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Affiliate marketing is a business model where Affiliates recommend helpful products to people who
need them and can afford them

Basically you are selling people's product to earn commission from it

You have several products which you can promote and they come in form of online training blueprint
and ebooks

And the products are about Tech, health, travel, business And investment.


Data Analysis, freelancing,web designing, CPA MARKETING, Amazon kdp, WhatsApp marketing etc.

When you are able to sell this products, you get commission for that sale

The commission comes in different forms.

It could be 40% 50% and 80%

The prices of these products can range from 5k - 30k

So if you sell a 20k product with 50% then you get 10k for yourself.

This goes for any product you sale

Digitstem as a platform pays affiliates on Saturday every week

So every commission you get in a week for selling products will be paid into your bank on Saturday of
that week

So why are you paying 10k???

This is where the Ultimate Money Machine comes into play

You'll be learning several high income paying skills like Copywriting, YouTube Marketing, Blogging,
Content marketing, WhatsApp Marketing, Sales closing etc

You'll also be getting a 1 year free Digitstem affiliate account

Digitstem is an Affiliate marketing network that will give you access to all this products so that you can
sell and make money online

Using your phone at the comfort of your home.

This gives you the opportunity to relate with different people online and make money
No matter how you think an information is viral

There are millions of people out there with no idea of what you are talking about

This gives you an edge and opportunity to sale more online

Some online business advantages that will interest you to know

Sometimes we step into an online business and we are skeptical of what comes out of it

You might want to know why online hustle is achievable in this century


You are paying 10k so that you will acquire the skills that will help you sell

This includes copywriting, blogging, web design, YouTube Marketing whatsApp marketing,FB advertising,
twitter advertising, IG advertising Etc.

Then you will be having access to weekly mentorship programs that will guide you.
The more skilled and informed you are, the better you can solve problems.

The more you can solve problems, the better your earning potential.

The more you earn the more comfortable your life will become.

Upskill, solve problems, stay informed, and get paid!

You can also decide to wake up everyday and complain.

Complain on how the country is not favorable, how things are not working out for you, how you're broke

but here is the thing…

Even if you decide to complain from now till 2030, nothing will still change.

The complaints will still be there but when you decide to start taking little steps.

In 6 months time, your present situation will be better than it was 6 months ago.
If you never take action today, nothing will happen tomorrow, what you do today determines the person
you will be tomorrow..

There are two ways of succeeding in any business

1) which is the hardest one, the learning process

2) the easiest one which is the earning

We are gradually moving from DEGREE to SKILLSET

That's why you must be multi-skilled

Even right away from the campus, if you're very serious with your destiny

You are supposed to have been grounded in different skills, and by the time you graduated, while your
colleagues are hunting for an unlost job around the street.

You'll have lifestyle and freedom making good income at the comfort of your room

I personally believe people who do Yahoo or fraud as it may be are very unintelligent people who have a
very terrible self esteem and believe money is the only solution to all problems.

Hence, they set out to get it anyway.

Personally I hate them and I don't want to be seen or associated with them, I have been scammed in the
past and I know the pain and agony that comes with losing your hard earned money.

Most people act like they are looking for opportunities but in the real sense, all they want is a miracle

I don't know how to make magic money o.

Stop asking me for how to make money in 1 week when you have zero knowledge or experience.

You don't need yahoo yahoo or need to do rituals before you can succeed.

One thing I know is, those shit don't last. Abi you don see the person when dey do ritualist for Forbes
list? If you want to build wealth, do it legally.

One way to build wealth very fast is to learn high-income skills and solve thousands of peoples problems.
The reason why people make good money is that they solve people's problems..

Thank God for the Internet and the books I read, I was able to understand you can become very rich in a
way that pleases God.

What I did was just invest in myself by buying courses and mentorship from people who are rich and
successful in my area of interest.

I believe if you work the same part I did, by investing in yourself, you will become rich also. You won't
have to do bad things before you can become rich
Some of the good things in life we want are in the actions we refuse to take.

