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Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

어휘 2 도시의 특성 Characteristics of the 찐빵 - Steamed Bun with Red Bean Paste

Chapter 31 cities 호떡 Filling Pancake Stuff ed with Brown
어휘 1 날씨 The weather 인구가 많다 - heavily populated
인구가 적다 - thinly populated
복잡하다 -crowded 문법 1 -(으)ㄴ
기온 - temperature 한적하다-tranquil (으)ㄴ modifies a noun that comes after
영상 - above zero 교통이 편리하다 - transportation system adjective. When the stem of an adjective
영하 - below zero is convenient ends in a vowel or its final consonant ㄹ, -
습도- humidity 교통이 불편하다- transportations system ㄴ is used. When the stem of an adjective
최고기온 - the highest temperature is inconvenient ends in a final consonant except for ㄹ, -은
최저기온 - the lowest temperature 시끄럽다 - noisy is used. (※ 있- and 없- are followed by –
기온이 높다 - the temperature is high 조용하다-quiet 는
기온이 낮다 the temperature is low 공기가 맑다 - the air is fresh
기온이 올라가다 - the temperature goes 유명하다 - famous
up 친절하다-kind/nice
어휘 2 재료 및 조리법 Ingredients and
기온이 내려가다 - the temperature goes
문법 2 보다 cooking
-보다 attached to a noun, uses as part of 고기 -meat
습하다 - humid
the sentence that is being compared to. 생선 - fish
건조하다- dry
소고기 - beef
문법 1 –지만
돼지고기 -pork
-지만 attached to a verb or an adjective, Chapter 32 닭고기 - chicken
is used to connect two clauses that are
opposite to or in contrast with each other. 어휘 1 계절 음식 Seasonal food 끓이다 - to boil
(A noun is followed by -(이)지만.)
삶다 - to simmer
뜨겁다 - hot 굽다 - to grill
차다/차갑다- cold 볶다 - to stir fry
삼계탕 – Ginseng Chicken Soup 튀기다 to fry
냉면-Cold Buckwheat Noodle 파 - green onion
팥죽 - Red Bean Porridge 양파 - onion
군고구마 Roasted Sweet Potato 마늘 - garlic
콩국수 - Noodles in Cold Soybean Soup 감자 -potato
팥빙수-Shaved Ice Dessert with Red Beans 당근-carrot
Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

문법 2 -아서/어서 the condition or the situation in which an 백일 - one hundredth day

-아서/어서 is added to the stem of a verb action takes place. 돌 - Dol, one’s first birthday
to indicate the order of actions. If the last 집들이 housewarming party
vowel of the stem is ㅏ or ㅗ, -아서 is 어휘 2 추석 Korean Thanksgiving 어버이날 - parents’ day
added. If the last vowel of the stem is a 스승의 날 - teacher’s day
vowel other than ㅏ or ㅗ, -어서 is added 고향에 내려가다 - to go to one’s 어린이날 - children’s day
hometown 결혼기념일 wedding anniversary
Chapter 33 친척집에 가다 - to go to a relatives’ house 환갑 - one’s 60th birthday
차례를 지내다 - to have a ritual for one’s 칠순-one’s 70th birthday
어휘 1 설날 Lunar New Year’s Day 절하다-to bow
성묘하다 –to pay one’s respects at one’s 문법 1 -는 게 어때요
한복을 입다- to wear Hanbok (the ancestors’ grave -는 게 어때요 attached to a verb, is used
traditional Korean clothes) 송편을 만들다 - to make Songpyeon to suggest or advise doing a certain action.
세배하다 - to give a New Year’s bow (Half-moon-Rice Cake)
덕담을 하다 - to give words of blessing 보름달을 보다 - to see the full moon 어휘 2 결혼 문화 Culture of marriage
덕담을 듣다-to receive words of blessing 소원을 빌다 to make a wish
세뱃돈을 주다 -하다 to give New Year’s 결혼식- wedding ceremony
cash gifts 청첩장 -wedding invitation
세뱃돈을 받다 - to receive New Year’s 문법 2 -는 A noun modifier, 축의금 congratulatory gift of money
cash gifts -는 attached to a noun, indicates that an 신랑- bridegroom
떡국을 먹다 - to eat Tteokguk (Sliced Rice action or an incident is taking place now. 신부 bride
Cake Soup) 주례 - officiant
윷놀이를-to play Yut 하객 guest
사진 촬영을 하다 - to take pictures
피로연을 하다 - to have an after party to
give a traditional ceremony
폐백을 드리다-to pay respects to the
Chapter 34 groom’s family
문법 1 -겠-
-겠- attached to a verb or an adjective, is 문법 2 -고 나서
used to convey a supposition, a guess, or a -고 나서 attached to a verb, indicates that
어휘 1 특별한 날 Special days an action or a event takes place right after
thought of a fi rst person (a speaker) about
the action of the -고 나서 is finished.
생일- birthday
Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

