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Tools for Social Detective Work

Dean Da Costa
Up Front

Learn the basics; Boolean, Email finding, research, etc.

Tool are meant to help you do it faster not replace the
Social Detective – Is a person who
utilizes standard detective and
research skills and processes to find
and or put together information. For
recruiting that means profiles, and
contact info
OSINT-Open Source Intelligence Gathering
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is a term used to refer to the
data collected from publicly available sources to be used in an
intelligence context. In the intelligence community, the term
"open" refers to overt, publicly available sources (as opposed to
covert or clandestine sources).

Huge amount of Social engineering tools and search capabilities

Facebook, Twitter, email, phone etc
A one stop shop for the Social Detective
Example of OSINT Resources
Black Book Online (public records)
Phonebook of the World
Public Records
Rootsweb (username search)
TOR Browser
The Tor software protects you by bouncing your
communications around a distributed network of
relays run by volunteers all around the world: it
prevents somebody from watching your Internet
connection from learning what sites you visit, it
prevents the sites you visit from learning your
physical location, and it lets you access sites which
are blocked.
1. notice the url- chrishawtrey
2. Notice of course his name Chris Hawtrey
3. Amazing Hiring showing Github, FB, tw-Follow
the bread crumbs to FB (also Connectifier Social
Links shows the same)
1. Notice the Url-Hawtry
2.Notice now Prophet-FB, Klout, Li, Tw and
3. We follow the bread crumbs to the website
1. Notice the url-
2. Not much else but still enough
3. Put the Url into Domain Availability
All the other info we acquired

1. name Chris Hawtrey

2. hawtry
3. chrishawtrey (also on klout)
4. email was
1. Common work and personnel-top name variations.
2. Big Common Personnel-top 6 email domains with top
11 combinations of name.
3. Domain Email-most common emails for owned
4. User Name-For creating common permutations for
user names.
5. All up-45+ different permutations for an email with
fname, lname, mname, and domain
Email Testing
• Toofr
• Email Checker
• Verifalia
• Hunter
• Bulk Email Verifier
• EmailChecker
• Email Qualifier
Social Name Check Tools
• Knowem
• Namechk
• Check usernames
GeoTrack-Send, track, geo track your email
Oryon C Portable
• This is the detectives browser-links to multiple
tools that can help you such as:
• People Searches, Company Searches, Deep
Web, Social media Search, Document Search,
OSINT and more
Open Source Intelligence Browser Ext
• A Geolocation OSINT Tool. Offers geolocation
information gathering through social networking
• Uses-Twitter, G+, Flickr, Instagram
• Example-searching Athens for a particular users
geo locations
HTTrack Website Copier
• HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and
easy-to-use offline browser utility.
• It allows you to download a World Wide Web
site from the Internet to a local directory,
building recursively all directories, getting HTML,
images, and other files from the server to your
• It basically will copy and reproduce the entire
site or part of the site you pointed it to on your
computer, all the data everything. In the folder
will also be a text version of the page as well as a
text version of any connected pages which for
this is their email.
Scythe:Account enumerator
• This tool was created with 2 main use cases in mind:
• - The ability to test a range of email addresses across a range of
sites (e.g. social media, blogging platforms, etc...) to find where
those targets have active accounts. This can be useful in a social
engineering test where you have email accounts for a company
and want to list where these users have used their work email for
3rd party web based services. - The ability to quickly create a
custom testcase module and use it to enumerate for a list of active
accounts. Using either a list of know usernames, email addresses,
or a dictionary of common account names.
• Checks over 700 places to verify emails, usernames, etc.
MaltegoCE- the great equalizer
The Gold Standard in OSINT
1.Allows you to find virtually anything
2.Provide a little and get a lot
3. You can search with a name, username, social search,
company, Domain, IPadress, location, picture url and
much much more
4.You can connect pieces of info and rerun to target even
5.You can create or get extra tranformers
Buscador – the ANSWER
• This is a OSINT Linux Virtual Machine- that can work on any OS using
Virtual Box (allows you to run Linux on a Windows machine via
• Comes with: Custom Firefox Install and Add-Ons, Custom Chrome
Install and Extensions, Tor Browser, Custom Video Manipulation
Utilities, Custom Video Download Utility, Recon-NG, Maltego, Creepy,
Metagoofil, MediaInfo, ExifTool, TheHarvester(gathers emails from a
webapge and domains), Wayback Exporter(lets you export large
results from the internet archieve), HTTrack Cloner, Web Snapper,
Knock Pages, SubBrute, Twitter Exporter, Tinfoleak, BleachBit,
VeraCrypt, KeePass
Other OSINT Tools
• OSIRT-Open Source Internet Research tool
• FAW-Forensic Acquisition Website
• Glance-uses work emails to find other info such as
personnel emails, phone, social and more
• Shodan-allows you to search devices connected over the

• OSINT tool list-my list of over 1500 OSINT tools

OSINT Framework
• Dean Da Costa, SP, TSIP, STIL
• The Search Authority
• 206-214-5337 Mobile
• 253-520-3305 Office
• “Finding what Cannot be found”
• “Helping people connect with their destiny”

• Top 25 Must Read Blogs for Recruiters #12

• 2012 HRE #1 most influential Recruiter

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