You want to become rich but you don't want to take action and learn the skills required to succeed, you
want to live a healthy lifestyle but you don't want to do exercise and eat healthily.

Sometimes you are the village people doing it yourself. Develop the habit of doing the right thing and see
how blessed you will become.

I'm not bothered if you believe in Affiliate Marketing or not, the fact remains that people have made
millions from it.

People are making millions from it.

People will still make millions from it.

Now ask yourself, doesn't your opinion matter??

Good morning Everyone, except those who think the internet was made just for FUN

The earlier you realise this, the better your life becomes, everything is going digital

If you press your phone

just to chat and catch

cruise online then am

disappointed in you,

Most times, I love walking with Action takers.

When I see one I go at length to give my all even the things that aren't in the training.

From "I want to register to "Boss, walk me through the registration processes".

That's a great LEAP that NO ONE HAS REGRETTED with ME.

Looking at my affiliate marketing earnings for last month, I just feel like shouting

First time of earning 7 figure in a single month, omo

You see eeh, anything you do in this business.

Don't miss my mentorship, I sabi this affiliate marketing thing.

No be hype, I really sabi am.

Whether you're using affiliate marketing as your main business or side hustle.

So far you do the required work, you must make money from it.

I know lots of people that took affiliate marketing as side hustle and they're making 6 figures weekly
from Affiliate marketing while maintaining their normal job.
If you can't take risks, just stay at home.

Business is tough!

Most Africans are long on hope and short on action. Action is the fuel of progress. Hope doesn't produce
anything. Hope is not a strategy.

- Asemota

Fear, procrastination and laziness are the 3 demons that have kept most of you broke and frustrated

If you like to pray from now till tomorrow, nothing will happen if you don't take advantage of the
opportunities around you. I have been there before.

Thinking steady prayer and sowing seed alone will make me rich.

When you pray for riches and prosperity, what God does is bring opportunities for you and if you don't
take advantage of these opportunities, nothing will happen.

My advice for you today is if you love poverty so much just keep missing opportunities.

What you do with your time, determines what you see in your bank account.

Why are you online now?

How is it helping your life, money and productivity?

Are you watching a video, are you reading a book or are you just chatting away your precious time?

The sad part is that a lot of people are not even motivated again.

That's why you see some people give up before even starting.

Well, if you truly want to succeed.

Then work on your mindset, protect your mind.

Don't listen to everyone, be careful of the information you consume.

This is the digital age, we're jumping into.

Is it for everyone? I don't think so.

Only a selected few.

Another class of Nigerians are getting wealthy not from politics, oil money.

There's no accidental money or success.

Success only come from hardwork, persistence.

If you keep on looking for the easy way out.

Trust me you won't find any.

Infact you'll lose a lot of money in the process.

From this same internet you use for cruise and vibes.

Question is, "why won't you be part of this?"


Kidney is now $80,000 equivalent to (N45milion) if you want to be rich quick, Then take actions

Lot of money in the online street.

How many is entering your pocket?

Or are you still waiting to hear other people's result or success stories and shout "God when".

Here is a good training model to answer all kinds of questions you may have regarding Affiliate
If you'd love to learn more, click on the link below

(Put your affiliate link here)

People with a poverty mindset are the hardest to help.

If it costs money it's a scam, If it's free they don't value it

If it takes longer than 24hours to see results. They give up

All they know how to do is, shout God when showing me the way and ask for urgent 2k

A Lot of people's mind have been wired in such a way they only think mediocre and scam rather than
been positive

When you tell them about an opportunity, the first thing that comes to their mind is Ponzi and scam,
they just never go beyond this mentality.

They always feel that everything, every knowlege must be free, even when there's a value attached, they
believe anything that requires them giving out something in exchange is Ponzi or Scam

Build successful habits in your 20's and they'll pave way for your 30's, 40's and 50's

Learn from that successful person that has gotten to where you are going

Follow them and do what they do, Don't try to reinvent the wheel
Model that secret given to you well and it'll shock you how fast the growth will be.

