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Dosen di FKIP Universitas Gunung Rinjani

Selong, Lombok Timur


The research Purpose was “to know the effectiveness of WH questions to increase the
student’s competence in Writing Recount text at Eleventh Grade students of SMK As-
Sidiki Lenek in the school year 2017/2018.In this research the researcher used
quantitative approach with one group Pre-test-post-test pre-exprimental design
because the researcher wants to know the effectiveness of using WH question in
writing recount text. The sample is 25 students from population at eleventh grade
students. The data were colected by testing technique. The data colected were then
analyzed by using t-test formula with aid SPSS 17.0 Windows to compare the result of
data. Based on the result of the statistical computation using t-test, the result shows
that there is significant differences between pre-test and post-test score. The result of t-
test is 5.963. If the result of t-test is compared to t-table with the degree of freedom 24
as stated hypothesis testing, the t-test 5.963 is higher than the t-table 1.711. Therefore,
based on the hypothesis testing, the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the
Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. It means that WH questions as a technique in
teaching writing is effective. The researcher of the study suggests, the teacher to apply
WH questions technique in their teaching process to increasing the students ability in
Key words: WH Question, Writing Ability

Tujuan penetian ini adalah “untuk mengetahui pengaruh WH questions dalam
meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam munulis teks recount pada siswa kelas
sebelas di SMK As-Sidiki Lenek tahun pelajaran tahun pelajaran 2017/2018. Dalam
penetian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan satu grup pre-test-post-test
rancangan pre-exprimental karena peneliti ingin mengetahui pengaruh menggunakan
WH questions dalam menulis teks recount.sampel dalam penetian ini adalah 25 siswa
dari populasi pada siswa kelas sebelas di SMK As-Sidikki Lenek. Data telah
dikumpulkan menggunakan tehnik pengujian. Data dikumpulkan dari menganalisis
dengan menggunakan rumus t-test dengan bantuan SPSS 17.0 Windows untuk
membandingkan hasil dari data. Berdasarkan hasil dari perhitungan statistik
menggunakan t-test, hasil menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara
nilai pre-test dan post-test. Hasil dari t-test adalah 5.963. Jika hasil dari t-test
dibandingkan dengan t-table dengan derajat kebebasan adalah 24 seperti pengujian
hipotesis, t-test 5.963 adalah lebih besar dari t-table 1.711. Oleh karena itu, berdasrkan
pengujian hipotesis bahwa Hipotesis Alternatif (Ha) adalah diterima dan Hipotesis nol
(Ho) adalah ditolak. Itu artinya bahwa pertanyaan WH sebagai tehnik dalam mengajar
menulis adalah berpengaruh. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menyarankan guru untuk
mengaplikasikan tehnik pertanyaan WH dalam proses mengajar mereka untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan menululis.
Kata kunci : pertanyaan menggunakan kata WH, Kemampuan menulis
Journal Ilmiah Rinjani_Universitas Gunung Rinjani
Vol. 6 No. 1 Tahun 2018

INTRODUCTION and rearranging ideas), and editing

This chapter comprises of background (attending to vocabulary, sentence, structure,
of the study, identification of the problem, grammar, and mechanics).
limitation of the problem, statement of the Based on curriculum 2006 (KTSP), In
problem, research purpose, research teaching and learning process of writing in a
significance, identification and operational senior high school, the basic competency
definition of the variable Language is very that must be achieved in the writing English
important for human being in conducting subject that students have ability to develop
communication to each others in their daily and produce writing simple functional text in
life. According to Oxford Advance Learner’s the descriptive text, recount text and
Dictionary of Current English by Hornby narrative text. Recount text is a text which
(2000:752), language is a system of retells events or experiences in the past. Its
communication in speech and writing that is purpose is either to inform or to entertain the
used by people of a particular countris used audience.
by humans the system of sound and words to In writing recount text, students often
communicate, a particular style of speaking found some difficulties. The students usually
or writing. It means that people can express feel difficulty in generating their ideas. The
their ideas, thoughts, feelings, and desires by difficulties faced by students can be solved,
using language so the writing ability of the students can be
In Indonesia, English as a foreign increased. Based on the statement above,
language is taught from elementary school the researcher must be able to organize
up to university even in some kindergartens learning-teaching activities. Here, teacher
nowadays. It is recognized as an must be able to stimulate thinks and creativity
international language used by people in the of learners in expressing their feeling and
world. Based on curriculum 2006 the School opinions in writing. In teaching English writing
Based Curriculum (KTSP) of English, the the recount text many students find the
students must be capable in learning the four problem while they start to compose recount
language skills, namely: Listening, Speaking, text. The researcher found this problem when
Reading, and Writing. Among those four the researcher observed. Most of the
skills, Writing is the most difficult skill to learn students were still confused to start what they
because we have to think hard in producing wanted to do in the paper. The researcher
words, sentences, and paragraphs at the observed as long as students seemed like
same time. confused and did not know the right ways to
According to Jack C and Renandya start in writing recount text. Actually they had
(2002:303), “Writing is the most difficult skill an idea but they did not express and explore
to be mastered by second language learners. more about their ideas because the students
The difficulty lies not only in generating and did not have appropriate ways to guide them
organizing ideas, but also in translating those to express and open their main ideas. To
ideas into readable and understandable text”. overcome this problem the researcher used
In writing process, there are some factors WH question technique in teaching writing
that influence the students to improve their Recount text because it was good to
writing ability. The factors can be students’ generate and develope their idea.
understanding in grammar, students’ ideas, According to (http:/Merriam
and students’ cannot imagine something that, “Technique is a way of doing
can be used in their writing. something by using special knowledge or
In teaching and learning process of skill” this research the researcher proposed
writing, teacher plays an important role. Anna an alternative technique that is the one which
and John M (1997:12) state that teacher’s common know under the term “WH question
role is important to help students develop Technique”. WH question technique is a
strategies for starting (finding topics, good way to turn a broad subject into a limit
generating ideas and information, focusing and more manageable topic for short essay.
and planning, structure and procedure), Moreover, WH question can motivate the
drafting (encouraging multiple drafts of students to write and to stimulate their idea,
reading), revising (adding, deleting, modifying provided students to think with ideas;