수입품-imports 넥타이를 풀다- to untie a tie

Chapter 35 선진국 - developed country
개발도상국 - developing country
어휘 1 한류 Hallyu, The Korean Wave 무역 - trade
경제 발전-economic development
문법 1 -아/어 보이다
연예인- celebrities 문법 2 -는/-(으)ㄴ 것 같다
드라마- television shows -아/어 보이다 attached to an adjective,
영화 -movies -는/-(으)ㄴ 것 같다 is used to speculate indicates a guess or a judge toward an
음악 프로그램 -music programs about an event or state in which an action object. -아 보이다 is added when an
예능 프로그램 -entertainment programs takes place, or soften the tone of the adjective ends in ㅏ or ㅗ. -어 보이다 is
케이팝(K-pop) K-pop speaker. -는 것 같다 is added after a verb added when an adjective ends in all
가수- singers stem or the 있다, 없다 verb. -ㄴ 것 같다 vowels other than ㅏ or ㅗ.
영화배우 - film actors/actresses is added after an adjective that ends in a
아이돌-idols (girl group / boy band vowel or the final consonant, ㄹ. -은 것
members) 같다 is added after an adjective that ends
in all consonants other than ㄹ. 어휘 2 태도 Attitude
문법 1 –잖아요
예의가 있다 - polite
-잖아요 attached to a verb, an adjective, 예의가 없다 - rude
or a noun, indicates that both a speaker 반말을 하다 -to talk down
and a listener are aware of the fact or the Chapter 36 존댓말을 하다-to use honorifi cs
content of a topic. (When -잖아요 is 존중하다 - to respect
attached to a noun, ‘noun + -(이)잖아요’ is 어휘 1 복장 Attire 배려하다 -considerate
used.) 칭찬하다-to give compliments
작업복 – work clothes 함부로 하다 - to behave arrogantly
유니폼- uniform 피해를 주다 - to harm someone
단정하다 - neat 불쾌하다 -unpleasant
깔끔하다 -tidy 무시하다- to ignore
어휘 2 경제 및 산업 Economy and industry 단추를 잠그다 - to button up
단추를 풀다 to button down
수출하다 - to export 지퍼를 올리다 - to zip up 문법 2 -게
수입하다 - to import 지퍼를 내리다 - to zip down -게 attached to the stem of an adjective,
수출품 -exports 넥타이를 매다 - to tie a tie functions as an adverbial modifying a verb.
Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