A Lot of people's mind have been wired in such a way they only think mediocre and scam rather than
been positive

When you tell them about an opportunity, the first thing that comes to their mind is Ponzi and scam,
they just never go beyond this mentality.

They always feel that everything, every knowlege must be free, even when there's a value attached, they
believe anything that requires them giving out something in exchange is Ponzi or Scam

Build successful habits in your 20's and they'll pave way for your 30's, 40's and 50's

Learn from that successful person that has gotten to where you are going

Follow them and do what they do, Don't try to reinvent the wheel

Model that secret given to you well and it'll shock you how fast the growth will be.

[5/8, 20:31] NoSe people said they don't want money, they just want me to help them get started on
Digitstem, some that are already affiliates said they just want my mentorship, wahala

I'm thinking of helping 4 or 5 people with this giveaway, I'm just going to help them make lots of money
from affiliate marketing.

Should I do it?, don't let village people stop you from answering o
Your dreams become a goal when you write them down

Your goal becomes a plan when you break it down into actionable steps.

Everything becomes a reality when you take action.

For you to become rich and successful, you have to sell something valuable.

I use the word valuable because there are so many poor people who sell and they are still fucking poor.

I remember when I was broke back then, I had no skills and knowledge to make money. When I finished
reading think and Grow rich, I knew I had to do something to become rich and leave the trenches.

I had to sell my phone to raise money to start Affiliate marketing and invest in myself massively.

To get something you never had....

You have to do something you never do...

The world need your talent..

You can only find it if you start looking for it..

You can only find it if you search and research..

Wealth making is always a fight between an already made up mind to succeed and excuses filled with:

• Doubt


• Fear of the unknown

If you want your business to feed you, you need to feed your business!

Don't go into business if you are impatient.

Pay the price required to get the kind of life you want.

Good life never comes on a platter of Gold except someone else already paid for it E.g rich parents,
uncles etc.

Pay the price now

your strongest weapon to achieving anything in life is your MINDSET 💯💯

Everything from business success, happiness etc depends on this weapon.

There is a "special person" inside of everyone. Yes 🥰

And when you feed that special person(your mind) with the right messages 👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼

he becomes stronger and that affects how you view and do things in life. 👯🏻‍♂️👯🏻‍♂️
Today, a lot of people feel stressed, unhappy and depressed. 😣😣
look closely, you will usually find out that it has to do with the state

When I tell people around my age to start out a business or a career early, most people don't

The thing is once you start now, you can face all the challenges and problems and build from it without

However, once you have your family and kids, it becomes a lot more difficult.

Just start now!

pick up a book and read, look out for people that has achieved the results I'm looking for and that solves
it all.

Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside changes with it.


Success begins from your mind. 💯💯

I know you have probably heard all this before, but 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
How often do you renew your mindset?

What do you feed your mind with?

Sometimes I get alot of negative thoughts, whenever I get this negative thoughts 👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼👉🏼

Here on my status, I do share valuable insight on Money Making, Personal Development Tips, and high in
paying Digital Skills acquisition

Over the last year, I have been able to pinned myself to skills on Copywriting, Marketing, Sales, etc

And I do share that with my Audience regularly so we can all grow together.
Having the right information will save you years of struggle, I've always known there is money online.

I just didn't have the right information, I had to struggle from 2019 till I stumbled on Digitstem in 2022.

If you're watching my status for the very first time in 2022.

Welcome to my status street and garden of online wealth creation.

I believe we are both going to gain more mastery from each other and build a profitable and solid
relationship as time goes on.

Here is me and myself by the way

Affiliate Marketing has been here, is here and always will be here.

If you feel that 41,000 people internationally who are affiliates are stupid enough to fall for a Ponzi
scheme then you have no business with me.

I am only interested in offering my services and time to people interested.

