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Assalamualaikum wr wb
To our Hon’ble:
Chief Director of English speech contest commite, Mrs. R. Ayu Lolita Dewi, M.Pd
Chairman of PGRI Pulogadung Branch Mr. Saprudin, S.Pd
District Supervisor. Pulogadung Mrs. Dra. Hj. Trianasari, MM
Head of the Pulogadung Sub-district Executive Unit, Mr. Ujang Suherman, M.Pd

and Our Lovely Students – Warm Greetings to all of you!

First of all, let us pray and praise the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His grace and
guidance on us. So, we can come and gather in this place in a good and happy state.

Second, may sholawat and greetings always be poured out to our lord Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Who has guided us from darkness to light, from ignorance to intelligence, from ignorance to the
Islamic Era.

Welcome to the English Speech Contest for Elementary Schools throughout the District.
Pulogadung in the framework of PGRI Anniversary and HGN PGRI Branch Pulogadung, East
Jakarta Administration City. I Mrs. Ely And
Mr. Urip as the MC, feel extremely privileged to have been given the opportunity to kick start
today’s prestigious English Speech Contest.
We are going to read the rundown of this event. (read the rundown).

Ladies and gentlemen, please stand up to sing our Nationality song

Thank you, and all of you can sit down

Next, I would like to please our Chief Director of English speech contest committe, Mrs. R. Ayu
Lolita Dewi, M.Pd on stage to give welcome speech. Let's give her all a round of applause!!

Thank you Mrs Loly for your speech.

Next, I would like to please our Chairman of PGRI Pulogadung Branch Mr. Saprudin, S.Pd on stage
to give his speech Let's give his all a round of applause!!,
Next, I would like to please our District Supervisor. Pulogadung Mrs. Dra. Hj. Trianasari, MM.
Let's give her all a round of applause!!
Next, I would like to please our Head of the Pulogadung Sub-district Executive Unit, Mr. Ujang
Suherman, M.Pd on stage to welcome our guests today. Let's give his all a round of applause!!

Now we are going to hear beautiful voice from Rayhha sakiena , She swill sing a song, the tittle is
Unstopable . please welcome Rahya sakiena. Let's give her all a round of applause!!
As we all know that the English Speech Contest is conducted to recognize and reward the hard
work, talents, and achievements of elementary school students in Jakarta.

I will ask all contestants to go the the participant room and get ready for their names to be called.
This competition is going to start any minute from now. All of the contestants and guests areinvited
to enter the room and take your seats. Thank you. Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the
honourable judges, respected guests, teachersand students.We are gathered here today for the 2022
English Speech Competition for elementary school students in Jakarta.On behalf of the organising
committee, we would like welcome all the distinguish guests, ladiesand gentlemen to our
school.Before we proceed further this morning,

I would like to invite the honorable judges to take their

seats. Let me introduce all of you to the judges for today’s competition. The first judge is
as a chief judge. The second judge is and the third judge is
. All the judges’ decisions are final and individual marks will not be disclosed.

The timekeeper for this competition is . I would like to invite the chief Judge
forthe Speech Competition to brief us about the rules and the regulation of this competition.Please
welcome .Thank you,.Ladies and Gentlemen, without further
ado,Let us begin with the first contestant with his/herspeech entitle
……………………………………………………. #Thank you to for his/her inspiring speech.

Next, I would like to call upon the second contestant withhis/her speech entitle
…………………………………………………. #
Thank you to ……………………………………………..
Next, I would like to call upon the third contestant with his/her speech
entitle……………………………………………………. #Thank you to for his/her encouraging
speech.Next, please come to the stage the
fourth contestant …………………………………………….. withhis/her speech entitle Thank

Now, please welcome, the fifth contestant with her speech entitle
……………………………………………………. #Thank you to for his/her wonderful speech.
The following contestant is the sixth contestant with his/her speech entitle
……………………………………………………. #Thank you to for his/her wonderful speech.
Next, please come to the stage the seventh contestant
……………………………………………..with his/her speech entitle #Thank you
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the contest you’ve been waiting for. Welcome to the 2022 English
Speech Competition for elementary school students in Jakarta
The the 2022 English Speech Competition follows all rules outlined in the and all contestants have
been briefed on the
rules which now include rules pertaining to the region semifinals.

Contestants competing in the 2022 English Speech Competition for elementary school students in
Jakarta will be individually recorded. All contestants competing today are members of good
standing in a elementary school of good standing and all contestants have confirmed their eligibility
and originality in writing to the Chief Judge. Contestants may remain in the room while the other
contestants are speaking.

The contestants are to present their speeches in a time of 3 to 5 minutes and the timing begins with
their first verbal or non-verbal communication with the audience.
A contestant will be disqualified if their speech is less than four minutes and 30 seconds or more
than seven minutes and 30 seconds. Timers, please display the green signal at five minutes, the
yellow signal at six minutes and the red signal at seven minutes.
There will be no further indication of time and the red signal will remain displayed until the
contestant concludes their presentation. All contestants have been made aware of the speaking area
and how the timing device will work.

Protests are limited to eligibility and originality and shall only be lodged by voting judges and
contestants. Any protest shall be lodged with the chief judge and/or contest board of judges prior to
the announcement of the results. Once the results are announced,
the decision is final.
Members of the audience, please ensure your mobile devices have been turned off, or are on silent
with the vibration mode disabled. Please remain seated during the videotaping of the contests.

There will be one minute of silence between contestant speeches, during which time voting judges
will mark their ballots. If you leave the room during this time AND do not return before the next
contestant is announced, you will not be permitted back into the room until that contestant has
completed their presentation.
The speaking order as drawn by the contestants is as follows:

Contestant No. 1 will be:……………………………………….

Contestant No. 2 will be:……………………………………….
Contestant No. 3 will be:……………………………………….
Contestant No. 4 will be:……………………………………….
Contestant No. 5 will be:……………………………………….
Contestant No. 6 will be:……………………………………….
Contestant No. 7 will be:……………………………………….
Contestant No. 8 will be:……………………………………….
I shall introduce each contestant by announcing their name and the title of their speech.
As the contestant walks to the speaking area, we will show our appreciation with thunderous
I will then repeat the title of their speech and the contestant’s name. There shall be no further
applause and the contestant shall begin their presentation.
Chief Judge, are we ready to proceed?

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome: Contestant No 1:

Speech Title:
One minute’s silence, please.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Contestant No 2:

Contest Toastmaster Script - International Speech Contest Rev 20190731 Page 4 of 6

Speech Title:
One minute of silence, please.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Contestant No 3:

Speech Title:
One minute of silence, please.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Contestant No 4:

Speech Title:
One minute of silence, please.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Contestant No 5: Speech Title:

One minute of silence, please.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Contestant No 6:
Speech Title:
One minute of silence, please.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Contestant No 7:

Speech Title:
Contest Toastmaster Script - International Speech Contest Rev 20190731 Page 5 of 6
One minute of silence, please.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Contestant No 8:

Speech Title:
One minute of silence, please.

Ladies and gentlemen, please remain silent until the Chief Judge and Ballot Counters have left the
room. Judges, please ensure that your ballot is valid by printing and signing your name and listing
the first three place-getters.
Put your ballot into the envelope, and then hold it up for the Ballot Counters to collect.
Ballot Counters, after collecting the Judges’ envelopes please leave the room with the Chief Judge.
After the Chief Judge and Ballot Counters have left the room invite the contestants to return to the
speaking area. Lead the applause. Request the contestants line up in speaking order. Certificate of
Participation will be awarded at this time.

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