에어컨 - air conditioner 자유롭다 - lively

선풍기 fan 규율이 엄격하다- strict
Chapter 37 전기난로 - electric heater
난방- heating
어휘 1 기숙사 Dormitory 전기장판-electric blanket
스위치를 켜다 - to turn on the switch 문법 1 -는/-(으)ㄴ 편이다
방 - room 스위치를 끄다 - to turn off the switch
복도 -hallway 플러그를 꽂다 - to plug in -는/-(으)ㄴ 편이다 attached to a verb or
계단 -stairs 플러그를 뽑다- to unplug an adjective, expresses a tendency or an
출입문-entrance inclination rather than making an assertive
세탁실 - laundry room 문법 2 -는 동안 and clear statement of a fact. -는 편이다
샤워실 - shower room is added after a verb stem or the 있다,
룸메이트 -roommate -는 동안 attached to a verb, indicates the 없다 verb. -는 편이다 is added after an
관리인 staff member duration of an action or a state. adjective that ends in a vowel or the final
규칙을 지키다 - to follow rules and consonants, ㄹ. -은 편이다 is added about
regulations after an adjective that ends in all
규칙을 어기다 to break rules and consonants other than ㄹ
Chapter 38
문법 1 -(으)ㅂ시다 어휘 2 동료와의 갈등 Conflicts with
어휘 1 직장의 분위기 The atmosphere at a
-(으)ㅂ시다 attached to a verb, is used to workplace
suggest or request an action from 때리다 -to slap
someone who is junior to or equal in social 맞다 - to be hit
동료 -colleagues
status to a speaker. -ㅂ시다 is added after 욕을 하다 -to curse
상사 - one’s senior
a verb that ends in a vowel or the fi nal 짜증을 내다- to be irritated
부하- one’s junior
consonant, ㄹ. -읍시다 is added after a 화가 나다-to get angry
사이가 좋다 -to get along
verb that ends in all consonants other than 화를 내다 -to lose one’s temper
사이가 나쁘다-to be on bad terms
ㄹ 싸움을 하다-to fight
격려하다 -to encourage
말다툼을 하다- to brawl
서로 위해주다 -to care for each other
어휘 2 냉난방기 Air conditioning and 오해하다 -to misunderstand
분위기가 좋다-to have a good
heating 오해를 풀다 -to resolve a
분위기가 나쁘다 -to have a bad
냉방 - air conditioning 사과하다 -to apologize
Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

화해하다 -to reconcile -자고 하다 attached to a verb, is used to 성적 농담 sexual or sex-based jokes
indirectly report what is suggested. 신체 접촉 -physical contact
음담패설 - lewd comments
어휘 2 직장에서의 모임 Meetings at work 음란물 sexual pictures or displays,
문법 2 -다고 하다 환영하다 -to welcome 동영상- video (clips)
환송하다 - to farewell
-다고 하다 attached to a verb, an 축하하다-to celebrate 문법 1 -냐고 하다
adjective, or the ‘noun+이다’ verb, is used 단합 대회 -to become intimate
for an indirect declarative statement. -ㄴ/ 친해지다-to become intimate -냐고 하다 attached to a verb, an
는다고 하다 is added after a verb stem. - 등반 대회 -hiking event picnic/ excursion adjective, or the 명사+이다 verb, is used
다고 하다 is added after an adjective 야유회 체육대회 - athletic meet event to indirectly report or quote an
stem. -(이)라고 하다 is added after the interrogative statement.
noun from the ‘noun+이다’ verb.
문법 2 -(으)라고 하다
Chapter 39 어휘 2 성희롱 대처 방법 Coping with
-(으)라고 하다 attached to a verb, is used sexual harassment
어휘 1 회식 Company dinners to indirectly report what is requested. It is
the indirect speech pattern for
imperatives. 가해자 -perpetrator
회식을 하다 -to go out to dinner with 피해자 -victim
coworkers 증거 -evidence
참석하다 - to attend 증인- witness
빠지다- to excuse oneself from 성범죄 -sexual assault
한턱내다- to treat 의사를 표현하다 -to articulate one’s
한잔하다 -to have a drink thoughts
2 차에 가다 - to go in for a second round 신고하다 -to report
술을 받다 -to be offered alcohol Chapter 40 강요하다 -to force
건배하다 -to toast 요구하다 -to require
어휘 1 성희롱 Sexual harassment 불이익을 주다- to disadvantage

불쾌감 -displeasure 문법 2 간접화법의 축약형 Indirect speech

문법 1 -자고 하다 수치심 - sense of humiliation forms
거부감 -abhorrence
Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

-다고 하다, -(으) 라고 하다, -자고 하다, method, a tool or a means used to 렌치 -wrench
and -냐고 하다 are contracted into -대요, perform an action. 로 is added 그라인더(연삭기) -grinder
-(으)래요, -재요, and -냬요 respectively. after a noun that ends in a vowel 대패 -plane
or ㄹ. 으로 is added after a noun 사포 -sandpaper
Chapter 41 that ends in all consonants other 줄 -file
than ㄹ 정 -chisel
송곳 -awl
어휘 1 제조업 수공구 Hand tools for 어휘 2 제조업 기계 Manufacturing 바이스 - vise
manufacturing machinery 롱노즈 플라이어- long nose plier