There's not much time left before it moves from 10k to 30k. Do not shout "Had I known" in my DM. Start
Move fast when implementing but be patient with expectations. People do the opposite. They take
forever to implement but are impatient for results. It's the other way round pal.

- Akin Alabi

The level of energy you have now, you'll not have it forever.

But if you use your energy wisely now, it would be enough to last you a lifetime.

Now is your best time to fire down.

So go ahead now and begin to fire down from left, right and centre.

Affiliate Marketing is a business model that if you can take roughly 1 - 2 months to master. (that doesn't
mean you won't make sales before then).

Your financial status will experience a massive shift.

Why do I say so? Affiliate Marketing is all about sales.

Remember, I said recently that if you can master sales, you will never be broke.
If you don't believe you can make at least $500 in a month, you will never make it

Mindset is the first thing. Your mindset influences your actions.

When you believe you can earn $500 per month, you'll begin to take actions that'll enable you to achieve
that which you've believed.

$500 is just an example.. People make more than that weekly.

The best angle from which to approach any problem is the TRY-ANGLE

The moment you stop trying, you won't stand a chance to succeed.

If by 2022 you still doubting if people can legitly make millions online then you need to check your

The best way to make money is to make money online

The No.1 thing you can do DAILY to create success, is to do things that make UNCOMFORTABLE.

That means: ⭕You have to get up *EARLY*

⭕Stop procrastinating, take *ACTION*
⭕Stop *WAITING* for a savior

allows them to create confidence & success.

So what uncomfortable thing will you do *TODAY* (and moving forward) to get uncomfortable & create

Commit to taking action... even though it feels uncomfortable.

Invest in yourself. See, everything you desire lies on the *OTHER* side of *FEAR.*

Too many people are trying to avoid these "bad" feelings...

But what *SUCCESSFUL* people do, is dive *HEAD-FIRST* into discomfort.

They take *ACTION* even though they're terrified. And this is what...

: Fear, procrastination and laziness are the 3 demons that have kept most of you broke and frustrated
Risk taker are leaders of tomorrow success

Risk takers are rewarded for there efforts

Risk takers has zero tolerance for excuses

The internet is full of money 100

Information is what separates people making big money and people making peanuts.

And most of this information can be found in form of online courses, webinars, ebooks, videos etc.

The world needs dumb and ignorant people for a balance.

If we are all smart, there won't be so much to make us laugh.

Beautiful world

The reason why Affiliate Marketing is one of the best businesses you can start now from scratch
regardless of your background, education or vocation.

To think that there'd ever be a business opportunity that'd easily turn students into millionaires in just
less than a few months. Isn't that a great time to be alive?? Ⓡ
Sometimes I wished I went back to being a student and be earning this kind of money online, What a
great flex!!!

Meanwhile, for every income screenshot you see by an Digitstem affiliate, there are 10 others who
prefer not to share their wins in public.

And most of the people who share do so to encourage others. So they can see the possibility that they
can also win.

Some people think that affiliate marketing is investment

That's the only reason why someone will be asking, "if I invest 10K how much will I make?"

There is money everywhere People buy things everyday, people spend money on a lot of things.

One question you should ask yourself is...

"How much is entering your own pocket from those spending?"

Affiliate marketing is not an investment, it is also not a skill.

It is a business.

None of it is entering your pocket.

Now if you want some of the money to start entering your pocket, just do one thing and that thing is

There are so many things you can sell to make money. 👉🏼

Here's is the thing.

If nothing is entering your pocket, it's because you're not selling anything.

You don't have product to sell, you're not selling any service.

And since you're not selling, all the money is passing over your head. 🥸

Food, clothes, services, knowledge, digital products e.t.c.

Even if you don't have a product of your own, there's still no problem.

Work as an affiliate, sell other people's product.👉🏼

I was privileged to be with some big men in the telecom industry few months ago.

We had few talks about the country, politics with a bit of business and after few discussion. I found out

The voice of a broke man feels like complain to them because they feel you don't have influence, power
or money.

Then, you are nobody.