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Vol. 6 No. 1 Tahun 2018

question can be practice the students in ideas in the writing process and the Other
order to turn up the ideas and also can be researcher who is interested in developing
encourage students thought. Beside that this teaching strategy, the researcher could be
technique helped the students in generate useful to provide scientific reference for
their ideas before they developed in a further in contributed the effective strategy in
paragraph. teaching writing.
From the explanation above the Variable is everything to which the
researcher conducted a research Entitled: researcher expected to found answer and
The Effectiveness of WH Question toward that become point of research. In the
Generating Ideas in Writing of Recount Text research there were two variables. 1). Use of
at Eleventh Grade Students of SMK As-Sidiki WH question as an independent variable.
Lenek in Academic Years 2017/2018. 2).Generating ideas in writing ability of
Based on the background of the study recount text as dependent variable.
above there are some problems that could be Independent Variable (X) Independent
identified. The problems are: Why the variable is the variable that consequence of
students have low ability toward generating or upon antecedent variable. This variable is
ideas in writing of recount text at Eleventh often called as stimulus, predictor, and
Grade students of SMK As-Sidiki Lenek? antecedent. Independent variable is a
.What are factors that couse the students variable which influences and give special
have low ability toward generating ideas in effects in dependent variable. Independent
writing of recount text at Eleventh Grade variable in this research is used of WH
students of SMK As-Sidiki Lenek ? Is WH question technique.
Question technique effective toward Dependent variable is a response of
generating ideas in writing of recount text at variable that is presumed because by the
Eleventh Grade students of SMK As-Sidiki independent treatment or other independent
Lenek? This research was limited only to find variable. It is named the dependent variable
the students ability before and after they because it is dependent function of the
were taught by using WH Question in writing independent variable. Dependent variable in
recount text and this research was conducted this research is generating ideas in writing
at Eleventh Grade students of SMK As-Sidiki ability of recount text. The Use of WH
Lenek in academic years 2017/2018. The questions WH question is lexical units at the
focused in teaching writing using WH earliest stage of English. language
Question to improve the students writing development is one method of fostering the
ability. benefits of WH question without confusing
Based on the background above, the students with the complex grammar involve
researcher formulated the problem as follows in their formation, (Larsem Freeman, 1999).
“Is WH question effective to increase An appropriate technique can attract
students generating idea in writing of student’s attention and make them enjoy in
Recount Text at Eleventh Grade students of writing text. Use of WH question one of good
SMK As-Sidiki Lenek in academic years technique that can be applied by the teacher
2017/2018?” to help the students in writing text. Cook
The purpose of study is to know the band Sutter (1986:107) by Rupinos Pino
effectiveness of WH question in increasing (2010) state that “WH questions are question
student’s ability in Writing Recount text at which cannot answer it by yes or no”. Using
Eleventh Grade students of SMK As-Sidiki WH question in focusing of how WH question
Lenek? in academic years 2017. For English technique helped the students in writing
Teacher, English teacher must be able to especially recount text. WH question is one
choose suitable technique to develop of the ways for the in stimulating the student
students’ ability in writing. In this research the idea. WH question can practice the students
researcher expected that the teachers using in order to turn up the ideas and can practice
one of good technique in generating ideas in to encourage students to thought. Generating
students writing. This research as a way for Ideas in Writing Ability of Recount Text
students to generating ideas in writing ability Generating Ideas is the process of creating,
using WH question students not lose the developing and communicating ideas which