가스 용접기 -gas powered welder Chapter 42

펜치 -pincers 용접봉 – welding rod
니퍼 -nippers 밴딩기- strapping machine 어휘 1 기계 작동 Machine operation
플라이어 -pliers 전기 절단기 -electrical cutting machine
드라이버 -screwdriver 에어 콤프레서 -air compressor 작동하다 -to operate
끊다,구부리다 -to cut, to bend 전기 용접기- an electric welder 사용하다/쓰다 -to use
절단하다 -to cut off 호이스트 -hoist 누르다 - to press
구부리다, 펴다 -to bend, to straighten 컨트롤 판넬 -control panel 올리다 -to switch on
박다 to drive 핸드카 -handcar 내리다 -to switch off
전기 드릴 -electric drill 전선 릴- cable reel 돌리다 to turn
톱 -saw 끼우다 -to put in
망치 - hammer 꽂다- to pin
스패너-wrench 문법 2 -고 있다 빼다 -to pull out
뚫다- to drill 걸다-to hang
자르다 -to cut -고 있다 attached to a verb, is the present 적재하다 -to load
두드리다, 박다 -to hammer, to drive progressive and thus is used when an
조이다, 풀다- to tighten up, to loosen action is currently taking place. 문법 1 -는지 알다/모르다
못/나사못 -nail/screw
볼트/너트 -nail bolt/nut TOOLS FOR WORK 작업에 필요한 도구 -는지 알다/모르다 attached to a verb,
expresses cognizance of a fact, whether a
문법 1 (으)로 절곡기 -cutting machine subject is aware of an action.
결속핸들 -wire tie twisting tool
- (으)로 attached to a noun, 쇠지레 -crowbar NEW VOCABULARY
expresses an instrument, a 파이프 -pipe 골판지- corrugated cardboard
Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

충분하다- enough 콘크리트 -concrete 쌓다- to stack up

남다- to remain- 비계 -scaffolding
건물을 짓다 -to build a building
땅을 파다 - to dig in the ground
어휘 2 포장 작업 Packaging 거푸집을 설치하다 -to build formwork
철근을 조립하다-to assemble rebar
재다 - to measure 콘크리트를 타설하다-to place concrete 문법 2 -지요
자르다 -to cut
오리다 -to cut out -지요 is added to verbs, adjectives, and
접다-to fold nouns. Used like a tag question in English,
붙이다-to stick -지요 is used to ask a listener when a
달다 to hang 문법 1 -아/어 놓다 speaker assumes that the listener already
knows a certain fact or when a speaker
-아/어 놓다 is used to indicate the confirms what s/he believes is true.
문법 2 -(으)ㄹ 것 같다 continuation of a certain action or state
after the completion of the action or state.
-(으)ㄹ 것 같다 attached to a verb or an If the last vowel of the stem is ㅏ or ㅗ, - CHAPTER 44
adjective, expresses supposition or 아 놓다 is added. If the last vowel of the
assumption. -ㄹ 것 같다 is added when a stem is a vowel other than ㅏ or ㅗ, -어 어휘 1 작업장 환경 Workroom
stem of a verb or an adjective ends in a 놓다 is added environment
vowel or the fi nal consonant, ㄹ. -을 것
같다 is added when a stem of a verb or an
adjective ends in all consonants other than 어휘 2 유통업 포장 Packaging and 더럽다 -dirty
ㄹ distribution 깨끗하다 -neat and clean
엉망이다 -messy
CHAPTER 43 싣다 -to load 정리가 잘 되어 있다-well-arranged
내리다 -to unload 냄새가 심하다 -smelly
어휘 1 건설 현장 Construction site 출하하다 - to ship goods 소음이 심하다 -noisy
납품하다-to deliver 쾌적하다 -pleasant
건설-construction 분류하다 -to categorize to classify 버리다 - to throw away
공사장- construction site 싸다/포장하다 -to pack 치우다 -to clean up
벽돌 - brick 담다/넣다 to put (something) into 정리하다 -to arrange
철근-rebar 묶다 -to tie 환기하다 - to ventilate
시멘트 -cement 나르다 -to transport
Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

