Script Lomba

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Assalamualaikum WR.WB…Good morning The judges, teachers and all participants.

We are from 03
Pondok Kopi proudly present The English day role play.

Dea : Good morning students

How are you today?
Students : I’m fine thank you, and you?
Dea : I’m fine too
We have a new student here. Her name is keany. You can talk to your new friend
during the break time.
Students : hi keany
Keany : hi
Dea : Let me take attendance before we starts the lesson. ( mulai absen )
Dea : We will continue our last lesson about time. Let’s doing the exercise page 31
number 1-10.
Keany : May I borrow your pen please.
Queen : Sure, here you are.
Dea : its breaktime you can eat and drink for fifteen minutes
Queen : Hi, would you like to introduce your self
Keany : Hi my name is halifah keany alka hadany
Zakaria : What is your hobby ?
Keany : My hobby is drawing
Queen : Wow nice, Where do you live?
Keany : I live at Matali street no 3
Zakaria : What is your favorite food
Keany : My favorite food Is noodle
Queen : When were you born?
Keany : I was born on twentieth march two thousand and thirteen
Queen and
zakaria : Wow , its mean today is your birthday…
Happy birthday keany wish you all the best
Keany : Thank you
Dea : Ok class its time to go home , zakaria please lead the prayer
All participants : Thank you for watching us…

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