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is abstract, concrete and visual. Generating paragraph. From the ideas previously, it can
idea in writing text very important because be stated that writing is more than a medium
when write student have to generate their communication. It is a way of remembering
idea in written form. According to and a way of thinking because writing didnot
(Marianne C, 1991) says that “Writing is an easy it needs a hard work. In writing we have
ability to express many ideas in written form to produce words, phrase, sentences, and
in a second or foreign language. It meant that paragraph at the same time. It is a way of
writing is an activating to express our ideas in learning.
written form”. Writing is an activity of used the
In teaching and learning process of language to express ideas, feeling or desire
writing in senior high school, the basic in written form. Writing is very important
competency that can be achieve in the capability for the students, and also an
writing English subject is the students have excellent communication tool. Through
ability to develop and produce writing simple writing each person would be able to convey
functional text in recount text, descriptive text feelings, ideas and announcements to others.
and narrative text. A Recount text is a text As Sharples, 1999 by Jeprianto thesis says,
which retells events or experiences in the “Writing is an opportunity it allows students to
past. However, in writing text still many express something about themselves,
students felt difficulty in generating idea, they explore and explain ideas”.
have idea but didnot generate their idea. Students can convey their in their mind
This chapter deals with theories used by organizing them into a good text so that
as the basis for supporting the research. That the others know them and they can think
comprises theoretical foundation, empirical critically. As Elbow, 1980 by Jeprianto thesis
research, theoretical framework and research says, “Writing is the ability to create words
hypothesis. and According to Jack C and and ideas of the researcher”. In addition,
Renandya (2002:303) ”writing is the most there were two common purposes of writing;
difficult skill for second language learners to Writing to inform is a transmit
master”. The difficulty is not only in necessary information about the subject to
generating and organizing ideas, but also in the readers and usually this means just
translating idea into readable text. There are telling the readers what the facts or what
many different definitions about writing given happened. Writing to explain means writing
by experts from many resources. As the to take what is unclear and make it clear. In
other experts said “Writing is complex explanatory writing, a researcher who
process and as such contains element of understands a complex topic must take sure
mystery and surprise”. As we know that that his readers understand it as well.
writing is a skill that anyone can learn to In writing, there were some aspects
manage. Through writing the people can that must be observed so that the researcher
share experiences, information to the other could made a good written. According to
people and can make the readers be happy Douglas H, (2000:243) there are four aspects
by writing a story. in writing namely organization, content,
According to Marianne C, (1991:233), mechanic, and vocabulary.
writing is “the ability to express one’s ideas in Organization is line with effectiveness
written form is a second or foreign language” of introduction, logical sequence of
it mean that writing is an activity to express ideas/body, conclusion and appropriate
our ideas in written form. From topinion of the length. Here, the students chooses
experts, it can be conclusion that the writing appropriate title and topic, arrange the
is the process of generating ideas for a piece introductory paragraph effectively that leads
of writing, so the other can understand. We to body and conclude the paragraph logically
can say that writing is distinguishable from and completely so that can be a good written.
other skills as the most difficult one. There Content is essay address in developing of
were many factors that influence writing to be logical ideas, the topic ideas that concrete
a good one such as grammatical, and thoroughly no extraneous ideas
vocabularies, punctuation, and spelling Mechanic is corresponding to spelling,
knowledge which must be integrated in a punctuation, paragraph indented, and

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neatness in order can be a good written. development is one method of fostering the
Vocabulary is all the words in a language. benefits of WH question without confusing
Therefore, to make a good paragraph, the students with the complex grammar involved
students must be able to use precise in their formation. In writing text, WH question
vocabulary. Every researcher follows his or can be used as a technique to generate
her own writing process. Often the process is ideas to writing text and expect to be able to
a routine that comes naturally and was not improve their achievement in writing
step-by-step guide to which researcher refer. especially in recount text. WH question are
Being conscious of your own writing process used to help students to identify the
was especially helpful when found yourself information from each part of the generic
struggling with a particularly tricky piece. structure of the recount text. For example
There were three steps in the writing process “what/who, when and where” can be used to
mentioned by Karen Blanchard, and Christine ask for the information in the orientation,
Root in their book; Ready Write: A first because orientation include the title and the
Composition Text (2003:41). introduction of the characters of the story, the
First: Prewriting (Thinking about our setting of time and place. Who/what can
topic and organizing our ideas). Second: identify the characters of the narrative story,
Drafting (Students create their initial when they can identify the time setting of the
composition by writing down all their ideas in story and where they can the setting of the
an organized way to convey a particular idea story of recount text. Therefore the students
or present an argument). Third: Revising can understand how to differentiate the
(Improving what we have written). If the generic structure of recount text easily.
researcher follow the step, and practice by The next step in the writing process is
writing often, they would be find it easier to drafting, students created their initial
written paragraphs and to improve their composition by writing down all their ideas in
writing. an organize way to convey a particular idea
Prewriting is the thinking, talking, or present an argument. Audience and
reading, and writing we can do our topic purpose need to finalize.
before we write a first draft. Prewriting is a
way of warming up our brain before we write, Revising
just as we warm up our body before we It was almost impossible to write a
exercise. There were three ways to warm up perfect paragraph on the first tried. The first
before start writing: Brainstorming is quick try is called the first draft. After we completed
way to generate a lot of ideas on a subject. the first draft, we must look for ways to
The purpose is to make a list of as many improve it. This step is called revising. When
ideas as possible without worrying about how the students revise, they review their text on
we used them. Clustering is another the basic of the feedback in the previous
prewriting technique. It was a visual way of stage.
showing how our ideas are connected using Teaching writing is intent to develop
circles and lines. When cluster drawn a students’ competence in contracting
diagram of our ideas. sentence and paragraphs. It is also to tried
As we know that, there were two students composed short text or essay
questions in English; that was WH question grammatically. The responsibility lies on the
and Yes or No question in English. WH teacher have to enhance their students’
question are question beginning with Where, abilities to express themselves effectively.
What, When, Who, Why, and How. WH The teachers hope to guided the students to
question is a word used to inquire organize their ideas during the process of
information. The request information can be writing. According to Jack C and Renandya
hours, location, Who, Where, etc. While (2002:350) “the teacher correction may to
Douglas H. (2000:279) said that WH question lead the student improvement on writing work
play important role in interrogative words. and may make writing interesting,
Beside that Larsen Freeman (1999) suggest challenging, and enjoyable. Responding and
that teaching WH question as lexical units at giving feedback to the students writing can
the earliest stages of English language be both oral and writing form. Moreover,

