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SCHOOL SECTION: _____________
S.Y 2022- DATE: __________ ________________
2023 ___________________
Direction: Read each question below carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on your answer
1. The smaller passages that branch out into the segments of each lobe of the lungs and the finer subdivision of
bronchi, hair like tubes that connect to the alveoli is called ________.
a. Arterioles c. Bronchioles
b. Capillaries d. Tracheal system
2. At what structure in the lings does the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide take place?
a. Alveoli c. Trachea
b. Bronchi d. Bronchioles
3. Which is taking place in this figure?
a. Exhalation; the rib cage is expanding.
b. Exhalation; the diaphragm is relaxing.
c. Inhalation; the chest cavity is reduced.
d. Inhalation; the diaphragm is contracting
4. Which are the organs of the respiratory system?
a. Lungs, heart, and blood. c. Nose, lungs, heart, and diaphragm
b. Rib cage, diaphragm, and lungs. d. Lungs, throat, and passageways that lead to the lung

5. Which of the following statements about the human respiratory system is false?
a. The bronchioles branch into bronchi.
b. Alveolar ducts connect to alveolar sacs.
c. When we breathe in, air travels from the pharynx to the trachea.
d. Gas exchange between the lungs and blood takes place in the alveolus
6. Which is NOT a function of the circulatory system?
a. Deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells. c. Transport other materials through body.
b. Break down carbohydrates into glucose. d. Remove carbon dioxide and wastes from cells
7. How many chambers does human heart have?
a. 5 b. 6 c. 4 d. 3

8. Which statement is TRUE about arteries?

a. Arteries carry oxygen-poor blood. c. Arteries connect to the atria of the heart
b. Arteries move blood toward the heart d. Arteries move blood away from the heart
9. Which of the following is the correct pathway of the blood through the body, including the lungs?
a. Heart →pulmonary arteries → vena cava → heart →aorta →lungs →pulmonary veins →heart
b. Heart →aorta → body → vena cava →heart →pulmonary arteries →lungs →pulmonary veins →heart
c. Heart → vena cava→ body → aorta → heart → pulmonary arteries → lungs → pulmonary veins → heart
d. Lungs → left atrium → aorta → pulmonary veins → body → vena cava → heart → pulmonary arteries → heart

10. What type of circulation carries oxygenated blood to the body?

a. Bodily Circulation c. Pulmonary Circulation
b. Coronary Circulation d. Systemic Circulation

11. Which of the following is NOT a benefit that the circulatory system gets from exercise?
a. Increased distribution or absorption of oxygen c. Strengthening of heart muscles
b. Thinning of mucus secretions d. Efficiency of blood circulation

12. Lung cancer has been related to smoking. How can you inform the public about the dangers of smoking?
a. Post ‘NO SMOKING’ signage and its bad effects
b. Conduct simple forum about the negative effects of cigarettes
c. Use social media to share thousands chemical of cigarettes
d. All of the above

13. Which of the following negative lifestyle causes hypertension?

a. Smoking cigarettes c. Using Facebook beyond sleeping time
b. Eating too much of fatty foods d. Polluting the environment
14. What can you do to keep your heart and lungs healthy?
a. Eat unhealthy foods c. refrain vices
b.Sleep deprivation d. Drink liquors

15. Which of the following lifestyle is NOT related from having anemia?
a. Watching vlogs about healthy tips beyond sleeping time
b. Eating unhealthy foods like fries
c. Reviewing lessons until 12 midnight
d. Drinking alcoholic drinks
16. Which of the following lifestyle can cause or trigger asthma?
a. Eating healthy fruits and vegetables c. Using vapes and cigarettes
b. Drinking energy drinks d. Exercising regularly
17. How can you protect yourself from contracting COVID-19?
a. Not wearing face mask for better ventilation c. Going outside your home and play with friends
b. Frequent handwashing and social distancing d. Attending social gatherings and Zumba sessions
18. Why do most people like to eat fast foods, rather than eating healthy foods?
a. Because they are ready to eat
b. Because they taste better than fruits and vegetables
c. Because they are less expensive than fruits and vegetables
d. Because they look more delicious than fruits and vegetable
19. Which of the following Non-Mendelian Law results in a third phenotype in which the expressed physical trait is
a combination or dominant and recessive phenotype?
a. Codominance c. Sex-Linked Trait
b. Incomplete Dominance d. Sex-Limited Trait
20. The ABO blood group is an example of multiple alleles (Non- Mendelian). Supposed a man with type A blood
marries a woman with type B blood. Is it possible for them to have a type O child?
a. No, it is impossible to have a type O child if the parents are type A and B.
b. No, it is impossible to have a type O child, only type A and B.
c. Yes, if one of the parents is heterozygous, there is 50% chance that their child will have type O.
d. Yes, if both parents are heterozygous, there is a 25% chance of having a type O child.
21. Punnett square are used to __________ the outcome of crosses of traits.
a. assure c. number
b. dominate d. predict
22. The science that deals with the study of how traits are inherited from parents to offspring is called…
a. Economics c. Politics
b. Genetics d. Polygenic
23. The chromosome number of human gametes is ___________________.
a. 12 c. 46
b. 23 d. Higher for eggs and sperm
24. The human sex chromosome for male is ______________________.
a. XX c. XY
b. YY d. XZ
25. Which is NOT an example of incomplete dominance?
a. A pink flower produced from red and white flowers
b. A flower that is both red and white produced from red and white flowers
c. Curly-haired and straight-haired individuals producing wavy-haired offspring
d. A highly spotted dog and a non-spotted dog producing puppies with a few spots
26. The method by which one can determine the possible genotypes and phenotypes when two parents are
a. Incomplete dominance c. Multiple alleles
b. Codominance d. Punnett square
27. All are non-Mendelian laws of inheritance except______.
a. co-dominance c. incomplete dominance
b. multiple alleles d. law of segregation.
28. Biodiversity refers to the variety of life in an area. Which of the following illustrates biodiversity?
a. a garbage dump site c. a mango tree
b. a grassy land d. an ocean reef

