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Reflection 3

Engaging in this SBA process has helped me in several ways. For one, it has helped me in

understanding more about Hinduism as a religion, which to me is particularly important today,

where knowledge like this is useful as to not disrespect someone who is of these beliefs.

This process has also helped me in recognizing, understanding, and using language devices

and skills taught to me. Skills including summary writing, exposition, and use of devices;

metaphor, simile, personification, etc. Knowledge like this, will be fundamental to passing my

CSEC English exams. It has also helped me with organizing and presenting ideas, opinions, etc.,

to both my peers and teachers alike, to readily take constructive criticism and use that to refine

pieces by me, knowing that I am not the best, hence, there is the possibility that neither my first

attempt nor my last will not be perfect.

Lastly, I believe that this process has helped improve my communication skills to work

better with others, whether it be a group or in pairs. Working with others is not always easy,

especially when you are forced to work with those who are extremely lackadaisical, leaving you

to do all the work.

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