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A&S Insurance

622 We st Ye llow Stre e t, Cadott, WI 54727

Te le phone : (715)579-5802

May 5, 2022

Mrs. Barb Kroening

615 West Clairemont Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701

SUBJECT: Policy #162022

Dear Mrs. Kroening:

We are very sorry for the inconvenience are clerical error has caused you. Please be reassured we
have looked back at are correspondence with you, and you are correct your daughter Jackie was
to be insured at the time she received her license. Therefore, when Jackie had the accident in
your driveway and hit a post, she was covered by your auto insurance policy.

Your auto policy has a $200 deductible. After that amount we cover the rest; therefore, we will
cover $1,200. We are also filing Jackie under your auto policy, so this error will not occur again
in the future.

We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you and your family. Rest assured that the
policy is being filed and we are doing everything in are power to fix the issue.


Julianna Poulda
Insurance Agent

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