29. This is the number of organisms of one species that an environment can support.
a. biodiversity index c. limiting factor
b. carrying capacity d. population density

30. A species may be evolved, endangered, or extinct. When is a species considered to be endangered?
a. It existed before, but no longer exists today.
b. Its population declines so fast because it is hunted for its value.
c. It existed before and still exists today with some changes in its appearance or habits.
d. Its population becomes so low that only a few remain and will possibly be gone in the future.
31. Because carbon dioxide is present in the atmosphere, rain water is normally acidic. Other pollutants, such as
sulfur and nitrogen dioxides from motor vehicles, make rain water more acidic so it is called “acid rain.” In what
way can acid rain be harmful to living things?
a. Results into loss of habitat and decrease of population that lead to extinction.
b. Causes yellowing of leaves of trees as well as leaking of soil nutrients far from tree roots.
c. Washes away nutrients from the land to bodies of water that become rich for aquatic plant growth.
d. Changes when organisms die or move out of an ecosystem or when organisms are born into the system.
32. Which of the following are anthropogenic (man-made) causes that may lead to species extinction?
I. acid rain II. deforestation III. dynamite fishing IV. volcanic eruption
a. I and II b. III and IV c. I, II, and III d. II, III, and IV

33. Birth and death rates have an effect on the size of a population. Light, temperature, and soil nutrients are also
examples of limiting factors. How can a limiting factor affect the population living in a place?
a. It keeps a population from increasing and helps balance the ecosystem.
b. It maintains the same number of organisms in the place at any given time.
c. It creates niches or opportunities for both living and non-living things in that place.
d. It supports the needs of the species found in the place, thereby, increasing its population.

34. Deforestation is one of the major causes of the disappearance of wildlife species. Choose the statement that
explains why.
a. Agricultural lands are converted into housing projects reducing the areas for farming.
b. There is an increase in the concentration of nutrients in bodies of water that increases the growth of
aquatic life.
c. Rapid cutting of trees lead to animal populations being driven away from their natural habitat and cannot
find new places to live in.
d. Cutting of trees decreases the forest areas that absorb the carbon dioxide produced by motor vehicles
and factories leading to global warming.
35. Coastal mangrove forests and reefs provide shelter and food and serve as breeding grounds and nurseries of
marine fishes. In what way are these natural resources destroyed through the years?
a. Acid rain falls over mangroves and reefs, causing yellowing and falling of the leaves.
b. The sea level will rise and will cause mangroves and reefs to stay beneath the sea level.
c. The earth’s atmosphere absorbs more heat because of the minimal but steady increase of carbon
d. Dynamite fishing and muro-ami activities damage the mangroves and reefs that give shelter to marine

For item 36-40. Identify the external structure of a leaf.






For item 41-45. Identify the following leaves based on the blade.

41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

For item 46-50. Study the table below. Perform the following Punnett squares and give the necessary information.

In birds, (B) is the allele for blue feathers and (W) is the allele for white feathers. A cross between a bird
with blue feathers and a bird with white feathers produces offspring with silver feathers (BW). Two silver
feathered birds were crossed. Show the possible outcome of the cross between two silver-feathered
birds by using the Punnett square.

46. Given

47. Parent to be crossed

48. Punnett Square

49. Genotype and Phenotype

50. Kind of Non-Mendelian genetics

Prepared by:

Science Teacher

Checked and verify by the checking committee:


Chairperson Member Member


Principal I
SCHOOL SECTION: _____________
TEST 9 2022-
DATE: __________ ________________

1 C 26 D

2 A 27 D

3 D 28 D

4 D 29 B

5 A 30 D

6 B 31 B

7 C 32 C

8 D 33 A

9 B 34 C

10 D 35 D




14 C 39 VEINS

15 A 40 TIP

16 C 41 SIMPLE


18 A 43 SIMPLE

19 A 44 SIMPLE

20 D 45 SIMPLE
21 D 46 W-WHITE
22 B 47 BWxBW

23 C 48

24 C 49

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