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Nunan (2003:88) says an idea that teaching which they happened. The aim of a recount is
writing is the process of delivering ideas and to give the audience a description of what
thinking into sentences and paragraphs. occurred and when it occurred. Some
Thus, the teachers hope to enable students example of recount text type were;
to organize the ideas, sentences and newspaper, reports, conversation, speech,
paragraphs correctly. Watkins by Alawi Fikri television interviews, etc. The recount text
Fauzi thesis 2011 says, “The process of type retell past events, usually in the order in
writing is not a single act but a collection of which they happened. There some steps for
acts”. A researcher selects the topic to write, construction a writing recount were : A first
organize the ideas, write a draft, read and paragraph that give background information
revise it. So, the process of writing needs about who, what, where, and when it call
long time. It means that a teacher must let orientation. A series of paragraphs that retell
the students to use the time longer in writing the events in the orderinwhicthey happened
a task. Next, teaching writing is one of some called events. A concluding paragraph is
difficult skill that will be learnt many teachers caled reorientation, but it is not.
in the classroom. As a teacher, we would The language feature usually find in a
give the responsibility of improving and recount text were: Proper noun and pronouns
enhancing students writing, in both content to identify those involve in the text Action
and in grammar. Furthermore, teaching verb Descriptive word to give details about
writing at school must be based on the who, what, when, where and how The use of
students’ need. Nowadays, writing will be the past tense to retell the events.
something much crucial for the students Conjunction and time connectives. Adverb
when have the national examination. The and adverbial phrase.Words that show the
students are assigned to write many kind of order the events.
genre. Some of them are descriptive, report,
procedure, narrative, recount, and other. So Kinds of Recount Text
for preparing them well, the teachers have to Personal Recount These usually retell
pay much attention to the generic structure an event that the write was personally
and the language aspects that related to the involved. Factual Recount Recording an
construction those texts. incident, eg. a science experiment, police
report.Imaginative Recount Writing an
A Procedure imaginary role and giving detail of event, eg.
A procedure is a piece of text that a day in the life of a pirate; How I invent.
telling the reader or listener how to do
something. Its purpose is to provide Example of Recount Text
instruction for making something, doing My Holiday in Bali When I was second
something or getting somewhere. Example of grade of senior high scool, my friends and I
procedure texts include: recipes, itineraries, went to bali. We were there for three days. I
instruction manual, direction. had many impressive experiences during the
Descriptive is presents the appearance vacaion. First day, we visited Sanur beach in
of things that occupy space, whether they are the morning. We saw the beautiful sunrise
object, people, buildings or cities. The together. It was a great scenery. Then, we
purpose of descriptive is to convey to the checked in to the hotel. After prepared our
reader about something looks. It attempts to selves, we went to Tanah Lot. We met so
gain a picture whit word. Barbara fine close many other tourists there. They were not only
(2004:142) says, “Descriptive adds an domestic but also foreign tourists. Second
important dimension to our live because it day, we enjoyed the day on Tanjung Benoa
move our emotion and expends our beach. We played so many water sports such
experience”. as banana boat, jetsky, speedboat act. We
also went to penyu island to see many
Recount unique animals. They were turtles, snakes,
According to Anderson Mark and Kathy and sea birds. We were very happy. In the
Anderson (1998:48) Recount is piece of text afternoon, we went to Kuta Beach to see the
that retells past events, usually in the order