Earn a commission for selling them, it's called Affiliate marketing.💯

That's why we Digitstem affiliates make money and make it very easy too. 🤗
Because we have a product to sell and we didn't even create the product by ourself.

This mindset is bad but most of them have their reasons.

before you can get to even access them, you must have one of these if not all.

The truth is if you want to change a particular thing that is so bad in your country, society or even in a
small gathering.

You'll need one of those if not nobody or little will give you attention you desire.
You're a graduate and you wake up in your Parent's house every morning and you're still comfortable
making excuses...

Is something not telling you that your parents are aging and very soon the whole game will be on you to
take care of them just have they had done??

Or excuses will take care of them???

Better Wake up!!!

I just shake my head for those that use the phrase "You can't understand"

If I give you a list of all I have been through, you would go on your kneel and tell your maker Thank You

For the record, I was part of those people that borrowed money to the Affiliate Marketing Business... So
don't get it twisted at all.

It's a CHOICE to break our from your current situation or remain there.

Today I'm going to reveal one of my secret that made me generate over 1.4 million naira in less than 3

How N6500 Led Me to a N690k in three weeks of Online Business ( )

Once upon a time, a mentee of mine was so broke that he thought begging people for 1K daily will
change his financial life..

Today he is making money weekly and taking care of his parents and siblings.

I remember telling him, "This same energy you use to beg online, why don't you use it learn how to
sell"? That was the game-changer for him. Mindset is everything

The problem with most people is that they believe they have to suffer to make money.

May GOD help us all.

looking at my affiliate marketing earnings for last month, I just feel like shouting

First time of earning 8 figure in a single month, omo

You see eeh, anything you do in this business.

Don't miss my mentorship, I sabi this affiliate marketing thing.

No be hype, I really sabi am.

Lol..Just because I didn't promise you that you'll make millions in a week, you abandoned me for
someone that promised you heaven and earth

For over six months, you haven't made a SALE. Now, you are trying to quote scriptures for me "Blessed
are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy" Just to be added to my mentorship community for FREE

I don't know why people won't believe you when you tell them the truth. Really bad!

If people spent more time taking action rather than scrolling through people's status, watching skits and

They would have become more successful than they are presently

Even Newton said something striking "No Action, No Reaction"

Your life would definitely get better, if you stop wishing and fantasizing about the good things of life and
actually start taking the right action.

As an adult you should be very uncomfortable not having a source of income

Yes, the rate of unemployment in this country is high but ..........you still can't let a bunch of employers

decide your fate. There are many things you can do to make money legally... It's just for you to take
action. Your smartphone could be your new office

You don't need to start compiling C.V's before you can be able to make money.
There are lots of You Tube videos on how you can learn high paying Digital skills, take your time learn
these skills

implement themDays are becoming weeks, weeks into months, months into years.

Is not about using iPhone 13 pro max that's the issue, the question is how much do you make from your

What's Your Occupation Again?

Student ABI?

Maybe You've Being Waiting To Graduate Before You Start Your Life,

If This One Month Warning Strike Is Not Showing You That You're The Only One Who's Interested In Your
Future, start now and don't wait until you graduate.

You have to keep on learning, developing yourself, sharpening your brain.

that's how you grow, that is how you attain success.

Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn't settle for it.
-King Leo

Excuses will make today easy, but they make tomorrow hard.

Taking action might make today hard, but it will eventually make tomorrow easy.

It's in your power to choose the path you want to follow

📌Leverage on Digital skills

Don't be left behind to where the world is going

Having a job is good, acquiring a skill to it is best

So much you can achieve with it, just the earlier you realize, the better it will be for you

The problem is, Many people don't even believe it's possible to make money online legally.

It's disheartening that people are still thinking backward even in 2022.

I don't blame them though. The only way they know is to get a job and be paid salary. That's not wrong
but you shouldn't close your mind to other opportunities that are even more lucrative
If you still give an excuse of not getting started online because of laptop that means you are just full of

Your phone can do 95% of what a laptop will do.

