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The Wheat Shipping Example

Shipping costs ($/ton)

Mills Grain
Grain Elevators Chicago St. Louis Cincinnati Supply Shipped Grain Elevators
Kansas City 0 0 150 150 150 Kansas City
Omaha 25 0 150 175 175 Omaha
Des Moines 175 100 0 275 275 Des Moines
Demand 200 100 300 600
Grain Shipped 200 100 300
Cost = 4525

minimize Z = 6x1A + 8x1B + 10x1C + 7x2A + 11x2B + 11x2C + 4x3A + 5x3B + 12x3C

subject to

x1A + x1B + x1C = 150

x2A + x2B + x2C = 175
x3A + x3B + x3C = 275
x1A + x2A + x3A = 200
x1B + x2B + x3B = 100
x1C + x2C + x3C = 300
xij >= 0
costs ($/ton)
Chicago St. Louis Cincinnati
6 8 10
7 11 11
4 5 12
The Wheat Shipping Transshipment Example

Shipping Costs:
Grain Elevators Grain
Farms 3. Kansas City 4. Omaha 5. Des Moines Supply Shipped Farms
1. Nebraska 0 0 0 300 0 1. Nebraska
2. Colorado 0 0 0 300 0 2. Colorado
Shipped 0 0 0

Shipping costs:
Mills Grain
Grain Elevators 6. Chicago 7. St. Louis 8. Cincinnati Shipped Grain Elevators
3. Kansas City 66.66653333 33.333266667 100 199.9998 3. Kansas City
4. Omaha 66.66673333 33.333366667 100 200.0001 4. Omaha
5. Des Moines 66.66673333 33.333366667 100 200.0001 5. Des Moines
Shipped Demand 200 100 300
200 100 300

Transshipment flows:
3. Kansas City 0
4. Omaha 0
5. Des Moines 0

Cost = 5233.333267

minimize Z = 16x13 + 10x14 + 12x15 + 15x23 + 14x24 + 17x25 + 6x36 + 8x37 + 10x38
7x46 + 11x47 + 11x48 + 4x56 + 5x57 + 12x58

subject to

x13 + x14 + x15 = 300

x23 + x24 + x25 = 300
x36 + x46 + x56 = 200
x37 + x47 + x57 = 100
x38 + x48 + x58 = 300
x13 + x23 - x36 - x37 - x38 = 0
x14 + x24 - x46 - x47 - x48 = 0
x15 + x25 - x56 - x57 - x58 = 0
xij >= 0
ipping Costs:
Grain Elevators
3. Kansas City 4. Omaha 5. Des Moines
16 10 12
15 14 17

pping costs:
Grain Elevators 6. Chicago 7. St. Louis 8. Cincinnati
3. Kansas City 6 8 10
4. Omaha 7 11 11
5. Des Moines 4 5 12
The ACC Basketball Example

Game Sites Teams Teams

Officials Team Raleigh Atlanta Durham Clemson Available Assigned
A 0 0 0 1 1 1
B 0 1 0 0 1 1
C 0 0 1 0 1 1
D 1 0 0 0 1 1
Teams Demanded 1 1 1 1 4
Teams Assigned 1 1 1 1
Total Mileage = 450

Mileage: minimize Z = 210xAR + 90xAA + 180xAD + 160xAC

+ 175xCR + 105xCA + 140xCD + 170xC
Game Sites
Officials Team Raleigh Atlanta Durham Clemson subject to
A 210 90 180 160
B 100 70 130 200 xAR + xAA + xAD + xAC =
xBR + xBA + xBD + xBC =
C 175 105 140 170
xCR + xCA + xCD + xCC =
D 80 65 105 120 xDR + xDA + xDD + xDC =
xAR + xBR + xCR + xDR =
xAA + xBA + xCA + xDA =
xAD + xBD + xCD + xDD =
xAC + xBC + xCC + xDC =
xij >
xAR + 90xAA + 180xAD + 160xAC + 100xBR + 70xBA + 130xBD + 200xBC
5xCR + 105xCA + 140xCD + 170xCC + 80xDR + 65xDA + 105xDD + 120xDC

xAR + xAA + xAD + xAC = 1

xBR + xBA + xBD + xBC = 1
xCR + xCA + xCD + xCC = 1
xDR + xDA + xDD + xDC = 1
xAR + xBR + xCR + xDR = 1
xAA + xBA + xCA + xDA = 1
xAD + xBD + xCD + xDD = 1
xAC + xBC + xCC + xDC = 1
xij > = 0

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