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Wednesday / May,25

Women’s Right Movement

(second wave feminism)

By: Maria C / Jazmin M / Carmen Q / Destiny M / Dylan S


○ Warm-up

○ Lesson

○ Reading

○ Exit Ticket

○ Describe what you see

in this image?

○ What do you think

they achieved by doing

Leaders of Women Rights Movement in
Betty Friedan
○ Betty Friedan published a book called ¨The feminine Mystique¨ gave voice to millions of American
women’s frustrations with their limited gender roles and helped spread public activism for gender
○ She championed several related causes for women: equal pay for equal work, an end to sexual harassment
in the workplace, and the legalization of abortion.
Gloria Steinem
○ Gloria Marie Steinem is an American feminist journalist who became nationally recognized as a leader of
the American feminist movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
○ Gloria Steinem was one of the feminist women who gained national attention by going undercover as a
Playboy Bunny.
○ Her exhibit titled “A Bunny's Tale” highlighted the sexism and low wages women face in clubs.

"A girl should not expect special privileges because of her sex but neither
should she adjust to prejudice and discrimination." - Betty Friedan

What was the issue for this movement?

○ American women who worked in the 60s were limited to

job as a teacher, nurse, or secretary.

○ Women had no legal right to any of their husband earnings

or property.

○ Women were paid lower salaries than men and denied

opportunities to advance.

Timeline of Women’s Right Movement
1963 - equal pay act establish 1966- National organization
1960 - the oral contraceptive equality a pay for men and woman for women to function as a
pills were made available.. performing equal work. civil right organization for

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1960 - More control over their 1964 The equal employment

reproductive rights. opportunity commission is
established first five year,
50,000 complaints of gender
descrimination are received.

○ The second-wave feminism radically transformed medical research services,

sports, education, family life, professions, law, popular culture, literature and the
performing arts, social work, international development thinking, and even
religion, and made possible the gay liberation movement.

Exit Ticket

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