문법 1 -거든요 벼 -rice
어휘 1 농업 1 Agriculture 1 보리- barley
-거든요 attached to a verb, an adjective, 밀 -wheat
or the ‘noun+이다’ verb, describes the 논-rice paddy 콩- bean
reason for an action or a state previously 밭 - field
mentioned. 농장 -farm 어휘 2 농업 2 Agriculture 2
어휘 2 폐기물과 정리 도구 Waste and 과수원 -orchard
storage supplies 비닐하우스 -(vinyl) greenhouse 키우다/기르다/재배하다 -to raise/to
낫 - scythe grow/to cultivate
폐기물 -waste matter 호미 -hoe 거두다/수확하다 -to reap/to harvest
폐수 -waste water 괭이 -mattock 따다 - to pick
폐유 - waste oil 곡괭이 -pickax 캐다-to dig out
분뇨/배설물 -feces and urine 삽- shovel 비료를 뿌리다 - to fertilize
환풍기 -ventilator 모종삽 -trowel 씨앗을 뿌리다 - to sow seeds
손수레 -handcart 갈퀴 - rake 모종을 심다 -to plant seedlings
일륜차 -wheelbarrow 쇠스랑 -pitchfork 물을 주다- to water
사다리- ladder 호스 - hose 거름을 주다 -to apply manure (to a field)
마대 -burlap bag 물뿌리개 -watering can 잡초를 뽑다 -to remove weed
바구니 - basket 파종상자 -seed tray 벌레를 잡다 -to get rid of worms
비닐 끈- vinyl straps 농약 분무기 -chemical sprayer 농약을 치다 to spray (apply) agricultural
경운기 -motorized cultivator pesticide
문법 2 -아지다/어지다 콤바인- combine harvester

-아지다/어지다 attached to an adjective, 문법 2 -기 전에

indicates the progress of the changes 문법 1 -는데요
occuring to the state or the condition of a -기 전에 attached to a verb, indicates that
subject. -아지다 is used when an adjective -는데요 attached to a verb, is used to the action or the state of a main clause
stem ends in ㅏ or ㅗ. -어지다 is used introduce or explain a background precedes the action or the state of the - 기
when an adjective stem ends in vowels situation in order to proceed with a 전에 clause.
other than ㅏ or ㅗ. question, an instruction, or an action

CHAPTER 45 곡류 Grain
Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

불룩해지다 -to be bloated 스티로폼 상자 -cooler

가스가 차다- to have acid stomach
수의사-veterinarian 문법 2 -게 되다

-게 되다 attached to a verb, is used to

indicate the idea that a situation has been
arranged by a certain external condition or
CHAPTER 46 어휘 2 어업 Fishing industry
미리미리- in advance
어휘 1 축산업 Livestock and dairy industry 부르다- to call (out) 기록하다 to record
단단히- firmly 수고하다 to make an effort
돼지-pig/hog 혼을 내다- to give a scolding
소 -cow 엉키다- to tangle 어휘 1 창고 관리 Warehouse management
닭 -chicken/hen 제때 -at the right moment
양 sheep 갈다- to replace 물류 창고 warehouse
오리 -duck 냉동 창고 - cold storage
말 -horse 그물 -fishing net 컨테이너- containers
토끼 -rabbit 통발 -fish trap 입고하다 -to stock
양돈- hog raising 집어등 - fish-luring light 출고하다 -to release
양망기 -net hauler 보관하다/저장하다 -to store
밧줄 - rope 덮개를 덮다 - to cover
문법 1 -도록 하다 쇠사슬 -chain 온도를 유지하다 -to maintain
고리 -loop/hook temperature
-도록 하다 attached to a verb, is used to 닻 -anchor 재고를 파악하다 -to check inventory
indicate that a speaker requests someone 도르래 -pulley 관리하다-to manage
to perform a certain action. 양우 양계 뜰채 -hand net
축사 사료/먹이 건초 cattle raising 낚시 바늘 -fish hook
chicken raising cowshed/pigsty feed/food 부자/부표 -buoy 문법 1 -는 것이 중요하다
hay 바늘대 - netting needle
수중 펌프 - submersible pump -는 것이 중요하다 attached to a verb, is
수경 -swimming goggles used to stress the fact that a certain action
추천하다 -to recommend 갈퀴 -rake needs to take place.
Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