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amazing sunset and enjoyed the beautifull questions involve reader in making a
wave. considered judment about the text in term of
The last day, we spend our time in what the researcher is try in to do.
Sangeh. We could enjoy the green and Questions of Personal ResponseThese que
shady forest. There were so many monkies. stions require the reader’s opinion about the
They were so tame but sometimes they could text based on correct understanding of the
be naughty. We could made a close text.
interaction with them. After that, we went to In teaching writing process, the teacher
Sukowati market for shopping. That was my must be able to teach and creativity of
lovely time. I bought some Bali shirt and students in expressing their felling and
souvenirs. In the evening, we had to check opinion in writing and than the teachers
out from the hotel. We went back home taught of recount text used of WH question.
bringing so many amazing of Bali. WH questions are question beginning with
A narrative is most generally describe Where, What, When, Who, Why, and How.
as a story tell the narrator. Narrative are not WH question is a word used to inquire
as simple as that. They were constructure of information. The request information can be
certain characteristics that relete a tale hours, location, who, where, etc. while
through an organization of word. This Douglas H. (2000:279) said that WH question
construction include three desernible layer, play important role in interrogative words.
the element that made up the content of the Beside that Larsen-Freeman (1999) suggest
narrative, and the agent. Understanding that teaching WH question as lexical units at
these concepts was the key to defining a the earliest stages of English. Language
narrative. development is one method of fostering the
The narrative text is type of writing next benefits of WH question without confusing
that tell a story of one character or more who students with the complex grammar involved
face certain situation. It is purpose to present in their formation and the researcher taught
a view of the world that entertains or informs the students recount text using WH question
the reader or listener. It was relete to the like this:
recount type. On the other hand, narrative
text is a text amuse, entertain and deal with Writing Personal Experience Stories
actual or vicarious experience in different (holiday)
ways. Narrative deal with problematic event Students work individually. The
which lead to a crisis or turning point of some researcher gave some list question that the
kinds, which in turn finds a resolution. The theme, that is writing personal experience
narrative tetx short story is telling of a story or stories (holiday). The example of some list
an account of a sequence of events. One of question that used by the researcher: Who is
the four traditional form of composition (along on holiday? When the holiday is carried?
with description, exposition, and persuasion). Where the holiday is held? Why hold a
Narrative differs from exposition, which can holiday? What happens when the holiday?
also relate a sequence of events, in that How do you fell when the holiday?
narrative need not be factual and may be These were some examples of
writing from the perspective of a character in question about the holiday used WH
the text. question. After the students answer the
Question of Literal Comprehension. questions, the teacher gave a piece of paper
The question of these question are direcly and then the students started to written the
and explicitly available in the text.Question personal experience story about holiday on a
Involving Reorganization ReinterpretationThe piece of paper. If all of the students have
question require students to obtain literal finished writing each story, the teacher asked
information from variosparts of the text and the students to collect his or her result then
put it together, or to interpretinformation the teachers provide assessment used
Questions of Inference These Questions scoring rubric. WritinRubric – Recount
require students to ‘read between the inestory
consided what is implied but not explicitly
stated. Questions of Evaluation These

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Content Organization Vocabulary Mechanic

It includes thesis It include the It includes the It includes
statement, related effectivness of vocabulary that spelling,
ideas, development introduction, loical used by the puntuation, and
of ideas throuht sequence of student. cititation of
personal experience, ideas, conclusion refrences,
illustration, facts, an and approprieate neatness and
opinions. lenth. appearance.

1-10 1-10 1-10 1-10

This was review on previous research answering the reading test and which one is
the used of WH question strategy. The thesis easier between modal auxiliaries or WH
written by Rafika Mutiara student of IKIP questions. Based on her research, she found
PGRI Pontianak the title: “Teaching Writing that the result of the used of modal auxiliaries
Text Trough Guided WH-Question”. In her and WH questions in answering the reading
research the researcher focused on the test for the second year students of SMA NW
investigation of the use of guided WH Pancor in the school year 2005/2006 was
question technique effective in teaching different. Further, it also shown that used of
descriptive text writing and at the eighth WH questions was easier than the modal
grade students of SMA PN 7 Pontianak in auxiliaries in answering the reading test. This
academic years 2013/2014. The form of this research was similar with the research
research was pre experimental design. The above, because of used WH question
technique colleting of data was written test, technique to improved writing ability and
before instructional activities the researcher used pre-experimental design, the technique
conducted pre-test to the student collecting of data was writing test. The
experimental group without technique. While Rafika’s studied said that T-test was higher
the instructional activity was conducted, the that T-table it meant that teaching writing
students were given the material by using used WH question technique was effective.
WH question or the other hand the Mean while, the different of the research can
researcher was give the students treatment be seen on the variables investigated. She
and to know the result of data the researcher investigated only the effect teaching writing
was give post-test which the students were guided WH question, but while the
asked to write a descriptive text by help of researcher investigated about the
guided WH question. The sample of this effectiveness of WH question toward
research was 35 students from class VIII C. generating idea in writing ability of recount
Based on the results of the data text. From the conclusion above, the
computation, the research found that the t- researcher assumes that the student ability in
test score (8,20) was higher than the t-table writing used of WH question more effective
(2,042) at 5% the degree of freedom (df) = N from the other tecnique.
– 1 (35-1=34). It proved that teaching writing WH questions are question beginning
descriptive text through guided WH-Question with Where, When, What, Who, Why, and
is effective to develop the student’s How. WH question is a word used to inquire
achievement.In the other research it was information. The request information can be
conducted by Mailina Rohmiati, entitled hours, location, who, where, etc. while Brown
“Comparative Study Between Modal (2000) said that WH question play important
Auxiliaries and WH Question in Answering role in interrogative words.
Reading Test For The Second Year Student WH question in teaching writing could
of SMA NW Pancor in The School Year be used as technique to generate ideas to
2005/2006”. writing text and expect to able improve their
The research is expected to find out achievement in writing especiallyin recount
whether the result of modal auxiliaries and text. WH question is used to helped students
WH questions are different or similar in to identify the information from each part of

