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Intern Name: Lauren Sanford


Lesson Title Math, 2nd Grade, Arrays, 30 Minute Instruction
(Subject, Grade Level, Topic,
Length of Lesson)
MA.2.2.7- The student will use addition to find the total number of objects
Standards of arranged in rectangular arrays with up to five rows and up to five columns and
Learning write an equation to express the total as a sum of equal addends. (Common
Core Standards 2.OA.4)
The student will use problem-solving, mathematical communication,
mathematical reasoning, connections and representations to:
Learning Targets Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays
with up to five rows and up to five columns
Write an equation to express the total number of objects arranged in
rectangular arrays as a sum of equal addends
Necessary Prior Students can count forward orally by ones, twos, fives and tens to determine
the total number of objects to 120. Students can construct a math equation,
Knowledge particularly addition, and understand how to add and subtract basic numbers.

- Markers
- pens
Student Materials - pencils

- poster sheets
- napkins
Teacher Materials - goldfish
- computer
- slideshow
1. By a raise of hands, who knows what an array is?
Activate Prior 2. Show images exemplifying an array while also showing pictures not
Knowledge related to arrays to see if they know they aren’t
Slideshow exemplar-
- Which of the following pictures is easier to count?- ask why it is easier
to count rather than the other picture
Introduction/Hook - What is a row? What is a column?
- Does anyone know what it is called when they are arranged in rows
and column to make it easier to find the total amount of objects?
Students will be asked if the objects on the slideshow are an array or not.
Instructional Students will create their own array using goldfish and write an equation to
Activities & Strategies express the total as a sum of equal addends. When finished, each group will be
given a poster sheet to make their own array and create an equation
Equation (number sentence)
Key Vocabulary or Array
Concepts Row
Repeated Addition
Closure Each group will be given a poster sheet to make their own array and create an
equation. Each group will come up to share their array with the class.
Students with special needs will work with their specialty teacher to
Accommodations understand and develop the equations/arrays.
Resources used while Instruction by interning teacher
Reference paper given by teacher
planning this lesson

Reflection on a Lesson Plan Taught

Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow
Intern Name: Lauren

1. What steps did you go through to create this lesson? With whom did you talk, discuss, or edit your lesson?
I spent two internship classes talking with the 2nd grade teacher I intern with to discuss the accommodations
for the special education students, how to hook the attention of the students, and what elements to
incorporate into the lesson.

2. What parts of the instructional plan worked as you anticipated?

This instructional plan worked very well with the students because every child was involved and I was able to
get the attention of every student. It was very beneficial to have the slideshow to start and activate prior
knowledge. Also, the goldfish was very intriguing for the students to work with.

3. What, if any, adjustments needed to be made once you began?

I would change the volume of my voice. I should be louder when talking to the whole class to make sure they
are following directions.

4. How well did you anticipate the materials needed? Did you realize you needed more or less as you taught
your lesson?
I anticipated the materials needed very well because I was able to discuss with my teacher before the lesson on
how many students would be in the class and the amount of materials per group/student.

5. To what degree do you feel that this lesson was a success? What evidence do you have for the success of
the lesson? (Hint: Student learning is the key to a lesson’s success!)
This lesson was successful by using incentives and food in the instruction. I have relaized that hands-on lessons
make the students more invested in their understanding and learning.

6. If you could do this lesson again with the same students, would you do anything differently? If so, what?
I would change the goldfish to another type of food to see if they are more excited over one than the other.
Also, no students in the class is allergic to any type of food.

7. Any last comments/reflections about your lesson?

I will definitely do another hands-on activity in my last lesson.

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