Test Report: Pass. No.

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Reg. No. : 30309300742Reg. Date : 15-Mar-2023 10:26 Ref.No : Approved On : 15-Mar-2023 12:58
Name : HEEVA PATEL Collected On : 15-Mar-2023 10:26
Age : 4 Years 6 Months Gender: Female Pass. No. : Dispatch At : OPD
Ref. By : Dr. Meeta Desai Tele No. : 9033810674
Location :

Test Results Unit Bio. Ref. Interval

Haemoglobin (SLS Method) 11.6 11.0 - 14.0

RBC Count (Ele.impedance) 4.48 X 10^12/L 4.0 - 5.2
Hematocrit (Ele. impedance) 34.9 % 34 - 40
MCV (Calculated) 77.9 fL 75 - 87
MCH (Calculated) 25.9 pg 24 - 30
MCHC (Calculated) 33.2 g/dL 31 - 37
RDW (calculated) 12.7 % 11.5 - 14.5
30309300742-HEEVA PATEL-4 Years 6 Months-Female

Nucleated RBC(NRBC) 0.2 /WBCs 0-3

WBC Count (Impedance & flow) 8740 /cmm 5000 - 15000
Neutrophils 48.7 % 30 - 70
Lymphocytes 41.1 % 20 - 70
Monocytes 6.3 % 0 - 10
Eosinophils 3.4 % 0-4
Basophils 0.5 % 0-1
Immature Granulocytes 0.0 % 0 - 0.5
Neutrophil(ABS) 4260 /cmm 1800 - 7000
Lymphocyte(ABS) 3590 /cmm 1200 - 5000
Monocyte(ABS) H 550 /cmm 100 - 400
Eosinophil(ABS) 300 /cmm 20 - 300
Basophil(ABS) 40 /cmm 0 - 100
Neutrophil lymhocyte ratio 1.18 0.1 - 10
Platelet Count (ele. impedance) 355000 /cmm 200000 - 490000
MPV (Derived) 9.40 fL 7.2 - 11.7
RBCs Normocytic normochromic.
WBCs Monocytosis
Platelets Platelets are adequate with normal morphology.
PS FOR MP Malarial parasite is not detected.

Test done from collected sample. This is an electronically authenticated report.

Approved by: Dr. Vipul Rajput

M.D. Pathology
Generated On : 15-Mar-2023 12:59 G-7839
Page 1 of 2
Approved On: 15-Mar-2023 12:58
Reg. No. : 30309300742Reg. Date : 15-Mar-2023 10:26 Ref.No : Approved On : 15-Mar-2023 12:58
Name : HEEVA PATEL Collected On : 15-Mar-2023 10:26
Age : 4 Years 6 Months Gender: Female Pass. No. : Dispatch At : OPD
Ref. By : Dr. Meeta Desai Tele No. : 9033810674
Location :

Comment Monocytosis.
ESR 4 mm/hr 17-50 Yrs : <12,
51-60 Yrs : <19,
61-70 Yrs : <20,
>70 Yrs: <30

------------------ End Of Report ------------------

30309300742-HEEVA PATEL-4 Years 6 Months-Female

Test done from collected sample. This is an electronically authenticated report.

Approved by: Dr. Vipul Rajput

M.D. Pathology
Generated On : 15-Mar-2023 12:59 G-7839
Page 2 of 2
Approved On: 15-Mar-2023 12:58

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