Bai Tap Tieng Anh Lop 7 Thi Diem Unit 10 Sources of Energy

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I. Choose the best answer.

1. The ……………… of alternative sources of energy is not only plentiful but also clean
and safe.

A. potential B. ability C. effective D. efficiency

2. Petroleum is limited. It will be replaced by …………...… source of renewable energy.

A. other B. another C. others D. one other

3. We will reduce energy ……………………………. as much as possible.

A. consume B. consumption C. expense D. expenses

4. Nuclear power is not only expensive but also dangerous …………. our environment.

A. for B. to C. in D. with

5. We are looking for cheap, clean and …….....…… sources of energy. These types of
energy won’t cause pollution.

A. effective B. effect C. effectively D. effectiveness

6. The boys ………………… home for lunch because they are planning to visit the
hydro power station.

A. is not coming B. will not come C. will not be coming D. do not come

7. Nuclear energy can …………………….. enough electricity for the world’s needs, bit
it is expensive.

A. provide B. serve C. give D. adapt

8. At 7.00 tomorrow, you ……………………… to school.

A. will cycle B. cycle C. will be cycling D. will be cycled

9. …………………………. sources of energy will be developed quickly.

A. effective B. wind C. alternative D. hydro

10. Sea wave is a …………………….. source because it be replace easily and quickly.

A. non-renewable B. renewable C. alternative D. clean

II. Complete the sentences with the correct adjective form (-ED/-ING) of the verb in

1. I am ______________ (interest) in working for a charity when I finish college.

2. I found the first part of the concert quite long and ______________ (bore).

3. I am a big fan of Madonna. I was very ____________ (excite) when I heard she would
be at the concert.

4. I thought the negative attitude of the media was_______________ (disappoint).

5. It was a very long day. I was very _____________ (tire) at the end.

6. I enjoyed reading a very ______________ (interest) article about the event in the

7. My sister was terribly _______________ (disappoint) that she couldn't go to the


8. I loved the concert! It was the most _______________ (excite) day of my life.

9. I found standing for eight hours very ______________ (tire).

10. Pop music can be a bit superficial sometimes but I think it's really
________________ (entertain).

11. I’m ___________ (fascinate) by jazz. The rhythm and the harmonies are so different!

12. The musicians feel a bit _____________ (disappoint) because they didn't sell many
copies of their CD.

13. Classical music is a lot more ______________ (challenge) than pop music.

14. A world tour can sometimes last 9 months. It must be _______________ (exhaust).

15. My mother was ______________ (shock) when she heard the bad news.

16. Susan is _______________ (interest) in learning a foreign language.

17. My daughter was very_______________ (excite) when she passed her driving test.

18. We were very _________________ (tire) after running the marathon.

19. Some people feel _________________ (depress) when it is cold and rainy.

20. John is a bit ______________ (confuse) and he doesn’t know what to do.

21. Touching a snake must be a _______________ (frighten) experience.

22. It was very ________________ (embarrass) for him when they publish that photo.

23. The wedding reception was _________________ (amaze).

24. My brother is ________________ (bore) with his present job.

25. We feel ________________ (please) that our teacher is back.

26. It is ________________ (shock) the way prices are going up.

27. The opera season promises to be __________________ (interest).

28. The weather is very _________________ (please) in summer.

29. It is very ________________ (annoy) to have to write the letter again.

30. I was __________________ (surprise) to find my grandmother out of bed.

IV. Choose the best word.

1. She plays the piano ………………..(good / well)

2. This artist likes wearing …………………..clothes.(colorful / colorfully)

3. My father doesn’t take risks when he is driving. He’s always ……….……….

(careful / carefully)

4. The time passed very ………………………………..(quick / quickly)

5. She sings ………………………………..…..(beautiful / beautifully)

6. You look very ………………….…….(happy / happily)

7. The local people are always ………………..…to visitors. (hospitable / hospitably)

8. He visits me ……………………….…. (occasional / occasionally)

V. Give the right form of verb in simple future and progressive future, active or

1. I (go) …………………to Hue tomorrow.

2. Lan (visit)…………………..Ha Long Bay this time next week.

3. They (return)……… ……………home soon.

4. He (play)……………….…… tennis tonight.

5. The task (finish) ……………………………. at 4 p.m.

6. She (not go)……………… … school at 7 a.m tomorrow morning as usual.

7. How old …….……..Hoa (be) …………..…next year?

8. A: “There's someone at the door.” - B: “I (get) ……………………………… it.”

9. A: “I’m moving house tomorrow.” - B: “I (come) ……………………and help you.”

10. If she passes the exam, she (be) …………………very happy

11. I (be) ………………………there at four o'clock, I promise.

12. The meeting (hold) …………………… at 6 p.m this afternoon.

13. If you eat all of that cake, you (be) ………………… sick.

14. They (be) ………………….……at home at 10 o'clock.

15. People (live)……… …….…on the moon in the future.

VI. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

1. A. page B. information C. pavement D. transport

2. A. turned B. crossed C. described D. terrified

3. A. celebrated B. danced C. discussed D. pronounced

4. A. bread B. great C. instead D. spread

5. A. Combine B. vocabulary C. doubtful D. boring

VII. Read the following passage and choose the best option for each blank.

Although the world's energy resources (1)............. many millions of years to produce, we
quickly beginning to (2)....................... these supplies. Recently UN committee reported
that world's oil and gas supplies (3).................. last about 100 years if (4).................
carefully. The report stated that there be enough oil and gas (5)................. a century only
if the present (6)................. could controlled. If the demand continued grow, the report
said that fuel supplies would (7)................. for less forty years. (8)................. to the
report, governments must now steps to control the amounts of fossil fuels
(9).................are used.

