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Name: Renalee Ann C.

Fadol BSN 3A

Find the article from the news agency about recent public health issues and make a reaction
paper describing your viewpoint on the issue and describe the rules and responsibilities of a
public health issues.
Environmental health and strengthening resilience to pandemics
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic highlights the need for a comprehensive and integrated
approach to human health. Enhancing environmental health through better air quality, water and
sanitation, waste management, along with efforts to safeguard biodiversity, will reduce the
vulnerability of communities to pandemics and thus improve overall societal well-being and
resilience. Exposure to ambient and indoor air pollution increases the risk of cardiovascular,
respiratory and developmental diseases, as well as premature death, and makes individuals more
vulnerable to COVID-19. Water access and quality and biodiversity protection are key to battling
the spread of pandemics, while effective waste management is essential to minimise possible
secondary impacts upon health and the environment.

Environmental effects brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic are unprecedented in terms of
their scope, complexity, and even singularity. For the first time ever, movement, traffic, and
economic exchanges in all of Europe's urban agglomerations with more than 1 million residents
came to a virtual halt. The societal and economic measures taken to contain the pandemic had
both positive and negative local, regional, and global effects that ranged from short-term to long-
term effects. This global crisis has eloquently illustrated the need to reevaluate the strategic and
integrated development of disaster research, climate change diplomacy, and ecosystem services
in order to take even the most unlikely events into account. This study emphasizes the
environmental aspect of the following repercussions coming from the growing pandemic as the
COVID-19 pandemic would ultimately dictate substantial alterations of social and economic
behavior at the global scale.

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