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SCORE: __________

NAME: _____________________________________
SCIENCE-10 PARENTS NAME: _______________________ SIGNATURE:
DATE:____________SECTION: ____________________

Direction: Read each question below carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on your answer sheet.
1. You were provided with data showing the arrival time of the P and S-waves recorded from three seismic stations. Which of these can
you possibly determine?
A. the damage at the focus C. the intensity of the earthquake
B. the distance to the earthquake D. the location of the epicenter
2. From the seismogram, the distance to the epicenter can be determined by measuring
A. the arrival time of surface wave
B. the difference in the arrival times of the P and S-waves
C. the ratio of the amplitude of the largest P and S-waves
D. the speed of the surface wave
3. In a hot spot, Volcano A is on top of the mantle plume, Volcano B is 10 km farther from A while volcano C is the farthest. What can
you infer about the ages of the volcanoes?
A. Volcano A is older than C C. Volcano B is the youngest
B. Volcano B is the oldest D. Volcano B is younger than C

4. Study the map above of active volcanoes. Based on the map, how are volcanoes distributed?
A. They are randomly distributed.
B. They are in the middle of the continents.
C. Majority of them are found along the edges of some continents.
D. All of these.
5. Why do you think it is important for us to identify areas which are prone to earthquakes?
A. so that necessary precautions could be done.
B. so that we can predict the exact occurrence of earthquake
C. so that we can stop the earthquake
D. all of the above
6. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE?
A. Mountain ranges are found in places where volcanoes and/or earthquake epicenters are also located.
B. Earthquake epicenters and volcanoes are both situated at the same locations.
C. Volcanoes are found along the edges of some continents.
D. None of these.
7. Which plate boundary is formed between the Philippine plate and the Eurasian plate?
A. convergent B. divergent C. reverse fault D. transform fault
8. Crustal plate A is moving away from crustal plate B. What is the expected average rate of change in position between A and B?
A. a few centimeters per year C. a few millimeters per century
B. a few meters per month D. a few millimeters per day
9. Plates A and B shows a divergent boundary. If Plate C is adjacent to both plates and does not show any relative motion, what
type of plate boundary is present between A and C?

