
According to the American Psychological Association (2013), stress is a natural
response of a human body’s nervous system. It happens when the brain
perceived stimulus that may cause harm or any type of negative effect to a
human body. It is a human body’s way of protecting and preparing itself to face
these threats perceived by the brain. These threats may be paying bills, meeting
the deadlines, examinations, excessive workload, etc. As a result, having stress is
our body’s natural alarm system in facing these type of events.

According to Maxliving (2018) some stress goes away, it may even make you more
grounded or stronger. Some also sticks around long after its welcome. It can
undermine your well-being and satisfaction. Stress comes in various "flavors,"
including traumatic, physical, and the most widely recognized, emotional stress.
Its effects are more similar to sorrow and depression. With its persistence, you
may lose or put on weight. You may see rest changes. You possibly feel
distracted and struggle with constant mood swings. Obviously, these emotions
and changes can sabotage your life and your satisfaction. Different indications of
Emotional stress incorporates uneasiness, having memory slips, feeling exhausted
and worn out, staying away from loved ones, not being in the state of mind, and
mood swings. Everybody feels those things once in a while, however when you
continually feel worn out, on edge, or need to segregate yourself from
others, those can be signs that it has overwhelmed your life. Furthermore, that is
nothing to trifle with.

According to Mental Health Awareness (2018), numerous factors might cause

stress, the passing of a friend or family member, a divorce or separation, losing a
job, unexpected financial difficulties, and many more things. In any case, not all
life events are bad, and even good life changes, like moving to a bigger house,
getting a job promotion, or taking a vacation, can cause stress. Physical,
behavioral, and emotional stressors are a few of the predefined stresses. When
you are concentrated on anything, you may experience a wide range of feelings,
such as tension, dread, wrath, sympathy, or disappointment.

According to Malach, Pines and Keinan (2007) defined stress as the insight of
incongruity between environmental burden (stressor) and person abilitu to fulfill
this demands. Aurbach and Grambling (1998) regarded any situation that can
stimulate any kind of threat or danger to the well-being can be
contemplated as stress.

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