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G- eneration change
L- iving process
O- ptimistic view
B- usiness
Z-ero casualties
T-ime exertion
N-ational and Internationl connection

1. I learned about globalization in the internet and in magazine.
2. Yes, as I’ve read topics about globalization there are lot of information with different author’s
perspective that they shared.
3. Definitely yes, understanding globalization is affecting the way I communicate with others
like for examples in today’s generation. I can communicate to my loved ones through phone and
in social media platform.
4. I think I can be a better global communicator through active listening while someone is
talking, by being knowledgeable about what you are talking and carrying a good attitude towards

Effective world-wide

More knowledgeable
people Trade Integration


New commercial World-wide

practices and system movement

Task 1
Email # 1
Miguel: Will arrive at hotel 7 pm. See you then. Donna
a. Okay then, see you here.
b. An approached where the sender is using is in a courteous way.
c. The positive intention of the sender is to tell Donna that his coming at the hotel to see
each other.
d. I’ll wait you here, take care.
e. I’ll do the same way. I’ll respond the e-mail of the sender in a positive intent too.
f. I could rewrite this e-mail to have a positive impact on me by this way. Hi Donna its
Miguel. I will be at the hotel exactly 7 pm. Thank you.
g. I might use this reframing of an e-mail in my daily work to build a content of
Email # 2
a. It’s a pleasure to hear that Miguel.
b. A positive approached.
c. To tell Donna about their project that they will work together. And Miguel wants to
share Donna his experiences when he spent weekend with his partner.
d. That’s good to hear Miguel, okay then see you.
e. I’ll respond the same way too.
f. Good day Donna, it was nice working our project with you. I learned a lot. I hope we can
do it again. Sincerely yours, Miguel.
g. To have a good communication towards a good relationship.

Email # 3
a. It’s a sad news, don’t worry I send it right after I finished revising it.
b. Sender’s approach that she’s using is not that good.
c. To remind that the plan needs to revise.
d. Okay thank you for this e-mail. I’ll revise it as soon as possible.
e. I’ll e-mail it with a positive intent also.
f. As a sign of respect. I’ve already saw your plan. I’ve noticed that you lack off by 10%
of the target about the Q1 results. I’m looking forward to you to send me your revised
plan. Thank you.
g. By trying to become a professional at work.
Email # 4.
a. Thank you for this e-mail sir Harold. Thank you for the compliment.
b. The senders approached is in a nice way.
c. To tell Carolyn about how she executed as a player.
d. It was a pleasure to hear that sir.
e. I’ll respond the e-mail with a positive intent also.
f. Greetings to you Carolyn. I’ve observed you in the last week’s meeting and though
you’re not much of a team player. Sill the results are good, congratulations.
g. By doing my best in everything that I do.

Email # 5.
a. Its fine just make sure that the staffs will be on good condition in time of shipping.
b. The approached that the sender is using is kind and in an apologetic way.
c. To informed Emma that the product will not be shipped out on its due time because of
staff shortages and schedule demands.
d. I’m looking forward to the fast shipped out of the staffs next week.
e. I’ll respond the same way too.
f. Dear Miss Emma, I’m sorry to tell you this. Due to staff shortages and schedule demands
we have not yet shipped the order that was due to your client in Bogata this week. We
are exerting efforts and hoping we can ship next week. Sorry for the inconvenience.
g. Though there are unplanned happenings we should understand and be patience for
everything. For less misunderstanding.
Task 2
‘The Flight from Conversation/ Connected, but not Alone?’

Globalization really gives an impact to all human kind. Its either gives an
advantages and disadvantages in our lives.
As I’ve done watching the said article, I realized how I embraced the thing called
globalization. As I live my life for almost 19 years, I grow up in an urbanize country. At the age
of nine years old I get to know how to use phones. But as I age, I start exploring the world of
social media. I found myself being to attached by the different types of social media platform. As
what Sherry Turkle says ‘little devices in our pocket are so psychologically powerful, not just it
changed what they do but what who we are’. I realized that I’ve been too much about gadgets.
I’ve been thinking it lately how it really affects me of being over used in gadgets. I can’t even
sleep and wake up early because I’m so attached of using my cellphone exploring facebook and
watching youtube videos. It affects my daily routine. It affects my health as well, I can’t eat my
breakfast on time because I’m still sleepy, I can eat my breakfast on lunch and I eat my lunch on
near evening.
Using gadgets has its disadvantages such as getting to much radiation which is
dangerous to our health, addiction and less interaction with the people around us. This were
globalization take our place. And the advantages are we connect our loved ones though they are
far from us, learn to observe from global issues and it makes us comfortable when we are alone.
Gadgets nowadays serves us our comforter especially when we are far from our comfort zone.
‘We expect more from technology and less from each other’ Turkle said. We prioritize and rely
on technology it is because, there we can find companion rather than the people around us.
Technology is our friend and our buddy when we need someone to talk to. We just have to tweet
or post our rants just to feel ourselves out of sadness.
As a 19 years old citizen, I admit that I’ve practiced this kind of habit in todays
situation. Especially when I feel I am alone. Alone from the people that I can get through, using
gadgets is my way of comforting myself when I need to be alone and need to relax myself from
the toxicity of my surroundings. Yes, technology can change of who we are but this doesn’t
mean that we are no longer out of ourselves. The control is in us, and we should know are limits
and practiced a good way of communicating to others. Because at the end of the day, ourselves is
our true companion and comforter.
Therefor I conclude that, we must be responsible enough while using technology.
We must be the captain in our own gadgets not the gadgets will be our captain. Let us remember,
we are human me must share and be the catalyst to make change in good.

Reflective Essay

I’ve learned from this module is that globalization gives an important lesson to our
lives and in our society and then globally. Through globalization it changed the lifestyle of the
people. From ordinary to extraordinary, globalization is not all about technologies but it is also
talked how people communicate with others. It is through global mindset, unfolding the self,
mapping the culture, and aligning the interaction. It says globalization requires the development
of a person’s language ability. The ability to use language accurately and appropriately is a
requirement of a globalizing society. No matter what happened in globalizing we need to
prioritize the way we communicate to have a better understanding towards others.
As a student I can use my learnings to inform everyone about what’s happening in
our surroundings and what would be the future of our world. I will be the voice to make a
change. And I will share my knowledge to the people for them to be aware of what’s
globalization means. And as a citizen I can be a guide towards a betterment for my country. I can
teach them my learnings and impart it to those who needs it. I can be a citizen with a role to take
learnings into the real world and think about their values and what’s important to them. And of
course human being at large, nowadays were into fake news. We must be aware and be the one
to make things right. Let’s be a good role model to facilitate good relationships towards other
though globalization takes place, let us give hand in hand contribution towards our society.
As we go for our future let us not be afraid to what new generation will bring us. Let
us just remember our future is within in ourselves. No one will take it away from us.
Globalization may exist but still continue to fly even if generation change. Take this as a step to
overcome new ways of living and learning from our society and globally. It seems hard at first
but lets put are dreams high.
Globalization takes as an important role globally and it may seem to be the way of
living in a world of technologies. Just be a responsible user, no matter what kind of person you
are, a student, citizen and a human being at large. ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world’ as
Mahatma Gandhi said. Globalization is a world-wide transformation, hoping this will not affect
the way we communicate with others. May this be a good way or help for everyone. May this
bring advantages way of living of people.

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