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the generic structure of recount text. For Table 1

example “what/who, when and where” can be Research design: one group pre-test – post
used to ask for information in the orientation, test design
because orientation included the title and the Group Pre Treatment Post
introduction of the characters of the story, the test test
setting of time and place. Null Hypothesis
(Ho)“There is no significant difference in the E O1 X O2
students’ writing ability before and after being
taught using WH questions” Alternative Where:
Hypothesis (Ha) “There is significant O1 = Pre-test
difference in the students’ writing ability X = Treatment
before and after being taught using WH O2 = Post-test
questions”. E = Experimental Grou
(Sugiyono, 2015:75).
In this chapter, the researcher This research the researcher
presented approach and research, setting of conducted at Eleventh Grade students of
the research, population and sample, kind SMK As-Sidiki Lenek in academic years
and source of data, technique and instrument 2017/2018.
of data collected and data analysis. The Population is a generalization region
decision to choose a specific methodology consists of objects and subjects that have a
should be based on its suitability to answer certain qualities and characteristic defined by
the research questions (As Bryman in the researcher to be studied and then drawn
Nurudin thesis 2016). The methodology conclusions (Sugiyono, 2015 : 80). So the
closely related to the approach used in a population is not only a person however, an
research. There were two kinds of research object defined by objects and other objects of
that was frequently used there were: nature but population also the number of
qualitative and quantitative research objects or subjects that covering all
approach. characteristics or properties possessed by
In this research the researcher used the subject. Therefore, the researcher got
quantitative approach because it determines Eleventh Grade students of SMK As-Sidiki
the study’s internal validity, which was the Lenek in academic years 2017/2018 as the
ability to reach valid conclusions about the population of this research that consists of
effect of experimental treatment on the two classes and the total was 55 students. To
dependent variable and also the researcher be clearer it is show Table 2.Table 2
wants to know the effectiveness of using WH Population of the study
question in writing recount text No Class Population
Research design is an important 1 XI IPA 25
because the quality of research greatly 2 XI IPS 30
depended on the design. In this research, the Total 55
researcher used experimental design.
According to Nunan David (1992:47) state, Sample is component of quantity and
“experimental is designed to collect data in characteristic which have by population
such a way that threats to the reliability and (Sugiyono, 2015:81). From two classes the
validity of the research is ministered”. In this researcher took one class. So the researcher
research the researcher conducted in a pre- selected IX IPA student as the sample of this
experiment design used quantitative research which total number of the sample
approach with One-Group Pre test - Post test 25 students. In this research the researcher
design. In this research, the researcher didnot used technique random sampling
conducted in the classroom with the sample because according to (Sugiyono 2015:74)
obtained from population. “Dikatakan pre-exprimental design, karena
design ini belum dikatakan penelitian
sungguh-sungguh. Mengapa?, karena

