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The Nature of



Materialism purports that all
that is found in the universe is
matter which is the substance
of nature It suggests therefore
that material possession is all
that matters most Success,
happiness and the essence of
individual existence are gauged
by material prosperity which
one has gained in a lifetime.
Reasons for Materialism
Material possessions provide several effects
on the individual whether it is personal,
intellectual or emotional. Varied motivations
agitate the individual to pursue more and
amass more of the money, gadgets,
vehicles, jewelry and the like regardless of

their realistic needs.

Consumerism is motivated by the following
● It is alleged that material possessions provide these
individuals with a feeling of security as their money
and property provide them with tangible assets.
● It is alleged that wealth gives them a sense of well-
being as they alleged that this material wealth provides

them with happiness.

Consumerism is motivated by the following
● It is alleged that material wealth boosts their self-
esteem and self-confidence as they believe that
they possess those assets that everybody has.
● It is alleged that cherished wealth provides an
individual with more friends and relationships

through greater interaction.

The Concept
of Self-Gift
The Self is the primary object of one's journey through
life. It is interesting enough to know that one desires to
work for personal consumption and gratification.
However, the act and behavior of collecting goods and
providing gifts to the self is considered as materialism.
This is a way to communicate with the self as influenced

by one's culture and immediate environment.

Three factors determine that self-gifts are
revelations of an individual's materialism:
● Materialism is often associated with self-centeredness.
● Materialists define success according to how much
wealth and property was amassed.
● Materialists believe that happiness results from the

relationship between buying and consumption.

The Correlates of Materialism
1. Materialism and happiness 2. Materialism and self-
reportedly do not go well esteem show an inverted
together as was shown that relationship.
people who value possessions
and material wealth over other
more significant life goals are 3. Materialism and financial
said to be less happy and are stability show an inverted
more prone to depression; relationship as well.
The Correlates of Materialism
5. Materialism and self-concept
4. Materialism and well-being prove how insecurity motivates
manifest opposite relationship as people to work so hard for
individuals practicing this material possessions as the
principle tend to isolate same wealth becomes their
source of security.
themselves from the significant
others as they continue try to 6. Materialism and lack of
derive gratification from engagement mean losing one's
amassing objects rather than ability to empathize with others
interacting with the people as they become callous to other

people's needs.
around them.
According to Gregoire (2017) materialism makes
people unhappy for the following reasons:
➢ Consumer culture may be harming individual well-being.
➢ Materialistic values are linked to Type-A behavior.
➢ Money really can't buy you happiness.
➢ Materialism could ruin your relationships.
➢ Consumer cultures may breed narcissistic personalities.
Consumerism is fueled by insecurity.

The Pursuit of Happiness
Below are various ways to appreciate our own uniqueness and be
genuinely joyous about it.

1. Learn to share your blessings no matter how simple it is

2. Improve your self-esteem and self-worth by engaging in
worthwhile activities;
3. Learn to communicate and relate with people around you,
4. Take time to appreciate the beauty of life and God's creations,
5. Be grateful to those who compliment you by returning the favor
The Pursuit of Happiness
6. Focus on your strengths and not on your flaws;
7. Stop projecting on media accounts about what you have and
others do not,
8. Learn to let go of things that are not significantly needed;
9. Develop a mantra to counter the negativities entering your
thoughts; and
10. Stop brewing on negativities and on hurtful past. Focus on
the future and what you can do to be productive and happy
Thank you!

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