맞추다- adjust
손에 익다- to get used to 방심하다- inattentive
속상하다 -to be upset with oneself 딴생각- other thoughts
불꽃이 튀다- to spark
어휘 2 가구 제조 Furniture manufacturing 가만히 있다- to stand still
CHAPTER 48 진정하다- to soothe
원목을 재단하다 -to measure and cut a
wooden board 어휘 1 기계 작업 Machinery operation
홈을 파다 -to make a groove 어휘 2 재해 Work-related injury
구멍을 뚫다 - to drill a hole 프레스 기계 - forming press
연마하다/샌딩하다- to sand wood with a 구부리다 - to bend 손가락이 잘리다 - to have one’s finger
sander 찍어 내다- to stamp (out) cut off
사포질하다- to hand-sand with sandpaper 선반 기계 - lathe 손가락이 끼이다 -to have one’s finger
도장하다 - to stain 갈다 - to grind caught
도색하다 - to paint 도려내다 -to cut out 손가락이 베이다 -get a cut on one’s
줄자- tape measure 파내다- to gouge out finger
직각자 - steel square 밀링 기계 -milling machine 손가락이 데다- to burn one’s finger
수평대- spirit level 깎다- to cut 발이 깔리다 - to get a foot struck
절단하다- to cut off 못에 찔리다-to get pricked by a nail
용접하다- to weld 유리가 박히다- to get (a piece of) glass
문법 2 -(으)ㄹ 것이다 조립하다- to assemble stuck in
화상을 입다 -to be burned
-(으)ㄹ 것이다 attached to a verb or an 문법 1 -(으)ㄴ 적이 있다/없다 찰과상을 입다-to have a scratch
adjective, expresses or speculates an 가스에 중독되다 -to be gassed
action that is going to take place in the (으)ㄴ 적이 있다/없다 attached to a verb,
future. -ㄹ 것이다 is added when a verb is used to express that an action has (has
or an adjective ends in a vowel or the final not) taken place before. -ㄴ 적이 있다/ 문법 2 -지 않도록 조심하다
consonant, ㄹ. -을 것이다 is added when 없다 is added if a verb stem ends in a
a verb or an adjective ends in all vowel or the final consonant, ㄹ. 은 적이 -지 않도록 조심하다 attached to a verb,
consonants other than ㄹ. 있다/없다 is added if a verb stem ends in indicates that caution or care should be
all consonants other than ㄹ. exercised not to cause an action or a state.

모서리- edge CHAPTER 49

Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

미끄러지다 - to slip to fall from heights/to 개선하다 - to improve

어휘 1 보호구 Safety gear and equipment fall from a high elevation 조치를 취하다 to take action
떨어지다/추락하다-to fall into a hole
안전모 -safety hat 구덩이에 빠지다 -a chip flies off
보안면 -safety mask 파편이 튀다 맞다 - to be hit 문법 1 -(으)ㄴ 덕분에
용접면 -welding helmet 기계에 감기다- to become caught -(으)ㄴ 덕분에 attached to a verb or an
보안경 -safety goggles 감전되다 -to get an electric shock adjective, expresses the cause or the
착용하다 -to wear 가스가 새다/누출되다 -to have gas leak reason of the positive status of the
보호복-protective clothing 폭발하다- to explode situation. -ㄴ 덕분에 is added when the
마스크 -dusk mask,gas mask 불이 나다- a fire breaks out stem of a verb or an adjective ends in a
귀마개- safety ear plugs vowel or the final consonant, ㄹ. -은
귀덮개 -safety ear muffs 문법 2 -기 때문에 덕분에 is added when the stem of a verb
안전대- safety harness or an adjective ends in all consonants
목장갑 - safety gloves -기 때문에 attached to a verb or an other than ㄹ.
안전장갑 -rubber coated gloves adjectives, indicates the cause or the
안전화 -safety shoes reason of an action or a state.
안전장화- safety boots 어휘 2 건강 증진 Health promotion