People are learning high income online skills with their phone, people are designing stunning designs
with phones.

What else again nitori Olorun

It's funny how a lot of people already gave up on their life without fighting.

Like, there are some people that don't even believe that they can ever make at least $1M throughout
their stay on earth.

To them, it's impossible.

If you listen to me, follow the little teachings that I give here and there.

You might not become the next Dangote or Otedola.

But I can guarantee you one thing.

You will never be poor in your life and you won't have to beg anyone for money ever again 100%
The most foolish kind of people constitute those that see and know the truth but refuse to accept it.
They always learn the hard way!

Lack of capital is the biggest excuse lazy people use to miss opportunities

The same way you managed to get your phone, your nice clothes, your nice shoes, and do enjoyment

Use those same methods to raise capital for yourself and start something with your life. There's no time

- Praise Akinlami

The "go to school, get good grades and get a good job" ideology no longer applies in this current

That past generation increased the number of unemployed graduates. This era is an era of value.

What do you have to offer? What value can you give in exchange for money?

This should be the thought of the day.

If every successful person you know says that mindset is important..

Maybe you should pause & invest some time & money to find out if they are right?

Do something to upgrade your mindset.

If it is going to be, it is up to you.

If you are lazy,proud and can't follow instructions.

Then you can't work with me in this business.

Consistent learning, practicing and implementation will do two things to you.

It will bring growth and results.

And if you do this long enough, it will change your life forever.

Not just in affiliate marketing alone, but in any niche or area of life.

I have begged you people over and over again not to join Affiliate marketing if you are looking for magic
or a miracle.

It's only God that can perform miracles, I can't perform miracles.
If you are going to make money online, you have to do a lot of study and put in a lot of work as well.

If you are a student who is smart, you will use this Asuu strike to learn some high-income skills that will
guarantee you financial freedom.

Abi you never tire of poverty? Let me guess, you are a student and you still have time.

Well, I have students below 18 years who are not even in the university yet but killing it already in
affiliate One of them just made his 2nd sales yesterday. Anyway, it's your life. How you want to live it, it's
up to you.

For those procrastinating i want to tell you that, affiliate marketing is a life changing skills, that will bring
you a lot of money, just like its bringing a lot of money to my friends, my students and myself.

Take out that fear and laziness.

Start now

I believe other affiliates won't tell you this

But here is the bitter truth Affiliate Marketing is not a get rich quick scheme in short applicable to all

It's a business model where you will learn and put in effort to produce abundant results
So don't misplace affiliate marketing as ponzi scheme platform but with the help of a good mentor and a
good community, You'll make results faster.

You keep missing out on great opportunities presenting themselves to you simply because you think
they are hard work or you feel it's not for you.

Emeka you better

stop that behavior this

year if you really want

to move forward.

From next month, Please drop all those excuses you normally give, if you truly want to see changes in
your life, because nobody really cares if you are a student, life is structured that way, it's not wickedness

I lost my job, I don't have any money, my parents are poor, I'm not doing anything

Truth is, all these excuses are very correct and valid, you are not lying, but unfortunately, life doesn't
respond to pity, you have to find your way out of the excuse givers circle.

Today is the last day of February.

That means we've just spent 2 months out of the 12 months in 2022

Now ask yourself what you've done with these two months that have already gone

Have you really achieved anything with it?

Before you know what's happening, December is here again.

And when people start celebrating their year wins in december, you'll start saying that they were lucky.

Well that's a lie, they weren't lucky

They just did something.

They did the work you don't want to do.

They started the business you didn't want to start.

They learnt the skill you didn't want to learn

Good things won't come by wishes, it comes by hard work

Today is new month of March.

That means we've just spent 2 months out of the 12 months in 2022

Now ask yourself what you've done with these two months that have already gone

Have you really achieved anything with it?

The internet is light.

If you can learn how to switch on the light bulbs the internet makes available to you financial darkness
disappears .@digitstem

"Uche Festus"

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