A. Divergent boundary C. Transform Fault Boundary

B. Convergent Boundary D. All of these
10. If you visit place in the Pacific known to be along converging plates, which of these should you NOT
expect to see?
A. active volcanoes C. mountain ranges
B. rift valleys D. volcanic islands
11. Which of these is FALSE about lithospheric plates?
A. have the same thickness everywhere C. include the crust and upper mantle
B. thickest in the mountain regions D. vary in thickness
12. When two tectonic plates collide, the oceanic crust usually subducts beneath the continental crust because it is
A. denser than continental crust C. thicker than continental crust
B. less dense than continental crust D. thinner than continental crust
13. Which is NOT true about the Philippine Islands?
A. most are part of the Philippine Mobile Belt, except for Palawan, Mindoro, and Zamboanga
B. formed because of the convergence of the Philippines plate and the Pacific Plate
C. originated geologically in an oceanic-oceanic convergence
D. some are products of subduction process
14. What do you expect to find at a mid-ocean ridge?
A. relatively young rocks C. thick accumulation of sediments
B. reverse fault D. very ancient rocks
15.You are an oceanographer and want to map the ocean floor on the east coast of the Philippines. As you do your study, you
notice that there is a portion in the ocean floor which is relatively much deeper than the rest. What most likely is that deeper part?
A. linear sea B. trench C. reverse fault D. All of these
16. What geologic event is most likely to happen at the given type of plate boundary in number 9?
A. earthquake C. mountain formation
B. rift valley formation D. volcanic eruption
17. Which of the following is/are indications that the crust is spreading or splitting apart?
A. mountains B. volcano C. rift valleys & oceanic ridges D. all of these
18. Which of the following is caused by the formation of mountain range?
A. Convergence of plates C. Divergence of plates
B. Sliding of plates D. All of these
19. An S-wave shadow zone is formed as seismic waves travel through the Earth’s body. Which of the following statement does
this S-wave shadow zone indicate?
A. The inner core is liquid C. The inner core is solid
B. The mantle is solid D. The outer core is liquid
20. The movement of the lithospheric plate is facilitated by a soft, weak and plastic-like layer. Which of the following layers is
described in the statement?
A. Asthenosphere C. Lithosphere
B. Atmosphere D. Mantle
21. Which of the following makes up the lithosphere?
A. Continental Crust C. Oceanic and Continental Crust
B. Crust and the upper mantle D. Upper mantle
22. How do you compare the densities of the Earth’s crust, mantle and core?
A. The mantle is less dense than the core but denser than the crust.
B. The mantle is less dense than both the core and the crust.
C. The mantle is denser than the core but less dense than the crust
D. The mantle is denser than both the core and the crust.
23. Miners dig into the Earth in search for precious rocks and minerals. In which layer is the deepest
explorations made by miners?
A. Crust B. Inner core C. Mantle D. Outer Core
24. Which of the following statement is FALSE?
A. The study of layers of the Earth is mostly done in the Earth’s crust
B. Until today, there are no mechanical probes or actual explorations done to totally discover
the deepest region of the Earth
C. Mechanical probes are impossible due to tremendous heat and very high pressure
underneath the Earth’s surface
D. S-waves can travel through liquids
25. Alfred Wegener is a German scientist who hypothesized that the Earth was once made up of a single large landmass called
Pangaea. What do you call his theory?
A. Continental Drift Theory C. Plate Tectonics
B. Continental Shift Theory D. Seafloor Spreading Theory
26. Glossopteris fossils were found in Antarctica. What could be the climate of this continent before?
A. Tropical climate C. Dry climate
B. Moist climate D. Polar climate
27. What does the presence of Mesosaurus fossils tell about the initial location and positioning of South America, Africa, and
A. It tells us that these continents were connected before
B. Mesosaurus can swim across the vast ocean
C. These continents were all nearer to equator
D. It proves that Antarctica had a tropical climate before
28-31. In 1912, Alfred Wegener, proposed a theory that the continents were once one large landmass, called Continental Drift
Theory. List down all the evidences which support this theory.
_________________ _____________________ _________________ __________________
32. Which of the following is the correct sequence of formation of new seafloor?
I. Hot materials flow sideways carrying the seafloor away from the ridge, and creates a crack in the crust.
II. Hot, less dense material from below the earth’s crust rises towards the surface at the mid-oceanridge.
III. The magma flows out of the crack, rolls down and becomes the new seafloor.
33. All of the following are true about location of volcanoes EXCEPT:
A. Volcanoes are randomly distributed.
B. Majority of volcanoes are found along the edges of continents.
C. Volcanoes are formed along the boundaries between two lithospheric plates.
D. Volcanoes are found in areas where earthquake cease to occur.
34. Which of the following is an active volcano in the Philippines?
A. Mt. Apo in Davao C. Mt. Isarog in Camarines Sur
A. Mt. Bud Datu in Sulu D. Mt. Kanlaon in Negros Oriental
35. In convergent plate boundary, thrust faults occur where forces tends to push sections of the crust together. Which shows the
effect of this situation?
A. Collision of plates C. Both A & B
B. Sliding of plates D. None of the above
36. Which examples below will experience a thrust fault?
A. Eurasian Plate vs. Philippine Plate
B. Pacific Plate vs. Nasca Plate
C. South American Plate vs. African Plate
D. Pacific Plate vs. Antarctic Plate
37. In transform fault boundary, the movement is horizontal- slides or grinds each other. Which situation is associated by this
type of fault?
A. Converging C. both converging & diverging
B. Diverging D. w/out converging & diverging
38. Which type of movement can be found on normal and thrust fault, but cannot be found on strike-slip fault?
A. Subduction B. Sliding C. Grinding D. Slipping

Refer to the illustration below for questions 39-41

39. Which serves as the thinnest layer of the earth?

A. Crust B. Outer Core C. Inner Core D. Mantle
40. Which layer of the earth is being described by the statement below? “It is beneath the earth’s crust which extends to about
2900 kilometers from the earth’s surface”
A. Crust B. Outer core C. Inner core D. Mantle
41. At which layer can you find solidification of Iron due to extreme temperature?
A. Asthenosphere B. Inner Core C. Outer Core D.Mantle
42. What clues are useful in reconstructing Pangaea?
A. Fossils B. species of animal C. seismic wave D. plate movement
43. Most geologists rejected Alfred Wegener’s idea of Continental Drift Theory because____
A. they were afraid of a new idea.
B. Wegener was not interested in what Earth was like millions of years ago.
C. Wegener used several tyes of evidence to support his hypothesis
D. Wegener could not identify the force that pushes or pulls the continents.
44. In the process of sea-floor spreading, where does molten material rise from the mantl and erupt?
A. along the edges of all continent C. in deep-ocean trenches
B. along the mid-ocean ridge D. at the north and south poles
45. The process of Earth’s magnetic poles changing place is called ________.
A. Continental Drift C. Magnetic minerals
B. Magnetic Reversal D. Liquification

Arrange the correct steps of convection current happening on earth’s mantle.

A. The hot magma flows out of the mantle and cools down to form new ocean crust.
B. These forces lift and split the lithosphere at the divergent plate boundaries.
C. The hot less dense rising material spreads out as it reaches the upper mantle causing upward and sideward forces.

46.1st _______ 47. 2nd _______ 48. 3rd __________

Briefly explain the following processes that occur in different plate boundaries.
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Science Teacher

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Testing Coordinator Principal I

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