CHAPTER 50 청결을 유지하다 -to keep oneself clean

문법 1 -(으)ㄹ 수 있다 휴식을 취하다 -to rest
기분 전환을 하다 -to refresh oneself
-(으)ㄹ 수 있다 attached to a verb, is used 어휘 1 안전 수칙 Safety regulations 건강 검진을 받다- to have regular
to express a possibility or an ability. -ㄹ 수 checkups
있다 is added if a verb stem ends in a 표준 체중을 유지하다 -to maintain
vowel or the final consonant, ㄹ. -을 수 안전 수칙을 지키다 -to follow safety standard weight
있다 is added if a verb stem ends in all regulations 유산소 운동을 하다 -to do aerobic
consonants other than ㄹ 안전 수칙을 어기다 -to ignore safety exercise
regulations 스트레칭을 하다 - to stretch
규칙을 준수하다-to obey rules 골고루 섭취하다- to take in a variety of
어휘 2 작업장 사고 On-the-job accidents 살피다 -to examine food products
주의하다 -to pay attention 건강을 챙기다 - to take care of one’s
점검하다 - to to inspect health
부딪히다/충돌하다- to collide 정비하다-to maintain 건강을 해치다-to damage one’s health
넘어지다 -to trip over 보수하다-to repair
Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

문법 2 -기로 하다 퇴직하다 -to retire

해고하다 to fire
-기로 하다 attached to a verb, is used to CHAPTER 52 CHAPTER 53
express a decision, a resolution, or a plan.
어휘 1 근로 조건 Working conditions 어휘 1 입국 절차 Entry process

CHAPTER 51 근로조건 -working conditions 비자/사증 -Visa

계약 기간 - period of employment 여권 -passport
어휘 1 고용허가제 The Employment 수습 기간 -period of probation 유효 기간- expiration date
Permit System 근무시간 -working hours 발급을 신청하다 to apply for an
휴게 시간 -rest breaks issuance
제조업 - manufacturing industry 임금 - wages 발급 받다 - to be issued
건설업 -construction industry 지급일 -payday 통역 -interpretation
서비스업-service industry 지급 방법 wage payment options 입국하다 to enter (a country)
축산업 meat and dairy industry 업무 내용 - details of work 입국 심사를 받다 -to go through
농업 - agriculture industry 제공하다 -to offer; to provide immigration
어업 -fishing industry 부담하다 -to burden; to bear 입국이 금지되다 -to be denied entry
고용허가제-the Employment Permit 숙식- room and board 취업 교육을 받다 - to receive
System employment training
문의하다 - to make inquiries 어휘 2 취업 절차 Employment 작업장에 배치되다- to be assigned to
procedures a workshop
면접을 보다 -to have a job interview 입국 신고서- arrival card
어휘 2 한국어능력시험 EPS-TOPIK 사업주 - business owner
취업자 -employee 어휘 2 외국인 등록 Alien registration
신분증 -identification card 고용하다- to hire
수험료 -tuition test 취업하다 -to be employed 출입국 관리소 - Immigration Service
수험표 - identification slip 계약을 하다 -to make a contract Office
접수증- proof of application 사인하다/서명하다 -to sign 외국인 등록을 하다- to be registered
증명사진 - identification picture 근무하다- to work as a foreign national
성적표 -report card 근무지 -a place of work 사업자 등록증 사본- copy of business
합격하다 -to pass an exam 업체 명 - the name of a company registration certificate
불합격하다- to be disqualified/ to fail
Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