1. A. taken B. spent C. used D. got

2. A. end B. exhaust C. finish D. destroy

3. A. will B. would C. can D. should

4. A. use B. using C. used D. usage

5. A. in B. for C. since D. at

6. A. want B. ask C. require D. demand

7. A. last B. lengthen C. grow D. widen

8. A. In addition B. Together C. According D. Follow

9. A. it B. which C. who D. where

VIII.Read the passage and choose one correct answer for each question

Many people still believe that natural resources will never be used up. Actually, the
world's energy resources are limited. Nobody knows exactly how much fuel is left.
However, we also should use them economically and try to find out alternative sources
of power. According to Professor Marvin Burnham of the New England Institute of
Technology, we have to start conserving coal, oil and gas before it is too late; and
nuclear power is the only alternative.

However, many people don't approve of using nuclear power because it is very
dangerous. What would happen if there were a serious nuclear accident? Radioactivity
causes cancer and may badly affect the future generations. The most effective thing is
that we should use natural resources as economically as possible.

1. According to the passage, using nuclear power is ________

A. dangerous B. interesting C. safe D. cheap

2. Radioactivity from nuclear power ________

A. the future generations do nothing with it

B. alters a new kind of energy

C. are necessary to cure diseases

D. causes cancer and has bad effect on the future generations

3. How much fuel is left?

A. No one know exactly B. Let's use it as much as we would like

C. It will never be used up D. There is a lot of fuel

4. We should use coal, oil and gas ________

A. as economically as possible B. carelessly

C. as much as possible D. all are incorrect

5. According to Professor Marvin Burnham, ________

A. Nuclear power is the only alternative coal, oil and gas and we have to conserve are

B. Nuclear power is the only alternative coal, oil and gas

C. We have to conserve

D. Nuclear power is the only alternative coal, oil and gas and we have to conserve are

IX. Choose the best one (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentence

1. Wave energy is an ….. source of energy.

A. environmental friendly B. environmentally friendliness

C. environment friendly D. environmentally friendly

2. Someone’s carbon …. is a measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide that their

activities produce.

A. footprint B. energy C. effect D. amount

3. Remember to ….. the lights before going to bed.

A. turn on B. stop C. turn D. turn off

4. If we go on …… electricity, we will have to pay a lot next month.

A. turning on B. widened C. wasting D. increasing

5. When you save energy, you not only save money, you also reduce the demand for
……….. such as coal, oil, and natural gas and that is a great way to play a part in saving
the planet.

A. carbon footprint        B. electricity C. fossil fuels       D. biogas

6. Nuclear energy is ……, but it is dangerous.

A. renewable B. non-renewable C. natural resource D. fossil fuel

7. Several governments try to …. the use of fossil fuels.

A. waste B. save C. reduce D. increase

8. Low energy light bulbs should be used to ….. electricity.

A. convert B. save C. spend D. buy

9. “Why is it called a …… source?” - “Because it can be replaced easily and quickly.”

A. renewable B. non-renewable C. effective D. specific

10. We must ….. the amount of water our family use every day.

A. lessen B. narrow C. lower D. reduce

11. In India, the demand for ….. has always been more than the supply.

A. shortage         B. sources C. slogan        D. electricity

12. ….…. energy is produced by collecting sunlight and converting it into electricity.

A. Hydro electric       B. Nuclear C. Solar        D. Wind

13. The government has warned that Britain will face power ….. in the coming winters.

A. coal        B. shortages C. slogans        D. energy

14. …. can be an excellent source of free, renewable energy for poor farmers.

A. Turbine       B. Biogas C. Solar panel       D. Bulb

15. Laos and Cambodia have big plans for building up to 11 …… on the lower

A. dams        B. slogans C. energy        D. coals

16. There are many available ….. power sources in Vietnam including sun, wind,
water, etc.

A. nuclear        B. hydro C. renewable       D. solar

17. Biogas is ….. and cheap for cooking and heating.

A. serious B. expensive C. plenty D. abundant

18. A hydropower station …. in the North of the country next year.

A. will be built B. has been built C. was built D. were built

19. We should put ….. on our roof for the heating and hot water.

A. equipment B. cracks C. solar energy D. solar panels

20. ….. source of energy is the source that can’t be replaced after use.

A. Effective B. Non-renewable C. Renewable D. Natural

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