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masih terdapat variable luar yang ikut recount text. It was measuring the students’
berpengaruh terhadap terbentuknya writing ability before treatment.
variable dependen. Jadi hasil eksperimen Treatment. After giving the pre-test, the
yang merupakan variable dependen itu researcher treated the students by using WH
bukan semata-mata dipengaruhi oleh questions technique. Here, the students were
variable independen. Hal ini dapat terjadi asked to written the story about holiday.
karena tidak adanya variable kontrol, dan Then, the students were asked to generate
sampel tidak dipilih secara random”. their ideas. After that, they developed it into a
“It is said that pre-exprimental design paragraph. The post-test was given after
because this design has not been said conducted the treatment. It aims at
serious research. There are still external determining the effectiveness of WH question
variables that contribute to the formation technique in teaching writing. And an
of the dependent variable. So the result of instrument has important function. Therefore,
the experiment which is the dependent the researcher used appropriate instrument
variable is not solely influenced by in the process of collecting data. In this
independent variable. This can happen research the researcher used writing test as
because there is no control variable, and instrument and used WH Question technique
sample is not selected randomly to answer the question. In conducting this
research, the researcher investigated the
Data is information, usually the form of effectiveness of WH question toward
fact or statistic that you can analyze (Oxford generating ideas in writing recount text for
Advanced Learner’s Dictionary). There were the Eleventh Grade students of SMK As-
two kinds of data that usually in a research Sidiki Lenek in academic years 2017/2018.
there are qualitative data and quantitative Therefore, the researcher collected the data
data. Qualitative data are served in non- of the research by using a writing test.
numerical data, while quantitative data are
served in numerical data. A researcher can Validity
used qualitative data only, quantitative data Validity is the most complex criterion of
only, or the combination of both qualitative an effective text and the most important
and quantitative data that may suitable for principle of language testing (Brown 2004). A
the research although in this research the test must be valid and reliable. An instrument
researcher used quantitative data to found will be valid if it is able to measure what
the result of data. The data source is the should be measured. Knowing the instrument
sources where the data was obtained. The is valid or not, the present researcher used
data source can be divided into two kinds, content and construction validity. The
primary data source and secondary data instrument was consulted to the teacher, and
source. The primary data source was a course book used for sunior hight school
obtained of the result students test used WH level. So, it was categorized into a valid
question technique. Mean while the Reliability is very important of a test to
secondary data source was be collected from get reliable result of measurement. Reliability
other sources, such as books, internet and is stability of test if it is used. A test is called
other materials that can support the primary reliable if it is obtained the stable data or
data. consistent if it is used to measure a same
In this research there were two test in other time or place. This research used
variable: 1) Use of WH question as an a quantitative data analysis technique used
independent variable, 2) Generating ideas in statistical method. This technique used to find
writing ability of recount text as dependent the different score before and after taugh used
variable. To collect the data, the researcher WH Question toward the student writing
used instrument in the form of writing test. ability. The first (pre test) data is score
The researcher used technique of collecting students writing before taugh used WH
data involves three categories. question and the result (post test) is score
The pre-test was given before the student after taugh used WH question. To
present researcher taught the students by know the differences of writing ability before
using WH questions technique in writing and after taught using WH question, the

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researcher used SPSS 17.0 Windows to teaching writing. Sample of this research
compare the result of data, and to get mean were 25 students at Eleventh Grade of SMK
score of the students’ score on pretest and As-Sidiki Lenek. The purpose of the research
posttest manually, it can be used the was to know the effectiveness of WH
following formula: question toward generating ideas in writing of
Σ𝑋 recount text at eleventh grade students of
𝑁 SMK As-Sidiki Lenek..
Where: The pre-test in this exprimental group
M : Mean score was given by asked students to written a
x : Total number of personal experience in a piece of paper.
Meanwhile the post-test was given by asked
student’s score the students to written a personal experience
N : Number of subject story about the holiday based on WH
question as a technique in writing ability. This
Meanwhile, to know the standard test was to know student writing ability before
deviation of sample, it can be used the and after students got trearment. The data of
following formula: students ability before tought by using WH
Σ𝑥² question technique can be seen at appendix.
SD = √ Statistic of Pre-test
SD : Standard deviation
 x 2 : Number of deviation N Valid 25
Missing 1
Quadrate from standard deviation is Mean 15.52
called variant. The formula is: Median 16.00
Mode 16
V = SD2
Where: Std. Deviation 2.312
V : Variant Variance 5.343
SD : Standard Deviation
Based on the table 4.1.1 above
Meanwhile, to analyze the hypothesis consisted of 25 students. It is shown that
testing, it can be used the following formula: Mean score 15.52, it mean that the average
t= of 25 students got 16. Based on the criteria of
(ΣD)2 student score 16 was enough score. The
√∑ D − N Median score was 16.00, the Mode was 16,
N(N − 1) Standard Deviation was 2.312 and Variance
Where: was 5.343. The mode was simply that value
t : t-test which has the highest frequency. It means
̅ : (Difference) the differences between pre-
D that the most frequent score was 16 indicated
test and post-test of each sample. that many students got poor score.
D : Sigma of difference value.
D2 : Quadrate of D
N : The number of research subject


This section presented research finding
and discussion. It consisted of finding, data
analysis of finding and discussion. In this
research, the researcher presented the
students writing ability before and after taught
by using WH question as technique in

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. Table 4.1.2 Descriptive of Post-test 3.143. Standard error mean for pre-test was
Statistics 0.462, while for post-test of standard error
Post-test deviation was 0.6
N Valid 25
N Correlation Sig.
Missing 1
Pair 1 Pre-test, post-
Mean 18.28 25 .679 .000
Median 18.00
Mode 17 Based on the table above, output
Std. Deviation 3.143 Paired Sample Correlation shows the large
correlation between samples, where can be
Variance 9.877
seen numeral both correlations was 0.679
and numeral of significance 0.001. For
Based on the table 4.1.2 above can be interpretation of decision based on the result
seen that the students consisted of 25 of probability achievement that was:
students. It shown that the Mean score 18.28 a. If the probability > 0.05 then the
its mean that the average of 25 students got hypothesis null accepted
score was 19 means that the students got b. If the probability < 0.05 then the
very good score and can generate their ideas hypothesis null rejected
in writing ability. The median score was It means, the large numeral
18.00, standard deviation was 3.143 and significance 0.001 smaller from 0.05 so that
variance was 9.877. In this case the mode the hypotheses clarify WH question was a
score was 17. It means that the most technique that effective to generating ideas in
frequent score was 17 so there were many writing recount text.
students got good score.