수수료 - process fees 세금 -taxes

외국인 등록증 alien registration card 식대 -subsistence
번호표를 뽑다-to take a number to 어휘 2 보험금 청구 Filing out Insurance 총액 -gross pay
register claims 공제하다- to deduct
지문을 등록하다- fingerprint 상여금 -bonus
외국인 등록 신청서 - application form 보험금을 청구하다 - to file an 퇴직금 -retirement plan contributions
for the alien registration card insurance claim 국민연금 -national pension
지급 심사를 받다 - to go through 연말정산- tax returns
CHAPTER 54 review
보험금을 지급하다 -to pay out
어휘 1 보험 가입 Enrollment in insurance claims
insurance plans 보험금을 타다 -to receive insurance
상해 보험 -accident insurance 청구서 - bill
산재 보험-worker’s compensation 영수증 - receipt
insurance 내역서 -medical invoice 어휘 2 수당 Extra pay
보험에 가입하다 -to enroll in 진단서 -medical report
insurance plans 병원비 치료비 / 요양비 -medical bills 법정 근로 시간 -standard working
보험료를 내다/납입하다 -to pay an medical expenses hours
insurance premium 휴업 급여 -temporary incapacity 연장 근로 시간 -overtime hours
질병 -disease benefit 야간 근로 시간 -night work hours
상해- injury 장해 보상금- disability compensation 휴일 근로 시간 -holiday work hours
장해 - disability 수당을 받다-to receive bonuses
사망 - death Chapter 55 포함되다 -to be included
보상을 받다 -to receive settlement 별도로 지급하다 - to pay separately
funds 어휘 1 급여와 세금 Salary and taxes 가불하다 to receive an advance pay
보험금을 환급 받다 -to have expenses 시급 - hourly wage
reimbursed 급여 명세서 -pay stub 일당 -daily wage
만기가 되다 -to expire 급여 내역 -details of wages 최저임금- minimum wage
소멸되다- to lapse 기본급 -base pay
실수령액- net pay
Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

병가 사유 - causes of sick leave 사업장 변경 사유 -reasons for change

병가 기간 period of sick leave of a work location
소속- affiliation
직위 -position 임금을 체불하다 -to delay payment of
비상 -emergency wages / to be in arrears
연락처 -contact list
휴업하다 폐업하다- to be closed
통원 치료를 하다 -to receive temporarily to be closed
outpatient treatment
입원을 하다- to be hospitalized 폭언을 하다 -to utter
Chapter 56 조퇴하다 -to leave early
결근하다 -to be absent from work 폭행을 하다 -to assault / to attack
어휘 1 휴가 Vacation 무단결근하다 to be absent from work
without authorization 사업장 변경 신청서-application for
change of a work location
휴가를 신청하다 -to request vacation Chapter 57
leave 사업장 추가- addition of a work
휴가를 내다 -to submit a vacation 어휘 1 사업장 변경 Change of a work location
휴가를 받다 - to request to receive location
vacation time
휴가를 쓰다 to take vacation 근로계약이 만료되다 -a contract of
유급 휴일 - paid time-off -days employment expires
무급 휴일 - unpaid time-off -days
법정 휴일 -statutory vacation 근로계약이 해지되다 -an
약정 휴일- contractual time off employment contract is terminated
연차 휴가 -annual leave 어휘 2 조기 귀국과 일시 출국 Early
출산 휴가- maternity leave 계약을 갱신하다 -to renew a contract return to home country and
to refuse temporary leave
어휘 2 병가 Sick leave
갱신을 거절하다 - to renew a contract 조기 귀국하다 -early return to home
병가 - sick leave country
Owner: Rezte Ann Juarez

일시 출국하다 -to leave temporarily 체류지 입증 서류 - proof of residency

재입국하다 -to re-enter 자진 출국 각서 -voluntary departure
면제되다 -to be exempted form
개인 사정 -personal circumstances 임대차 계약서 - lease contract
집안 사정 -family circumstances 신원 보증서 -reference
병환 -illness 취업 활동 기간 연장 신청서 -
편찮으시다- ill application for extension of work
재입국 허가 신청서 -application for period
re-entry permit 구직등록필증 - job certificate of
동의서(허가서)-consent form registration confirmation
(permission form)
출국 예정 신고서- departure form
어휘 2 체류 자격 Status of sojourn

체류 자격 -status of sojourn
합법 체류 - legal stay
불법 체류 -illegal stay
체류 자격 외 활동- activities not
permitted with one’s status of sojourn
자격을 부여하다 - to grant status of
Chapter 58 sojourn
자격을 획득하다 -to obtain a status of
어휘 1 체류 기간 연장 Extension of sojourn
stay 자격을 변경하다- to change status
추방되다 -to be deported
체류하다 -to stay 벌금을 내다 - to pay the fine
체류 기간 -sojourn period 강제 출국을 당하다 -to be deported
체류 가능 기간 -allowed length of stay 자진 출국하다- to leave voluntarily
변경 가능 횟수 possible number of
연장하다 - to extend

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