Data Analysis of Finding

Data analysis was as done to know the
difference score before test and after test by
searching score after test and score before
test. The researcher used statistical test.
Using Paired Sample T test stated by SPSS
16.0 to ensure the effectiveness of WH
question to generating ideas in writing
recount text. The result can be seen in the

Table 4.2.1 Analysis Hypothesis Testing

Std. Error
Mean N Deviation Mean
Pair Pre-test 15.52 25 2.312 .462
1 Post-test 18.28 25 3.143 .629

Based on the table above, output

Paired Sample statistical shown mean of pre-
test was 15.52 and mean of post-test was
18.28, while N for each other were 25.
Meanwhile, standard deviation for pre-test
2.312 and standard deviation for post-test

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Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

95% Confidence
Std. Std. Interval of the
Deviatio Error Difference
Mean n Mean Lower Upper t df Sig. (2-tailed)
Pair 1 Pre-test
test -2.760 2.314 .463 -3.715 -1.805 -5.963 24 .000

Based on the table above, it can be Reliability

seen the difference mean score of pre-test
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
and post-test was 2.760. The result of t-test
was 5.963 with the df was 24. The negative .786 2
which appear in t-test above means that the To test reliability a instrument the
mean before treatment was lower than after researcher must comparing cronbach alpha
treatment. Therefore, WH question was a with minimum value was 0.6. it mean that if
technique to generating ideas in writing for cronbach alpha value obtained from the
the students. calculation of SPSS bigger than 0.6 then
Then the researcher gave interpretation concluded the instrument was reliable,
to t-table. First the researcher considered the however if cronbach alpha was smaller than
df, df = N-1, in here df was 24. The 0.6 it mean that the instrument not reliable.
researcher consulted to the score in the t- Based on the result above, known that
table with the significant level of .000, the cronbach alpha was 0.786, it was mean that
score of t-table was 2.064. By comparing the (0.786) was bigger than from minimum value
“t” that the researcher has got calculation t- cronbach alpha 0.6, therefore it can be
test was 5.963 and the value of the t-table concluded that the research instrumrnt used
was 2.064. From the calculation above, t-test to measure variables was reliable.
was bigger than t-table (5.963 > 2.064).
From the calculation above, the t-test Discussion
was bigger than t-table the alternative In teaching English recount text by
hypothesis was (Ha) was accepted and the using WH question technique was support
null hypothesis was (Ho) was rejected. It students comprehend in recount text. By
means that there was significant different on applying this technique like better than before
the students writing ability at eleventh grade taugh by this technique. They more
students of SMK As-Sidiki Lenek between comprehend about the element of recount
before and after being taught by using WH text. The students always remember all of
question. explaination that they got from their teacher
Table 4. Analysis of Validity and and about how the way to generating ideas in
Reliability writing recount text by using WH question
Validity technique. This technique was really
N % important to be applied by English teacher
because through applying this technique the
Cases Valid 25 96.2 students know how the step that they do in
Excluded 1 3.8 written recount.
Based on the researcher method, in
Total 26 100.0
teaching learning process was divided into
three steps. First step was giving pre-test for

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the student to know the students’ writing addressed to the students, teachers and
ability before taught by using WH question. future researcher as follow:
The second step was giving treatment to the For the Students WH question as
students; the treatment here was teaching technique in teaching writing improved
writing by using WH question. For the last achievement of students writing ability. The
step was giving post-test. In the post-test the students were active in teaching writing
students were given a test to know their because WH questions helped the students to
writing ability after they were treated by using generate their ideas. It is hoped that the
WH question as a technique. From the data students can be writing ability increased and
analysis above, the objectives of the improved their writing ability. Therefore, in
research was to know there is an effect English teaching the teacher can be applying
applying WH question in teaching writing at this tecnique.
eleventh Grade of SMK As-Sidiki Lenek in For the Teacher It is suggested that the
academic year 2017/2018. Based on the English teacher, especially in Sunior High
result of the statistical computation using t- School use WH questions as the technique in
test, the result show there was significant teaching English. So that the teacher do not
differences between pre-test and post-test get teaching and learning process become
score. The result of t-test was 5.963. If the t- easier succesful.
test was compared to t-table with the degree For the Future Researcher This
of freedom 24 as stated hypothesis testing, research is not perfect yet, it so suggested to
the t-test 5.963 was higher than the t-table conduct futher research on similar area by
2.064. Therefore, based on the hypothesis improving the methodology in differente area
testing, the (Ha) was accepted and the (Ho) of teaching. This research is very important
was rejected, the theory was verified. It because it gives some knowledge to the
means that WH question as a technique in researcher and to know the benefit of using
teaching writing was effective. Based on the WH question technique in teaching English.
explanation above, WH question technique
surely shown the real effectiveness in REFERENCES
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